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Different crown-gall culture strains of Crepis capillaris derived from haploid and diploid tumors were studied karyologically during the period of 18 transfers (18–20 months). The very low proportion of mitotic anomalies observed in the first transfers is in agreement with the generally accepted assumption that chromosomal changes are not involved in the initiation of tumors. However, it has been established that an intimate relationship exists between chromosome aberrations and the further development of the tumors. Morphological and physiological changes which occurred in some strains and substrains were invariably associated with cytologieal changes. The results are discussed in connection with similar phenomena described for animal tumors.  相似文献   

Three families of tandemly repetitive DNA from Crepis capillaris were cloned and characterized. Data obtained from in situ hybridization indicate that these families are located mainly in the heterochromatic C-bands. The pCcH32 family hybridizes at the paracentromeric C-band of the NOR (nucleolus-organized region) chromosome and along most of the long arm of the same chromosome. The pCcD29 family is located in all the remaining C-bands of the karyotype, while the third family, pCcE9, is restricted to the more proximal C-bands. Nucleotide sequence comparisons between one cloned repeating unit from each DNA family showed some significant regions of homology between the families. We discuss the sequence relationships between the three DNA families and the significance of our data in relation to models of heterochromatin evolution, emphasizing the concepts of equilocality and the differentiation of the NOR-bearing chromosome. We also examine the possible role that chromosome disposition, in either mitotic or meiotic nuclei, plays in the distribution and homogenization of heterochromatic DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The meiotic pairing behaviour of four B isochromosomes of Crepis capillaris was studied by synaptonemal complex (SC) surface spreading of pollen mother cells. The four B chromosomes form a tightly associated group, separate from the standard chromosomes, throughout zygotene and pachytene. All four B chromosomes are also folded around their axis of symmetry, the centromere, and the eight homologous arms are closely aligned from the earliest prophase I stages. A high frequency of multivalent pairing of the four B chromosomes is observed at pachytene, in excess of 90%, mirroring the situation observed at metaphase I but exceeding the frequency expected (76.2%) on the assumption of random pairing among the eight B isochromosome arms with a single distal pairing initiation site per arm. The higher than expected frequency of multivalents is due to the occurrence of multiple pairing initiations along the B isochromosome arms, resulting in high frequencies of pairing partner switches. Pairing of the standard chromosome set is frequently incomplete in the presence of four B chromosomes, and abnormalities of SC structure such as thickening and splitting of axes and lateral elements are also frequently seen. Similarly, B chromosomes show partial pairing failure, the extent of which is correlated with pairing failure in the standard chromosome set. The B chromosomes themselves also show abnormalities of SC structure. Both standard and B chromosomes show non-homologous foldback pairing of regions that have failed to pair homologously.by D. Schweizer  相似文献   

The B chromosome of Crepis capillaris was isolated from the standard chromosomes by microdissection, and the chromosomal DNA amplified using the degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR). The PCR product was cloned and a Bspecific library created and characterised. Southern and in situ hybridisation analyses of the DOP-PCR product from microdissected B chromosomes confirmed that the B chromosome is composed mainly of sequences also present in the A chromosomes but lacks the main repeated DNA families located in the A-chromosomal heterochromatin. From 100 clones analysed, 12% of the generated B-chromosomal library was shown to be composed of dispersed repeats located in both the A and B chromosomes. No B-specific repeated sequence was detected. One of the most abundant repeated DNAs within the library, the family B134, was further characterised. Repeating units show a sequence similarity range from 69% to 90% and are characterised by their richness in (CA)n repeats. In situ hybridisation revealed that members of this family are dispersed throughout the A and B chromosomes but are more concentrated in the pericentromeric heterochromatin of the B, indicating that the molecular organization of B heterochromatin is different from that of the A chromosomes. Compared with the A chromosomes, the Bs contain about 20,000 copies per micron more of the B134 sequence. This indicates that B134 was amplified on the B chromosome after its origin. The B134 sequences in the B chromosomes have also diverged from those on the A chromosomes. Although the DNA composition of A and B chromosomes is similar, Bs are evolving separately from A chromosomes at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) were studied in allium cepa L. meristematic cells at the second and third divisions after BrdUrd-substitution during just the first or during the second and third cycles, respectively. The observed SCE nonreciprocal/reciprocal ratios detected at the third division in both experiments, as well as comparison of the lowest SCE frequency observed per cycle and expressed per picogram of DNA with data from different species expressed accordingly, strongly suggest that most of the exchanges detected in BrdUrd-substituted chromosomes are BrdUrd-dependent events. Hypotheses suggesting some different mechanisms are discussed to explain the formation of these BrdUrd-dependent SCEs.  相似文献   

Comment on: Li PC, et al. Cell Cycle 2011; 10:323-36.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster cell lines and larval neuroblast cells, two aspects of the phenomenon of sister chromatid exchanges were analyzed: (1) the frequency of SCEs in relation to the ploidy level (comparing diploid and tetraploid cells) and in relation to the cell type (comparing embryonic and larval cells) (2) the localization of the sites of exchange with reference to eu- and heterochromatin. A good correlation between SCE frequency and genome size in the same cell type (in distant species also), but a significant difference in the SCE rate between different cell types within the same species, were found. The results confirmed also the non-random distribution of SCEs in the different portions of the genome since a preferential localization in the euchromatin was clearly demonstrated. Moreover, a direct proportionality between SCE frequency and the length of the S phase was supposed, favouring the hypothesis of a relationship between the phenomenon of sister chromatid exchanges and DNA replication.  相似文献   

Lumphocytes were pulse-labelled with [3H] thymidine. Following G-banding, the cells were autoradiographed and 46 in their third post-labelling division selected. The locations of 611 sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE's) which had occurred in the previous two cell cycles were recorded as label discontinuities along identified chromosomes. Between particular chromosomes, SCE frequency was proportional to chromosome length. SCE frequency distributions within particular chromosomes fitted Poisson expectations. There was no over-representation of exchanges in centromeric regions, or in the C-banded regions of chromosomes 1, 9 and 16. A trend of increased frequency of SCE in darkly G-banded regions and in relatively darkly banded chromosomes was evident. The apparent excess of SCE in dark G-bands could be considered to be a consequence of the more condensed state of the DNA in these regions in the interphase nucleus relative to the DNA in pale G-band regions. Such compaction could result in an enhanced probability of SCE and a reduced probability of gross inter- or intra-change involving these regions. In contrast, the more extended interphase state of the DNA in pale G-banded regions would allow non-homologous exchange and account for the preferred location of X-ray-induced exchange events to pale G-bands.  相似文献   

The REP mutagenesis protocol, which involves the replication of 5-bromouracil (BrUra)-substituted DNA in the presence of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) pool imbalance, has been shown to induce both mutations and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. However, when a Syrian hamster melanoma-derived cell line, called 2E, which was selected for its ability to replace all of the thymine residues in DNA with BrUra, was subjected to the REP mutagenesis protocol, the correlation between the induction of mutations and SCEs was no longer observed. The 2E cells were found to be much more sensitive to the induction of mutations by REP mutagenesis than were the CHO cells. This increased sensitivity to REP mutagenesis was found to correlate with increased perturbations of the dNTP pools that have been shown to be involved in the mutagenic mechanism of this protocol. In contrast, when the induction of SCEs by the REP protocol was measured, it was found that although a baseline level of SCEs was detected in 2E cells, no significant induction of SCEs due to dNTP pool perturbation was observed. It was shown that high levels of SCEs were readily induced in 2E cells by other agents, e.g. mitomycin C. A model, which discusses the fate of mismatched bases thought to be generated by the REP mutagenesis protocol as the determining factor for the induction of mutations of SCEs, is proposed to explain the uncoupling of mutagenesis and SCE induction in 2E cells.  相似文献   

Fate of DNA lesions that elicit sister-chromatid exchanges   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Using 3-way differential staining (TWD) of sister chromatids, the fate of DNA lesions involved in sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) formation was determined in murine bone marrow cells in vivo, after treatment with either mitomycin C (MMC) or cyclophosphamide (CP). Both MMC (2.6 mg/kg b.w.) and CP (7 mg/kg b.w.) induced an SCE frequency near the expected in the 2 subsequent cell divisions, but the frequency of SCE occurring at the same locus in successive cell divisions was substantially lower than expected. The results are compared with previous data obtained after exposure to gamma-rays. A model of SCE induction is proposed.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on Crepis capillaris callus lines with 0, 1 and 2 B chromosomes and on hairy root lines without or with 1 and 2 B chromosomes. Comparison of HPLC results for DNA from calli differing in number of B chromosomes did not reveal any significant differences in methylation level (30.4 +/- 1.1%, 30.9 +/- 1.2%, 31.7 +/- 1.7% in lines without or with one or two B chromosomes respectively) which could be attributed to the number of B chromosomes. Restriction patterns obtained after DNA digestion with HhaI, HpaII, MspI or HaeIII (i.e. restriction enzymes sensitive to cytosine methylation) were similar in calli and apical root segments and also did not depend on the presence or number of B chromosomes. Methylation of B chromosomes higher than that of A chromosomes was demonstrated by fluorescent in situ nick translation driven by HpaII, MspI or HaeIII in metaphase chromosomes. After short digestion (I and 3 h), B chromosomes, in contrast to A chromosomes, were weakly labelled or not labelled at all, which indicates longer distances between target sequences containing unmethylated cytosine in the former.  相似文献   

The induction of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) by the replication of 5-bromouracil(BrUra)-containing DNA under conditions of nucleotide-pool imbalance was investigated. A modification of a protocol developed for the induction of mutations under these conditions (E.R. Kaufman, Mol. Cell. Biol., 4, 2449-2454, 1984) was used. To induce SCEs, Chinese hamster ovary cells were grown under non-mutagenic conditions which allowed the uniform incorporation of BrUra into their DNA at specific levels of substitution for thymine residues (25, 50 and 75% BrUra substitution). After 4 and 5 days of growth, the cells, which had incorporated BrUra into their DNA, were washed free of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) and provided with fresh culture medium supplemented with various concentrations of thymidine (10 microM to 3 mM) and no BrdUrd. The cells were allowed to replicate their BrUra-containing DNA under these conditions, in the absence of BrdUrd, for two rounds of DNA synthesis to achieve sister-chromatid differentiation, and second-division metaphases were scored for SCEs. The results of these studies indicated that the SCEs observed were proportional to the level of BrUra substituted for thymine in the cellular DNA, were induced by increasing concentrations of thymidine in the culture medium during replication of the BrUra-containing DNA, correlated well with the induction of mutations to thioguanine resistance and to ouabain resistance, correlated with increases in the intracellular levels of dTTP and dGTP generated by the high concentrations of thymidine. These findings provide direct evidence for the induction of SCEs by the replication of BrUra-containing DNA and for the importance of the pools of nucleoside triphosphate precursors for DNA replication in these processes. When the effects of 3-aminobenzamide, a potent inhibitor of poly(ADP-?ibose) synthesis, were tested, it was found that 3-aminobenzamide significantly increased SCEs, but it had no effect on mutations induced.  相似文献   

An experimental population of Crepis capillaris (2n=6) displays frequent chromosome-specific univalence affecting all three chromosome pairs of the complement independently in different plants. The frequency of univalence in the population varies from 0% in some plants to about 40% of pollen mother cells in other plants. Most commonly, affected pollen mother cells contain just one pair of univalents and wherever the frequency of cells containing univalents exceeds 10%, a chromosome-specific effect almost invariably appears. Univalence affecting the A, C and D chromosome pairs is about equally frequent in the population. The mean cell chiasma frequencies of affected plants are generally lower than those of normal plants from the same population, despite suggestions of compensating increases in the chiasma frequencies of unaffected chromosomes pairs in the presence of specific univalence of a third pair. Breeding tests have been carried out, and observations made on pachytene stages which demonstrate that the specific univalence is due to recessive genes causing desynapsis following apparently normal pairing of homologues.  相似文献   

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