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A two-wave technique of calciometry with the use of a fluorescence dye, fura-2/AM, was applied for examination of the effect of a protein, β-amyloid (the main component of senile plaques in Alzheimer’s disease), on calcium homeostasis in cultured neurons of the rat hippocampus; β-amyloid was added to the culture medium. In most neurons, the effect of β-amyloid appeared as a more than twofold increase in the basic calcium concentration, as compared with the control (153.4 ± 11.5 and 71.7 ± 5.4 nM, respectively; P < 0.05). The characteristics of calcium transients induced by application of hyperpotassium solution also changed; the amplitude of these transients decreased, and the duration of a part corresponding to calcium release from the cell (rundown of the transient) increased. The mean amplitude of calcium transients under control conditions was 447.5 ± 20.1 nM, while after incubation in the presence of β-amyloid this index dropped to 278.4 ± 22.6 nM. Under control conditions, the decline phase of calcium transients lasted, on average, 100 ± 6 sec, while after incubation of hippocampal cell cultures in the presence of β-amyloid this phase lasted 250 ± 10 sec. Therefore, an excess of β-amyloid influences significantly calcium homeostasis in the nerve cells by disturbing functions of the calcium-controlling systems, such as voltage-operated calcium channels of the plasma membrane and calcium stores of the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 9–12, January–February, 2008.  相似文献   

Overactivation of glutamate receptors contributes to neuronal damage (excitotoxicity) in ischemic stroke but the detailed mechanisms are not fully elucidated. Brain ischemia is also characterized by an impairment of the activity of the proteasome, one of the major proteolytic systems in neurons. We found that excitotoxic stimulation with glutamate rapidly decreases ATP levels and the proteasome activity, and induces the disassembly of the 26S proteasome in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. Downregulation of the proteasome activity, leading to an accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins, was mediated by calcium entry through NMDA receptors and was only observed in the nuclear fraction. Furthermore, excitotoxicity-induced proteasome inhibition was partially sensitive to cathepsin-L inhibition and was specifically induced by activation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors. Oxygen and glucose deprivation induced neuronal death and downregulated the activity of the proteasome by a mechanism dependent on the activation of NMDA receptors. Since deubiquitinating enzymes may regulate proteins half-life by counteracting ubiquitination, we also analyzed how their activity is regulated under excitotoxic conditions. Glutamate stimulation decreased the total deubiquitinase activity in hippocampal neurons, but was without effect on the activity of Uch-L1, showing that not all deubiquitinases are affected. These results indicate that excitotoxic stimulation with glutamate has multiple effects on the ubiquitin–proteasome system which may contribute to the demise process in brain ischemia and in other neurological disorders.  相似文献   

Experiments in vitro on hippocampal slices of mouse have shown that solutions prepared from polymorphic modifications α- and γ-glycine have different effect on the aberrant activity of neurons. In the presence of α-glycine the excitability of these neurons decreased more slowly, prolonging its modulating effect on NMDA type glutamate receptors. This effect agrees with higher biological activity of α-polymorphic modifications (as compared with that of the α-form) that previously observed with respect to behavior of mice from the line with genetic diathesis to catalepsy, which were used as a biological model for investigation of some pathological behavior forms.  相似文献   

The exchange factor directly activated by cAMP (Epac) can couple cAMP production to the activation of particular membrane and cytoplasmic targets. Using patch-clamp recordings and calcium imaging in organotypic brainstem slices, we examined the role of Epac in pre-B?tzinger complex, an essential part of the respiratory network. The selective agonist 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-2'-O-methyl-cAMP (8-pCPT) sensitized calcium mobilisation from inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive internal stores that stimulated TRPM4 (transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, Melastatin) channels and potentiated the bursts of action potentials. 8-pCPT actions were abolished after inhibition of phospholipase C with U73122 and depletion of calcium stores with thapsigargin. Caffeine-sensitive release channels were not modulated by 8-pCPT. Epac inhibited ATP-sensitive K(+) channels that also led to the enhancement of bursting by 8-pCPT. Bursting activity, spontaneous calcium transients and activity of TRPM4 and ATP-sensitive K(+) channels were potentiated after brief exposures to bradykinin and incubation with wortmannin produced opposite effects that can be explained by changes in phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate levels. 8-pCPT stimulated the respiratory motor output in functionally intact preparations and the effects of bradykinin and wortmannin were identical to those observed in organotypic slices. The data thus indicate a novel pathway of controlling bursting activity in pre-B?tzinger complex neurons through Epac that can involved in reinforcement of the respiratory activity by cAMP.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to synthesize a series of quinoline–pyrimidine hybrids and to evaluate their in vitro antimalarial activity as well as cytotoxicity. The hybrids were brought about in a two-step nucleophilic substitution process involving quinoline and pyrimidine moieties. They were screened alongside chloroquine (CQ), pyrimethamine (PM) and fixed combinations thereof against the D10 and Dd2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum. The cytotoxicity was determined against the mammalian Chinese Hamster Ovarian cell line. The compounds were all active against both strains. However, hybrid (21) featuring piperazine linker stood as the most active of all. It was found as potent as CQ and PM against the D10 strain, and possessed a moderately superior potency over CQ against the Dd2 strain (IC50: 0.157 vs 0.417 μM, ~threefold), and also displayed activity comparable to that of the equimolar fixed combination of CQ and PM against both strains.  相似文献   

Docetaxel is one of the most effective anticancer drugs. However, the current formulation of docetaxel contains Tween 80 and ethanol as the solvent, which can cause severe side effects. Consequently, the development of new type of formulation of docetaxel with high efficiency and low side effects is a very important issue. In this study, we explored the covalent linking of docetaxel and albumin via one organic linker. 6-Maleimidocaproic acid was applied to link the C2′ hydroxyl group of docetaxel with the cysteine-34 of albumin to obtain 1:1 docetaxel–albumin conjugate. The synthesized conjugate can control the release of docetaxel in the bovine serum. Furthermore, in vitro cell cytotoxicity experiments indicated that the docetaxel–albumin conjugate have high activities for human prostate cancer cell line PC3 and human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. The present study provides a valuable strategy for further development of a new type of docetaxel–albumin prodrug.  相似文献   

The so-called stress response involving upregulation of heat shock proteins (Hsps) is a powerful mechanism of cells to deal with harmful conditions to which they are exposed throughout life, such as hyperthermia, hypoxia or oxidative stress. To gain more information about the molecular targets by which HspB1 (Hsp25) and HspB5 (αB-crystallin) might exert their neuroprotective effect we investigated the subcellular localization of unphosphorylated and phosphorylated HspB1 and B5 in neurons by immunocytochemistry and subcellular fractionation. In cultured hippocampal neurons, the unphosphorylated forms of both Hsps were localized in the perikaryon and nucleus, whereas the phosphorylated forms were recruited into neuronal processes. pHspB1-Ser15 and -Ser 86 were found within dendrites with a punctate distribution pattern partially colocalizing with the synaptic marker vGlut-1. pHspB5-Ser19 and -Ser45 localized to axons and dendrites with a filamentous-like staining pattern, whereas pHspB5-Ser59 was found in dendrites, especially along the plasma membrane and in spines. Biochemical analysis, i.e. subcellular fractionation of rat brain with subsequent Western blotting supported these localizations. These data show that in neurons HspB1 and B5 may have various molecular interaction partners at synapses, within dendrites and axons and that this interaction is likely to be regulated by phosphorylation. Stress-induced phosphorylation of HspB1 and B5 may lead to binding of these Hsps to their targets at synapses and neuronal processes which might provide one important mechanism of how they exert their neuroprotective effect.  相似文献   

Cultured embryonic neurons share a number of characteristic morphological and physiological properties with their counterparts in vivo. For example, differentiating hippocampal neurons in culture develop two distinct classes of processes that serve as dendrites and axons. It has also been shown that the microtubule organization and composition in axons differs from those in dendrites, which may contribute to differential transport of macromolecules into axons or dendrites. We have expressed a neuromodulin--galactosidase fusion gene in cultured mesencephalic neurons in order to study the transport of the neurospecific protein neuromodulin into neurite growth cones. When -galactosidase alone was expressed in neurons, it was found in the cell bodies with diffuse neurite staining. In marked contrast, the neuromodulin--galactosidase fusion protein was rapidly transported into neurites and was concentrated in the growth cones. This system may provide a useful model for studying the structural domain(s) of neuromodulin that are required for transport and accumulation of neuromodulin in the growth cones of neurons.  相似文献   

To further characterize 17 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17 β-SDH) from cultured ovine myometrial cells, an assay was established in whole cell homogenates and cell subfractions. Tritiated estradiol (E2) was incubated in the presence of an excess of cofactor and estrone (E1) formed purified by thin-layer chromatography. The enzyme activity was linear with time up to 2 hours and with protein concentration up to 0.7 mg/ml at the substrate concentration used (5 × 10?9 M). The routine assay was for 30 min in the presence of 0.5 mg/ml of protein. Both NAD+ or NADP+ could sustain enzyme activity but NAD+ was twice as much efficient. Most of the enzyme activity was associated with the microsome and mitochondrial membranes. The addition of an excess (1000 μM) of NAD+ to the incubation medium prevented the progressive decline observed with time in a given subculture in the intact cell monolayer assay, supporting our previous hypothesis that this decline was due to cofactor depletion. In contrast, the slow and irreversible decline of enzyme activity observed in successive subcultures was not prevented by the addition of cofactor to the homogenate and thus reflects another phenomenon, probably a change in metabolism with age.  相似文献   

The uptake of radioactive -aminobutyric acid (GABA) andd-aspartate and the effect of SKF 89976-A, a non-substrate inhibitor of the GABA transporter, on this uptake have been investigated. Neuronal cultures from eight-day-old chick embryos grown for three or six days in vitro, were used as a model. For comparison, we also used the P2-fraction from rat. Neuronal cultures grown for three and six days expressed high-affinity uptake systems for [3H]GABA and ford-[3H]aspartate with an increasing Vmax during this period. The lipophilic non-substrate GABA uptake inhibitor, SKF 89976-A, inhibited transporter mediated uptake of GABA both in cell cultures from chicken, and in P2-fractions from rat. The results also showed that SKF 89976-A was a poor inhibitor of the uptake ofd-aspartate. We found no non-saturable uptake ofd-aspartate.  相似文献   

The neuroprotective effect of Thr-Gly-Glu-Asn-His-Arg hexapeptide (HLDF-6), a biologically active fragment of the differentiation factor of human leukemia cells (HLDF), was demonstrated on models of Alzheimer’s disease in vivo and in vitro. The syndromes of this pathology were induced in male rats by injection of beta-amyloid peptide (25–35) and ibotenic acid into the hippocampus. HLDF-6 prevented loss of long-term memory and decrease in the exploratory behavior of these animals and significantly decreased the number of pyknotic neurons in the CA1 area of the hippocampus. This peptide also exerts a protective effect in vitro on the primary cultures of the rat hippocampal and cerebellar neurons under conditions of the beta-amyloid toxicity. An increase in the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) content was demonstrated in the blood plasma of rats with the syndrome of Alzheimer’s disease and in the medium of the culture of hippocampal neurons in the presence of the Aβ(25–35) peptide. HLDF-6 inhibited this increase in both cases. A probable mechanism of the neuroprotective effect of HLDF-6 was suggested as being connected to its possible effect on both the biosynthesis and the metabolism of sex steroid hormones.  相似文献   

The wheat grain is the most important organ for human food and therefore is the target for much research focused on modifying its composition to improve nutritional and functional components. Genetic transformation provides a precise tool to alter the composition of wheat grain by expressing new genes or by down-regulating groups of proteins encoded by multigene families such as gliadins, which contain clusters of epitopes that are active groups in triggering celiac disease. For such work, specific promoters are required to express such constructs in the wheat endosperm. In the present study we report the isolation and characterization of a γ-gliadin promoter from transgenic wheat, and the analysis of gliadin synthesis during grain development in bread wheat by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI/TOF MS). The γ-gliadin promoter fragment was isolated from bread wheat by genome walking and was re-introduced, driving the expression of the gusA gene, by particle bombardment, giving fifteen independent transgenic lines. Detailed analysis of the sequence of the 885 bp promoter fragment showed that it contains three prolamin boxes but only one is conserved according to the consensus sequence reported. The AACA/TA motif is present twice in published γ-gliadin promoter sequences. The RY element i.e., CATGCAT or CATGCAC, is also present twice in the published promoter. Transgenic lines were classified as high, medium, and low expressers. The expression of the gusA gene was found only in the seeds of the transgenic lines. GUS staining was first detected in the outer endosperm of the lobes, and then it extended to the whole outer endosperm. GUS staining was not found in the aleurone layer nor in the embryo. The qRT-PCR data confirmed the data obtained by GUS staining. The expression of the gusA gene determined by qRT-PCR for the high expresser line (B281) was 4 and 8 times higher than that of medium (B282) and low (B286) expresser lines, respectively. MALDI/TOF-MS showed that gliadins exhibited different patterns of synthesis during the course of seed maturation. Thus, gliadins with masses higher than 36,000 Da were synthesised within the first 12 days post anthesis while those with masses lower than 36,000 Da were synthesised later. Results of GUS staining, qRT-PCR and MALDI/TOF-MS showed that the γ-gliadin promoter reported in this work could be a good candidate to downregulate wheat gliadins.  相似文献   

14ß-Cyanomethyl derivatives of estrone and estradiol have been synthesized starting from 3-benzoyloxyestra-1,3,5(10),14,16-pentaen-17-yl acetate. A comparative study of their cytotoxicity in breast carcinoma ZR-75-1, cervix uteri carcinoma M-HeLa, uterus leiomyosarcoma SK-UT-1B, breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7, ovary teratocarcinoma PA-1, acute myelogenous leukemia KG-1, and Burkitt’s lymphoma Raji cells has been performed.  相似文献   


The influence of CaCl2 and NaCl in the hydrolytic activity and the influence of CaCl2 in the synthesis of fucosylated oligosaccharides using α-l-fucosidase from Thermotoga maritima were evaluated. The hydrolytic activity of α-l-fucosidase from Thermotoga maritima displayed a maximum increase of 67% in the presence of 0.8 M NaCl with water activity (aw) of 0.9672 and of 138% in the presence of 1.1 M CaCl2 (aw 0.9581). In addition, the hydrolytic activity was higher when using CaCl2 compared to NaCl at aw of 0.8956, 0.9581 and 0.9672. On the other hand, the effect of CaCl2 in the synthesis of fucosylated oligosaccharides using 4-nitrophenyl-fucose as donor substrate and lactose as acceptor was studied. In these reactions, the presence of 1.1 M CaCl2 favored the rate of transfucosylation, and improved the yield of synthesis duplicating and triplicating it with lactose concentrations of 58 and 146 mM, respectively. CaCl2 did not significatively affect hydrolysis rate in these reactions. The combination of the activating effect of CaCl2, the decrement in aw and lactose concentration had a synergistic effect favoring the synthesis of fucosylated oligosaccharides.


Seven new platinum(II) complexes (1–7) of triethylphosphine (Et3P) and thiones (L) with general formula, cis-[Pt(Et3P)2(L)2]Cl2 were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR and NMR (1H, 13C & 31P) measurements. The analytical and spectroscopic data suggested the formation of the desired complexes. The complexes were tested for in vitro cytotoxicity against four cell lines: Hela (human cervical adenocarcinoma), MCF-7 (human breast carcinoma), A549 (human lung carcinoma), and HTC15 (human colon carcinoma). The anticancer activity values of compounds 1–6 are much better than cisplatin and carboplatin as indicated by their IC50 values.  相似文献   

Maintenance of calcium (Ca) balance in the uterus is critically important for many physiological functions, including smooth muscle contraction during embryo implantation. Ca transport genes, i.e., transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V members 5/6 (TRPV5/6), calbindins, plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase 1 (PMCA1), and NCX1/NCKX3, may play roles in the uterus for Ca transport and reproductive function. Although these Ca transport genes may have a role in Ca metabolism, their role(s) and molecular mechanisms require further elucidation. In this review, we highlight the expression and regulation of Ca transport genes in the uterus to clarify their potential role(s). Since Ca transport genes are abundantly expressed in reproductive tissues in a distinct manner, they may be involved in specific uterine functions including fetal implantation, Ca homeostasis, and endometrial cell production.  相似文献   

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