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The genetic defect in muscle phosphofructokinase deficiency (type VII glycogenosis, Tarui disease) was investigated. Six cDNAs for muscle phosphofructokinase, including a full-length clone, were isolated from a non-amplified library of muscle from a patient. By sequence analysis of these clones, a 75-base in-frame deletion was identified. The rest of the sequence was identical to that of the normal cDNA, except for a silent base transition at position 516 (ACT (Thr) to ACC (Thr]. The deletion was located in the 3'-terminal region of exon 13 (numbered with reference to the rabbit muscle phosphofructokinase gene (Lee, C.-P., Kao, M.-C., French, B.A., Putney, S.D., and Chang, S.H. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 4195-4199]. Genomic DNA of the patient was amplified by polymerase chain reaction. Sequence analysis of the amplified DNA revealed a point mutation from G to T at the 5'-end of intron 13. This mutation changed the normal 5'-splice site of CAG:GTATGG to CAG:TTATGG. A cryptic splice site of ACT:GTGAGG located 75 bases upstream from the normal splice site was recognized and spliced in the patient.  相似文献   

Abnormal beta-hexosaminidase alpha chain mRNAs from an Ashkenazi Jewish patient with the classical infantile Tay-Sachs disease contained intact or truncated intron 12 sequences. Sequence analysis showed a single nucleotide transversion at the 5' donor site of intron 12 from the normal G to C. This provides the first evidence that this junctional mutation, also found independently in two other laboratories by analysis of genomic clones, results in functional abnormality. Analysis with normal and mutant oligonucleotides as probes indicated that our patient was a compound heterozygote with only one allele having the transversion. The patient studied in the other two laboratories was also a compound heterozygote. Another Ashkenazi Jewish patient was normal in this region in both alleles. Thus, the splicing defect is the underlying genetic cause in some but not all Ashkenazi Jewish patients with Tay-Sachs disease.  相似文献   

Patients with leukocyte adhesion molecule (CD11/CD18, beta 2 integrins) deficiency have structural defects in the common beta subunit (CD18), which prevent heterodimer formation and normal cell surface expression of these receptors, leading to life-threatening bacterial infections. To elucidate the nature of these defects in a patient with partial (type II) deficiency, abnormal CD18 cDNA clones were isolated, using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify the patient's B cell-derived cDNAs. Sequence analysis revealed two mutant alleles. cDNA clones, representing a maternal allele, contained both a 12-base pair insertion resulting in an in-frame addition of four amino acids between P247 and E248 and a C1756----T nucleotide transition, resulting in an R586----W substitution in the normal CD18 protein. The inframe insertion arose by a single nucleotide C----A transversion in the 3' terminus of an intron, generating aberrant splice acceptor site. Other cDNA clones contained an A1052----G nucleotide transition not present in either parent which resulted in an N351----S substitution. To determine the functional importance of these changes, cDNA encoding a normal alpha chain (CD11b) was cotransfected into COS with CD18 cDNAs encoding for wild-type, maternal mutant allele, or CD18 containing N351----S substitution. Immunostaining of transfectants with anti-CD18 monoclonal antibodies revealed no cell surface expression of the maternal mutant CD18, and 22% surface expression of N351----S CD18. Both the insertion and the N351----S mutations occurred in a 250 amino acid extracellular region of CD18 that is highly conserved among beta integrins supporting a role for this region in heterodimer formation.  相似文献   

Two point mutations of ABCA1 gene were found in a patient with Tangier disease (TD): i) G>C in intron 2 (IVS2 +5G>C) and ii) c.844 C>T in exon 9 (R282X). The IVS2 +5G>C mutation was also found in the brother of another deceased TD patient, but not in 78 controls and 33 subjects with low HDL. The IVS2 +5G>C mutation disrupts ABCA1 pre-mRNA splicing in fibroblasts, leading to three abnormal mRNAs: devoid of exon 2 (Ex2-/mRNA), exon 4 (Ex4-/mRNA), or both these exons (Ex2-/Ex4-/mRNA), each containing a translation initiation site. These mRNAs are expected either not to be translated or generate short peptides. To investigate the in vitro effect of IVS2 +5G>C mutation, we constructed two ABCA1 minigenes encompassing Ex1-Ex3 region, one with wild-type (WTgene) and the other with mutant (MTgene) intron 2. These minigenes were transfected into COS1 and NIH3T3, two cell lines with a different ABCA1 gene expression. In COS1 cells, WTgene pre-mRNA was spliced correctly, while the splicing of MTgene pre-mRNA resulted in Ex2-/mRNA. In NIH3T3, no splicing of MTgene pre-mRNA was observed, whereas WTgene pre-mRNA was spliced correctly. These results stress the complexity of ABCA1 pre-mRNA splicing in the presence of splice site mutations.  相似文献   

Hereditary spastic paraplegia refers to a genetically heterogeneous syndrome. We identified five members of a family suffering from a late-onset spastic paraplegia-like disorder, carrying the homoplasmic m.9176 T > C mutation in the mitochondrial ATP6 gene. The clinical severity of the disease observed in the family was correlated with the biochemical and assembly defects of the ATP synthase. The m.9176 T > C mutation has been previously associated to Leigh syndrome or familial bilateral striatal necrosis. Other factors such as modifying genes may be involved in the phenotypic expression of the disease. The family belongs to the mitochondrial haplogroup J, previously shown to play a role in modulating the phenotype of mitochondrial diseases and be associated with longevity. Moreover other nuclear modifying genes or environmental factors may contribute to the disease phenotype. This finding extends the genetic heterogeneity of the hereditary spastic paraplegia together with the clinical spectrum of mutations of the ATP6 gene.  相似文献   

beta 2-Microglobulin is the smaller, relatively non-polymorphic chain of class I major histocompatibility complex proteins. We have previously described a mutant mouse cell line which had been selected for loss of the class I thymus leukemia (TL) antigen and had concomitantly lost surface expression of H-2k antigens. Expression of class I antigens on the cell surface was restored by fusion to an antigenically distinct mouse lymphoma line, and the defect in the mutant was shown to be the loss of a functional beta 2-microglobulin gene. We now describe three additional mutants with the same phenotype, all selected for loss of TL but after different types of mutagenesis. All of these mutants have genomic rearrangements resulting in the absence of a functional beta 2-microglobulin gene. These data provide strong evidence for the requirement of beta 2-microglobulin for cell surface expression of the heavy chain of class I major histocompatibility complex proteins. We further show that the defects in at least one beta 2-microglobulin gene in each mutant cell line map to the same small DNA segment within the first intron. The breakpoints of these mutations define a hypermutable site within the mouse beta 2-microglobulin gene.  相似文献   

kitl非编码区突变导致RNA剪切异常的小鼠   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要采用RT-RCR技术从kitl1-bao纯合子和正常C57BL/6(B6)小鼠总RNA中扩增出kitl基因片段,测序后与GenBank(登录号:NM.013598)序列比对,找到mRNA上突变部位。PCR扩增kitl基因组DNA上对应部位进一步测序验证。结果发现kitl1-bao突变纯合子kitl基因mRNA缺少第8号外显子。在基因组DNA上kitl基因第8号内含子第2个碱基由T转换为C,是引起mRNA剪接错误的原因  相似文献   

All cases clinically diagnosed as Tay-Sachs disease at the American University Hospital, Beirut, during a period of 22 years (1957--1979) were reviewed. Of a total of 15 cases, seven had serum hexosaminidase tested and proved to have Sandhoff disease. In two other cases, parents were tested and found to be Sandhoff carriers. These results indicate that Sandhoff disease is relatively prevalent in Lebanon and that it may represent the more common form of infantile GM2 gangliosidosis in this country.  相似文献   

Expression of a beta thalassemia gene with abnormal splicing.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Expression of a cloned human beta thalassemia gene with a single base change at position 5 of IVS 1 has been analyzed 48 hours after transfer of the gene into HeLa cells (transient expression). Little or no normal beta globin mRNA accumulates in the presence of the abnormal beta gene in contrast to significantly more normal beta mRNA produced with other mutations at this same position. By contrast, large amounts of an abnormal beta globin mRNA are present; this is due to the use of a cryptic 5' splice site in exon 1 rather than the normal 5' splice site of IVS 1. The results indicate the variability of the effect on RNA splicing of different single base defects within IVS.  相似文献   

The Dictyostelium mutant HSB1 is temperature-sensitive for development, undergoing aggregation and fruiting body formation at temperatures below 18 degrees C but not above. In vivo G protein-linked adenylyl cyclase activation is defective in HSB1, and the enzyme is not stimulated in vitro by GTPgammaS; stimulation is restored upon addition of wild-type cytosol. Transfection with the gene encoding the cytosolic regulator PIA rescued the mutant. We excluded the possibility that HSB1 cells fail to express PIA and show that the HSB1 piaA gene harbors a point mutation, resulting in the amino acid exchange G(917)D. Both wild-type and HSB1 cells were also transfected with the HSB1 piaA gene. The piaA(HSB1) gene product displayed a partial inhibitory effect on wild-type cell development. We hypothesize that PIA couples the heterotrimeric G protein to adenylyl cyclase via two binding sites, one of which is altered in a temperature-sensitive way by the HSB1 mutation. When overexpressed in the wild-type background, PIA(HSB1) competes with wild-type PIA via the nonmutated binding site, resulting in dominant-negative inhibition of development. Expression of GFP-fused PIA shows that PIA is homogeneously distributed in the cytoplasm of chemotactically moving cells.  相似文献   

The abnormality in the gene coding for the beta-hexosaminidase alpha subunit was analyzed in a non-Jewish patient with clinically typical infantile Tay-Sachs disease. The family was Catholic, and the father and the mother were of Irish and German descent, respectively. A hitherto undescribed single nucleotide transversion was found within exon 11 (G1260----C; Trp420----Cys). The coding sequence was otherwise entirely normal. Expression in the COS I cell system confirmed that the mutant gene does not produce functional enzyme protein. The mutation can be identified rapidly and reliably because it abolishes one of the two KpnI sites in the coding sequence. The patient was a compound heterozygote with one allele carrying this mutation. The nature of the abnormality in the other allele remains unidentified. Examination of genomic DNA from the parents demonstrated that this "Kpn mutation" was inherited from the maternal side of the family.  相似文献   

Desmoid tumors are slowly growing fibrous tumors highly resistant to therapy and often fatal. Here, we report hereditary desmoid disease (HDD), a novel autosomal dominant trait with 100% penetrance affecting a three-generation kindred. Desmoid tumors are usually a complication of familial adenomatous polyposis, a predisposition to the early development of premalignant adenomatous polyps in the colorectum due to chain-terminating mutations of the APC gene. In general, one or more members in approximately 10% of the FAP families manifest desmoid tumors. Affected individuals from the HDD kindred are characterized by multifocal fibromatosis of the paraspinal muscles, breast, occiput, arms, lower ribs, abdominal wall, and mesentery. Osteomas, epidermal cysts, and other congenital features were also observed. We show that HDD segregates with an unusual germ-line chain-terminating mutation at the 3' end of the APC gene (codon 1924) with somatic loss of the wild-type allele leading to tumor development.  相似文献   

We describe a family with severe progressive cerebellar ataxia involving the trunk, the extremities, and speech. The proband, who has prominent atrophy of the cerebellum, shown by magnetic resonance imaging, was confined to a wheelchair at the age of 44 years. Two sons have episodes of vertigo and ataxia that are not responsive to acetazolamide. Quantitative eye-movement testing showed a consistent pattern of abnormalities localizing to the cerebellum. Genotyping suggested linkage to chromosome 19p, and SSCP showed an aberrant migrating fragment in exon 6 of the calcium-channel gene CACNA1A, which cosegregated with the disease. Sequencing of exon 6 identified a G-->A transposition in one allele, at nucleotide 1152, resulting in a predicted glycine-to-arginine substitution at codon 293. The CAG-repeat expansion associated with spinocerebellar ataxia 6 was not present in any family members. This family is unique in having a non-CAG-repeat mutation that leads to severe progressive ataxia. Since a great deal is known about the function of calcium channels, we speculate on how this missense mutation leads to the combination of clinical symptoms and signs.  相似文献   

Carrier frequencies for the allele(s) causing Sandhoff disease have been estimated for the U.S. Jewish and non-Jewish populations. The estimates have been made directly, with data from 22,043 Jewish and 32,342 non-Jewish individuals measured for total serum hexosaminidase activity and the heat-labile fraction. These values have been shown to identify potential carriers of the Sandhoff allele(s) with 95% sensitivity. Subsequent leukocyte assays of total hexosaminidase activity and the heat-labile fraction in those identified in serum tests have been shown to provide a much finer discrimination between those who carry the allele(s) and those who do not. Results from such assays were used to generate these carrier frequency estimates. Carrier frequency estimates have also been made indirectly from Sandhoff disease incidence data collected during the period 1979-84. These estimates are in agreement with data for the Jewish population under analysis, but in the non-Jewish population the estimate derived from data on screened individuals is greater than the estimate derived from incidence figures. The possible causes for such a difference are discussed. In a study of non-Jewish individuals each of whose grandparents derives from a single country of origin, the distribution of countries among Sandhoff disease carriers differs significantly from that in the non-Jewish sample under analysis, indicating possible ethnic groups with increased or decreased carrier frequencies. These analyses suggest an increased Sandhoff disease carrier frequency among Mexican and Central-American populations and a decreased carrier frequency among non-Jewish German populations.  相似文献   

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