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A peculiar characteristic of highly concentrated cytosolic recombinant human glyoxalase II (GII) solutions is to undergo partial precipitation. Previous work indicated that anionic phospholipids (PLs) exert a noncompetitive inhibition on the enzymatic activity of the soluble enzyme. In this study, FTIR spectroscopy was used to analyze the structural properties and the thermal stability of the soluble protein in the absence and in the presence of liposomes made of different phospholipids (PLs). The structural analysis was performed on the precipitate as well. The interaction of acidic PLs with GII lowered the thermal stability of the enzyme and inhibited protein intermolecular interactions (aggregation) brought about by thermal denaturation. Infrared data indicated that ionic and hydrophobic interactions occur between GII and acidic PLs causing small changes in the secondary structure of the enzyme. No interactions of the protein with egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes were detected. The results are consistent with the destabilization of the protein tertiary structure, and indicate that GII possesses hydrophobic part(s) that interact with the acyl chains of PLs. Data on precipitated GII did not show remarkable modification of secondary structure, suggesting that hydrophobic stretches of the enzyme may also be involved in the protein-protein association (precipitation) at high GII concentration. The alterations in the GII structure and the noncompetitive inhibition exerted by acidic PLs are strictly related.  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase, QH2-cytochrome c reductase, and the oligomycin-sensitive adenosine triphosphatase were incorporated into liposomes by a new procedure which yielded unidirectional orientation of the proteins. Cytochrome oxidase was reconstituted in the mitochrondrial orientation and the adenosine triphosphatase in the submitochondrial orientation. Reconstitutions were achieved by incubating the proteins at room temperature with liposomes which contained phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and an acidic phospholipid (cardiolipin, phosphatidylinositol, or phosphatidylserine). The incorporation occurred without added detergent or sonication. This incorporation procedure may serve as a model for the insertion of proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

We have characterized the interaction of the antitumor drug doxorubicin with model membranes of the anionic phospholipids dioleoylphosphatidic acid (DOPA), dioleoylphosphatidylserine (DOPS), cardiolipin and dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol (DOPG) as compared to the zwitterionic dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) or dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE). The saturating binding levels were: 2.4 (DOPA), 1.3 (cardiolipin), 1.5 (DOPS, DOPG) and 0.02 (DOPC) doxorubicin per lipid phosphorus (mol/mol). The half-saturating free drug concentrations were comparable for DOPA, cardiolipin, DOPS and DOPG: 20, 16, 35 and 18 microM, respectively. Doxorubicin fluorescence revealed the simultaneous existence of at least two populations of bound drug in the various anionic phospholipids: (1) fluorescent molecules with chromophores that reside between the lipid molecules and (2) above 0.01-0.02 doxorubicin bound per lipid phosphorus: non-fluorescent drug-stacks that are closer to the aqueous phase than the fluorescent molecules. Small-angle X-ray scattering indicated that doxorubicin can reorganize anionic phospholipid dispersions into closely-packed multilamellar structures. Addition of the drug caused leakage of entrapped 6-carboxyfluorescein. Neither 2H-NMR on [2-2H]serine-labelled DOPS nor 31P-NMR revealed any significant effect of doxorubicin on headgroup conformation, but 2H-NMR on di[11,11-2H2]oleoyl-labelled phospholipids showed that the drug had a strong acyl chain-disordering effect on anionic phospholipids. 2H-NMR relaxation measurements indicated that the drug immobilized the headgroups and acyl chains of anionic phospholipids. The implications of these observations for the cellular activity of the drug are indicated.  相似文献   

Glyoxalase II (GLX2, EC, hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase) is a metalloenzyme involved in crucial detoxification pathways. Different studies have failed in identifying the native metal ion of this enzyme, which is expressed with iron, zinc and/or manganese. Here we report that GloB, the GLX2 from Salmonella typhimurium, is differentially inhibited by glutathione (a reaction product) depending on the bound metal ion, and we provide a structural model for this inhibition mode. This metal-dependent inhibition was shown to occur in metal-enriched forms of the enzyme, complementing the spectroscopic data. Based on the high levels of free glutathione in the cell, we suggest that the expression of the different metal forms of GLX2 during Salmonella infection could be exploited as a mechanism to regulate the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The interaction of three lectins (wheat germ, Ulex europaeus I, and Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinins: WGA, UEA-I and LTA) with either N-acetyl-D-glucosamine or L-fucose neoglycolipids incorporated into phospholipid monolayers and liposome bilayers was studied at the air/water interface and in bulk solution.The results show that for both systems studied, synthesized neoglycolipids were capable of binding their specific lectin and that, in general, the binding of lectins increased with the increase in the molar fraction of the saccharide derivative incorporated in either the monolayers or bilayers. However, whereas for UEA-I, molecular recognition was enhanced by a strong hydrophobic interaction, for WGA and LTA successful recognition was predominantly related to the distance between neighboring sugar groups. The observed lengthy adsorption times of these lectins onto their specific ligands were attributed to interfacial conformational changes occurring in the proteins upon their adsorption at the interfaces.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from the pig heart interacts with liposomes made of acidic phospholipids most effectively at low pH, close to the isoelectric point of the protein (pH = 5.5). This binding is not observed at neutral pH or high ionic strength. LDH-liposome complex formation requires an absence of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides and adenine nucleotides in the interaction environment. Their presence limits the interaction of LDH with liposomes in a concentration-dependent manner. This phenomenon is not observed for pig skeletal muscle LDH. The heart LDH-liposome complexes formed in the absence of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides and adenine nucleotides are stable after the addition of these substances even in millimolar concentrations. The LDH substrates and studied nucleotides that inhibit the interaction of pig heart LDH with acidic liposomes can be ordered according to their effectiveness as follows: NADH > NAD > ATP = ADP > AMP > pyruvate. The phosphorylated form of NAD (NADP), nonadenine nucleotides (GTP, CTP, UTP) and lactate are ineffective. Chemically cross-linked pig heart LDH, with a tetrameric structure stable at low pH, behaves analogously to the unmodified enzyme, which excludes the participation of the interfacing parts of subunits in the interaction with acidic phospholipids. The presented results indicate that in lowered pH conditions, the NADH-cofactor binding site of pig heart LDH is strongly involved in the interaction of the enzyme with acidic phospholipids. The contribution of the ATP/ADP binding site to this process can also be considered. In the case of pig skeletal muscle LDH, neither the cofactor binding site nor the subunit interfacing areas seem to be involved in the interaction.  相似文献   

The activity of the lipid-depleted, oligomycin-sensitive mitochondrial ATPase has been measured in the presence of liposomes prepared from mixtures of phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol lysine. Enzyme activity increased linearly with an increase in the negative charge of liposomes prepared from the phosphatidylglycerol-phosphatidylglycerol lysine mixtures. The electrophoretic mobility and activating capacity of liposomes of several other phospholipids were determined. A linear relationship between electrophoretic mobility of the liposomes and oligomycin-sensitive activity was again apparent. These observations demonstrate that the activity of the ATPase is directly proportional to the ionic charge on phospholipid activators if the acyl chain composition of the phosphoglycerides is relatively constant.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that treatment of rat liver plasma membranes with various proteases led to activation and solubilization of membrane-bound guanylate cyclase. We report here that the guanylate cyclase solubilized by proteolysis differed from the cytosolic cyclase and rather was similar to the membrane-bound form of the enzyme in that it exhibited a sigmoidal MnGTP concentration dependence and was not activated by an excess Mn2+ or by nitrosocompounds. Also, whereas the cytosolic guanylate cyclase activity was completely abolished by 10 to 100 microM Cd2+, a dithiol reagent, no inhibitory effect was observed on the trypsin-solubilized enzyme. Therefore, the differences in kinetic properties between cytosolic and membrane-bound rat liver guanylate cyclase reside in structural differences between both forms of the enzyme rather than in differences in their environment.  相似文献   

The activity of the lipid-depleted, oligomycin-sensitive mitochondrial ATPase has been measured in the presence of liposomes prepared from mixtures of phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol lysine. Enzyme activity increased linearly with an increase in the negative charge of liposomes prepared from the phosphatidylglycerol-phosphatidylglycerol lysine mixtures. The electrophoretic mobility and activating capacity of liposomes of several other phospholipids were determined. A linear relationship between electrophoretic mobility of the liposomes and oligomycin-sensitive activity was again apparent. These observations demonstrate that the activity of the ATPase is directly proportional to the ionic charge on phospholipid activators if the acyl chain composition of the phosphoglycerides is relatively constant.  相似文献   

In an effort to probe the inhibition of glyoxalase II (GLX2-2) from Arabidopsis thaliana, a series of N- and S-blocked glutathione compounds containing 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (FMOC) and Cbz protecting groups were synthesized and tested. The di-FMOC and di-Cbz compounds were the best inhibitors of GLX2-2 with K(i) values of 0.89+/-0.05 and 2.3+/-0.5 microM, respectively. The removal of protecting groups from either position resulted in comparable, diminished binding affinities. Analyses of site-directed mutants of GLX2-2 demonstrated that tight binding of these inhibitors is not due to interactions of the protecting groups with hydrophobic amino acids on the surface of the enzyme. Instead, MM2 calculations predict that the lowest energy structures of the unbound, doubly substituted inhibitors are similar to those of a bound inhibitor. These studies represent the first systematic attempt to understand the peculiar inhibition of GLX2 by N- and S-blocked glutathiones.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine (PC) alone or with phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) are sufficient for the reconstitution of Na+ channels in planar lipid bilayers. However, when Na+ channels were first reconstituted into liposomes using the freeze-thaw-sonication method, addition of acidic phospholipids, such as phosphatidylserine (PS), to the neutral phospholipids was necessary to obtain a significant toxin-modulated 22Na uptake. To further investigate the acidic phospholipid effect on reconstitution into liposomes, Na+ channels purified from Electrophorus electricus electrocytes were reconstituted into liposomes of different composition by freeze-thaw sonication and the effect of batrachotoxin and tetrodotoxin on the 22Na flux was measured. The results revealed that, under our experimental conditions, the presence of an acidic phospholipid was also necessary to obtain a significant neurotoxin-modulated 22Na influx. Though neurotoxin-modulated 22Na fluxes have been reported in proteoliposomes made with purified Na+ channels and PC alone, the 22Na fluxes were smaller than those found using lipid mixtures containing acidic phospholipids. Electron microscopy of negatively stained proteoliposomes prepared with PC, PC/PS (1:1 molar ratio), and PS revealed that the acidic phospholipid increases the size of the reconstituted proteoliposomes. The increment in size caused by the acidic phospholipid, due to the associated increase in internal volume for 22Na uptake and in area for Na+ channel incorporation, appears to be responsible for the large neurotoxin-modulated 22Na fluxes observed.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the binding of weakly acidic uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation to rat-liver mitochondria and liposomes is mainly determined by the pKa of the uncoupler molecule.

The absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra of the anionic form of weakly acidic uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation are red-shifted upon interaction with liposomal or mitochondrial membranes. The affinity for the liposomes, as deduced from the red shift, is independent of the degree of saturation of the fatty acid chains of different lecithins. The intensity of the spectra at one pH value is strongly dependent upon the surface charge of the liposomes. With positively charged liposomes the results obtained can be almost quantitatively explained with the Gouy-Chapman theory, but with negatively charged ones deviations are observed. At a particular pH, the divalent ion Ca2+ strongly influences the intensity of the spectra in the presence of negatively charged liposomes, but has no effect with neutral liposomes.

With mitochondrial membranes an effect of Ca2+ similar to that with negatively charged liposomes is observed. Depletion of the phospholipids of the mitochondria and subsequent restoration of the mitochondrial membrane with lecithin, strongly diminishes this effect, but restoration with negatively charged phospholipids does not influence it.

From these observations it is concluded that the anionic form of the uncoupler molecule when bound to mitochondria is located within the partly negatively charged phospholipid moiety of the membrane, with its anionic group pointing to the aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Interaction of pig muscle lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) with acidic phospholipids is strongly dependent on pH and is most efficient at pH values <6.5. The interaction is ionic strength sensitive and is not observed when bilayer structures are disrupted by detergents. Bilayers made of phosphatidylcholine (PC) do not bind the enzyme. The LDH interaction with mixed composition bilayers phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine (PS/PC) and cardiolipin/phosphatidylcholine (CL/PC) leads to dramatic changes in the specific activity of the enzyme above a threshold of acidic phospholipid concentration likely when a necessary surface charge density is achieved. The threshold is dependent on the kind of phospholipid. Cardiolipin (CL) is much more effective compared to phosphatidylserine, which is explained as an effect of availability of both phosphate groups in a CL molecule for interaction with the enzyme. A requirement of more than one binding point on the enzyme molecule for the modification of the specific activity is postulated and discussed. Changes in CD spectra induced by the presence of CL and PS vesicles evidence modification of the conformational state of the protein molecules. In vivo qualitative as well as quantitative phospholipid composition of membrane binding sites for LDH molecules would be crucial for the yield of the binding and its consequences for the enzyme activity in the conditions of lowered pH.  相似文献   

Glyoxalase II has been purified from cytosol and mitochondria of spinach leaves. Electrophoresis and isoelectric focussing have resolved cytosolic and mitochondrial glyoxalase II in multiple forms: pl 5.3, 5.8 and 6.2 (cytosol) and pl 4.8 (mitochondria). The enzyme of both localizations is a monomer showing a relative molecular mass of about 26 kDa. The values of kinetic constants using several glutathione thiolesters as substrates, are similar for the enzymes from cytosol and mitochondria. These results extend also to plant the presence in mitochondria of peculiar forms of glyoxalase II, likewise recently demonstrated in mammalians.  相似文献   

Interaction of pig muscle lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) with acidic phospholipids is strongly dependent on pH and is most efficient at pH values<6.5. The interaction is ionic strength sensitive and is not observed when bilayer structures are disrupted by detergents. Bilayers made of phosphatidylcholine (PC) do not bind the enzyme. The LDH interaction with mixed composition bilayers phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine (PS/PC) and cardiolipin/phosphatidylcholine (CL/PC) leads to dramatic changes in the specific activity of the enzyme above a threshold of acidic phospholipid concentration likely when a necessary surface charge density is achieved. The threshold is dependent on the kind of phospholipid. Cardiolipin (CL) is much more effective compared to phosphatidylserine, which is explained as an effect of availability of both phosphate groups in a CL molecule for interaction with the enzyme. A requirement of more than one binding point on the enzyme molecule for the modification of the specific activity is postulated and discussed. Changes in CD spectra induced by the presence of CL and PS vesicles evidence modification of the conformational state of the protein molecules. In vivo qualitative as well as quantitative phospholipid composition of membrane binding sites for LDH molecules would be crucial for the yield of the binding and its consequences for the enzyme activity in the conditions of lowered pH.  相似文献   

The specialised ATPase FliI is central to export of flagellar axial protein subunits during flagellum assembly. We establish the normal cellular location of FliI and its regulatory accessory protein FliH in motile Salmonella typhimurium, and ascertain the regions involved in FliH(2)/FliI heterotrimerisation. Both FliI and FliH localised to the cytoplasmic membrane in the presence and in the absence of proteins making up the flagellar export machinery and basal body. Membrane association was tight, and FliI and FliH interacted with Escherichia coli phospholipids in vitro, both separately and as the preformed FliH(2)/FliI complex, in the presence or in the absence of ATP. Yeast two-hybrid analysis and pull-down assays revealed that the C-terminal half of FliH (H105-235) directs FliH homodimerisation, and interacts with the N-terminal region of FliI (I1-155), which in turn has an intra-molecular interaction with the remainder of the protein (I156-456) containing the ATPase domain. The FliH105-235 interaction with FliI was sufficient to exert the FliH-mediated down-regulation of ATPase activity. The basal ATPase activity of isolated FliI was stimulated tenfold by bacterial (acidic) phospholipids, such that activity was 100-fold higher than when bound by FliH in the absence of phospholipids. The results indicate similarities between FliI and the well-characterised SecA ATPase that energises general protein secretion. They suggest that FliI and FliH are intrinsically targeted to the inner membrane before contacting the flagellar secretion machinery, with both FliH105-235 and membrane phospholipids interacting with FliI to couple ATP hydrolysis to flagellum assembly.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that when pig liver mitochondria are extracted with methyl ethyl ketone in the presence of 0.05 m ammonium sulfate, approximately one-fourth of their monoamine oxidase can subsequently be extracted with buffer. To investigate the binding of the enzyme to the mitochondrial structure, the liberation of enzyme was compared with the extraction of individual phospholipids under various extraction conditions. Phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine could be largely extracted without liberation of monoamine oxidase, whereas there was a correlation between the yield of monoamine oxidase soluble in buffer and the extraction of anionic phospholipids, cardiolipin being the major constituent. When a dispersion of phospholipids from an extraction step effective in liberating monoamine oxidase was added to the buffer used to extract soluble enzyme, less enzyme was liberated from the lipid-depleted mitochondria. Addition of phospholipids from a noneffective extraction step had no effect. It is suggested that the binding of the enzyme to mitochondria depends on the presence of anionic phospholipids.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the binding of weakly acidic uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation to rat-liver mitochondria and liposomes is mainly determined by the pKa of the uncoupler molecule. The absorption and fluorescene excitation spectra of the anionic form of weakly acidic uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation are red-shifted upon interaction with liposomal or mitochondrial membranes. The affinity for the liposomes, as deduced from the red shift, is independent of the degree of saturation of the fatty acid chains of different lecithins. The intensity of the spectra at one pH value is strongly dependent upon the surface charge of the liposomes. With positively charged liposomes the results obtained can be almost quantitatively explained with the Gouy-Chapman theory, but with negatively charged ones deviations are observed. At a particular pH, the divalent ion Ca-2+ stongly influences the intensity of the spectra in the presence of negatively charged liposomes, but has no effect with neutral liposomes. With mitochondrial membranes an effect of Ca-2+ similar to that with negatively charged liposomes is observed. Depletion of the phospholipids of the mitochondria and subsequent restoration of the mitochrondrial membrane with lecithin, strongly diminishes this effect, but restoration with negatively charged phospholipids does not influence it. From these observations it is concluded that the anionic form of the uncoupler molecule when bound to mitochondria is located within the partly negatively charged phospholiped moiety of the membrane, with its anionic group pointing to the aqueous solution.  相似文献   

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