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在广东鹤山大叶相思(Acacia auriculaeformis)人工林内设置外来蚯蚓西土寒宪蚓(Ocnerodrilus occidentalis)和乡土植物三叉苦(Evodia lepta)野外控制实验,用静态箱-气相色谱法对土壤N2O和CH4通量进行15 d的原位测定,研究蚯蚓和三叉苦对土壤N2O和CH4通量的影响。结果表明,三叉苦并未明显增加土壤N2O和CH4的通量,而假植物(模拟三叉苦的物理效应)则显著促进了土壤N2O的释放通量。整个实验阶段,蚯蚓效应分别使无植物对照和三叉苦处理土壤N2O通量增加了26.7%和66.3%,而在种假植物条件下,添加蚯蚓使土壤N2O通量降低了39.7%;同时,蚯蚓效应使对照处理土壤CH4吸收通量增加了10.3%,使假植物处理土壤CH4吸收通量降低了90.6%,而使三叉苦处理土壤CH4释放通量增加了301.8%。可见,蚯蚓能够促进人工林土壤N2O释放;同时促进人工林土壤从CH4“汇”向“源”转变。三叉苦的物理过程促进土壤N2O的释放,而三叉苦的生物过程抑制土壤N2O的排放。如何减缓人工林中土壤N2O和CH4的排放,必须综合考虑植物物理过程、生物过程以及蚯蚓对土壤N2O和CH4排放过程影响的独立效应和交互效应。  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对土壤微生物的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
自人类进入工业化时代以来,由于化石燃料的燃烧和森林的大面积破坏,大气中CO2的浓度已由工业革命以前的280μl·L-1增加到现在的350μl·L-1,仅从1957年至今的几十年间,大气中CO2的浓度就增加了20%,预计到下个世纪下半叶,大气中CO2的...  相似文献   

分析植物个体短期水分利用效率(WUEp)对CO2浓度(Ca)和土壤含水量(SWC)的响应,可提高对气候变化下个体生存策略的认识。本研究以侧柏幼树为对象,在模拟气候箱中进行培养试验,设400(C400)、600(C600)和800 μmol·mol-1CO2(C800)浓度处理和35%~45%田间持水量(FC)、50%~60%FC、60%~70%FC、70%~80%FC、95%~100%FC土壤含水量处理,共15个处理。WUEpCa和SWC的响应用包裹式茎流计、称重法结合静态同化箱测定。结果表明: 个体日间(0.12~1.87 mol·h-1)和夜间蒸腾速率(0.01~0.16 mol·h-1)均在C400×70%~80%FC时达到最大值,个体日间净光合速率(2.12~22.10 mmol·h-1)在C800×70%~80%FC时达到最大值,而个体夜间呼吸速率(0.84~4.41 mmol·h-1)随SWC的增加而增加,随Ca的增加而减小,在C400×95%~100%FC时达到最大值。WUEp(5.37~24.35 mmol·mol-1)在C800×50%~60%FC时达到最大值,表明高Ca和干旱条件下,植物个体可通过生理可塑性调整,利用较少的水分固定更多的碳;此外,当个体间形态特征差异较小时,叶片瞬时水分利用效率可以较好地指示WUEP的变化。  相似文献   

修复效率低一直是植物修复技术需要解决的关键问题之一.基于我国的CO2减排压力和CO2对植物生长的必要性,选择C3植物绿豆和C4植物玉米作为修复植物,以DEHP为目标污染物,探索增施CO2对植物修复土壤DEHP污染的影响.结果表明:DEHP对两种植物生长和根际微环境都产生了抑制性影响.增施CO2后,两种植物地上干质量显著增加,叶片SOD酶活性明显下降,根际土壤碱性磷酸酶活性增加,根际微生物群落结构改变,根际耐DE-HP胁迫微生物数量增加,表明增施CO2对促进植物生长、增强植物抗DEHP胁迫能力、改善根际微环境有积极作用.增施CO2还促进了两种植物对DEHP的吸收,特别是植物地下部分.这些共同作用导致增施CO2后的两种植物根际DEHP残留浓度明显下降,土壤污染植物修复效率提高.整体上看,增施CO2对C3植物绿豆的影响明显大于C4植物玉米.可以将增施CO2作为强化植物修复过程的措施之一.  相似文献   

不同尺度上植物叶气孔导度对升高CO2的响应   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
植物叶气孔导度对大气CO2浓度升高的响应可表现在以下几个层面:在叶水平上,叶气孔导度和气孔密度下降;在植物个体水平上,单位叶面积蒸腾下降,植株的水分利用率升高;在生态系统水平上,蒸散降低,土壤泾流和土壤水分含量增加;在全球尺度上,扩大了温室气体的增温效应,同时也降低了全球降雨量增加的趋势。正是因为植物叶气孔导度的变化会影响全球水循环,所以它在全球变化中起着非常重要的作用。但目前的研究结果还不能外推到更大的尺度上去。  相似文献   

杨柴对高CO2浓度和土壤干旱胁迫的响应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
毛乌素优势植物杨柴 (HedysarummongolicumTurcz.)对高CO2 浓度和土壤干旱胁迫响应的研究结果表明 :干旱胁迫可使杨柴根系伸长 ,根生物量、地径、主茎高和茎生物量下降 ;高CO2 浓度使杨柴根和茎生物量明显增加 ,CO2 的“施肥效应”显著 ,干旱使CO2 的“施肥效应”减弱。同时 ,土壤干旱胁迫使杨柴的根 /冠比增加 ,说明在土壤干旱胁迫情况下根的生长比地上部分 (茎 )的生长更活跃 ,有利于提高杨柴在干旱沙漠地区的固沙作用 ;CO2 浓度升高和土壤干旱胁迫均使杨柴叶片的水势下降 ,叶片水势的下降使叶片细胞对水分的束缚力增强 ,从而减少植物蒸腾耗水 ,有利于提高水资源的利用效率  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度升高对植物根系的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物长期生长在CO2浓度不断升高的环境中,其结构和功能都将受到影响,这种影响不仅表现在植物的地上部分,同时也表现在植物的地下部分(根系),尤其是细根的长度、直径、产量、周转以及根与枝的分配模式等方面。植物根系结构和功能的改变影响植物地上部分和生态系统物质循环中的碳动态及土壤中碳库的变化。目前有关大气CO2浓度升高对根系动态影响的研究报道主要包括大气CO2浓度升高对根系结构(直径、分枝、长度、数量等)和根系生理(周转率、产量、碳分配模式等)的影响2个方面。目前,该领域研究还存在一些不足,例如在CO2浓度升高条件下,对植物根系内部的调控机制,以及由其引起的物质循环和能量流动的动态变化的了解较少;至今没有令人信服的证据说明大气CO2浓度升高使根系周转升高还是降低。今后应加强研究在CO2浓度升高条件下根系的周转变化和光合产物分配模式变化,CO2浓度升高和外界环境因素的共同作用对根系的影响,以及采用不同研究方法和研究对象在不同立地条件下开展升高CO2浓度对根系影响的对比研究等。  相似文献   

CO2浓度升高对植物-土壤系统地下部分碳流通的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
目前 ,由于化石燃料的燃烧和土地利用的改变 ,每年释放到大气中的碳大约有 7Gt[2 4 ] ,其中 ,有 3Gt留在大气中 ,2Gt被固定在深海中 ,另 2Gt被植物固定在生态系统中[19,4 8] ,事实上 ,陆地生态系统中的碳大部分都贮存在土壤中[4 4 ] ,所以植物与土壤之间的碳流通对全球碳循环极为重要。大气CO2 浓度升高有可能通过生态系统中的各种生理过程来改变植物 -土壤系统中碳通量的变化 ,使输入土壤的碳量增加 ,另一方面 ,地下部分碳通量的增加使土体成为一个潜在的碳汇 ,有可能缓解大气中CO2 浓度的升高。但有关高CO2 对地下部分植物…  相似文献   

植物对沼泽湿地生态系统CO2和CH4排放的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用静态暗箱/气相色谱法于2003~2005年在生长季对三江平原小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)沼泽化草甸和毛果苔草(Carexlasiocarpa)沼泽地区CO2和CH4的排放通量进行野外对比观测实验。结果表明:2003~2005年生长季小叶章草甸土壤-植物系统CO2排放通量分别是土壤CO2排放通量的1.65、2.06和2.01倍,毛果苔草沼泽土壤-植物系统CO2排放通量分别是土壤CO2排放通量的2.58、2.27和4.21倍,表明沼泽湿地土壤-植物系统CO2排放通量的主要贡献者是植物地上部分的呼吸作用,且3个生长季小叶章草甸CO2排放通量均显著大于毛果苔草沼泽,主要是由于植物生物量的差异以及土壤微生物活性的不同。2003~2005年植物生长季,小叶章草甸土壤-植物系统CH4排放通量分别是土壤的4.84、3.55和6.45倍,毛果苔草沼泽土壤-植物系统CH4排放通量分别是土壤的2.60、1.25和3.22倍,且3个生长季小叶章草甸和毛果苔草沼泽CH4排放通量均具有显著差异,这主要是由于水位的差异以及植物对CH4排放能力的不同造成的。  相似文献   

Carbon isotopes in terrestrial ecosystem pools and CO2 fluxes   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Stable carbon isotopes are used extensively to examine physiological, ecological, and biogeochemical processes related to ecosystem, regional, and global carbon cycles and provide information at a variety of temporal and spatial scales. Much is known about the processes that regulate the carbon isotopic composition (delta(13)C) of leaf, plant, and ecosystem carbon pools and of photosynthetic and respiratory carbon dioxide (CO(2)) fluxes. In this review, systematic patterns and mechanisms underlying variation in delta(13)C of plant and ecosystem carbon pools and fluxes are described. We examine the hypothesis that the delta(13)C of leaf biomass can be used as a reference point for other carbon pools and fluxes, which differ from the leaf in delta(13)C in a systematic fashion. Plant organs are typically enriched in (13)C relative to leaves, and most ecosystem pools and respiratory fluxes are enriched relative to sun leaves of dominant plants, with the notable exception of root respiration. Analysis of the chemical and isotopic composition of leaves and leaf respiration suggests that growth respiration has the potential to contribute substantially to the observed offset between the delta(13)C values of ecosystem respiration and the bulk leaf. We discuss the implications of systematic variations in delta(13)C of ecosystem pools and CO(2) fluxes for studies of carbon cycling within ecosystems, as well as for studies that use the delta(13)C of atmospheric CO(2) to diagnose changes in the terrestrial biosphere over annual to millennial time scales.  相似文献   

Ambus  P.  Robertson  G.P. 《Plant and Soil》1999,209(1):1-8
The objectives of this study were: (1) to quantify the effects of plant species' loss from designed calcareous grassland communities at a field site in northwestern Switzerland on the size and composition of earthworm communities, and (2) to evaluate how exposure of plant communities to elevated atmospheric CO2 might alter the effects of plant species' loss on earthworm communities. We non-destructively censused earthworm communities in each of 24 1.2 m2 experimental plots in autumn 1996 when soils were wet and earthworms were active. Each plot contained an experimental plant community with 31, 12 or 5 native plant species (eight plots each). Half of the plots in each species treatment were exposed to ambient CO2 concentrations (350 μL CO2 L-1) and half to elevated CO2 (600 μL CO2 L-1) using screen-aided CO2 control. The study was conducted in the fourth year after community establishment and the third year of CO2 treatment as part of a long-term study on the interactive effects of plant species' loss and elevated CO2 on grassland communities. The size (density and biomass) of earthworm communities declined linearly when the number of plant species in the community was reduced from 31 to 5 species (e.g. 32 ± 1 g m-2 to 23 ± 2 g m-2) due mainly to a decline in the endogeic worm species Allolobophora rosea which was the most abundant of nine earthworm species observed (nearly half of all worms in each plot). However, no changes in the relative contribution of individual species or the three main earthworm ecological groups (anecics, endogeics, epigeics) to the entire earthworm community were observed with declining number of plant species. The responses of earthworm communities to plant species'; loss appear to reflect changes in community fine root biomass in the topsoil (e.g. declining worm biomass with declining fine root biomass) observed in parallel studies conducted at this site. Further the results of this study demonstrate that a loss of plant species from these calcareous grassland communities may also alter the age structure of earthworm communities, but not significantly influence their diversity or composition. Our data also indicate that rising atmospheric CO2 may not greatly impact the size and composition of worm communities or alter the effects of plant species' loss on earthworm communities. Therefore, the disappearance of plant species from these native grasslands, as a result of ever increasing human activities, may be expected to lead to reductions in the size of earthworm communities and the ecosystem services they provide. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the impacts of N fertilizer and landscape position on carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from a US Northern Great Plains landscape seeded to switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). The experimental design included three N levels (low, 0 kg N ha−1; medium, 56 kg N ha−1; and high, 112 kg N ha−1) replicated four times. The experiment was repeated at shoulder and footslope positions. Soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes were monitored once every 2 weeks from May 2010 to October 2012. The CO2 fluxes were 40% higher at the footslope than the shoulder landscape position, and CH4 fluxes were similar in both landscape positions. Soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes averaged over the sampling dates were not impacted by N rates. Seasonal variations showed highest CO2 release and CH4 uptake in summer and fall, likely due to warmer and moist soil conditions. Higher CH4 release was observed in winter possibly due to increased anaerobic conditions. However, year to year (2010–2012) variations in soil CO2 and CH4 fluxes were more pronounced than the variations due to the impact of landscape positions and N rates. Drought conditions reported in 2012, with higher annual temperature and lower soil moisture than long-term average, resulted in higher summer and fall CO2 fluxes (between 1.3 and 3 times) than in 2011 and 2010. These conditions also promoted a net CH4 uptake in 2012 in comparison to 2010 when there was net CH4 release. Results from this study conclude that landscape positions, air temperature, and soil moisture content strongly influenced soil CO2 fluxes, whereas soil moisture impacted the direction of CH4 fluxes (uptake or release). However, a comprehensive life cycle analysis would be appropriate to evaluate environmental impacts associated with switchgrass production under local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the effects of CO2 and N treatments on soil pCO2, calculated CO2 efflux, root biomass and soil carbon in open-top chambers planted with Pinus ponderosa seedlings. Based upon the literature, it was hypothesized that both elevated CO2 and N would cause increased root biomass which would in turn cause increases in both total soil CO2 efflux and microbial respiration. This hypothesis was only supported in part: both CO2 and N treatments caused significant increases in root biomass, soil pCO2, and calculated CO2 efflux, but there were no differences in soil microbial respiration measured in the laboratory. Both correlative and quantitative comparisons of CO2 efflux rates indicated that microbial respiration contributes little to total soil CO2 efflux in the field. Measurements of soil pCO2 and calculated CO2 efflux provided inexpensive, non-invasive, and relatively sensitive indices of belowground response to CO2 and N treatments.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurement of N2O and CO2 flux at the soil surface with photoacoustic infrared spectroscopy (PAS) is gaining popularity due to portability, low maintenance, and ease‐of‐operation. However, the ability of PAS to measure N2O with accuracy and precision similar to gas chromatography (GC) is uncertain due to overlap in N2O, CO2, and H2O absorbance spectra combined with the large range in analyte concentrations. We tested the ability of six PAS units to simultaneously measure N2O and CO2 gas concentrations and fluxes with accuracy and precision similar to two GC units. We also evaluated H2O vapor and CO2 interferences with N2O measurement. The accuracy and precision of standard gas concentration measurements with PAS and GC were similar. High water vapor (~26 600 ppm) and CO2 concentrations (~4500 ppm) did not interfere with N2O measurement across the concentration range typically observed in static flux chambers at the soil surface (~0.5–3.0 ppm N2O). On average, N2O fluxes measured with the six PAS were 4.7% higher than one GC and 9.9% lower than the second GC.  相似文献   

江西红壤坡地柑橘园生态水文特征及水土保持效益   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在江西省水土保持生态科技园对标准柑橘试验小区生态水文特征进行9年的定位观测,设置7个处理,研究柑橘园生态水文特征及水土保持效益.结果表明: 7个处理的平均减流率和减沙率分别为78.5%和77.2%,其中,林下百喜草(Paspalum natatu)带状覆盖、百喜草全园覆盖和水平梯田+梯壁植草减流率较高,分别为94.8%、94.3%和92.5%;柑橘清耕地减流率较低,为33.1%;林下套种黄豆和萝卜减流率居中,为66.0%和77.5%,且横坡耕作优于纵坡耕作.对2009-2010年发生的43场平均降雨量为20.07 mm的雨水柑橘林冠再分配格局进行观测,穿透降〖JP2〗雨量平均为9.15 mm,树干茎流量平均为4.72 mm,林冠截留量平均为620 mm,分别占林外降雨量的44.7%、25.7%和29.6%.随着林外降雨量的增大,林冠层的穿透雨量、茎流量呈递增趋势.当降雨量<10 mm时,树冠截留率与林外降雨之间呈显著的线性负相关;当降雨量>10 mm时,二者之间的相关性不明显.柑橘枯落物的持水率与浸水时间呈对数回归关系,最大持水率达326%.合理的林下植被配置对柑橘果园的水土保持具有重要作用.  相似文献   

The world's ecosystems are subjected to various anthropogenic global change agents, such as enrichment of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, nitrogen (N) deposition, and changes in precipitation regimes. Despite the increasing appreciation that the consequences of impending global change can be better understood if varying agents are studied in concert, there is a paucity of multi‐factor long‐term studies, particularly on belowground processes. Herein, we address this gap by examining the responses of soil food webs and biodiversity to enrichment of CO2, elevated N, and summer drought in a long‐term grassland study at Cedar Creek, Minnesota, USA (BioCON experiment). We use structural equation modeling (SEM), various abiotic and biotic explanatory variables, and data on soil microorganisms, protozoa, nematodes, and soil microarthropods to identify the impacts of multiple global change effects on drivers belowground. We found that long‐term (13‐year) changes in CO2 and N availability resulted in modest alterations of soil biotic food webs and biodiversity via several mechanisms, encompassing soil water availability, plant productivity, and – most importantly – changes in rhizodeposition. Four years of manipulation of summer drought exerted surprisingly minor effects, only detrimentally affecting belowground herbivores and ciliate protists at elevated N. Elevated CO2 increased microbial biomass and the density of ciliates, microarthropod detritivores, and gamasid mites, most likely by fueling soil food webs with labile C. Moreover, beneficial bottom‐up effects of elevated CO2 compensated for detrimental elevated N effects on soil microarthropod taxa richness. In contrast, nematode taxa richness was lowest at elevated CO2 and elevated N. Thus, enrichment of atmospheric CO2 concentrations and N deposition may result in taxonomically and functionally altered, potentially simplified, soil communities. Detrimental effects of N deposition on soil biodiversity underscore recent reports on plant community simplification. This is of particular concern, as soils house a considerable fraction of global biodiversity and ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

The rising concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is known to increase the total aboveground biomass of several C3 crops, whereas C4 crops are reported to be hardly affected when water supply is sufficient. However, a free‐air carbon enrichment (FACE) experiment in Braunschweig, Germany, in 2007 and 2008 resulted in a 25% increased biomass of the C4 crop maize under restricted water conditions and elevated CO2 (550 ppm). To project future yields of maize under climate change, an accurate representation of the effects of eCO2 and drought on biomass and soil water conditions is essential. Current crop growth models reveal limitations in simulations of maize biomass under eCO2 and limited water supply. We use the coupled process‐based hydrological‐plant growth model Catchment Modeling Framework‐Plant growth Modeling Framework to overcome this limitation. We apply the coupled model to the maize‐based FACE experiment in Braunschweig that provides robust data for the investigation of combined CO2 and drought effects. We approve hypothesis I that CO2 enrichment has a small direct‐fertilizing effect with regard to the total aboveground biomass of maize and hypothesis II that CO2 enrichment decreases water stress and leads to higher yields of maize under restricted water conditions. Hypothesis III could partly be approved showing that CO2 enrichment decreases the transpiration of maize, but does not raise soil moisture, while increasing evaporation. We emphasize the importance of plant‐specific CO2 response factors derived by use of comprehensive FACE data. By now, only one FACE experiment on maize is accomplished applying different water levels. For the rigorous testing of plant growth models and their applicability in climate change studies, we call for datasets that go beyond single criteria (only yield response) and single effects (only elevated CO2).  相似文献   

广东山区土壤有机碳空间变异的尺度效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姜春  吴志峰  钱乐祥  文雅  邓南荣 《生态学报》2013,33(16):5118-5125
研究土壤有机碳的尺度效应能够为区域生态环境保护和确定合理的土壤取样间距提供科学依据。采用土壤类型法估算了广东山区表层(0-20 cm)和全剖面(0-100 cm)土壤有机碳密度,选择4条采样带,获取采样间距为250 m的土壤有机碳密度序列,并利用离散小波变换工具对其进行多尺度分解,得到2×250 m、22×250 m、23×250 m、24×250 m、25×250 m和26×250 m 6个分解尺度上的小波信息,计算小波信息方差。结果表明:土壤有机碳密度具有较强的空间异质性,其空间异质性的大小受控于不同尺度下土壤有机碳密度分布格局的主导因子影响程度;整体上在大于等于1 km的尺度,其空间异质性较强;各个样带特征尺度的差异与各样带的土壤和植被类型、地貌特征以及土地利用方式、耕作管理方式等人类活动干扰强度有关。  相似文献   

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