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Natural killer activity of spleen cells obtained from different strains of mice against the human myeloid leukemia cell line, K562, and two mouse cell lines P815 and L1210 was measured by using the 4-hr chromium release assay. The level of cytotoxic activity of spleen cells against the K562 target was usually less than 4% lysis. However, treatment of the spleen cells with a specific anti-H-2 antiserum resulted in a dose-dependent augmentation of the degree of lysis of K562 cells. The augmentation of cytotoxic activity could be obtained by pretreatment of the spleen cells with antisera or by directly adding the antisera to the cytotox-incubation medium. Anti-thy-1 and anti-immunoglobulin antisera had no enhancing effect under similar conditions. The specific alloantisera-treated spleen cells did not show any increase in cytotoxicity against P815 and L1210 target cells. Spleen cells responsible for the alloantiserum-mediated augmentation of cytotoxicity against K562 cells appear to be different from T or B cells as indicated by their resistance to anti-thy-1 and complement treatment and lack of adherence to nylon wool columns.  相似文献   

The in vitro influence of thymus cells on natural killer cell activity of spleen cells against prelabeled target cells (YAC-I and RL♂I) has been studied in syngeneic as well as in allogeneic murine models. In mixing experiments to demonstrate suppression, total thymocytes have been found to have no effect on NK activity of syngeneic or allogeneic spleen cells. Among several thymocyte fractions separated by velocity sedimentation, a relatively faster sedimenting fraction showed remarkable suppression of NK activity by spleen cells against two target cells. The suppressive effect of this particular fraction on NK activity was demonstrated to be proportional to the cell dose. The suppressive function was resistant to irradiation at 1000 or 2000 rad administered in vitro and was not restricted by the major histocompatibility complex. Moreover, the thymocyte fraction which induced suppression was not sensitive to NK-mediated cytolysi? by syngeneic spleen cells. The suppression of NK cytolysis in vitro by certain subpopulations of thymocytes as observed in the present studies may be consistent with a role for the thymus in regulating NK activity in vivo.  相似文献   

The effects of monosaccharides on the suppression of cytotoxic T cell generation by spleen cells from nu/nu mice were examined. Suppression of the B6 anti-BALB/c response and the B6 anti-C3H response was reversed by alpha-methyl-D-galactoside (alpha MG) but not other sugars, including beta MG. Suppression was associated with a decrease in the level of IL 2, which suggests competition; this decrease was also reversed by alpha MG.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity to YAC-1 lymphoma was investigated in mice tolerant to bone marrow grafts (BM-tolerant), Corynebacterium parvum- (C. parvum) treated mice, and infant mice. Also the comparison was made between the NK cell and the hemopoietic-resistance effector (HR-E) cells. It was found that the BM-tolerant mice and C. parvum-treated mice showed either no or markedly decreased NK cell cytotoxicity. These mice were also nonresponders to bone marrow grafts in vivo. The lack of or decreased reactivity was apparently caused by the regulatory cell activities of the suppressor cell since the splenocytes from C. parvum-treated and BM-tolerant mice suppressed significantly the cytotoxic activities of otherwise fully functional NK cells. Similar suppressive effect on NK cells was mounted by splenocytes from infant mice, indicating again the suppressor cell regulation of NK cell cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The expression of the Thy-1 antigen on mouse spleen cells responsible for NK activity and ADCC was investigated by using a monoclonal IgM anti-Thy-1.2 antibody. Both C-mediated cytotoxicity and the fluorescence-activated cell sorter were used to fractionate cells. The effector cells were found to be heterogeneous in their expression of Thy-1. Effector cells from nude BALB/c mice were predominantly Thy-1 positive; some of the NK cells in CBA spleens appeared to be Thy-1 positive, but at least one-third of the lytic activity was due to Thy-1 negative cells. The effects of treatments on NK cytotoxicity and ADCC were very similar, supporting the hypothesis that the same cells mediate both activities.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from mice primed with virulent Listeria monocytogenes do not develop an anti-SRBC plaque forming cell response to SRBC in culture. Furthermore, when Listeria primed spleen cells are co-cultured with normal spleen cells and SRBC, the anti-SRBC response of the normal cells is suppressed. Listeria primed spleen cells from T cell depleted donors are equally effective at immunosuppression. The immunosuppressive effect does not appear to be due to the presence of the bacterium or its products per se in the cultures. Furthermore, the effect cannot be transferred across a 0.45 μm pore membrane. Kinetic studies show that the immunosuppressive effect develops by 2 days post-Listeria inoculation and peaks by Day 6. Low doses of Listeria are not immunosuppressive and produce some enhancement effect. From these results, it is suggested that a population of non-T cell dependent cells develop in Listeria primed hosts that nonspecifically suppress the response of B cells to an unrelated antigen in culture.  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of spleen cells or spleen cell lysates from mice tolerant to human-gamma-globulin (HGG) specifically suppressed the response of normal syngeneic recipients to HGG. The suppressive activity could be transferred for over 100 days after tolerance induction. The suppression induced by both spleen cells and spleen cell lysate was found to be specific as evidenced by a normal response to a challenge with turkey-gamma-globulin or goat erythrocytes. The activity of the suppressive lysate could be removed by passing the material through an HGG immunoadsorbent column but not by passing it through an anti-HGG column or a BSA column. These results indicated that the factor had antigen specificity and was probably not antigen-antibody complexes. That this suppression was not due to a shifting of the kinetics of the antibody response has also been demonstrated. The antigen-specific suppressor factor in the tolerant spleen cell lysates was a protein with a m.w. of approximately 45,000 daltons. The kinetics of the appearance of both suppressor cells and suppressor factor were consistent with a mechanism of active suppression functioning in the maintenance of tolerance to HGG.  相似文献   

Natural suppressor cells were induced by culturing spleen cells from normal adult mice for 2 to 3 wk. The suppressor cells were large in size, nonadherent and nonspecifically suppressed the plaque-forming cells response of fresh spleen cells to SRBC in vitro. The suppressive activity of the cells was not affected by treatment with indomethacin or anti-Thy-1, anti-Ig, anti-Ia, or anti-asialoGM1 plus complement. Phenotype analysis by FACS showed that Thy-1, L3T4, Ly-2, CD3-epsilon, TCR-alpha beta, Ig, B220, Ia, and asialoGM1 Ag were all absent in the suppressor cells, although they were wheat germ agglutinin receptor positive. The suppressor cells did not demonstrate cytotoxicity against either YAC-1 or P-815 cells. Enriched large cell populations from fresh normal spleens expressed the same phenotypes and also exhibited the suppressive activity. These findings suggest that a minor population of natural suppressor cells exist in the normal adult mouse spleen and they proliferate during the in vitro culture of spleen cells.  相似文献   

Nude BALB/c mice (athymic) were more susceptible to fatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) than normal BALB/c mice (P = 0.002). The peritoneal cells of nude mice mediated levels of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) of equal or greater magnitude than cells from normal BALB/c, heterozygote nu/+, or C57BL/6 mice. Unstimulated natural killer cytotoxicity of peritoneal cells from nude mice was higher (P less than 0.05) than that mediated by cells from C57BL/6 mice. Nude mice failed to make anti-HSV ADCC antibody 6 to 14 days post HSV inoculation, at times when nu/+, BALB/c, and C57BL/6 mice produced antibody. Passive reconstitution of nude mice with high titer intraperitoneal anti-HSV immune globulin provided circulating anti-HSV ADCC antibody and significant protection against lethal HSV infection.  相似文献   

Mice were injected intravenously with rabbit antiserum to ganglio-n-tetraosylceramide (asialo GM1, ASGM1), a neutral glycosphingolipid present at high quantities on the surface of natural killer (NK) cells. Spleen cells prepared from the mice were then examined for NK activity against YAC-1 targets, for phagocytic cells and by flow cytometric analysis for Thy1, Lyt1, Lyt2, ASGM1 and surface Ig (SIg) phenotypes. Administration of anti-ASGM1 in mice resulted in a complete depletion of NK activity and ASGM+1 cells in the spleen, but no changes in the proportions of Thy1+ cells and their Lyt1+ and Lyt2+ subsets and phagocytic cells. Corresponding to this selective depletion of ASGM+1 cells and NK activity, the spleen cells showed an increased number of SIg+ B cells and augmented mitogenic responses to B-cell but not T-cell mitogens. These NK-depleted spleen cells also showed production of pokeweek mitogen (PWM)-driven plaque-forming cells (PFC) to much higher levels than those of control spleens. In the spleens of mice treated with varying concentrations of anti-ASGM+1, a good correlation was found between the decreased NK activity and the enhanced PFC response. To directly test the possible suppressor activity of NK cells on PWM-induced PFC response, NK (ASGM+1) cells were highly purified from the spleen by a combination of Percoll gradients and cytolysis of T cells by monoclonal antibodies followed by indirect panning. When added to NK-depleted spleen cells, they suppressed the augmented PFC response of NK-depleted spleen cells, depending on the number of cells added. These results suggest that NK (ASGM+1) cells in mice exhibit a suppressor property on B cells, which are undergoing spontaneous or mitogen-induced differentiation.  相似文献   

Treatment of mouse spleen cells with specific anti-H-2 antisera augments their natural killer (NK) activity against K562 cells but not against YAC target tumor cells. The same population of natural killer cells was found to lyse K562 as well as YAC target cells, since (a) depletion of YAC reactive NK cells by absorption on YAC monolayers resulted in a concomitant depletion of anti-K562 NK activity of mouse spleen cells, and (b) both K562 and YAC cells could inhibit their own as well as each others lysis in a cross-competition assay. Anti-H-2 antiserum could not induce anti-K562 NK activity in spleen cells previously depleted of NK cells by absorption on YAC monolayers, indicating that alloantiserum does not act by recruiting otherwise nonreactive cells to become cytotoxic toward K562 target cells. In a target-binding assay, K562 binding of NK cells (T-cell-, B-cell-, and macrophage-depleted spleen cells) increased five- to eightfold in the presence of anti-H-2 antiserum whereas YAC cells binding of NK cells was not increased. H-2 antigens per se did not appear to be involved in the alloantisera effect since anti-NK antiserum directed against a non-H-2 antigen selectively expressed on NK cells, showed a similar selective NK enhancing effect. Protein A, a reagent which binds to the Fc region of immunoglobulin molecules, completely blocked the alloantiserum induced augmentation of anti-K562 NK activity, but did not alter basal NK activity. Moreover, the F(ab)2 fraction of alloantibodies failed to enhance anti-K562 cytotoxic activity of mouse spleen cells, indicating a crucial role for the Fc portion of the alloantibodies attached to the NK cells, in NK augmentation. Utilization of several target cell lines with or without membrane Fc receptors (FcR) revealed that alloantiserum enhanced the lysis of only FcR+ target cells. It is proposed that alloantibody-coated NK cells, as a result of a secondary interaction between attached alloantibody and Fc receptors on target cells, interact more readily with the target cells and thereby cause a higher level of lytic activity.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from humans without antibodies to dengue 2 virus lysed dengue 2 virus-infected Raji cells to a significantly greater degree than uninfected Raji cells. The addition of mouse anti-dengue antibody increased the lysis of dengue-infected Raji cells by PBMC. Dengue 2 immune human sera also increased lysis of dengue-infected Raji cells by PBMC. These results indicate that both PBMC-mediated cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) can cause significant lysis of dengue-infected Raji cells. The lysis of infected Raji cells in the ADCC assay correlated with the dilution of dengue-specific antibody which was added, indicating the dengue virus specificity of the lysis of dengue virus-infected Raji cells. Alpha interferon (IFN alpha) was detected in the culture supernatant of PBMC and dengue-infected Raji cells. However, enhanced lysis of dengue-infected Raji cells by PBMC may not be due to the IFN produced, because neutralization of all IFN activity with anti-IFN alpha antibody did not decrease the lysis of dengue-infected cells, and effector cells pretreated with exogenous IFN alpha also lysed dengue-infected cells to a greater degree than uninfected cells. The effector cells responsible for lysis of dengue virus-infected Raji cells in the natural killer and ADCC assays were analyzed. Nonadherent PBMC caused more lysis than did adherent cells. Characterization of nonadherent cells with monoclonal antibodies showed that the predominant responsible effector cells were contained in OKM1+ and OKT3- fraction in the natural killer and ADCC assays.  相似文献   

Suppression of in vitro cytotoxic lymphocyte (CL) responses was mediated by soluble factor(s) produced when in vivo alloantigen-activated suppressor cells were re-exposed to alloantigen in vitro. Elaboration of suppressor factor (SF) was T cell dependent and was optimal 7 days after alloantigen injection. Suppressor factor failed to inhibit CL generation when alloantigen-primed cells rather than normal spleen cells were used as responders. Moreover, SF added at day 3 of incubation rather than at culture initiation was also ineffective, suggesting that suppression probably occurs during antigen induction or early differentiation. Additionally, suppression was abrogated by the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. Studies combining SF and CL responder cells from a variety of H-2 disparate mouse sdrains revealed that suppression of CL responses: 1) was not alloantigen specific; 2) did not require H-2 homology between responder and suppressor strains; and 3) could not be demonstrated with CBA/J mice. Although CBA/J CL responses were not suppressed by any SF preparation, allo-sensitized CBA/J spleen cells did elaborate SF that inhibited BALB/c CL responses.  相似文献   

To determine if lymphocytes are able to discriminate between self and nonself, the polyclonal B-cell activator lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was injected into mice, and sera from those mice were tested at different times for their cytotoxic effect against autologous and syngeneic isotope-labeled spleen cells in the presence of complement. It was regularly found that LPS caused the appearance of cytotoxic activity in sera detectable against autologous and syngeneic spleen cells. This cytotoxicity was found to be complement dependent, and it was abolished by absorbing the sera with the target cells. LPS did not induce cytotoxic serum activity in the LPS nonresponder strain C3H/HeJ. When the serum was passed through an anti-mouse Ig column, the eluted sample completely lost its cytotoxicity. It is likely, therefore, that these cytotoxic factors are immunoglobulins with specificity for self, suggesting that tolerance to thymus-dependent autoantigens does not exist at the B-cell level. The implications of this possibility for the understanding of the triggering mechanism of B lymphocytes and for self-nonself discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

Natural Killer (NK) cells are important in the immune response to a number of viruses; however, the mechanisms used by NK cells to discriminate between healthy and virus-infected cells are only beginning to be understood. Infection with vaccinia virus provokes a marked increase in the susceptibility of target cells to lysis by NK cells, and we show that recognition of the changes in the target cell induced by vaccinia virus infection depends on the natural cytotoxicity receptors NKp30, NKp44, and NKp46. Vaccinia virus infection does not induce expression of ligands for the activating NKG2D receptor, nor does downregulation of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules appear to be of critical importance for altered target cell susceptibility to NK cell lysis. The increased susceptibility to lysis by NK cells triggered upon poxvirus infection depends on a viral gene, or genes, transcribed early in the viral life cycle and present in multiple distinct orthopoxviruses. The more general implications of these data for the processes of innate immune recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

Serum-free culture supernatants of unstimulated normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells contain soluble suppressor factor(s) (SSF) that significantly inhibit natural (NK) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic (ADCC) activities of allogenic lymphocytes against a variety of target cells. Lymphocytes precultured with increasing concentrations of SSF showed a dose-dependent suppressive effect on these cytotoxic functions that was optimal at a concentration of 20% volume/volume. Adherent cells were not required for the production of SSF. Suppression was evident even at higher effector: target cell ratios and the inhibition was not reversed by washing lymphocytes. SSF was not itself cytotoxic, was stable at 56 degrees C, and its suppressive effect was maximal after 72 hr of incubation with effector lymphocytes. Initial estimate of the molecular weight of SSF by ultra-filtration was less than 20,000 daltons. Gel filtration of SSF on Sephacryl S-200 resulted in the elution of two peaks of activity; one in the region between markers of 13,700 and 25,000 daltons, and the other less than 13,700 daltons. Both fractions demonstrated significant suppressive activity on NK and ADCC functions of allogenic lymphocytes. SSF inhibition of NK activity could be partially reversed by incubating lymphocytes for 1 hr with human leukocyte interferon (IF) and almost completely reversed after 24 hr of IF treatment. A few selected monosaccharides (alpha-methyl-D-mannoside, L-fucose and L-rhamnose) showed a dose-dependent blocking effect on SSF activity, which suggests that SSF may act via receptor sites recognized by these sugars. As demonstrated for other lymphocyte functions, NK and ADCC activities may also be modulated by SSF elaborated by normal PBL.  相似文献   

Natural suppressor cells from the spleens of mice with graft-versus-host disease produced across minor histocompatibility barriers inhibit the in vitro generation of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes by spleen cells from normal mice. The mechanism of natural suppression was studied; suppression does not require direct cell contact with targets. Exogenous interleukin-2 has no effect in reversing suppression while indomethacin partially reverses the suppression mediated by natural suppressor cells.  相似文献   

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