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Changes in intrathoracic pressure produced by the various inspiratory intercostals are essentially additive, but the interaction between these muscles and the diaphragm remains uncertain. In the present study, this interaction was assessed by measuring the changes in airway opening (DeltaPao) or transpulmonary pressure (DeltaPtp) in vagotomized, phrenicotomized dogs during spontaneous inspiration (isolated intercostal contraction), during isolated rectangular or ramp stimulation of the peripheral ends of the transected C(5) phrenic nerve roots (isolated diaphragm contraction), and during spontaneous inspiration with superimposed phrenic nerve stimulation (combined diaphragm-intercostal contraction). With the endotracheal tube occluded at functional residual capacity, DeltaPao during combined diaphragm-intercostal contraction was nearly equal to the sum of the DeltaPao produced by the two muscle groups contracting individually. However, when the endotracheal tube was kept open, DeltaPtp during combined contraction was 123% of the sum of the individual DeltaPtp (P < 0.001). The increase in lung volume during combined contraction was also 109% of the sum of the individual volume increases (P < 0.02). Abdominal pressure during combined contraction was invariably lower than during isolated diaphragm contraction. It is concluded, therefore, that the canine diaphragm and intercostal muscles act synergistically during lung expansion and that this synergism is primarily due to the fact that the intercostal muscles reduce shortening of the diaphragm. When the lung is maintained at functional residual capacity, however, the synergism is obscured because the greater stiffness of the rib cage during diaphragm contraction enhances the DeltaPao produced by the isolated diaphragm and reduces the DeltaPao produced by the intercostal muscles.  相似文献   

Increases in aerobic capacity in both young and senescent rats consequent to endurance exercise training are now known to occur not only in locomotor skeletal muscle but also in diaphragm. In the current study the effects of aging and exercise training on the myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition were determined in both the costal and crural diaphragm regions of female Fischer 344 rats. Exercise training [treadmill running at 75% maximal oxygen consumption (1 h/day, 5 day/wk, x 10 wk)] resulted in similar increases in plantaris muscle citrate synthase activity in both young (5 mo) and old (23 mo) trained animals (P < 0.05). Computerized densitometric image analysis of fast and slow MHC bands revealed the ratio of fast to slow MHC to be significantly higher (P < 0.005) in the crural compared with costal diaphragm region in both age groups. In addition, a significant age-related increase (P < 0.05) in percentage of slow MHC was observed in both diaphragm regions. However, exercise training failed to change the relative proportion of slow MHC in either the costal or crural region.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide and mitochondrial respiration.   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Nitric oxide (NO) and its derivative peroxynitrite (ONOO-) inhibit mitochondrial respiration by distinct mechanisms. Low (nanomolar) concentrations of NO specifically inhibit cytochrome oxidase in competition with oxygen, and this inhibition is fully reversible when NO is removed. Higher concentrations of NO can inhibit the other respiratory chain complexes, probably by nitrosylating or oxidising protein thiols and removing iron from the iron-sulphur centres. Peroxynitrite causes irreversible inhibition of mitochondrial respiration and damage to a variety of mitochondrial components via oxidising reactions. Thus peroxynitrite inhibits or damages mitochondrial complexes I, II, IV and V, aconitase, creatine kinase, the mitochondrial membrane, mitochondrial DNA, superoxide dismutase, and induces mitochondrial swelling, depolarisation, calcium release and permeability transition. The NO inhibition of cytochrome oxidase may be involved in the physiological regulation of respiration rate, as indicated by the finding that isolated cells producing NO can regulate cellular respiration by this means, and the finding that inhibition of NO synthase in vivo causes a stimulation of tissue and whole body oxygen consumption. The recent finding that mitochondria may contain a NO synthase and can produce significant amounts of NO to regulate their own respiration also suggests this regulation may be important for physiological regulation of energy metabolism. However, definitive evidence that NO regulation of mitochondrial respiration occurs in vivo is still missing, and interpretation is complicated by the fact that NO appears to affect tissue respiration by cGMP-dependent mechanisms. The NO inhibition of cytochrome oxidase may also be involved in the cytotoxicity of NO, and may cause increased oxygen radical production by mitochondria, which may in turn lead to the generation of peroxynitrite. Mitochondrial damage by peroxynitrite may mediate the cytotoxicity of NO, and may be involved in a variety of pathologies.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the regulation of respiration and energy fluxes in permeabilized oxidative and glycolytic skeletal muscle fibers, focusing also on the role of cytoskeletal protein tubulin βII isotype in mitochondrial metabolism and organization. By analyzing accessibility of mitochondrial ADP, using respirometry and pyruvate kinase–phosphoenolpyruvate trapping system for ADP, we show that the apparent affinity of respiration for ADP can be directly linked to the permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM). Previous studies have shown that MOM permeability in cardiomyocytes can be regulated by VDAC interaction with cytoskeletal protein, βII tubulin. We found that in oxidative soleus skeletal muscle the high apparent Km for ADP is associated with low MOM permeability and high expression of non-polymerized βII tubulin. Very low expression of non-polymerized form of βII tubulin in glycolytic muscles is associated with high MOM permeability for adenine nucleotides (low apparent Km for ADP).  相似文献   

Averufin and averufin dimethylether from Aspergillus versicolor were examined for their uncoupling effects on oxidative phosphorylation in isolated rat liver mitochondria to get insight into the mode of toxic action of averufin. Averufin uncoupled oxidative phosphorylation, causing 50% uncoupling at about 1.5 microM with respect to the decrease in P/O ratio. Averufin dimethylether did not uncouple but inhibited state 3 respiration of mitochondria, which was not released by either 2,4-dinitrophenol or averufin.  相似文献   

Antioxidants and oxidative stress in exercise   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Strenuous exercise increases oxygen consumption and causes disturbance of intracellular pro-oxidant-antioxidant homeostasis. The mitochondrial electron transport chain, polymorphoneutrophil, and xanthine oxidase have been identified as major sources of intracellular free radical generation during exercise. Reactive oxygen species pose a serious threat to the cellular antioxidant defense system, such as diminished reserve of antioxidant vitamins and glutathione, and increased tissue susceptibility to oxidative damage. However, enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants have demonstrated great adaptation to acute and chronic exercise. The delicate balance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants suggests that supplementation of antioxidants may be desirable for physically active individuals under certain physiological conditions by providing a larger protective margin.  相似文献   

R.M. Bertina  P.I. Schrier  E.C. Slater 《BBA》1973,305(3):503-518
1. The fluorescence of aurovertin increases about 100-fold on binding to sub-mitochondrial particles.

2. The mitochondrial ATPase (F1) binds one mole aurovertin/mole F1 with a dissociation constant of 6·10−8 M.

3. The fluorescence of mitochondrion-bound aurovertin is maximal during State-3 respiration and is partially quenched on anaerobiosis, addition of respiratory inhibitor, oligomycin or uncoupler, or transition to State 4. This quenching is still present when the binding site is saturated with aurovertin, showing that the quantum yield of fluorescence is lowered.

4. Aurovertin is bound co-operatively to State-3 mitochondria.

5. The curve relating inhibition of State-3 respiration to aurovertin concentration is more sharply sigmoidal than the binding curve.

6. An analysis of the binding and inhibition data leads to the conclusion that aurovertin induces a conformation change in the binding site on F1 in two ways: (i) directly by acting as an allosteric effector of an oligomeric system, (ii) indirectly by inhibiting State-3 respiration which changes the allosteric constant of the oligomeric system.

7. The concentration of the aurovertin-binding site in both rat-liver and rat-heart mitochondria is about the same as that of the antimycin-binding and oligomycin-binding sites.  相似文献   

Acute glucagon treatment of intact rats has been found to cause a stimulation of hepatic mitochondrial respiration as measured by monitoring oxygen uptake polarographically. Rates of State 3 respiration with several NAD-linked substrates and succinate were increased significantly after hormonal treatment and isolation of mitochondria. This stimulation cannot be ascribed to a partial uncoupling effect since State 4 respiration as measured by monitoring oxygen uptake polarographically. Rates of State 3 respiration with either slightly increased or unchanged. Furthermore, rates of uncoupled respiration with these substrates were also stimulated after hormonal treatment. On the other hand, respiratory rates (State 3, 4, and uncoupled) with ascorbate-N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine as substrate were unaffected by glucagon treatment. The hormonally stimulated rates of respiration produced a corresponding increase in the rate of generation of high energy state as indicated in measurements of Ca2+ uptake by isolated mitochondria. Rates of Ca2+ uptake were monitored by two methods: measurement of initial rates of proton ejection following CaCl2 additions and measurement of disappearance of Ca2+ from the suspension medium using murexide as indicator in a dual wavelength spectrophotometer. A significant stimulation in the initial rate of succinate-dependent Ca2+ uptake was noted after glucagon treatment of animals and isolation of hepatic mitochondria. No effect of the hormonal treatment was seen on the extent of Ca2+ uptake or the stoichiometry of H+ ejected per Ca2+ taken up. That the hormonal effect on Ca2+ transport is at the level of the substrate-induced generation of high energy state is indicated by the observation that no effect of glucagon treatment is seen on ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake. Glucagon-induced changes in the activities of substrate-metabolizing enzymes are considered unlikely for the following reasons: (a) previously published data showed a lack of a hormonal effect on pyruvate-metabolizing enzymes and (b) data in this study showing no effect of glucagon treatment on the activity of NAD-malate dehydrogenase as measured in mitochondrial lysates. All of these observations are consistent with either an activation of mitochondrial substrate transport and/or a stimulation of mitochondrial electron transport by glucagon treatment. Regardless of the exact mechanism involved, the effect of the hormonal treatment is to produce an increase in ATP synthetic and ion-pumping capability during a period of increased energy demand, i.e. increased gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

谢静  王颖  练销  王政昆 《兽类学报》2008,28(2):157-164
在4℃急性冷暴露(1 h,4 h,8 h,24 h)和持续冷暴露 (7 d,14 d,28 d)条件下,测定中缅树鼩膈肌、心肌和肝脏的线粒体状态Ⅲ呼吸、状态Ⅳ呼吸、呼吸控制率(RCR)、线粒体蛋白含量以及肝脏线粒体P/O值的变化.结果表明:肝脏线粒体状态Ⅲ、状态Ⅳ呼吸随着低温处理时间的延长,呼吸速率均极显著增加,在28 d后分别增加了132.9%、124.4%(P<0.01),RCR与对照比较,在8 h和7 d组分别显著增加了35.8%和48.4%(P<0.05),线粒体蛋白含量也极显著增加,在28 d后增加了104.7%(P<0.01),P/O值在整个低温处理过程中呈下降趋势,在28 d后降低了40.2%,达到极显著水平(P<0.01);膈肌线粒体状态Ⅲ呼吸在整个低温处理期间没有显著变化,状态Ⅳ呼吸在28 d达到极显著增加(P<0.01,64.9%),RCR在28 d后显著降低(P<0.05, 42.1%),线粒体蛋白只有4 h组有极显著增加(P<0.01,45.2%);心肌的状态Ⅲ呼吸在8 h组有着极显著的增加(P<0.01, 54.7%),状态Ⅳ呼吸随着低温处理时间的增加而显著增加,28 d后增加了94.7%(P<0.01),RCR在28 d后降低37.8%(P<0.01),线粒体蛋白表现出先下降再上升的趋势,8 h组下降37.8%(P<0.01),28 d增加25.2%(P<0.05).说明中缅树鼩在冷胁迫的条件下肝脏线粒体呼吸能力显著增强,主要表现为状态Ⅳ呼吸即质子漏产热的显著增强,膈肌和心肌的线粒体呼吸也具有一定的适应性变化,补偿了冷胁迫条件下中缅树鼩增加的能量需求,是中缅树鼩在冷胁迫中重要的适应对策.  相似文献   

The effects of KCN, antimycin A, malonate, rotenone, and amytal on the oxidation of malate, succinate, and extramitochondrial reduced nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (NADH) by corn mitochondria were studied. Potassium cyanide and antimycin A inhibited the oxidation of all three substrates. Rotenone and amytal inhibited only the oxidation of malate, and malonate inhibited only the oxidation of succinate. Rotenone, amytal, and malonate did not inhibit the oxidation of extramitochondrial NADH. The calcium stimulation of the oxidation of extramitochondrial NADH was prevented by KCN and antimycin A but not by amytal, rotenone, or malonate. It is suggested that corn mitochondria possess a flavoprotein specific for extramitochondrial NADH and that this flavoprotein is sensitive to divalent cations.  相似文献   

Serum from patients with Reye's Syndrome stimulated state 4 respiration in isolated rat liver mitochondria. Inhibitors of specific mitochondrial functions were tested as potential antagonists of the stimulatory effect of RS serum. Oligomycin, ruthenium red, rotenone and antimycin A were all ineffective in preventing the increase in state 4 respiration, but KCN completely abolished all respiratory activity in the presence of RS serum. We conclude that the putative serum factor stimulates respiration by directly or indirectly interacting with the electron transport chain at a point beyond site II.  相似文献   

Adaptations of diaphragm and medial gastrocnemius muscles to inactivity.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of 2 wk of inactivity on in vitro contractile properties of diaphragm and medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscles were examined in adult hamsters. In addition, inactivity effects on fiber-type proportions and cross-sectional areas were studied. Inactivity of the right hemidiaphragm or MG muscle was induced by either tetrodotoxin (TTX) blockade of nerve impulses or denervation (DNV). Inactivity effects on diaphragm or MG were compared with corresponding sham (saline-treated or untreated control) muscles. After both TTX- and DNV-induced inactivity, isometric twitch contraction and half-relaxation times were prolonged, maximum tetanic force decreased, and fatigue resistance improved. Proportions of type I and II fibers in both diaphragm and MG were unaffected by TTX- and DNV-induced inactivity. However, in both muscles, type I fibers hypertrophied, whereas type II fibers atrophied. In diaphragm, contractile and morphometric adaptations after DNV were generally more pronounced than those induced by TTX. In addition, compared with corresponding untreated or saline-treated control groups, inactivity effects (both TTX and DNV) on MG were generally greater than those induced in diaphragm, with the exception of hypertrophy of type I fibers. We conclude that inactivity exerts differential effects on type I and II fibers in both diaphragm and MG. Yet, these morphometric adaptations cannot completely account for the adaptations in muscle contractile and fatigue properties after inactivity.  相似文献   

The addition of the antioxidants (+)-cyanidanol-3, butylated hydroxyanisole and ascorbate to the perfused rat liver resulted in a decrease in the rate of oxygen consumption. This basal antioxidant-sensitive respiration of 110-130nmol X min-1 X (g of liver)-1 represents 5-7% of total respiration. Increased antioxidant-sensitive respiratory rates are found after the infusion of increasing concentrations of ethanol (1.8-72.2mM) or iron (35.5-248.5 microM). This respiratory component exhibits a dependence on ethanol or iron concentration, with maximal rates of 200-255 and 330nmol X min-1 X (g of liver)-1 respectively. After the addition of 100 microM-2,4-dinitriphenol, an antioxidant-sensitive respiratory component of 230nmol X min-1 X (g of liver)-1 is found, which is not observed at lower concentrations of the uncoupler (5-50 microM). The lack of effect of the antioxidants used on mitochondrial respiration [the preceding paper, Videla, Villena, Donoso, Giulivi & Boveris (1984) Biochem. J. 223, 879-883] and on the glycolytic rate of the perfused liver suggests that the basal and chemically induced antioxidant-sensitive respiration observed are related to oxygen required for one-electron transfer reactions associated with the generation of active species of oxygen and lipid peroxidation in the liver cell.  相似文献   

1. Inhibition of 2,4-dinitrophenol-stimulated respiration by trialkyltins is dependent on the presence of Cl(-) in the assay medium and is only apparent at acid pH values. It appears to be a result of the Cl(-)-OH(-) exchange mediated by trialkyltins. 2. In a KCl medium at alkaline pH values, the maximum rate of respiration produced by uncouplers is further increased by the presence of trialkyltins. 3. The inhibition of uncoupled succinate oxidation at acid pH values is not reversed by increasing the external substrate concentration, suggesting that depletion of intramitochondrial succinate is not an important factor in the inhibition. 4. It is suggested that the probable explanation for these observations is that in the presence of Cl(-) trialkyltins alter the internal pH to a more acid value and this directly affects the activity of one or more steps in succinate oxidation. 5. The oligomycin-like action of trialkyltins in a Cl(-)-free medium shows considerable pH-dependence over the pH range 6.6-7.6 in the presence of 10mm-phosphate, but very much less pH-dependence in the presence of 1mm-phosphate. 6. The binding of triethyltin to mitochondria shows a pK at pH6.3 and does not change greatly over the pH range 6.6-7.6. 7. It is suggested that the pH-dependence of the oligomycin-like action described by Coleman & Palmer (1971) is the result of the pH-dependence of the formation of a hydrophilic complex between trialkyltins and P(i).  相似文献   

Neuronal activity has been shown to be attenuated in cardiorespiratory and locomotor centers of the brain in response to a single bout of exercise in trained (TR) vs. untrained (UN) animals, but the mechanisms remain obscure. Based on this finding, dendritic branching patterns of seven brain areas associated with cardiorespiratory and locomotor activity were examined in TR and UN animals. Twenty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were kept in individual cages and divided into TR and UN. TR were provided with a running wheel and exercised spontaneously. After 85 or 120 days, exercise training indexes were obtained, including maximal oxygen consumption, percent body fat, resting heart rate, and heart weight-to-body weight ratios. The brain was removed and processed according to a modified Golgi-Cox procedure. Impregnated neurons from seven brain areas were examined in coronal sections: the periaqueductal gray, posterior hypothalamic area, nucleus of the tractus solitarius, rostral ventrolateral medulla, cuneiform nucleus, nucleus cuneatus, and cerebral cortex. Neurons were traced using a camera lucida technique and analyzed using the Sholl analysis of dendritic branching. t-tests were conducted to compare the mean number of intersections per neuron by grouping inner rings and outer rings and also comparing the total number of intersections per animal. There were significant differences between groups in the posterior hypothalamic area, periaqueductal gray, cuneiform nucleus, and nucleus of the tractus solitarius in the inner rings, outer rings, and the total number of intersections per animal. Our results show that dendritic fields of neurons in important cardiorespiratory and locomotor centers of the brain are attenuated in TR animals.  相似文献   

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