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Relationships within Chilopoda (centipedes) are assessed based on 222 morphological characters, complete 18S rRNA sequences for 70 chilopod terminals, the D3 region of 28S rRNA for 65 terminals, 16S rRNA sequences for 54 terminals and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences for 45 terminals. Morphological and molecular data for seven orders of Diplopoda are used to root cladograms for Chilopoda. Analyses use direct character optimization for 15 gap and substitution models. The Pleurostigmophora and Epimorpha s.l. hypotheses are largely stable to parameter variation for the combined data; the latter clade is formalized as the new taxon Phylactometria. The combined data include parameter sets that support either the monophyly of Epimorpha s.str. (=Scolopendromorpha + Geophilomorpha) or Craterostigmus + Geophilomorpha; the former derives its support from morphology and the nuclear ribosomal genes. Monophyly of Lithobiomorpha and the sister group relationship between Lithobiidae and Henicopidae are stable for morphological and combined data, and are also resolved for the molecular data for 14 of 15 parameter sets. The fundamental split in Scolopendromorpha is between Cryptopidae and Scolopendridae sensu Attems. Blind scolopendromorphs unite as a clade in most molecular and combined analyses, including those that minimize incongruence between data partitions. Geophilomorpha divides into Placodesmata and Adesmata under nine of 15 explored parameter sets.  相似文献   

The partial sequences of 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial genes were analyzed for species identification and phylogenetic relationships among the commercially important Indian sciaenids (Otolithes cuvieri, Otolithes ruber, Johnius dussumieri, Johnius elongatus, Johnieops vogleri, Otolithoides biauritus and Protonibea diacanthus). Sequence analysis of both genes revealed that the seven species fell into three distinct groups, which were genetically distant from each other and exhibited identical phylogenetic resolution. Partial sequences of both the genes provided sufficient phylogenetic information to distinguish the seven sciaenids indicating the usefulness of mtDNA-based approach in species identification.  相似文献   

Using mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and nuclear DNA 28S rRNA data, we explored the phylogenetic relationships of the family Pimoidae (Arachnida: Araneae) and tested the North America to Asia dispersal hypothesis. Sequence data were analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. A phylogenetic analysis suggested that vicariance, instead of dispersal, better explained the present distribution pattern of Pimoidae. Times of divergence events were estimated using penalized likelihood method. The dating analysis suggested that the emergence time of Pimoidae was approximately 140 million years ago (Ma). The divergence time of the North American and Asian species of Pimoa was approximately 110 Ma. Our phylogenetic hypothesis supports the current morphology‐based taxonomy and suggests that the cave dwelling might have played an important role in the speciation of pimoids in arid areas.  相似文献   

对21种帘蛤科贝类线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(cytochrome c oxidase subunit I,COI)基因核苷酸序列进行了分析,以探讨这一序列在种质鉴定、分子系统发生研究中的应用价值。测序结果表明,所有物种扩增片段长度均为707 bp(含引物),序列A+T含量(62.4%—67.8%)明显高于G+C含量。物种间共有变异位点379个,其中简约信息位点334个;此区段共编码235个氨基酸,种间共有氨基酸变异位点100个。以COI基因片段序列为标记,用中国蛤蜊(Mactra chinensis)作外群,构建了35种帘蛤科贝类(其中14种贝类COI序列从GenBank下载)的系统发生树,结合拓扑结构分析和序列比对分析,结果表明:支持将短文蛤(Meretrix petechinalis)和丽文蛤(M.lusoria)订为文蛤(M.meretrix)的同物异名的观点,建议将丽文蛤和短文蛤订为文蛤的地理亚种;支持将薄片镜蛤(Dosinia corrugata)和D.angulosa订为2个独立种的观点;认为将波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)和织锦巴非蛤(P.textile)订为2个独立种是合适的。COI基因序列含有丰富的遗传信息,适合作为帘蛤科贝类种群遗传结构和系统发生研究的分子标记。  相似文献   

为探讨柳蚕Actias selene Hübner与鳞翅目昆虫的系统发育关系,本研究利用PCR扩增获得了柳蚕核糖体18S rRNA和线粒体16S rRNA基因的部分序列,长度分别为391bp和428bp。并采用邻近距离法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)、类平均聚类法(UPGMA)构建系统进化树。结果表明,柳蚕线粒体16SrRNA基因序列与大蚕蛾科昆虫的16SrRNA基因序列均表现出偏好于碱基AT的倾向。柳蚕与所研究的其它蚕类的遗传距离介于0.016至0.140之间,其中与温带柞蚕Antheraea roylii的遗传距离最小,与野桑蚕Bombyx mandarina的遗传距离最大。而基于鳞翅目昆虫18S rRNA基因部分序列的进化分析显示,柳蚕与柞蚕Antheraea pernyi之间的遗传距离最小(0.010),与蓖麻蚕Samia ricini的遗传距离最大(0.017)。  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is an effective technique to identify species and analyze phylogenesis and evolution. However, research on and application of DNA barcoding in Canis have not been carried out. In this study, we analyzed two species of Canis, Canis lupus (n = 115) and Canis latrans (n = 4), using the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene (1545 bp) and COI barcoding (648 bp DNA sequence of the COI gene). The results showed that the COI gene, as the moderate variant sequence, applied to the analysis of the phylogenesis of Canis members, and COI barcoding applied to species identification of Canis members. Phylogenetic trees and networks showed that domestic dogs had four maternal origins (A to D) and that the Tibetan Mastiff originated from Clade A; this result supports the theory of an East Asian origin of domestic dogs. Clustering analysis and networking revealed the presence of a closer relative between the Tibetan Mastiff and the Old English sheepdog, Newfoundland, Rottweiler and Saint Bernard, which confirms that many well-known large breed dogs in the world, such as the Old English sheepdog, may have the same blood lineage as that of the Tibetan Mastiff.  相似文献   

本研究通过测序Cytb基因和COⅠ基因的部分序列来推定15种麻蝇之间的系统发育关系。在世界麻蝇名录中,本研究的15种麻蝇能够代表麻蝇属Sarcophaga的6个亚属。连接序列(972 bp)被用于系统发育分析;分析方法包括了了最大简约法、最大似然法以及贝叶斯法。我们的结果提示了亚麻蝇亚属Parasarcophaga、别麻蝇亚属Boettcherisca以及红麻蝇亚属Liopygia的单系性,同时也表明蛇麻蝇亚属Liosarcophaga和德麻蝇亚属Pandelleisca并不是单源的。不过,目前的研究并不能分辨野德麻蝇S. (Pandelleisca) similis和峨眉叉麻蝇S. (Robineauella) coei的系统发育位置。此外,最大简约分析和似然功能分析在scopariiformis-iwuensis进化枝和polystylata-hui进化枝的关系上产生了不一致的系统发育推断。因此,后续研究不仅需要其他的分子标记,也需要更多的分类取样。  相似文献   

有关对虾属(Penaeus)的设置及其相互亲缘关系一直是分类学争论的焦点,利用线粒体16S rRNA基因片段及COI基因片段序列分析的方法,以长臂虾科的脊尾白虾(Exopalaemon carinicauda)为外群,对对虾属的6亚属23种对虾进行了分子系统学研究。经ClustalX多重比对和MEGA4.0软件分析,得到种间序列的遗传距离并构建了最大简约(MP)系统树。结果表明:分子系统学数据支持Perez F等将对虾属的6个亚属提升为属级阶元的观点。囊对虾属的日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicus)和沟对虾属(Melicertus)的深沟对虾(Melicertus canaliculatus)之间的16S遗传距离只有0.007,而且COI遗传距离仅有0.065,比深沟对虾与同为沟对虾属的其他虾类遗传距离还小,说明囊对虾亚属(Marsupenaeus)和沟对虾亚属之间亲缘关系较近。另外美对虾亚属的褐美对虾(Farfantepenaeus aztec-us)和巴西美对虾(Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis)之间的16S rRNA基因序列遗传距离仅为0.012,但是与其他同亚属的虾类遗传距离相对较大,推测美对虾亚属(Farfantepenaeus)中的虾类根据亲缘关系远近和地理分布可以分为2大类群:墨西哥湾类群和南美洲类群。可以为对虾属的6个亚属的分类问题及演化提供一定的分子生物学依据。  相似文献   

The sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene of 16 Oedipodidae species were amplified and sequenced. All sequences were aligned and analyzed and the phylogenetic relationships were inferred. The properties of 16S gene in Oedipodidae showed typical patterns of many insects such as a high A+T content and variable distance-dependent transition/transversion ratios. The 0.2 weight for sites of loops may be advisable for phylogeny reconstruction using the maximum parsimony method. The phylogenetic analysis results do not support the current subfamily classification systems of Oedipodidae. Bryodemellinae and Bryodeminae are closely related and should be merged as one subfamily. The status of Oedipodinae and Locustinae is also problematic.  相似文献   

Details of the phylogenetic relationships among tetrahymenine ciliates remain unresolved despite a rich history of investigation with nuclear gene sequences and other characters. We examined all available species of Tetrahymena and three other tetrahymenine ciliates, and inferred their phylogenetic relationships using nearly complete mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences. The inferred phylogenies showed the genus Tetrahymena to be monophyletic. The three “classical” morphology-and-ecology-based groupings are paraphyletic. The SSUrRNA phylogeny confirmed the previously established australis and borealis groupings, and nine ribosets. However, these nine ribosets were not well supported. Using cox1 gene, the deduced phylogenies based on this gene revealed 12 well supported groupings, called coxisets, which mostly corresponded to the nine ribosets. This study demonstrated the utility of cox1 for resolving the recent phylogeny of Tetrahymena, whereas the SSU rRNA gene provided resolution of deeper phylogenetic relationships within the genus.  相似文献   

The phylogenic relationships existing among 14 parasitic Platyhelminthes in the Republic of Korea were investigated via the use of the partial 28S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) D1 region and the partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (mCOI) DNA sequences. The nucleotide sequences were analyzed by length, G + C %, nucleotide differences and gaps in order to determine the analyzed phylogenic relationships. The phylogenic patterns of the 28S rDNA D1 and mCOI regions were closely related within the same class and order as analyzed by the PAUP 4.0 program, with the exception of a few species. These findings indicate that the 28S rDNA gene sequence is more highly conserved than are the mCOI gene sequences. The 28S rDNA gene may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structures of parasitic Platyhelminthes.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among threePseudorasbora fishes (Cyprinidae, Sarcocheiichthyinae) occurring in Japan (P. parva, P. pumila pumila andP. pumila subsp. sensu Nakamura [1963]) were inferred from nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. The sequences. of 1240 bp, were determined and compared for 22 specimens from 2–8 populations for each taxon, with a singlePungtungia herzi specimen as an outgroup. A total of 171 sites (13.8%) were variable among the specimens, but only 0–2 sites within each population. The phylogenetic relationships estimated by neighbor-joining, maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood methods confirmed a sister relationship between the twoP. pumila subspecies, with a high level of confidence. However, their genetic distinction from each other (4.1±0.4SD % sequence difference on average) was at a level similar to that between them andP. parva (5.9±0.5%). The geographic distribution of the twoP. pumila subspecies, which are separated by the Fossa Magna region, suggests that the genetic divergence of the two subspecies originated from a vicariant process separating the freshwater ichthyofaunas of eastern and western Honshu.Pseudorasbora parva populations were divided into two genetic groups (1.8±0.2% sequence difference), one group comprising continental and part of the Japanese populations, and the other the remaining Japanese populations. This suggests that at least two genetically divergent lineages had been originally distributed in Japan, but a strong possibility remains that the present situation has resulted from artificial transplantation.  相似文献   

Abstract Unambiguous and rapid sarcosaphagous insect species identification is an essential requirement for forensic investigations. Although some insect species are difficult to classify morphologically, they can be effectively identified using molecular methods based on similarity with abundant authenticated reference DNA sequences in local databases. However, local databases are still relatively incomplete in China because of the large land area with distinct regional conditions. In this study, 75 forensically important blow flies were collected from 23 locations in 16 Chinese provinces, and a 278‐bp segment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene of all specimens was successfully sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequenced segments showed that all Calliphorid specimens were properly assigned into nine species with relatively strong supporting values, thus indicating that the 278‐bp cytochrome oxidase subunit one region is suitable for identification of Calliphorid species. The clear difference between intraspecific threshold and interspecific divergence confirmed the potential of this region for Calliphorid species identification, especially for distinguishing between morphologically similar species. Intraspecific geographic variations were observed in Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826) and Lucilia caesar (Linnaeus, 1758).  相似文献   

To clarify the relationship among coelacanths, lungfishes, and tetrapods, the amino acid sequences deduced from the nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes were compared. The phylogenetic tree of these animals, including the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae and the lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa, was inferred by several methods. These analyses consistently indicate a coelacanth/lungfish clade, to which little attention has been paid by previous authors with the exception of some morphologists. Overall evidence of other mitochondrial genes reported previously and the results of this study equally support the coelacanth/lungfish and lungfish/tetrapod clades, ruling out the coelacanth/tetrapod clade.Correspondence to: K. Watanabe 0592  相似文献   

The four extant members of the family Tapiridae have a disjunct, relictual distribution, with three species being Neotropical (Tapirus bairdii, T. terrestris, andT. pinchaque) and one found in Southeast Asia (T. indicus). Little recent work on tapir systematics have appeared, and no molecular studies of this group have been published. A phylogenetic analysis was undertaken using sequences of the mitochondrial cytochromec oxidase subunit II gene (COII) from representatives of the four species of tapirs, as well as a representative outgroup,Equus caballus. Analyses of the COII sequences indicate a close relationship between the two South American species of tapirs,T. terrestris andT. pinchaque, and estimates of divergence dates using rates of COII evolution are compatible with migration of a single tapir lineage into South America following the emergence of the isthmus of Panama, about 3 million years bp. Various methods of analysis, including maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor-joining, provided poorer resolution of other tapir relationship. The COII data suggest that three distinct tapir mitochondrial lineages, a South American (represented byT. terrestris andT. pinchaque), a Central American (represented byT. bairdii), and an Asian (represented byT. indicus) diverged relatively rapidly, 20–30 million years bp. Another goal of this study was to calibrate the rate of COII evolution in a eutherian mammal group which has a good fossil record, such as perissodactyls, to estimate accurately the rate of COII evolution in a nonprimate mammalian group. The rate of COII evolution in equids and tapirs has been relatively constant and, using corrected distances, calibrated to be approximately 0.22% lineage/million years. This rate is three-to fourfold lower than that of hominoid primates.  相似文献   

为了更好地了解拟诺卡氏菌属(Nocardiopsis)各物种间的系统发育关系,该属现有有效描述种的gyrB,sodrpoB基因的部分序列被测定,结合16S rRNA基因,对拟诺卡氏菌属进行了系统发育重建。研究发现拟诺卡氏菌属gyrB,sodrpoB基因的平均相似性分别为87.7%、87.3%和94.1%,而16S rRNA基因的平均相似性则达到96.65%,3个看家基因均比16S rRNA具有更高的分歧度。比较基于不同基因的系统树发现,由gyrB基因得到的系统树拓扑结构与16S rRNA得到的结构在亚群上基本一致。因此,gyrB基因在拟诺卡氏菌属的系统分类上比16S rRNA基因更具优越性。  相似文献   

DNA sequence comparisons of three mitochondrial DNA genes were used to reveal phylogenetic relationships among four species and a sub-species of Mullidae family. This is the first report using mitochondrial DNA sequence data to infer intraspecific relationship among different populations of Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus; phylogenetic relationships between M. barbatus and its sub-species; M. barbatus ponticus. Cytochrome b, 12S ribosomal RNA, and cytochrome oxidase II regions of 242 individuals belonging to species M. barbatus, M. surmuletus, Upeneus moluccensis, Upeneus pori and sub-species M. barbatus ponticus were sequenced and phylogenetic trees were constructed using four different algorithms. The phylogenetic trees constructed support the existing taxonomical data of two mullid genera (Mullus, Upeneus). Molecular data shows no significant difference between same species of different geographical populations. The results suggest that the molecular difference is not large enough between M. barbatus and M. barbatus ponticus to consider them as sub-species.  相似文献   

The evolution of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase subunit II, was examined in several eutherian mammal orders, with special emphasis on the orders Artiodactyla and Rodentia. When analyzed using both maximum parsimony, with either equal or unequal character weighting, and neighbor joining, neither gene performed with a high degree of consistency in terms of the phylogenetic hypotheses supported. The phylogenetic inconsistencies observed for both these genes may be the result of several factors including differences in the rate of nucleotide substitution among particular lineages (especially between orders), base composition bias, transition/transversion bias, differences in codon usage, and different constraints and levels of homoplasy associated with first, second, and third codon positions. We discuss the implications of these findings for the molecular systematics of mammals, especially as they relate to recent hypotheses concerning the polyphyly of the order Rodentia, relationships among the Artiodactyla, and various interordinal relationships.Correspondence to: R.L. Honeycutt  相似文献   

In this study, we infer the phylogenetic relationships within commercial shrimp using sequence data from a novel mitochondrial marker consisting of an approximately 530-bp region of the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA)/transfer RNA (tRNA)Val genes compared with two other mitochondrial genes: 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase I (COI). All three mitochondrial markers were considerably AT rich, exhibiting values up to 78.2% for the species Penaeus monodon in the 16S rRNA/tRNAVal genes, notably higher than the average among other Malacostracan mitochondrial genomes. Unlike the 16S rRNA and COI genes, the 16S rRNA/tRNAVal marker evidenced that Parapenaeus is more closely related to Metapenaeus than to Solenocera, a result that seems to be more in agreement with the taxonomic status of these genera. To our knowledge, our study using the 16S rRNA/tRNAVal gene as a marker for phylogenetic analysis offers the first genetic evidence to confirm that Pleoticus muelleri and Solenocera agassizi constitute a separate group and that they are more related to each other than to genera belonging to the family Penaeidae. The 16S rRNA/tRNAVal region was also found to contain more variable sites (56%) than the other two regions studied (33.4% for the 16S rRNA region and 42.7% for the COI region). The presence of more variable sites in the 16S rRNA/tRNAVal marker allowed the interspecific differentiation of all 19 species examined. This is especially useful at the commercial level for the identification of a large number of shrimp species, particularly when the lack of morphological characteristics prevents their differentiation.  相似文献   

The nuclear small subunit rRNA genes of authentic strains of the black yeastsExophiala dermatitidis, Wangiella dermatitidis, Sarcinomyces phaeomuriformis, Capronia mansonii, Nadsoniella nigra var.hesuelica, Phaeoannellomyces elegans, Phaeococcomyces exophialae, Exophiala jeanselmei var.jeanselmei andE. castellanii were amplified by PCR and directly sequenced. A putative secondary structure of the nuclear small subunit rRNA ofExophiala dermatitidis was predicted from the sequence data. Alignment with corresponding sequences fromNeurospora crassa andAureobasidium pullulans was performed and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method. The obtained topology of the tree was confirmed by bootstrap analysis. Based upon this analysis all fungi studied formed a well-supported monophyletic group clustering as a sister group to one group of the Plectomycetes (Trichocomaceae and Onygenales). The analysis confirmed the close relationship postulated betweenExophiala dermatitidis, Wangiella dermatitidis andSarcinomyces phaeomuriformis. This monophyletic clade also contains the teleomorph speciesCapronia mansonii thus confirming the concept of a teleomorph connection of the genusExophiala to a member of the Herpotrichiellaceae. However,Exophiala castellanii did not belong to this clade. Therefore, this species is not the anamorph ofCapronia mansonii as it was postulated.  相似文献   

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