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广西扶绥敢造遗址是华南新石器时代一处典型的河岸贝丘遗址,其人骨测年结果的上限为8488 BC,下限为6492 BC。本文对敢造遗址2014年出土的108例个体的999枚恒齿进行观察统计,结果显示居民的饮食结构应是以肉食为主并辅以富含淀粉的块茎类植物。该遗址居民的龋齿率高于部分农业人群,但远低于同为华南渔猎—采集经济的鲤鱼墩、甑皮岩和顶蛳山遗址,其原因应与食用块茎类植物的多寡有关。较高的牙结石罹患率(89.86%)可能与鱼类、贝类等高蛋白饮食有关。相比农业、游牧或狩猎人群,该遗址居民偏重的牙齿磨耗可能与食用含沙量较大的螺类、贝类等有关;肉类食物的食用导致该遗址居民上颌前部牙齿磨耗重于后部牙齿,而“上颌前部牙齿舌侧过度磨耗”现象的出现则与食用块茎类植物有关。  相似文献   

孙庄遗址位于河南省郑州市中原区孙庄村,是分布在黄河中游的一处仰韶文化晚期遗址,该遗址出土的54例仰韶时期的人骨保存状况良好,为我们了解仰韶文化人群的龋患情况提供了珍贵的资料。本文以肉眼观察为主并结合超景深显微镜对遗址出土的846枚牙齿进行鉴定、统计与分析,得出以下结论:孙庄遗址古代人群的龋病患病率70.37%,龋齿率22.93%,龋均3.59;壮年组患龋率最高,为88.89%,不同年龄组之间的龋齿率差异性显著;龋齿率女性为30.55%,男性为16.16%,女性龋齿率显著高于男性,P(0.000)<0.05,两性之间的龋齿率有显著差异;浅龋率为6.70%,中龋率为21.65%,深龋率为27.32%,深龋已穿髓率为19.07%,残冠残根率为25.26%,随着年龄的增长,龋病的病变程度呈加重趋势;龋损范围小于1/2牙冠累龋最常见,占总患龋齿数的42.27%;上颌龋齿率为26.91%,下颌龋齿率为19.70%,上下颌龋齿率差异显著(P<0.05)。龋病在不同牙位上的发生率依次为M3>M2>P2>M1>P1>C>I1>I2;邻面和 面是主要的龋患分布处,分别占患龋牙齿数的46.40%和39.18%。孙庄人群门齿较高的患龋率表明该遗址人群患龋情况已经非常严重,患龋率与龋齿率明显高于其他古代组,较高的龋病罹患率可能与孙庄人群复杂的农业经济模式有关。  相似文献   

顶蛳山遗址位于广西壮族自治区南宁市邕宁区,保存了丰富的新石器时代文化遗存以及大量的古人类骨骼遗存。本文主要从龋齿研究入手,对顶蛳山二、三期文化(8-7 ka BP)中大于15岁的169个体的2737枚恒齿进行了观察。分别统计了龋齿等级和个体和牙齿患龋率以评估人群患龋情况,进而分析顶蛳山遗址人群的口腔健康状况,并探讨了食物构成、饮食行为与社会经济等。统计结果表明,顶蛳山遗址人群的个体和牙齿患龋率都较高。患龋率在两性、葬式、年龄段间都存在差异,女性患龋程度要高于男性;不同葬式之间差异也显著,随着年龄的增长患龋的比例和程度也随之加深。通过与其他8组新石器时代国内遗址人群的个体和牙齿患龋率的对比,我们看到包含顶蛳山在内的三组华南渔猎采集遗址的个体和牙齿患龋率都要高于其他遗址,农业遗址的人群要低于华南遗址的患龋率,而混合经济遗址的患龋率最低。龋齿的出现与人类饮食中的碳水化合物关系密切。据此,我们推测顶蛳山及其他两组华南遗址的高患龋与碳水化合物的摄入关系密切,但这与一般所认为的农业的出现没有联系。三组遗址都是以渔猎采集主导的社会经济形态,并且这时期农业并未传播至华南地区。因此我们的分析表明高患龋率与农业并没有必然联系,而华南地区当时人群所食用的碳水化合物可能源于当地的块茎类和含蔗糖类植物。  相似文献   

本文通过甘肃临潭磨沟齐家文化墓地出土的262例人骨标本的牙病情况尤其是龋病、牙周病、根尖周病以及牙结石情况的统计与分析,得知磨沟墓地古代居民牙齿疾病的基本情况:1)牙病的罹患率性别差异显著,女性龋病和根尖周病的罹患率高于男性,而在牙周病和牙结石的出现率上则是男性高于女性;2)牙病的罹患率随着年龄增长而增高;3)龋病、牙周病及根尖周病多发于臼齿,牙结石多发于门齿;4)重度磨耗牙齿多发牙周病及根尖周病;5)牙病罹患率不仅受到性别、年龄、牙位以及齿冠磨耗程度的影响,而且与磨沟组古代居民农业种植食物和采集食物并重的食物结构有关。  相似文献   

周蜜  潘雷  邢松  刘武 《人类学学报》2013,32(3):330-344
位于湖北省郧县境内的青龙泉遗址出土有仰韶、屈家岭和石家河等不同文化类型遗存, 被认为是中国新石器时代南、北文化交流的过渡地带。有关学者通过考古发现和同位素测试分析认为, 生活在青龙泉遗址的新石器时代居民已经具有发达的农业、家畜饲养业和渔猎,稻粟农业和肉类对居民的食物构成都有贡献, 但并不确定农业或渔猎是否占主导地位。本文通过对87例个体1075枚青龙泉新石器时代居民牙齿的磨耗、龋齿病、牙齿生前脱落、颌骨粗壮程度的观察、分析和对比, 试图从另一个侧面提供当时居民食物构成和经济模式的信息。本研究发现, 相比于其他中国新石器时代人类, 青龙泉居民的牙齿磨耗程度总体偏轻、臼齿磨耗角度多呈倾斜状、龋齿病出现率高、与生活状态相关的牙齿生前脱落出现率低、颌骨粗壮程度不明显。这些发现提示居民的食物较精细,加工程度高, 富含碳水化合物。基于本文发现, 作者认为农业经济在距今5000年左右的长江中游地区已经比较发达, 在居民食物构成中居主导地位,居民可能已经具有较高的食物制作加工技术。  相似文献   

本文通过对牛河梁遗址出土的31例红山文化时期人类牙齿龋病的统计与分析, 获知: 1)牛河梁遗址男女两性的患龋率、龋齿率没有明显的性别差异; 2)他们的患龋率和龋齿率有随年龄增长逐步增高的趋势; 3)上颌的龋齿罹患率高于下颌; 4)龋齿的发生主要集中在臼齿,且以咬合面部位为主; 5)他们的患龋率和龋齿率均较低。牛河梁红山文化人群相对偏低的龋齿率可能暗示出他们的经济生活方式还处在以采集狩猎为主体的模式中, 农耕经济可能处于较低层次的状态。  相似文献   

大辛庄遗址位于济南市历城区大辛庄村,是山东省内已知面积最大的一处商代遗址,甲骨文及其他丰富遗存的出土对于鲁北及整个山东地区商文化研究具有重要意义。本文主要从人骨的牙齿健康状况入手,对济南大辛庄商代遗址2003、2010年出土的45例人骨标本的牙病情况,尤其是龋病、牙周病、牙结石以及牙齿磨耗情况进行统计与分析,得知大辛遗址商代人群牙齿疾病的基本情况:1)牙结石的出现率男女之间存在明显的性别差异,除此之外其他牙病在罹患率的性别分组上的差异不显著,但均为女性的罹患率要高于男性;2)牙病的罹患率在年龄分组上存在显著差异,随年龄的增长罹患牙病的风险增高;3)龋病、牙周病及牙结石多好发于臼齿;4)重度磨耗牙齿患牙病的风险增加,牙周病表现尤为明显;5)牙病的罹患率不仅受到性别、年龄、牙位以及齿冠磨耗程度的影响,而且与大辛庄商代人群农业经济发展的食物结构有关。  相似文献   

古代畜牧生计人群的生活方式、对畜牧业依赖程度及与相邻定居人群的关系表现多样。军都山墓地是东周时期以畜牧业为重要生计方式的玉皇庙文化代表性遗址,在其延续的近三百年时间里文化遗存发生了一些明确变化,暗示其生活模式的可能改变。本文通过该遗址出土人骨体质状况的表现对军都山古人群运动和生活方式的时序性变化进行探讨。106根股骨骨干中部断面生物力学参数被用来分析其下肢功能状况及流动性,2487枚牙齿的龋病发生情况用于了解其植物性食物摄入的变化趋势。结果表明,与放牧生活密切相关的流动性在男性随时代明显减弱,但一直显著高于同性别农业定居人群;女性的流动性则变化不大,与定居农业人群相当。龋齿发病在男性随时代显著增高,女性则变化不明显且维持在相对较高水平,表明男性饮食中粮食类占比随时代有增加的趋势。结合文化遗存的发展变化推断,虽然畜牧业一直是军都山古代人类最重要的生计模式,但其流动性和龋病的变化表明畜牧业在其生业模式重要性随时代有所下降;伴随其的是农业在其经济生活中的比重开始增加,可能是受周边定居农业文化影响的结果。  相似文献   

何嘉宁 《人类学学报》2016,35(2):238-245
古代畜牧生计人群的生活方式、对畜牧业依赖程度及与相邻定居人群的关系表现多样。军都山墓地是东周时期以畜牧业为重要生计方式的玉皇庙文化代表性遗址,在其延续的近三百年时间里文化遗存发生了一些明确变化,暗示其生活模式的可能改变。本文通过该遗址出土人骨体质状况的表现对军都山古人群运动和生活方式的时序性变化进行探讨。106根股骨骨干中部断面生物力学参数被用来分析其下肢功能状况及流动性,2487枚牙齿的龋病发生情况用于了解其植物性食物摄入的变化趋势。结果表明,与放牧生活密切相关的流动性在男性随时代明显减弱,但一直显著高于同性别农业定居人群;女性的流动性则变化不大,与定居农业人群相当。龋齿发病在男性随时代显著增高,女性则变化不明显且维持在相对较高水平,表明男性饮食中粮食类占比随时代有增加的趋势。结合文化遗存的发展变化推断,虽然畜牧业一直是军都山古代人类最重要的生计模式,但其流动性和龋病的变化表明畜牧业在其生业模式重要性随时代有所下降;伴随其的是农业在其经济生活中的比重开始增加,可能是受周边定居农业文化影响的结果。  相似文献   

农业的起源和传播是人类历史上最重要的变革之一。本文通过对云南省文山州广南县大阴洞遗址出土的17例人骨标本的C、N稳定同位素分析,探索新石器时代晚期至青铜时代,滇东南地区先民的食物结构和生业经济。结果显示,大阴洞遗址居民的δ13C值范围为-20.2‰ ~ -17.5‰,主要以C3类食物为主;δ15N值范围为9.2‰ ~ 10.7‰,所处的营养级别较高;两性之间存在食谱差异,大部分男性比女性摄入更多的动物蛋白。结合相关考古发现,大阴洞遗址居民可能主要经营稻作农业,兼营狩猎;对动物资源的利用可能具有多样性,并通过采集、渔猎及家畜饲养补充食物来源。考虑到云南作为农业向中南半岛传播的重要通道,进一步对云南地区新石器-青铜时代先民的生业策略选择的梳理发现,云南地区新石器时代不同区域的人群有不同的农业经营策略。到青铜时代,随着小麦的传入,农业经济的选择更为多元化,动物资源的获取技术也更加成熟多样。不同的农业策略选择除了受到自然条件的影响,也是与相邻地区文化互动的结果。  相似文献   

Differences in patterns of diet and subsistence through the analysis of dental pathology and tooth wear were studied in skeletal populations of Natufian hunter-gatherers (10,500-8300 BC) and Neolithic populations (8300-5500 BC, noncalibrated) from the southern Levant. 1,160 Natufians and 804 Neolithic teeth were examined for rate of attrition, caries, antemortem tooth loss, calculus, periapical lesions, and periodontal processes. While the Natufian people manifest a higher rate of dental attrition and periodontal disease (36.4% vs. 19%), Neolithic people show a higher rate of calculus. Both populations manifested low and similar rates of caries (6.4% in the Natufian vs. 6.7% in the Neolithic), periapical lesions (not over 1.5%), and antemortem tooth loss (3.7% vs. 4.5%, respectively). Molar wear pattern in the Neolithic is different than in the Natufian. The current study shows that the dental picture obtained from the two populations is multifactorial in nature, and not exclusively of dietary origin, i.e., the higher rate and unique pattern of attrition seen in the Natufian could result from a greater consumption of fibrous plants, the use of pestles and mortars (which introduce large quantities of stone-dust to the food), and/or the use of teeth as a "third hand." The two major conclusions of this study are: 1) The transition from hunting and gathering to a food-producing economy in the Levant did not promote changes in dental health, as previously believed. This generally indicates that the Natufians and Neolithic people of the Levant may have differed in their ecosystem management (i.e., gathering vs. growing grains), but not in the type of food consumed. 2) Changes in food-preparation techniques and nondietary usage of the teeth explain much of the variation in tooth condition in populations before and after the agricultural revolution.  相似文献   

W. Liu  Q.C. Zhang  H. Zhu 《HOMO》2010,61(2):102-116
Tooth wear and dental pathology related to diet and lifestyle were investigated in the human dental remains unearthed from three archaeological sites of Bronze Age and Iron Age in Xinjiang of northwest China, and in comparative samples from two Neolithic sites in Henan and Shanxi in central China along the Yellow River.Our results indicate that the average tooth wear on most tooth types in the three Xinjiang sites was close to those of the Neolithic samples from central China. The variation within the Xinjiang samples was also explored. Some special wear patterns such as severe wear on the first molar and relatively heavy wear of anterior teeth were observed on the specimens from the Xinjiang sites. Obvious differences in caries and antemortem tooth loss were found between Xinjiang and comparative samples with higher frequencies of caries observed in samples from central China and higher antemortem tooth loss in samples from the Xinjiang sites. Strongly developed exostoses (tori) were also identified on mandibles and maxillae of the specimens from Xinjiang.The authors believe that the differences in tooth wear and dental pathology between Xinjiang and central China were caused by differences in diet and lifestyle. Food of a harder texture was consumed by the people who lived in Xinjiang than by the people in Henan and Shanxi of central China. The higher occurrence of heavily worn anterior teeth and some other special wear patterns, antemortem tooth loss and presence of exostoses on jaw bones in Xinjiang suggest that the people in Xinjiang lived in a relatively harsh environment, frequently gnawing hard objects, or using teeth as some kind of tools. All these activities put masticatory organs under a heavy load. The differences in caries frequencies between the frontier and central areas of China indicate that food richer in carbohydrates was consumed by the people in the central areas.It is proposed that about 3000-2000 years BP in many areas of frontier Xinjiang, people mainly relied on the type of hunter-gatherer economy with agriculture playing a smaller role in their lifestyle.  相似文献   

对汪沟遗址出土的174例仰韶文化居民的2816枚牙齿进行统计与分析,计算出牙齿的平均磨耗等级和前后部牙齿磨耗差别指数,统计特殊磨耗、龋齿、骨质隆起在样本中的出现率.结果显示,汪沟组牙齿平均磨耗等级为3.403262级,男性牙齿平均磨耗等级为3.63级,女性为3.61级;男女两性牙齿磨耗差异不显著(p>0.05);前后部...  相似文献   

Observations of dental diseases among prehistoric populations of Hungary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The incidence of dental disease among people in developing countries today raises questions about the variation in the oral health of prehistoric populations. Considering these questions, we offer observations describing several types of dental disease which occurred among certain prehistoric populations of Hungary. The dental remains of 162 individuals recovered from seven sites of the Neolithic, Copper, and Bronze Age periods were examined for evidence of caries, hypoplasia, and periodontal disease. Appropriate methods were used to describe and record these dental lesions. The incidence of dental caries was low by comparison to other prehistoric agriculturists except for two forms of root caries: cervical and cemental. These types accounted for 68% of all the carious teeth recorded. Enamel hypoplasia was also lower than expected, occurring on only 4% of the total number of teeth. Periodontal abscesses were rare but other milder forms of periodontal lesions were frequent. Alveolar bone resorption occurred in varying degrees and followed the expected age distribution. The few exceptions were children or adolescents whose crania had other lesions suggesting a mineral metabolic disturbance. The lower incidence of enamel caries is likely due to high fluoride ingestion which also may have influenced the expression of enamel hypoplasia. No clear population trends were seen in dental disease incidence except for cemental caries which were found among Copper and Bronze Age remains.  相似文献   

Many bioarchaeological studies have established a link between increased dental caries prevalence and the intensification of agriculture. However, research in Southeast Asia challenges the global application of this theory. Although often overlooked, dental health of infants and children can provide a sensitive source of information concerning health and subsistence change. This article investigates the prevalence and location of caries in the dentition of infants and children (less than 15 years of age) from eight prehistoric mainland Southeast Asian sites collectively spanning the Neolithic to late Iron Age, during which time rice agriculture became an increasingly important subsistence mode. Caries prevalence varied among the sites but there was no correlation with chronological change. The absence of evidence of a decline in dental health over time can be attributed to the relative noncariogenicity of rice and retention of broad‐spectrum subsistence strategies. No differences in caries type indicating differences in dental health were found between the sites, apart from the Iron Age site of Muang Sema. There was a higher prevalence of caries in the deciduous dentition than the permanent dentition, likely due to a cariogenic weaning diet and the higher sensitivity of deciduous teeth to decay. The level of caries in the permanent dentition suggests an increased reliance on less cariogenic foods during childhood, including rice. The absence of a temporal decline in dental health of infants and children strengthens the argument that the relationship between caries and agricultural intensification in Southeast Asia was more complex than the general model suggests. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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