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To investigate the genetic diversity between the populations of woolly flying squirrels (Eupetaurus) from the eastern and western extremes of the Himalayas, partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences (390-810 bp) that were determined from the museum specimens were analyzed using maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods. The molecular data reveal that the two specimens that were collected in northwestern Yunnan (China) are members of the genus Eupetaurus. Reconstructed phylogenetic relationships show that the populations of Eupetaurus in the eastern and western extremes of the Himalayas are two distinct species with significant genetic differences (12%) and diverged about 10.8 million years ago. Eupetaurus is significantly different from Petaurista and Pteromys. The level of estimated pairwise-sequence divergence observed between Eupetaurus and Petaurista or Pteromys is greater than that observed between Eupetaurus and Trogopterus, Belomys, Glaucomys, or Hylopetes. Considering the divergence time of the two Eupetaurus groups, the glaciations and the uplift of the Himalayas and Qinghai-Tibet plateau during the Pliocene-Pleistocene period might be the major factors affecting the present distribution of Eupetaurus along the Himalayas.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic status of the infra order Pecora is controversial, even though it is supported by paleontological, morphological, and molecular evidence. We analyzed two mitochondrial genes (i.e., 16S rRNA and cytochrome b) to resolve the phylogenetic position of pecoran species, i.e., the Bovidae, Cervidae, and Moschidae endemic to the Indian subcontinent. We used phylogenetic analysis based on different algorithms, including neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, minimum evolution, median joining network, along with multidimensional scaling, and DNA word analysis. Our results established the basal position of Tragulidae and the monophyly of the infra order Pecora within the Suborder Ruminantia. Our results also demonstrated that Bovidae, Cervidae, and Moschidae are allied with the placement of musk deer as more closely related to bovids than to cervids. Molecular dating based on sequence analysis shows that the radiation of Pecora occurred during the early Oligocene and that the majority of the pecoran families radiated and dispersed rapidly during the Oligocene/Miocene transition.  相似文献   

Voles of the genus Microtus represent one of the most speciose mammalian genera in the Holarctic. We established a molecular phylogeny for Microtus to resolve contentious issues of systematic relationships and evolutionary history in this genus. A total of 81 specimens representing ten Microtus species endemic to Europe as well as eight Eurasian, six Asian and one Holarctic species were sequenced for the entire cytochrome b gene (1140 bp). A further 25 sequences were retrieved from GenBank, providing data on an additional 23, mainly Nearctic, Microtus species. Phylogenetic analysis of these 48 species generated four well-supported monophyletic lineages. The genus Chionomys, snow voles, formed a distinct and well-supported lineage separate from the genus Microtus. The subgenus Microtus formed the strongest supported lineage with two sublineages displaying a close relationship between the arvalis species group (common voles) and the socialis species group (social voles). Monophyly of the Palearctic pitymyid voles, subgenus Terricola, was supported, and this subgenus was also subdivided into two monophyletic species groups. Together, these groupings clarify long-standing taxonomic uncertainties in Microtus. In addition, the "Asian" and the Nearctic lineages reported previously were identified although the latter group was not supported. However, relationships among the main Microtus branches were not resolved, suggesting a rapid and potentially simultaneous radiation of a widespread ancestor early in the history of the genus. This and subsequent radiations discernible in the cytochrome b phylogeny, show the considerable potential of Microtus for analysis of historical and ecological determinants of speciation in small mammals. It is evident that speciation is an ongoing process in the genus and that the molecular data provides a vital insight into current species limits as well as cladogenic events of the past.  相似文献   

We present the phylogenetic relationships of the freshwater fish genus Rhodeus from 45 localities in Europe and three localities in the Amur basin using the mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence. The study aims to (1) test the colonisation history between Europe and East Asia and (2) to reconstruct the evolutionary history of Rhodeus in Europe. Our analyses revealed five monophyletic clades which correspond to four species: R. sericeus in the Amur basin, R. meridionalis in the River Vardar, R. colchicus in western Caucasus and two sister lineages in most of Europe which together represent R. amarus. The reconstructed colonisation scenario assumes a continuous distribution of Rhodeus from Europe through Siberia until East Asia during Pliocene, depletion of the Siberian population in late Pliocene, isolation of the population in River Vardar during early Pleistocene, refuges during late Pleistocene glaciations in the Danubian basin, in the lowlands of western Black Sea and in western Caucasus Mountains and a post-glacial expansion from the Danubian refuge towards western Europe and from the Black Sea refuge across Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships between recent Elephantidae (Proboscidea, Mammalia), that is to say extant elephants (Asian and African) and extinct woolly mammoth, have remained unclear to date. The prevailing morphological scheme (mammoth grouped with Asian elephant) is either supported or questioned by the molecular results. Recently, the monophyly of woolly mammoths on mitochondrial grounds has been demonstrated (Thomas, et al., 2000), but it conflicts with previous studies (Barriel et al., 1999; Derenko et al., 1997). Here, we report the partial sequencing of two mitochondrial genes: 128 bp of 12S rDNA and 561 bp of cytochrome b for the Lyakhov mammoth, a 49,000-year-old Siberian individual. We use the most comprehensive sample of mammoth (11 sequences) to determine whether the sequences achieved by former studies were congruent or not. The monophyly of a major subset of mammoths sequences (including ours) is recovered. Such a result is assumed to be a good criterion for ascertaining the origin of ancient DNA. Our sequence is incongruent with that of Yang et al. (1996), though obtained for the same individual. As far as the latter sequence is concerned, a contamination by non-identified exogenous DNA is suspected. The robustness and reliability of the sister group relation between Mammuthus primigenius and Loxodonta africana are examined: down-weighting saturated substitutions has no impact on the topology; analyzing data partitions proves that the support of this clade can be assigned to the most conservative phylogenetic signal; insufficient taxonomic and/or characters sampling contributed to former discordant conclusions. We therefore assume the monophyly of "real mammoth sequences" and the (Mammuthus, Loxodonta) clade.  相似文献   

To explore phylogenetic relationships among glyptosternoid fishes, we determined nucleotide sequences of the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene region (1138 base pair). Thirteen species of glyptosternoid fishes and six species of non-glyptosternoids represent 10 sisorid genera were examined. Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using the maximum parsimony, minimum evolution, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses support the monophyly of glyptosternoids, but our hypothesis of internal relationships differs from previous hypothesis. Results indicated that glyptosternoid is a monophyletic group and genera Glyptosternum and Exostoma are two basal species having a primitive position among it. Genera Euchiloglanis and Pareuchiloglanis form a sister-group. Then they form a sister-group with Pseudexostoma plus Oreoglanis. Our result also found that Pareuchiloglanis anteanalis might be considered as the synonyms of Parechiloglanis sinensis, and genus Euchiloglanis might have only one valid species, Euchiloglanis davidi.  相似文献   

The evolution of two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase subunit II, was examined in several eutherian mammal orders, with special emphasis on the orders Artiodactyla and Rodentia. When analyzed using both maximum parsimony, with either equal or unequal character weighting, and neighbor joining, neither gene performed with a high degree of consistency in terms of the phylogenetic hypotheses supported. The phylogenetic inconsistencies observed for both these genes may be the result of several factors including differences in the rate of nucleotide substitution among particular lineages (especially between orders), base composition bias, transition/transversion bias, differences in codon usage, and different constraints and levels of homoplasy associated with first, second, and third codon positions. We discuss the implications of these findings for the molecular systematics of mammals, especially as they relate to recent hypotheses concerning the polyphyly of the order Rodentia, relationships among the Artiodactyla, and various interordinal relationships.Correspondence to: R.L. Honeycutt  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the species of the nase genus Chondrostoma was constructed from a complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp). Molecular phylogeny was used to revise the current systematics of this group, and to infer a biogeographical model of the Mediterranean area during the Cenozoic period. We confirmed the monophyly of the genus Chondrostoma, and defined seven different lineages within it: Polylepis, Arcasii, Lemmingii, Toxostoma, Nasus, C. genei, and C. soetta. The separation of main lineages within Chondrostoma occurred in the Middle-Upper Miocene, approximately 11 million years ago, while the greatest species radiation took place in the Pliocene close to the time the current drainages system were created. It is unlikely that this genus experienced an extensive dispersal during the Messinian, in the Lago-Mare Phase. Given the level of current knowledge, a biogeographical model constructed on the basis of vicariant events seems more realistic than does a dispersalist model.  相似文献   

We performed a phylogenetic analysis of the fern genus Elaphoglossum using two non-coding chloroplast spacers: trnL-trnF and rps4-trnS. The sampling includes 123 species, of which 80 have not been previously sequenced, and for the first time includes species from Africa and the Indian Ocean area. The results of this expanded study largely agree with an earlier molecular study based on a smaller group of neotropical species and with the morphology-based classification of Mickel and Atehortua. We found, however, that some infrageneric groups such as section Elaphoglossum are not monophyletic. Besides section Elaphoglossum pro parte, we recognize six sections: two new monospecific, unnamed sections, and the previously established sections Lepidoglossa, Squamipedia, Amygdalifolia, and "Subulate-scaled clade." We divide the subulate-scaled clade into subsection Setosa (hydathodes present) and Polytrichia (hydathodes absent), and section Elaphoglossum is divided into subsections Platyglossa and Pachyglossa, two groups that do not appear to be supported by any single morphological character. In general, however, the main clades are supported by morphology. Finally, we discuss the species of the Indian Ocean region and their affinities with the neotropical ones. Out of the 11 species pairs postulated by Moran and Smith on the basis of morphology, two are well supported (E. eximium-E. aubertii; E. piloselloides-E. spatulatum) and three are not supported (E. ciliatum-E. humbertii; E. muscosum-E. poolii; E. paleaceum-E. deckenii), and two remain unresolved (E. erinaceum-E. hybridum; E. glabellum-E. acrostichoides) because our molecular markers were not variable enough. Four species pairs could not be tested because specimens were lacking. Unsupported species pairs are best interpreted as morphological convergences. Two additional species pairs are proposed: E. cuspidatum-E. succisaefolium; E. doanense-E. hornei. Placement of the species from the Indian Ocean suggests that at least 13 long-distance dispersal events occurred between the Neotropics and the Indian Ocean-Africa.  相似文献   

We have assessed for the first time the phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history of the crabs of the genus Maja that inhabit European coasts: M. brachydactyla, M. crispata, M. goltziana and M. squinado. Using mitochondrial markers, we have recovered a well-resolved phylogenetic tree that supports a single origin for the European species, most likely from an Indo-West Pacific ancestor during the Early Miocene. In this phylogeny, M. goltziana appears as the basal European species, with a sister lineage bifurcating into an Eastern Atlantic (M. brachydactyla) and a Mediterranean (M. crispata and M. squinado) clade. We propose the Tethyan Seaway as the initial colonization route, although an entrance through South Africa cannot be discounted. The Eastern Atlantic/Mediterranean split seems to predate the Messinian salinity crisis, which, in turn, could have promoted the recent divergence within the Mediterranean. In addition, Pleistocene glaciations could explain the current diversity in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean, where a unique mitochondrial lineage is found. According to this, the genetic profile of South African crabs appears to belong to M. brachydactyla, questioning the validity of the putative species M. capensis.  相似文献   

We report a molecular re-assessment of the classification of the nightjars which draws conclusions that are strongly at odds with the traditional, morphology-based classifications. We used maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods to compare the cytochrome b gene for 14 species from seven of the 15 genera of the Caprimulgidae and partial cytochrome b sequence data was available for a further seven species including three further genera. We found that within the Caprimulgidae there were four geographically isolated clades with bootstrap support greater than 70%. One of these clades contained just Chordeiles species, the remaining three clades each contained a mixture of genera including Caprimulgus sp. A clade of exclusively South American nightjars included the genera Caprimulgus, Uropsalis, Eleopthreptus and Hydropsalis. A clade of African and Eurasian birds included Caprimulgus and Macrodipteryx. Phalaenoptilus nuttallii and Caprimulgus vociferous formed a clade of North American birds. Two ecological factors appear to make morphological classification potentially misleading: first, the apparent retention of primitive anti-predator and foraging-related traits across genetically divergent groups; second, rapid divergence in other traits, especially those related to mating, which generate high levels of morphological divergence between species that are genetically very similar. The cytochrome b data suggests that the genus Caprimulgus is not monophyletic and is restricted to Africa and Eurasia and that Caprimulgus species from outside this area have been misclassified as a consequence of retention of primitive adaptations for crepuscular/nocturnal living. Some other genera also appear to have little support from the cytochrome b data.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 2B4 is a microsomal protein with a multi-step reaction cycle similar to that observed in the majority of other cytochromes P450. The cytochrome P450 2B4-substrate complex is reduced from the ferric to the ferrous form by cytochrome P450 reductase. After binding oxygen, the oxyferrous protein accepts a second electron which is provided by either cytochrome P450 reductase or cytochrome b5. In both instances, product formation occurs. When the second electron is donated by cytochrome b5, catalysis (product formation) is ∼10- to 100-fold faster than in the presence of cytochrome P450 reductase. This allows less time for side product formation (hydrogen peroxide and superoxide) and improves by ∼15% the coupling of NADPH consumption to product formation. Cytochrome b5 has also been shown to compete with cytochrome P450 reductase for a binding site on the proximal surface of cytochrome P450 2B4. These two different effects of cytochrome b5 on cytochrome P450 2B4 reactivity can explain how cytochrome b5 is able to stimulate, inhibit, or have no effect on cytochrome P450 2B4 activity. At low molar ratios (<1) of cytochrome b5 to cytochrome P450 reductase, the more rapid catalysis results in enhanced substrate metabolism. In contrast, at high molar ratios (>1) of cytochrome b5 to cytochrome P450 reductase, cytochrome b5 inhibits activity by binding to the proximal surface of cytochrome P450 and preventing the reductase from reducing ferric cytochrome P450 to the ferrous protein, thereby aborting the catalytic reaction cycle. When the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of cytochrome b5 are equal, it will appear to have no effect on the enzymatic activity. It is hypothesized that cytochrome b5 stimulates catalysis by causing a conformational change in the active site, which allows the active oxidizing oxyferryl species of cytochrome P450 to be formed more rapidly than in the presence of reductase.  相似文献   

Sicyopterus lagocephalus is a Gobiidae Sicydiinae (Teleostei) thought to inhabit Indo-Pacific island rivers from Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean to Australs Islands (French Polynesia) in the Pacific Ocean. Its biological cycle comprises a marine planctonic larval phase of several months allowing it to migrate from island to island, but the other species of the genus, with such a larval stage, have generally a more restricted range and are often endemic. To understand the organisation of a species with such a wide distribution, mtDNA cytochrome b sequences were amplified for 55 specimens of this genus covering most of its distribution range together with six close endemic species and other gobiids used as outgroups. The main result is the confirmation of the ubiquity of S. lagocephalus that occurs over a range of 18,000 km in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Two clades were identified within this species, one clustering most of French Polynesian haplotypes and the other clustering most of Mascarene (including Comoros) haplotypes. The overall pattern of distribution and phylogenetic relationship suggests that the lineages leading to endemic species originated earlier than S. lagocephalus. This latter seems to be a secondary migrant species, having colonised both Indian and Pacific Oceans with a few exceptions, situated at the border of the range (Madagascar, Marquesas, Rapa). According to the results, the phylogeny of the Sicyopterus group, the age of the different lineages and the past history of the colonisation of the Indo-Pacific islands are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the molecular phylogeny of seven lionfishes of the genera Dendrochirus and Pterois. MP, ML, and NJ phylogenetic analysis based on 964 bp of partial mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b and 16S rDNA) revealed two main clades: (1) “Pterois” clade (Pterois miles and Pterois volitans), and (2) “Pteropterus–Dendrochirus” clade (remainder of the sampled species). The position of Dendrochirus brachypterus either basal to the main clades or in the “Pteropterus–Dendrochirus” clade cannot be resolved. However, the molecular phylogeny did not support the current separation of the genera Pterois and Dendrochirus. The siblings P. miles and P. volitans are clearly separated and our results support the proposed allopatric or parapatric distribution in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. However, the present analysis cannot reveal if P. miles and P. volitans are separate species or two populations of a single species, because the observed separation in different clades can be either explained by speciation or lineage sorting. Molecular clock estimates for the siblings P. miles and P. volitans suggest a divergence time of 2.4–8.3 mya, which coincide with geological events that created vicariance between populations of the Indian and Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Li A  Zhao Q  Tang S  Zhang Z  Pan S  Shen G 《Journal of genetics》2005,84(2):137-142
Pupae from the Chinese wild mulberry silkworm,Bombyx mandarina, and 11 representative strains of the domesticated silkworm,Bombyx mori were selected for preparation of mitochondrial DNA. The 5′-end fragments ofcytochrome b genes (Cytb) were generated by polymerase chain reaction products and sequenced directly. The homologous sequences of the JapaneseB. mandarina and three strains ofB. mori were from the GenBank database. The sequences of the 16 silkworm strains were analysed with DNASTAR software and a phylogenic tree was constructed using PHYLIP software. The result showed that: (i) The sequence divergence between the strains ofB. mori and the JapaneseB. mandarina was larger (5.4% ≈ 5.8%) compared with that between strains ofB. mori and the ChineseB. mandarina (0.8% ≈ 1.9%). Analysis of clustering also showed that the sequences ofB. mori strains and ChineseB. mandarina clustered into group (B group), while that of JapaneseB. mandarina (A group) was outside this cluster. This may be evidence for the hypothesis thatB. mori originated from ChineseB. mandarina. (ii) Among 14 strains ofB. mori, sequence divergence was small and the most divergence was seen between strains Yanhe-1 and Chuxiong, whose sequences branched off from those of the otherB. mori strains on the phylogenetic tree. From this and from historical records, we infer that the strains Yanhe-1 and Chuxiong originated independently from southwest China.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among most Chinese species of lizards in the genus Phrynocephalus (118 individuals collected from 56 populations of 14 well-defined species and several unidentified specimens) using four mitochondrial gene fragments (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome b, and ND4-tRNA(LEU)). The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined dataset was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony (MP), neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum-likelihood (ML) and Bayesian (BI) analyses were performed on this combined dataset (49 haplotypes including outgroups for 2058bp in total). The maximum-parsimony analysis resulted in 24 equally parsimonious trees, and their strict consensus tree shows that there are two major clades representing the Chinese Phrynocephalus species: the viviparous group (Clade A) and the oviparous group (Clade B). The trees derived from Bayesian, ML, and NJ analyses were topologically identical to the MP analysis except for the position of P. mystaceus. All analyses left the nodes for the oviparous group, the most basal clade within the oviparous group, and P. mystaceus unresolved. The phylogenies further suggest that the monophyly of the viviparous species may have resulted from vicariance, while recent dispersal may have been important in generating the pattern of variation among the oviparous species.  相似文献   

The genus Phrynosoma includes 13 species of North American lizards characterized by unique and highly derived morphologies and ecologies. Understanding interspecific relationships within this genus is essential for testing hypotheses about character evolution in this group. We analyzed mitochondrial ND4 and cytochrome b gene sequence data from all species of Phrynosoma in conjunction with a previously published dataset including 12S and 16S rRNA gene sequences and morphological characters. We used multiple phylogenetic methods and diagnostic tests for data combinability and taxonomic congruence to investigate the data in separate and combined analyses. Separate data partitions resulted in several well-supported lineages, but taxonomic congruence was lacking between topologies from separate and combined analyses. Partitioned Bremer support analyses also reveals conflict between data partitions in certain tree regions. When taxa associated with well-supported clades were removed from analyses, phylogenetic signal was lost. Combined, our results initially suggest conflict between data partitions, but further tests show the data are only appropriate for phylogenetic reconstruction of those parts of the topology that were well resolved. Nonetheless, our data analyses reveal five well-supported clades: (1) Phrynosoma ditmarsi and Phrynosoma hernandesi, (2) P. ditmarsi, P. hernandesi, and Phrynosoma douglasii, (3) P. ditmarsi, P. hernandesi, P. douglasii, and Phrynosoma orbiculare, (4) Phrynosoma mcallii and Phrynosoma platyrhinos, and (5) Phrynosoma braconnieri and Phrynosoma taurus.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of genera Allograpta, Sphaerophoria and Exallandra (Diptera, Syrphidae) were analyzed based on sequence data from the mitochondrial protein-coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA genes. The three genera are members of the subfamily Syrphinae, where nearly all members feed as larvae on soft-bodied Hemiptera and other arthropods. Phytophagous species have recently been discovered in two subgenera of Allograpta, sg Fazia and a new subgenus from Costa Rica. Phylogenetic analyses of the combined datasets were performed using parsimony, under static alignment and direct optimization, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. Congruent topologies obtained from all the analyses indicate paraphyly of the genus Allograpta with respect to Sphaerophoria and Exallandra. Exallandra appears embedded in the genus Sphaerophoria, and both genera are placed within Allograpta. The distribution of phytophagous taxa in Allograpta indicates that plant feeding evolved at least twice in this group.  相似文献   

The 12 presently recognized taxa forming the Macaca silenus group represent the most diverse lineage within the genus Macaca. The present study was set up to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the extant members of the M. silenus group and to explain their geographical distribution patterns seen today. A combined approach involving the analysis of one paternal (TSPY) and two maternal (cyt b and 12S-16S rRNA) molecular markers enabled us to resolve the phylogenetic relationships within this lineage. Our Y chromosomal marker is not informative enough to allow detailed conclusion. Based on our mitochondrial data, however, M. pagensis, endemic to the three southern Mentawai islands (Sipora, North- and South Pagai), split off early (2.4-2.6 mya) and represents a sister clade to the macaques from the northern Mentawai island of Siberut and from those of the Southeast Asian mainland, which diverged in a radiation-like splitting event about 1.5-1.7 mya. By combining our new results with available data on behavioural as well as climate and sea level changes in Southeast Asia during the Plio- and Pleistocene, we have developed two scenarios for the evolutionary history of this primate group, which may help explain the current geographical distribution of its members.  相似文献   

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