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Rats with large lesions of the superior colliculus do not display the oral stereotypy normally induced by high systemic doses of dopamine-agonists. It has been suggested that collicular lesions have such an effect because they destroy the GABAergic nigrotectal pathway. This suggestion was investigated by observing the effects of bilateral microinjections of the GABA-agonist muscimol into midbrain sites in rats given 8 mg/kg subcutaneous apomorphine. A low dose of muscimol (25 ng in 0.5 ul saline/side) injected into regions of the superior colliculus with nigrotectal innervation almost abolished apomorphine-induced licking and gnawing. Control microinjections of saline into the superior colliculus, or of muscimol into overlying cerebral cortex, were ineffective. This result is consistent with the GABAergic nigrotectal projection being important for the expression of dopamine-related oral stereotypy. It was also found, however, that 25 ng of muscimol suppressed oral stereotypy when microinjected into the mesencephalic reticular formation underlying the superior colliculus. The anatomical basis of this latter effect is uncertain.  相似文献   

Choline chloride in animal models of tardive dyskinesia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rats treated chronically with haloperidol show evidence of supersensitive dopamine receptors by increased stereotypy when challenged with apomorphine. When such animals are treated acutely with choline chloride at the time of challenge, no changes in stereotypy were observed. Chronic treatment, either during or after induction of supersensitivity, mitigated stereotypy after challenge. This model of dopaminergic supersensitivity is pertinent to the development of tardive dyskinesia in man after treatment with neuroleptic drugs. Our results with choline chloride in the animal model are consistent with their therapeutic action in tardive dyskinesia.  相似文献   

The influence of growth retardant choline chloride (0.02, 0.2 and 2 g/l) on cell size and division as well as chlorophyll accumulation and chloroplast ultrastructure of unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas was studied. It was shown that at any concentration used (0.02, 0.2, and 2 g/l) choline chloride decreased the rate of cell division. The content of chlorophyll and carotenoid per cell decreased and the sizes of cells increased at all concentrations of choline chloride. On the basis of electron microscopy data, the conclusion was made that an increase in the concentration of choline chloride intensified destruction processes in membranes of chloroplasts and other cell organelles.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that drug-induced experimental diabetes is associated with increased receptor binding in the rat brain. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine (APO) might produce an accentuated hypothermic response in rats rendered diabetic by alloxan (ALX) treatment. In a previous study, however, the only controls used were ALX-treated rats that failed to develop glycosuria. Therefore, in this study, APO (0.5 mg/kg IP) was administered to ALX-diabetic and non-diabetic as well as saline-treated control rats to ascertain whether the APO responsiveness of ALX-non-diabetic rats was comparable to that of saline control animals. ALX-diabetic rats experienced significantly greater hypothermic response to APO than did the saline control animals. Although ALX-non-diabetic rats were similar to the saline control animals in body weight and blood glucose levels, they too were hyperresponsive to APO. These findings indicate that pancreatic injury from ALX, while not always sufficiently severe to produce overt diabetes, does appear to induce an hyperresponsiveness to APO-induced hypothermia in a manner similar to that observed in severely diabetic animals.  相似文献   

Simultaneous catalepsy and apomorphine-induced stereotypic behavior in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D M Yurek  P K Randall 《Life sciences》1985,37(18):1665-1673
Intraventricular administration of haloperidol or chlorpromazine produces catalepsy and blocks apomorphine-induced stereotypic behavior. Low intraventricular doses of domperidone, sulpiride and spiperone, equally cataleptogenic as haloperidol or chlorpromazine, augment rather than diminish stereotypic behavior produced by subsequent apomorphine treatment. The resultant stereotypic behavior continues even while the animal is in a rigid cataleptic posture and is marked by persistent gnawing and licking. Prior to the induction of catalepsy and after recovery from it, mice display the entire range of typical apomorphine-induced behavior including sniffing, climbing, gnawing, and licking. This animal model may be related to the clinical observation of the coexistence of tardive dyskinesia and drug-induced Parkinsonism in individual patients.  相似文献   

Four old (25 years) and six young (3 years) female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were observed individually in a laboratory cage with either an old or a young monkey present as a social partner. The behavioral repertoire was coded into ten mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories. An information analysis of the individual behavior records is presented along with subject and partner age effects on the frequency of bouts and the amount of time spent in each category of behavior. Knowledge of the relative frequencies of the behaviors tells more about the behavior of young than old monkeys; and knowledge of the preceding behavior tells more about the behavior of old than young monkeys. Further, knowledge of the relative frequencies tells more about the behavior of both old and young monkeys with junior or elder partners than with age peers; whereas knowledge of the preceding behavior is more informative for old monkeys than for young ones regardless of the partner's age. Both old and young engaged in more affiliative behaviors with age peers than with junior or elder partners. An hypothesis is proposed which relates this social homophyly to the age difference in behavioral stereotypy.  相似文献   

Choline in cerebrospinal fluid   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M B Bowers 《Life sciences》1967,6(18):1927-1933

Milk and dairy products are an important source of choline, a nutrient essential for human health. Infant formula derived from bovine milk contains a number of metabolic forms of choline, all contribute to the growth and development of the newborn. At present, little is known about the factors that influence the concentrations of choline metabolites in milk. The objectives of this study were to characterize and then evaluate associations for choline and its metabolites in blood and milk through the first 37 weeks of lactation in the dairy cow. Milk and blood samples from twelve Holstein cows were collected in early, mid and late lactation and analyzed for acetylcholine, free choline, betaine, glycerophosphocholine, lysophosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylcholine, phosphocholine and sphingomyelin using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, and quantified using stable isotope-labeled internal standards. Total choline concentration in plasma, which was almost entirely phosphatidylcholine, increased 10-times from early to late lactation (1305 to 13,535 µmol/L). In milk, phosphocholine was the main metabolite in early lactation (492 µmol/L), which is a similar concentration to that found in human milk, however, phosphocholine concentration decreased exponentially through lactation to 43 µmol/L in late lactation. In contrast, phosphatidylcholine was the main metabolite in mid and late lactation (188 µmol/L and 659 µmol/L, respectively), with the increase through lactation positively correlated with phosphatidylcholine in plasma (R 2 = 0.78). Unlike previously reported with human milk we found no correlation between plasma free choline concentration and milk choline metabolites. The changes in pattern of phosphocholine and phosphatidylcholine in milk through lactation observed in the bovine suggests that it is possible to manufacture infant formula that more closely matches these metabolites profile in human milk.  相似文献   

The relationship between the motor and acoustic similarity of song was examined in brown thrashers (Toxostoma rufum) and grey catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis) (family Mimidae), which have very large song repertoires and sometimes mimic other species. Motor similarity was assessed by cross correlation of syringeal airflows and air sac pressures that accompany sound production. Although most syllables were sung only once in the song analyzed, some were repeated, either immediately forming a couplet, or after a period of intervening song, as a distant repetition. Both couplets and distant repetitions are produced by distinctive, stereotyped motor patterns. Their motor similarity does not decrease as the time interval between repetitions increases, suggesting that repeated syllables are stored in memory as fixed motor programs. The acoustic similarity between nonrepeated syllables, as indicated by correlation of their spectrograms, has a significant positive correlation with their motor similarity. This correlation is weak, however, suggesting that there is no simple linear relationship between motor action and acoustic output and that similar sounds may sometimes be produced by different motor mechanisms. When compared without regard to the sequence in which they are sung, syllables paired for maximum spectral similarity form a continuum with repeated syllables in terms of their acoustic and motor similarity. The prominence of couplets in the “syntax” of normal song is enhanced by the dissimilarity of successive nonrepeated syllables that make up the remainder of the song. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Cycocel stimulated the activity of partial purified choline kinase from spinach or squash leaves, but it inhibited the activity of yeast choline kinase. The activity of different Cycocel analogs on plant growth corresponded to their stimulatory effect on the isolated choline kinase. Cycocel had no effect upon the activity of a plant phosphatase which hydrolyzed phosphorylcholine nor upon adenosine triphosphatase from wheat roots or leaves.Gibberellin A(3) inhibited choline kinase activity and reversed the stimulatory effect of Cycocel on the kinase.Total choline kinase activity per squash plant was not greatly increased by Cycocel treatment. However, on the basis of fresh weight, total kinase activity was increased by Cycocel treatment. Gibberellin A(3) partially reversed these increases. Treatment with Cycocel plus indoleacetic acid resulted in a large increase in choline kinase activity.The same distribution of tracer among phosphorylcholine, choline and betaine was observed when either phosphorylcholine-C(14) or choline-C(14) was fed to barley or wheat roots. Cycocel stimulated the incorporation of choline-C(14) into the insoluble fraction and into lipids. Cycocel inhibited phosphorylcholine uptake by roots.Thus Cycocel stimulated choline kinase activity and the utilization of choline-C(14). The effect of Cycocel upon kinase activity in vivo and in vitro was reversed by gibberellin A(3).  相似文献   

The main objective of these studies was to determine whether adenosine inhibits choline kinase in rat striata, leading to a decreased incorporation of choline into phosphorylcholine, a mechanism that may mediate seizure-induced increases in the levels of free choline in brain. Incubation of particulate and soluble fractions of striatal synaptosomes with adenosine or its metabolically stable analogues significantly inhibited enzyme activity. The inhibition was noncompetitive versus choline and competitive versus MgATP. Inhibitor constants for adenosine, 2-chloroadenosine, and 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine at the MgATP site were 94, 49, and 207 microM, respectively; these values were less than the Michaelis constant for MgATP (340 microM). To determine whether adenosine altered the phosphorylation of choline in an intact preparation, synaptosomes were incubated with [3H]choline in the presence or absence of adenosine or its analogues and the amount of [3H]-phosphorylcholine formed from the [3H]choline taken up was measured. All compounds tested significantly reduced the synthesis of [3H]phosphorylcholine. Results suggest that following seizures or hypoxia, when levels of adenosine increase and the concentration of ATP decreases, inhibition of choline phosphorylation may be manifest, resulting in increased levels of free choline in brain.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, choline enters the cell via a single high-affinity transporter, Hnmlp. hnm1delta cells lacking HNM1 gene are viable. However, they are unable to transport choline suggesting that no additional active choline transporters are present in this organism. A complementation study of a choline auxotrophic mutant, ctrl-ise (hnm1-ise), using a cDNA library from Torpedo marmorata electric lobe identified a membrane protein named Torpedo marmorata choline transporter-like, tCtl1p. tCtllp was proposed to mediate a high-affinity choline transport (O'Regan et al., 1999, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.). Homologs of tCtl1p have been identified in other organisms, including yeast (Pns1p, YOR161c) and are postulated to function as choline transporters. Here we provide several lines of evidence indicating that Ctlp proteins are not involved in choline transport. Loss of PNS1 has no effect on choline transport and overexpression of either PNS1 or tCTL1 does not restore choline uptake activity of choline transport-defective mutants. The data presented here call into question the role of proteins of the CTL family in choline transport and suggest that the mechanism by which tCTL1 complements hnm1-ise mutant is independent of its ability to transport choline.  相似文献   

The present study is concerned with the uptake and metabolism of choline by the rat brain. Intraperitoneal administration of choline chloride (4-60 mg/kg) caused a dose-dependent elevation of the plasma choline concentration from 11.8 to up to 165.2 microM within 10 min and the reversal of the negative arteriovenous difference (AVD) of choline across the brain to positive values at plasma choline levels of greater than 23 microM. Net choline release and uptake were linearly dependent on the plasma choline level in the physiological range of 10-50 microM, whereas the CSF choline level was significantly increased only at plasma choline levels of greater than 50 microM. The bolus injection of 60 mg/kg of [3H]choline chloride caused the net uptake of greater than 500 nmol/g of choline by the brain as calculated from the AVD, which was reflected in a minor increase of free choline level and a long-lasting increase of brain phosphorylcholine content, which paralleled the uptake curve. Loss of label from phosphorylcholine 30 min to 24 h after choline administration was accompanied by an increase of label in phosphatidylcholine, an indication of a delayed transfer of newly taken-up choline into membrane choline pools. In conclusion, homeostasis of brain choline is maintained by a complex system that interrelates choline net movements into and out of the brain and choline incorporation into and release from phospholipids.  相似文献   

Abstract: The kinetic parameters, Km and Vmax, for the acetylation of choline and several close analogues were determined by using (a) purified choline acetyltransferase and (b) a hypotonically lysed synaptosomal extract prepared from the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata. Whereas the Km for choline was similar in both cases (0.51 and 0.42 m m ), the crude enzyme showed a three- to fivefold greater affinity for its analogues than the purified enzyme, the activity decreasing rapidly with increased N -alkyl substitution. Homocholine was a poor substrate, but was clearly acetylated by both preparations. The effect of salt on analogue acetylation by the crude enzyme was studied by increasing NaCl concentration from zero to 150 m m . There was an increase in both Km and Vmax for all substrates; choline, N,N,N -dimethylmonoethylaminoethanol, -monomethyldiethylaminoethanol and -dimethylmonobutylaminoethanol showed the greatest changes, whilst N,N,N -triethylaminoethanol and -dimethylmonopropylaminoethanol and homocholine were much less affected. However, in all cases, the kinetic parameter Vmax / Km remained unchanged. The maximal velocities of the different substrates varied more under conditions of high than of low salt. Sodium chloride up to 300 m m had no effect on the amount of enzyme which was bound to membranes in the synaptosomal extract. It is concluded that choline acetyltransferase has a high degree of substrate specificity, which is slightly altered by purification. The effects of salt cannot be explained as a consequence of nonspecific ionic association with membranes.  相似文献   

Choline Kinase and Phosphorylcholine Phosphatase in Plants   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:6  
Choline kinase was present in barley and wheat roots and leaves of barley, wheat, tobacco, spinach and squash plants. The kinase was purified 25-fold from spinach leaves. The enzyme had a broad pH optimum between 7.5 and 10.0. Mg(++) was required for activity and in the presence of Mg(++) the enzyme was relatively stable. Maximum enzyme activity was obtained when the Mg(++): ATP ratio was 1:1. The K(m) was 1 x 10(-4)m. The kinase from leaves was similar to that from rapeseed or from yeast, except that the leaf and seed enzymes were not inhibited by compounds which attach sulfhydryl groups.Only a very slow hydrolysis of phosphorylcholine by similar plant extracts was observed. This phosphatase activity was purified 200- or 300-fold and appeared to be caused by a nonspecific acid phosphatase.The activity of both the kinase and the phosphatase did not seem sufficient to account for the rapid equilibration of the large phosphorylcholine reservoir of plants with exogenous P(32)-labeled orthophosphate.  相似文献   

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