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黄土丘陵区柠条林地养分状况及其循环规律   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
黄土丘陵区柠条林地养分状况及其循环规律刘增文李雅素(西北林学院,陕西省杨陵712100)FertilityandElementsBio-CyclingsoftheCaraganaMicrophylaL.ForestlandintheRolingLoe...  相似文献   

1998年在晋西黄土残塬典型地带,查清西瓜地害鼠种类9种(地面活动鼠种8种,地下活动鼠种1种),6~8月是害鼠数量高峰期。为害期研究结果表明:地面活动鼠 为害时间为瓜苗出土前和西瓜成熟期,地下活动鼠种的为害时间为西瓜幼苗期和果实膨大期。害鼠可造成该生态区西瓜缺苗5%~20%,果实损失2.7%~5%,直接经济损失49元/666.7m^2。  相似文献   

坡地刺槐林成熟后便须进行伐更新,更新方式可采取萌芽更新和带状混交更新两种方式,分析了刺槐林更新改造后要地土水分动态和空间变异规律及林地耗水特征的变化,结果表明,刺槐林皆伐更新促进了200cm以下深层土壤不分向根层的补给,导致更新幼林地土壤湿度较未更新林地明显提高,而其林耗水总量却较未更新林地并未减少,甚至增加,表出现富足型的耗水特征,此外,刺槐林更新改造后不会因迳流量的增加而引起新的水土流失,保证  相似文献   

橡胶人工林养分循环通量及特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对不同树龄的PR107无性系橡胶人工林N、P、K 3种元素的养分循环通量及特征进行了研究.结果表明:(1)橡胶林生态系统养分循环通量中养分总吸收量为315.28~949.13 kg/hm2,总存留量为282.78~714.51 kg/hm2,总归还量为32.50~205.74 kg/hm2,胶乳总损失量为10.18~37.73 kg/hm2,土壤中养分总输入量为111.73~652.79 kg/hm2,总输出量为315.28~949.13 kg/hm2,平均亏损量为-249.94 kg/hm2,各循环通量都随着树龄的增加而增大,其中3种养分元素的大小顺序均为N>K>P;(2)胶林生态系统养分循环特征参数中吸收系数随林分生长呈凸抛物线变化(先增大后减小),归还系数逐渐上升,存留系数不断下降,周转时间加快,而6a后,胶林的枯落物养分平衡指数与土壤养分平衡指数开始下降,胶园土壤养分收支失衡,另外,产胶对养分的利用效率在14a前后表现为先升高后降低;(3)不同元素循环特征参数有差异.吸收系数、归还系数中的大小顺序为N>P>K,存留系数为K>P>N,枯落物养分平衡指数为K>N>P,土壤养分平衡指数为P>N>K,养分利用率为P>K>N,表明N的流动性大,故循环速率最快,循环水平最高,其次是K,而P的循环速率最慢,水平最低.  相似文献   

针对半干旱区水分的植被生产力问题,以黄土丘陵沟壑区典型地陕西清涧的人工刺槐林为研究对象,对植被生长量的成因进行理论假定和分析,结合该地刺槐的解析木分析资料和相对应的同期降水数据,研究了清涧地区刺槐生长与水分的关系,建立了该区水分一刺槐生长的半理论/半经验模型。结果表明:黄土丘陵沟壑区刺槐的材积生长率与水分的变化率具有较好的线性关系。  相似文献   

受干扰的生态系统Ⅰ.柞蚕林的养分循环   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过田间实验与测试揭示了柞蚕林养分循环状态和干扰因素对养分平衡的影响。结果表明,地下部储存的养分占总积累的比重较大。同时叶部养分向树体转移能力较强。柞蚕林二级生产力是以收获蚕茧为主要形式,其养分输出水平对系统的养分平衡产生的影响主要表现对树体养分内循环方面。林木养分储量的下降是造成生产力衰退的重要原因。对养分循环格局的认识有助于对该系统干扰强度进行调控,以增强柞蚕林生态系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

红壤旱坡地农田生态系统养分循环和平衡   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:39  
王兴祥  张桃林  张斌 《生态学报》1999,19(3):335-341
通过田间定位试验从生态系统的角度比较研究了中亚热带红壤低丘岗地几种主要旱坡地农田生态系统的水土流失、养分循环和平衡特征、土壤养分消长动态及空间分异,结果表明:水土流失是红壤旱坡地生态系统养分损失的重要途径之一,固体径流具有养分富集现象,速效养分损失以地表径流为主,水土流失养分损失量大小顺序为:有机碳>全钾>速效钾>全氮>全磷>水解氮>速效磷;免耕覆盖和垄作能显著减少水土流失及养分损失量;红壤旱地淋溶也是养分,尤其是氮素损失的重要途径;在养分平衡有盈余状况下,土壤养分水平是可以逐步提高的,其中,土壤速效磷、速效钾提高的速度较快,土壤全氮、有机质和全磷也有所提高,但仍处于较低水平;复合农林系统中,土壤养分存在明显的空间分异,农作物区域由于养分投入较高,土壤养分水平明显高于林木区域。  相似文献   

黄土高原地区植被建设已达到土壤水分承载力的阈值,需要对现有林分进行结构优化并提升其生态功能。不合理的林分密度是导致黄土丘陵区刺槐林土壤干化、生长衰退的主要原因之一。疏伐可以优化林分结构,并能够通过控制蒸腾耗水来调控土壤水分,是促进刺槐林可持续生长的有效手段。疏伐对黄土丘陵区刺槐林蒸腾有何影响,目前并不清楚。研究基于树干液流法估算了4个不同疏伐强度(样地1:52%、样地2:48%、样地3:35%、样地4:未疏伐)下刺槐单株尺度的液流速率与林分尺度的日平均蒸腾量,并分析了不同时间尺度下液流速率与环境因子的关系,以阐明疏伐对黄土丘陵区刺槐林蒸腾的影响。结果表明:(1) 单株尺度刺槐蒸腾速率(即液流速率)随疏伐强度减小(林分密度增大)呈现下降趋势(样地1:0.53 kg cm-2 d-1、样地2:0.41 kg cm-2 d-1、样地3:0.31 kg cm-2 d-1、样地4:0.33 kg cm-2 d-1);(2) 观测期林分尺度日平均蒸腾量随疏伐强度减小呈现上升趋势(样地1:0.90 mm/d、样地2:1.18 mm/d、样地3:1.04 mm/d、样地4:1.44 mm/d);(3) 在半小时尺度与日尺度上,各样地液流速率与环境因子的关系没有显著差异,半小时尺度单株液流速率均与太阳辐射相关性最高(相关系数0.883-0.908),液流速率日变化过程与环境因子日变化过程存在时滞现象;日尺度单株液流速率与饱和水汽压亏缺相关性最高(相关系数0.843-0.913),样地间日尺度单株液流速率的差异性随着饱和水汽压亏缺增大而增大。研究结果初步反映了疏伐导致的林分密度变化对刺槐蒸腾的影响,将为黄土丘陵区刺槐林的结构改造、功能提升和土壤水分调控提供理论支持。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区由于土壤侵蚀严重,天然植被恢复缓慢,植被稀疏,枯枝落叶层的生态效应就显得尤为重要。对该区坡沟不同立地条件下草本群落主要物种的枯落物蓄积量、持水与养分潜在归还能力进行了分析,探讨主要物种枯落物对土壤的改善作用。结果表明:1)坡沟不同立地条件下枯落物蓄积量差异显著(P0.05),在73.74—175.26 g/m2之间变化,表现为阴沟坡峁顶阳沟坡阴梁峁坡阳梁峁坡;在坡面不同微地形下也差异显著(P0.05),在阳坡表现为株丛浅沟鱼鳞坑裸地,在阴坡为浅沟鱼鳞坑株丛裸地,在峁顶为株丛裸地。2)主要物种枯落物最大持水量可达自身干重的1.22—4.34倍;不同物种枯落物间的持水能力差异极显著(P0.01),表现为白羊草叶铁杆蒿叶白羊草茎达乌里胡枝子叶长芒草达乌里胡枝子枝铁杆蒿枝。3)枯落物C、N含量分别在7.35%—40.33%和0.61%—1.60%之间,不同物种间差异极显著(P0.01),同一物种枯落物C、N含量在坡沟不同立地条件下差异不显著。4)影响枯落物分解的木质素含量(1.00%—8.20%)、纤维素含量(3.16%—14.06%)、木质素/N值(0.78—12.48)、C/N值(5.61—57.41)在不同物种间差异极显著(P0.01);同一物种木质素含量、纤维素含量和木质素/N值在坡沟不同立地条件下差异显著(P0.05),而C/N值不显著。5)铁杆蒿叶的枯落物养分潜在归还能力最大,达乌里胡枝子和白羊草的枯落物次之,长芒草的枯落物养分潜在归还能力最小。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区油松人工林与天然林养分分布和生物循环比较   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
对黄土丘陵区油松人工林和天然林的养分积累与分配以及养分循环特征进行了比较研究,结果表明:(1)油松林各组分养分含量的变化趋势为:针叶〉树枝〉树皮〉树根〉树干;地上部分的养分在针叶、树枝、树干和凋落物中呈:Ca〉N〉K〉Mg〉P(林型Ⅰ的针叶、枝干和林型Ⅳ的树枝N含量较其它元素含量高),而在土壤层中呈:Ca〉K〉Mg〉N〉P;不同林型内各养分含量因林龄的不同而有差异。(2)油松林生态系统中养分总贮量的80.83%-98.81%集中在土壤组分中,乔木层养分量占总贮量的0.76%-5.52%,林下植被层和凋落物层的养分贮量分别占系统总贮量的0.05%-0.17%和0.38%~3.48%。人工油松林的养分贮量随抚育林龄的增加先升后降,30a时养分贮量最大,50a时养分贮量明显降低,其中N素衰减较其它养分快(30龄油松林是50龄油松林的4.23倍)。(3)油松林地上部分养分贮量主要集中在针叶,且随着抚育林龄的增加,针叶不但贮量增加而且占地上各组分总贮量比例也增大,树枝和树干只是绝对贮量增加,但所占地上总贮量的比例下降。(4)油松林地上部分养分的年积累量以30a人工林最高,变化趋势为Ⅱ〉Ⅲ〉Ⅳ〉Ⅰ。各组分养分的年积累量总的变化趋势为:针叶〉树枝〉根系〉树皮〉树干,同一组分各养分年积累量与各组分养分贮量变化顺序基本一致,即10年生幼林为N〉Ca〉K〉P〉Mg,人工成熟纯林Ca〉N〉K〉P〉M,天然林与人工成熟林相似。(5)天然林的吸收量、存留量明显高于人工林。人工林随着抚育林龄的增加,吸收量和归还量增大,存留量和循环系数先增后降。各林地油松利用系数为:Ca〉Mg〉N〉K〉P,但同一养分利用率,油松人工林随着林龄的增加而降低,油松天然林与人工成熟林的利用系数和周转期相似。  相似文献   

We estimated the fluxes, inputs and outputs of Ca, K,and Mg in a Mexican tropical dry forest. The studywas conducted in five contiguous small watersheds(12–28 ha) gauged for long-term ecosystem research. A total of five 80 × 30 m plots were used for thestudy. We quantified inputs from the atmosphere,dissolved and particulate-bound losses, throughfalland litterfall fluxes, and standing crop litter pools. Mean cation inputs for a six-year period were 3.03 kg/ha for Ca, 1.31 kg/ha for K, and 0.80 kg/ha for Mg. Mean outputs in runoff were 5.24, 2.83, and 1.79 kg/ha, respectively. Calcium, K, and Mgconcentrations increased as rainfall moved through thecanopy. Annual Ca return in the litterfall (11.4 g/m2) was much higher than K (2.3 g/m2)and Mg (1.6 g/m2). Litterfall represented 99%of the Ca, 84% of the Mg, and 53% of the K, totalaboveground return to the soil. Calcium concentrationin standing litter (3.87%) was much higher than K(0.38%) and Mg (0.37%). These concentrations werehigher (Ca), lower (K), or similar (Mg) to those inlitterfall. Residence times on the forest floor were0.86, 1.17, and 1.77 yr for K, Mg, and Carespectively. Compared to the residence time fororganic matter at the site (1.31 yr), these resultssuggest slow mineralization for Ca in this ecosystem. Budget estimates were calculated for a wet and a dryyear. Results indicated that nutrients accumulated inthe dry but that nutrients were lost during the wetyear. Comparison of Ca, K, and Mg losses in streamwater with the input rates from the atmosphere for thesix-year period show that inputs are lower thanoutputs in the Chamela tropical dry forestecosystem.  相似文献   

Phosphorus cycling in a Mexican tropical dry forest ecosystem   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
The study was conducted in five contiguous small watersheds (12–28 ha) gauged for long-term ecosystem research. Five 80 × 30 m plots were used for the study. We quantified inputs from the atmosphere, dissolved and particulate-bound losses, throughfall and litterfall fluxes, standing crop litter and soil available P pools. Mean P input and output for a six-year period was 0.16 and 0.06 kgha–1yr–1, respectively. Phosphorus concentration increased as rainfall moved through the canopy. Annual P returns in litterfall (3.88 kg/ha) represented more than 90% of the total aboveground nutrient return to the forest floor. Phosphorus concentration in standing litter (0.08%) was lower than that in litterfall (0.11%). Phosphorus content in the litterfall was higher at Chamela than at other tropical dry forests. Mean residence time on the forest floor was 1.2 yr for P and 1.3 yr for organic matter. Together these results suggest that the forest at Chamela may not be limited by P availability and suggest a balance between P immobilization and uptake. Comparison of P losses in stream water with input rates from the atmosphere for the six-year period showed that inputs were higher than outputs. Balances calculated for a wet and a dry year indicated a small P accumulation in both years.  相似文献   

森林土壤氮素的转化与循环   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
森林土壤氮素转化与循环在森林生态系统功能中占有极其重要的意义。本文综述了森林土壤氮素转化与循环的研究历程和现状 ;介绍了凋落物的归还、施肥、大气沉降、自生固氮、氨化、硝化、反硝化、植物吸收、NH3 的挥发、NO3 -淋溶等土壤氮素输入、转化和输出的途径和过程 ;最后从研究目标、研究方法、研究对象和研究内容 4个方面归纳了森林土壤氮素转化与循环的发展趋势。  相似文献   

森林生态系统硅素循环研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王惠  马振民  代力民 《生态学报》2007,27(7):3010-3017
硅是植物生长发育的有益元素,其在生态系统内的迁移转化是维持生态系统结构与功能的决定性因素之一。近年来,陆地生态系统硅循环特别森林生态系统硅循环在全球生物地球化学循环中的重要性,受到越来越多的关注。该文总结了国内外森林生态系统硅循环研究的成果,在综述了硅在森林生态系统中的存在形态、分布、循环过程的基础上,总结了森林生态系统硅循环的特点、作用及其影响因素,并指出典型森林生态系统类型中硅循环规律的研究、森林生态系统与其它生态系统硅循环的比较研究、森林生态系统硅循环对全球气候变化的影响和响应研究和人类干扰对森林生态系统硅循环的影响的研究将是今后开展森林生态系统硅循环研究的重点。  相似文献   

Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest, the dominant community in Ziwuling Mountain lying in the hilly loess region, was studied for its nutrient distributions and bio-cycle characteristics in both natural and artificial forms. The results showed that the changes in the nutrient contents for different components in the same Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest stood in the order of needles > branches > bark > roots > bole. The aboveground nutrient elements in needles, branches, bark bole and litterfalls stood in the order of Ca > N > K > Mg > P, but the nutrients stored in the soil stood in the order of Ca > K > Mg > N > P. The accumulated amounts of nutrients increased first and then decreased with the increased age of the forest. The nutrient amounts reached their maximum when the stand was 30 years old, and decreased greatly when it was 50 years old. The 30-year-old artificial Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest had the highest annual accumulated amount of nutrients, and different stands stood in the order of II > III > IV > I. Comparatively, annual accumulated nutrients in different components stood in the order of needles > branches > roots > bark > bole. It was also suggested that the amounts of nutrients annually taken in from and retained in the natural Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest were significantly higher than those in artificial forests. The coefficients of nutrient use in various Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. stands stood in the order of Ca > Mg > N > K > P, but the nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of the same element decreased with increased age of the forest. There were no differences in the utilization coefficient and the turnover period of nutrients in both natural and artificial matured Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forests.  相似文献   

Nitrogen cycling and dynamic analysis of man made larch forest ecosystem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu  Shirong 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):391-397
Nitrogen cycling process and dynamic change over 2 years were studied in 21-year-old planted dahurian larch (Lurix gmelinii (Rupr) Rupr.) in the eastern part of northern China. N concentrations in the plants varied by tissue, age, position in tree and season. In the aboveground components the N concentration was highest in foliage, followed by live branches, bolebark and bolewood. The organic N concentrations in undergrowth and herbs were higher than that in larch tree. The total amount of N accumulated in the larch ecosystem was 13167 kg.ha-1, in which the percentages of N storage in soil, living plants, dead standing and litter were 94.7%, 2.8%, 0.1% and 2.4%, respectively. The uptake of N by vegetation was 56 kg.ha-1.y-1, in which the retention and return were 24 kg.ha-1.y-1 and 32 kg. ha-1 y-1, respectively. Precipitation provided 13 kg.ha-1.y-1 of N, while N loss via runoff was 4 kg.ha-1.y-1 and therefore, the net gain of N by ecosystem was 9 kg.ha-1.y-1.The simulation of N dynamic change showed that an increase in the age of stand was accompanied by a concomitant increase in N storage in the forest floor, whereas N flux from forest floor organic matter into soil would decrease, and consequently, growth rate of larch stands would reduce owing to the inadequacy of available N in the soil. The prediction indicated that the degradation of soil fertility in larch plantation might occur under continuous cropping. The study implied that release rate of N from litter into soil was the key factor in determining and regulating N cycling in larch plantation.The understory minor vegetation in the larch stand plays an important role in speeding up N cycling. The timely thinning is needed to improve growth and development of shrubs and herbs, and to avert the potential soil degradation. The mixed stand of larch with either a certain proportion of broad-leaved or a moderately well developed understory vegetation should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest, the dominant community in Ziwuling Mountain lying in the hilly loess region, was studied for its nutrient distributions and bio-cycle characteristics in both natural and artificial forms. The results showed that the changes in the nutrient contents for different components in the same Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest stood in the order of needles > branches > bark > roots > bole. The aboveground nutrient elements in needles, branches, bark bole and litterfalls stood in the order of Ca > N > K > Mg > P, but the nutrients stored in the soil stood in the order of Ca > K > Mg > N > P. The accumulated amounts of nutrients increased first and then decreased with the increased age of the forest. The nutrient amounts reached their maximum when the stand was 30 years old, and decreased greatly when it was 50 years old. The 30-year-old artificial Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest had the highest annual accumulated amount of nutrients, and different stands stood in the order of II > III > IV > I. Comparatively, annual accumulated nutrients in different components stood in the order of needles > branches > roots > bark > bole. It was also suggested that the amounts of nutrients annually taken in from and retained in the natural Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forest were significantly higher than those in artificial forests. The coefficients of nutrient use in various Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. stands stood in the order of Ca > Mg > N > K > P, but the nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of the same element decreased with increased age of the forest. There were no differences in the utilization coefficient and the turnover period of nutrients in both natural and artificial matured Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. forests.  相似文献   

中国森林生态系统N平衡现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郗金标  张福锁  有祥亮 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3257-3267
由于N饱和生态系统的出现,森林生态系统作为环境污染储蓄库的认识受到挑战。收集了近十余年来全国各地森林N素循环的研究资料,通过对目前大气N沉降、森林生物固N、森林生态系统N的流失、淋失、挥发等各项收支参数的分析,借助农田养分收支平衡的估算思路和方法对全国森林生态系统N平衡进行了估算。结果表明,我国森林生态系统N的输入大于输出,全国森林生态系统年容纳大气N约为736万t,其中约176万t来自于大气N沉降,约599万t来自于生物固N。而进入到森林生态系统中的N约16万t固定在木材中用以维持森林蓄积的增加,其余绝大部分则保存于森林土壤,使得森林土壤全N含量大约以每年0.002%的速率增长。但不断增加的N素输入并未导致森林生态系统N饱和,全国的森林蓄积仍保持增长的趋势,森林生态系统在N的生物地球化学循环过程中起着重要的调节作用,仍是环境N的储蓄库,对于调节气候,防治污染具有重大作用。  相似文献   

Rode  M. W. 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):337-343
The aboveground nutrient turnover of three ecosystems representing the main stages of heathland forest succession in NW Germany was investigated in a comparative study with regard to nutrient availability of the soil and light availability below the canopy. It was expected that nutrient availability would play a decisive role in forest development on nutrient poor acidic soil. The results show that the input of nutrients into the Calluna heathland is higher than the annual aboveground turnover of N, P, Ca, Mg, and K via litterfall. Compared to the pioneering birch-pine forest, the annual aboveground turnover of nutrients within the Calluna heathland, and therefore the nutrient availability is very low, while the light availability below the canopy is high. The increasing productivity of the growing successional forest is combined with an increasing nutrient turnover, mainly via litter fall. As a result, the increasing nutrient availability favours shade tolerant species with a higher nutrient demand at the late stages of succession. Consequently, the presumed terminal stage of succession, the oak-beech forest, is characterized by low light availability below the canopy and higher nutrient supply according to the resource-ratio hypothesis of Tilman (1985, 1986, 1988).  相似文献   

鼎湖山马尾松林营养元素的分布和生物循环特征   总被引:27,自引:9,他引:27  
较系统地研究了鼎湖山马尾松林营养元素的分布和生物循环情况。马尾松林内各组分营养元素浓度总的规律为:针叶-细根-林下层植物-凋落物-树皮-树干;在树皮,树干和凋落物组分中各营养元素的排序为:N-Ca-K-Mg-P,其它组分中则为:N-K-Ca-P-Mg。马尾松林各营养元素的总贮量(kg/hm^2)为:2278.51(N*),280.01(P),567.90(K),456.84(Ca),144.76(  相似文献   

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