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Three types of asialo-transferrin were obtained from immunologically pure human transferrin by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, followed by desialylation and affinity chromatography on a column of the immobilized asialo-glycoprotein-binding hepatic lectin from rabbit liver. Of the asialo-transferrins, type 1 was derived from the principal DEAE-cellulose chromatographic component of transferrin, i.e. the one that contains two biantennary glycans. The two other asialo-transferrins (types 2 and 3) were derived from a minor DEAE-chromatographic transferrin component, which is assumed to possess one biantennary and one triantennary glycan. The three asialo-transferrin types were indistinguishable by electrophoretic mobility, but they were readily distinguished on the basis of their binding strengths to the hepatic lectin in intact rats. Glycan structures responsible for the difference in binding strengths between asialo-transferrin types 2 and 3 are not known. Metabolic studies in rats showed that none of the individual asialo-transferrin types was capable of generating a signal for endocytosis at low doses (<1mug/100g body wt.) and, consequently, most of the injected protein was recoverable with the plasma and the liver 35min after injection. However, endocytosis and catabolism of each asialo-transferrin type was readily induced by injecting a larger dose (50-250mug/100g body wt.) of unlabelled asialo-transferrin of the same type or of a different type a short interval after the labelled dose. These findings support the view that the dose-dependent uptake of human asialo-transferrin by the hepatocyte, as established in an earlier study with asialo-transferrin made from whole transferrin [Regoeczi, Taylor, Hatton, Wong & Koj (1978) Biochem. J.174, 171-178], also holds for these asialo-transferrin subfractions. Furthermore, the present studies indicate that asialo-transferrins of different carbohydrate compositions are capable of synergistically promoting endocytosis of each other.  相似文献   

The intracellular movement of cell surface transferrin receptor (TfR) after internalization was studied in K562 cultured human erythroleukemia cells. The sialic acid residues of the TfR glycoprotein were used to monitor transport to the Golgi complex, the site of sialyltransferases. Surface-labeled cells were treated with neuraminidase, and readdition of sialic acid residues, monitored by isoelectric focusing of immunoprecipitated TfR, was used to assess the movement of receptor to sialyltransferase-containing compartments. Asialo-TfR was resialylated by the cells with a half-time of 2-3 h. Resialylation occurred in an intracellular organelle, since it was inhibited by treatments that allow internalization of surface components but block transfer out of the endosomal compartment. Moreover, roughly half of the resialylated molecules were cleaved when cells were retreated with neuraminidase after culturing, indicating that this fraction of the molecules had returned to the cell surface. These results suggest that TfR is transported from the cell surface to the Golgi complex, the intracellular site of sialyltransferases, and then returns to the cell surface. This pathway, which has not been previously described for a cell surface receptor, may be different from the route followed by TfR in iron uptake, since reported rates of transferrin uptake and release are significantly more rapid than the resialylation of asialo-TfR.  相似文献   

Summary Localization of hCG binding sites and the process of endocytosis in pseudopregnant rat ovaries were investigated by indirect electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. Immature female rats were treated with pregnant-mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to induce ovarian luteinization. Eight days after priming with PMSG-hCG and 1–6 h before sacrifice the animals were given another injection of hCG to bind the receptors. Receptor sites to hCG localized by reaction product were present in most luteal cells, but not in primary follicular cells. The receptor sites were distributed on luteal cell surfaces facing interstitial spaces. Endocytotic pits containing hCG binding sites were rarely seen 1 h after hCG injection. At 2 h, hCG and presumably its receptor were taken up within endocytotic vesicles with the evidence of reaction product coated on the vesicle wall. With time, fusion of endocytotic vesicles with lysosome occurred and the reaction product appeared in phagolysosomes. The reaction product was localized on phagolysosomal inner surface or in free granular form. These findings suggest that hCG and its receptors were internalized through endocytotic pits and endocytotic vesicles and delivered to lysosomes probably for degradation. An additional experiment for localization of acid phosphatase was also performed to delineate the lysosomes and phagolysosomes.  相似文献   

125I-Labeled hGH was bound to liver plasma membranes which were obtained from female rats. The binding was displaced by hGH, hPRL, bPRL, rPRL and bGH but not by rGH. This result indicated that hGH was bound to lactogenic binding sites in rat livers. After hypophysectomy, the binding was markedly decreased. Treatment of hypophysectomized rats with hGH (80 micrograms/day) for 10 days increased the binding sites for hGH. These binding sites were different from those found in normal female rat livers because of their high affinity and specificity for hGH. These results indicate that hGH induces specific binding sites for hGH in rat livers.  相似文献   

The endocytosis of enterokinase by rat hepatocytes has been studied both in a perfused liver system and in the intact, anaesthetised animal. 10 min after administration of the enzyme, only 70% of the activity was cleared by the perfused liver, whereas clearance was total in the intact animal. In both cases, about 85% of the internalised enzyme co-purified with the smooth microsomes and virtually all (more than 90%) of the catalytic activity was latent and could only be detected in the presence of detergent. After 10 min, 22.5% of the activity remained with the sinusoidal plasma membrane in the case of the perfused liver, while for the intact animal this figure was only 10%, confirming the more efficient clearance of enterokinase in the intact animal. Further subcellular fractionation showed that in the anaesthetised animal 8% of the internalised enzyme was associated with a low-density Golgi-like endosomal compartment (prepared from the mitochondrial pellet), whereas the corresponding value for the perfused liver was only 2.5%. Enterokinase specific activity was also up to 50-times greater in the low-density endosomes prepared from the intact animal. A second low-density Golgi-like compartment (purified from the smooth microsomes) also contained latent enterokinase, which together with the endosomes derived from the mitochondria accounted for 20% of the total enterokinase internalised by the liver 10 min after its administration to the intact animal. The passage of enterokinase through these two low-density compartments was shown not to be synchronous with its passage through the peripheral (sinusoidal membrane) and internal endosomes (smooth microsomes). There were qualitative differences in marker enzymes and polypeptide composition between the mitochondria and microsome-derived low-density endosomes. The sub-fractionation of low-density fractions on shallow sucrose gradients revealed a complex enzyme and polypeptide heterogeneity both between and within fractions. There was an apparent density-dependent separation of enterokinase from galactosyltransferase and the asialoglycoprotein receptor which was coincident with marked changes in the polypeptide composition of the endosomal membranes, particularly in the 30–45 kDa range.  相似文献   

The endocytosis of enterokinase by rat hepatocytes has been studied both in a perfused liver system and in the intact, anaesthetised animal. 10 min after administration of the enzyme, only 70% of the activity was cleared by the perfused liver, whereas clearance was total in the intact animal. In both cases, about 85% of the internalised enzyme co-purified with the smooth microsomes and virtually all (more than 90%) of the catalytic activity was latent and could only be detected in the presence of detergent. After 10 min, 22.5% of the activity remained with the sinusoidal plasma membrane in the case of the perfused liver, while for the intact animal this figure was only 10%, confirming the more efficient clearance of enterokinase in the intact animal. Further subcellular fractionation showed that in the anaesthetised animal 8% of the internalised enzyme was associated with a low-density Golgi-like endosomal compartment (prepared from the mitochondrial pellet), whereas the corresponding value for the perfused liver was only 2.5%. Enterokinase specific activity was also up to 50-times greater in the low-density endosomes prepared from the intact animal. A second low-density Golgi-like compartment (purified from the smooth microsomes) also contained latent enterokinase, which together with the endosomes derived from the mitochondria accounted for 20% of the total enterokinase internalised by the liver 10 min after its administration to the intact animal. The passage of enterokinase through these two low-density compartments was shown not to be synchronous with its passage through the peripheral (sinusoidal membrane) and internal endosomes (smooth microsomes). There were qualitative differences in marker enzymes and polypeptide composition between the mitochondria and microsome-derived low-density endosomes. The sub-fractionation of low-density fractions on shallow sucrose gradients revealed a complex enzyme and polypeptide heterogeneity both between and within fractions. There was an apparent density-dependent separation of enterokinase from galactosyltransferase and the asialoglycoprotein receptor which was coincident with marked changes in the polypeptide composition of the endosomal membranes, particularly in the 30-45 kDa range.  相似文献   

The binding of human 125I-labeled HDL3 (high-density lipoproteins, rho 1.125-1.210 g/cm3) to a crude membrane fraction prepared from bovine liver closely fit the paradigm expected of a ligand binding to a single class of identical and independent sites, as demonstrated by computer-assisted binding analysis. The dissociation constant (Kd), at both 37 and 4 degrees C, was 2.9 micrograms protein/ml (approx. 2.9 X 10(-8) M); the capacity of the binding sites was 490 ng HDL3 (approx. 4.9 pmol) per mg membrane protein at 37 degrees C and 115 at 4 degrees C. Human low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) also bound to these sites (Kd = 41 micrograms protein/ml, approx. 6.7 X 10(-8) M for LDL, and Kd = 5.7 micrograms protein/ml, approx. 7.0 X 10(-9) M for VLDL), but this observation must be considered in light of the fact that the normal circulating concentrations of these lipoproteins are much lower than those of HDL. The binding of 125I-labeled HDL3 to these sites was inhibited only slightly by 1 M NaCl, suggesting the presence of primarily hydrophobic interactions at the recognition site. The binding was not dependent on divalent cations and was not displaceable by heparin; the binding sites were sensitive to both trypsin and pronase. Of exceptional note was the finding that various subclasses of human HDL (including subclasses of immunoaffinity-isolated HDL) displaced 125I-labeled HDL3 from the hepatic HDL binding sites with different apparent affinities, indicating that these sites are capable of recognizing highly specific structural features of ligands. In particular, apolipoprotein A-I-containing lipoproteins with prebeta electrophoretic mobility bound to these sites with a strikingly lower affinity (Kd = 130 micrograms protein/ml) than did the other subclasses of HDL.  相似文献   

The present studies were directed to examine and quantify binding and degradation of radiolabelled cholecystokinin (CCK) peptides by isolated rat liver cells. After incubation with liver cells (4.5 x 10(6) cells/ml) at 14 degrees C, minimal binding (less than 5%) of labelled CCK33 was detected. When labelled nonsulfated (nsCCK8) and sulfated CCK8 (sCCK8) were incubated, 16.2 +/- 1.8% (mean +/- S.E.) and 7.2 +/- 0.1% of 125I-nsCCK8 and 125I-sCCK8, respectively, were bound to the cell fraction. However, no inhibition of binding of either labelled nsCCK8 or sCCK8 was observed when incubated in the presence of excess unlabelled peptide (10 ng-10 micrograms). Preferential binding of labelled sCCK8, the biologically active form of the octapeptide, appeared to be to the nonparenchymal liver cell, rather than the hepatocyte, fraction; when corrected for cell size and protein content, binding of sCCK8 was approximately 15-times greater by the nonparenchymal cell population. When incubated with hepatocytes at 37 degrees C for 60 min, no degradation of labelled sCCK8 was detected by high pressure liquid chromatography. In contrast, progressive degradation of sCCK8 was observed when the peptide was incubated with the nonparenchymal cells. The results of these studies confirm previous observations that CCK33 is not bound by the liver. They further demonstrate that to some degree CCK8 is preferentially bound and degraded by hepatic nonparenchymal cells; however, this binding appears to be noncompetitive and, therefore, probably not receptor-mediated.  相似文献   

Sodium and potassium binding by rat liver cell microsomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of ion concentration, pH, and presence of competing ions on the sodium and potassium binding properties of rat liver cell microsomes were studied. Typical adsorption isotherms were obtained in the concentration dependence studies, with saturation being reached when 1.2 to 1.4 m.eq. cations were retained per gm. of microsome Kjeldahl nitrogen. The retention was shown to be due to a binding to specific sites rather than to a trapping of the cations. The binding showed a sharp pH dependence in the range 6.0 to 7.5. The presence of one cation depressed the binding of the other, indicating that Na+ and K+ as well as H+ ions compete for the same sites. Potassium was bound slightly more strongly than sodium, while hydrogen was bound about 105 times more strongly than either. Calculations show that the binding follows the simple mass law. Similarities between adsorption by microsomes and adsorption by synthetic cation exchange resins are discussed and compared to some of the characteristics of electrolyte behavior in living systems. A possible ion exchange elution, active cation transport mechanism is suggested, involving the preferential elution of Na+ out of the cell by H+ ions produced by metabolism.  相似文献   

Fluid endocytosis in rat liver parenchymal (hepatocytes) and non-parenchymal cells was studied by measuring uptake of [125I]polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Radioactive sucrose preparations were also tested but turned out to be unsuitable because of impurities of radioactive glucose and fructose. Fluid endocytosis was temperature dependent without any transition temperature. The rate of endocytosis was inhibited by inhibitors of the glycolytic and the respiratory pathway. Colchicine, but not cytochalasin B, inhibited the uptake of [125I]PVP in hepatocytes. Therefore, intact microtubuli, but not microfilaments may be required for normal rate of fluid endocytosis in hepatocytes. Colchicine reduced the rate of fluid endocytosis in the non-parenchymal liver cells. Subcellular fractionation by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients indicated that [125I]PVP taken up by the hepatocytes accumulated in the lysosomes. The rate of uptake expressed as volume of fluid internalized per unit time (endocytic index) was calculated to 0.08 μl/h/106 cells for hepatocytes and 0.07 μl/h/106 cells for non-parenchymal liver cells.  相似文献   

The endocytic compartments of the asialoglycoprotein (ASGP) pathway in rat hepatocytes were studied using a combined morphological and biochemical approach in the isolated perfused liver. Use of electron microscopic tracers and a temperature-shift protocol to synchronize ligand entry confirmed the route of ASGP internalization observed in our previous in vivo studies (1) and established conditions under which we could label the contents of successive compartments in the pathway for subcellular fractionation studies. Three endosomal compartments were demonstrated in which ASGPs appear after they enter the cell via coated pits and vesicles but before they reach their site of degradation in lysosomes. These three compartments could be distinguished by their location within the hepatocyte, by their morphological appearance in situ, and by their density in sucrose gradients. The distributions of ASGP receptors, both accessible and latent (revealed by detergent permeabilization), were also examined and compared with that of ligand during subcellular fractionation. Most accessible ASGP receptors co-distributed with conventional plasma membrane markers. However, hepatocytes contain a substantial intracellular pool of latent ASGP binding sites that exceeds the number of cell surface receptors and whose presence is not dependent on ASGP exposure. The distribution of these latent ASGP receptors on sucrose gradients (detected either immunologically or by binding assays) was coincident with that of ligand sequestered within the early endosome compartments. In addition, both early endosomes and the membrane vesicles containing latent ASGP receptors had high cholesterol content, because both shifted markedly in density upon exposure to digitonin.  相似文献   

Summary Endocytosis via the hyaluronic acid/chondroitin sulphate receptor of rat liver endothelial cells was studied ultrastructurally, by use of a probe consisting of chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan attached to 15-nm gold particles. The probe bound to the surface of the cells exclusively in coated regions of the plasma membrane. Internalization at 37° C took place in less than one minute during which time interval the bound probe was transferred to coated vesicles. Further transfer to lysosomes was delayed in association with an accumulation of probes in a prelysosomal compartment consisting of large vacuoles in which probes lined the inner aspect of the membrane. Transport to lysosomes occurred only after a lag phase of at least 40–60 min at 37° C.Abbreviations CS chondroitin sulphate - CSPG chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan - CSPG-Au CSPG-gold complex - EM electronmicroscopical or electron microscopy - HA hyaluronic acid - KC Kuppfer cells - LEC liver endothelial cells - PC parenchymal cells - RES reticuloendothelial system  相似文献   

Isolated sinusoidal endothelial rat liver cells (EC) in suspension bound and internalized ovalbumin, a mannose-terminated glycoprotein, in a saturable manner. The binding and uptake were Ca2+-dependent and were effectively inhibited by alpha-methyl mannoside and yeast mannan, but not by galactose or asialoglycoproteins. This corresponds to the binding specificity described for the mannose receptor of macrophages and non-parenchymal liver cells. Binding studies indicated a surface pool of 20,000-25,000 mannose receptors per cell, with a dissociation constant of 6 x 10(-8) M. Uptake and degradation of ovalbumin by isolated EC were inhibited by weak bases and ionophores which inhibit acidification of endocytic vesicles and dissociation of receptor-ligand complexes. Cycloheximide had no effect on uptake or degradation. Degradation, but not uptake, was inhibited by leupeptin. We conclude that ovalbumin dissociates from the mannose receptors in the endosomal compartment and the receptors are recycled to the cell surface, while the ovalbumin is directed to the lysosomes for degradation. A fraction of the internalized ovalbumin was recycled intact to the cell surface and escaped degradation (retroendocytosis). The rate of internalization of ovalbumin by isolated EC was very fast, with a Ke (endocytotic rate constant) of 4.12 min-1, which corresponds to a half-life of 10 s for the surface pool of receptor-ligand complexes. To our knowledge, this is the highest Ke reported for a receptor-mediated endocytosis system.  相似文献   

The possibility that the GST1 phenotype of human liver cytosol is a determinant of bile salt binding has been investigated by using equilibrium dialysis and gel-exclusion chromatography. Binding of bile salts was non-saturable and whereas the glutathione S-transferases did not appear to be major bile salt binders, other binding components with molecular weights of 35 000 and 11 000 were identified in both fetal and adult cytosols.  相似文献   

Comparative binding of albumin and -glucuronidase by rat liver microsomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rat liver microsomes, free of lysosomal β-glucuronidase, were subjected to sonication. Under the experimental conditions used, 95 % of the microsomal β-glucuronidase activity was solubilized while only 11 % of the albumin was released in the soluble fraction. The results indicate that microsomal β-glucuronidase is not contained in the cisternae of the microsomal vesicles but is attached to the membranes by bonds that are broken by sonication before the membranes are disrupted.  相似文献   

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