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The present study is aimed to identify genetic variability between two species of Amaranthus viz., A. caudatus and A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, two economically important species, cultivated mainly for grain production. Karyomorphological studies in Amaranthus are scarce, probably due to higher number of small sized chromosomes. Karyomorphological studies were conducted using mitotic squash preparation of young healthy root tips. Karyological parameters and karyotypic formula were established using various software programs and tabulated the karyomorphometric and asymmetry indices viz., Disparity index, Variation coefficient, Total forma percentage, Karyotype asymmetry index, Syi index, Rec index, Interchromosomal and Intrachromosomal asymmetry index and Degree of asymmetry of karyotypes. The mitotic chromosome number observed for A. caudatus was 2n = 32 with a gametic number n = 16 and A. hybridus subsp. cruentus was 2n = 34 with a gametic number n = 17. In A. caudatus the chromosome length during somatic metaphase ranged from 0.8698 to 1.7722 μm with a total length of 39.1412 μm. In A. hybridus subsp. cruentus the length of chromosome ranged from 0.7756 to 1.9421 μm with a total length of 44.9922 μm. Various karyomorphometry and asymmetry indices analyzed revealed the extend of interspecific variation and their evolutionary status.  相似文献   

Amaranth is a new and promising crop for the Russian climate, notable for its well-balanced amino acid composition. Yield increase using the methods of genetic engineering is a challenging task. We generated transgenic plants of amaranth with expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana ARGOS-LIKE gene under the control of the dahlia mosaic virus promoter. We achieved 1.4% transformation effectiveness. In comparison with wild-type amaranth, we observed a 21% increase in stem length, 79% increase in leaf length, and 190% increase in fresh weight of transgenic plants. It was shown that ARGOS-LIKE gene of A. thaliana along with the dahlia mosaic virus promoter can be used to increase primarily the green weight of shoot and leaf size of amaranth.  相似文献   

Ryoo N  Yu C  Park CS  Baik MY  Park IM  Cho MH  Bhoo SH  An G  Hahn TR  Jeon JS 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(7):1083-1095
To elucidate the role of SSIIIa during starch synthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) endosperm, we characterized null mutants of this gene, generated by T-DNA insertions. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis revealed that the starch granules in these mutants are smaller and rounder compared with the wild type controls, and that the mutant endosperm is characterized by a loosely packed central portion exhibiting a floury-like phenotype. Hence, the OsSSIIIa (Oryza sativa SSIIIa) mutations are referred to as white-core floury endosperm 5-1 (flo5-1) and flo5-2. Based upon their X-ray diffraction patterns, the crystallinity of the starch in the flo5 mutant endosperm is decreased compared with wild type. Through determination of the chain-length distribution of the mutant endosperm starch, we found that flo5-1 and flo5-2 mutants have reduced the content of long chains with degree of polymerization (DP) 30 or greater compared with the controls. This suggests that OsSSIIIa/Flo5 plays an important role in generating relatively long chains in rice endosperm. In addition, DP 6 to 8 and DP 16 to 20 appeared to be reduced in endosperm starch of flo5-1 and flo5-2, whereas DP 9 to 15 and DP 22 to 29 were increased in these mutants. By the use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the gelatinization temperatures of endosperm starch were found to be 1–5°C lower than those of the control. We propose a distinct role for OsSSIIIa/Flo5 and the coordinated action of other SS isoforms during starch synthesis in the seed endosperm of rice.  相似文献   

Plant height is one of the most important agronomic traits of plant architecture, and also affects grain yield in rice. In this study, we obtained a novel dwarf rice mutant of japonica variety Shennong9816, designated Shennong9816d. Compared with wild-type, the Shennong9816d plant height was significantly reduced, and the tiller number significantly increased. Additionally, the mutant yield component, and the number of large and small vascular bundles were significantly decreased compared with wild-type. Genetic analysis indicated that the Shennong9816d dwarf phenotype was controlled by a recessive nuclear gene, while the plant was shown to be sensitive to gibberellic acid. Using a large F2 population derived from a cross between Shennong9816d and the indica rice variety Habataki, the osh15(t) gene was fine mapped between RM20891 and RM20898, within a physical distance of 73.78 kb. Sequencing analysis showed that Shennong9816d carries a 1 bp mutation and a 30 bp insertion in the OSH15 region. These results suggest that osh15(t) is a novel allelic mutant originally derived from japonica variety Shennong9816, which may be useful for introducing the semi-dwarf phenotype to improve plant architecture in rice breeding practice.  相似文献   

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) is one of the most popular cultivated vegetables worldwide. Cabbage has rich phenotypic diversity, including plant height, head shape, head color, leaf shape and leaf color. Leaf color plays an important role in cabbage growth and development. At present, there are few reports on fine mapping of leaf color mutants in B. oleracea. In this study, a naturally occurring yellow-green leaf cabbage mutant (YL-1), derived from the self-pollinated progenies of the hybrid ‘Hosom’, was used for inheritance analysis and gene mapping. Segregation populations including F2 and BC1 were generated from the cross of two inbred lines, YL-1 and 01–20. Genetic analysis with the F2 and BC1 populations demonstrated that the yellow-green leaf color was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, ygl-1. Insertion–deletion (InDel) markers, designed based on the parental re-sequencing data, were used for the preliminary mapping with BSA (bulked segregant analysis) method. A genetic map constructed with 15 InDels indicated that ygl-1 was located on chromosome C01. The ygl-1 gene is flanked by InDel markers ID2 and M8, with genetic distances of 0.4 cM and 0.35 cM, respectively. The interval distance between two markers is 167 kb. Thus, it enables us to locate the ygl-1 gene for the first time in B. oleracea. This study lays the foundation for candidate gene prediction and ygl-1gene cloning.  相似文献   

Auxin receptors TIR1/AFBs play an essential role in a series of signaling network cascades. These F-box proteins have also been identified to participate in different stress responses via the auxin signaling pathway in Arabidopsis. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is one of the most important crops worldwide, which is also a model plant for research. In the study herein, two cucumber homologous auxin receptor F-box genes CsTIR and CsAFB were cloned and studied for the first time. The deduced amino acid sequences showed a 78% identity between CsTIR and AtTIR1 and 76% between CsAFB and AtAFB2. All these proteins share similar characteristics of an F-box domain near the N-terminus, and several Leucine-rich repeat regions in the middle. Arabidopsis plants ectopically overexpressing CsTIR or CsAFB were obtained and verified. Shorter primary roots and more lateral roots were found in these transgenic lines with auxin signaling amplified. Results showed that expression of CsTIR/AFB genes in Arabidopsis could lead to higher seeds germination rates and plant survival rates than wild-type under salt stress. The enhanced salt tolerance in transgenic plants is probably caused by maintaining root growth and controlling water loss in seedlings, and by stabilizing life-sustaining substances as well as accumulating endogenous osmoregulation substances. We proposed that CsTIR/AFB-involved auxin signal regulation might trigger auxin mediated stress adaptation response and enhance the plant salt stress resistance by osmoregulation.  相似文献   


Key message

Using a combination of phenotypic screening, genetic and statistical analyses, and high-throughput genome-wide sequencing, we have finely mapped a dominant Phytophthora resistance gene in soybean cultivar Wayao.


Phytophthora root rot (PRR) caused by Phytophthora sojae is one of the most important soil-borne diseases in many soybean-production regions in the world. Identification of resistant gene(s) and incorporating them into elite varieties are an effective way for breeding to prevent soybean from being harmed by this disease. Two soybean populations of 191 F2 individuals and 196 F7:8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were developed to map Rps gene by crossing a susceptible cultivar Huachun 2 with the resistant cultivar Wayao. Genetic analysis of the F2 population indicated that PRR resistance in Wayao was controlled by a single dominant gene, temporarily named RpsWY, which was mapped on chromosome 3. A high-density genetic linkage bin map was constructed using 3469 recombination bins of the RILs to explore the candidate genes by the high-throughput genome-wide sequencing. The results of genotypic analysis showed that the RpsWY gene was located in bin 401 between 4466230 and 4502773 bp on chromosome 3 through line 71 and 100 of the RILs. Four predicted genes (Glyma03g04350, Glyma03g04360, Glyma03g04370, and Glyma03g04380) were found at the narrowed region of 36.5 kb in bin 401. These results suggest that the high-throughput genome-wide resequencing is an effective method to fine map PRR candidate genes.


Key message

The split-hull phenotype caused by reduced lemma width and low lignin content is under control of SPH encoding a type-2 13-lipoxygenase and contributes to high dehulling efficiency.


Rice hulls consist of two bract-like structures, the lemma and palea. The hull is an important organ that helps to protect seeds from environmental stress, determines seed shape, and ensures grain filling. Achieving optimal hull size and morphology is beneficial for seed development. We characterized the split-hull (sph) mutant in rice, which exhibits hull splitting in the interlocking part between lemma and palea and/or the folded part of the lemma during the grain filling stage. Morphological and chemical analysis revealed that reduction in the width of the lemma and lignin content of the hull in the sph mutant might be the cause of hull splitting. Genetic analysis indicated that the mutant phenotype was controlled by a single recessive gene, sph (Os04g0447100), which encodes a type-2 13-lipoxygenase. SPH knockout and knockdown transgenic plants displayed the same split-hull phenotype as in the mutant. The sph mutant showed significantly higher linoleic and linolenic acid (substrates of lipoxygenase) contents in spikelets compared to the wild type. It is probably due to the genetic defect of SPH and subsequent decrease in lipoxygenase activity. In dehulling experiment, the sph mutant showed high dehulling efficiency even by a weak tearing force in a dehulling machine. Collectively, the results provide a basis for understanding of the functional role of lipoxygenase in structure and maintenance of hulls, and would facilitate breeding of easy-dehulling rice.

Transgenic cotton with an increased level of phytase activity was generated from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv. ND94-7 by subjecting shoot-apex explants to particle bombardment. These tissues were transformed with plasmid pC-KSA2300 carrying a selectable marker (for kanamycin) and a target gene (phytase, or phyA, from Aspergillus ficuum). Primary plants were regenerated in a medium containing 75 mg l−1 kanamycin. Of 1,534 shoot apices, 52 (3.4%) survived on this selection medium. Southern and Northern blot analyses confirmed that phyA was stably integrated and expressed in those primary transgenics. The progenies of the primary transgenic plants were found to have a 3.1- to 3.2-fold increase in root extracellular phytase activity, resulting in improved phosphorus (P) nutrition. Growth also was enhanced when they were supplied with phytate, and their P content was equivalent to that of wildtype plants supplied with inorganic phosphate. These results demonstrate that the expression of phyA in cotton plants improves their ability to utilize organic P in response to a deficiency.  相似文献   

The photoprotective function of leaf betacyanin in water-stressed Amaranthus cruentus plants was examined by comparing leaves of two strains which differ significantly in the amount of betacyanin. At 0, 1, and 2 days after the imposed water stress, leaves were subjected to high-light (HL) treatment to assess their photosynthetic capacity and photoinhibition susceptibility. The water stress equally reduced leaf relative water content (RWC), gas-exchange rate and chlorophyll (Chl) contents in both leaves, indicating that the severity of water stress was comparable between the strains. Consequently, the extent of photoinhibition after the HL treatment increased in both strains as water stress developed; however, it was significantly greater in acyanic leaves than in betacyanic leaves, suggesting lower photoinhibition susceptibility in the betacyanic strain. The betacyanic leaves also exhibited approximately 30% higher values for photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) during the period of water stress despite the nonphotochemical quenching coefficient (qN) did not differ significantly between the strains. These results may be partially explained by the increased amount of leaf betacyanin under water stress. Moreover, a decrease in Chl content in betacyanic leaves might have enhanced light screening effect of betacyanin by increasing relative abundance of betacyanin to Chl molecule. In addition, reduced Chl content increased light penetrability of leaves. As a result, the extent of photoinhibition at the deeper tissue was exacerbated and the Chl fluorescence emitted from these tissues was more readily detected, facilitating assessment of photoinhibition at deeper tissues where the effect of betacyanic light screening is considered to be most apparent. Our results demonstrated that leaf betacyanin contributes to total photoprotective capacity of A. cruentus leaves by lowering excitation pressure on photosystem II (PSII) via attenuation of potentially harmful excess incident light under water stress.  相似文献   

Aggregatibacter (Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans P7–20 strain isolated from a periodontally diseased patient has produced a bacteriocin (named as actinomycetemcomitin) that is active against Peptostreptococcus anaerobius ATCC 27337. Actinomycetemcomitin was produced during exponential and stationary growth phases, and its amount decreased until it disappeared during the decline growth phase. It was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation (30–60% saturation), and further by FPLC (mono-Q ionic exchange and Phenyl Superose hydrophobic interaction) and HPLC (C-18 reversed-phase). This bacteriocin loses its activity after incubation at a pH below 7.0 or above 8.0, following heating for 30 min at 45°C, and after treatment with proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin, α-chymotrypsin, and papain. Actinomycetemcomitin has a molecular mass of 20.3 KDa and it represents a new bacteriocin from A. actinomycetemcomitans.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the immunoglobulin constant heavy chain genes of the horse have been described for IGHM, IGHG and IGHE genes, but not for IGHA. Here, we provide the nucleotide sequence of the genomic IGHA gene of the horse (Equus caballus), including its secretion region and the transmembrane exon. The equine IGHA gene shows the typical structure of a mammalian IGHA gene, with only three exons, separated by two introns of similar size. The hinge exon is located at the 5 end of the CH2 exon and encodes a hinge region of 11 amino acids, which contains five proline residues. The coding nucleotide sequence of the secreted form of the equine IGHA gene shares around 72% identity with the human IGHA1 and IGHA2 genes, as well as the bovine, ovine, porcine and canine IGHA genes, without distinct preference for any of these species. The same species also cluster together in a phylogenetic tree of the IGHA coding regions of various mammals, whereas rodent, rabbit, marsupial and monotreme IGHA genes each build a separate cluster.The nucleotide sequences reported in this paper have been assigned the EMBL/GenBank accession numbers AY247966 and AY351982  相似文献   

Powdery mildew is an important foliar disease in wheat, especially in areas with a cool or maritime climate. A dominant powdery mildew resistance gene transferred to the hexaploid germplasm line NC99BGTAG11 from T. timopheevii subsp. armeniacum was mapped distally on the long arm of chromosome 7A. Differential reactions were observed between the resistance gene in NC99BGTAG11 and the alleles of the Pm1 locus that is also located on chromosome arm 7AL. Observed segregation in F2:3 lines from the cross NC99BGTAG11 × Axminster (Pm1a) demonstrate that germplasm line NC99BGTAG11 carries a novel powdery mildew resistance gene, which is now designated as Pm37. This new gene is highly effective against all powdery mildew isolates tested so far. Analyses of the population with molecular markers indicate that Pm37 is located 16 cM proximal to the Pm1 complex. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers Xgwm332 and Xwmc790 were located 0.5 cM proximal and distal, respectively, to Pm37. In order to identify new markers in the region, wheat expressed sequence tags (ESTs) located in the distal 10% of 7AL that were orthologous to sequences from chromosome 6 of rice were targeted. The two new EST-derived STS markers were located distal to Pm37 and one marker was closely linked to the Pm1a region. These new markers can be used in marker-assisted selection schemes to develop wheat cultivars with pyramids of powdery mildew resistance genes, including combinations of Pm37 in coupling linkage with alleles of the Pm1 locus.  相似文献   

As a major contributor to the flower market, Gypsophila paniculata is an important target for the breeding of new varieties. However, gypsophila breeding is strongly hampered by the sterility of this species’ genotypes and the lack of a genetic-transformation procedure for this genus. Here we describe the establishment of a transformation procedure for gypsophila (Gypsophila paniculata L.) based on Agrobacterium inoculation of highly regenerative stem segments. The transformation procedure employs stem explants derived from GA3-pretreated mother plants and a two-step selection scheme. The GA3 treatment was crucial for obtaining high gene-transfer frequencies (75–90% GUS-expressing explants out of total inoculated explants), as shown using three different gypsophila varieties. An overall transformation efficiency of five GUS-expressing shoots per 100 stem explants was demonstrated for cv. Arbel. The applicability of the transformation system to gypsophila was further reinforced by the generation of transgenic plants expressing Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC driven by a CaMV 35S promoter. Transgenic gypsophila plantlets exhibited extensive rooting and branching, traits that could be beneficial to the ornamental industry.  相似文献   

Summary   Funastrum rupicola Goyder, a new species of Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae from Bolivia, is described and illustrated. The conservation status of this species is assessed.  相似文献   

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