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过氧化物酶体是一种广泛存在于真核细胞内的异质性细胞器,具有多种酶活性,主要功能是参与脂肪酸氧化、磷脂合成和氧化应激平衡的调节等过程。研究发现,过氧化物酶体功能异常引起的脑组织中极长链脂肪酸聚集、植烷酸贮积、二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaenoic acid,DHA)和缩醛磷脂减少等与阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)的发生发展密切相关。尽管具体的机制尚不清楚,但目前认为,过氧化物酶体功能异常很可能是AD发生发展的始动因素之一。因此,就过氧化物酶体功能异常与AD之间关系的研究进展进行综述,有助于为AD的发病机制研究提供线索和依据。  相似文献   

除线粒体外,过氧化物酶体也是真核细胞脂肪酸β氧化分解的重要部位.过氧化物酶体β氧化过程包括氧化、加水、脱氢和硫解4步反应,主要参与极长链、支链脂肪酸等的分解.近年关于过氧化物酶体β氧化的研究活跃,在代谢途径及功能等方面有了新的认识,尤其在对相关代谢酶的研究中取得了较大进展.本文就过氧化物酶体β氧化相关进展作一综述.  相似文献   

过氧化物酶体生物发生研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过氧化物酶体是存在于真核细胞中的一种亚细胞器,主要功能是参与脂肪酸等脂质的代谢过程和氧化应激的调节。近年来研究发现,多种疾病都与过氧化物酶体的生物发生异常有关。过氧化物酶体的生物发生指过氧化物酶体的形成过程,包括从头合成和分裂增殖两条途径。两条途径中,参与过氧化物酶体生物发生的蛋白质,即peroxin(PEX)的基因发生突变,会导致过氧化物酶体生成障碍,引起疾病的发生。因此,就过氧化物酶体生物发生的研究进展进行综述,有助于为相关疾病的诊断和治疗提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

过氧化物酶体是细胞中一种参与脂肪酸代谢、缩醛磷脂合成和氧化应激等功能的细胞器,其数量会根据细胞和细胞所处微环境的不同而发生变化,这种变化又与过氧化物酶体本身的降解密切相关.虽然一直以来,过氧化物酶体都被线粒体的光芒所掩盖,但是近年来,随着过氧化物酶体研究的逐渐增多,人们对于过氧化物酶体的降解也有了更全面的了解.本文主要...  相似文献   

过氧化物酶体是保守存在于真核生物中的一种细胞器,参与多种生化代谢过程,包括脂肪酸β氧化反应、活性氧的产生和降解等。过氧化物酶体在生物发生和应对环境胁迫过程中,通过数量和时空分布的规律性动态变化,实现质量控制,以维持其生化代谢的稳态,从而保持机体的正常生命活动。同时,作为真核细胞的代谢枢纽,过氧化物酶体功能的正常发挥与稳态维持需要与其他细胞器相互协作。过氧化物酶体膜接触位点在过氧化物酶体与各细胞器相互连接和交流中发挥着重要作用。近年来,过氧化物酶体稳态维持机制和膜接触位点的组成和功能成为国内外相关研究的热点,本文对相关研究的进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

过氧化物酶体是细胞中一种重要的细胞器.过氧化物酶体在细胞功能的发挥和人体健康方面有着重要作用.目前,以酵母过氧化物酶体为模型,研究过氧化物酶体的形成机制是研究热点.从过氧化物酶体起源、生成方式介绍最新研究进展,总结在酵母细胞中参与过氧化物酶体形成的必需基因(pex),及其编码Peroxin蛋白在过氧化物酶体形成过程中的...  相似文献   

目的:研究并比较Bodipy标记的月桂酸(Bodipy-C12)在癌细胞与正常细胞中的亚细胞定位。方法:在多种癌细胞和正常细胞的培养基中加入Bodipy-C12(1μg/m L),利用共聚焦显微镜活细胞定时间隔拍摄,结合不同细胞器的分子标记蛋白,观察Bodipy-C12五分钟内在不同细胞器中的定位。结果:在人肝癌细胞系HepG2细胞中,Bodpy-C12信号不仅仅存在于线粒体和脂滴,同时富集于过氧化物酶体中。我们分别采用Pex3-GFP、Pex14-GFP、GFP-Pex16、GFP-SKL和GFP-Pmp34等特异性定位的过氧化物酶体蛋白,确认Bodpy-C12信号富集于过氧化物酶体。此外,过氧化物酶体中Bodpy-C12信号的富集发生在更多的癌细胞系中,例如结肠癌细胞HCT116和乳腺癌细胞MCF7。不同的是,在正常细胞系如3T3-L1,NRK和COS7中,Bodipy-C12信号存在于线粒体和脂滴中,但未在过氧化物酶体中检测到。结论:Bodipy-C12信号存在于正常细胞和癌细胞的脂滴和线粒体中,且其在癌细胞过氧化物酶体中富集,而不存在于正常细胞的过氧化物酶体中,预示癌细胞中过氧化物酶体脂代谢的差异。  相似文献   

过氧化物酶体(Peroxisome)是一类单层膜的细胞器,普遍存在于各种真核细胞中。过氧化物酶体是丰富的酶库,含有至少50种酶类,参与生物体的多种生理代谢过程,如乙醛酸循环、脂肪酸的β-氧化及活性氧的调节等。近年来,日益增多的研究表明过氧化物酶体和病原真菌的乙醛酸循环及脂肪酸的β-氧化功能的发挥密切相关,并影响病原真菌的致病性。总结过氧化物酶体中酶的种类和功能,评述过氧化物酶体与乙醛酸循环、脂肪酸β-氧化和病原真菌致病性的关系。  相似文献   

植物过氧化物酶体在活性氧信号网络中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过氧化物酶体是高度动态、代谢活跃的细胞器,主要参与脂肪酸等脂质的代谢及产生和清除不同的活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)。ROS是细胞有氧代谢的副产物。当胁迫长期作用于植物,过量的ROS会引起氧胁迫,损害细胞结构和功能的完整性,导致细胞代谢减缓,活性降低,甚至死亡;但低浓度的ROS则作为分子信号,感应细胞ROS/氧化还原变化,从而触发由环境因素导致的过氧化物酶体动力学以及依赖ROS信号网络改变而产生快速、特异性的应答。ROS也可以通过直接或间接调节细胞生长来控制植物的发育,是植物发育的重要调节剂。此外,过氧化物酶体的动态平衡由ROS、过氧化物酶体蛋白酶及自噬过程调节,对于维持细胞的氧化还原平衡至关重要。本文就过氧化物酶体中ROS的产生和抗氧化剂的调控机制进行综述,以期为过氧化物酶体如何感知环境变化,以及在细胞应答中,ROS作为重要信号分子的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

大鼠肝细胞过氧化物酶体的提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
:采用蔗糖密度梯度离心法 ( 950 0 0× g,2 h)提取大鼠肝细胞过氧化物酶体 ,所得过氧化物酶体形态完整 ,纯度与肝匀浆相比提高了 2 6倍 ,仅有少量 ( 0 .5%~ 0 .9%)的微粒体和线粒体污染 ,回收率为 1 2 %。为研究过氧化物酶体提供了有效的分离方法。此法还可将过氧化物酶体、微粒体、线粒体同时进行分离。  相似文献   

Bacterial genes responsible for poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) biosynthesis were targeted to plant peroxisomes by adding a carboxy-terminal targeting sequence. The enzymes evidently were transported into peroxisomes, retained their catalytic activity, and reacted with peroxisomally available precursors because PHB synthesis in transgenic plant cells was localized to peroxisomes. Up to 2 mg/g fresh weight PHB was produced in suspension cultures of Black Mexican Sweet maize cells after biolistic transformation with three peroxisomally targeted bacterial genes. An equilibrium effect is proposed to explain the unexpected existence of (R)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA in plant peroxisomes.  相似文献   


Cytochemical, biochemical and morphological changes in peroxisomes have been described in human metabolic disorders, in experimental models of disease and in response to drugs and toxins. These include the cerebrohepatorenal syndromes, in which peroxisomes can not be detected and mitochondrial respiration is inhibited, atherosclerosis, alcoholic cardiomyopathy, and tolerance to oxygen toxicity. Although information on the role of peroxisomes in disease is limited, increased awareness of their widespread distribution and the availability of an improved cytochemical procedure for staining peroxisomes in human specimens should provide new insights into their function.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are indispensable for proper functioning of human cells. They efficiently compartmentalize enzymes responsible for a number of metabolic processes, including the absolutely essential beta-oxidation of specific fatty acid chains. These and other oxidative reactions produce hydrogen peroxide, which is, in most instances, immediately processed in situ to water and oxygen. The responsible peroxidase is the heme-containing tetrameric enzyme, catalase. What has emerged in recent years is that there are circumstances in which the tightly regulated balance of hydrogen peroxide producing and degrading activities in peroxisomes is upset-leading to the net production and accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and downstream reactive oxygen species. The factor most essentially involved is catalase, which is missorted in aging, missing or present at reduced levels in certain disease states, and inactivated in response to exposure to specific xenobiotics. The overall goal of this review is to summarize the molecular events associated with the development and advancement of peroxisomal hypocatalasemia and to describe its effects on cells. In addition, results of recent efforts to increase levels of peroxisomal catalase and restore oxidative balance in cells will be discussed.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes in dorsal root ganglia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Peroxisomes from castor bean endosperm and mung bean hypocotyl completely degrade ricinoleic acid (12-D-hydroxy-9-cis-octadecenoic acid) to acetyl-CoA. Concomitant NADH formation occurred with a stoichiometry of 9 nmol NADH formed per 1 nmol ricinoleate degraded. At the C8-intermediate level, where the hydroxy group of ricinoleic acid forms a barrier to β-oxidation, 2-hydroxyoctanoate and 2-oxooctanoate were detected as intermediates. 2-Hydroxyoctanoate was oxidized to 2-oxooctanoate with H2O2 producing a reaction exhibiting 1:1 stoichiometry of the products. The peroxisomes appeared to oxidize both isomers of racemic 2-hydroxyoctanoate. 2-Oxooctanoate was metabolized to heptanoyl-CoA (propionyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA) in a NAD-dependent, but ATP-independent, reaction. Heptanoate was not detected as an intermediate. Imidazole, an inhibitor of α-oxidation, did not effect the degradation of ricinoleate or 2-oxooctanoate. Arsenite, an inhibitor of oxidative decarboxylation, inhibited the metabolism of ricinoleate at the C8-intermediate level, according to the accumulation of 2-oxooctanoate and the stoichiometry of concomitant NADH formation. Arsenite completely inhibited the metabolism of 2-oxooctanoate. It is concluded that the barrier caused by the hydroxy group of ricinoleic acid and prevention of β-oxidation at the C8-intermediate level, is circumvented by an α-hydroxy acid oxidase reaction followed by an oxidative decarboxylation allowing return to the β-oxidation track.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes and oxidative stress   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The discovery of the colocalization of catalase with H2O2-generating oxidases in peroxisomes was the first indication of their involvement in the metabolism of oxygen metabolites. In past decades it has been revealed that peroxisomes participate not only in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) with grave consequences for cell fate such as malignant degeneration but also in cell rescue from the damaging effects of such radicals. In this review the role of peroxisomes in a variety of physiological and pathological processes involving ROS mainly in animal cells is presented. At the outset the enzymes generating and scavenging H2O2 and other oxygen metabolites are reviewed. The exposure of cultured cells to UV light and different oxidizing agents induces peroxisome proliferation with formation of tubular peroxisomes and apparent upregulation of PEX genes. Significant reduction of peroxisomal volume density and several of their enzymes is observed in inflammatory processes such as infections, ischemia-reperfusion injury and hepatic allograft rejection. The latter response is related to the suppressive effects of TNFalpha on peroxisomal function and on PPARalpha. Their massive proliferation induced by a variety of xenobiotics and the subsequent tumor formation in rodents is evidently due to an imbalance in the formation and scavenging of ROS, and is mediated by PPARalpha. In PEX5-/- mice with the absence of functional peroxisomes severe abnormalities of mitochondria in different organs are observed which resemble closely those in respiratory chain disorders associated with oxidative stress. Interestingly, no evidence of oxidative damage to proteins or lipids, nor of increased peroxide production has been found in that mouse model. In this respect the role of PPARalpha, which is highly activated in those mice, in prevention of oxidative stress deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Y Wakayama 《Acta anatomica》1989,136(2):121-124
Peroxisomes of the human regenerating skeletal myofibers were studied qualitatively and quantitatively by electron cytochemistry and were compared with those of the mature normal human skeletal muscle fibers. Peroxisomes visualized by electron cytochemistry with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) were small round or oval bodies delimited by a single membrane and contained the electron-opaque, coarsely granular matrix. Muscle grafts of the regenerating normal human quadriceps obtained from 4 orthopedic patients were analyzed 2 weeks after transplantation into nude mice; they contained peroxisomes with a mean diameter of 0.25 microns, ranging from 0.12 to 0.67 microns. The group mean density of peroxisomes per 100 microns2 was 2.0 +/- 0.4 (SE), while that of histochemically normal mature human quadriceps femoris myofibers was 0. The cytochemical controls without DAB or with the presence of 3-amino 1,2,4-triazole in the solution containing DAB lacked the electron-opaque reaction, indicating that these reactions were on an enzymatic basis. The results of this study showed clearly that the regenerating normal human skeletal myofibers contained numerous peroxisomes differing from the mature normal human muscle fibers in which the peroxisomes were not observed.  相似文献   

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