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Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) is expressed on myelinating glia and inhibits neurite outgrowth from post-natal neurons. MAG has a sialic acid binding site in its N-terminal domain and binds to specific sialylated glycans and gangliosides present on the surface of neurons, but the significance of these interactions in the effect of MAG on neurite outgrowth is unclear. Here we present evidence to suggest that recognition of sialylated glycans is essential for inhibition of neurite outgrowth by MAG. Arginine 118 on MAG is known to make a key contact with sialic acid. We show that mutation of this residue reduces the potency of MAG inhibitory activity but that residual activity is also a result of carbohydrate recognition. We then go on to investigate gangliosides GT1b and GD1a as candidate MAG receptors. We show that MAG specifically binds both gangliosides and that both are expressed on the surface of MAG-responsive neurons. Furthermore, antibody cross-linking of cell surface GT1b, but not GD1a, mimics the effect of MAG, in that neurite outgrowth is inhibited through activation of Rho kinase. These data strongly suggest that interaction with GT1b on the neuronal cell surface is a potential mechanism for inhibition of neurite outgrowth by MAG.  相似文献   

In the injured nervous system, myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) on residual myelin binds to receptors on axons, inhibits axon outgrowth, and limits functional recovery. Conflicting reports identify gangliosides (GD1a and GT1b) and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored Nogo receptors (NgRs) as exclusive axonal receptors for MAG. We used enzymes and pharmacological agents to distinguish the relative roles of gangliosides and NgRs in MAG-mediated inhibition of neurite outgrowth from three nerve cell types, dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRGNs), cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs), and hippocampal neurons. Primary rat neurons were cultured on control substrata and substrata adsorbed with full-length native MAG extracted from purified myelin. The receptors responsible for MAG inhibition of neurite outgrowth varied with nerve cell type. In DRGNs, most of the MAG inhibition was via NgRs, evidenced by reversal of inhibition by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC), which cleaves glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors, or by NEP1-40, a peptide inhibitor of NgR. A smaller percentage of MAG inhibition of DRGN outgrowth was via gangliosides, evidenced by partial reversal by addition of sialidase to cleave GD1a and GT1b or by P4, an inhibitor of ganglioside biosynthesis. Combining either PI-PLC and sialidase or NEP1-40 and P4 was additive. In contrast to DRGNs, in CGNs MAG inhibition was exclusively via gangliosides, whereas inhibition of hippocampal neuron outgrowth was mostly reversed by sialidase or P4 and only modestly reversed by PI-PLC or NEP1-40 in a non-additive fashion. A soluble proteolytic fragment of native MAG, dMAG, also inhibited neurite outgrowth. In DRGNs, dMAG inhibition was exclusively NgR-dependent, whereas in CGNs it was exclusively ganglioside-dependent. An inhibitor of Rho kinase reversed MAG-mediated inhibition in all nerve cells, whereas a peptide inhibitor of the transducer p75(NTR) had cell-specific effects quantitatively similar to NgR blockers. Our data indicate that MAG inhibits axon outgrowth via two independent receptors, gangliosides and NgRs.  相似文献   

Cadherin-11 is a cell–cell adhesion molecule whose expression is often correlated with cellular migratory phenomena. We recently demonstrated that cadherin-11 activation by immobilized cad11–Fc (cadherin-11 ectodomain fused to Fc fragment) promotes axonal extension of spinal cord explants. Here, we show that this induced neurite outgrowth is dependent on the FGF receptor (FGFR) activity. Downstream, DAG lipase/CAM kinase and PI3 kinase pathways are required, but not the MAP kinase signalling. We also demonstrate that a tagged form of FGFR1 co-immunoprecipitates with β-catenin containing cadherin-11 immunocomplexes. FGFR1 and β-catenin show colocalization and enhanced association during cadherin-11 engagement, suggesting that FGFR1 interaction with cadherin-11 adhesion complexes is reinforced during cell contact formation. In vitro pull-down experiments using recombinant ectodomains suggest that cadherin-11/FGFR interact directly through their extracellular domains. Altogether, we propose that cadherin-11 recruits the FGFR upon adhesive engagement at nascent contacts, triggering the activation of downstream pathways involved in growth cone progression.  相似文献   

The three known inhibitors of axonal regeneration present in myelin--MAG, Nogo, and OMgp--all interact with the same receptor complex to effect inhibition via protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent activation of the small GTPase Rho. The transducing component of this receptor complex is the p75 neurotrophin receptor. Here we show that MAG binding to cerebellar neurons induces alpha- and then gamma-secretase proteolytic cleavage of p75, in a protein kinase C-dependent manner, and that this cleavage is necessary for both activation of Rho and inhibition of neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) was originally recognized for its ability to promote survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, but it has since been demonstrated to be crucial for the survival and differentiation of many neuronal subpopulations, including motor neurons, sympathetic neurons, sensory neurons and enteric neurons. To identify possible effectors or regulators of GDNF signaling, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen using the intracellular domain of RET, the common signaling receptor of the GDNF family, as bait. Using this approach, we identified Rap1GAP, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Rap1, as a novel RET-binding protein. Endogenous Rap1GAP co-immunoprecipitated with RET in neural tissues, and RET and Rap1GAP were co-expressed in dopaminergic neurons of the mesencephalon. In addition, overexpression of Rap1GAP attenuated GDNF-induced neurite outgrowth, whereas suppressing the expression of endogenous Rap1GAP by RNAi enhanced neurite outgrowth. Furthermore, using co-immunoprecipitation analyses, we found that the interaction between RET and Rap1GAP was enhanced following GDNF treatment. Mutagenesis analysis revealed that Tyr981 in the intracellular domain of RET was crucial for the interaction with Rap1GAP. Moreover, we found that Rap1GAP negatively regulated GNDF-induced ERK activation and neurite outgrowth. Taken together, our results suggest the involvement of a novel interaction of RET with Rap1GAP in the regulation of GDNF-mediated neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Neuronal Nogo66 receptor-1 (NgR1) binds the myelin inhibitors NogoA, OMgp, and myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) and has been proposed to function as the ligand-binding component of a receptor complex that also includes Lingo-1, p75(NTR), or TROY. In this study, we use Vibrio cholerae neuraminidase (VCN) and mouse genetics to probe the molecular composition of the MAG receptor complex in postnatal retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). We find that VCN treatment is not sufficient to release MAG inhibition of RGCs; however, it does attenuate MAG inhibition of cerebellar granule neurons. Furthermore, the loss of p75(NTR) is not sufficient to release MAG inhibition of RGCs, but p75(NTR-/-) dorsal root ganglion neurons show enhanced growth on MAG compared to wild-type controls. Interestingly, TROY is not a functional substitute for p75(NTR) in RGCs. Finally, NgR1(-/-) RGCs are strongly inhibited by MAG. In the presence of VCN, however, NgR1(-/-) RGCs exhibit enhanced neurite growth. Collectively, our experiments reveal distinct and cell type-specific mechanisms for MAG-elicited growth inhibition.  相似文献   

Gangliosides are key players in neuronal inhibition, with antibody-mediated clustering of gangliosides blocking neurite outgrowth in cultures and axonal regeneration post injury. In this study we show that the ganglioside GT1b can form a complex with the Nogo-66 receptor NgR1. The interaction is shown by analytical ultracentrifugation sedimentation and is mediated by the sialic acid moiety on GT1b, with mutations in FRG motifs on NgR1 attenuating the interaction. One FRG motif was developed into a cyclic peptide (N-AcCLQKFRGSSC-NH(2)) antagonist of GT1b, reversing the GT1b antibody inhibition of cerebellar granule cell neurite outgrowth. Interestingly, the peptide also antagonizes neurite outgrowth inhibition mediated by soluble forms of the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG). Structure function analysis of the peptide point to the conserved FRG triplet being the minimal functional motif, and mutations within this motif inhibit NgR1 binding to both GT1b and MAG. Finally, using gene ablation, we show that the cerebellar neuron response to GT1b antibodies and soluble MAG is indeed dependent on NgR1 function. The results suggest that gangliosides inhibit neurite outgrowth by interacting with FRG motifs in the NgR1 and that this interaction can also facilitate the binding of MAG to the NgR1. Furthermore, the results point to a rational strategy for developing novel ganglioside antagonists.  相似文献   

Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) cDNA clones for the small (p67) and large (p72) forms were expressed in heterologous cells. Purified recombinant MAG protein was incorporated into fluorescent liposomes, and both forms were shown to bind predominantly to neurites in DRG or spinal cord cultures. This adhesion was completely blocked by Fab fragments of monoclonal anti-MAG antibody. Liposomes prepared with the control protein glycophorin or no protein failed to bind neurites. Small cerebellar neurons, which are not myelinated in vivo, failed to bind MAG liposomes. In a second test of function, p67 MAG-transfected fibroblasts were markedly enhanced in their ability to promote DRG neurite extension over a 2 day culture period compared with control fibroblasts not expressing MAG. Neurite extension was blocked by anti-MAG antibodies. These results show that both forms of MAG can facilitate the interactions between glial cells and neurites that ultimately lead to myelin formation.  相似文献   

SHPS-1 is an immunoglobulin superfamily protein with four immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIMs) in its cytoplasmic region. Various neurotrophic factors induce the tyrosine phosphorylation of SHPS-1 and the association of SHPS-1 with the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified a protein tyrosine kinase, Csk-homologous kinase (CHK), as an SHPS-1-interacting protein. Immunoprecipitation and pull-down assays using glutathione S -transferase (GST) fusion proteins containing the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of CHK revealed that CHK associates with tyrosine-phosphorylated SHPS-1 via its SH2 domain. HIS3 assay in a yeast two-hybrid system using the tyrosine-to-phenylalanine mutants of SHPS-1 indicated that the first and second ITIMs of SHPS-1 are required to bind CHK. Over-expression of wild-type CHK, but not a kinase-inactive CHK mutant, enhanced the phosphorylation of SHPS-1 and its subsequent association with SHP-2. CHK phosphorylated each of four tyrosines in the cytoplasmic region of SHPS-1 in vitro . Co-expression of SHPS-1 and CHK enhanced neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells. Thus, CHK phosphorylates and associates with SHPS-1 and is involved in neural differentiation via SHP-2 activation.  相似文献   

The Nogo66 receptor (NgR1) is a neuronal, leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein that binds three central nervous system (CNS) myelin proteins, Nogo, myelin-associated glycoprotein, and oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein, and mediates their inhibitory effects on neurite growth. Although the LRR domains on NgR1 are necessary for binding to the myelin proteins, the exact epitope(s) involved in ligand binding is unclear. Here we report the generation and detailed characterization of an anti-NgR1 monoclonal antibody, 7E11. The 7E11 monoclonal antibody blocks Nogo, myelin-associated glycoprotein, and oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein binding to NgR1 with IC50 values of 120, 14, and 4.5 nm, respectively, and effectively promotes neurite outgrowth of P3 rat dorsal root ganglia neurons cultured on a CNS myelin substrate. Further, we have defined the molecular epitope of 7E11 to be DNAQLR located in the third LRR domain of rat NgR1. Our data demonstrate that anti-NgR1 antibodies recognizing this epitope, such as 7E11, can neutralize CNS myelin-dependent inhibition of neurite outgrowth. Thus, specific anti-NgR1 antibodies may represent a useful therapeutic approach for promoting CNS repair after injury.  相似文献   

Neurite outgrowth inhibitor‐B (Nogo‐B) is a membrane protein which is extensively expressed in multiple organs, especially in endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells of blood vessels and belongs to the reticulon protein family. Notably, its specific receptor, Nogo‐B receptor (NgBR), encoded by NUS1, has been implicated in many crucial cellular processes, such as cholesterol trafficking, lipid metabolism, dolichol synthesis, protein N‐glycosylation, vascular remodelling, angiogenesis, tumorigenesis and neurodevelopment. In recent years, accumulating studies have demonstrated the statistically significant changes of NgBR expression levels in human diseases, including Niemann‐Pick type C disease, fatty liver, congenital disorders of glycosylation, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, invasive ductal breast carcinoma, malignant melanoma, non‐small cell lung carcinoma, paediatric epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. Besides, both the in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that NgBR overexpression or knockdown contribute to the alteration of various pathophysiological processes. Thus, there is a broad development potential in therapeutic strategies by modifying the expression levels of NgBR.  相似文献   

A protein fraction purified from bovine brain myelin, previously called arretin because of its ability to inhibit neurite outgrowth, has been identified as consisting predominantly of oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein (OMgp). We show that it is a potent inhibitor of neurite outgrowth from rat cerebellar granule and hippocampal cells; from dorsal root ganglion explants in which growth cone collapse was observed; from rat retinal ganglion neurons; and from NG108 and PC12 cells. OMgp purified by a different procedure from both mouse and human myelin behaves identically in all bioassays tested.  相似文献   

Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM) acts as a netrin-1 receptor and mediates attractive response of axons to netrin-1 in neural development. However, the signaling mechanisms of netrin-DSCAM remain unclear. Here we report that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) interacts with DSCAM through its γ subunit, but does not interact with DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer), another major receptor for netrin-1. Netrin-treatment of cultured cortical neurons leads to increased phosphorylation of AMPK. Both AMPK mutant with dominant-negative effect and AMPK inhibitor can significantly suppress netrin-1 induced neurite outgrowth. Together, these findings demonstrate that AMPK interacts with DSCAM and plays an important role in netrin-1 induced neurite outgrowth. Our study uncovers a previously unknown component, AMPK, in netrin-DSCAM signaling pathway.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,124(6):1029-1037
We have used monolayers of parental 3T3 cells and 3T3 cells expressing one of three transfected cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) (NCAM, N- cadherin, and L1) as a culture substrate for rat cerebellar neurons. A number of tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been tested for their ability to inhibit neurite outgrowth over parental 3T3 monolayers which we show to be partly dependent on neuronal integrin receptor function, as compared with neurite outgrowth stimulated by the above three CAMs. Whereas genistein (100 microM), lavendustin A (20 microM), and tyrphostins 34 and 47 (both at 150 microM) had no effect on integrin dependent or CAM stimulated neurite outgrowth, the erbstatin analogue (10-15 micrograms/ml) and tyrphostins 23 and 25 (both at 150 microM) specifically inhibited the response stimulated by all three CAMs. CAM stimulated neurite outgrowth can be accounted for by a G-protein- dependent activation of neuronal calcium channels; experiments with agents that directly activate this pathway localized the erbstatin analogue site of action upstream of the G-protein and calcium channels, whereas tyrphostins have sites of action downstream from calcium channel activation. These data suggest that activation of an erbstatin sensitive tyrosine kinase is an important step upstream of calcium channel activation in the second messenger pathway underlying the neurite outgrowth response stimulated by a variety of CAMs, and that this kinase is not required for integrin-dependent neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Malignant gliomas are common and aggressive brain tumours associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We showed in this report that substratum adherence and migration by human U87MG glioma cells in culture were significantly attenuated by the extracellular domains of Nogo-A (Nogo-66) and the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG). U87MG cells contained significant amounts of endogenous Nogo-66 receptor (NgR), and treatment of the cells with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) or NgR antibodies resulted in an increase in their ability to adhere to, or migrate through, Nogo-66- and MAG-coated substrates. Nogo-66 and MAG may therefore modulate glioma growth and migration by acting through the NgR, a phenomenon that has potential therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins, such as NGF and BDNF, induce sustained activation of Rap1 small G protein and ERK, which are essential for neurite outgrowth. We show involvement of a GDP/GTP exchange factor (GEF) for Rap1, PDZ-GEF1, in these processes. PDZ-GEF1 is activated by GTP-Rap1 via a positive feedback mechanism. Upon NGF binding, the TrkA neurotrophin receptor is internalized from the cell surface, passes through early endosomes, and arrives in late endosomes. A tetrameric complex forms between PDZ-GEF1, synaptic scaffolding molecule and ankyrin repeat-rich membrane spanning protein which interacts directly with the TrkA receptor. At late endosomes, the complex induces sustained activation of Rap1 and ERK, resulting in neurite outgrowth. In cultured rat hippocampal neurons, PDZ-GEF1 is recruited to late endosomes in a BDNF-dependent manner involved in BDNF-induced neurite outgrowth. Thus, the interaction of PDZ-GEF1 with an internalized neurotrophin receptor transported to late endosomes induces sustained activation of both Rap1 and ERK and neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the beta-amyloid protein (Abeta) in the brain is an important step in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. However, the mechanism of Abeta toxicity remains unclear. Abeta can bind to the extracellular matrix, a structure that regulates adhesive events such as neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. The binding of Abeta to the extracellular matrix suggests that Abeta may disrupt cell-substrate interactions. Therefore, the effect of substrate-bound Abeta on the growth of isolated chick sympathetic and mouse cortical neurons was examined. Abeta1-40 and Abeta1-42 had dose-dependent effects on cell morphology. When tissue culture plates were coated with 0.1-10 ng/well Abeta, neurite outgrowth increased. Higher amounts of Abeta peptides (> or =3 microg/well) inhibited outgrowth. The inhibitory effect was related to aggregation of the peptide, as preincubation of Abeta1-40 for 24 h at 37 degrees C (a process known to increase amyloid fibril formation) was necessary for inhibition of neurite outgrowth. Abeta29-42, but not Abeta1-28, also inhibited neurite outgrowth at high concentrations, demonstrating that the inhibitory domain is located within the hydrophobic C-terminal region. Abeta1-40, Abeta1-42, and Abeta29-42 also inhibited cell-substrate adhesion, indicating that the effect on neurite outgrowth may have been due to inhibition of cell adhesion. The results suggest that accumulation of Abeta may disrupt cell-adhesion mechanisms in vivo.  相似文献   

The ERM protein family members ezrin, radixin, and moesin are cytoskeletal effector proteins linking actin to membrane-bound proteins at the cell surface. Here we report on the cloning of myosin regulatory light chain interacting protein (MIR), a protein with an ERM-homology domain and a carboxyl-terminal RING finger, that is expressed, among other tissues, in brain. MIR is distributed in cultured COS cells, in a punctuated manner as shown using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-tagged MIR and by staining with a specific antibody for MIR. In the yeast two-hybrid system and in transfected COS cells, MIR interacts with myosin regulatory light chain B, which in turn regulates the activity of the actomyosin complex. Overexpression of MIR cDNA in PC12 cells abrogated neurite outgrowth induced by nerve growth factor (NGF) without affecting TrkA signaling. The results show that MIR, a novel ERM-like protein, affects cytoskeleton interactions regulating cell motility, such as neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway regulates many biological processes, including protein degradation, receptor endocytosis, protein sorting, subnuclear trafficking and neuronal differentiation. While proteasome inhibition is known to induce neurite outgrowth, the signaling mechanisms that mediate these effects have not been defined. In this study, we investigated the underlying mechanisms that link proteasome inhibition with neurite generation. We found that the proteasome inhibitors, MG132 and lactacystin, induced neurite outgrowth and also activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase/mitogen activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/AKT pathways. These proteasome inhibitors also induced phosphorylation and ubiquitination of TrkA receptors, indicating that proteasome inhibition activates the major pathways of TrkA signaling. However, in contrast to nerve growth factor stimulation, which induces internalization of surface TrkA receptors, proteasome inhibitor-induced neurite outgrowth did not require TrkA receptor internalization. These results indicate that the ubiquitin-proteasome system regulates neurite formation through posttranslational modification of TrkA receptors.  相似文献   

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