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We investigated the in vitro effects (kinetics and dose-response) of adrenal and sexual steroid hormones on the secretion of thymulin, a thymic hormone, by human thymic epithelial cells in primary cultures as well as in a rat epithelial cell line. We demonstrated that all steroids tested, in a range of physiological doses, stimulated thymulin production to various extents. Progesterone and estradiol, however, were revealed to be the most efficient. Specific steroid antagonists abrogated the steroid-induced stimulation of thymulin production. These findings confirm our previous in vivo results and demonstrate that steroid hormones can act directly on thymic epithelial cells to modulate their endocrine production.  相似文献   

The influence of adrenals and gonads on the intrathymic production and the circulating level of thymulin was evaluated in young adult mice. Adrenalectomy (Adx) and gonadectomy (Cx) induce a temporary decrease of thymulin serum level. One simultaneously notes, as a compensatory phenomenon, an increase in the thymic content of the hormone-producing cells. The decrease of serum thymulin levels after Adx and Cx is at least partially due to the appearance of low m.w. thymulin-inhibitory molecules. The fact that thymectomy prevents the appearance of these inhibitors suggests that the effects of Adx and Cx could be explained by a negative control by sex hormones of the synthesis or activity of thymulin inhibitors produced or controlled by the thymus. Specific hormone replacement therapy of castrated/adrenalectomized animals normalized thymulin serum level and thymic content. Such correction was also spontaneously observed after 4 mo, suggesting that other mechanisms (e.g., an influence of the hypothalamus-hypophysis axis) might be involved in the endocrine control of thymic hormone secretion.  相似文献   

Data have now accumulated to strongly demonstrate that several neuropeptides, including endogenous opioids, can have immunomodulatory functions. Most of the studies have so far focused on the direct action of these substances on lymphocytes. We decided to investigate whether thymic epithelial cells (TEC) - the major component of the thymic microenvironment - could also be modulated by endogenous opioids. Primary cultures of human and murine TEC were subjected to several opioids (alpha-beta- or gamma-endorphins, as well as met- or leuenkephalins) applied in concentrations ranging from 10(-6) to 10(-9) M. On the following days we measured the levels of thymulin (a chemically-defined thymic hormone known to stimulate some steps of T-cell differentiation) in the culture supernatants, as well as the numbers of thymulin containing cells, evaluated by immunofluorescence with an anti-thymulin monoclonal antibody. After treatment of TEC cultures with beta-endorphin or leu-enkephalin a significant increase in the levels of thymulin in the culture media was observed, paralleled by a rise in the percentage of thymulin containing cells. In addition, this stimulatory effect was dose-dependent. Preincubation of the opioids with the specific antibodies abrogated the opioid-induced stimulatory effect on TEC. Moreover, naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist, blocked the effect of beta-endorphin on thymulin production, suggesting that the effect of this neuropeptide on epithelial cells was mediated by an opioid receptor. Importantly, no effect on thymulin production was observed with the other opioids used, whatever the dose. These results suggest that, at least in vitro, beta-endorphin and leu-enkephalin stimulate the hormonal function of the thymic epithelium. These findings lead to the general concept that the modulatory role of endogenous opioids on the immune system is not restricted to lymphocytes but can also take place at the level of cells belonging to T-cell differentiating microenvironments.  相似文献   

Summary The effects have been analyzed of cytochalasin B and colchicine on the secretion of glycoconjugates by human bronchial expiants labeled in vitro with radioactive glucosamine. Both cytochalasin B and colchicine had no effect on baseline 14C-labeled glycoconjugate release but caused a dose-dependent (10–7–10–4 M) inhibition of 14C-glycoconjugate release and discharge of labeled macromolecules from mucous and serous cells induced by 5 · 10–5 M methacholine.Quantitative autoradiographic analyses showed that neither cytochalasin B nor colchicine inhibited 3H-threonine or 3H-glucosamine incorporation into mucous and serous cells of the submucosal glands or goblet cells of the airway epithelium. Colchicine (10–5 M) but not cytochalasin B significantly reduced the rate at which labeled macromolecules were transported through mucous, serous and goblet cells but this effect was not observed until 4 h after the addition of colchicine. Neither cytochalasin B nor colchicine affected the basal rate of labeled-macromolecule discharge from mucous, serous or goblet cells. At a concentration of 10–5 M, both agents completely inhibited the increase in labeled-macromolecule discharge induced in mucous and serous cells by methacholine.Our results suggest that in the submucosal gland of human airways microtubules and microfilaments may be important in secretagogue-induced but not in baseline cellular glycoconjugate discharge, implying that the mechanisms of the two processes differ significantly. Furthermore, a role for microtubules is suggested in the transport of secretory granules through mucous, serous and goblet cells.Supported by National Institutes of Health Research Grant 5R01HL22444. The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Mr. Tudor Williams, Mr. Eduardo Quintanilla and Ms. Maureen Hayes  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of (dihydro)cytochalasin B, colchicine, monensin and trifluoperazine on uptake and processing of large unilamellar liposomes by rat Kupffer cells in maintenance culture. The phospholipid vesicles were labeled in the lipid moiety with phosphatidyl[14C]choline and contained [3H]inulin or [125I]iodoalbumin as nondegradable and degradable markers of the aqueous vesicle content, respectively. Cytochalasin B and dihydrocytochalasin B, inhibitors of microfilament function, reduced inert inulin label uptake by 75% maximally, but residual uptake was not followed by release of lipid degradation products from the cells. By contrast, colchicine, an inhibitor of microtubule assembly, reduced uptake of liposomal inulin by maximally 55% but could not inhibit release of lipid degradation products from the cells. It is concluded that the cytochalasins partly inhibit uptake but fully prevent the arrival of internalized liposomes in the lysosomal compartment, while the action of colchicine is to slow down the overall process of uptake and subsequent transportation to the lysosomes. Monensin reduced inulin uptake to an extent similar to that found with colchicine, but reversibly blocked degradation of liposomal lipid and encapsulated protein. The kinetics of degradation of liposomal constituents suggests that residual uptake in the presence of monensin represents accumulation in an intracellular compartment. Trifluoperazine did not affect binding, internalization or degradation of encapsulated protein at low concentration (6 microM), but completely inhibited release of liposomal lipid degradation products under these conditions. At intermediate concentration (14 microM), the drug also reduced the internalization, while a high concentration (22 microM) was required to inhibit protein degradation as well. We conclude that trifluoperazine has multiple sites of action in the uptake and processing of liposomal constituents by Kupffer cells.  相似文献   

Cultured human glioma cells (138 MG) exposed to dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbc-AMP; 0.1--5 mM) attained an arborized shape with thin processes extending from a rounded cell body. Cytochalasin B (CB; 1--1 muM) induced similar morphological changes. The processes in both dbc-AMP and CB treated cells were formed by retraction of the cell margin. Colchicine (1muM) completely and liver treated phalloidin (0.1 mg/ml) partially inhibited the morphological alterations induced by dbc-AMP and CB. Dbc-AMP was found to arrest cell movement, cell division and uptake of 2-deoxy-D-glucose. CB has the same effects but was more potent. The effects of dbc-AMP and CB could be due to interference with a common cellular structure, e.g. microfilaments.  相似文献   

A tissue culture system for the growth of human fetal and infantile thymic epithelial (TE) cells has been established and characterized. We have investigated the effects of infection of these cells by human cytomegalovirus (CMV), measles virus, and human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1). In the case of CMV, morphological changes were apparent by 2-4 days after viral inoculation of infantile TE cells. CMV-related antigens were detected by immunofluorescence after 12 days, and progeny infectious CMV was recovered from culture media after 18 days. Following infection by measles virus, distinctive, multinucleated giant TE cells appeared in both cultures of fetal and infantile TE cells. Measles virus-inoculated TE cells displayed an altered phenotype, as revealed by reaction with monoclonal antibodies with specificity for a variety of TE markers. Finally, infection of TE cells by HIV-1 resulted in cellular disarrangement, increased numbers of Hassall's corpuscles, and multinucleated giant cells. An increase in the number of cells reactive with monoclonal antibodies, specific for Hassall's corpuscles, was observed in the case of cells infected by either measles virus or HIV-1. These findings suggest that a variety of different viruses can successfully infect thymic epithelial tissue. Because of the important role of the thymus in development of the immune system, it is reasonable to conclude that viral infection of thymic tissue might play an important role in virus-mediated suppression of immune responsiveness.  相似文献   

Direct contact between thymocytes and thymic stromal elements may be one of the mechanisms involved in thymocyte differentiation. Thymic lymphoepithelial complexes have been isolated in which thymocytes appear to be in direct association with cortical epithelial cells. We have previously reported the isolation and successful culture of two morphologically distinct types of murine thymic epithelial cells. We have utilized these to study the interactions of lymphoid and epithelial cells by means of an in vitro assay of the binding of radiolabeled thymocytes to monolayers of these cultured thymic epithelial cells. The percentage of bound cells increased rapidly during the first hour of incubation, reaching approximately 40% binding. Binding continued to increase slowly until plateau levels were reached at approximately 5 hr. Thymocyte binding to thymic epithelium, but not fibroblast monolayers, was trypsin-sensitive, suggesting that specific protein interactions may be involved. Binding of thymocytes to epithelium was temperature-dependent, involved formation of cytoplasmic projections, and was inhibited by cytochalasin B. We also found that cortical thymocytes (peanut agglutinin-positive (PNA+)cells) bound to cultured epithelium to a greater degree than medullary thymocytes (PNA- cells). This correlates with in vivo studies by others in which thymocytes associated with lymphoepithelial complexes have been found to have immature phenotypes. This system provides a means for a quantitative study of the role of cell to cell contact in the process of thymocyte selection and differentiation.  相似文献   

The role of cytoplasmic microfilaments in the metabolism of low-density lipoprotein by human fibroblasts was studied with the aid of cytochalasin B. At concentrations of 5--40 nmol/ml cytochalasin increased the surface binding but decreased the endocytosis of 125I-labelled low-density lipoprotein. Subsequent studies indicated that these changes reflected a reduction of the rate of internalisation of low-density lipoprotein receptors. Independent inhibitory effects were also observed on low-density lipoprotein degradation and on the cellular release of the trichloroacetic acid-soluble degradation products.  相似文献   

Using an immunofluorescence (IF) assay, the presence of metallothionein (MT) was investigated in sections of normal and pathologic human thymuses as well as in cultures of thymic epithelial cells. This protein, known to have a high binding affinity for class II B transitional metals, such as zinc, was detected in the epithelial component of the thymus. Moreover, double labeling experiments with the anti-MT and an anti-thymulin monoclonal antibody showed that all cells containing thymulin, a thymic hormone whose active structure is known to contain zinc, also exhibited large amounts of metallothionein. These results, together with the fact that zinc and thymulin have been detected in the same type of cell organelles, lead to the conclusion that the MT present in thymic epithelial cells might be involved in the mechanism of zinc storage in these cells, thus favoring the secretion of thymulin in its biologically active, zinc-containing form.  相似文献   

The effect of colchicine, vinblastine, and cytochalasin B has been investigated on the phytohemagglutinin (PHA) induced transformation and DNA synthesis of human lymphocytes. The three drugs produced, at an appropriate concentration, inhibition of DNA synthesis and lymphocyte transformation, if added prior to PHA. Inhibitory concentrations of cytochalasin B were no longer effective in preventing DNA synthesis if added 2 h after exposure to PHA; on the other hand, colchicine and vinblastine were effective even if they were added 16 h after PHA. Studies of lymphocyte aggregation to beads of Sepharose with chemically bound PHA suggest that the effects of these drugs do not seem to lie primarily on blocking PHA binding to the lymphocyte membrane, but rather on a subsequent step(s).  相似文献   

Maarten J. Chrispeels 《Planta》1972,108(3):283-287
Summary The gibberellic-acid-mediated secretion of -amylase by aleurone cells of barley and the transport of hydroxyproline-rich cell-wall glycoproteins from the cytoplasm to the wall in phloem-parenchyma cells of carrot roots are not inhibited by either colchicine (1 mM) or cytochalasin (10 g/ml). The data suggest the absence of a unitary mechanism of protein secretion.  相似文献   

Chondrocytes, isolated from elastic ear cartilage of young rabbits, were grown in monolayer cultures in Ham's F-12 medium. Synthesis and secretion of macromolecules were monitored by labelling with radioactive precursors and the effect of monensin and other experimental agents was investigated. Monensin caused an inhibition of the incorporation of precursors into macromolecular material and a moderate intracellular accumulation when used in higher concentrations. The effect was more pronounced for 35SO4 than for 3H-labelled glucose or proline. p-Nitrophenyl-beta-D-xyloside alleviated this inhibition to some extent, but there was a concomitant increase in the amount of intracellular labelled material. Colchicine and monensin together caused a severe inhibition of the incorporation of 35SO4 and a marked shift of the label to the intracellular compartment. Colchicine also increased the sensitivity of the cells to monensin, lowering the minimal effective concentration about one order of magnitude. The latter results are consistent with the idea that cytoplasmic microtubules have a stabilizing function on the secretory pathways and, that their removal by colchicine, causing a 'randomizing' of the Golgi complex, makes these pathways more vulnerable to monensin.  相似文献   

The hallmark of infection with HIV-1 is progressive depletion and qualitative dysfunction of the CD4+ Th cell population in infected individuals. Clinical trials of antiretroviral agents have shown that, despite suppression of virus replication, regeneration of the T cell pool does not occur. One proposed explanation for the defective regenerative capacity of the CD4+ T cell pool is infection of early T lymphocyte progenitors or stem cells. An additional explanation could be failure of cells of the intrathymic microenvironment (thymic epithelial (TE) cells) to carry out critical nurturing functions for developing thymocytes, i.e., secretion of thymocyte-trophic cytokines and expression of adhesion molecules. This study examines the effect of HIV on cultured TE cells and determines the role of TE cells in the regulation of viral expression in chronically HIV-infected cells. We found no evidence of infection of TE cells after exposure to HIV-1. However, normal human serum induced secretion of IL-6 by TE cells; induction of TE IL-6 was partially blocked by anti-IFN-gamma antibodies. Moreover, supernatants from TE cells maintained in normal human serum up-regulated HIV replication in chronically HIV-1-infected cells. Because intrathymic T cell precursors can be infected with HIV and T cell precursors come into close contact with TE cells in the thymus, IL-6 secreted by TE cells during normal intrathymic development may induce HIV expression in infected thymocytes in vivo and promote the intrathymic spread of HIV.  相似文献   

1. Colchicine and vincristine only slightly inhibit the metabolism of glucose to CO(2) and lipids by isolated fat-cells. 2. Prolonged incubation with these agents causes no further inhibition. 3. Cytochalasin B, however, inhibits glucose metabolism to both CO(2) and lipids in fat-cells. 4. However, at a concentration that causes a strong inhibition of glucose metabolism cytochalasin B is without effect on the metabolism of pyruvate, lactate or arginine to these end products. The uptake of labelled alpha-aminoisobutyrate is likewise not modified. Similarly it does not affect release of glycerol or free fatty acid, or the actions of adrenaline, insulin or caffeine on these parameters. At 10mug/ml it slightly lowers ATP concentrations, an effect that does not occur at 2mug/ml. 5. The transport of fructose into adipocytes by a specific fructose-transport system is also not affected by the agent, but the uptake of 2-deoxyglucose is strongly inhibited. It is concluded that cytochalasin B may specifically inhibit the glucose-transport system of isolated fat-cells. 6. Cytochalasin A has a much weaker action than cytochalasin B on glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

Chondrocytes obtained from epiphyseal cartilage of fetal guinea pigs or ear cartilage of young rabbits were cultured in monolayer. The influence of colchicine, cytochalasin B, and p-nitrophenyl-β-d-xylopyranoside on secretion of proteoglycans was investigated. Radioactive sulfate was used as a precursor. As observed previously in other systems, β-d-xylosides initiated the synthesis of free chondroitin sulfate chains, competing with the endogenous proteoglycan core protein acceptor. The molecular weights of the chondroitin sulfate chains synthesized both on the xyloside and on the core-protein acceptor in maximally stimulated cells were similar and significantly lower than in proteoglycans synthesized in the absence of xyloside. The size of the chondroitin sulfate chains synthesized on the xyloside was inversely related to the concentration of this compound. This finding suggests that the chain length is dependent on the ratio between available acceptor and chain-lengthening enzymes or precursors. Cytochalasin B, a microfilament-modifying agent, inhibited proteoglycan synthesis, without any effect on secretion. Cells treated with cytochalasin B could be stimulated with β-d-xyloside to synthesize free chondroitin sulfate chains to the same relative degree as cells with intact microfilaments. Colchicine, an antimicrotubular agent, partially inhibited synthesis and secretion of proteoglycan. However, cells treated with colchicine could be stimulated with β-d-xyloside to synthesize and secrete free chondroitin sulfate chains to about the same relative degree as cells with intact microtubules. The data suggest that microtubules may have a facilitatory rather than an obligatory role in the secretion of proteoglycans and that at least part of the effect of colchicine is located at or after the site of glycosaminoglycan synthesis.  相似文献   

The effects of various concentrations of cytochalasin B and colchicine on the polarization of odontoblasts and ameloblasts of mouse tooth buds cultivated in vitro, were studies. It was shown that cytochalasin B, deside its action on the microfilaments, had important cytotoxic effects; dilatation of the odontoblast's processus, accumulation of secretory granules in the Golgi apparatus, dilatation of mitochondria, inhibition of polarization or depolarization of odontoblasts and ameloblasts. These modifications resulted chiefly from the lesion of microtubules which seem to play an important role in the polarization of the cells studies.  相似文献   

Lysyl oxidase is an extracellular enzyme that initiates crosslink formation in the major connective tissue proteins, the collagens and elastin. This enzyme activity accumulated in a fresh medium of cultured human skin fibroblasts for at least 24 h, but the accumulation was distinctly non-linear after the first 12 h. Most of the total enzyme activity was present in the medium, the activity found in the cell layer representing about 30% of the total activity at 4 h, and about 10-15% at 24 h. The bulk of the cell-layer-associated activity appeared to be extracellular, as more than half was lost upon trypsinization. Culturing of the cells for 8 h in the presence of either monensin or nigericin, ionophores known to inhibit the secretion of many proteins at the level of the Golgi complex, markedly reduced the accumulation of lysyl oxidase activity in the medium. Monensin was particularly effective, as it produced a distinct inhibition even at a 10 nM concentration, reaching 50% at 30 nM. Both ionophores also reduced enzyme activity in the cell layer, whereas no definite decrease was seen in the activity of the trypsinized cells. The effect of monensin was evidently not due to any general toxicity on the part of the drug, since even a 500 nM concentration gave no inhibition of the incorporation of [3H]leucine into total protein. Tunicamycin also reduced lysyl oxidase activity in the medium and to a lesser extent in the cell layer, but the effective dose, 1-10 micrograms/ml, also inhibited the incorporation of [3H]leucine into total protein. The reduced enzyme activity may therefore not be due to a direct effect of tunicamycin on the glycosylation of the lysyl oxidase protein itself but may be mediated through other actions of the drug. Colchicine caused no inhibition in lysyl oxidase activity secretion even at a 10 microM concentration, although it has been reported to inhibit collagen secretion at doses more than one order of magnitude lower.  相似文献   

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