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The origin and early development of straw mushroom cultivation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Biomethanation of rice and wheat straw   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
When rice or wheat straw was added to cattle dung slurry and digested anaerobically, daily gas production increased from 176 to 331 l/kg total solids with 100% rice straw and to 194 l/kg total solids with 40% wheat straw. Not only was methane production enhanced by adding chopped crop residues but a greater biodegradability of organic matter in the straws was achieved.The authors are with the Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Unit, Tata Energy Research Institute, 158 Jor Bagh, New Delhi 110 003, India  相似文献   

Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) was cultivated on rice straw basal substrate, wheat straw basal substrate, cotton seed hull basal substrate, and wheat straw or rice straw supplemented with different proportions (15%, 30%, and 45% in rice straw substrate, 20%, 30%, and 40% in wheat straw substrate) of cotton seed hull to find a cost effective substrate. The effect of autoclaved sterilized and non-sterilized substrate on growth and yield of oyster mushroom was also examined. Results indicated that for both sterilized substrate and non-sterilized substrate, oyster mushroom on rice straw and wheat basal substrate have faster mycelial growth rate, comparatively poor surface mycelial density, shorter total colonization period and days from bag opening to primordia formation, lower yield and biological efficiency, lower mushroom weight, longer stipe length and smaller cap diameter than that on cotton seed hull basal substrate. The addition of cotton seed hull to rice straw and wheat straw substrate slowed spawn running, primordial development and fruit body formation. However, increasing the amount of cotton seed hull can increase the uniformity and white of mycelium, yield and biological efficiency, and increase mushroom weight, enlarge cap diameter and shorten stipe length. Compared to the sterilized substrate, the non-sterilized substrate had comparatively higher mycelial growth rate, shorter total colonization period and days from bag opening to primordia formation. However, the non-sterilized substrate did not gave significantly higher mushroom yield and biological efficiency than the sterilized substrate, but some undesirable characteristics, i.e. smaller mushroom cap diameter and relatively long stipe length.  相似文献   

Rice straw, used as a substrate for three successive crops of the fruiting bodies ofPleurotus florida having 22% protein, had less cellulose but more nitrogen and ash than the original straw.In vitro digestibility using bacterial cellulase released 4.3-fold more reducing sugars per g cellulose from spent straw than from plain straw. There was 8-fold increase in biogas production from the spent straw compared with the original when used either in 31 (w/w) or 11 (w/w) combination with cattle dung.
Résumé La paille de riz, utilisée comme substrat pour trois récoltes successives de corps fruités dePleurotus florida, à 22% de protéines, contenait moins de cellulose mais plus d'azote et de cendres que la paille originelle. La digestionin vitro par une cellulase bactérienne, relarguait 4.3 fois plus de sucres réducteurs par g de cellulose à partir de la paille résiduaire qu'à partir de la paille originelle. On observe un accroissement de 8 fois dans la production de biogas à partir de la paille résidualle par rapport à la paille originelle lorsque cellesci sont utilisées en combinaison avec la bouse de vache dans les proportions soit de 31 soit de 11 (p/p).

采用尼龙网袋法于2007-2008年连续2a在水稻常规栽培和节水灌溉栽培模式下,研究小麦秸秆腐解特征、养分释放规律及对土壤微生物数量、酶活性和养分状况的影响.结果表明:秸秆还田后,在0-30d腐解较快,后期腐解速率逐渐变慢.90d时累计腐解率达到了48.9%-61.3%.秸秆中养分释放速率表现为K>P>N≈C.节水栽培模式下小麦秸秆还田腐解率和养分释放率均显著高于常规栽培.秸秆还田后,土壤微生物数量以及土壤脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性均呈现“前期迅速增加,中期急剧减少,后期缓慢减少”的变化特征,而纤维素酶活性呈现“前期剧升、中期缓增、后期骤降”的变化趋势.小麦秸秆在节水栽培模式下还田土壤微生物数量和酶活性均显著高于常规栽培.适当增加秸秆用量可以提高微生物数量和酶活性,用量过高对细菌和放线菌数量有负效应.秸秆还田可显著提高土壤有机碳和养分含量.土壤有机碳、全氮、碱解氮和速效磷含量在整个试验期间均呈增加趋势.速效钾含量在秸秆还田30 d时达到最高,而后则逐渐降低.节水栽培模式下秸秆还田后土壤有机碳和养分含量的提高效应显著高于常规栽培.提高秸秆用量对土壤养分含量有显著的正效应.  相似文献   

The main raw material for Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) cultivation is wheat straw. Estimation of straw biodegradability from 15 different spring wheat cultivars under irrigation in South Africa was determined using linear discriminant analysis to discriminate or group the 15 cultivars by combining chemical analysis and in vitro enzymatic hydrolysis. Significant differences (P < 0.01) were found between ash, nitrogen, reducing sugars, anthrone reactive-carbohydrates, water-soluble dry matter, and oyster mushroom yields. The significance of these measurements was investigated and discussed.  相似文献   

The degradation of wheat straw, during composting, to produce the growth substrate for the edible mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ), and subsequent colonisation by the fungal hyphae, was studied by electron microscopy which revealed an ecological succession of micro-organisms, initially dominated by a largely bacterial flora with few fungi. Later in the composting process actinomycetes were dominant. The initial rise in numbers of vegetative bacterial cells was followed by a steady decline and the appearance of spore forms. Several modes of microbial attack were observed. The most rapid degradation occurred initially on the cuticle and in the phloem and spread to a general degradation of all the plant tissue types present. Microbial attachment on the plant cell walls was non-uniform. As a result of these processes many of the plant fibres became separated but the final material still retained considerable structural integrity. Agaricus bisporus mycelium rapidly covered the surface of the straw but colonised the internal straw tissues more slowly. Surface-growing hyphal cells were encrusted with needle-like crystals presumed to be calcium oxalate.  相似文献   

Mushroom compost manufacturers in Ireland are moving away from the traditional outdoor phase I windrow method, favouring in-vessel production. Composters and growers have reported better quality compost with faster spawn run and higher yields produced by this process. In the present study, physical examination of samples highlighted differences when comparing the windrow and in-vessel methods of compost production. Observations using scanning electron microscopy suggest that the cuticle of wheat straw from in-vessel production is damaged during phase I, peeling away from the surface in fragments, and exposing the epidermis. Changes in silicon levels on the straw surface acted as a marker for cuticle damage when comparing both composting systems. Cuticle damage may be important during composting and afterwards, as substrate colonisation is faster, and consequently spawn run is shorter. The phase I compost microbial community is altered by the in-vessel technique, producing a predominantly thermophilic bacterial flora in contrast to the mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria and fungi found in windrow phase I compost. These differences may be significant in mushroom compost production.  相似文献   

稻麦秸秆集中沟埋还田对麦田土壤物理性状的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过5.5a的大田定位试验,将上季秸秆全量沟埋还田,设置秸秆沟埋还田深度为20、40 cm以及免耕秸秆不还田(对照)3个处理。研究秸秆沟埋还田对麦田土壤水势、温度的影响以及长期秸秆沟埋还田方式下,沟埋还田20 cm处理各埋草沟土壤容重、总孔隙度的变化。结果表明:秸秆沟埋还田具有降低土壤容重,增加土壤总孔隙度的作用,随着还田时间的增加,这种作用逐渐降低。当降雨量较大(26.6 mm)时,沟埋还田各处理水势值在短时间内上升的较快,而对照则相对较慢;当降雨量较小(10 mm)时,沟埋还田40 cm处理水势值上升速度大于沟埋还田20 cm,对照处理最慢;降雨过后的12d内,沟埋还田各处理水势值下降速度较对照更快;连续40d各处理土壤水势日均值大小为对照沟埋还田40 cm沟埋还田20 cm。土壤0—15 cm温度日较差大小为沟埋还田20 cm对照沟埋还田40 cm,土壤20 cm处日较差对照最大;沟埋还田20 cm处理0—15 cm以及沟埋还田40 cm处理0—20 cm土壤日均温高于对照,沟埋还田20 cm处理20 cm处土壤日均温与对照较为接近。在沿江稻麦轮作地区,秸秆集中沟埋还田具有较好的改善土壤物理性质的作用。  相似文献   

Brian Crook  John Lacey 《Grana》2013,52(2):446-449
Exposure to microorganisms, including thermophilic actinomycetes and fungal spores, and to airborne dust produced during compost production and mushroom picking may cause work-related respiratory symptoms. Previous studies have implicated Thermoactinomyces vulgaris and Faenia rectivirgula, the aetiological agents in farmer's lung disease, as causes of these symptoms but these species have been rare in aerobiological studies of mushroom farms. As part of a study of the respiratory health of the exposed workers, we carried out an aerobiological survey of all the stages of commercial mushroom production. Samples of viable airborne microorganisms were collected at a farm from eight locations on two occasions using Andersen cascade impactors. Large numbers of airborne thermophilic actinomycetes, yielding > 106 colony-forming units (cfu) m?3 air sampled, were associated with compost handling. These were predominantly Thermomonospora spp., while Thermoactinomyces spp. and Faenia rectivirgula were few. Because the compost was largely undisturbed, few airborne actinomycete spores were found in mushroom growing houses, but concentrations of fungal spores exceeded 105 cfu m?3 when mushrooms were being harvested. Most were Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus fumigatus but Peziza ostracoderma and Trichoderma spp. were also isolated. Workers are thus exposed to a wide range of airborne microorganisms, but the role of many of these in mushroom workers' respiratory symptoms is not yet fully understood.  相似文献   

Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler is found in nature on dead broadleaf trees, but it is commercially produced on different substrates. The question of adaptation to different lignocellulosic substrates was addressed by measuring enzyme activities produced by six strains that were cultivated on wheat straw and that were able to produce sporophores. Despite quantitative variations, each strain of L. edodes had similar patterns of enzyme secretion into the wheat straw log matrix. Two peaks of carbohydrase activities were observed, the first relating to the early mycelial growth during the first days after spawning and the second during sporophore extension. Laccase activity in the early stage of colonization was related to the degradation of soluble phenolic compounds present in wheat straw. Manganese peroxidase activity was associated with mycelia th. The strains with the earlier production and higher yield were able to hydrolyse and utilize straw cell wall components soon aft er inoculation, and developed high metabolic activities.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to estimate the metabolisable energy (ME) and net energy (NE) of rice straw and wheat straw for beef cattle. In each experiment, 16 Wandong bulls (Chinese indigenous yellow cattle) were assigned to 4 dietary treatments in a completely randomised design. Four dietary treatments included one corn silage-concentrate basal diet and three test diets in which the basal diet was partly substituted by rice straw (Exp. 1) or wheat straw (Exp. 2) at 100, 300 and 600 g/kg. Total collection of faeces and urine was conducted for 5 consecutive days after a 2-week adaption period, followed by a 4-d period where gas exchange measurements were measured by an open-circuit respiratory cage. Linear regression equations of rice straw- or wheat straw-associated ME and NE contribution in test diets against rice straw or wheat straw substitution amount were developed to predict the ME and NE values of rice straw and wheat straw. These regression equations resulted in ME and NE values (dry matter basis) of 6.76 and 3.42 MJ/kg for rice straw and 6.43 and 3.28 MJ/kg for wheat straw, respectively. The NE and ME requirement for maintenance of Wandong cattle fed a straw-based diet were 357 and 562 kJ·kg?0.75·d?1, respectively. The regression-derived ME and NE have lower standard errors and coefficients of variation than those estimated by any single substitution ratio. Our study found that the regression method based on multiple point substitution is more reliable than the substitution method for energy evaluation of feedstuffs for beef cattle.  相似文献   

梁枝荣 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):57-61
食用菌生产应该与种植业、养殖业并驾齐驱,称之为食用菌培植业,是农业生产领域内的三大基础产业。解决野生食用菌的产量、质量问题,是野生食用菌产业化开发的瓶颈;必须另辟蹊径,发展食用菌原生态野生化生产,实现野生食用菌的规模化、产业化发展。对双孢蘑菇野生化生产和菌菜轮作进行了探讨,为我国双孢蘑菇的生产发展另辟蹊径;建议我国的双孢蘑菇生产朝两化一作的方向发展。  相似文献   

In this study, cultivation of oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, on wheat straw substrate containing tap water and olive mill effluent (OME) mixture containing varying volume of OME was studied in order to investigate the feasibility of using OME as an alternative wetting agent and OME's impact on some fundamental food quality characteristics of mushrooms. Time period for mycelial colonization, primordium initiation and first harvest were comparatively evaluated with the control group. It was shown that the use of OME and tap water mixture consisting of OME up to 25% volumetrically was possible for the purpose of commercial mushroom production. Experimental results obtained from substrate containing 25% OME mixture showed no statistically significant difference compared to control group. The negative effects of increasing volume of OME in the mixture were also indicated by bioefficiency, which was found to be 13.8% for substrates wetted with 100% OME, whereas bioefficiency was 53.6% for control group. Increasing volume of OME in the mixture resulted in deformation of fruit body shape, whereas no significant difference in food quality was observed due to the higher amount of OME. This work suggested that the use of OME up to 25% as moisturizer could be considered, especially for the locations having significant number of olive mills and mushroom producers, both as an environmentally friendly solution for the safe and ecological disposal of OME and a practical way for recovering OME's economic value thereby.  相似文献   

Several fungi (Aspergillus niger, A. terreus, Cochliobolus specifer, Myrothecium verrucaria, Rhizoctonia solani, Spicaria fusispora, Penicillium sp., and Gliocladium sp.) were isolated from decomposing wheat straw and tested for their ability to utilize whole straw and its components, holocellulose (hemicellulose and cellulose) and cellulose, for the production of single-cell protein (SCP). It was found that C. specifer was the most efficient fungus for protein synthesis with the three substrates. Using potassium nitrate as N source in mixtures of 0.04 g N/g substrate (0.04% wt./vol.) at pH 4.5, it was found that incubation periods of 3, 4, and 5 days were optimal for protein production on cellulose and holocellulose fractions, and whole straw, respectively. Whole native straw was found to be the most recalcitrant to bioconversion into SCP; however, protein production was almost doubled when the lignin component was removed using a mixture of sodium chlorite and acetic acid.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, is cultivated worldwide. It is one of the most appreciated mushrooms due to its high nutritional value. Immersion of the substrate in hot water is one of the most popular and worldwide treatment used for mushroom farmers. It is cheap and easy to implement.AimsTo compare the yields obtained during mushroom production of P. ostreatus using different pre-treatments (immersion in hot water, sterilization by steam and the use of fungicide) to determine if they influence mushroom crop.MethodsFour different treatments of substrate (wheat straw) were carried out: (i) immersion in hot water (IHW); (ii) steam sterilization; (iii) chemical; and (iv) untreated. The residual water from the IHW treatment was used to evaluate the mycelium growth and the production of P. ostreatus.ResultsCarbendazim treatment produced highest yields (BE: 106.93%) while IHW produced the lowest BE with 75.83%. Sugars, N, P, K and Ca were found in residual water of IHW treatment. The residual water increased the mycelium growth but did not increase yields.ConclusionsWe have proved that IHW treatment of substrate reduced yields at least 20% when compared with other straw treatments such as steam, chemical or untreated wheat straw. Nutrients like sugars, proteins and minerals were found in the residual water extract which is the resultant water where the immersion treatment is carried out. The loss of these nutrients would be the cause of yield decrease. Alternative methods to the use of IHW as treatment of the substrate should be considered to reduce economical loss.  相似文献   

Mycelial growth, intracellular activity of proteases, laccases and β-1,3-glucanases, and cytoplasmic protein were evaluated in the vegetative phase of Pleurotus ostreatus grown on wheat straw and in wheat-grain-based media in Petri dishes and in bottles. The productivity of the wheat straw and wheat-grain-based spawn in cylindrical polyethylene bags containing 5 kg of chopped straw was also determined. We observed high activity of proteases and high content of intracellular protein in cultures grown on wheat straw. This suggests that the proteases are not secreted into the medium and that the protein is an important cellular reserve. On the contrary, cultures grown on wheat straw secreted laccases into the medium, which could be induced by this substrate. P. ostreatus grown on media prepared with a combination of wheat straw and wheat grain showed a high radial growth rate in Petri dishes and a high level of mycelial growth in bottles. The productivities of wheat straw and wheat-grain-based spawn were similar. Our results show that cheaper and more productive mushroom spawn can be prepared by developing the mycelium on wheat straw and wheat-grain-based substrates.  相似文献   

In this study, shrimp shell powder, prepared by treating shrimp-processing waste by boiling and crushing, was used as a substrate for isolation of chitinase-producing microorganism. These organisms may have an important economic role in the biological control of rice and other fungal pathogens. Two hundred strains of bacteria with the ability to degrade chitin from shrimp shell waste were isolated from paddy soil, and of these, 40 strains showed chitinase activity in a solid state cultivation. One of the most potent isolates (strain R 176) was identified as Bacillus thuringiensis. Identification was carried out using morphological and biochemical properties along with 16S rRNA sequence analysis. This strain was able to produce high levels of extracellular chitinase in solid media containing shrimp shells as sole carbon source [1.36 U/g initial dry substrate (IDS)], which was 0.36-fold higher than the productivity in a liquid culture with colloidal chitin. The effects of medium composition and physical parameters on chitinase production by this organism were studied. The optimal medium contained shrimp shell mixed with rice straw in 1:1 ratio added with ball-milled chitin 0.5 % (w/v) and ammonium sulfate 0.5 % (w/v). The highest enzyme production (3.86 U/g IDS) by B. thuringiensis R 176 was obtained at pH 7, 37 °C after 14 days growth. With respect to the high amount of chitinase production by this strain in a simple medium, this strain could be a suitable candidate for the production of chitinase from chitinous solid substrates, and further investigations into its structure and characteristics are merited.  相似文献   

Using a wheat seed bio assay, the phytotoxicity of extracts obtained from wheat and rice rhizosphere soils was determined. The wheat rhizosphere soil extract was found to show phytotoxic effects. More allelopathic materials were found from the wheat-rice rotation soils than from the rice soil. Extracts obtained under basic conditions (pH 8) were found to be more inhibitory than those obtained by acid extraction (pH 5). Wheat straw was found also to contain phytotoxic substances. A comparison of two methods in concentrating the aqueous extracts, rotary evaporation and lyophilization, indicates that the former contained more substances with phytotoxic effects.  相似文献   

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