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On the basis of the elaborated experimental model for testing of emotional interaction of animals individual typification of behaviour was established according to which all experimental male rats of August line were subdivided into groups: I--rats manifesting behaviour of avoidance, "victims" of electrocutaneous stimulation; II--without definite behaviour with respect to the "victim" rat; III--rats, preferring the behaviour determining electrocutaneous stimulation of the "victim" rat. All typified animals were subjected to emotional stress with the use of the elaborated experimental model of aggressive-conflict behaviour. Stability against emotional stress of each group of animals was studied. Significant differences were established of stability degree to emotional stress of the rats of three groups manifesting different types of behavioural reaction in conditions of emotional interaction. The most stable were rats of the I group, the least--of the III group; rats of the II group were in the middle position. Typification on the basis of testing of emotional interaction of animals allows to prognosticate individual stability against emotional stress.  相似文献   

The behaviour of a captive group of Celebes "Black apes" has been studied in order to describe the repertoire of visual displays and to gather quantitative data on menstrual cycles and sexual behaviour. A comparison of the displays of the Black ape with those of other Old World monkeys indicates that its behaviour is closest to that of Macaques and baboons. This lends support to the view that it should be included in Macaca , rather than being placed in a separate genus Cynopithecus.  相似文献   

Differences in the type of behaviour in capable ("maze-bright") and incapable ("maze-dull") Tryon rats have been demonstrated in the situation with pain-irritated partner by the method of "emotional resonance". Most "bright" rats belonged to the type not avoiding the signals of another pain-irritated rat, they revealed a persistent ecologically defensive reaction of preferring a small closed space. The type of anxiety behaviour prevailed in the group of "dull" rats. In the open field test "bright" rats were characterized by low locomotor activity and high level of defecation and "dull" rats by high activity and low defecation. Increased levels of superoxide dismutase activity and high content of thiobarbituric acid-reactive material were observed in brains of dull rats. The interrelations between behavioural and molecular levels of defensive response to stress is discussed.  相似文献   

The indirect, non-lethal results of predation, such as reduction in feeding time or restraint in seeking sexual partners and/or natural resources, have a drastic effect on prey populations. In this study, we investigated the behaviour of two serpa tetras Hyphessobrycon eques groups, one wild and the other born and raised in captivity, to evaluate how their feeding behaviour is affected by the avian predator, the rufescent tiger-heron Trigrisoma lineatum (using a taxidermy specimen). For a total of 133 observation hours, the feeding behaviour of each fish group was observed according to the absence (control) or presence (treatments) of a predator near the aquarium surface. The results showed that the presence of a predator on the surface inhibits the feeding behaviour of H. eques. The differences observed between the groups are probably due to the fishes experiences with predators. Our results suggest that fish-eating birds may affect prey populations in streams and ponds perhaps more through non-lethal effects, on feeding behaviour for example, than directly through death rates.  相似文献   

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) frequently occurs in commorbidity with different mental disorders, including suicidal behaviour. Group of biological factors, including serotonergic system, HPA axis and some genetic factors, are being studied as potential markers, able to differentiate suicidal and non-suicidal behaviour across the group of PTSD patients. This study is examining statistical relation between platelet serotonine concentration and serum cortisole concentration, within the group of PTSD patients with and without attempted suicide, treated at "Sveti Ivan" Psychiatric Hospital in Zagreb. The hypothesis of this study is that periferal biochemical markers are different across the groups of PTSD patients with and without attempted suicide and the group of healthy controls. Our results have shown significantly lower platelet serotonine concentration in PTSD patients with and without suicide behaviour, compared to healthy controls. There are no statistically significant differences of the serum cortisole concentration across observed groups. Our results correspond with those reported by other authors in this area of research, suggesting that platelet serotonine level might be used as potential periferal marker to detect risk of suicidal behaviour in PTSD patients.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia and suicidal behaviour are sever and complex mental disorders, largely determined by factors of inheritance. Both disorders present pathological changes in the catecholamine neurotransmitter system. The study was conducted on three groups; a group of subjects suffering from schizophrenia, a second compounded by individuals who attempted suicide and a third group of phenotypically healthy examinees. The blood samples of schizophrenic patients as of those who attempted suicide were obtained at the Psychiatric Hospital "Sveti Ivan" in Zagreb in the year 2004. Tests were conducted on the statistic relation between a total of 18 SNPs within three candidate-genes of the dopamine and adrenergic system (DRD4, SLC6A3 and ADRA2B) and the manifestation of schzophrenia and suicidal behaviour. Cases were genotyped by use of SNPlex system. Statistically significant differences were determined in the allelic frequency between the mentioned groups. Findings show a significant connection between 4 SNPs (ADRA2B rs749457, SLC6A3 rs464094, DRD4 rs11246226 and rs4331145) and schizophrenia, and 2 SNPs with suicidal attempt (ADRA2B rs1018351 i SLC6A3 rs403636). In addition, this is the first study that highlights the potential role/effect of polymorphisms in ADRA2B on the manifestation of schizophrenia, as on suicidal behaviour.  相似文献   

Palladium complexes with a salicylaldiminato ligand bearing a hydroxyl group (1a and 1b) have been synthesized and characterized. The structures of these complexes were confirmed by X-ray crystallography. A reversible deprotonation/protonation of the hydroxyl moiety on 1b was observed, while such behaviour was impossible with a related palladium complex (1c) bearing a methoxyl group in place of the hydroxyl group. The deprotonation affected its catalytic behaviour: the activity for polymerization of methyl acrylate catalyzed by 1b considerably decreased in the presence of 1 equiv. of tBuOK.  相似文献   

Filmed episodes of social display in the Chilean teal were analysed in order to throw light on the function of social display in surface-feeding ducks and the role the female plays in this activity. Four different methods were used to study the associations between different behaviour patterns in several individuals. It appears that the behaviour patterns comprising social display fall into three groups which are described as "attention getting", "close-range" and aggressive. It is proposed that social display allows unpaired males to attract the attention of females in an attempt to establish a pair-bond through the use of the "close-range" behaviour patterns. This forces paired males to compete in "attention-getting" behaviour patterns. Aggression results from this competition and from the threatening presence of unpaired males when the paired males try to strengthen their pair-bonds with the use of the "close-range" behaviour patterns.
Females play an influential role as their behaviour links the "attention-getting" behaviour with the "close-range" and aggressive behaviour. Their "close-range" behaviour suppresses that of other females.  相似文献   

Anosmia induced by intranasal zinc administration to mice capable of solving an extrapolation problem (search for food which disappears from animal sight in definite direction), led to disturbance of normal food searching behaviour. In anosmic mice the percentage of task solutions (correct as well as incorrect) in which the trajectory was the shortest ("goal-directed"), was significantly lower than in controls. At the same time the percentages of correct "goal-directed" choices were equal in both groups. The main differences in the number of correct task solutions were among those trials in which non-goal-directed behaviour was delivered. Thus zinc induced anosmia provokes rather severe deteriorations of food searching behaviour. The investigated group of mice possessing Robertsonian translocation Rb(8, 17) 1 IEM, reveals no disturbance of extrapolation capacity during first 20 s after task presentation. This signifies that this capacity which in this group is higher than in other mice, is not determined by peculiarities of their olfaction.  相似文献   

The predation pressure and food availability to which individuals are exposed during their life histories shape inspection behaviour in animals. In this study, we aimed to test whether such behaviours varied with prior experience (predation, starvation or both treatments) or measurement condition (with or without the presence of a predator; here, the snakehead fish, Channa argus) in the fish species Spinibarbus sinensis, known as qingbo. Unexpectedly, prior predator experience showed no significant effect on inspection behaviour as demonstrated by either the frequency or the duration of each activity outside shelter or on cooperation as demonstrated by the inter-individual distance or synchronization of speed. This may have been due to the different adjustments in behaviour among individuals (more shelter use vs. more inspection), the predator treatment used in the present study (exposure to caged predator rather than direct predation) and/or a species-specific strategy in the qingbo. The starved fish displayed shorter inspection latency, increased inspection behaviour and greater cooperation when measured without the predator; however, when measured in the presence of the predator, the starved fish showed increased inspection frequency but shorter inspection duration, possibly due to the compromise between energy needs and predation risk. Similar to those of the predation group, the fish from the double-treated group showed no difference in inspection behaviour compared to the control group under the predator-absent condition, while the high-frequency, short-duration inspection behaviours remained the same as in the starved group. These findings suggested that the adjustment of inspection behaviour and related cooperation are rather complicated according to either predator experience or food deprivation, partially due to the inter-individual differences in behavioural adjustment and/or different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Recent advances in our understanding of the relationship between chemosensory and behavioural responses to phytochemicals come from a number of studies on ovipositional and food selection behaviour of flies, butterflies, moths and beetles. Establishing input-output relationships has provided insight into the way in which the activity of chemoreceptors is translated into host-plant selection behaviour. This was achieved for both the qualitative contrast acceptance/rejection and for quantifiable preference hierarchies. By now it is clear that the subtlety of coding the complex phytochemical profiles offered by potential host plants relies on across-fibre patterns or ensemblefiring of taste neurons. Progress along these lines depends on unravelling processing pathways in the central nervous system, still a largely unexplored area in herbivorous insects. Increased interest can be noted for the mechanisms operating during the most peripheral events of chemoreception: the interaction of phytochemical and chemoreceptor, determining the specificity of recognition. Evidence for peripheral integration has accumulated. Deterrent receptors have an especially puzzling nature. Although such cells respond to a wide array of structurally diverse secondary plant metabolites, their sensitivity profile differs between closely related species. To what extent membrane-bound receptor molecules are involved and what degree of specificity is conferred by these, is largely unknown. Sensitivity to a certain group or class of compounds is determined by single genes in several cases. This allows for a scenario in which single gene mutations affect stimulus-receptor interactions, which might concurrently affect host-plant selection behaviour.  相似文献   

Changes of oxygen tension (pO2) level in various brain structures were studied in rats in positive and negative emotional states. It is established that pO2 level changes depend on the character of behavioural reactions: "active" type of behaviour (emotionally positive orienting-investigatory, actively defensive) is accompanied by pO2 level increase, and "passive" type of behaviour ("freezing" reaction)--by a decrease of pO2 level. Changes of oxidative brain metabolism observed at "active" and "passive" types of behaviour indicate, respectively, adaptive and nonadaptive character of these behavioural reactions.  相似文献   

In this paper the problem of "impulsive" and "self-control" behaviour in animals and the experimental models for their assessment are discussed. It is pointed out that a widely accepted model for assessment of impulsive behaviour in animals predominantly measures their ongoing properties of impulsivity/self-control independently on belonging them to the certain types of higher nervous activity. In contrary, our model at the first instance assesses the typological characteristics of animals, including impulsivity and self-control, by their abilities to perform or not to perform an appropriate behaviour. The differences in the data obtained by these two different models and the possible reasons for it are discussed.  相似文献   

Schooling as a strategy for taxis in a noisy environment   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Many aquatic animals face a fundamental problem during foraging and migratory movements: while their resources commonly vary at large spatial scales, they can only sample and assess their environment at relatively small, local spatial scales. Thus, they are unable to choose movement directions by directly sampling distant parts of their environment. A common strategy to overcome this problem is taxis, a behaviour in which an animal performs a biased random walk by changing direction more rapidly when local conditions are getting worse. Such an animal spends more time moving in right directions than wrong ones, and eventually gets to a favourable area. Taxis is inefficient, however, when environmental gradients are weak or overlain by noisy small-scale fluctuations. In this paper, I show that schooling behaviour can improve the ability of animals performing taxis to climb gradients, even under conditions when asocial taxis would be ineffective. Schooling is a social behaviour incorporating tendencies to remain close to and align with fellow members of a group. It enhances taxis because the alignment tendency produces tight angular distributions within groups, and dampens the stochastic effects of individual sampling errors. As a result, more school members orient up-gradient than in the comparable asocial case. However, overly strong schooling behaviour makes the school slow in responding to changing gradient directions. This trade-off suggests an optimal level of schooling behaviour for given spatio-temporal scales of environmental variations. Social taxis may enhance the selective value of schooling in pelagic grazers such as herrings, anchovies and Antarctic krill. Furthermore, the degree of aggregation in a population of schooling animals may affect directly the rate and direction of migration and foraging movements.  相似文献   

In a number of experiments designed to investigate the interaction between sexual behaviour and breathing, male newts were presented with females whose behaviour was controlled by the experimenter. In some experiments the male received sufficient positive feedback from the female to enable him to complete his sexual sequence; in others he did not. The results are interpreted in terms of McFarland's (1969) hypothesis that the transitions from one activity of another may occur either by competition or by disinhibition. It is suggested that in the absence of sufficient positive stimulation to enable the male to complete his sexual sequence, breathing occurs by competition with sexual behaviour. When the male has sufficient stimulation the temporal patterning of his behaviour becomes more under his control and breathing occurs by disinhibition.  相似文献   

The Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus) is a popular attraction for shark eco-tourism using SCUBA. The species is also ‘globally Vulnerable’ (IUCN 2008. List of Threatened Species. www.iucnredlist.org/). Magic Point (off Maroubra) in Sydney is favoured by recreational SCUBA divers wishing to observe these sharks. The objective of this study was to experimentally test the level of the activities of recreational SCUBA divers on shark behaviour. This study assessed the shark responses to diver group size (4, 8 and 12), time of day (am, noon and pm) and diver distance from the sharks (3?m and 6?m). The study found that diver activity does affect the aggregation, swimming and respiratory behaviour of sharks at this site, albeit at short-term levels. Diver group size had no significant effect on shark aggregation, but the proximity of divers to the sharks was crucial. Shark distribution in the cave changed significantly in the presence of divers at 3?m distance from the cave, but stayed unchanged at 6?m. This was particularly apparent in the presence of large groups of 12 divers at 3?m distance when sharks increased their swim speed and ventilation mechanism from ‘active’ to ‘RAM’ ventilation. Such change coincided with a sudden decrease in ventilation frequency. Our research suggests that these effects are short-term and that sharks resume their behaviour once the divers retreat. If divers abide by the current code of practice for diving at this site, it is unlikely that their activities will substantially impact Grey Nurse Sharks in the long term.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the paradise fish in a traditional "closed" and in a new "transparent" open-field was investigated. The traditional way of measuring ambulation scores was extended by recording ethologically defined behaviour units. The correlations found between the scores measured in the "closed" field and those measured in the "transparent" field are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Factor analysis of rat behavior in the open-field test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Method of major components, a variety of factor analysis, was used for evaluation of rats behaviour motivational structure in the open field test. 40 outbred rats of Wistar line (20 males and females) were examined in which 22 behaviour characteristics were studied. It was shown that a greater part (60%) of rats individual behaviour variability in the open field test was determined by the action of three major components (factors), which were defined as "investigation", "fear" and "shifted activity". Factor structure was studied of main characteristics of behaviour, recorded in the open field test. The use of factor analysis allowed to carry out animals classification on the basis of their disposition in coordinates of the obtained major components.  相似文献   

InCallithrix, Saguinus, Aotus, andCallicebus other group members than the mother participate in infant care. Differences among these species are obvious in respect to the time of being off any caregiver, and in respect to the carrying position (Aotus andCallicebus). Alloparental care, a basic behaviour pattern in these species, has evolved from the parking behaviour of the prosimians. The infants are «parked» at other group members.  相似文献   

Rats behaviour in the "open field" changed in 2 hrs after a single episode of hypoglycaemia was abolished with glucose whereas no changes occurred in their stereotyped behaviour and intraspecies interaction. In 24 hrs quantitative parameters of the "open field" behaviour normalised although the behaviour still had an altered structure. At the same time, amphetamine-induced stereotyped behaviour's indices became reduced. These and other findings suggest some deeper behavioural changes in rats during their recovery from repeated hypoglycaemic episodes and absence of synchronisation of the insulin effects.  相似文献   

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