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The adipose tissue exerts a double function that is crucial for energy homeostasis. On the one hand, it is the only organ suited to stock triglycerides in highly specialized cells, the adipocytes. On the other hand, the adipose tissue produces biologically active molecules, collectively named "adipokines", which have been implicated in energy balance and glucose and lipid metabolism. Both adipocytes and cells of the stromal fraction participate in this function of secretion. The adipokines acts locally, in an autocrine or paracrine manner, and distantly (endocrine), on various targets, including muscles, the liver and the hypothalamus. Some adipokines, as TNFalpha and IL6, promote insulin resistance and inflammation, whereas others, as leptin and adiponectin, are required for energy and glucose homeostasis. In obesity, adipose cell hypertrophy and the recruitment of macrophages alter the secretory function and induce an inflammatory profile in the adipose tissue. Analyses of gene expression suggest that hypoxia is one of the factors favoring the attraction of the macrophages. The local and systemic consequences of interactions between macrophages and adipocytes are currently actively studied, to understand their potential implication in the metabolic and cardiovascular complications associated with obesity.  相似文献   



CD8+ T cells participate in airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and allergic pulmonary inflammation that are characteristics of asthma. CXCL10 by binding to CXCR3 expressed preferentially on activated CD8+ T cells, attracts T cells homing to the lung. We studied the contribution and limitation of CXCR3 to AHR and airway inflammation induced by ovalbumin (OVA) using CXCR3 knockout (KO) mice.


Mice were sensitized and challenged with OVA. Lung histopathological changes, AHR, cellular composition and levels of inflammatory mediators in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, and lungs at mRNA and protein levels, were compared between CXCR3 KO mice and wild type (WT) mice.


Compared with the WT controls, CXCR3 KO mice showed less OVA-induced infiltration of inflammatory cells around airways and vessels, and less mucus production. CXCR3 KO mice failed to develop significant AHR. They also demonstrated significantly fewer CD8+ T and CD4+ T cells in BAL fluid, lower levels of TNFα and IL-4 in lung tissue measured by real-time RT-PCR and in BAL fluid by ELISA, with significant elevation of IFNγ mRNA and protein expression levels.


We conclude that CXCR3 is crucial for AHR and airway inflammation by promoting recruitment of more CD8+ T cells, as well as CD4+ T cells, and initiating release of proinflammatory mediators following OVA sensitization and challenge. CXCR3 may represent a novel therapeutic target for asthma.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been accomplished over the past 10 years in the understanding of the genetic basis of obesity and its related metabolic complications. It is now well established that obesity aggregates within families and that genes are partly responsible for this familial aggregation. The number of genes potentially involved in obesity continues to grow. This review summarizes the evidence accumulated so for regarding the contribution of genetic factors in obesity and the number of gene and loci linked to obesity in the Quebec Family Study.  相似文献   

We used gene targeting to generate mice lacking the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. These mice exhibit a decreased susceptibility to pilocarpine-induced seizures, loss of regulation of M-current potassium channel activity and of a specific calcium channel pathway in sympathetic neurons, a loss of the positive chronotropic and inotropic responses to the novel muscarinic agonist McN-A-343, and impaired learning in a hippocampal-dependent test of spatial memory.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the ghrelin receptor (GhrR) by ghrelin results in a variety of metabolic changes including increased food intake, fat storage and insulin resistance. Loss of ghrelin signaling is protective against diet-induced obesity, suggesting that ghrelin plays a significant homeostatic role in conditions of metabolic stress. We examined glycemic control in GhrR −/− mice fed a high-fat diet, and used indirect calorimetry to assess fuel substrate usage and energy expenditure. GhrR −/− mice fed a high-fat diet had several measures of greater insulin sensitivity, including: lower fasted blood glucose and plasma insulin, lower %HbA1c, lower insulin levels during glucose tolerance tests, and improved performance in hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic and hyperglycemic clamp studies. GhrR −/− mice fed a high-fat diet did not develop hepatic steatosis and had lower total cholesterol, relative to controls. Furthermore, GhrR −/− mice demonstrated a lower intestinal triglyceride secretion rate of dietary lipid. GhrR −/− mice have higher respiratory quotients (RQ), indicating a preference for carbohydrate as fuel. The range of RQ values was wider in GhrR −/− mice, indicating greater metabolic flexibility and insulin sensitivity in these animals. We therefore propose that loss of ghrelin signaling promotes insulin sensitivity and metabolic flexibility, and protects against several fatty diet-induced features of metabolic syndrome due to convergent changes in the intake, absorption and utilization of energy.  相似文献   

Maternal overnutrition negatively impacts the offspring's health leading to an increased risk of developing chronic diseases or metabolic syndrome in adulthood. What we eat affects the endocannabinoid system (eCS) activity, which in turn modulates lipogenesis and fatty acids utilization in hepatic, muscle, and adipose tissues. This study aimed to evaluate the transgenerational effect of maternal obesity on cannabinoid receptor 1 knock-out (CB1 KO) animals in combination with a postnatal obesogenic diet on the development of metabolic disturbances on their offspring. CB1 KO mice were fed a control diet (CD) or a high-fat diet (HFD; 33% more energy from fat) for 3 months. Offspring born to control and obese mothers were also fed with CD or HFD. We observed that pups born to an HFD-fed mother presented higher postnatal weight, lower hepatic fatty acid amide hydrolase activity, and increased blood cholesterol levels when compared to the offspring born to CD-fed mothers. When female mice born to HFD-fed CB1 KO mothers were exposed to an HFD, they gained more weight, presented elevated blood cholesterol levels, and more abdominal adipose tissue accumulation than control-fed adult offspring. The eCS is involved in several reproductive physiological processes. Interestingly, we showed that CB1 KO mice in gestational day 15 presented resistance to LPS-induced deleterious effects on pregnancy outcome, which was overcome when these mice were obese. Our results suggest that an HFD in CB1 receptor-deficient mice contributes to a “nutritional programming” of the offspring resulting in increased susceptibility to metabolic challenges both perinatally and during adulthood.  相似文献   

CD146 is a newly identified endothelial biomarker that has been implicated in angiogenesis. Though in vitro angiogenic function of CD146 has been extensively reported, in vivo evidence is still lacking. To address this issue, we generated endothelial-specific CD146 knockout (CD146EC-KO) mice using the Tg(Tek-cre) system. Surprisingly, these mice did not exhibit any apparent morphological defects in the development of normal retinal vasculature. To evaluate the role of CD146 in pathological angiogenesis, a xenograft tumor model was used. We found that both tumor volume and vascular density were significantly lower in CD146EC-KO mice when compared to WT littermates. Additionally, the ability for sprouting, migration and tube formation in response to VEGF treatmentwas impairedinendothelial cells (ECs) of CD146EC-KO mice. Mechanistic studies further confirmed that VEGFinduced VEGFR-2 phosphorylation and AKT/p38 MAPKs/ NF-κB activation were inhibited in these CD146-null ECs, whichmight present theunderlyingcause for theobserved inhibition of tumor angiogenesis in CD146EC-KO mice. These results suggest thatCD146 plays a redundant role in physiological angiogenic processes, but becomes essential during pathological angiogenesis as observed in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Obesity is a central feature of the metabolic syndrome and is associated with increased risk for insulin resistance and typeII diabetes. Here, we investigated the contribution of human apoliproteinE3 and mouse apoliproteinE to the development of diet-induced obesity in response to western-type diet. Our data show that apolipoproteinE contributes to the development of obesity and other related metabolic disorders, and that human apolipoproteinE3 is more potent than mouse apolipoproteinE in promoting obesity in response to western-type diet. Specifically, we found that apolipoproteinE3 knock-in mice fed western-type diet for 24 weeks became obese and developed hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperleptinemia, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance that were more severe than in C57BL/6 mice. In contrast, apolipoproteinE-deficient mice fed western-type diet for the same period were resistant to diet-induced obesity, had normal plasma glucose, leptin and insulin levels, and exhibited normal responses to glucose tolerance and insulin resistance tests. Furthermore, low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice were more sensitive to the development of diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance than apolipoprotein E-deficient mice, but were still more resistant than C57BL/6 mice, raising the possibility that low-density lipoprotein receptor mediates, at least in part, the effects of apolipoproteinE on obesity. Taken together, our findings suggest that, in addition to other previously identified mechanisms of obesity, apolipoproteinE and possibly the chylomicron pathway are also important contributors to the development of obesity and related metabolic dysfunctions in mice.  相似文献   

CD47 is involved in neurite differentiation in cultured neurons, but the function of CD47 in brain development is largely unknown. We determined that CD47 mRNA was robustly expressed in the developing cerebellum, especially in granule cells. CD47 protein was mainly expressed in the inner layer of the external granule layer (EGL), molecular layer, and internal granule layer (IGL), where granule cells individually become postmitotic and migrate, leading to neurite fasciculation. At postnatal day 8 (P8), CD47 knockout mice exhibited an increased number of proliferating granule cells in the EGL, whereas the CD47 agonist peptide 4N1K increased the number of postmitotic cells in primary granule cells. Knocking out the CD47 gene and anti‐CD47 antibody impaired the radial migration of granule cells from the EGL to the IGL individually in mice and slice cultures. In primary granule cells, knocking out CD47 reduced the number of axonal collaterals and dendritic branches; by contrast, overexpressing CD47 or 4N1K treatment increased the axonal length and numbers of axonal collaterals and dendritic branches. Furthermore, the length of the fissure between Lobules VI and VII was decreased in CD47 knockout mice at P21 and at 14 wk after birth. Lastly, CD47 knockout mice exhibited increased social interaction at P21 and depressive‐like behaviors at 10 wk after birth. Our study revealed that the cell adhesion molecule CD47 participates in multiple phases of granule cell development, including proliferation, migration, and neurite differentiation implying that aberrations of CD47 are risk factors that cause abnormalities in cerebellar development and atypical behaviors.© 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 463–484, 2015  相似文献   

Partial leptin deficiency is not uncommon in the general population. We hypothesized that leptin insufficiency could favor obesity, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and other metabolic abnormalities, particularly under high calorie intake. Thus, mice partially deficient in leptin (ob/+) and their wild-type (+/+) littermates were fed for 4 mo with a standard-calorie (SC) or a high-calorie (HC) diet. Some ob/+ mice fed the HC diet were also treated weekly with leptin. Our results showed that, when fed the SC diet, ob/+ mice did not present significant metabolic abnormalities except for elevated levels of plasma adiponectin. Under high-fat feeding, increased body fat mass, hepatic steatosis, higher plasma total cholesterol, and glucose intolerance were observed in +/+ mice, and these abnormalities were further enhanced in ob/+ mice. Furthermore, some metabolic disturbances, such as blunted plasma levels of leptin and adiponectin, reduced UCP1 expression in brown adipose tissue, increased plasma liver enzymes, beta-hydroxybutyrate and triglycerides, and slight insulin resistance, were observed only in ob/+ mice fed the HC diet. Whereas de novo fatty acid synthesis in liver was decreased in +/+ mice fed the HC diet, it was disinhibited in ob/+ mice along with the restoration of the expression of several lipogenic genes. Enhanced expression of several genes involved in fatty acid oxidation was also observed only in ob/+ animals. Leptin supplementation alleviated most of the metabolic abnormalities observed in ob/+ fed the HC diet. Hence, leptin insufficiency could increase the risk of obesity, NASH, glucose intolerance, and hyperlipidemia in a context of calorie overconsumption.  相似文献   

A close relationship between acylated-ghrelin and sucrose intake has been reported. However, little has been examined about the physiological action of ghrelin on preference for different types of carbohydrate such as glucose, fructose, and starch. The current study was aimed to investigate the role of acylated-ghrelin in the determinants of the choice of carbohydrates, and pathogenesis of chronic disorders, including obesity and insulin resistance. In a two-bottle-drinking test, ghrelin O-acyltransferase (GOAT) knockout (KO) mice consumed a less amount of glucose and maltodextrin, and almost the same amount of fructose and saccharin solution compared to WT littermates. The increased consumption of glucose and maltodextrin was observed when acylated-ghrelin, but not unacylated-ghrelin, was exogeneously administered in normal C57BL/6J mice, suggesting an association of acylated-ghrelin with glucose-containing carbohydrate intake. When fed a diet rich in maltodextrin, starch and fat for 12 weeks, GOAT KO mice showed less food intake and weight gain, as well as improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity than WT mice. Our data suggests that blockade of GOAT activity may offer a therapeutic option for treatment of obesity and its associated metabolic syndrome by preventing from overconsumption of carbohydrate-rich food.  相似文献   



Biomarkers may help clinicians predict cardiovascular risk. We aimed to determine if the addition of endocrine, metabolic, and obesity-associated biomarkers to conventional risk factors improves the prediction of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In a population-based cohort study (the Study of Health in Pomerania) of 3,967 subjects (age 20–80 years) free of cardiovascular disease with a median follow-up of 10.0 years (38,638 person-years), we assessed the predictive value of conventional cardiovascular risk factors and the biomarkers thyrotropin; testosterone (in men only); insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1); hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c); creatinine; high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP); fibrinogen; urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio; and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) on cardiovascular and all-cause death.During follow-up, we observed 339 all-cause including 103 cardiovascular deaths. In Cox regression models with conventional risk factors, the following biomarkers were retained as significant predictors of cardiovascular death after backward elimination: HbA1c, IGF-1, and hsCRP. IGF-1 and hsCRP were retained as significant predictors of all-cause death.For cardiovascular death, adding these biomarkers to the conventional risk factors changed the C-statistic from 0.898 to 0.910 (p = 0.02). The net reclassification improvement was 10.6%. For all-cause death, the C-statistic changed from 0.849 to 0.853 (P = 0.09).


HbA1c, IGF-1, and hsCRP predict cardiovascular death independently of conventional cardiovascular risk factors. These easily assessed endocrine and metabolic biomarkers might improve the ability to predict cardiovascular death.  相似文献   

CD95 (APO-/Fas) ligand (CD95L) is a member of the TNF family predominantly expressed by activated T and NK cells but also by tumors of diverse cellular origin. CD95L trimerizes surface CD95 expressed by target cells that subsequently undergo apoptosis. The role of the CD95/CD95L system in the down-regulation of an immune response (activation-induced cell death) is established. However, it is so far unclear why tumors express CD95L. To investigate whether tumors use the CD95L to down-regulate an anti-tumor immune response, we established a transgenic (tg) mouse model consisting of 1) apoptosis-resistant tumor cells, designated LKC-CD95L, which express functional CD95L and the model tumor Ag K(b); and 2) perforin knockout (PKO) anti-K(b) TCR tg mice. L1210-Fas antisense expressing K(b), crmA, and CD95L (LKC-CD95L) killed CD95(+) unrelated tumor targets and Con A-activated splenocytes from anti-K(b) TCR tg PKO mice by a CD95L-dependent mechanism in vitro. However, we could not detect any cytotoxic activity against anti-tumor (anti-K(b)) T cells in vivo. We also observed reduced growth of LKC-CD95L in nude mice and rapid rejection in anti-K(b) TCR tg PKO mice. Because the tumor cells are resistant to CD95L-, TNF-alpha-, and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-induced apoptosis and the mice used are perforin-deficient, the involvement of these four cytotoxicity mechanisms in tumor rejection can be excluded. The histological examination of tumors grown in nude mice showed infiltration of LKC-CD95L tumors by neutrophils, whereas L1210-Fas antisense expressing K(b) and crmA (LKC) tumor tissue was neutrophil-free. Chemotaxis experiments revealed that CD95L has no direct neutrophil-attractive activity. Therefore, we conclude that LKC-CD95L cells used an indirect mechanism to attract neutrophils that may cause tumor rejection.  相似文献   

Reduced early alcohol-induced liver injury in CD14-deficient mice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Activation of Kupffer cells by gut-derived endotoxin is associated with alcohol-induced liver injury. Recently, it was shown that CD14-deficient mice are more resistant to endotoxin-induced shock than wild-type controls. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the role of CD14 receptors in early alcohol-induced liver injury using CD14 knockout and wild-type BALB/c mice in a model of enteral ethanol delivery. Animals were given a high-fat liquid diet continuously with ethanol or isocaloric maltose-dextrin as control for 4 wk. The liver to body weight ratio in wild-type mice (5.8 +/- 0.3%) was increased significantly by ethanol (7.3 +/- 0.2%) but was not altered by ethanol in CD14-deficient mice. Ethanol elevated serum alanine aminotransferase levels nearly 3-fold in wild-type mice, but not in CD14-deficient mice. Wild-type and knockout mice given the control high-fat diet had normal liver histology, whereas ethanol caused severe liver injury (steatosis, inflammation, and necrosis; pathology score = 3.8 +/- 0.4). In contrast, CD14-deficient mice given ethanol showed minimal hepatic changes (score = 1.6 +/- 0.3, p < 0.05). Additionally, NF-kappa B, TGF-beta, and TNF-alpha were increased significantly in wild-type mice fed ethanol but not in the CD14 knockout. Thus, chronic ethanol feeding caused more severe liver injury in wild-type than CD14 knockouts, supporting the hypothesis that endotoxin acting via CD14 plays a major role in the development of early alcohol-induced liver injury.  相似文献   

Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM‐1) is an adhesion and signaling receptor that is expressed on endothelial and hematopoietic cells and plays important roles in angiogenesis, vascular permeability, and regulation of cellular responsiveness. To better understanding the tissue specificity of PECAM‐1 functions, we generated mice in which PECAM1, the gene encoding PECAM‐1, could be conditionally knocked out. A targeting construct was created that contains loxP sites flanking PECAM1 exons 1 and 2 and a neomycin resistance gene flanked by flippase recognition target (FRT) sites that was positioned upstream of the 3′ loxP site. The targeting construct was electroporated into C57BL/6 embryonic stem (ES) cells, and correctly targeted ES cells were injected into C57BL/6 blastocysts, which were implanted into pseudo‐pregnant females. Resulting chimeric animals were bred with transgenic mice expressing Flippase 1 (FLP1) to remove the FRT‐flanked neomycin resistance gene and mice heterozygous for the floxed PECAM1 allele were bred with each other to obtain homozygous PECAM1 flox/flox offspring, which expressed PECAM‐1 at normal levels and had no overt phenotype. PECAM1 flox/flox mice were bred with mice expressing Cre recombinase under the control of the SRY‐box containing gene 2 (Sox2Cre) promoter to delete the floxed PECAM1 allele in offspring (Sox2Cre;PECAM1 del/WT), which were crossbred to generate Sox2Cre; PECAM1 del/del offspring. Sox2Cre; PECAM1 del/del mice recapitulated the phenotype of conventional global PECAM‐1 knockout mice. PECAM1 flox/flox mice will be useful for studying distinct roles of PECAM‐1 in tissue specific contexts and to gain insights into the roles that PECAM‐1 plays in blood and vascular cell function.  相似文献   

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