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We studied the intraspecific genetic variation of 17 Neomys anomalus (Cabrera, 1907) (eight localities) and 24 Neomys fodiens (Pennant, 1771) (nine localities) in Europe. As molecular marker, we used the sequences of the mtDNA gene for cytochrome b (1140 bp from 24 specimens; 272 bp from 15 specimens). The phylogenetic analysis of N. fodiens shows slight divergence among haplotypes, with only one supported clade including two geographically distant haplotypes from Calabria (southern Italy) and Pyrenees (France); these haplotypes diverge from the others by 2.9% and 2.1%, respectively. In N. anomalus , one haplotype from Spain is very different, diverging from all others by 8–10% of the sequence. This level of divergence is similar to that found between N. anomalus and another species, Neomys teres . There are two other supported clades in N. anomalus , an Italian subclade and an eastern subclade comprising haplotypes from Turkey and Slovenia. Moreover, we found a different genetic structure between the two species with greater divergence in N. anomalus than in N. fodiens. The phylogeographic patterns are discussed in a temporal framework and considering the different ecological characteristics of these two species.  相似文献   

Recently, we examined the spermatogenesis cycle length in two shrews species, Sorex araneus characterized by a very high metabolic rate and a polyandric mating system (sperm competition) resulting in a short cycle and Crocidura russula characterized by a much lower metabolic rate and a monogamous mating system showing a longer cycle. In this study, we investigated the spermatogenesis cycle in Neomys fodiens showing an intermediate metabolic rate. We described the stages of seminiferous epithelium according to the spermatid morphology method and we calculated the cycle length of spermatogenesis using incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine into DNA of the germ cells. Twelve males were injected intraperitoneally with 5-bromodeoxyuridine, and the testes were collected. For cycle length determination, we applied a recently developed statistical method. The calculated cycle length is 8.69 days and the total duration of spermatogenesis based on 4.5 cycles is approximately 39.1 days, intermediate between the duration of spermatogenesis of S. araneus (37.6 days) and C. russula (54.5 days) and therefore congruent with both the metabolic rate hypothesis and the sperm competition hypothesis. Relative testes size of 1.4% of body mass indicates a promiscuous mating system.  相似文献   

There is a striking difference in body size of jungle cats ( Felis chaus ) in the west and the east of their distribution, with Israeli cats being 43% heavier than Indian cats. We tested the hypothesis that increasing competition from other small felids towards the east is responsible for the difference in body size. We measured jungle cat skulls for eight cranial and dental variables and related these to independent variables such as species richness (local and regional), latitude, longitude, temperature, and precipitation. Data from a narrow band between latitudes 24.0°N and 33.9°N, where Bergmann's rule was largely not observed, showed that the western population (≤ 50.0°E longitude) of jungle cats is larger than the eastern (> 60.0°E longitude) population with the size difference being most evident in the upper carnassials (P4L). Species richness at the regional level showed a significant negative relation to P4L. An even spacing in condylobasal length for a small-cat guild from India through null model analysis indicated the occurrence of character displacement. The results support the hypothesis that competition is responsible for geographical variation in jungle cat body size in the region where Bergmann's rule does not apply. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 163–172.  相似文献   

We analyzed mandible shape variation of 17 genera belonging to three superfamilies (Cavioidea, Chinchilloidea, and Octodontoidea) of South American caviomorph rodents using geometric morphometrics. The relative influence of phylogeny and ecology on this variation was assessed using phylogenetic comparative methods. Most morphological variation was concentrated in condylar, coronoid, and angular processes, as well as the diastema. Features potentially advantageous for digging (i.e. high coronoid and condylar processes, relatively short angular process, and diastema) were present only in octodontoids; cavioids showed opposing trends, which could represent a structural constraint for fossorial habits. Chinchilloids showed intermediate features. Genera were distributed in the morphospace according to their classification into superfamilial clades. The phylogenetic signal for shape components was significant along phylogeny, whereas the relationship between mandibular shape and ecology was nonsignificant when phylogenetic structure was taken into account. An early evolutionary divergence in the mandible shape among major caviomorph clades would explain the observed strong phylogenetic influence on the variation of this structure. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 828–837.  相似文献   

We analysed with landmark-based images morphological differences between four species of Talpa which resemble each other morphologically and are all highly adapted to underground life. Subtle shape differences of the skull and mandibular bones were found between all species. However, there is also broad overlap between all species. Talpa caucasica had the largest skull and mandibles, and Talpa levantis the smallest.  相似文献   

The water shrew population was studied in Ust-Urgulca (Novosibirsk Province) in 1978-1990; abundance, sex and age structure, reproduction rate of this animal and its helminth fauna were examined. It was found that the abiotic factors (in particular the water level of habitat areas) influenced on the water shrew populations. The number of water shrews increased when the high water level increased. In these conditions, the population of the water shrew rejuvenated and the numbers of females increased with some increasing their fertility. In the helminthes fauna associated with the water shrew, predominated the parasite species developing in water invertebrates or ones living near water basins. When water habitats dried out, the number of water shrews decreased and individuals retained only in some areas and the population became old.  相似文献   

The phenotype is a product of its phylogenetic history and its recent adaptation to local environments, but the relative importance of the two factors is controversial. We assessed the effects of diet, habitat, elevation, temperature, precipitation, body size, and mtDNA genetic divergence on shape variation in skulls, mandibles, and molars, structures that differ in their genetic and functional control. We asked whether these structures have adapted to environment to the same extent and whether they retain the same amount of phylogenetic signal. We studied these traits in intra- and interspecific populations of Eurasian marmots whose last common ancestor lived 2-5 million years ago. Path Analysis revealed that body size explained 10% of variation in skulls, 7% in mandibles, and 15% in molars. Local vegetation explained 7% of variation in skulls, 11% in mandibles, and 12% in molars. Dietary category explained 25% of variation in skulls, 11% in mandibles, and 9% in molars. Cyt b mtDNA divergence (phylogeny) explained 15% of variation in skulls, 7% in mandibles, and 5% in molars. Despite the percentages of phylogenetic variance, maximum-likelihood trees based on molar and skull shape recovered most phylogenetic groupings correctly, but mandible shape did not. The good performance of molars and skulls was probably due to different factors. Skulls are genetically and functionally more complicated than teeth, and they had more mathematically independent components of variation (5-6-in skulls compared to 3-in molars). The high proportion of diet-related variance was not enough to mask the phylogenetic signal. Molars had fewer independent components, but they also have less ecophenotypic variation and evolve more slowly, giving each component a proportionally stronger phylogenetic signal. Molars require larger samples for each operational taxonomic unit than the other structures because the proportion of within-taxon to between-taxon variation was higher. Good phylogenetic signal in quantitative skeletal morphology is likely to be found only when the taxa have a common ancestry no older than hundreds of thousands or millions of years (1% to 10% mtDNA divergence)--under these conditions skulls and molars provide stronger signal than mandibles.  相似文献   

The development and evolution of the rodent mandible have been studied in depth in recent years. The mandible is a complex structure because it consists of six morphogenetic components formed by different condensations of mesenchymal cells. Using recent techniques for the geometric analysis of shape, we have combined developmental information with a powerful quantification of shape variation and an independent estimate of phylogeny (molecular data) to assess the evolutionary patterns of shape change in mandibles of the rodent genus Trinomys . In general, the major trends in shape variation did not agree with the expected phylogenetic pattern. However, for small-scale morphological differences, one species ( T. yonenagae ) was responsible for the lack of association between morphology and molecular divergence. This species is genetically similar to but morphologically different from other Trinomys . The coronoid process was considered to be the most conservative morphogenetic component in the mandible.  相似文献   

Variation in the forefoot skeleton of small-eared shrews (family Soricidae, genus Cryptotis) has been previously documented, but the paucity of available skeletons for most taxa makes assessment of the degrees of intraspecific and interspecific variation difficult. We used a digital X-ray system to extract images of the forefoot skeleton from 101 dried skins of eight taxa (seven species, including two subspecies of one species) of these shrews. Lengths and widths of each of the four bones of digit III were measured directly from the digital images, and we used these data to quantify variation within and among taxa. Analysis of the images and measurements showed that interspecific variation exceeds intraspecific variation. In fact, most taxa could be distinguished in multivariate and some bivariate plots. Our quantitative data helped us define a number of specific forefoot characters that we subsequently used to hypothesize evolutionary relationships among the taxa using the exhaustive search option in PAUP, a computer program for phylogenetic analysis. The resulting trees generally concur with previously published evolutionary hypotheses for small-eared shrews. Cryptotis meridensis, a taxon not previously examined in recent phylogenies, is rooted at the base of the branch leading to the C. mexicana group of species. The position of this species suggests that the mostly South American C. thomasi group shares an early ancestor with the C. mexicana group.  相似文献   

At the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the southern European peninsulas were important refugia for temperate species. Current genetic subdivision of species within these peninsulas may reflect past population subdivision at the LGM, as in ‘refugia within refugia’, and/or at other time periods. In the present study, we assess whether pygmy shrew populations from different regions within Italy are genetically and morphologically distinct. One maternally and two paternally inherited molecular markers (cytochrome b and Y‐chromosome introns, respectively) were analysed using several phylogenetic methods. A geometric morphometric analysis was performed on mandibles to evaluate size and shape variability between populations. Mandible shape was also explored with a functional approach that considered the mandible as a first‐order lever affecting bite force. We found genetically and morphologically distinct European, Italian, and southern Italian groups. Mandible size increased with decreasing latitude and southern Italian pygmy shrews exhibited mandibles with the strongest bite force. It is not clear whether or not the southern Italian and Italian groups of pygmy shrews occupied different refugia within the Italian peninsula at the LGM. It is likely, however, that geographic isolation earlier than the LGM on islands at the site of present‐day Calabria was important in generating the distinctive southern Italian group of pygmy shrews, and also the genetic groups in other small vertebrates that we review here. Calabria is an important hotspot for genetic diversity, and is worthy of conservation attention. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 774–787.  相似文献   

Morphological integration refers to the fact that different phenotypic traits of organisms are not fully independent from each other, and tend to covary to different degrees. The covariation among traits is thought to reflect properties of the species' genetic architecture and thus can have an impact on evolutionary responses. Furthermore, if morphological integration changes along the history of a group, inferences of past selection regimes might be problematic. Here, we evaluated the stability and evolution of the morphological integration of skull traits in Carnivora by using evolutionary simulations and phylogenetic comparative methods. Our results show that carnivoran species are able to respond to natural selection in a very similar way. Our comparative analyses show that the phylogenetic signal for pattern of integration is lower than that observed for morphology (trait averages), and that integration was stable throughout the evolution of the group. That notwithstanding, Canidae differed from other families by having higher integration, evolvability, flexibility, and allometric coefficients on the facial region. These changes might have allowed canids to rapidly adapt to different food sources, helping to explain not only the phenotypic diversification of the family, but also why humans were able to generate such a great diversity of dog breeds through artificial selection.  相似文献   

Sorex araneus and S. minutus , which are likely to show a temporary vertical habitat segregation, are largely sympatric, except in Ireland, where S. minutus occurs alone. Two mechanisms for this segregation may be suggested: a direct interspecific interaction or an evolutionary fixed relationship.
Population densities and surface activity were measured, both in areas where the two species occur together (The Netherlands) and in areas in Ireland, in (order to investigate the possibility of a habitat shift and its influence on population density. No such effect was found in the present study.  相似文献   

2018年11月在安徽省黄山市太平湖国家湿地公园(30°34′42″N,118°41′47″E)和宣城市旌德县蔡家桥镇(30°21′26″N,118°30′11″E)的针阔混交林采集到3只麝鼩属小型兽类。3只个体体型较小,体重11~14 g;背毛灰褐色,腹部毛色稍淡;尾短而粗壮,上下异色,基部2/3散生稀疏的长刚毛,这些特征与台湾灰麝鼩(Crocidura tanakae)描述一致。基于Cyt b全序列构建的最大似然树显示,这3号标本与从GenBank下载的台湾灰麝鼩(GenBank登录号KX946002~KX946006、AB175080、AB175081)构成单系群(支持率为100%)。这3号标本Cyt b全序列与台湾灰麝鼩地模标本(GenBank登录号AB175080、AB175081)的遗传距离在0.76%~0.85%之间。基于以上结果,确定这3号标本为台湾灰麝鼩,这是该物种在安徽省的首次发现,也是其在华东地区的首个分布记录。  相似文献   

Water voles from the genus Arvicola display an amazing ecological versatility, with aquatic and fossorial populations. The Southern water vole (Arvicola sapidus) is largely accepted as a valid species, as well as the newly described Arvicola persicus. In contrast, the taxonomic status and evolutionary relationships within Arvicola amphibiussensu lato had caused a long-standing debate. The phylogenetic relationships among Arvicola were reconstructed using the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Four lineages within A. amphibiuss.l. were identified with good support: Western European, Eurasiatic, Italian, and Turkish lineages. Fossorial and aquatic forms were found together in all well-sampled lineages, evidencing that ecotypes do not correspond to distinct species. However, the Western European lineage mostly includes fossorial forms whereas the Eurasiatic lineage tends to include mostly aquatic forms. A morphometric analysis of skull shape evidenced a convergence of aquatic forms of the Eurasiatic lineage toward the typically aquatic shape of A. sapidus. The fossorial form of the Western European lineage, in contrast, displayed morphological adaptation to tooth-digging behavior, with expanded zygomatic arches and proodont incisors. Fossorial Eurasiatic forms displayed intermediate morphologies. This suggests a plastic component of skull shape variation, combined with a genetic component selected by the dominant ecology in each lineage. Integrating genetic distances and other biological data suggest that the Italian lineage may correspond to an incipient species (Arvicola italicus). The three other lineages most probably correspond to phylogeographic variations of a single species (A. amphibius), encompassing the former A. amphibius, Arvicola terrestris, Arvicola scherman, and Arvicola monticola.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition might drive the evolution of ecological niches and result in pairs of formerly competing species segregating along ecological gradients following a process of character displacement. This mechanism has been proposed to account for replacement of related species along gradients of elevation in many areas of the world, but the fundamental issue of whether competition is responsible for the origin of elevational replacements has not been tested. To test hypotheses about the role of interspecific competition in the origin of complementary elevational ranges, I combined molecular phylogenetics, phylogeography, and population genetic analyses on Buarremon torquatus and B. brunneinucha (Aves, Emberizidae), whose patterns of elevational distribution suggest character displacement or ecological release. The hypothesis that elevational distributions in these species changed in opposite directions as a result of competition is untenable because: (1) a historical expansion of the range of B. brunneinucha into areas occupied by B. torquatus was not accompanied by a shift in the elevational range of the former species; (2) when B. brunneinucha colonized the range of B. torquatus, lineages of the latter distributions had already diverged; and (3) historical trends in effective population size do not suggest populations with elevational ranges abutting those of putative competitors have declined as would be expected if competition caused range contractions. However, owing to uncertainty in coalescent estimates of historical population sizes, the hypothesis that some populations of B. torquatus have declined cannot be confidently rejected, which suggests asymmetric character displacement might have occurred. I suggest that the main role of competition in elevational zonation may be to act as a sorting mechanism that allows the coexistence along mountain slopes only of ecologically similar species that differ in elevational distributions prior to attaining sympatry. The contrasting biogeographic histories of B. brunneinucha and B. torquatus illustrate how present-day ecological interactions can have recent origins, and highlights important challenges for testing the hypothesis of character displacement in the absence of data on population history and robust reconstructions of the evolution of traits and geographic ranges.  相似文献   

A central issue in evolutionary biology is to understand the mechanisms promoting morphological evolution during speciation. In a previous study, we showed that the Neotropical cactophilic sibling species Drosophila gouveai and Drosophila antonietae can be reared in media prepared with their presumptive natural host plants (Pilosocereus machrisis and Cereus hildmaniannus) and that egg to adult viability is not independent of the cactus host. In the present study, we investigate the effects of ecological and genetic factors on interspecific divergence in wing morphology, in relation to the pattern of wing venation and phenotypic plasticity in D. gouveai and D. antonietae, by means of the comparative analysis of isofemale lines reared in the two cactus hosts. The species differed significantly in wing size and shape, although specific differences were mainly localized in a particular portion of the wing. We detected significant variation in form among lines, which was not independent of the breeding cactus, suggesting the presence of genetic variation for phenotypic plasticity and wing shape variation in both species. We discuss the results considering the plausible role of host plant use in the evolutionary history of cactophilic Drosophila inhabiting the arid zones of South America. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 655–665.  相似文献   

The influence of the environment on the geographical variation of morphological traits has been recognized in a number of taxa. Pecari tajacu and Tayassu pecari are ideal models to investigate intraspecific geographic variation in skull because of their wide and heterogeneous geographical distribution in South America. We used geometric morphometric procedures to examine the geographical variation in skull shape of 294 adult specimens of these species from 134 localities. We quantified to what extent skull shape variation was explained by environment, skull size and geographical space using variation partitioning analysis. We detected a strong pattern of geographic variation for P. tajacu skull shape, but not for T. pecari. The environment seems to be the major selective force that drives skull shape variation in both species. Nevertheless, other spatially structured processes (e.g. genetic drift, gene flow) might also have affected variation in the skull shape of the more widespread species P. tajacu. Allometric relationships might reflect the biomechanical constraints that are thought to be strong enough to limit size‐related changes in T. pecari skull shape.  相似文献   

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