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Summary The apical membrane of epithelial cells from the A6 cell line grown on impermeable substrata was studied using the patch-clamp technique. We defined the apical membrane as that membrane in contact with the growth medium. In about 50% of the patches, channels with single-unit conductances of 360±45 pS in symmetrical 105mm NaCl solutions, and characteristic voltage-dependent inactivation were observed. Using excised membrane patches and varying the ionic composition of the bathing medium, we determined that the channels were anion selective, with a permeability ratio for Cl over Na+ of about 91, calculated from the reversal potential using the constantfield equation. The channel was most active at membrane potentials between ±20 mV and inactivated, usually within a few seconds, at higher potentials of either polarity. Reactivation from this inactivation was slow, sometimes requiring minutes. In addition to its fully open state, the channel could also enter a flickering state, which appeared to involve rapid transitions to one or more submaximal conductance levels. The channel was inhibited by the disulfonic stilbene SITS in a manner characteristic of reversible open-channel blockers.  相似文献   

Summary Single anion-selective channels have been studied in cultured human epithelial cells using the patch-clamp technique. Three cell types were used as models for different anion transport systems: (i) PANC-1, a cell line derived from the pancreatic duct, (ii) T84, a Cl-secreting colonic cell line, and (iii) primary cultures of sweat duct epithelium. Outwardly rectifying anion-selective channels were observed in all three preparations and were indistinguishable with respect to conductance, selectivity and gating. Striking similarities between HCO3- and Cl-secreting epithelia, and the high density of outward rectifiers in pancreatic cells prompted us to study HCO3 permeation through this channels. HCO3 permeability was significant when channels were bathed in symmetrical 150mm HCO3 solutions, Cl–HCO3 mixtures, and under bi-ionic conditions with outwardly and inwardly directed HCO3 gradients. Permeability ratios (P HCO3/P Cl) estimated from bi-ionic reversal potentials ranged from 0.50 to 0.64, although conductance ratios greater than 1.2 were observed with high extracellular pH. Chloride did not inhibit HCO3 permeation noticeably but rather had a small stimulatory effect when present on the opposite side of the membrane. The prevalence of outward rectifiers in PANC-1 and their permeability to bicarbonate suggests the channel may have a dual role in HCO3 secretion; to allow Cl recycling at the apical membrane and to mediate some of the HCO3 flux. Defective modulation of this channel in cystic fibrosis might provide a common basis for dysfunction in epithelia having very different anion transport properties (e.g., HCO3 secretion, Cl secretion and Cl absorption).  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for the rapid purification of the apical plasma membrane from the rat pancreatic acinar cell. It makes use of wheat germ agglutinin affinity chromatography to selectively bind vesicles with N-acetyl glucosamine present at their surface. Particular conditions (150 mm NaCl) had then to be used to keep membrane vesicles in the coveted orientation, i.e. as right-side-out vesicles. Due to its specific apical location in many epithelial cells, -glutamyltranspeptidase was chosen to monitor the purification procedure. The final fraction was enriched in -glutamyltranspeptidase by a factor of 75 relative to the homogenate. Na,K-ATPase, a strict basolateral membrane marker, was not detectable in the fraction. No membranes originating from other compartments, more particularly expected from zymogen granules, or from other cell types, did contaminate the preparation. As expected for an epithelial cell apical plasmalemma, lipid composition showed a very high ratio of glycolipids (37.5%). The absence of membrane-bound GP-2, and the exceptionally high specific activity of -glutamyltranspeptidase suggest that the apical membrane would not be made up by the exocytosis of secretory granule, but instead by the fusion of specialized secretory vesicles very likely originating from the constitutive secretory pathway. In conclusion, this report describes a method of obtaining a fraction highly enriched in the secretory apex of the pancreatic exocrine cell that would be directly involved in exocytosis with zymogen granules and also in local anion transport.The authors would like to thank Dr. Andrew W. Shyjan (Yale University, New Haven, CT) for his kind gift of anti-Na,K-ATPase 1 subunit, Dr. Yannick Laperche (INSERM, Hôpital Mondor, Paris) for his gift of anti--GT, and finally Mr. Gilles P. Grondin for the production of antibodies against amylase. D.L. is supported by NSERC of Canada, FCAR of Québec, and the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  相似文献   

We have used the patch-clamp technique to study the effects of changing extracellular ATP concentration on the activity of the small-conductance potassium channel (SK) on the apical membrane of the mouse cortical collecting duct. In cell-attached patches, the channel conductance and kinetics were similar to its rat homologue. Addition of ATP to the bathing solution of split-open single cortical collecting ducts inhibited SK activity. The inhibition of the channel by ATP was reversible, concentration dependent (K(i) = 64 microM), and could be completely prevented by pretreatment with suramin, a specific purinergic receptor (P(2)) blocker. Ranking of the inhibitory potency of several nucleotides showed strong inhibition by ATP, UTP, and ATP-gamma-S, whereas alpha, beta-Me ATP, and 2-Mes ATP failed to affect channel activity. This nucleotide sensitivity is consistent with P(2)Y(2) purinergic receptors mediating the inhibition of SK by ATP. Single channel analysis further demonstrated that the inhibitory effects of ATP could be elicited through activation of apical receptors. Moreover, the observation that fluoride mimicked the inhibitory action of ATP suggests the activation of G proteins during purinergic receptor stimulation. Channel inhibition by ATP was not affected by blocking phospholipase C and protein kinase C. However, whereas cAMP prevented channel blocking by ATP, blocking protein kinase A failed to abolish the inhibitory effects of ATP. The reduction of K channel activity by ATP could be prevented by okadaic acid, an inhibitor of protein phosphatases, and KT5823, an agent that blocks protein kinase G. Moreover, the effect of ATP was mimicked by cGMP and blocked by L-NAME (N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester). We conclude that the inhibitory effect of ATP on the apical K channel is mediated by stimulation of P(2)Y(2) receptors and results from increasing dephosphorylation by enhancing PKG-sensitive phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

We have used a monoclonal antibody (MAb E12), one of several such antibodies raised against theophylline-treated Necturus gallbladder epithelial cells, to isolate a chloride channel protein by the use of an immunoaffinity column and FPLC. This protein (Mr 219,000) has been reconstituted into a planar lipid bilayer, where it behaves as a chloride-selective channel (PCl/PNa = 20.2; PNa/PK = 1) whose unit conductance is 62.4 ± 4.6 pS. Antibody added to the trans side (there is no effect from the cis side) causes channel open probability to drop to virtually zero, but has no effect on the conductance or the selectivity of single channels. To test the role of phosphorylation in the activity of the native channel, we studied the effects of the protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid (OA) on intact gallbladders, and showed that channels opened by theophylline treatment and closed by antibody are reopened reversibly by OA (0.01–1.0 M). Addition of the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP-2A) to the cis side of a bilayer containing reconstituted chloride channels caused closure of the channels after a delay, and subsequent addition of ATP and the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) caused immediate reopening. These data indicate that (a) this chloride channel protein inserts in a directed way into the bilayer such that the cis side is intracellular, (b) the purified channel protein is phosphorylated, and (c) gating from the cellular side is controlled by the direct phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the channel protein.  相似文献   

Proteins are sorted and packaged into regulated secretory granules at the trans Golgi network but how such granules form is poorly understood. We are studying Muclin, the major sulfated protein of the mouse pancreatic acinar cell, and what its role may be in zymogen granule formation. Muclin behaves as a peripheral membrane protein localized to the lumen of the zymogen granule but the cDNA for this protein predicts it is a type I membrane protein with a short, 16-amino-acid, cytosolic tail (C-Tail). Using domain-specific antibodies, we demonstrate that Muclin is derived from a precursor, pro-Muclin, which is cleaved to produce Muclin and an approximately 80-kDa membrane glycoprotein (p80). Incubation of pulse-labeled cells at < or = 22 degrees C to block exit from the trans Golgi network also blocks cleavage of pro-Muclin but not sulfation, a trans Golgi network event, suggesting that cleavage occurs in a post-Golgi compartment. After cleavage the two products of pro-Muclin diverge with Muclin remaining in the regulated secretory pathway and p80 trafficking to the apical plasma membrane, presumably via the constitutive-like pathway. When transfected into exocrine AR42J cells, Muclin labeling is perinuclear and in large sub-plasma membrane puncta. Transiently transfected AR42J cells have greater immunolabeling for amylase than nontransfected cells, suggesting a role for Muclin in cargo accumulation in the regulated secretory pathway. A construct with the C-Tail deleted targets to small diffusely-distributed puncta and without the large sub-plasma membrane structures. Thus, the C-Tail is required for proper Muclin targeting. When transfected into neuroendocrine AtT-20 cells Muclin is not colocalized with ACTH in cell processes, and it appears to be constitutively trafficked to the plasma membrane, suggesting that Muclin has exocrine-specific information. We present a working model for pro-Muclin as a Golgi cargo receptor for exocrine secretory granule formation at the trans Golgi network.  相似文献   

Summary Using the patch-clamp technique we have identified a Ca2+-sensitive, voltage-dependent, maxi-K+ channel on the basolateral surface of rat pancreatic duct cells. The channel had a conductance of 200 pS in excised patches bathed in symmetrical 150mm K+, and was blocked by 1mm Ba2+. Channel openstate probability (P o ) on unstimulated cells was very low, but was markedly increased by exposing the cells to secretin, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, forskolin or isobutylmethylxanthine. Stimulation also shifted theP o /voltage relationship towards hyperpolarizing potentials, but channel conductance was unchanged. If patches were excised from stimulated cells into the inside-out configuration,P o remained high, and was not markedly reduced by lowering bath (cytoplasmic) Ca2+ concentration from 2mm to 0.1 m. However, activated channels were still blocked by 1mm Ba2+. ChannelP o was also increased by exposing the cytoplasmic face of excised patches to the purified catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase., We conclude that cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation can activate maxi-K+ channels on pancreatic duct cells via a stable modification of the channel protein itself, or a closely associated regulatory subunit, and that phosphorylation alters the responsiveness of the channels to Ca2+. Physiologically, these K+ channels may contribute to the basolateral K+ conductance of the duct cell and, by providing a pathway for current flow across the basolateral membrane, play an important role in pancreatic bicarbonate secretion.  相似文献   

Summary Chloride ions (Cl) are concentrated in airway epithelial cells and subsequently secreted into the tracheal lumen by downhill flux through apical Cl channels. We have studied Cl currents in cultured canine tracheal cells using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. Ultrastructural techniques demonstrated that the cells used in the electrophysiological experiments possessed apical membrane specializations known to be present in the intact, transporting cell type. Cultured cells 2–6 days old were characterized by an input resistance of 3.4±0.8 G (n=11) and a capacitance of 63.8±10.8 pF (n=26). A comparison of 3 and 4 day-old cells with 5 and 6 day-old cells showed that the input resistance decreased almost 50%, and the cell capacitance and the inward and outward currents increased concomitantly approximately 200%. Cultured cells 3–4 days old held at –40 mV produced currents of 196±22 pA at 50 mV and –246±27 pA at –90 mV (n=212) with pipette and bath solutions containing primarily 140 KCl and 140 NaCl, respectively. The chloride channel blocker diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC, 100 m) suppressed whole-cell currents by 76.8% at 60 mV; however, currents were unaffected by the stilbenes SITS (1mm) and DNDS (1–30 m). Replacement of K+ with Cs+ in the pipette solution did not affect the outward current, the current reversal potential, or the input resistance of the cells, indicating that the current was not significantly K+ dependent when the intrapipette solution was buffered to a Ca2+ concentration of 20nm. The Cl/Na+ permeability ratio was estimated to be greater than 11 as calculated from reversal potential measurements in the presence of an internal to external NaCl concentration ratio of 12. Current equilibrium permeabilities, relative to Cl were: I (2.9)NO 3 (1.1)Br (1.1)Cl (1.0)F (0.93)MeSO 4 (0.19)gluconate (0.18)aspartate (0.14). Depolarizations to potentials greater than 20 mV elicited a time-dependent component in the outward current in 71% of the cells studied. Currents inactivated with a double exponential time course at the most depolarized voltages. Recovery from inactivation was fast, holding potential-dependent, and followed a double exponential time course. Current amplitude was increased via a cAMP-dependent pathway as has been demonstrated for single Cl-selective channels in cell-attached patches from cultured canine and human tracheal epithelial cells. Forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase, produced a 260% increase in the outward current at +50 mV. In summary, cultured canine tracheal cells have a single resting conductance that is Cl selective, voltage-dependent, and modulated by a cAMP-dependent mechanism. This preparation appears to be appropriate for analysis of cellular modulation of airway Cl channels and Cl secretion.  相似文献   

Liu SW  Li Y  Li HR  Ma WB  Pan TC  Zhu LY  Ye WC  Wang LW  Chen LX 《生理学报》2011,63(6):517-524
本文旨在研究小檗碱对人结肠癌细胞(SW480)氯通道的作用.采用膜片钳技术记录小檗碱激活的SW480全细胞氯电流,并用高渗和低渗灌流液、以及氯通道阻断剂研究该电流的生理学和药理学特性.结果显示,当细胞处在等渗液中,可在SW480细胞膜上记录到微弱且稳定的背景电流;小檗碱(10 nmol/L)可诱发SW480细胞迅速产生...  相似文献   

Summary We examined the effects of secretin (0 to 200 nM) and caerulein (0 to 100 nM) on rat pancreatic acinar cells cultured 0 to 48 h in serum-free medium. The effects of 100 nM secretin with 1 nM caerulein were also studied because secretin may potentiate the effects of caerulein. Cellular and media (secreted) lipase and amylase were analyzed as were cellular DNA and protein content. Cellular lipase and amylase activities significantly decreased (P<0.0001) over time in all treatment groups, whereas media amylase and lipase significantly increased (P<0.0001). Neither secretin nor caerulein affected cellular lipase or media amylase. However, secretin significantly increased (P<0.04) and caerulein tended to increase (P<0.08) media lipase in a dose-dependent manner. At 12 h, 10 nM secretin maximally increased media lipase (58%), suggesting that cultured acinar cells remain responsive to secretin in vitro. Caerulein, at all concentrations, significantly decreased (P<0.001) cellular amylase but exhibited a dose-dependent effect only at 24 h when 100 nM caerulein maximally decreased cellular amylase (34%). Secretin (100 nM) did not alter these effects of caerulein. These results support the proposed role of caerulein in the regulation of amylase but not a direct role of secretin in the regulation of lipase. This study was supported in part by grant RO1 DK32690 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Summary This study is concerned with the characterization of the ionic currents in the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) of plant cells. Voltage patch-clamp experiments at the whole vacuole and single channel levels were employed to study the effects of cytoplasmic chloride on the tonoplast inward rectifying currents of sugar beet cultured cells. Whole vacuole experiments showed that removal of cytoplasmic chloride induced a decrease in the level of the inward currents, an effect that was reversed upon returning to control levels of cytoplasmic chloride. Substitution of cytoplasmic chloride by any other anion (organic or inorganic) resulted in a reduction in the level of the inward currents. At a given negative tonoplast potential, the inward currents showed a linear relationship with the concentration of cytoplasmic chloride between 10 and 100 mM, with the slope of these relationships increasing as the potential was made more negative. Single channel experiments showed that reduction of cytoplasmic chloride changed the gating mechanism of the channels without affecting the single channel conductance. Reduction of cytoplasmic chloride caused a decrease in the open probability of the tonoplast cation channels by reducing their mean open time and by inducing the appearance of an additional closed state.This work was supported by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Zhang XD  Zang YM  Zhou SS  Zang WJ  Yu XJ  Wang YM 《生理学报》2002,54(3):196-200
为探讨C1C-1通道的门控机制,实验应用爪蟾母细胞异源性表达大鼠野生型C1C-1(WT RC1C-1)通道基因,并使用双电极电压钳法记录通道电流。通过改变细胞外氯离子浓度,采用双指数拟合的方法分析通道去激活电流,对其去激活门控动力学特性进行了研究。结果表明,降低细胞外氯离子浓度可增加快速去激活电流成分,减少慢速去激活成分;同时,慢速去激活和快速去激活电流的时间常数都显著减小,说明细胞外氯离子浓度的改变可影响通道去激活动力学参数,从而改变通道的门控过程。  相似文献   

We have identified a non-selective cation channel on pancreatic duct cells. These epithelial cells secrete the bicarbonate ions found in pancreatic juice; a process controlled by the hormone secretin, which uses cyclic AMP as an intracellular messenger. The non-selective channel is located on both apical and basolateral plasma membranes of the duct cell, is equally permeable to sodium and potassium, and has a linear I/V relationship with a single-channel conductance of about 25 pS. Channel opening requires the presence of 1 microM Ca2+ on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane, and is also increased by depolarization. Intracellular ATP, ADP, magnesium, and a rise in pH all decreased channel activity. The channel was not affected by 10 mM TEA, 1 mM Ba2+ or 0.5 mM decamethonium applied to the cytoplasmic face of the membrane, but 0.5 mM quinine caused a flickering block which was more pronounced at depolarizing potentials. We observed the channel only rarely in cell-attached patches on unstimulated duct cells, and acute exposure to stimulants did not cause channel activation. However, after prolonged stimulation, the proportion of cell-attached patches containing active channels was increased 9-fold. The role of this channel in pancreatic duct cell function remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

We have used the patch clamp technique to study volume-activated Cl currents in the bicarbonatesecreting pancreatic duct cell. These currents could be elicited by a hypertonic pipette solution (osmotic gradient 20 mOsm/l), developed over about 8 min to a peak value of 91 ± 5.8 pA/pF at 60 mV (n = 123), and were inhibited by a hypertonic bath solution. The proportion of cells which developed currents increased from 15% in freshly isolated ducts to 93% if the ducts were cultured for 2 days. The currents were ATP-dependent, had an outwardly rectifying current/voltage (I-V) plot, and displayed time-dependent inactivation at depolarizing potentials. The anion selectivity sequence was: ClO4 = I = SCN > Br = NO3 > Cl > F > HCO3 > gluconate, and the currents were inhibited to a variable extent by DIDS, NPPB, dideoxyforskolin, tamoxifen, verapamil and quinine. Increasing the intracellular Ca2+ buffering capacity, or lowering the extracellular Ca2+ concentration, reduced the proportion of duct cells which developed currents. However, removal of extracellular Ca2+ once the currents had developed was without effect. Inhibiting protein kinase C (PKC) with either the pseudosubstrate PKC (19–36), calphostin C or staurosporine completely blocked development of the currents. We speculate that cell swelling causes Ca2+ influx which activates PKC which in turn either phosphorylates the Cl channel or a regulatory protein leading to channel activation.We thank David Stephenson for skilled technical assistance, and Dr. Malcolm Hunter for useful discussions. This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health (grant No. DK 43956), and the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.  相似文献   

Renal epithelial cells release ATP constitutively under basal conditions and release higher quantities of purine nucleotide in response to stimuli. ATP filtered at the glomerulus, secreted by epithelial cells along the nephron, and released serosally by macula densa cells for feedback signaling to afferent arterioles within the glomerulus has important physiological signaling roles within kidneys. In autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) mice and humans, collecting duct epithelial cells lack an apical central cilium or express dysfunctional proteins within that monocilium. Collecting duct principal cells derived from an Oak Ridge polycystic kidney (orpk ( Tg737 ) ) mouse model of ARPKD lack a well-formed apical central cilium, thought to be a sensory organelle. We compared these cells grown as polarized cell monolayers on permeable supports to the same cells where the apical monocilium was genetically rescued with the wild-type Tg737 gene that encodes Polaris, a protein essential to cilia formation. Constitutive ATP release under basal conditions was low and not different in mutant versus rescued monolayers. However, genetically rescued principal cell monolayers released ATP three- to fivefold more robustly in response to ionomycin. Principal cell monolayers with fully formed apical monocilia responded three- to fivefold greater to hypotonicity than mutant monolayers lacking monocilia. In support of the idea that monocilia are sensory organelles, intentionally harsh pipetting of medium directly onto the center of the monolayer induced ATP release in genetically rescued monolayers that possessed apical monocilia. Mechanical stimulation was much less effective, however, on mutant orpk collecting duct principal cell monolayers that lacked apical central monocilia. Our data also show that an increase in cytosolic free Ca(2+) primes the ATP pool that is released in response to mechanical stimuli. It also appears that hypotonic cell swelling and mechanical pipetting stimuli trigger release of a common ATP pool. Cilium-competent monolayers responded to flow with an increase in cell Ca(2+) derived from both extracellular and intracellular stores. This flow-induced Ca(2+) signal was less robust in cilium-deficient monolayers. Flow-induced Ca(2+) signals in both preparations were attenuated by extracellular gadolinium and by extracellular apyrase, an ATPase/ADPase. Taken together, these data suggest that apical monocilia are sensory organelles and that their presence in the apical membrane facilitates the formation of a mature ATP secretion apparatus responsive to chemical, osmotic, and mechanical stimuli. The cilium and autocrine ATP signaling appear to work in concert to control cell Ca(2+). Loss of a cilium-dedicated autocrine purinergic signaling system may be a critical underlying etiology for ARPKD and may lead to disinhibition and/or upregulation of multiple sodium (Na(+)) absorptive mechanisms and a resultant severe hypertensive phenotype in ARPKD and, possibly, other diseases.  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cells isolated from fragments of hamster pancreas interlobular ducts were freed of fibroblast contamination by plating them on air-dried collagen, maintaining them in serum-free Dulbecco's modified Eagle's (DME):F12 medium suppleneted with growth factors, and selecting fibroblast-free aggregates of duct cells with cloning cylinders. Duct epithelial cells plated on rat type I collagen gel and maintained in DME:F12 supplemented with Nu Serum IV, bovine pituitary extract, epidermal growth factor, 3,3′, 5-triodothyronine, dexamethasone, and insulin, transferrin, selenium, and linoleic acid conjugated to bovine serum albumin (ITS+), showed optimal growth as monolayers with a doubling time of about 20 h and were propagated for as long as 26 wk. Early passage cells consisted of cuboidal cells with microvilli on their apical surface, complex basolateral membranes, numerous elongated mitochondria, and both free and membrane-bound ribosomes. Cell grown as monolayers for 3 mo. were more flattened and contained fewer apical microvilli, mitochondria, and profiles of rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum; in addition, there were numerous autophagic vacuoles. Functional characteristics of differentiated pancreatic duct cells which were maintained during extended monolayer culture included intracellular levels of carbonic anhydrase and their capacity to generate cyclic AMP (cAMP) after stimulation by 1×10−6 M secretin. From 5 to 7 wk in culture, levels of carbonic anhydrase remained stable but after 25 to 26 wk decreased by 1.9-fold. At 5 to 7 wk of culture, cyclic AMP increased 8.7-fold over basal levels after secretin stimulation. Although pancreatic duct cells cultured for 25 to 26 wk showed lower basal levels of cAMP, they were still capable of generating significant levels of cAMP after exposure to serretin with a 7.0-fold increase, indicating that secretin receptors and the adenyl cyclase system were both present and functional. These experiments document that pancreatic duct monolayer cultures can be maintained in a differentiated state for up to 6 mo. and suggest that this culture system may be useful for in vitro physiologic and pathologic studies. This research was supported by grant CA34051 from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

We have shown that endocytosis at the apical plasma membrane ofpancreatic acinar cells is regulated by the pH of the acinar lumen andis associated with cleavage of GP2, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein. The aim of this study was todetermine the transduction pathway by which endocytosis is activated.Apical endocytosis was studied in rat pancreatic acini byprestimulation with cholecystokinin followed by measurement ofhorseradish peroxidase (HRP) uptake. Lanthanum, staurosporine, andforskolin had no effect on HRP uptake. Cytochalasin D significantlyinhibited endocytosis, indicating a dependence on actin filamentintegrity. Genistein and the specific tyrphostin inhibitor B42 alsoinhibited HRP uptake, implicating tyrosine kinases in the regulation ofHRP uptake. With the use of an Src kinase-specific substrate, Srckinase activity was temporally related to activation of endocytosis.The tyrosine-dependent phosphorylation of an 85-kDa substrate in bothrat and mouse pancreatic acini correlated with Src kinase activationand pH-dependent regulation of HRP uptake. These results indicate thatapical endocytosis in acinar cells is associated with tyrosine kinaseactivation and is dependent on the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Summary The ion selectivity of the apical membrane Na channel in the toad urinary bladder was investigated. The electrical potential difference and resistance across the basal-lateral membrane were reduced using high concentrations of KCl in the serosal bathing medium, and gradients for various ions were imposed across the apical membrane by altering the composition of the mucosal bathing medium. Ion fluxes through the channel were measured as the transepithelial current inhibited by amiloride, a specific blocker of the channel's Na conductance. The selectivity sequence for alkali metal cations was H>Li>NaK. K, permeability was barely detectable; the selectivity for Na over K was about 1000:1. Ammonium, hydroxyl ammonium and hydrazinium ions were, like K, virtually impermeant. The results suggest that the size of the unhydrated ion is an important factor in determining permeability in this channel.  相似文献   

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