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The results of the investigations of radioactive contamination after the Chernobyl catastrophe and subsequent iodine prophylaxis on the thyroid gland function and morphology in Northeast Poland. The aim of the study was to determine whether kalium iodine in one dose during radioactive contamination in Poland limited the radioactive dose in the thyroid gland and if significant disadvantageous side-effects in the intrathyroid and extrathyroid occurred. Additionally during the studies we tried to determine if radioactive iodine contamination which occurred in the region of the Medical Academy in Bia?ystok caused an increase in thyroid disease. It is interesting to note the different results obtained after radioactive contamination with the results from the investigations in this same territory in 1983-1985. In 1983-1985, before the Chernobyl catastrophe, 6,921 persons in Northeast Poland were investigated. In 1986-1988, immediately after the disaster 4,010 persons were investigated. The main study according to grant No MZ-XVII was carried out in three provinces: Bia?ystok, Suwa?ki and Olsztyn. In this investigation 10,011 persons born before April 26, 1986 and after January 1, 1936 participated, 5,789 townspeople and 4,222 villagers, 3,987 children up to 16 years of age it the time of the disaster 1,973 boys and 2,009 girls; 6,024 adults 2,509 men and 3,516 women were drawn from a register. Committed doses to the thyroid in the investigated region were one of the highest in Poland and depended on age group and were depended on time of prophylaxis non proportional. Iodine prophylaxis was provided mainly with one dose of Lugol solution about 90%, 95% children and 30% adults took iodine. The majority of the population (53.3%-74%) were given iodine in April. From May 1st to 5th 23.0-43.4% received iodine, but after May 5th very few persons. Iodine was well tolerated, but Lugol Solution was better tolerated than other kinds of iodine. Only 241 (4.4%) cases had side effects, mainly vomiting (143), symptoms such as stomach ache, diarrhea, dyspnoe, skinrash etc. in lesser numbers. 12% (29 persons) were seen by a physician. In the investigated population were 200 pregnant women aged 19-40 years of which the majority (177) delivered full term healthy babies. Only 1 interrupted pregnancy and 7 had spontaneous abortion. Changes in the thyroid were noticed by 187 persons (2.3%-11.7%) most of which were enlargement of the thyroid, but only a few were confirmed by a physician. In the studied population from 1989 to 1990 over 30% of the population had struma.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Iodine deficiency (ID) and related disorders are still major, yet unresolved health concerns. Recently, in a systematic survey of schoolage children (SAC), we reported severe to moderate ID, in Ankara and three cities from Black Sea region of Turkey. The current study attempted to evaluate selenium (Se) status, thiocyanate (SCN) overload, and their possible contribution to the goiter endemics and thyroid hormone profile observed in these cities. Thyroid ultrasonography was performed and serum Se, SCN, thyroid hormones, sensitive TSH (sTSH) levels, and urinary iodine concentrations (UICs) were determined from 251 SAC (9–11 yr old). Thyroid volumes (TVs) exceeding recommended upper normal limits and median UIC indicated goitre endemics and moderate to severe ID in the areas studied. Mean serum SCN concentrations were found to be greater than the controls from the literature. The UIC/SCN ratio was found to be lowest in Bayburt and Trabzon denoting that SCN overload may contribute to the goiter endemics. Serum Se concentrations represent a marginal deficiency in the four areas studied. No significant correlations between serum Se concentrations and the other parameters studied (i.e., TV, SCN, thyroid hormones, sTSH, UIC) was detected. In conclusion, this study showed that selenium is also marginally deficient in the iodine-deficient endemic areas studied, but this has little or no impact on the thyroid hormone profile and the goiter endemics. SCN overload may contribute to the endemics, especially for the areas where iodine is severely deficient. An effective iodine supplementation program will not only resolve the goiter endemics but also the consequence of SCN overload as well in the endemic goiter areas studied.  相似文献   

At the time after the Second World War, endemic goiter was present in most parts of Croatia with a prevalence of more than 50% and presence of cretinism. In the village of Rude near Zagreb, goiter was detected in 85% of school children with 2.3% of cretins in the village population. In 1953 the first regulation on obligatory salt iodination, requiring 10 mg of potassium iodide (KI) per kg of salt was established in former Yugoslavia. A three-fold reduction of goiter prevalence, together with disappearance of cretinism was recorded ten years later In 1992, the National Committee for Eradication of Goiter was founded. The survey performed during 1991-1993 exhibited prevalence of goiter among school children between 8% and 35% and urinary iodine excretion under 10 microg/dL in most of the children from continental parts of the country. The new obligatory regulation, requiring 25 mg of KI/kg of salt, was proposed by the National Comittee and finally established in 1996. In 2002 thyroid volumes and medians of urinary iodine excretion were normal according to the ICCIDD criteria. Overall median of urinary iodine excretion for schoolchildren in Croatia was 14 ug/dL. Croatia crossed a path from severe iodine deficiency detected in the 1950's to the period of mild to moderate iodine deficiency during the 1990's, and finally, nowadays, iodine sufficiency has been achieved.  相似文献   

The radiological contamination of Wroc?aw Region after Czernobyl accident was evaluated as moderate. In the frame of Research Programme MZ-XVII 4310 persons (2012 men and 2298 women) were randomly selected and investigated. Among them were 1525 children up to 16 years old. 925 children and 854 adults took potassium iodide; only minority in April but majority between May 1st and May 5th. Side effects was rare phenomenon seen in about 5% of those who ingested potassium iodide and in majority of cases was very mild (with rash and vomiting as most common clinical symptoms). Only 13 persons with side effects have visited physicians. Among 955 women aged 19-40 years 71 were pregnant in May 1986. 55 of them delivered on time, 3 before time. Average health state of newborns was 9.1 according to Apgar scale. 10 women have had spontaneous abortion and 3 decided to terminate pregnancy in first 6 weeks. The physical examination revealed the presence of diffuse goiter in 384 persons and of nodular goiter in 23 persons. In majority of cases the goiter was small, OB or I. according to WHO classification.  相似文献   

Copper and zinc levels in the tissue of thyroid gland (TG) and their metal-binding proteins metallothioneins (MT) as well as state of the antioxidant system in persons that had no thyroid disease and patients with endemic iodine deficiency nodular colloidal goiter has been investigated. In the patients with thyroid disease, oxidative damage was indicated despite elevated levels of MT-SH and glutathione, and elevated copper and decreased zinc concentration in TG tissue. MTs partly bound the excess of copper but its concentration in the unbound to MT form was two-fold compared to the control value.  相似文献   

Why speak still today about endemic goiter and cretinism in the Alps? because thyroid pathology represents the discovery paradigm of endocrinology, the first explanatory and curative anatomo-clinic schema of endocrinology. Great figures, naturalists, physicians, biologists, surgeons, many of which issued from the French (Fodéré, 1792), Swiss (Kocher, Nobel prize in 1910), Austrian (Wagner-Jauregg, Nobel prize in 1927) and Italian Alps (Malacarne, 1780) contributed to these discoveries though the centuries and deserve for this reason to be honored. The present work is a historical and iconographic review, which relates the evolution of this pathology and it's representations, from Antoquity to the present days. These representations have beeon described in several monographs, among which Merke's (1984) extraordinary “History and Iconography of Endemic Goiter and Cretinism”, but also in literary works with Balzac's “Le médecin de campagne”. It's only in the beginning of the XX century that the inclusion of iodized salt in the diet has radically transformed the disease and its consequences. But this pathology has left painful traces in the collective imagination of Alpine people. Finally the anxiety provoked by the crossing of Tchernobyl “radioactive cloud” over France's South-Est, in 1986, expresses today's concerns about thyroid problems, which are represented by the augmentation, real or imaginary, of the number of cases of thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

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