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In vitro, poorly iodinated thyroglobulin (Tg) is hydrolysed at the same rate whether it is enclosed in thyroid or in liver lysosomes, while fully iodinated Tg is degraded faster inside liver lysosomes. After in vivo TSH administration, thyroid lysosomes hydrolyse fully iodinated Tg as fast as do liver lysosomes.  相似文献   

Using a combination of differential centrifugation and isopycnic centrifugation in Percoll gradients, we obtained a highly purified preparation of thyroid lysosomes [Alquier, Guenin, Munari-Silem, Audebet & Rousset (1985) Biochem. J. 232, 529-537] in which we identified thyroglobulin. From this observation, we postulated that the isolated lysosome population could be composed of primary lysosomes and of secondary lysosomes resulting from the fusion of lysosomes with thyroglobulin-containing vesicles. In the present study, we have tried to characterize these lysosome populations by (a) subfractionation of purified lysosomes using iterative centrifugation on Percoll gradients and (b) by functional studies on cultured thyroid cells. Thyroglobulin analysed by soluble phase radioimmunoassay, Western blotting or immunoprecipitation was used as a marker of secondary lysosomes. The total lysosome population separated from other cell organelles on a first gradient was centrifuged on a second Percoll gradient. Resedimented lysosomes were recovered as a slightly asymmetrical peak under which the distribution patterns of acid hydrolase activities and immunoreactive thyroglobulin did not superimpose. This lysosomal material (L) was separated into two fractions: a light (thyroglobulin-enriched) fraction (L2) and a dense fraction (L1). L1 and L2 subfractions centrifuged on a third series of Percoll gradients were recovered as symmetrical peaks at buoyant densities of 1.12-1.13 and 1.08 g/ml, respectively. In each case, protein and acid hydrolase activities were superimposable. The specific activity of acid phosphatase was slightly lower in L2 than in L1. In contrast, the immunoassayable thyroglobulin content of L2 was about 4-fold higher than that of L1. The overall polypeptide composition of L, L1 and L2 analysed by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis was very similar, except for thyroglobulin which was more abundant in L2 than in either L or L1. The functional relationship between L1 and L2 lysosome subpopulations has been studied in cultured thyroid cells reassociated into follicles. Thyroid cells, prelabelled with 125I-iodide to generate 125I-thyroglobulin, were incubated in the absence of in the presence of inhibitors of intralysosomal proteolysis. The fate of 125I-thyroglobulin, and especially its appearance in the lysosomal compartment, was studied by Percoll gradient fractionation and immunoprecipitation. Treatment of prelabelled thyroid cells with chloroquine and leupeptin induced the accumulation of immunoprecipitable 125I-thyroglobulin into a lysosome fraction corresponding to the L2 subpopulation. In control cells, in which intralysosomal proteolysis was n  相似文献   

Summary The effect of aging on the morphology and function of the thyroid gland of the cream hamster was studied by light and electron microscopy coupled with autoradiography or histochemistry.Morphologically, aging induces an accumulation of lysosomal dense bodies and a loss of the phagocytosis of colloid droplets after stimulation with TSH. Iodine uptake and organification occur normally and thyroglobulin synthesis, estimated by autoradiography with 3H-leucine, is not different from that observed in young animals. The basal T4 and T3 plasma levels are lower in the old animals. A low iodine diet administered for several months prevents the age related accumulation of lysosomal dense bodies. Hormone secretion seems to proceed by two different mechanisms; phagocytosis of colloid droplets, the classical mechanism that decreases with age, and an additional mechanism, probably micropinocytosis, that is maintained during the whole lifespan.Presented at the First French Congress of Endocrinology, Montpellier, September 1980Work was performed under contracts n 3.4523.79 and n 3.4512.80 of the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Médicale, thanks to a grant of the Ministère Belge de la Politique Scientifique (Action concertée) and with the help of the Fondation Interuniversitaire pour la Recherche du Processus du Vieillissement, Belgium  相似文献   

The ability to bypass DNA lesions encountered during replication is important in order to maintain cell viability and avoid genomic instability. Exposure of mammalian cells to UV-irradiation induces the formation of DNA lesions that stall replication forks. In order to restore replication, different bypass mechanisms are operating, previously named post-replication repair. Translesion DNA synthesis is performed by low-fidelity polymerases, which can replicate across damaged sites. The nature of lesions and of polymerases involved influences the resulting frequency of mutations. Homologous recombination represents an alternative pathway for the rescue of stalled replication forks. Caffeine has long been recognized to influence post-replication repair, although the mechanism is not identified. Here, we found that caffeine delays the progress of replication forks in UV-irradiated Chinese hamster cells. The length of this enhanced delay was similar in wild-type cells and in cell deficient in either homologous recombination or nucleotide excision repair. Furthermore, caffeine attenuated the frequency of UV-induced mutations in the hprt gene, whereas the frequency of recombination, monitored in this same gene, was enhanced. These observations indicate that in cells exposed to UV-light, caffeine inhibits the rescue of stalled replication forks by translesion DNA synthesis, thereby causing a switch to bypass via homologous recombination. The biological consequence of the former pathway is mutations, while the latter results in chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

The thyroid cells of the cream hamster, characterized by abundance of microtubules and stratification of the organelles, undergo a particular evolution when the animals grow older. These changes are characterized by an increase of the number of lysosomes which in extreme cases become so prominent that they occupy the whole cytoplasm of the cell which thus loses its organelle stratification. As in other species, cream hamster thyroid contains so-called ultimobranchial follicles made up of at least six cell types: fibrillar dark and light cells, parafollicular cells, ciliated cells, vesicular cells, and cells with myelinic inclusions. The ultrastructure of these follicles in the cream hamster represents a mixture of the ultrastructural characteristics of the same follicles encountered in the rat and the mouse thyroid. Here also mixed follicles are seen. Nevertheless vesicular cells present such abundant "secretion granules" that the question arises as to whether these follicles produce a special secretion and perhaps a new hormone. Incubation of cream hamster thyroids in the prescence of vincristine induces vanishing of microtubules, formation of paracrystalline structures, and loss of stratification of the organelles. Although these last effects might be due to some specific toxic effect of the drug, it is suggested that the disappearing of the organelle stratification might result from a specific vincristine-induced disaggregation of the microtubules acting as a cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Iodinated thyroglobulin stored in the thyroid follicular lumen is subjected to an internalization process and thought to be transferred into the lysosomal compartment for proteolytic cleavage and thyroid hormone release. In the present study, we have designed in vitro models to study: 1) the transfer of endocytosed thyroglobulin into lysosomes, and 2) the intracellular fate of free thyroid hormones and iodinated precursors generated by intralysosomal proteolysis of thyroglobulin. Open follicles prepared from pig thyroid tissue by collagenase treatment were used to probe the delivery of exogenous thyroglobulin to lysosomes via the differentiated apical cell membrane. Open follicles were incubated with pure [125I]thyroglobulin with or without unlabeled thyroglobulin in the presence or in the absence of chloroquine. Subcellular fractionation on a Percoll gradient showed that [125I]thyroglobulin was internalized and present in low (for the major part) and high density thyroid vesicles. In chloroquine-treated open follicles, we observed the appearance of a definite fraction of [125I]thyroglobulin in a lysosome subpopulation having the expected properties of phagolysosomes or secondary lysosomes. In contrast, in control open follicles, the amount of [125I]thyroglobulin or degradation products found in high density vesicles was lower and associated with the bulk of lysosomes, i.e., primary lysosomes. The content in thyroglobulin and degradation products of lysosomes at steady-state was analyzed by Western blot using polyclonal anti-pig thyroglobulin antibodies. Under reducing conditions, immunoreactive thyroglobulin species correspond to polypeptides with molecular weights ranging from 130,000 to less than 20,000. The presence of free thyroid hormones and iodotyrosines inside lysosomes and their intracellular fate was studied in dispersed thyroid cells labeled with [125I]iodide. Neo-iodinated [125I]thyroglobulin gave rise to free [125I]T4 which was secreted into the medium. In addition to released [125I]T4, a fraction of free [125I]T4 was identified inside the cells. Lysosomes isolated from dispersed thyroid cells did not contain significant amounts of free [125I]T4. The free intracellular [125I]T4 fraction seems to represent an intermediate 'hormonal pool' between thyroglobulin-bound T4 and secreted T4. Evidence for such a precursor-product relationship was obtained from pulse-chase experiments. In conclusion: 1) open thyroid follicles have the ability to internalize thyroglobulin by a mechanism of limited capacity and to address the endocytosed ligand to lysosomes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Pregnant hamsters were ovariectomized on Day 2 (Day 1 = sperm positive) and given progesterone replacement therapy daily (200 μg sc in sesame oil). Either 2 or 4 mg indomethacin (Indo) given on Day 3 and early Day 4 delayed shedding of the zona pellucida and the onset of implantation on Day 4. One mg Indo administered on Day 3 was only partially effective. By Day 5, approximately half of the hamsters receiving either 2 or 4 mg Indo exhibited implantation sites whereas all controls and hamsters receiving 1 mg Indo had sites. At the dosages used, estradiol cypionate, histamine, prostacyclin and prostaglandin E2 did not overcome the effects of Indo. The results indicate that Indo interferes with zona shedding and implantation of blastocysts in the ovariectomized-progesterone treated hamster.  相似文献   

We have developed a post-embedding immunogold technique for electron microscopic localization and quantitation of thyroglobulin (TG), thyroxine (T4), and triiodothyronine (T3) in rat thyroid. Labeling for TG was located on rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, exocytotic vesicles, luminal colloid, colloid droplets, and lysosomes, whereas labeling for thyroid hormones was located on luminal colloid, colloid droplets, and lysosomes. We tested different procedures of fixation, dehydration, embedding, polymerization, and immunoincubation to optimize ultrastructural preservation and immunolabeling. Fixation with glutaraldehyde and osmium was possible with retained antigenicity. Dehydration temperature and the choice of embedding resin were the two crucial factors for good immunolabeling. Low-temperature dehydration greatly improved immunolabeling and could be combined with embedding in the methacrylate LR White or the epoxide Agar 100 (equivalent of Epon 812) polymerized at 40-60 degrees C, as the temperature during subsequent embedding and polymerization was of little importance for the immunoreactivity. Labeling on LR White sections was always higher than on Agar 100 sections. Various etching procedures were tested without improved specific labeling. Etching with hydrochloric acid gave nonspecific labeling of certain cell compartments.  相似文献   

We describe here the properties of a mutant of Chinese hamster ovary cells that expresses a conditional-lethal mutation affecting dense lysosomes. This mutant, termed V.24.1, is a member of the End4 complementation group of temperature-sensitive mutants selected for resistance to protein toxins (Colbaugh, P. A., C.-Y. Kao, S.-P. Shia, M. Stookey, and R. K. Draper. 1988. Somatic Cell Mol. Genet. 14:499-507). Vesicles present in postnuclear supernatants prepared from V.24.1 cells harvested at the restrictive temperature had a 50% reduction in acidification activity, assessed by the ATP-stimulated accumulation of the dye acridine orange in acidic vesicles. To investigate whether specific populations of vesicles were impaired in acidification, we measured acidification activity in three subcellular fractions prepared from Percoll gradients: one containing endosomal and Golgi markers, one containing buoyant lysosomes, and the third containing dense lysosomes. Activity in dense lysosomes was reduced by 90%, activity in the buoyant lysosome fraction was unaffected, and activity in the endosome-Golgi fraction was mildly reduced. The activity of three lysosomal enzymes--beta-hexosaminidase, beta-galactosidase, and beta-glucocerebrosidase--was also reduced in dense lysosomes but nearly normal in the buoyant lysosome fraction. However, beta-hexosaminidase and beta-glucocerebrosidase activity was increased two- to threefold in the endosome-Golgi fraction. We conclude that the lesion selectively impairs dense lysosomes but has little effect on properties of buoyant lysosomes.  相似文献   

Two rabbits (RG-1, RG-2) were immunized with rabbit thyroglobulin (RTg) purified from thyroid glands of four other normal rabbits of the same strain, and bled serially. Antisera were obtained at different times after the first immunization and kept separately and studied. Production of anti-RTg as well as anti-thyroid hormone antibodies such as anti-thyroxine (T4) and anti-triiodothyronine (T3) antibodies was observed in both rabbits. Physicochemical parameters of anti-RTg antibodies with RTg, T4, and T3 were calculated in two selected antisera (70-day and 253-day) of each of the rabbits, using a Scatchard plot. Extraction of serial sera from both rabbits disclosed the presence of larger amounts of T3 and T4 in immune sera than in preimmune serum. Examination of pathology of thyroid glands and kidneys in both rabbits was negative for the lesions of autoimmune thyroiditis and immune nephritis. These results indicate that anti-Tg as well as anti-thyroid hormone autoantibodies can be raised without thyroid pathology in rabbit by immunization with autologous Tg.  相似文献   

The sites of thyroid hormone formation in rabbit thyroglobulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rabbit thyroglobulin (Tg) was labeled in vivo with 125I and purified by gel filtration. Separation by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of tryptic digests of S-cyanoethylated Tg yielded four major iodothyronine-containing peaks, designated A, B, C, and D. These were further purified on HPLC and sequenced for identification of amino acid residues and for location of the iodothyronine by 125I counting. The published primary structure for bovine Tg, derived from cDNA sequencing of the Tg gene (Mercken, L., Simons, M.J., Swillens, S., Massaer, M., and Vassart, G. (1985) Nature 316, 647-651), permitted tentative location of the rabbit hormonogenic peptides within the Tg polypeptide chain. Site A, corresponding to bovine residue 5, contained 44% of Tgs [125I]T4 (thyroxine) and 25% of its [125I]T3 (triiodothyronine); its specific activity of iodine was higher than that for other sites, indicating priority of iodination. Site B, containing 24% of Tgs [125I]T4 and 18% of its [125I]T3, corresponded to bovine residue 2555. Site C, at the third residue from the C terminus (bovine residue 2748), was the major T3 site, accounting for over 50% of Tgs [125I]T3. The amino acid sequence around this site shows less homology among different animal species than do those flanking the other hormonogenic sites. Site D accounted for 17% of Tgs [125I]T4 and corresponded to bovine Tyr-1291, in the midportion of Tgs polypeptide chain. The three major T4-forming sites had the sequence Asp-Tyr (sites B and D) or Glu-Tyr (site A), while the sequence Ser-Tyr-Ser appeared to favor T3 synthesis (site C), suggesting an important influence of primary structure on hormonogenesis. We conclude that site A is the major T4-forming site and site C the major T3-forming one, but others are available and offer the opportunity for flexibility in meeting different demands for hormone formation.  相似文献   

The caspase-3-generated RasGAP N-terminal fragment (fragment N) inhibits apoptosis in a Ras-PI3K-Akt-dependent manner. Fragment N protects various cell types, including insulin-secreting cells, against different types of stresses. Whether fragment N exerts a protective role during the development of type 1 diabetes is however not known. Non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice represent a well-known model for spontaneous development of type 1 diabetes that shares similarities with the diseases encountered in humans. To assess the role of fragment N in type 1 diabetes development, a transgene encoding fragment N under the control of the rat insulin promoter (RIP) was back-crossed into the NOD background creating the NOD-RIPN strain. Despite a mosaic expression of fragment N in the beta cell population of NOD-RIPN mice, islets isolated from these mice were more resistant to apoptosis than control NOD islets. Islet lymphocytic infiltration and occurrence of a mild increase in glycemia developed with the same kinetics in both strains. However, the period of time separating the mild increase in glycemia and overt diabetes was significantly longer in NOD-RIPN mice compared to the control NOD mice. There was also a significant decrease in the number of apoptotic beta cells in situ at 16 weeks of age in the NOD-RIPN mice. Fragment N exerts therefore a protective effect on beta cells within the pro-diabetogenic NOD background and this prevents a fast progression from mild to overt diabetes.  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin (Tg), the thyroid hormoneprecursor, is synthesized by thyrocytes and secreted into the colloid.Hormone release requires uptake of Tg by thyrocytes and degradation inlysosomes. This process must be precisely regulated. Tg uptake occursmainly by micropinocytosis, which can result from both fluid-phasepinocytosis and receptor-mediated endocytosis. Because Tg is highlyconcentrated in the colloid, fluid-phase pinocytosis or low-affinityreceptors should provide sufficient Tg uptake for hormone release;high-affinity receptors may serve to target Tg away from lysosomes,through recycling into the colloid or by transcytosis into thebloodstream. Several apical receptors have been suggested toplay roles in Tg uptake and intracellular trafficking. A thyroidasialoglycoprotein receptor may internalize and recycle immature formsof Tg back to the colloid, a function also attributed to an as yetunidentified N-acetylglucosamine receptor. Megalin mediatesTg uptake by thyrocytes, especially under intense thyroid-stimulatinghormone stimulation, resulting in transcytosis of Tg from the colloidto the bloodstream, a function that prevents excessive hormone release.


Protein synthesis (in particular, thyroglobulin) is studied in a cell-free system containing polyribosomes of thyroid gland. After the incubation with radioactive label, ribosomes were centrifugated, supernatant was dialyzed against 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.2 for a night, concentrated by ficol and centrifugated in 5-20% linear sucrose gradient. 14C-radioactivity of 19S fraction (thyroglobulin) was shown to comprise about 25% of total radioactivity. The rest radioactivity was found in 3--8S fractions. The distribution of the radioactivity as it was shown by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is as follows: 27S--11.0%; 19S--14.2%; 12S--5.8% and 4S--7.6% of total radioactivity in polyacrylamide gel. It is supposed that two successive processes take place in thyroid gland: a synthesis of thyroglobulin subunits and an exchange of new synthesized subunits with presynthesized ones.  相似文献   

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