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Vision represents an excellent model for studying adaptation, given the genotype‐to‐phenotype map that has been characterized in a number of taxa. Fish possess a diverse range of visual sensitivities and adaptations to underwater light, making them an excellent group to study visual system evolution. In particular, some speciose but understudied lineages can provide a unique opportunity to better understand aspects of visual system evolution such as opsin gene duplication and neofunctionalization. In this study, we showcase the visual system evolution of neotropical Characiformes and the spectral tuning mechanisms they exhibit to modulate their visual sensitivities. Such mechanisms include gene duplications and losses, gene conversion, opsin amino acid sequence and expression variation, and A1/A2‐chromophore shifts. The Characiforms we studied utilize three cone opsin classes (SWS2, RH2, LWS) and a rod opsin (RH1). However, the characiform's entire opsin gene repertoire is a product of dynamic evolution by opsin gene loss (SWS1, RH2) and duplication (LWS, RH1). The LWS‐ and RH1‐duplicates originated from a teleost specific whole‐genome duplication as well as characiform‐specific duplication events. Both LWS‐opsins exhibit gene conversion and, through substitutions in key tuning sites, one of the LWS‐paralogues has acquired spectral sensitivity to green light. These sequence changes suggest reversion and parallel evolution of key tuning sites. Furthermore, characiforms' colour vision is based on the expression of both LWS‐paralogues and SWS2. Finally, we found interspecific and intraspecific variation in A1/A2‐chromophores proportions, correlating with the light environment. These multiple mechanisms may be a result of the diverse visual environments where Characiformes have evolved.  相似文献   

The expression of cone opsin genes is a primary determinant of the characteristics of colour vision. Interspecific variation in opsin expression is common in African cichlids. It is correlated with foraging among cichlids from Lake Malawi, and with ambient light environment among cichlids from Lake Victoria. In this study, we tested whether gene expression varied within species such that it might be important in contributing to divergence. We hypothesized that light attenuation with depth would be correlated with predictable changes in gene expression in Lake Malawi, and that this variation would tune visual sensitivities to match the ambient light environment. We observed significant differences in cone opsin expression in three different comparisons among populations of the same species. Higher LWS expression was found in shallow versus deep Copadichromis eucinostomus. In Metriaclima zebra, individuals from Zimbawe Rock expressed significantly more SWS2B than those from Thumbi West Island, although these locales have similar ambient light environments. Finally, Tropheops gracilior from deeper water had significantly more variation in expression than their shallow counterparts. These results support that gene expression varies significantly between populations of the same species. Surprisingly, these results could not be explained by predicted visual performance as models predicted that differential expression patterns did not confer sensitivity advantages at different depths. This suggested that expression variation did not confer a local sensitivity advantage. Therefore, our findings were contrary to a primary requirement of the sensory bias hypothesis. As such, other explanations for intraspecific gene expression variation need to be tested.  相似文献   

Cichlid fish of the East African Rift Lakes are renowned for their diversity and offer a unique opportunity to study adaptive changes in the visual system in rapidly evolving species flocks. Since color plays a significant role in mate choice, differences in visual sensitivities could greatly influence and even drive speciation of cichlids. Lake Malawi cichlids inhabiting rock and sand habitats have significantly different cone spectral sensitivities. By combining microspectrophotometry (MSP) of isolated cones, sequencing of opsin genes, and spectral analysis of recombinant pigments, we have established the cone complements of four species of Malawi cichlids. MSP demonstrated that each of these species predominately expresses three cone pigments, although these differ between species to give three spectrally different cone complements. In addition, rare populations of spectrally distinct cones were found. In total, seven spectral classes were identified. This was confirmed by opsin gene sequencing, expression, and in vitro reconstitution. The genes represent the four major classes of cone opsin genes that diverged early in vertebrate evolution. All four species possess a long-wave-sensitive (LWS), three spectrally distinct green-sensitive (RH2), a blue-sensitive (SWS2A), a violet-sensitive (SWS2B), and an ultraviolet-sensitive (SWS1) opsin. However, African cichlids determine their spectral sensitivity by differential expression of primarily only three of the seven available cone opsin genes. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that all percomorph fish have similar potential.  相似文献   

A major goal of evolutionary biology is to unravel the molecular genetic mechanisms that underlie functional diversification and adaptation. We investigated how changes in gene regulation and coding sequence contribute to sensory diversification in two replicate radiations of cichlid fishes. In the clear waters of Lake Malawi, differential opsin expression generates diverse visual systems, with sensitivities extending from the ultraviolet to the red regions of the spectrum. These sensitivities fall into three distinct clusters and are correlated with foraging habits. In the turbid waters of Lake Victoria, visual sensitivity is constrained to longer wavelengths, and opsin expression is correlated with ambient light. In addition to regulatory changes, we found that the opsins coding for the shortest- and longest-wavelength visual pigments have elevated numbers of potentially functional substitutions. Thus, we present a model of sensory evolution in which both molecular genetic mechanisms work in concert. Changes in gene expression generate large shifts in visual pigment sensitivity across the collective opsin spectral range, but changes in coding sequence appear to fine-tune visual pigment sensitivity at the short- and long-wavelength ends of this range, where differential opsin expression can no longer extend visual pigment sensitivity.  相似文献   

Associating quantitative genetic traits with quantitative behaviors is a relatively unexplored region of sensory neurobiology. The visual system is an ideal place to test models associating these levels of sensory perception. In this study, we reared cichlid fish from Lake Malawi in different ambient light environments. We then tested the visual sensitivities of these fish using the optomotor response (OMR) behavioral paradigm and measured the relative expression of cone opsin genes. We found that the light environment experienced by fish during development can alter gene expression, particularly as it applies to the long wavelength-sensitive (LWS) opsin gene. Also, fish from different rearing conditions exhibited different behavioral sensitivities. We combined these data with predictions of opsin pigment absorption by the different OMR stimuli to determine which cone types are most likely to influence the OMR behavior. While we hypothesized that this behavior would be controlled by a random-wiring model reflecting the expression of both medium wavelength-sensitive (MWS) and LWS opsins, our models suggest that only the LWS pigment is required to predict behavior. Furthermore, analyses show that LWS expression variation accounts for ~20% of the observed behavioral variance. This work confirms that sensory gene expression influences behavior in a predictable fashion. It also suggests that the neural wiring of basal visual pathways in cichlid fish may differ from that observed in mammals and zebrafish, but is similar to that described in goldfish. This finding has important implications for the evolution of the magnocellular neural pathway in teleosts.  相似文献   

The role of sequence variation in the spectral tuning of color vision is well established in many systems. This includes the cichlids of Lake Victoria where sequence variation has been linked to environmental light gradients and speciation. The cichlids of Lake Malawi are a similar model for visual evolution, but the role of gene sequence variation in visual tuning between closely related species is unknown. This work describes such variation in multiple species of two rock-dwelling genera: Metriaclima and Labidochromis. Genomic DNA for seven cone opsin genes was sequenced and the structure of the opsin proteins was inferred. Retinal binding pocket polymorphisms were identified and compared to available data regarding spectral absorbance shifts. Sequence variation with known or potential effects on absorbance spectra were found in four genes: SWS1 (UV sensitive), SWS2B (violet sensitive), RH2Aβ (green sensitive), and LWS (red sensitive). Functional variation was distributed such that each genus had both a variable short-wavelength and long-wavelength sensitive opsin. This suggests spectral tuning is important at the margins of the cichlid visual spectrum. Further, there are two SWS1 opsin alleles that differ in sensitivity by 10 nm and are >2 MY divergent. One of these occurs in a haplotype block >1 kb. Potential haplotype blocks were found around the RH2 opsin loci. These data suggest that molecular diversification has resulted in functionally unique alleles and changes to the visual system. These data also suggest that opsin sequence variation tunes spectral sensitivities between closely related species and that the specific regions of spectral tuning are genus-specific.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation is facilitated when divergent adaptation has direct effects on selective mating. Divergent sensory adaptation could generate such direct effects, by mediating both ecological performance and mate selection. In aquatic environments, light attenuation creates distinct photic environments, generating divergent selection on visual systems. Consequently, divergent sensory drive has been implicated in the diversification of several fish species. Here, we experimentally test whether divergent visual adaptation explains the divergence of mate preferences in Haplochromine cichlids. Blue and red Pundamilia co‐occur across south‐eastern Lake Victoria. They inhabit different photic conditions and have distinct visual system properties. Previously, we documented that rearing fish under different light conditions influences female preference for blue versus red males. Here, we examine to what extent variation in female mate preference can be explained by variation in visual system properties, testing the causal link between visual perception and preference. We find that our experimental light manipulations influence opsin expression, suggesting a potential role for phenotypic plasticity in optimizing visual performance. However, variation in opsin expression does not explain species differences in female preference. Instead, female preference covaries with allelic variation in the long‐wavelength‐sensitive opsin gene (LWS), when assessed under broad‐spectrum light. Taken together, our study presents evidence for environmental plasticity in opsin expression and confirms the important role of colour perception in shaping female mate preferences in Pundamilia. However, it does not constitute unequivocal evidence for the direct effects of visual adaptation on assortative mating.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity allows organisms to adapt quickly to local environmental conditions and could facilitate adaptive radiations. Cichlids have recently undergone an adaptive radiation in Lake Malawi where they inhabit diverse light environments and tune their visual sensitivity through differences in cone opsin expression. While cichlid opsin expression is known to be plastic over development, whether adults remain plastic is unknown. Adult plasticity in visual tuning could play a role in cichlid radiations by enabling survival in changing environments and facilitating invasion into novel environments. Here we examine the existence of and temporal changes in adult visual plasticity of two closely related species. In complementary experiments, wild adult Metriaclima mbenji from Lake Malawi were moved to the lab under UV‐deficient fluorescent lighting; while lab raised M. benetos were placed under UV‐rich lighting designed to mimic light conditions in the wild. Surprisingly, adult cichlids in both experiments showed significant changes in the expression of the UV‐sensitive single cone opsin, SWS1, in only 3 days. Modeling quantum catches in the light environments revealed a possible link between the light available to the SWS1 visual pigment and SWS1 expression. We conclude that adult cichlids can undergo rapid and significant changes in opsin expression in response to environmental light shifts that are relevant to their habitat and evolutionary history in Lake Malawi. This could have contributed to the rapid divergence characteristic of these fantastic fishes.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity plays an important role in adapting the visual capability of many animal species to changing sensory requirements. Such variability may be driven by developmental change or may result from environmental changes in light habitat, thereby improving performance in different photic environments. In this study, we examined inter‐ and intraspecific plasticity of visual sensitivities in seven damselfish species, part of the species‐rich and colourful fish fauna of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Our goal was to test whether the visual systems of damselfish were tuned to the prevailing light environment in different habitats and/or other aspects of their lifestyle. More specifically, we compared the opsin gene expression levels from individuals living in different photic habitats. We found that all species expressed rod opsin (RH1) used for dim‐light vision, and primarily three cone opsins (SWS1, RH2B and RH2A) used for colour vision. While RH1 levels changed exclusively following a diurnal cycle, cone opsin expression varied with depth in four of the seven species. Estimates of visual pigment performance imply that changes in opsin expression adjust visual sensitivities to the dominant photic regime. However, we also discovered that some species show a more stable opsin expression profile. Further, we found indication that seasonal changes, possibly linked to changes in the photic environment, might also trigger opsin expression. These findings suggest that plasticity in opsin gene expression of damselfish is highly species‐specific, possibly due to ecological differences in visual tasks or, alternatively, under phylogenetic constraints.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) light-transmitted signals play a major role in avian foraging and communication, subserving functional roles in feeding, mate choice, egg recognition, and nestling discrimination. Sequencing functionally relevant regions of the short wavelength sensitive type 1 (SWS1) opsin gene that is responsible for modulating the extent of SWS1 UV sensitivity in birds allows predictions to be made about the visual system's UV sensitivity in species where direct physiological or behavioral measures would be impractical or unethical. Here, we present SWS1 segment sequence data from representative species of three avian lineages for which visually based cues for foraging and communication have been investigated to varying extents. We also present a preliminary phylogenetic analysis and ancestral character state reconstructions of key spectral tuning sites along the SWS1 opsin based on our sequence data. The results suggest ubiquitous ultraviolet SWS1 sensitivity (UVS) in both paleognaths, including extinct moa (Emeidae), and parrots, including the nocturnal and flightless kakapo (Strigops habroptilus), and in most, but not all, songbird (oscine) lineages, and confirmed violet sensitivity (VS) in two suboscine families. Passerine hosts of avian brood parasites were included both UVS and VS taxa, but sensitivity did not co-vary with egg rejection behaviors. The results should stimulate future research into the functional parallels between the roles of visual signals and the genetic basis of visual sensitivity in birds and other taxa.  相似文献   

Sensory trade-offs predict signal divergence in Surfperch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unidirectional elaboration of male trait evolution (e.g., larger, brighter males) has been predicted by receiver bias models of sexual selection and empirically tested in a number of different taxa. This study identifies a bidirectional pattern of male trait evolution and suggests that a sensory constraint is driving this divergence. In this system, the inherent trade-off in dichromatic visual detection places limits on the direction that sensory biases may take and thus provides a quantitative test of the sensory drive model. Here I show that sensory systems with trade-offs in detection abilities produce bidirectional biases and that signal design properties match these biases. I combine species-specific measurements and ancestral estimates with visual detection modeling to examine biases in sensory and signaling traits across five fish species occupying optically diverse habitats in the Californian kelp forest. Species-specific divergence in visual pigments correlates with changes in environment and produces different sensory biases--favoring luminance (brightness) detection for some species and chromatic (color) detection for others. Divergence in male signals (spectral reflectance of orange, blue, and silver color elements) is predicted by each species' sensory bias: color divergence favors chromatic detection for species with chromatically biased visual systems, whereas species with luminance sensory biases have signals favoring luminance detection. This quantitative example of coevolution of communication traits varying in a bidirectional pattern governed by the environment is the first demonstration of sensory trade-offs driving signal evolution.  相似文献   

Chinen A  Hamaoka T  Yamada Y  Kawamura S 《Genetics》2003,163(2):663-675
Zebrafish is becoming a powerful animal model for the study of vision but the genomic organization and variation of its visual opsins have not been fully characterized. We show here that zebrafish has two red (LWS-1 and LWS-2), four green (RH2-1, RH2-2, RH2-3, and RH2-4), and single blue (SWS2) and ultraviolet (SWS1) opsin genes in the genome, among which LWS-2, RH2-2, and RH2-3 are novel. SWS2, LWS-1, and LWS-2 are located in tandem and RH2-1, RH2-2, RH2-3, and RH2-4 form another tandem gene cluster. The peak absorption spectra (lambdamax) of the reconstituted photopigments from the opsin cDNAs differed markedly among them: 558 nm (LWS-1), 548 nm (LWS-2), 467 nm (RH2-1), 476 nm (RH2-2), 488 nm (RH2-3), 505 nm (RH2-4), 355 nm (SWS1), 416 nm (SWS2), and 501 nm (RH1, rod opsin). The quantitative RT-PCR revealed a considerable difference among the opsin genes in the expression level in the retina. The expression of the two red opsin genes and of three green opsin genes, RH2-1, RH2-3, and RH2-4, is significantly lower than that of RH2-2, SWS1, and SWS2. These findings must contribute to our comprehensive understanding of visual capabilities of zebrafish and the evolution of the fish visual system and should become a basis of further studies on expression and developmental regulation of the opsin genes.  相似文献   

Theories of sexual and natural selection predict coevolution of visual perception with conspecific colour and/or the light environment animals occupy. One way to test these theories is to focus on the visual system, which can be achieved by studying the opsin-based visual pigments that mediate vision. Birds vary greatly in colour, but opsin gene coding sequences and associated visual pigment spectral sensitivities are known to be rather invariant across birds. Here, I studied expression of the four cone opsin genes (Lws, Rh2, Sws2 and Sws1) in 16 species of New World warblers (Parulidae). I found levels of opsin expression vary both across species and between the sexes. Across species, female, but not male Sws2 expression is associated with an index of sexual selection, plumage dichromatism. This fits predictions of classic sexual selection models, in which the sensory system changes in females, presumably impacting female preference, and co-evolves with male plumage. Expression of the opsins at the extremes of the light spectrum, Lws and Uvs, correlates with the inferred light environment occupied by the different species. Unlike opsin spectral tuning, regulation of opsin gene expression allows for fast adaptive evolution of the visual system in response to natural and sexual selection, and in particular, sex-specific selection pressures.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of sexual selection suggest that male courtship signals can evolve through the build‐up of genetic correlations between the male signal and female preference. When preference is mediated via increased sensitivity of the signal characteristics, correlations between male signal and perception/sensitivity are expected. When signal expression is limited to males, we would expect to find signal‐sensitivity correlations in males. Here, we document such a correlation within a breeding population of threespine stickleback mediated by differences in opsin expression. Males with redder nuptial coloration express more long‐wavelength‐sensitive (LWS) opsin, making them more sensitive to orange and red. This correlation is not an artifact of shared tuning to the optical microhabitat. Such correlations are an essential feature of many models of sexual selection, and our results highlight the potential importance of opsin expression variation as a substrate for signal‐preference evolution. Finally, these results suggest a potential sensory mechanism that could drive negative frequency‐dependent selection via male–male competition and thus maintain variation in male nuptial color.  相似文献   

Cichlid fishes' famous diversity in body coloration is accompanied by a highly diverse and complex visual system. Although cichlids possess an unusually high number of seven cone opsin genes, they express only a subset of these during their ontogeny, accounting for their astonishing interspecific variation in visual sensitivities. Much of this diversity is thought to have been shaped by natural selection as cichlids inhabit a variety of habitats with distinct light environments. Also, sexual selection might have contributed to the observed visual diversity, and sexual dimorphism in coloration potentially co‐evolved with sexual dimorphism in opsin expression. We investigated sex‐specific opsin expression of several cichlids from Africa and the Neotropics and collected and integrated data sets on sex‐specific body coloration, species‐specific visual sensitivities, lens transmission and habitat light properties for some of them. We comparatively analysed this wide range of molecular and ecological data, illustrating how integrative approaches can address specific questions on the factors and mechanisms driving diversification, and the evolution of cichlid vision in particular. We found that both sexes expressed opsins at the same levels—even in sexually dimorphic cichlid species—which argues against coevolution of sexual dichromatism and differences in sex‐specific visual sensitivity. Rather, a combination of environmental light properties and body coloration shaped the diversity in spectral sensitivities among cichlids. We conclude that although cichlids are particularly colourful and diverse and often sexually dimorphic, it would appear that natural rather than sexual selection is a more powerful force driving visual diversity in this hyperdiverse lineage.  相似文献   

Distantly related clades that occupy similar environments may differ due to the lasting imprint of their ancestors—historical contingency. The New World warblers (Parulidae) and Old World warblers (Phylloscopidae) are ecologically similar clades that differ strikingly in plumage coloration. We studied genetic and functional evolution of the short‐wavelength‐sensitive visual pigments (SWS2 and SWS1) to ask if altered color perception could contribute to the plumage color differences between clades. We show SWS2 is short‐wavelength shifted in birds that occupy open environments, such as finches, compared to those in closed environments, including warblers. Phylogenetic reconstructions indicate New World warblers were derived from a finch‐like form that colonized from the Old World 15–20 Ma. During this process, the SWS2 gene accumulated six substitutions in branches leading to New World warblers, inviting the hypothesis that passage through a finch‐like ancestor resulted in SWS2 evolution. In fact, we show spectral tuning remained similar across warblers as well as the finch ancestor. Results reject the hypothesis of historical contingency based on opsin spectral tuning, but point to evolution of other aspects of visual pigment function. Using the approach outlined here, historical contingency becomes a generally testable theory in systems where genotype and phenotype can be connected.  相似文献   

In theory, animal signals are designed to optimize transmission across a specific habitat. However, sexual signals characteristics often reflect habitat quality, a feature that does not necessarily match habitat structure. Besides, many species exploit a particular habitat for breeding so that the growth of sexual signals can depend on the additive effects of breeding and non‐breeding habitats. We combined field and experimental data to investigate the relative effect of terrestrial and aquatic habitat on the development of sexual ornaments in the palmate newt, Triturus helveticus. This species exploits a large ecological range of habitats. Like many amphibians, it spends the breeding season in water and the rest of year on land. We tested the influence of terrestrial (forest cover) and aquatic habitat variables (turbidity, organic matter, pH, nitrate and chloride) on male sexual morphology. Neither terrestrial nor aquatic habitat variables accounted for body size variation. In contrast, the size of male sexual traits decreased with water turbidity, suggesting that the expression of visual signals matched the local conditions of signal transmission. We provide experimental evidence that this pattern is not caused by reduced foraging efficiency in turbid water. We propose alternative mechanisms to account for the relationship between turbidity and visual sexual signals, and discuss the consequences of small scale environmental variation on mate choice.  相似文献   

Sensory systems play crucial roles in survival and reproduction. Therefore, sensory plasticity has important evolutionary implications. In this study, we examined retinal plasticity in five species of cichlid fish from Lake Malawi. We compared the cone opsin expression profiles of wild‐caught fish to lab‐reared F1 that had been raised in a UV minus, reduced intensity light environment. All of the opsin genes that were expressed in wild‐caught fish were also expressed in lab‐reared individuals. However, we found statistically significant differences in relative opsin expression among all five species. The most consistent difference was in the SWS2B (violet) opsin, which was always expressed at higher levels in lab‐reared individuals. Estimates of visual pigment quantum catch suggest that this change in expression would increase retinal sensitivity in the light environment of the lab. We also found that the magnitude of plasticity varied across species. These findings have important implications for understanding the genetic regulation of opsin expression and raise many interesting questions about how the cichlid visual system develops. They also suggest that sensory plasticity may have facilitated the ecological diversification of cichlids in Lake Malawi.  相似文献   

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