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The light environment influences an animal's ability to forage, evade predators, and find mates, and consequently is known to drive local adaptation of visual systems. However, the light environment may also vary over fine spatial scales at which genetic adaptation is difficult. For instance, in aquatic systems, the available wavelengths of light change over a few metres depth. Do animals plastically adjust their visual system to such small‐scale environmental light variation? Here, we show that in three‐spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), opsin gene expression (an important determinant of colour vision) changes over a 2‐m vertical gradient in nest depth. By experimentally altering the light environment using light filters to cover enclosures in a lake, we found that opsin expression can be adjusted on a short time frame (weeks) in response to the local light environment. This is to our knowledge the smallest spatial scale on which visual adjustments through opsin expression have been recorded in a natural setting along a continuously changing light environment.  相似文献   

Primates possess remarkably variable color vision, and the ecological and social factors shaping this variation remain heavily debated. Here, we test whether central tenants of the folivory hypothesis of routine trichromacy hold for the foraging ecology of howler monkeys. Howler monkeys (genus Alouatta) and paleotropical primates (Parvorder: Catarrhini) have independently acquired routine trichromacy through fixation of distinct mid‐ to long‐wavelength‐sensitive (M/LWS) opsin genes on the X‐chromosome. The presence of routine trichromacy in howlers, while other diurnal neotropical monkeys (Platyrrhini) possess polymorphic trichromacy, is poorly understood. A selective force proposed to explain the evolution of routine trichromacy in catarrhines—reliance on young, red leaves—has received scant attention in howlers, a gap we fill in this study. We recorded diet, sequenced M/LWS opsin genes in four social groups of Alouatta palliata, and conducted colorimetric analysis of leaves consumed in Sector Santa Rosa, Costa Rica. For a majority of food species, including Ficus trees, an important resource year‐round, young leaves were more chromatically conspicuous from mature leaves to trichromatic than to hypothetical dichromatic phenotypes. We found that 18% of opsin genes were MWS/LWS hybrids; when combined with previous research, the incidence of hybrid M/LWS opsins in this species is 13%. In visual models of food discrimination ability, the hybrid trichromatic phenotype performed slightly poorer than normal trichromacy, but substantially better than dichromacy. Our results provide support for the folivory hypothesis of routine trichromacy. Similar ecological pressures, that is, the search for young, reddish leaves, may have driven the independent evolution of routine trichromacy in primates on separate continents. We discuss our results in the context of balancing selection acting on New World monkey opsin genes and hypothesize that howlers experience stronger selection against dichromatic phenotypes than other sympatric species, which rely more heavily on cryptic foods.  相似文献   

Local adaptation can be a potent force in speciation, with environmental heterogeneity leading to niche specialization and population divergence. However, local adaption often requires nonrandom mating to generate reproductive isolation. Population divergence in sensory properties can be particularly consequential in speciation, affecting both ecological adaptation and sexual communication. Pundamilia pundamila and Pundamilia nyererei are two closely related African cichlid species that differ in male coloration, blue vs. red. They co‐occur at rocky islands in southern Lake Victoria, but inhabit different depth ranges with different light environments. The species differ in colour vision properties, and females exert species‐specific preferences for blue vs. red males. Here, we investigated the mechanistic link between colour vision and preference, which could provide a rapid route to reproductive isolation. We tested the behavioural components of this link by experimentally manipulating colour perception – we raised both species and their hybrids under light conditions mimicking shallow and deep habitats – and tested female preference for blue and red males under both conditions. We found that rearing light significantly affected female preference: shallow‐reared females responded more strongly to P. pundamilia males and deep‐reared females favoured P. nyererei males – implying that visual development causally affects mate choice. These results are consistent with sensory drive predictions, suggesting that the visual environment is key to behavioural isolation of these species. However, the observed plasticity could also make the species barrier vulnerable to environmental change: species‐assortative preferences were weaker in females that were reared in the other species’ light condition.  相似文献   

The middle temporal visual area (MT, also known as V5) is a visual association area that is particularly evolved in the primate brain. The MT receives input from the primary visual area (V1), constitutes part of the dorsal visual pathway, and plays an essential role in processing motion. Connections between the MT and V1 in the primate brain are formed after birth, and are related to the maturation of visual system. However, it remains to be determined what molecular mechanisms control the formation and maturation of the visual system. Cadherins are transmembrane proteins, originally isolated as cell adhesion molecules, which have multiple roles in synapse formation and function. To investigate potential involvement of cadherins in development of the primate visual system, we examined type II cadherin expression (cadherin‐6, ‐8, ‐12) in cortical and thalamic visual areas of pre‐ and postnatal brains of the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). In the prenatal brain, cadherin‐6 was dominantly expressed in the pulvino‐MT pathway whereas cadherin‐8 was dominant in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)‐V1 pathway. During postnatal development, there was a downregulation of cadherin‐6 and upregulation of cadherin‐8 expression in the MT. The timing of this cadherin exchange preceded the development of V1‐MT connections. Our results suggest the possibility that changes in cadherin expression are involved in the development of the primate visual system, and that a switch in cadherin expression may be a general mechanism to control neural plasticity of highly cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

High altitude is an important driving force in animal evolution. However, the effect of altitude on gut microbial communities in reptiles has not been examined in detail. Here, we investigated the intestinal microbiota of three populations of the lizard Phrynocephalus vlangalii living at different altitudes using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria were the most abundant phyla. Bacteroides, Odoribacter, and Parabacteroides were the most abundant genera. Significant differences in the intestinal microbiota composition were found among the three populations from different altitudes. The proportions of Verrucomicrobia and Akkermansia decreased, whereas Bacteroides increased significantly with altitude. Greater abundance of Bacteroides at higher altitude led to the fractional increase in the phylum Bacteroides relative to other phyla. Hypoxia may be the main factor that caused intestinal microbiota variation in P. vlangalii along the altitude gradient. Overall, our study suggested that the community composition and structure of intestinal microbiota of the lizard P. vlangalii varied along altitudes, and such differences likely play a certain role in highland adaptation. Our findings warrant a further study that would determine whether ambient and body temperatures play a key role in the modulation of intestinal microbiota in reptiles.  相似文献   

Plastic phenotypes are expected to be favoured in heterogeneous environments compared with stable environments. Sensory systems are interesting to test this theory because they are costly to produce and support, and strong fitness costs are expected if they are not tuned to the local environment. Consistently, the visual system of several species changes with the conditions experienced during early development. However, there is little information on whether the amplitude of the change, that is the reaction norm, differs between visual environments. Given the rapid change of many ecosystems, especially eutrophication for aquatic habitats, it is crucial to determine down to which spatial scale, change in the reaction norm occurs. We addressed this issue by quantifying the between‐habitat variation in the expression of a UV‐sensitive opsin in a newt. In western France, this species breeds in ponds of small forest patches, where water filters out UV, and in agricultural ponds where UV transmission is variable. We raised larvae from both habitats with or without exposure to UV. Opsin expression was reduced in larvae from agricultural habitats when raised without UV, whereas it was low in larvae from forest ponds under all lighting conditions. Thus, the variation in the reaction norm of opsin expression was lower in stable filtering environments and higher in heterogeneous environments. Its variation occurred between habitats across a small spatial scale. We discuss the hypotheses for this pattern and for the maintenance of residual opsin expression in forest populations.  相似文献   

Bats are a diverse radiation of mammals of enduring interest for understanding the evolution of sensory specialization. Colour vision variation among species has previously been linked to roosting preferences and echolocation form in the suborder Yinpterochiroptera, yet questions remain about the roles of diet and habitat in shaping bat visual ecology. We sequenced OPN1SW and OPN1LW opsin genes for 20 species of leaf‐nosed bats (family Phyllostomidae; suborder Yangochiroptera) with diverse roosting and dietary ecologies, along with one vespertilionid species (Myotis lavali). OPN1LW genes appear intact for all species, and predicted spectral tuning of long‐wavelength opsins varied among lineages. OPN1SW genes appear intact and under purifying selection for Myotis lavali and most phyllostomid bats, with two exceptions: (a) We found evidence of ancient OPN1SW pseudogenization in the vampire bat lineage, and loss‐of‐function mutations in all three species of extant vampire bats; (b) we additionally found a recent, independently derived OPN1SW pseudogene in Lonchophylla mordax, a cave‐roosting species. These mutations in leaf‐nosed bats are independent of the OPN1SW pseudogenization events previously reported in Yinpterochiropterans. Therefore, the evolution of monochromacy (complete colour blindness) has occurred in both suborders of bats and under various evolutionary drivers; we find independent support for the hypothesis that obligate cave roosting drives colour vision loss. We additionally suggest that haematophagous dietary specialization and corresponding selection on nonvisual senses led to loss of colour vision through evolutionary sensory trade‐off. Our results underscore the evolutionary plasticity of opsins among nocturnal mammals.  相似文献   

Sexual selection plays an important role in mating signal divergence, but geographic variation in ecological factors can also contribute to divergent signal evolution. We tested the hypothesis that geographic heterogeneity in predation causes divergent selection on advertisement call complexity within the Engystomops petersi (previously Physalaemus petersi) frog species complex. We conducted predator phonotaxis experiments at two sites where female choice is consistent with call trait divergence. Engystomops at one site produces complex calls, whereas the closely related species at the other site produces simple calls. Bats approached complex calls more than simple calls at both sites, suggesting selection against complex calls. Moreover, bat predation pressure was greater at the site with simple calls, suggesting stronger selection against complex calls and potentially precluding evolution of complex calls at this site. Our results show that geographic variation in predation may play an important role in the evolution and maintenance of mating signal divergence.  相似文献   

Parasite‐mediated selection may contribute to the maintenance of genetic variation at host immune genes over long time scales. To date, the best evidence for the long‐term maintenance of immunogenetic variation in natural populations comes from studies on the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, whereas evidence for such processes from other immune genes remains scarce. In the present study, we show that, despite pronounced population differentiation and the occurrence of numerous private alleles within populations, the innate immune gene Toll‐like receptor 2 (TLR2) displays a distinct haplotype structure in 21 bank vole (Myodes glareolus) populations across Europe. Haplotypes from all populations grouped in four clearly differentiated clusters, with the three main clusters co‐occurring in at least three previously described mitochondrial lineages. This pattern indicates that the distinct TLR2 haplotype structure may precede the split of the mitochondrial lineages 0.19–0.56 Mya and suggests that haplotype clusters at this innate immune receptor are maintained over prolonged time in wild bank vole populations.  相似文献   

The relative roles of natural and sexual selection in promoting evolutionary lineage divergence remains controversial and difficult to assess in natural systems. Local adaptation through natural selection is known to play a central role in promoting evolutionary divergence, yet secondary sexual traits can vary widely among species in recent radiations, suggesting that sexual selection may also be important in the early stages of speciation. Here, we compare rates of divergence in ecologically relevant traits (morphology) and sexually selected signalling traits (coloration) relative to neutral structure in genome‐wide molecular markers and examine patterns of variation in sexual dichromatism to explore the roles of natural and sexual selection in the diversification of the songbird genus Junco (Aves: Passerellidae). Juncos include divergent lineages in Central America and several dark‐eyed junco (J. hyemalis) lineages that diversified recently as the group recolonized North America following the last glacial maximum (ca. 18,000 years ago). We found an accelerated rate of divergence in sexually selected characters relative to ecologically relevant traits. Moreover, sexual dichromatism measurements suggested a positive relationship between the degree of colour divergence and the strength of sexual selection when controlling for neutral genetic distance. We also found a positive correlation between dichromatism and latitude, which coincides with the geographic axis of decreasing lineage age in juncos but also with a steep ecological gradient. Finally, we found significant associations between genome‐wide variants linked to functional genes and proxies of both sexual and natural selection. These results suggest that the joint effects of sexual and ecological selection have played a prominent role in the junco radiation.  相似文献   

Drought is a major stress for plants, creating a strong selection pressure for traits that enable plant growth and survival in dry environments. Many drought responses are conserved species‐wide responses, while others vary among populations distributed across heterogeneous environments. We tested how six populations of the widely distributed California valley oak (Quercus lobata) sampled from contrasting climates would differ in their response to soil drying relative to well‐watered controls in a common environment by measuring ecophysiological traits in 93 individuals and gene expression (RNA‐seq) in 42 individuals. Populations did not differ in their adjustment of turgor loss point during soil drying, suggesting a generalized species‐wide response. Differential expression analysis identified 689 genes with a common response to treatment across populations and 470 genes with population‐specific responses. Weighted gene co‐expression network analysis (WGCNA) identified groups of genes with similar expression patterns that may be regulated together (gene modules). Several gene modules responded differently to water stress among populations, suggesting regional differences in gene network regulation. Populations from sites with a high mean annual temperature responded to the imposed water stress with significantly greater changes in gene module expression, indicating that these populations may be locally adapted to respond to drought. We propose that this variation among valley oak populations provides a mechanism for differential tolerance to the increasingly frequent and severe droughts in California.  相似文献   

Because of the frequent breakdown of major resistance (R) genes, identification of new partial R genes against rice blast disease is an important goal of rice breeding. In this study, we used a core collection of the Rice Diversity Panel II (C‐RDP‐II), which contains 584 rice accessions and are genotyped with 700 000 single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. The C‐RDP‐II accessions were inoculated with three blast strains collected from different rice‐growing regions in China. Genome‐wide association study identified 27 loci associated with rice blast resistance (LABRs). Among them, 22 LABRs were not associated with any known blast R genes or QTLs. Interestingly, a nucleotide‐binding site leucine‐rich repeat (NLR) gene cluster exists in the LABR12 region on chromosome 4. One of the NLR genes is highly conserved in multiple partially resistant rice cultivars, and its expression is significantly up‐regulated at the early stages of rice blast infection. Knockout of this gene via CRISPR‐Cas9 in transgenic plants partially reduced blast resistance to four blast strains. The identification of this new non‐strain specific partial R gene, tentatively named rice blast Partial Resistance gene 1 (PiPR1), provides genetic material that will be useful for understanding the partial resistance mechanism and for breeding durably resistant cultivars against blast disease of rice.  相似文献   

Driving X chromosomes (XDs) bias their own transmission through males by killing Y‐bearing gametes. These chromosomes can in theory spread rapidly in populations and cause extinction, but many are found as balanced polymorphisms or as “cryptic” XDs shut down by drive suppressors. The relative likelihood of these outcomes and the evolutionary pathways through which they come about are not well understood. An XD was recently discovered in the mycophagous fly, Drosophila testacea, presenting the opportunity to compare this XD with the well‐studied XD of its sister species, Drosophila neotestacea. Comparing features of independently evolved XDs in young sister species is a promising avenue towards understanding how XDs and their counteracting forces change over time. In contrast to the XD of D. neotestacea, we find that the XD of D. testacea is old, with its origin predating the radiation of three species: D. testacea, D. neotestacea and their shared sister species, Drosophila orientacea. Motivated by the suggestion that older XDs should be more deleterious to carriers, we assessed the effect of the XD on both male and female fertility. Unlike what is known from D. neotestacea, we found a strong fitness cost in females homozygous for the XD in D. testacea: a large proportion of homozygous females failed to produce offspring after being housed with males for several days. Our male fertility experiments show that although XD male fertility is lower under sperm‐depleting conditions, XD males have comparable fertility to males carrying a standard X chromosome under a free‐mating regime, which may better approximate conditions in wild populations of D. testacea. Lastly, we demonstrate the presence of autosomal suppression of X chromosome drive. Our results provide support for a model of XD evolution where the dynamics of young XDs are governed by fitness consequences in males, whereas in older XD systems, both suppression and fitness consequences in females likely supersede male fitness costs.  相似文献   

Recent metagenomic studies have provided an unprecedented wealth of data, which are revolutionizing our understanding of virus diversity. A redrawn landscape highlights viruses as active players in the phytobiome, and surveys have uncovered their positive roles in environmental stress tolerance of plants. Viral infectious clones are key tools for functional characterization of known and newly identified viruses. Knowledge of viruses and their components has been instrumental for the development of modern plant molecular biology and biotechnology. In this review, we provide extensive guidelines built on current synthetic biology advances that streamline infectious clone assembly, thus lessening a major technical constraint of plant virology. The focus is on generation of infectious clones in binary T‐DNA vectors, which are delivered efficiently to plants by Agrobacterium. We then summarize recent applications of plant viruses and explore emerging trends in microbiology, bacterial and human virology that, once translated to plant virology, could lead to the development of virus‐based gene therapies for ad hoc engineering of plant traits. The systematic characterization of plant virus roles in the phytobiome and next‐generation virus‐based tools will be indispensable landmarks in the synthetic biology roadmap to better crops.  相似文献   

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