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For insight into the physiological indicators of diapause in Pieris melete, water and carbohydrate (glycogen and trehalose) levels were measured under both natural and laboratory conditions. The highest water content (3.71–3.79 mg/mg dry weight) was found in larvae and developing pupae, which was substantially higher than in diapausing pupae (2.59 mg/mg dry weight). Water content was almost stable during diapause, except for individuals approaching diapause termination (3.43–3.58 mg/mg dry weight). The total carbohydrate level was significantly higher in pre‐pupae (47.41 μg/mg) compared to larvae (22.80 μg/mg) and developing pupae (21.48 μg/mg). The highest level of trehalose was detected in winter diapausing pupae, and no trehalose was found in larvae or developing pupae. Levels of glycogen were highest in pre‐pupae and lowest in diapausing pupae. Levels of total carbohydrate decreased as diapause proceeded, and no significant changes were found in trehalose levels for diapausing pupae under natural conditions or treated for 60–90 days at 5°C. Pupae treated at 20°C for 60–90 days had significantly lower levels of trehalose than those treated for 30 days. Glycogen content was relatively stable at 5°C, but increased after treatment under natural conditions and 20°C for more than 60 days. These results suggest that the dynamics of water and carbohydrate levels are potential physiological diapause indicators, which show metabolic differences between trehalose and glycogen during diapause development.  相似文献   

In the cabbage butterfly, Pieris melete, summer and winter diapause are induced principally by long and short daylengths, respectively; the intermediate daylengths (12-13 h) permit pupae to develop without diapause. In this study, photoperiodic control of summer and winter diapause was systematically investigated in this butterfly by examining the photoperiodic response, the number of days required to induce 50% summer and winter diapause and the duration of diapausing pupae induced under different photoperiods. Photoperiodic response curves at 18 and 20 degrees C showed that all pupae entered winter diapause at short daylengths (8-11 h), the incidence of diapause dropped to 82.3-85.5% at 22 degrees C without showing a significant difference between short daylengths, whereas the incidence of summer diapause induced by different long daylengths (14-18 h) was varied and was obviously affected by temperature. By transferring from various short daylengths (LD 8:16, LD 9:15, LD 10:14 and LD 11:13) to an intermediate daylength (LD 12.5:11.5) at different times after hatching, the number of cycles required to induce 50% winter diapause (7.28 at LD 8:16, 7.16 at LD 9:15, 7.60 at LD 10:14 and 6.94 at LD 11:13) showed no significant difference, whereas by transferring from various long daylengths (LD 14:10, LD 15:9, LD 16:8 and LD 17:7) to an intermediate daylength (LD 12.5:11.5) at different times, the number of cycles required to induce 50% summer diapause (5.95 at LD 14:10, 8.02 at LD 15:9, 6.80 at LD 16:8, 7.64 at LD 17:7) were significantly different. The intensity of winter diapause induced under different short daylengths (LD 8:16, LD 9:15, LD 10:14 and LD 11:13) was not significantly different with an average diapause duration of 87 days at a constant temperature of 20 degrees C and 92 days at a mean daily temperature of 19.0 degrees C, whereas the intensity of summer diapause induced under different long daylengths (LD 14:10, LD 15:9, LD 16:8 and LD 17:7) was significantly different (the diapause duration ranged from 75 to 86 days at a constant temperature of 20 degrees C and from 76 to 88 days at a mean daily temperature of 19.0 degrees C). All results suggested that photoperiodic control of diapause induction and termination is significantly different between aestivation and hibernation.  相似文献   

Developmental pathways may evolve to optimize alternative phenotypes across environments. However, the maintenance of such adaptive plasticity under relaxed selection has received little study. We compare the expression of life-history traits across two developmental pathways in two populations of the butterfly Pararge aegeria where both populations express a diapause pathway but one never expresses direct development in nature. In the population with ongoing selection on both pathways, the difference between pathways in development time and growth rate was larger, whereas the difference in body size was smaller compared with the population experiencing relaxed selection on one pathway. This indicates that relaxed selection on the direct pathway has allowed life-history traits to drift towards values associated with lower fitness when following this pathway. Relaxed selection on direct development was also associated with a higher degree of genetic variation for protandry expressed as within-family sexual dimorphism in growth rate. Genetic correlations for larval growth rate across sexes and pathways were generally positive, with the notable exception of correlation estimates that involved directly developing males of the population that experienced relaxed selection on this pathway. We conclude that relaxed selection on one developmental pathway appears to have partly disrupted the developmental regulation of life-history trait expression. This in turn suggests that ongoing selection may be responsible for maintaining adaptive developmental regulation along alternative developmental pathways in these populations.  相似文献   

Polyphenism, the expression of discrete alternative phenotypes, is often a consequence of a developmental switch. Physiological changes induced by a developmental switch potentially affect reaction norms, but the evolution and existence of alternative reaction norms remains poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that, in the butterfly Pieris napi (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), thermal reaction norms of several life history traits vary adaptively among switch‐induced alternative developmental pathways of diapause and direct development. The switch was affected both by photoperiod and temperature, ambient temperature during late development having the potential to override earlier photoperiodic cues. Directly developing larvae had higher development and growth rates than diapausing ones across the studied thermal gradient. Reaction norm shapes also differed between the alternative developmental pathways, indicating pathway‐specific selection on thermal sensitivity. Relative mass increments decreased linearly with increasing temperature and were higher under direct development than diapause. Contrary to predictions, population phenology did not explain trait variation or thermal sensitivity, but our experimental design probably lacks power for finding subtle phenology effects. We demonstrate adaptive differentiation in thermal reaction norms among alternative phenotypes, and suggest that the consequences of an environmentally dependent developmental switch primarily drive the evolution of alternative thermal reaction norms in P. napi.  相似文献   

Although most plants produce all of their fruits (seeds) aboveground, amphicarpic species produce fruits (seeds) both above‐ and belowground. Our primary aims were to determine the number of reported amphicarpic species and their taxonomic, geographic, life form and phylogenetic distribution, to evaluate differences in the life history of plants derived from aerial and subterranean seeds, to discuss the ecological and evolutionary significance of amphicarpy, to explore the use of amphicarpic plants in agriculture, and to suggest future research directions for studies on amphicarpy. Amphicarpy occurs in at least 67 herbaceous species (31 in Fabaceae) in 39 genera and 13 families of angiosperms distributed in various geographical regions of the world and in various habitats. Seeds from aerial and subterranean fruits differ in size/mass, degree of dormancy, dispersal and ability to form a persistent seed bank, with aerial seeds generally being smaller, more dormant and more likely to be dispersed and to form a seed bank than subterranean seeds. In addition, plants produced by aerial and subterranean seeds may differ in survival and growth, competitive ability and biomass allocation to reproduction. Amphicarpic plants may exhibit a high degree of plasticity during reproduction. Subterranean fruits are usually formed earlier than aerial ones, and plants may produce only subterranean propagules under stressful environmental conditions. Differences in the life histories of plants from aerial and subterranean seeds may be an adaptive bet‐hedging strategy.  相似文献   

Pruitt JN 《Ecology letters》2012,15(9):1026-1032
Social arthropods are a major feature in terrestrial ecosystems, and understanding the factors leading to their success is of broad interest. Although many studies have attempted to link colonies' phenotypic composition with their productivity, no study has linked phenotypic composition with the number of offspring colonies formed in the field. I tested whether the behavioural composition of newly founded colonies predicted colony life history patterns in the social spider Anelosimus studiosus. Individual A. studiosus exhibit either an 'aggressive' or 'docile' behavioural type (BT) and BT composition varies among colonies. I constructed artificial colonies of known BT composition and monitored their performance under two conditions: (1) foreign heterospecific spiders present and (2) foreign spiders removed. When heterospecifics were present, colonies founded by docile individuals were invaded by heterospecific spiders more quickly, grew more rapidly in size, produced more offspring colonies per year, but suffered reduced longevity. The life history trade-offs (reproduction, longevity) experienced by colonies resemble those experienced by individuals.  相似文献   

Insects typically spend the winter in a species‐specific diapause stage. The speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria, is unique in having two alternative diapause stages, hibernating as larvae or pupae. In southern Sweden this creates a seasonal flight pattern with four annual adult flight periods: the first in May (pupal diapause), the second in June (larval diapause), and the third and fourth directly developing offspring generations in July and August, respectively. We address the raison d'être of the two diapause pathways by (1) outdoor rearing of cohorts, and (2) performing transect censuses throughout the season for 20 years. We contend that an early start of next season provides a benefit accruing to pupal diapause; conversely, a large proportion of the offspring from adults of the fourth flight peak are unable to reach the pupal stage before winter, providing a benefit accruing to larval winter diapause. The results obtained show that the two hibernation pathways are unlikely to be genetically distinct because of a strong overlap between the two offspring generations, and because sibling offspring from the third and fourth flight periods are likely to choose either of the two hibernation pathways, thereby resulting in a genetic mixing of the pathways. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 635–649.  相似文献   

  • 1 Sweden has two disjunct populations of the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria L. The southern population has two generations per year but the central Swedish population is univoltine. When rearing larvae from central Sweden under normal photoperiodic conditions but at temperatures slightly above the ambient, 42% of the larvae developed directly and produced a second generation of adults the same summer. The egg—larval development time of the directly developing individuals was about 40 days, whereas that of the individuals developing along the univoltine pathway was about 100 days.
  • 2 Larvae of the central Swedish population normally aestivate during part of the summer even though abundant food is available. In the closely related Lasiommata petropolitana F., which is the only Swedish satyrid that overwinters in the pupal stage besides P.aegeria, larvae do not aestivate, indicating that there does not seem to be any obligatory association between pupal hibernation and larval aestivation.
  • 3 Development rates of aestivating and directly developing P.aegeria are equal up to the third larval instar. During the third and fourth instars, however, the development rate of aestivating individuals is retarded and females also have an additional fifth instar.
  • 4 Since the central Swedish P.aegeria have the capacity to develop directly, and the southern Swedish ones have the capacity to aestivate, the evidence indicates that the outcome of the cost/benefit balance of univoltine versus bivoltine development differs between the two areas.

Two blue-pigment binding proteins, BP1 and BP2, are present in larval and pupal haemolymph of cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae, and fluctuate in expression during development. Both BP1 and BP2 are found in pupal haemolymph in varying proportions as well as in adult haemolymph, while only small amounts of BP2 are found in larval haemolymph. BPs are separated by 75% ammonium sulfate, and then purified effectively by ion exchange column chromatography and preparative gel electrophoresis. It was shown that BP1 and BP2 have molecular masses of 20,244 and 19,878 Da, and isoelectric points of 7.0 and 6.8, respectively. Considering their amino acid compositions and N-terminal amino acid sequences, the two proteins are almost identical except the first N-terminal amino acid. The first amino acid of BP1 is asparagine, whereas the initial residue of BP2 is aspartic acid. Anti-BP1 cross-reacts with BP2, indicating that they have immunological homogeneity. Western blotting analyses revealed that only BP1 was present in the larval tissues such as fat body, integument, muscle, and hindgut. However, BP1 was not found in midgut, Malphigian tubules, and silk gland. BP1 was also present in the protein bodies, and both cuticle and hemocoel sides of larval epidermis cells by the transmission electron microscopic observation. The information in this report will facilitate studies on the molecular biology and biological significance of insect BPs.  相似文献   

Heritabilities and genetic correlations of life history characters (pupal weight, age-specific fecundities, and egg weight) of small white butterfly Pieris rapae crucivora are estimated by a quantitative genetic method (sib analysis). The results indicate moderate or high heritabilities and a largely negative genetic correaltion in age-specific fecundities.  相似文献   

Summary The photoreceptors in the compound eye of a cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae, were examined by conventional and intracellular-labeling electron microscopy by the use of the cobalt(III)-lysine complex as an ionized marker. Five types of spectral sensitivity were recorded intracellularly in electrophysiological experiments. They peaked at about 340, 380, 480, 560 and 620 nm, respectively. One of the distal retinula cells (R2) was a UV receptor, whereas the R4 distal retinula cell was a green receptor. The basal retinula cell, R9, was found to be a red receptor; it was localized near the basement membrane, having a bilobed cell body with an individual nucleus in each lobe. A small number of rhabdomere microvilli were present in a narrow cytoplasmic bridge connecting the two lobes. The axons of six retinula cells (R3–R8) in each ommatidium terminated at the cartridge in the lamina (short visual fiber), whereas those of the other three retinula cells, R1, R2 and R9, extended to the medulla (long visual fiber). The information from the UV and red receptors is therefore probably delivered directly to the medulla neurons, independent of that from the other spectral receptor types.  相似文献   

邢鲲  赵飞  韩巨才  马春森 《昆虫学报》2015,58(2):160-168
【目的】昼夜变温幅度对昆虫的发育、存活、寿命、繁殖等核心生命活动有非常重要的影响。以往研究主要以恒温为主,温度设置不符合自然界中昼夜温度波动变化,无法明确温度波动幅度与恒温之间的生物效应差别。【方法】本研究采用了二步变温,模拟了不同的昼夜温度波动幅度(25±2℃,25±4℃,25±6℃,25±8℃,25±10℃和25±12℃)与相应恒温25℃,研究了不同变温幅度对十字花科世界性害虫小菜蛾Plutella xylostella不同生活史阶段中发育、存活、寿命与繁殖的影响。【结果】结果表明,变温幅度对小菜蛾不同阶段的发育、存活、寿命与繁殖影响存在显著差异。25±2℃,25±4℃和25±6℃对小菜蛾生活史性状的影响与恒温(25℃)相似,但25±10℃和25±12℃却产生了显著的负面影响。【结论】我们发现,较大的昼夜变温幅度显著影响小菜蛾不同阶段的发育、存活、寿命与繁殖,而适宜夜低温在一定程度上修复了日高温胁迫对小菜蛾的不利影响;并且认为昼夜变温幅度作为影响昆虫核心生命活动一种重要决定因素,必需纳入到昆虫种群数量预测模型中,才能真实地反映自然界中复杂变温模式对昆虫生态学效应的影响,才能提高昆虫田间发生预测预报的准确性。  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Immune defence imposes fitness costs as well as benefits, so organisms are expected to optimise, not maximise, their immune responses. This should result in variation in immune responses under varying environmental conditions.
2. Males and females are expected to exhibit different immune responses because life-history differences between the sexes affect optimal immune response. These life-history differences should usually result in a greater female, than male, immune defence. In this study, intra- and inter-sexual variation in one component of immune defence, the encapsulation response, in cabbage white butterflies ( Pieris rapae L.), was examined.
3. Encapsulation decreased with increasing age and in response to reduced diet quality.
4. Contrary to predictions, males generally had greater immune responses than females, although this pattern varied with age.
5. These patterns of inter- and intra-sexual variation in encapsulation may result from resource-based trade-offs with components of reproductive effort and/or because of sexual dimorphism in melanin-based wing patterns.  相似文献   

Replicated lines of Drosophila melanogaster were allowed to evolve in population cage culture at 16.5° C or 25° C for five years. Their larval and pupal development times, larval growth rates, larval critical weights for pupariation and pre-adult survival rates were then measured at both temperatures. Pre-adult survival showed evidence of adaptation of the lines to their thermal selection regimes, with each set of lines showing superior survival when tested at the temperature at which they had been evolving. Pupal periods were similar for all lines when growing at 16.5° C but, at 25° C, the low temperature lines had the longer pupal periods. Irrespective of experimental temperature, low temperature lines grew faster and had shorter larval development periods than the high temperature lines. Larval critical weights for pupariation were higher in the low temperature lines at the low experimental temperature, and higher in the high temperature lines at the higher experimental temperature. The correlations between these traits induced by thermal evolution were in general different from or opposite to the genetic correlations found within a single temperature.  相似文献   

Triatomines (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) are vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas, the etiological agent of Chagas's disease. They display pre‐adult development delay – that is, a development time much longer than on average – which usually has been considered as a maladaptive trait. However, this hypothesis has not been tested. We carried out an experiment under controlled laboratory conditions to (1) test whether a development delay exists in the fifth nymphal stage of Rhodnius prolixus Stål (Hemiptera: Reduviidae, Rhodniini), and (2) measure any fitness cost related to such delay by estimating the relationship between individual development time and other life‐history traits. We analyzed the development time with various continuous statistical distributions (normal, log‐normal, Weibull, gamma, Pareto, Burr, and log‐logistic). Using goodness‐of‐fit tests, the best fit was obtained with asymmetrical distributions, with the Burr distribution showing the best fit to the data. We concluded that a development delay exists in stage five of R. prolixus without fitness cost. The combination of our results and previous work suggests that such a delay could be viewed as an adaptive response to environmental stochasticity and/or density‐dependence rather than as a maladaptive trait. We propose further investigations to provide a conclusive test of adaptive delay in triatomines.  相似文献   

Adaptive studies of avian clutch size variation across environmental gradients have resulted in what has become known as the fecundity gradient paradox, the observation that clutch size typically decreases with increasing breeding season length along latitudinal gradients, but increases with increasing breeding season length along elevational gradients. These puzzling findings challenge the common belief that organisms should reduce their clutch size in favor of additional nesting attempts as the length of the breeding season increases, an approach typically described as a bet‐hedging strategy. Here, we propose an alternative hypothesis—the multitasking hypothesis—and show that laying smaller clutches represents a multitasking strategy of switching between breeding and recovery from breeding. Both our individual‐based and analytical models demonstrate that a small clutch size strategy is favored during shorter breeding seasons because less time and energy are wasted under the severe time constraints associated with breeding multiply within a season. Our model also shows that a within‐generation bet‐hedging strategy is not favored by natural selection, even under a high risk of predation and in long breeding seasons. Thus, saving time—wasting less time as a result of an inability to complete a breeding cycle at the end of breeding season—is likely to be the primary benefit favoring the evolution of small avian clutch sizes during short breeding seasons. We also synthesize the seasonality hypothesis (pronounced seasonality leads to larger clutch size) and clutch size‐dependent predation hypothesis (larger clutch size causes higher predation risks) within our multitasking hypothesis to develop an integrative model to help resolve the paradox of contrasting patterns of clutch size along elevational and latitudinal gradients. Ultimately, our models provide a new perspective for understanding life‐history evolution under fluctuating environments.  相似文献   

FK506‐binding protein (FK506BP) class belonging to immunophilin protein family has been known to play key roles in modulating T‐cell activation, regulation of cell cycle and protein folding. However, little is known about the involvement of FK506BP during viral pathogenesis in insect host. In this study, an attempt has been made to focus on the involvement of FK506BP in antiviral innate immunity, by cloning the full‐length cDNA of FK506BP12 (PrFK506BP12) from the cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae. It comprised of 532 bp (excluding poly‐A tail) with a longest open reading frame (ORF) of 327 bp encoding 108 amino acids. In silico analysis of PrFK506BP12 ORF revealed a highly conserved FK506‐binding domain (FKBD). As expected, it showed high homology to other FK506BPs identified from Bombyx mori (92%), Manduca sexta (91%), Suberites domuncula (82%), Tribolium castaneum (81%) and Aedes aegypti (74%) . Expression of PrFK506BP12 was observed during developmental stages of P. rapae, but was pronounced in late pupal and adult stage. In addition, spatial expression pattern analysis indicated its high expression in the head and fat body. Furthermore, PrFK506BP12 mRNA was induced 12 h after LTA, Poly I:C treatment and 3h after Pieris rapae granulovirus (PrGV) treatment in carcass. It suggests that PrFK506BP12 appears to be involved in immune responses and also play an important role in the fat body, although it remains to be clarified about their precise role in response to granulovirus.  相似文献   

Regulation of growth and development by photoperiod was studied in a population of the speckled wood butterfly, Purarge aegeria L. (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae), from southern Sweden. Individuals were reared in a range of photoperiodic regimes (9L. to 22L) and temperatures (13°C to 21° C). Plasticity was found for important life-history traits- generation time, growth rate and final weight and seasonal regulation of development in response to photoperiod was found to occur at two levels. Purarge aegeria hibernates as a third instar larva or in the pupal stage, cantering one of four major developmental pathways in response to photoperiod: (1) direct development in both the larval and pupal stages, (2) pupal winter diapause with or (3) without a preceding larval summer diapause, or (4) larval winter diapause. In addition to this high-level regulation of individual development, larval growth rate and pupal development rate also appear to be finally regulated by photoperiod within each major pathway. As photoperiods decreased from 22 h to 17 h at 17° C, growth rate among directly developing larvae increased progressively, as was the case for larva? developing according to a univoltine life cycle from 17 h to 14 h. At two photoperiods, 13 h and 16 h (corresponding to shifts between major pathways), both larval and pupal development were extremely variable with the fastest individuals developing directly and the slowest developing with a diapause. This indicates a gradual nature of diapause itself, suggesting that the two level may not he fundamentally different.  相似文献   

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