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1. In most birds and mammals, larger individuals of the same species tend to be found at higher latitudes, but in insects, body size–latitude relationships are highly variable. 2. Recent studies have shown that larger‐bodied insect species are more likely to decrease in size when reared at increased temperature, compared with smaller‐sized species. These findings have led to the prediction that a positive relationship between body size and latitude should be more prevalent in larger‐bodied insect species. 3. This study measured the body size of > 4000 beetle specimens (12 species) collected throughout North America. Some beetle species increased in size with latitude, while others decreased. Importantly, mean species body size explained c. 30% of the interspecific variation in the size–latitude response. 4. As predicted, larger‐bodied beetle species were more likely to show a positive relationship between body size and latitude (Bergmann's rule), and smaller‐bodied species were more likely to show a negative body size–latitude relationship (inverse Bergmann's rule). 5. These body size–latitude patterns suggest that size‐specific responses to temperature may underlie global latitudinal distributions of body size in Coleoptera, as well as other insects.  相似文献   

Bergmann's rule states that endotherms have a large body size in high latitudes and cold climates. However, previous empirical studies have reported mixed evidence on the relationships between body size and latitude, raising the question of why some clades of endotherms follow Bergmann's rule, whereas others do not. Here, we synthesized the interspecific relationships between body size and latitude among 16,187 endothermic species (5422 mammals and 10,765 birds) using Bayesian phylogenetic generalized linear mixed models to examine the strength and magnitude of Bergmann's rule. We further assessed the effect of biological and ecological factors (i.e., body mass categories, dietary guild, winter activity, habitat openness, and climate zone) on the variations in the body mass–latitude relationships by adding an interaction term in the models. Our results revealed a generally weak but significant adherence to Bergmann's rule among all endotherms at the global scale. Despite taxonomic variation in the strength of Bergmann's rule, the body mass of species within most animal orders showed an increasing trend toward high latitudes. Generally, large-bodied, temperate species, non-hibernating mammals, and migratory and open-habitat birds tend to conform to Bergmann's rule more than their relatives do. Our results suggest that whether Bergmann's rule applies to a particular taxon is mediated by not only geographic and biological features, but also potential alternate strategies that species might have for thermoregulation. Future studies could explore the potential of integrating comprehensive trait data into phylogenetic comparative analysis to re-assess the classic ecogeographic rules on a global scale.  相似文献   

There are a number of ecogeographical “rules” that describe patterns of geographical variation among organisms. The island rule predicts that populations of larger mammals on islands evolve smaller mean body size than their mainland counterparts, whereas smaller‐bodied mammals evolve larger size. Bergmann's rule predicts that populations of a species in colder climates (generally at higher latitudes) have larger mean body sizes than conspecifics in warmer climates (at lower latitudes). These two rules are rarely tested together and neither has been rigorously tested in treeshrews, a clade of small‐bodied mammals in their own order (Scandentia) broadly distributed in mainland Southeast Asia and on islands throughout much of the Sunda Shelf. The common treeshrew, Tupaia glis, is an excellent candidate for study and was used to test these two rules simultaneously for the first time in treeshrews. This species is distributed on the Malay Peninsula and several offshore islands east, west, and south of the mainland. Using craniodental dimensions as a proxy for body size, we investigated how island size, distance from the mainland, and maximum sea depth between the mainland and the islands relate to body size of 13 insular T. glis populations while also controlling for latitude and correlation among variables. We found a strong negative effect of latitude on body size in the common treeshrew, indicating the inverse of Bergmann's rule. We did not detect any overall difference in body size between the island and mainland populations. However, there was an effect of island area and maximum sea depth on body size among island populations. Although there is a strong latitudinal effect on body size, neither Bergmann's rule nor the island rule applies to the common treeshrew. The results of our analyses demonstrate the necessity of assessing multiple variables simultaneously in studies of ecogeographical rules.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study is to test whether Bergmann's rule, a general intraspecific tendency towards larger body size in cooler areas and at higher latitudes, holds for birds throughout the world. Location This study includes information on species of birds from throughout the world. Methods I gathered data on body size variation from the literature and used two general meta‐analytical procedures to test the validity of Bergmann's rule in birds: a modified vote‐counting approach and calculation of overall effect sizes. Related species may show similar body size trends, thus I performed all analyses using nonphylogenetic and phylogenetic methods. I used tests of phylogenetic signal for each data set to decide which type of statistical analysis (nonphylogenetic or phylogenetic) was more appropriate. Results The majority of species of birds (76 of 100 species) are larger at higher latitudes, and in cooler areas (20 of 22 species). Birds show a grand mean correlation coefficient of +0.32 for body size and latitude, and ?0.81 for body size and temperature, both significant trends. Sedentary species show stronger body size trends in some, but not all, analyses. Neither males nor females consistently have stronger body size trends. Additionally, the strength of body size trends does not vary with latitude or body mass. Conclusions Bergmann's rule holds for birds throughout the world, regardless of whether temperature or latitude (as a proxy) is used. Previous studies have suggested that Bergmann's rule is stronger for sedentary than migratory species, males than females and temperate than tropical taxa. I did not find strong support for any of these as general themes for birds, although few studies of tropical taxa have been conducted. The processes responsible for Bergmann's rule remain somewhat of a black box; however, fasting endurance is probably a more important factor than the traditional hypothesis of heat conservation.  相似文献   

Support for macroecological rules in insects is mixed, with potential confounding interrelations between patterns rarely studied. We here investigate global patterns in body and wing size, sexual size dimorphism and range size in common fruit flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and explore potential interrelations and the predictive power of Allen's, Bergmann's, Rensch's and Rapoport's rules. We found that thorax length (r2 = 0.05) and wing size (r2 = 0.09) increased with latitude, supporting Bergmann's rule. Contrary to patterns often found in endothermic vertebrates, relative wing size increased towards the poles (r2 = 0.12), a pattern against Allen's rule, which we attribute to selection for increased flight capacity in the cold. Sexual size dimorphism decreased with size, evincing Rensch's rule across the family (r2 = 0.14). Yet, this pattern was largely driven by the virilis–repleta radiation. Finally, range size did not correlate with latitude, although a positive relationship was present in a subset of the species investigated, providing no convincing evidence for Rapoport's rule. We further found little support for confounding interrelations between body size, wing loading and range size in this taxon. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that studying several traits simultaneously at minimum permits better interpretation in case of multiple, potentially conflicting trends or hypotheses concerning the macroecology of insects.  相似文献   

Geomorphology, vegetation and tidal fluxes are usually identified as the factors introducing variation in the flushing of particulate organic matter (POM) from tidal marshes to adjacent waters. Such variables may, however, be insufficient to explain export characteristics in marshes inhabited by ecosystem engineers that can alter the quantity and quality of POM on the marsh surface that is subject to tidal flushing. In this study we evaluated the balance between transfer of buried sedimentary organic carbon (C) to the marsh surface due to crab excavation (measured from the mounds of sediment excavated from burrows) and outputs of C from the surface due to sediment deposition within crab burrows (estimated from sediment deposited within PVC burrow mimics), in a Southwestern Atlantic salt marsh supporting dense (approximately 70 ind m−2) populations of the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus. C excavation by crabs was much greater than deposition of C within crab burrow mimics. Per area unit estimates of the balance between these two processes indicated that crabs excavated 5.98 g m−2 d−1 and 4.80 mg m−2 d−1 of total and readily (10 d) labile C, respectively. However, sediments excavated by crabs showed a significantly lower content of both total and readily-labile C than sediment collected in burrow mimics. This indicates that ecosystem engineering by burrowing crabs causes a net decrease in the concentration of C in the superficial sediment layers and, thus, an overall decrease in the amount of C that can be washed out of the marsh by tidal action. Incorporating the in situ activities of ecosystem engineers in models of marsh export should enhance understanding of the function of marshes in estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Animal body size commonly shows a relationship with latitude to the degree that this phenomenon is one of the few ‘rules’ discussed in evolutionary ecology: Bergmann's rule. Although exaggerated secondary sexual traits frequently exhibit interesting relationships with body size (allometries) and are expected to evolve rapidly in response to environmental variation, the way in which allometry might interact with latitude has not been addressed. We present data showing latitudinal variation in body size and weapon allometry for the New Zealand giraffe weevil (Lasiorhynchus barbicornis). Males display an extremely elongated rostrum used as a weapon during fights for access to females. Consistent with Bergmann's rule, mean body size increased with latitude. More interestingly, weapon allometry also varied with latitude, such that lower latitude populations exhibited steeper allometric slopes between weapon and body size. To our knowledge, this is the first study to document a latitudinal cline in weapon allometry and is therefore a novel contribution to the collective work on Bergmann's rule and secondary sexual trait variation.  相似文献   

Patterns of latitudinal variation in the phenotype or genotype of an organism may provide evidence for natural selection. In this study, we investigated seven populations of swallowtail Sericinus montelus Gray, 1798 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), a non‐migratory species, to explore the latitudinal variation of morphological characteristics in adults. The results showed that body size and the development of dark pigmentation on wings in this species responded strongly to latitude. The body size of both male and female adult of S. montelus was negatively correlated with latitude. These findings provided solid evidence to support the converse Bergmann's rule. We considered that the observed variation in morphological characteristics was most likely mediated by the seasonal length and thermoperiod to adapt to different latitudinal environment (e.g. shortened developmental time of immature stages for smaller body size at higher latitude). Moreover, the tendency towards progressively darker colour patterns (only in adult males) at increasingly low latitudes was consistent with Gloger's rule. We suggested that the observed colour variation was most likely associated with thermoregulation. Slight variation in the morphology of the W‐shaped stripe on the forewing of adult females was also found, and we presumed that the functions of sexual preferences, mimicry and thermoregulation might be involved.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is crucial for how organisms respond to variation in their environment, affecting their diversity and distribution, especially in the light of rapid environmental change. Ecogeographical rules predict an association between specific adaptive morphological and physiological traits with cooler conditions due to higher latitude, elevation, or climate change. Such ecogeographical effects are often most evident in ancient species due to continuous selective adaptation occurring over long periods of time. Here, we use the suitably ancient Chinese pygmy dormouse (Typhlomys cinereus) to test whether body-size, appendage length and heart size vary in accordance with Bergmann's, Allen's and Hesse's rule, respectively. Based on a sample of 67 adult individuals (female, n = 29; male n = 38) trapped at 37 sites transcending an elevational range from 414 to 1757 m, we tested for trait concordance with Bergmann's rule (body mass, length and SMI), Allen's rule (length of tail, foot, ear, snout), and Hesse's rule (wet and dry heart mass). Effects of elevation (and thus temperature lapse rate; calculated as 0.61 °C per 100 m) on body size, appendage length and heart size, were tested by fitting Standardized Major Axis (SMA) models. We observed substantial heterogeneity in morphometric traits allowing for the detection of ecogeographical clines. However, none conformed with Bergmann's, Allen's (except ear size), or Hesse's rule. However, our results indicate some support for Geist's rule of net primary productivity. We conclude that pervasive functional life-history adaptations in this blind, arboreal, echolocating ancient species exceeded selection for morphological energy efficiency constraints, with the notable exception of reduced ear pinnae size at colder, elevated sites. This is an important consideration for predicting how species, and populations in general, may adapt to human induced rapid environmental change, contrary to expectations of warming driving selection for smaller body-size.  相似文献   

Two patterns commonly emerge when animal body size is analyzed as a function of latitudinal distribution. First, body size increases with latitude, a temperature effect known as Bergmann's rule, and second, the converse to Bergmann's rule, a pattern in which body size decreases with latitude. However, other geographic patterns can emerge when the mechanisms that generate Bergmann's and the converse to Bergmann's clines operate together. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analysis in order to control for phylogenetic inertia, and we show that bumblebees exhibit the converse to Bergmann's rule. Bumblebee taxa are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical regions. The largest species are found in places with high water availability during the driest time of the year. Nonetheless, large body size is constrained by extreme temperatures. Bumblebees’ body size could be related to a higher extent to the size of food rewards to be harvested than to the energetic advantages of thermoregulation. Moreover, we found that the body size of eusocial and cuckoo species responded in the same way to environmental variables, suggesting that they have not diverged due to different selective pressures.  相似文献   

The present study documents for the first time shell use by juvenile fiddler crabs in the salt marsh. Twenty visits were made to six salt marsh sites at Tybee Island, Georgia between 2007 and 2009. One hundred empty Littorina irrorata shells were collected at each site on each field trip. Juvenile carapace width was measured, crabs sexed, and species identification completed using RFLP analysis. Shell use of up to 79% was observed. Two species of fiddler crabs were found in empty shells, Uca pugnax and U. pugilator. U. pugnax was the dominant species at all sites representing 62-84% of the juvenile fiddler crab population. Juvenile sex ratios were female-biased (1.7:1) at all six sites. Juvenile size did not vary significantly between species but males of both species were significantly larger than females. Size frequency distribution of carapace width revealed that shell use varied with size and sex. In the 3 to 4 mm size class, juvenile females outnumbered juvenile males in empty L. irrorata shells while in the 5 to 6 mm size class and greater, juvenile males outnumbered juvenile females in shells. Significantly more juvenile fiddler crabs were found in empty shells during flood than ebb tide at 3 of the sites. This discovery illuminates the resourcefulness of juvenile fiddler crabs and provides another mechanism that might enhance survival.  相似文献   

Ecological functions of bioturbation in ecosystems have received increasing attention over the recent decades, and crab burrowing has been considered as one of the major bioturbations affecting the physical and chemical processes in salt marshes. This study assessed the integrated effects of crab excavating and burrow mimic trapping on sediment turnover and vertical C and N distributions in a Chinese salt marsh in the Yangtze River estuary. Crab burrowing increased soil water content and the turnover of carbon and nitrogen and decreased bulk soil density. Vertical movement of materials, nutrient cycling and reuse driven by crab burrowing might be obstructed by vegetation (Phragmites australis and Spartina alterniflora communities). The amount of soil excavated by crab burrowing was higher than that deposited into burrow mimics. In Phragmites marshes, Spartina marshes and unvegetated mudflats, net transport of soil to the marsh surface was 171.73, 109.54, and 374.95 g m−2 d−1, respectively; and the corresponding estimated soil turnover time was 2.89, 4.07 and 1.83 years, respectively. Crab burrowing in salt marshes can mix surface and deeper soil over a period of years, accelerating litter decomposition and promoting the efficient reuse of nutrients by plants. Therefore, bioturbation affects soil physical processes and functioning of ecosystems, and needs to be addressed in ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Patterns of geographic variation in body size are predicted to evolve as adaptations to local environmental gradients. However, many of these clinal patterns in body size, such as Bergmann's rule, are controversial and require further investigation into ectotherms such as reptiles on a regional scale. To examine the environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, topography and primary productivity) that shaped patterns of geographic variation in body size in the reptile Calotes versicolor, we sampled 180 adult specimens (91 males and 89 females) at 40 locations across the species range in China. The MANOVA results suggest significant sexual size dimorphism in C. versicolor (F23,124 = 11.32, p < .001). Our results showed that C. versicolor failed to fit the Bergmann's rule. We found that the most important predictors of variation in body size of C. versicolor differed for males and females, but mechanisms related to heat balance and water availability hypotheses were involved in both sexes. Temperature seasonality, precipitation of the driest month, precipitation seasonality, and precipitation of the driest quarter were the most important predictors of variation in body size in males, whereas mean precipitation of the warmest quarter, mean temperature of the wettest quarter, precipitation seasonality, and precipitation of the wettest month were most important for body size variation in females. The discrepancy between patterns of association between the sexes suggested that different selection pressures may be acting in males and females.  相似文献   

Body size latitudinal clines have been widley explained by the Bergmann's rule in homeothermic vertebrates. However, there is no general consensus in poikilotherms organisms in particular in insects that represent the large majority of wildlife. Among them, bees are a highly diverse pollinators group with high economic and ecological value. Nevertheless, no comprehensive studies of species assemblages at a phylogenetically larger scale have been carried out even if they could identify the traits and the ecological conditions that generate different patterns of latitudinal size variation. We aimed to test Bergmann's rule for wild bees by assessing relationships between body size and latitude at continental and community levels. We tested our hypotheses for bees showing different life history traits (i.e. sociality and nesting behaviour). We used 142 008 distribution records of 615 bee species at 50 × 50 km (CGRS) grids across the West Palearctic. We then applied generalized least squares fitted linear model (GLS) to assess the relationship between latitude and mean body size of bees, taking into account spatial autocorrelation. For all bee species grouped, mean body size increased with higher latitudes, and so followed Bergmann's rule. However, considering bee genera separately, four genera were consistent with Bergmann's rule, while three showed a converse trend, and three showed no significant cline. All life history traits used here (i.e. solitary, social and parasitic behaviour; ground and stem nesting behaviour) displayed a Bergmann's cline. In general there is a main trend for larger bees in colder habitats, which is likely to be related to their thermoregulatory abilities and partial endothermy, even if a ‘season length effect’ (i.e. shorter foraging season) is a potential driver of the converse Bergmann's cline particularly in bumblebees.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat fragmentation is increasingly problematic in both terrestrial and aquatic systems. Fragmentation reduces the size of habitat patches, so examining the effect of patch size on community structure can provide insight into the potential effects of fragmentation. In this study, we examined the effect of habitat size on the density of Spartina alterniflora shoots in tidal saltwater marshes, as well as on the two predominant macrofaunal species, the marsh periwinkle Littoraria irrorata and fiddler crabs Uca spp. We estimated the density of shoots in three different marsh habitats, (1) large island marshes, (2) small island marshes, and (3) large fringing marshes, in Indian Field Creek, York River, Chesapeake Bay. We manipulated shoot density in each of the marsh types to distinguish between the effects of marsh grass density and marsh type on crab and Littoraria densities in the system. We found significant differences in grass density among the three marsh types as well as significant species-specific effects of grass density, marsh type, and distance from edge on faunal abundance. Decreasing the shoot density resulted in a decrease in Littoraria density in the large marshes. Littoraria density increased with distance from edge in the small marshes and in the first 5 m of the fringing marshes, then decreased with distance from edge after 5 m in the fringing marshes. Shoot density had a negative effect on crabs in both the large and small marshes. These results suggest that fragmentation would have a negative effect on the community structure by lowering the densities of both the flora and fauna.  相似文献   

Consistent responses by various organisms to common environmental pressures represent strong evidence of natural selection driving geographical variation. According to Bergmann's and Allen's rules, animals from colder habitats are larger and have smaller limbs than those from warmer habitats to minimize heat loss. Although evidence supporting both rules in different organisms exists, most studies have considered only elevational or latitudinal temperature gradients. We tested for the effects of temperature associated with both elevation and latitude on body and appendage size of torrent ducks (Merganetta armata), a widespread species in Andean rivers. We found a negative relationship between body size and temperature across latitude consistent with Bergmann's rule, whereas there was a positive relationship between these variables along replicate elevational gradients at different latitudes. Limb‐size variation did not support Allen's rule along latitude, nor along elevation. High‐elevation ducks were smaller and had longer wings than those inhabiting lower elevations within a river. We hypothesize that temperature is likely a major selective pressure acting on morphology across latitudes, although hypoxia or air density may be more important along elevational gradients. We conclude that the effect of temperature on morphology, and hence the likelihood of documenting ecogeographical ‘rules’, depends on the environmental context in which temperature variation is examined. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111, 850–862.  相似文献   

The effects of bioturbation by the mud fiddler crab (Uca pugnax) on salt marsh seedling recruitment were investigated experimentally in this study. Burrowing and foraging activity caused a large amount of soil disturbance, which in turn negatively impacted the establishment of seedlings. Either seeds did not germinate or seedlings were uprooted or buried. Although the majority of the published literature suggests a positive influence of Uca spp. on salt marsh plant growth, at high densities they have the potential to hinder the re-colonization of areas made bare by previous disturbance. This study illustrates the perhaps underappreciated role that bioturbators can have on vegetation patterns in salt marshes and other ecosystems.  相似文献   

Bergmann's rule describes the macroecological pattern of increasing body size in response to higher latitudes and elevations. This pattern is extensively documented in endothermic vertebrates, within and among species; however, studies involving ectotherms are less common and suggest no consistent pattern for amphibians and reptiles. Moreover, adaptive traits, such as epidermal features like scales, have not been widely examined in conjunction with Bergmann's rule, even though these traits affect physiological processes, such as thermoregulation, which are hypothesized as underlying mechanisms for the pattern. Here, we investigate how scale characters correlate with elevation among 122 New World pitviper species, representing 15 genera. We found a contra‐Bergmann's pattern, where body size is smaller at higher elevations. This pattern was mainly driven by the presence of small‐bodied clades at high elevations and large‐bodied clades at low elevations, emphasizing the importance of taxonomic scope in studying macroecological patterns. Within a subset of speciose clades, we found that only Crotalus demonstrated a significant negative relationship between body size and elevation, perhaps because of its wide elevational range. In addition, we found a positive correlation between scale counts and body size but no independent effect of elevation on scale numbers. Our study increases our knowledge of Bergmann's rule in reptiles by specifically examining characters of squamation and suggests a need to reexamine macroecological patterns for this group.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim Bergmann's rule, one of the most studied and controversial ecogeographical generalizations, has rarely been tested with observations from high latitudes. We tested the rule using cranial measurements of the muskox [Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman)], a homeotherm with an extremely northern distribution. We also used these data to describe geographical patterns in the species' dental architecture, an extension of the framework developed from interspecific comparisons. Location Specimens were compiled from arctic Canada, Alaska and Greenland, a latitudinal range of 60° N?83° N. Methods Body size was estimated from principal components analysis (PCA) of five cranial characters from 128 specimens. Mean scores on the first principal component from each locality were regressed against latitude and mean temperature to identify geographical variation in body size; scores on the second principal component were regressed against latitude to assess patterns in dental architecture. Regression analyses of the individual characters were performed as a complement to PCA. Results No latitudinal or climatic trend in body size was observed in either sex. On the other hand, for males, significant latitudinal variation was found for the second PCA axis (r = ?0.434), and the feature which loaded most heavily on it, maxillary tooth row length (r = 0.429). For females, this dental structure also tended to increase with latitude (r = 0.423), but the trend was only marginally significant (P=0.12), perhaps owing to a smaller sample size. Main conclusions The geographically invariant body size of muskoxen failed to support current hypotheses of size variation. Behavioural and physiological adaptations may exempt the muskox from selective pressures underlying these hypotheses. We interpret latitudinal variation in dental architecture as a reflection of a cline in diet, dominated by graminoids at the expense of willows at higher latitudes. This intraspecific geographical trend is a recapitulation of the interspecific framework for large mammalian herbivores.  相似文献   

Although the impact of plant invasions on benthic communities, especially burrowing crabs, has received increasing attention, the results from past studies are mixed. The exotic plant Spartina alterniflora has become the most abundant species in the salt marshes of the Yangtze River estuary since it was first found just over a decade ago, but its effects on crabs in the salt marshes is largely unknown. To examine whether the invasions of this exotic plant affected native crabs, we compared the biomass and abundance of the dominant burrowing crab Sesarma dehaani in an exotic Spartina marsh, native Phragmites australis marsh and mudflats of the Yangtze River estuary, China. To explain the differences of S. dehaani populations between different habitats, feeding preference of S. dehaani for Spartina and Phragmites was investigated. Results showed crab abundance and biomass in the Spartina marsh were significantly greater than those in the Phragmites marsh and mudflats. Soil water content and plant community characteristics in the Spartina marsh also significantly differed in the Phragmites marsh and mudflats. Moreover, the feeding preference experiment showed that crabs consumed Spartina more than twice as much as Phragmites. In summary, this study showed that Spartina provided compatible habitats for native crab S. dehaani through offering suitable food source and moderate environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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