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Recoveries of marked animals hold long‐term, large‐scale information on survival and causes of mortality, but are prone to bias towards dead recoveries and casualties in the range of presence of potential finders. Thus, accounting for circumstance‐related recovery probabilities is crucial in statistical approaches. For the little owl, a species of conservation concern in central Europe, raw ring recoveries suggested a strong human‐related impact on survival. We analysed the proportions of the main causes of death using a large sample of radio‐tracked birds as a reference. We compared ring recoveries in southern Germany collected 1950–2012 (n = 465 dead recoveries of 2007 recoveries of 30 623 ringed birds) with data from a radio‐tracking study in the same region 2009–2012 (n = 177 dead recoveries of 377 tagged individuals). Two assumptions of multi‐state ring recovery modelling were unrealistic. First, not all dispatched rings remained available to potential finders. Instead, 34% of tracked birds were displaced to sites where rings were irretrievable, resulting in biased estimates of recovery probability. Second, the proportions of irretrievable rings were disproportional, with 48% in predated birds and 5% in human‐induced mortality. Consequently, the sample of rings from which recoveries were drawn differed from the sample of dispatched rings. Accounting for these biases in a multi‐state model, we estimated the frequencies of main causes of mortality to 45% for predation, 20% for casualties due to traffic and at buildings and 34% for all other causes. In radio‐tracked birds, predation was even more dominant (76%). Integrating mark–recapture data and telemetry observations allowed detecting and quantifying so far unknown recovery bias and resulted in improved estimates of key population parameters. The demography of little owls likely depends mainly on predator–prey relationships rather than on human‐induced deaths.  相似文献   

Recently, Schroeder et al. (2010, Ibis 152: 368–377) suggested that intronic variation in the CHD1‐Z gene of Black‐tailed Godwits breeding in southwest Friesland, The Netherlands, correlated with fitness components. Here we re‐examine this surprising result using an expanded dataset (2088 birds sampled from 2004 to 2010 vs. 284 birds from 2004 to 2007). We find that the presence of the Z* allele (9% of the birds) is not associated with breeding habitat type, egg size, adult survival, adult body mass or adult body condition. The results presented here, when used in synergy with the previously reported results by Schroeder et al., suggest that there might be a tendency towards female adults with the Z* allele laying earlier clutches than adult females without the Z* allele. The occurrence of the Z* allele was also associated with a higher chick body mass and return rate. Chicks with the Z* allele that had hatched early in the breeding season were heavier at birth than chicks without the Z* allele and chicks with the Z* allele that had hatched late. Collectively, the results suggest that variation in the CHD1‐Z gene may indeed have arisen as a byproduct of selection acting on females during the egg fase and on chicks during the rearing stages of the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Investigators rely on brood surveys to estimate annual fecundity of game birds. However, investigators often do not account for factors that influence brood detection probability nor rarely document how much females and their broods are disturbed (flush rates) during surveys, which could lead to biased survival estimates. We used 45 radio‐tagged female Greater Sage‐Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) with broods to compare detection probabilities and document disturbance among four survey methods to allow future investigators to select the method that best meets their objectives. These methods included daytime flush, daytime visual, nocturnal spotlight, and fecal surveys at nocturnal roost sites, with the latter being a novel method. We used Cormack–Jolly–Seber (CJS) models to compare detection probability and daily survival estimates for visual and fecal surveys of broods 0–47 d post‐hatch and a double‐survey approach to compare detection probabilities among flush, fecal, and spotlight surveys ~42 d post‐hatch when investigators often determine brood fate. From CJS models, detection probability for visual surveys increased with brood age (0.618–0.881), whereas detection probability for fecal surveys did not (0.748). Daily survival probability estimates increased with brood age and differed annually based on fecal surveys (2016: 0.978–1.000 and 2017: 0.839–0.998). We detected age‐specific daily survival probability with visual surveys (0.956–0.997), but not annual differences. Based on the double‐survey approach, detection probability was high (0.857–1.000) for all methods. We flushed ~310–750% fewer females and broods during fecal and spotlight surveys than during both types of daytime surveys. Our results highlight the need to account for detection probabilities among methods and document disturbance to hens and broods that can help investigators design surveys to minimize impacts to birds. Furthermore, our result suggest that actions to improve brood survival during the first week post‐hatch may improve local recruitment.  相似文献   

For the study of migratory connectivity, birds have been individually marked by metal rings for more than 100 years. The resulting ring recovery data have been compiled in numerous bird migration atlases. However, estimation of what proportion of a particular population is migrating to which region is confounded by spatial heterogeneity in ring recovery probability. We present a product multinomial model that enables quantifying the continent‐wide distribution of different bird populations during different seasons based on ring recovery data while accounting for spatial heterogeneity of ring recovery probability. We applied the model to an example data set of the European robin Erithacus rubecula. We assumed that ring recovery probability was equal between different groups of birds and that survival probability was constant. Simulated data indicate that violation of the assumption of constant survival did not affect our estimated bird distribution parameters but biased the estimates for recovery probability. Posterior predictive model checking indicated a good general model fit but also revealed lack of fit for a few groups of birds. This lack of fit may be due to between‐group differences in the spatial distribution on smaller scales within regions. We found that 48% of the Scandinavian robins, but only 31% of the central European robins, wintered in northern Africa. The remaining parts of both populations wintered in southern and central Europe. Therefore, a substantial part of the Scandinavian population appears to leap over individuals from the central European population during migration. The model is applied to summary tables of numbers of ringed and recovered birds. This allows us to handle very large data sets as, for example, those presented in bird migration atlases.  相似文献   

Assortative mating is an important pre‐mating isolation mechanism that has been observed in some wild populations of seabirds. The Short‐tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus is a globally Vulnerable seabird that breeds mainly on Torishima and the Senkaku Islands in the north‐western Pacific Ocean. Our previous studies suggested that two genetically distinct populations exist, one on Torishima and the other on the Senkaku Islands. Recently, however, several un‐ringed birds in subadult plumage have been observed breeding on Torishima in the Hatsunezaki colony. As almost all birds hatched on Torishima since 1979 have been ringed, the natal site of the un‐ringed birds was suspected to be the Senkaku Islands. Genetic differences between the two populations would reveal the natal sites of un‐ringed birds. By observing the ring status (ringed or un‐ringed) of mating pairs and analysing the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region 2 of un‐ringed birds, we assessed whether birds that originated from Torishima and the Senkaku Islands achieved pre‐mating isolation. There was a small number of pairs on Torishima that consisted of one ringed and one un‐ringed bird, but the observed number was significantly lower than that expected if ringed and un‐ringed birds mated randomly. Furthermore, mtDNA analyses of nine un‐ringed birds demonstrated that all belonged to a particular haplotype clade from the Senkaku Islands. These results show that birds from Torishima and the Senkaku Islands mate assortatively but that there is incomplete pre‐mating isolation between birds from the two island groups. The pre‐mating isolation of these two populations of Short‐tailed Albatross could arise from differences in the timing of breeding and incompatibility in mating displays. As the divergence between the two populations is unlikely to be sufficient to achieve complete post‐mating isolation, the two groups are likely to be hybridizing. Further studies using molecular and/or behavioural analyses would be required to reveal the evolutionary significance of hybridization between these two populations.  相似文献   

Avian population dynamics are influenced by the availability of spatiotemporally variable prey resources, but the conditions producing abundant and accessible prey are not always clear. In the Florida Everglades, wading birds nest in the dry season when receding water levels concentrate prey and facilitate improved foraging efficiency. White Ibis (Eudocimus albus) feed extensively on crayfish in sloughs, and previous studies have demonstrated that crayfish move downgradient from higher elevation, heavily vegetated ridge habitats into adjacent less‐vegetated sloughs when ridges are almost dry. Most White Ibis foraging is thought to occur in sloughs with relatively shallow water (< 19 cm), but crayfish move and their densities peak when water in sloughs is deeper (~ 21–32 cm). We conducted an observational study of White Ibis foraging in drying wetlands to determine if White Ibis restricted their foraging to shallow water or if they foraged in relatively deep water when crayfish were migrating. In a series of large drying wetlands, we used time‐lapse imagery to quantify White Ibis foraging activity over 61 d from February to April 2017 and we also quantified crayfish biomass density in sloughs. Crayfish biomass density peaked when ridges were almost dry. Most White Ibis foraging occurred over 2–3 d when ridges were almost dry and water in sloughs averaged ≥ 29 cm deep. White Ibis selected slough edges for foraging, suggesting that they were capturing crayfish migrating between habitats. Our results point to a new mechanism of prey exploitation driven by inter‐habitat prey flux when ridge habitat dries. Although the results of previous studies suggest that White Ibis will not forage on fish in deeper water (> 25 cm), we found that White Ibis will forage on crayfish in water at those depths. Maintenance of habitat elevational differences and hydro‐patterns that promote crayfish production will be necessary to promote this predator–prey interaction in the ridge‐slough landscape of the Everglades.  相似文献   

Conservation of beach‐nesting medium‐distance migrants has focused on breeding areas because protection of nests is more tractable than protection of non‐breeding habitat. As breeding ground management has encountered diminishing returns, interest in understanding threats in non‐breeding areas has increased. However, robust estimates of non‐breeding demographic rates and abundance are generally lacking, hindering the study of limiting factors. Estimating such rates is made more difficult by complex population dynamics at non‐breeding sites. In South Carolina, endangered Piping Plovers Charadrius melodus start arriving in July and some depart prior to December (the autumn‐only population) while others remain through at least March (the wintering population). State uncertainty capture‐mark‐recapture models provide a means for estimating vital rates for such co‐occurring populations. We estimated the proportion of the population entering the study area per survey (entry probability) and proportion remaining per survey (persistence rate) for both populations during autumn, and abundance of the wintering population, at four sites in South Carolina in 2006/7 and 2007/8, taking advantage of birds previously colour‐ringed on the breeding grounds. We made fairly precise estimates of entry and persistence rates with small sample sizes. Cumulative entry probability was ~50% by the end of July and reached 95% for both populations by October. Estimated stopover duration for birds in the autumn‐only population was 35 days in year 1 and 42 days in year 2. We estimated a wintering super‐population size of 71 ± 16 se birds in the first year and 75 ± 16 in the second. If ringing programmes on the breeding grounds continue, standardized resighting surveys in the non‐breeding period and mark‐recapture models can provide robust estimates of entry and persistence rates and abundance. Habitat protection intended to benefit non‐breeding Piping Plovers at our coastal sites should be in effect by late summer, as many birds are resident from July to the end of winter.  相似文献   

Simulation methods were used to generate paired data from a simulated population that included the age‐based process of movement and the length‐based process of gear selection. The age‐based process caused bias in the estimates of growth parameters assuming random at length, even when relatively few age classes were affected. Methods that assumed random at age were biased by the subsequent inclusion of the length‐based process of gear selection. Additional knowledge of the age structure of the sampled area is needed to ensure an unbiased estimate of the growth parameters when using the length‐conditional approach in the presence of age‐based movement. Estimates of the variability in the length‐at‐age relationship were better estimated with the length‐conditional than the traditional method even when the assumptions of random at length were violated. Inclusion of paired observations of length and associated age inside the population dynamics model may be the most appropriate way of estimating growth.  相似文献   

Summary Time varying, individual covariates are problematic in experiments with marked animals because the covariate can typically only be observed when each animal is captured. We examine three methods to incorporate time varying, individual covariates of the survival probabilities into the analysis of data from mark‐recapture‐recovery experiments: deterministic imputation, a Bayesian imputation approach based on modeling the joint distribution of the covariate and the capture history, and a conditional approach considering only the events for which the associated covariate data are completely observed (the trinomial model). After describing the three methods, we compare results from their application to the analysis of the effect of body mass on the survival of Soay sheep (Ovis aries) on the Isle of Hirta, Scotland. Simulations based on these results are then used to make further comparisons. We conclude that both the trinomial model and Bayesian imputation method perform best in different situations. If the capture and recovery probabilities are all high, then the trinomial model produces precise, unbiased estimators that do not depend on any assumptions regarding the distribution of the covariate. In contrast, the Bayesian imputation method performs substantially better when capture and recovery probabilities are low, provided that the specified model of the covariate is a good approximation to the true data‐generating mechanism.  相似文献   

Vernon, C. J. 1975. Seventeenth ringing report for southern African. Ostrich 46:125-128.

A report on ringing activities in southern Africa from July 1973 to June 1974 is presented. A total of 51 561 birds of 451 species were ringed and are analysed according to distribution of ringers, groups of species and recovery rates. A list of those birds living longer than ten years is given. Analyses are needed of the most frequently ringed species in order to give greater purpose to future ringing.  相似文献   

We present here a mathematical formula for the directional distribution of migratory birds if they use a vector navigation/clock-and-compass strategy to find their winter quarters. It is based on mathematical expectation theory and shows that a simple parabola can describe the expected geographical spread of clock-and-compass birds as a function of migratory distance. Predictions based on this model are then tested against all same autumn ringing recoveries of first-season Pied Flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca, ringed in Scandinavia and European Robins, Erithacus rubecula, ringed in Sweden and Finland and recovered north of the Sahara Desert. We find that the predictions of our analytical model fit the ringing recovery distribution of freely migrating conspecifics extremely well.  相似文献   

Understanding the drivers underlying fluctuations in the size of animal populations is central to ecology, conservation biology, and wildlife management. Reliable estimates of survival probabilities are key to population viability assessments, and patterns of variation in survival can help inferring the causal factors behind detected changes in population size. We investigated whether variation in age‐ and sex‐specific survival probabilities could help explain the increasing trend in population size detected in a small, discrete population of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus off the east coast of Scotland. To estimate annual survival probabilities, we applied capture–recapture models to photoidentification data collected from 1989 to 2015. We used robust design models accounting for temporary emigration to estimate juvenile and adult survival, multistate models to estimate sex‐specific survival, and age models to estimate calf survival. We found strong support for an increase in juvenile/adult annual survival from 93.1% to 96.0% over the study period, most likely caused by a change in juvenile survival. Examination of sex‐specific variation showed weaker support for this trend being a result of increasing female survival, which was overall higher than for males and animals of unknown sex. Calf survival was lower in the first than second year; a bias in estimating third‐year survival will likely exist in similar studies. There was some support first‐born calf survival being lower than for calves born subsequently. Coastal marine mammal populations are subject to the impacts of environmental change, increasing anthropogenic disturbance and the effects of management measures. Survival estimates are essential to improve our understanding of population dynamics and help predict how future pressures may impact populations, but obtaining robust information on the life history of long‐lived species is challenging. Our study illustrates how knowledge of survival can be increased by applying a robust analytical framework to photoidentification data.  相似文献   

In migratory species breeding in temperate zones and wintering in tropical areas, the prevalence of blood parasites may be affected by migratory strategies and winter habitat choice. We explored whether African winter habitat was linked to the probability of haemosporidian infection in the House Martin Delichon urbicum breeding in Spain, and tested for potential differences between age‐classes. As a proxy for winter habitat features, we analysed stable isotope (δ2H, δ13C and δ15N) values of winter‐grown feathers moulted in tropical Africa. Rainfall at the African winter grounds was related to the probability of being infected with haemosporidians and this effect differed among age‐classes. We found that haemosporidian prevalence was similar for young and experienced birds wintering in habitats of higher rainfall (2H‐depleted), whereas there were great differences in winter habitats of lower rainfall (2H‐enriched), with young having a much higher prevalence compared with experienced birds. Likewise, experienced birds wintering in habitats of higher rainfall had a higher probability of haemosporidian infection compared with experienced birds wintering in habitats of lower rainfall. By contrast, young birds wintering in habitats of lower rainfall had a higher probability of haemosporidian infection compared with young birds wintering in habitats of higher rainfall. These outcomes highlight the interaction of age with haemosporidian infection in the migratory ecology of the House Martin, which may drive carry‐over effects in this long‐distance aerial insectivore.  相似文献   

For many tropical plants, birds are the most important seed dispersers. Not all birds, however, will provide equally effective dispersal services. Behavioral differences, during and after feeding, can result in different establishment probabilities of new individuals. During 3 yr, we examined species‐specific quantitative and qualitative aspects of Guettarda viburnoides seed dispersal by avian frugivores, focusing on how these aspects modify seed dispersal effectiveness. Fruits of G. viburnoides were consumed by ten species of birds, two of which, Cyanocorax cyanomelas and Pteroglossus castanotis, removed 80 percent of the fruits. These two species differ in qualitative aspects of seed dispersal. First, they select for fruits of different sizes; C. cyanomelas feeds on larger fruits than P. castanotis, which results in the former dispersing larger endocarps than the latter. Second, they differ in their fruit handling treatment; C. cyanomelas are pulp consumers, whereas P. castanotis swallow the fruit whole, and are thus traditionally considered ‘legitimate’ dispersers. The probability of seedling emergence, the temporal pattern of emergence, the number of emerged seedlings per endocarp, and the probability of post‐dispersal seed predation differs between endocarps dispersed by C. cyanomelas and P. castanotis; endocarps dispersed by the former have higher emergence probabilities, higher number of seedlings, faster emergence times, and lower predation probabilities than those dispersed by the latter. Finally, these birds differ in their landscape patterns of endocarp deposition; C. cyanomelas disperses endocarps to habitats with higher recruitment probabilities. Ultimately, the pulp consumer C. cyanomelas is a more effective disperser of G. viburnoides than P. castanotis.  相似文献   

Many species only show sexual dimorphism at the age of maturity, such that juveniles typically resemble females. Under these circumstances, estimating accurate age‐specific demographic parameters is challenging. Here, we propose a multievent model parameterization able to estimate age‐dependent survival using capture–recapture data with uncertainty in age and sex assignment of individuals. We illustrate this modeling approach with capture–recapture data from the ring‐necked parakeet Psittacula krameri. We analyzed capture, recapture, and resighting data (439 recaptures/resightings) of 156 ring‐necked parakeets tagged with neck collars in Barcelona city from 2003 to 2016 to estimate the juvenile and adult survival rate. Our models successfully estimated the survival probabilities of the different age classes considered. Survival probability was similar between adults (0.83, 95% CI = 0.77–0.87) and juveniles during their second (0.79, 95% CI = 0.58–0.87) and third winter (0.83, 95% CI = 0.65–0.88). The youngest juveniles (1st winter) showed a slightly lower survival (0.57, 95% CI = 0.37–0.79). Among adults, females showed a slightly higher survival than males (0.87, 95% CI = 0.78–0.93; and 0.80, 95% CI = 0.73–0.86, respectively). These high survival figures predict high population persistence in this species and urge management policies. The analysis also stresses the usefulness of multievent models to estimate juvenile survival when age cannot be fully ascertained.  相似文献   

Recent studies provide evidence of correlations of DNA methylation and expression of protein‐coding genes with human aging. The relations of microRNA expression with age and age‐related clinical outcomes have not been characterized thoroughly. We explored associations of age with whole‐blood microRNA expression in 5221 adults and identified 127 microRNAs that were differentially expressed by age at < 3.3 × 10?4 (Bonferroni‐corrected). Most microRNAs were underexpressed in older individuals. Integrative analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression revealed changes in age‐associated mRNA expression possibly driven by age‐associated microRNAs in pathways that involve RNA processing, translation, and immune function. We fitted a linear model to predict ‘microRNA age’ that incorporated expression levels of 80 microRNAs. MicroRNA age correlated modestly with predicted age from DNA methylation (= 0.3) and mRNA expression (= 0.2), suggesting that microRNA age may complement mRNA and epigenetic age prediction models. We used the difference between microRNA age and chronological age as a biomarker of accelerated aging (Δage) and found that Δage was associated with all‐cause mortality (hazards ratio 1.1 per year difference, = 4.2 × 10?5 adjusted for sex and chronological age). Additionally, Δage was associated with coronary heart disease, hypertension, blood pressure, and glucose levels. In conclusion, we constructed a microRNA age prediction model based on whole‐blood microRNA expression profiling. Age‐associated microRNAs and their targets have potential utility to detect accelerated aging and to predict risks for age‐related diseases.  相似文献   

Since 1899 ringing (or banding) remained the most important source of information about migration routes, stopover sites and wintering grounds for birds that are too small to carry satellite-based tracking systems. Despite the large quantity of migrating birds ringed in their breeding areas in Europe, the number of ring recoveries from sub-Saharan Africa is very low and therefore the whereabouts of most small bird species outside the breeding season remain a mystery. With new miniaturized light-level geolocators it is now possible to look beyond the limits of ring recovery data. Here we show for the first time year round tracks of a near passerine trans-Saharan migrant, the European Hoopoe (Upupa epops epops). Three birds wintered in the Sahel zone of Western Africa where they remained stationary for most of the time. One bird chose a south-easterly route following the Italian peninsula. Birds from the same breeding population used different migration routes and wintering sites, suggesting a low level of migratory connectivity between breeding and wintering areas. Our tracking of a near passerine bird, the European Hoopoe, with light-level geolocators opens a new chapter in the research of Palaearctic-African bird migration as this new tool revolutionizes our ability to discover migration routes, stopover sites and wintering grounds of small birds.  相似文献   

Landscape genetics lacks explicit methods for dealing with the uncertainty in landscape resistance estimation, which is particularly problematic when sample sizes of individuals are small. Unless uncertainty can be quantified, valuable but small data sets may be rendered unusable for conservation purposes. We offer a method to quantify uncertainty in landscape resistance estimates using multimodel inference as an improvement over single model‐based inference. We illustrate the approach empirically using co‐occurring, woodland‐preferring Australian marsupials within a common study area: two arboreal gliders (Petaurus breviceps, and Petaurus norfolcensis) and one ground‐dwelling antechinus (Antechinus flavipes). First, we use maximum‐likelihood and a bootstrap procedure to identify the best‐supported isolation‐by‐resistance model out of 56 models defined by linear and non‐linear resistance functions. We then quantify uncertainty in resistance estimates by examining parameter selection probabilities from the bootstrapped data. The selection probabilities provide estimates of uncertainty in the parameters that drive the relationships between landscape features and resistance. We then validate our method for quantifying uncertainty using simulated genetic and landscape data showing that for most parameter combinations it provides sensible estimates of uncertainty. We conclude that small data sets can be informative in landscape genetic analyses provided uncertainty can be explicitly quantified. Being explicit about uncertainty in landscape genetic models will make results more interpretable and useful for conservation decision‐making, where dealing with uncertainty is critical.  相似文献   

Quantifying the factors that predict parasite outbreak and persistence is a major challenge for both applied and fundamental biology. Key to understanding parasite prevalence and disease outbreaks is determining at what age individuals show signs of infection, and whether or not they recover. Age‐dependent patterns of the infection of a host population by parasites can indicate among‐individual heterogeneities in their susceptibility to, or rate of recovery from, parasite infections. Here, we present a cross‐sectional study of avian malaria in a long‐lived bird species, the mute swan Cygnus olor, examining age‐related patterns of parasite prevalence and modelling patterns of infection and recovery. One‐hundred and fifteen swans, ranging from one to nineteen years old, were screened for infection with Plasmodium, Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon parasites. Infections with three cytochrome‐b lineages of Haemoproteus were found (pooled prevalence 67%), namely WW1 (26%), which is common in passerine birds, and two new lineages closely related to WW1: MUTSW1 (25%) and MUTSW2 (16%). We found evidence for age‐related infection in one lineage, MUTSW1. Catalytic models examining patterns of infection and recovery in the population suggested that infections in this population were not life‐long – recovery of individuals was included in the best fitting models. These findings support the results of recent studies that suggest hosts can clear infections, although patterns of infection‐related mortality in older birds remain to be studied in more detail.  相似文献   

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