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Dramatic population declines among species of pelagic shark as a result of overfishing have been reported, with some species now at a fraction of their historical biomass. Advanced telemetry techniques enable tracking of spatial dynamics and behaviour, providing fundamental information on habitat preferences of threatened species to aid conservation. We tracked movements of the highest pelagic fisheries by-catch species, the blue shark Prionace glauca, in the North-east Atlantic using pop-off satellite-linked archival tags to determine the degree of space use linked to habitat and to examine vertical niche. Overall, blue sharks moved south-west of tagging sites (English Channel; southern Portugal), exhibiting pronounced site fidelity correlated with localized productive frontal areas, with estimated space-use patterns being significantly different from that of random walks. Tracked female sharks displayed behavioural variability in diel depth preferences, both within and between individuals. Diel depth use ranged from normal DVM (nDVM; dawn descent, dusk ascent), to reverse DVM (rDVM; dawn ascent, dusk descent), to behavioural patterns where no diel differences were apparent. Results showed that blue sharks occupy some of the most productive marine zones for extended periods and structure diel activity patterns across multiple spatio-temporal scales in response to particular habitat types. In so doing, sharks occupied an extraordinarily broad vertical depth range for their size (1.0-2.0 m fork length), from the surface into the bathypelagic realm (max. dive depth, 1160 m). The space-use patterns of blue sharks indicated they spend much of the time in areas where pelagic longlining activities are often highest, and in depth zones where these fisheries particularly target other species, which could account for the rapid declines recently reported for blue sharks in many parts of the world's oceans. Our results provide habitat targets for blue shark conservation that may also be relevant to other pelagic species.  相似文献   

Although southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) are not considered prey for white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias), sharks do nonetheless bite sea otters. We analyzed spatial and temporal trends in shark bites on sea otters in California, assessing the frequency of shark bite wounds in 1,870 carcasses collected since 1985. The proportion of stranded sea otters having shark bites has increased sharply since 2003, and white shark bites now account for >50% of recovered carcasses. The trend was most pronounced in the southern part of the range, from Estero Bay to Point Conception, where shark bite frequency has increased eightfold. Seasonal trends were also evident: most shark‐bitten carcasses are recovered in late summer and fall; however, the period of elevated shark bite frequency has lengthened. The causes of these trends are unclear, but possible contributing factors include increased white shark abundance and/or changes in white shark behavior and distribution. In particular, the spatiotemporal patterns of shark‐bitten sea otters match increases in pinniped populations, and the increased availability of marine mammal prey for white sharks may have led to more sharks spending more time in nearshore waters utilized by both sea otters and pinnipeds.  相似文献   

Interactions between pelagic thresher sharks (Alopias pelagicus) and cleaner wrasse were investigated at a seamount in the Philippines. Cleaning associations between sharks and teleosts are poorly understood, but the observable interactions seen at this site may explain why these mainly oceanic sharks regularly venture into shallow coastal waters where they are vulnerable to disturbance from human activity. From 1,230 hours of observations recorded by remote video camera between July 2005 and December 2009, 97 cleaner-thresher shark events were analyzed, 19 of which were interrupted. Observations of pelagic thresher sharks interacting with cleaners at the seamount were recorded at all times of day but their frequency declined gradually from morning until evening. Cleaners showed preferences for foraging on specific areas of a thresher shark's body. For all events combined, cleaners were observed to conduct 2,757 inspections, of which 33.9% took place on the shark's pelvis, 23.3% on the pectoral fins, 22.3% on the caudal fin, 8.6% on the body, 8.3% on the head, 2.1% on the dorsal fin, and 1.5% on the gills respectively. Cleaners did not preferentially inspect thresher sharks by time of day or by shark sex, but there was a direct correlation between the amount of time a thresher shark spent at a cleaning station and the number of inspections it received. Thresher shark clients modified their behavior by "circular-stance-swimming," presumably to facilitate cleaner inspections. The cleaner-thresher shark association reflected some of the known behavioral trends in the cleaner-reef teleost system since cleaners appeared to forage selectively on shark clients. Evidence is mounting that in addition to acting as social refuges and foraging grounds for large visiting marine predators, seamounts may also support pelagic ecology by functioning as cleaning stations for oceanic sharks and rays.  相似文献   

Understanding the links between external variables such as habitat and interactions with conspecifics and animal space‐use is fundamental to developing effective management measures. In the marine realm, automated acoustic tracking has become a widely used method for monitoring the movement of free‐ranging animals, yet researchers generally lack robust methods for analysing the resulting spatial‐usage data. In this study, acoustic tracking data from male and female broadnose sevengill sharks Notorynchus cepedianus, collected in a system of coastal embayments in southeast Tasmania were analyzed to examine sex‐specific differences in the sharks’ coastal space‐use and test novel methods for the analysis of acoustic telemetry data. Sex‐specific space‐use of the broadnose sevengill shark from acoustic telemetry data was analysed in two ways: The recently proposed spatial network analysis of between‐receiver movements was employed to identify sex‐specific space‐use patterns. To include the full breadth of temporal information held in the data, movements between receivers were furthermore considered as transitions between states of a Markov chain, with the resulting transition probability matrix allowing the ranking of the relative importance of different parts of the study area. Both spatial network and Markov chain analysis revealed sex‐specific preferences of different sites within the study area. The identification of priority areas differed for the methods, due to the fact that in contrast to network analysis, our Markov chain approach preserves the chronological sequence of detections and accounts for both residency periods and movements. In addition to adding to our knowledge of the ecology of a globally distributed apex predator, this study presents a promising new step towards condensing the vast amounts of information collected with acoustic tracking technology into straightforward results which are directly applicable to the management and conservation of any species that meet the assumptions of our model.  相似文献   

Quantifying shark distribution patterns and species-specific habitat associations in response to geographic and environmental drivers is critical to assessing risk of exposure to fishing, habitat degradation, and the effects of climate change. The present study examined shark distribution patterns, species-habitat associations, and marine reserve use with baited remote underwater video stations (BRUVS) along the entire Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) over a ten year period. Overall, 21 species of sharks from five families and two orders were recorded. Grey reef Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, silvertip C. albimarginatus, tiger Galeocerdo cuvier, and sliteye Loxodon macrorhinus sharks were the most abundant species (>64% of shark abundances). Multivariate regression trees showed that hard coral cover produced the primary split separating shark assemblages. Four indicator species had consistently higher abundances and contributed to explaining most of the differences in shark assemblages: C. amblyrhynchos, C. albimarginatus, G. cuvier, and whitetip reef Triaenodon obesus sharks. Relative distance along the GBRMP had the greatest influence on shark occurrence and species richness, which increased at both ends of the sampling range (southern and northern sites) relative to intermediate latitudes. Hard coral cover and distance across the shelf were also important predictors of shark distribution. The relative abundance of sharks was significantly higher in non-fished sites, highlighting the conservation value and benefits of the GBRMP zoning. However, our results also showed that hard coral cover had a large effect on the abundance of reef-associated shark species, indicating that coral reef health may be important for the success of marine protected areas. Therefore, understanding shark distribution patterns, species-habitat associations, and the drivers responsible for those patterns is essential for developing sound management and conservation approaches.  相似文献   

To gain insight into whale shark (Rhincodon typus) movement patterns in the Western Indian Ocean, we deployed eight pop‐up satellite tags at an aggregation site in the Arta Bay region of the Gulf of Tadjoura, Djibouti in the winter months of 2012, 2016, and 2017. Tags revealed movements ranging from local‐scale around the Djibouti aggregation site, regional movements along the coastline of Somaliland, movements north into the Red Sea, and a large‐scale (>1,000 km) movement to the east coast of Somalia, outside of the Gulf of Aden. Vertical movement data revealed high occupation of the top ten meters of the water column, diel vertical movement patterns, and deep diving behavior. Long‐distance movements recorded both here and in previous studies suggest that connectivity between the whale sharks tagged at the Djibouti aggregation and other documented aggregations in the region are likely within annual timeframes. In addition, wide‐ranging movements through multiple nations, as well as the high use of surface waters recorded, likely exposes whale sharks in this region to several anthropogenic threats, including targeted and bycatch fisheries and ship‐strikes. Area‐based management approaches focusing on seasonal hotspots offer a way forward in the conservation of whale sharks in the Western Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are a wide ranging, potentially keystone predator species that display a variety of horizontal movement patterns, making use of coastal and pelagic waters. Far less, however, is known about their vertical movements and use of the water column. We used pop‐up satellite archival tags with two data sampling rates (high rate and standard rate tags) to investigate the vertical habitat use and diving behavior of tiger sharks tagged on the Puerto Rico–Virgin Islands platform and off Bermuda between 2008 and 2009. Useable data were received from nine of 14 sharks tagged, tracked over a total of 529 days. Sharks spent the majority of their time making yo‐yo dives within the upper 50 m of the water column and considerable time within the upper 5 m of the water column. As a result, sharks typically occupied a narrow daily temperature range (~2°C). Dives to greater than 200 m were common, and all sharks made dives to at least 250 m, with one shark reaching a depth of 828 m. Despite some similarities among individuals, a great deal of intraspecific variability in vertical habit use was observed. Four distinct depth distributions that were not related to tagging location, horizontal movements, sex, or size were detected. In addition, similar depth distributions did not necessitate similar dive patterns among sharks. Recognition of intraspecific variability in habitat use of top predators can be crucial for effective management of these species and for understanding their influence on ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

In an attempt to document the migratory pathways and the environmental conditions encountered by American eels during their oceanic migration to the Sargasso Sea, we tagged eight silver eels with miniature satellite pop-up tags during their migration from the St. Lawrence River in Québec, Canada. Surprisingly, of the seven tags that successfully transmitted archived data, six were ingested by warm-gutted predators, as observed by a sudden increase in water temperature. Gut temperatures were in the range of 20 to 25°C—too cold for marine mammals but within the range of endothermic fish. In order to identify the eel predators, we compared their vertical migratory behavior with those of satellite-tagged porbeagle shark and bluefin tuna, the only endothermic fishes occurring non-marginally in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. We accurately distinguished between tuna and shark by using the behavioral criteria generated by comparing the diving behavior of these two species with those of our unknown predators. Depth profile characteristics of most eel predators more closely resembled those of sharks than those of tuna. During the first days following tagging, all eels remained in surface waters and did not exhibit diel vertical migrations. Three eels were eaten at this time. Two eels exhibited inverse diel vertical migrations (at surface during the day) during several days prior to predation. Four eels were eaten during daytime, whereas the two night-predation events occurred at full moon. Although tagging itself may contribute to increasing the eel''s susceptibility to predation, we discuss evidence suggesting that predation of silver-stage American eels by porbeagle sharks may represent a significant source of mortality inside the Gulf of St. Lawrence and raises the possibility that eels may represent a reliable, predictable food resource for porbeagle sharks.  相似文献   

Southeast Florida witnesses an enormous seasonal influx of upper trophic level marine predators each year as massive aggregations of migrating blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) overwinter in nearshore waters. The narrow shelf and close proximity of the Gulf Stream current to the Palm Beach County shoreline drive tens of thousands of sharks to the shallow, coastal environment. This natural bottleneck provides a unique opportunity to estimate relative abundance. Over a four year period from 2011–2014, an aerial survey was flown approximately biweekly along the length of Palm Beach County. A high definition video camera and digital still camera mounted out of the airplane window provided a continuous record of the belt transect which extended 200 m seaward from the shoreline between Boca Raton Inlet and Jupiter Inlet. The number of sharks within the survey transect was directly counted from the video. Shark abundance peaked in the winter (January-March) with a maximum in 2011 of 12,128 individuals counted within the 75.6 km-2 belt transect. This resulted in a maximum density of 803.2 sharks km-2. By the late spring (April-May), shark abundance had sharply declined to 1.1% of its peak, where it remained until spiking again in January of the following year. Shark abundance was inversely correlated with water temperature and large numbers of sharks were found only when water temperatures were less than 25°C. Shark abundance was also correlated with day of the year but not with barometric pressure. Although shark abundance was not correlated with photoperiod, the departure of the sharks from southeast Florida occurred around the vernal equinox. The shark migration along the United States eastern seaboard corresponds spatially and temporally with the spawning aggregations of various baitfish species. These baseline abundance data can be compared to future studies to determine if shark population size is changing and if sharks are restricting their southward migration as global water temperatures increase.  相似文献   

Social interactions often play a significant role in determining patterns of spatial use. Although snakes are generally thought of as asocial, recent spatial dispersion studies suggest that the spatial ecology of snakes may be more strongly influenced by social interactions than previously thought. We investigated the spatial behavior patterns of a western cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus) population in east Texas by uniquely combining radio‐telemetry studies on free‐ranging snakes with experimental arena trials with captive individuals from the same population. Observations from the radio‐telemetry study on free‐ranging A. piscivorus indicated that females were more gregarious than males. In the follow‐up study, spatial dispersion data from captive snakes maintained in experimental field arenas yielded similar results to spatial behavior patterns of free‐ranging individuals. When compared to random experimental controls, these data suggest that observed spatial behavior patterns are related to mechanisms associated with both active avoidance among males and conspecific attraction among females. In addition to uniquely combining both free‐ranging and captive observations, this is the first snake study to demonstrate sex differences with both of these divergent (attraction and avoidance) spatial patterns within a single population. Thus, similar to other vertebrate groups, a growing body of literature suggests that social interactions in snakes should be strongly considered in interpretations of spatial ecology and behavior.  相似文献   

A comparative echocardiographic study was carried out on five shark species that differ in heart morphology and in aspects of their behavior and natural history. The study contrasted the ventricular function in the highly active mako shark (heart type IV) and four other sharks (heart type III) that differ in activity levels (i.e. the sedentary horn and swell sharks vs. the moderately active blue and smooth-hound sharks). All five species exhibited biphasic ventricular filling characterized by an early (conduit) and late (atrial systole) phase. In the mako shark, early filling was dominant as indicated by a higher early flow peak velocity, a greater early:late velocity ratio, and a greater early velocity time integral. In contrast, the late filling phase was the more important filling agent in the other species. Indices of systolic function such as ventricular ejection fraction and ventricular fractional shortening also reflect a more efficient cardiac pumping capacity in mako shark relative to the other four sharks. The comparative echocardiographic assessment of in vivo ventricular function integrates structural and functional features with shark activity level to arrive at a new perspective blending the occurrence of biphasic filling with functional concepts based on heart morphological typology and changing views regarding the role of factors such as central filling pressure and pericardial pressure on end-diastolic ventricular volume.  相似文献   

In-water viewing of sharks by tourists has become a popular and lucrative industry. There is some concern that interactions with tourists with ecotourism operations might harm sharks through disruption of behaviours. Here, we analysed five years of whale shark (Rhincodon typus) encounter data by an ecotourism industry at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, to assess the impact of ecotourism interactions on shark visitation, within the context of the biological and physical oceanography of the region. Our data base consisted of 2823 encounter records for 951 individual whale sharks collected by ecotourism operators between 2007 and 2011. We found that total encounters per whale shark and encounters per boat trip increased through time. On average, whale sharks re-encountered in subsequent years were encountered earlier, stayed longer and tended to be encountered more often within a season than sharks that were only encountered in a single year. Sequential comparisons between years did not show any patterns consistent with disturbance and the rate of departure of whale sharks from the aggregation was negatively correlated to the number of operator trips. Overall, our analysis of this multi-year data base found no evidence that interactions with tourists affected the likelihood of whale shark re-encounters and that instead, physical and biological environmental factors had a far greater influence on whale shark visitation rates. Our approach provides a template for assessing the effects of ecotourism interactions and environmental factors on the visitation patterns of marine megafauna over multiple years.  相似文献   

Prey size is an important factor for predators as it affects prey quality (energy content) and hence total energy gain. However, it remains challenging to obtain information about prey size from free‐ranging marine predators. Here, we developed a method that estimates prey size using mandible acceleration in captive northern elephant seals and then applied it to 34 free‐ranging seals. In captive seals, the number of feeding‐related acceleration signals were positively related to prey size category (<15 cm). In free‐ranging seals, smaller number of acceleration signals occurred frequently in both mesopelagic (200–1,000 m) and bathypelagic layers (>1,000 m), suggesting that seals foraged mainly on smaller prey (possibly <15 cm). However, the quantity of larger acceleration signals increased in the bathypelagic layers, suggesting that seals were more likely to forage on larger prey (>15 cm) at deeper depths. These results suggest that seals might compensate for higher energetic costs of deeper‐diving by targeting larger prey. Although our study has practical limitations (e.g., calibrating prey size in captive conditions), our method allows concurrent inference of prey size and foraging behavior, being potentially useful to investigate how predators adjust their behavior in response to the changes in the foraging environment.  相似文献   

A review of past behavioral ultrasonic telemetry studies of sharks and rays is presented together with previously unpublished material on the behavior of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, around the Bimini Islands, Bahamas. The review, focusing on movement behaviors of 20 shark and three ray species, reveals that elasmobranchs exhibit a variety of temporal and spatial patterns in terms of rates-of-movement and vertical as well as horizontal migrations. The lack of an apparent pattern in a few species is probably attributable to the scarcity of tracking data. Movements are probably governed by several factors, some still not studied, but data show that food, water temperature, bottom type, and magnetic gradient play major roles in a shark's decision of where and when to swim. A few species exhibit differences in behavior between groups of sharks within the same geographical area. This interesting finding warrants further research to evaluate the causes of these apparent differences and whether these groups constitute different subpopulations of the same species. The lack of telemetry data on batoids and some orders of sharks must be addressed before we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of elasmobranch fishes. Previously unpublished data from 47 smaller and 38 larger juvenile lemon sharks, collected over the decade 1988–1998, provide new results on movement patterns, habitat selection, activity rhythms, swimming speed, rate-of-movement, and homing behavior. From these results we conclude that the lemon shark is an active predator with a strong, apparently innate homing mechanism. This species shows ontogenetic differences in habitat selection and behavior, as well as differences in movements between groups of individuals within the same area. We suggest three hypotheses for future research on related topics that will help to understand the enigmatic behavior of sharks.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(6):377-382
Escape responses are often critical for surviving predator–prey interactions. Nevertheless, little is known about how predator size, speed and approach orientation impact escape performance, especially in larger prey that are primarily viewed as predators. We used realistic shark models to examine how altering predatory behavior and morphology (size, speed and approach orientation) influences escape behavior and performance in Squalus acanthias, a shark that is preyed upon by apex marine predators. Predator models induced C-start escape responses, and increasing the size and speed of the models triggered a more intense response (increased escape turning rate and acceleration). In addition, increased predator size resulted in greater responsiveness from the sharks. Among the responses, predator approach orientation had the most significant impact on escapes, such that the head-on approach, as compared to the tail-on approach, induced greater reaction distances and increased escape turning rate, speed and acceleration. Thus, the anterior binocular vision in sharks renders them less effective at detecting predators approaching from behind. However, it appears that sharks compensate by performing high-intensity escapes, likely induced by the lateral line system, or by a sudden visual flash of the predator entering their field of view. Our study reveals key aspects of escape behavior in sharks, highlighting the modulation of performance in response to predator approach.  相似文献   

  1. Fine‐scale movement patterns are driven by both biotic (hunting, physiological needs) and abiotic (environmental conditions) factors. The energy balance governs all movement‐related strategic decisions.
  2. Marine environments can be better understood by considering the vertical component. From 24 acoustic trackings of 10 white sharks in Guadalupe Island, this study linked, for the first time, horizontal and vertical movement data and inferred six different behavioral states along with movement states, through the use of hidden Markov models, which allowed to draw a comprehensive picture of white shark behavior.
  3. Traveling was the most frequent state of behavior for white sharks, carried out mainly at night and twilight. In contrast, area‐restricted searching was the least used, occurring primarily in daylight hours.
  4. Time of day, distance to shore, total shark length, and, to a lesser extent, tide phase affected behavioral states. Chumming activity reversed, in the short term and in a nonpermanent way, the behavioral pattern to a general diel vertical pattern.

The white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is a wide-ranging apex predator in the northeastern Pacific (NEP). Electronic tagging has demonstrated that white sharks exhibit a regular migratory pattern, occurring at coastal sites during the late summer, autumn and early winter and moving offshore to oceanic habitats during the remainder of the year, although the purpose of these migrations remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to use stable isotope analysis (SIA) to provide insight into the trophic ecology and migratory behaviors of white sharks in the NEP. Between 2006 and 2009, 53 white sharks were biopsied in central California to obtain dermal and muscle tissues, which were analyzed for stable isotope values of carbon (δ(13)C) and nitrogen (δ(15)N). We developed a mixing model that directly incorporates movement data and tissue incorporation (turnover) rates to better estimate the relative importance of different focal areas to white shark diet and elucidate their migratory behavior. Mixing model results for muscle showed a relatively equal dietary contribution from coastal and offshore regions, indicating that white sharks forage in both areas. However, model results indicated that sharks foraged at a higher relative rate in coastal habitats. There was a negative relationship between shark length and muscle δ(13)C and δ(15)N values, which may indicate ontogenetic changes in habitat use related to onset of maturity. The isotopic composition of dermal tissue was consistent with a more rapid incorporation rate than muscle and may represent more recent foraging. Low offshore consumption rates suggest that it is unlikely that foraging is the primary purpose of the offshore migrations. These results demonstrate how SIA can provide insight into the trophic ecology and migratory behavior of marine predators, especially when coupled with electronic tagging data.  相似文献   

Underwater ultrasound, a new tool for observing the internal body parts of aquatic animals by scuba divers, allowed us long‐term and frequent observations of the embryos of captive aquatic vertebrates. New ultrasound data of captive tawny nurse sharks (Nebrius ferrugineus) revealed that their embryos frequently migrate between the right and left uteri during gestation. This report is the first reliable evidence of active embryonic locomotion in live‐bearing vertebrates and is contradictory to the concept of “sedentary embryo” which has mainly arisen from studies of mammals. The tawny nurse shark is unique among orectolobiform sharks, in which the embryo develops by feeding on sibling eggs in utero. Thus, we hypothesized that swimming aids in an efficient search and capture of these eggs in the uterine environment.  相似文献   

As a means to compare and contrast to free‐ranging Florida manatees, we examined the behavior and movement patterns of nine adult‐female captive manatees at Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park (HSWSP). HSWSP has a unique manatee exhibit that consists of a natural river and a man‐made pool. Because the manatees are exposed to a natural environment including natural food resources, the study of various aspects of behavioral and physiological parameters of the captive manatees is especially valuable with this group. We determined activity pattern and spatial use of the facility by manatees over three allotted periods of a day (noon, mid‐afternoon, and late‐afternoon) and three seasons (winter, spring, and summer). Behavioral strategies of the manatees were: 1) to remain “inactive,” probably to conserve energy, during the day while the park provisioned food; 2) to alter locations during the course of the afternoon, apparently with the direction of the sun, possibly to assist with thermoregulation; and 3) to change location seasonally where and when food resources became abundant, showing a strong interest in natural vegetation as it became available. Spatial use and activity pattern of the HSWSP captive manatees apparently were influenced by energy constraints and nutrient intake by provisioned food availability over the day and natural vegetation over the study period. The behavior of the female group of manatees may have been affected by the single‐sex living arrangement. In addition, these manatees are subject to a largely invariable temperature (ca. 23°C) that may have created thermal stress and immunological suppression over time. This study demonstrated that for these captive manatees the activity patterns and spatial use were comparable to that of free‐ranging manatees in relation to the availability of food resources. Zoo Biol 0:1–17, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata, regularly resides in California's Tomales Bay, which is characterized by thermally different regions ranging from 10°C to 26°C during the summer. Past studies have shown that leopard sharks feed on benthic invertebrate prey similar to that of the sympatric bat ray, Myliobatis californica. Fishes' metabolic (oxygen consumption) rates typically increase with temperature increases, and we measured leopard sharks' metabolic responses and sensitivity to ambient temperature, using flow-through respirometry. Leopard shark oxygen consumption rate increased with increasing temperature, over a range of 12–24°C, with a typical temperature sensitivity (Q10 = 2.51). Whereas bat rays use a highly temperature-sensitive metabolism to efficiently feed (in warmer waters) and digest (in cooler waters) during different phases of the diel cycle, leopard sharks possess a more typical metabolic temperature sensitivity that allows for high-tide foraging, throughout the diel cycle.  相似文献   

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