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The diversity of floral forms has long been considered a prime example of radiation through natural selection. However, little is still known about the evolution of floral traits, a critical piece of evidence for the understanding of the processes that may have driven flower evolution. We studied the pattern of evolution of quantitative floral traits in a group of Neotropical lianas (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) and used a time‐calibrated phylogeny as basis to: (1) test for phylogenetic signal in 16 continuous floral traits; (2) evaluate the rate of evolution in those traits; and (3) reconstruct the ancestral state of the individual traits. Variation in floral traits among extant species of Bignonieae was highly explained by their phylogenetic history. However, opposite signals were found in floral traits associated with the attraction of pollinators (calyx and corolla) and pollen transfer (androecium and gynoecium), suggesting a differential role of selection in different floral whorls. Phylogenetic independent contrasts indicate that traits evolved at different rates, whereas ancestral character state reconstructions indicate that the ancestral size of most flower traits was larger than the mean observed sizes of the same traits in extant species. The implications of these patterns for the reproductive biology of Bignonieae are discussed. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 378–390.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic distances of coexisting species differ greatly within plant communities, but their consequences for decomposers and decomposition remain unknown. We hypothesized that large phylogenetic distance of leaf litter mixtures increases differences of their litter traits, which may, in turn, result in increased resource complementarity or decreased resource concentration for decomposers and hence increased or decreased chemical transformation and reduction of litter. We conducted a litter mixture experiment including 12 common temperate tree species (evolutionarily separated by up to 106 Myr), and sampled after seven months, at which average mass loss was more than 50%. We found no effect of increased phylogenetic distance on litter mass loss or on abundance and diversity of invertebrate decomposers. However, phylogenetic distance decreased microbial biomass and increased carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios of litter mixtures. Consistently, four litter traits showed (marginally) significant phylogenetic signal and in three of these traits increasing trait difference decreased microbial biomass and increased C/N. We suggest that phylogenetic proximity of litter favours microbial decomposers and chemical transformation of litter owing to a resource concentration effect. This leads to a new hypothesis: closely related plant species occurring in the same niche should promote and profit from increased nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic comparative methods have become a standard statistical approach for analysing interspecific data, under the assumption that traits of species are more similar than expected by chance (i.e. phylogenetic signal is present). Here I test for phylogenetic signal in intraspecific body size datasets to evaluate whether intraspecific datasets may require phylogenetic analysis. I also compare amounts of phylogenetic signal in intraspecific and interspecific body size datasets. Some intraspecific body size datasets contain significant phylogenetic signal. Detection of significant phylogenetic signal was dependant upon the number of populations (n) and the amount of phylogenetic signal (K) for a given dataset. Amounts of phylogenetic signal do not differ between intraspecific and interspecific datasets. Further, relationships between significance of phylogenetic signal and sample size and amount of phylogenetic signal are similar for intraspecific and interspecific datasets. Thus, intraspecific body size datasets are similar to interspecific body size datasets with respect to phylogenetic signal. Whether these results are general for all characters requires further study.  相似文献   

Despite similar ecology, mating systems and female preferences for supernormal tails, the 17 species of African widowbirds and bishops (Euplectes spp.) show astonishing variation in male tail ornamentation. Whereas bishops retain their brown nonbreeding tails in nuptial plumage, widowbirds grow black nuptial tails, varying in length from a few centimetres in E. axillaris to the extreme half metre train of E. progne. Here, we phylogenetically reconstruct the evolution of the discrete trait, nuptial tail and the continuous trait, tail length, using a molecular phylogeny of 33 Euplectes subspecies. Unlike many recent findings of labile evolution of plumage ornaments, our results suggest that the nuptial tail of Euplectes is a derived and phylogenetically conserved ornamental trait that, once gained, shows directional evolution in its expression. Directionality is demonstrated in the trivial sense of a short‐tailed ancestor, and by contingency and randomization tests suggesting that branches with increasing tail length are overrepresented. This supports an early origin and strong retention of directional female mate choice in widowbirds and bishops, as previously indicated by empirical and experimental results, and provides a less labile, yet rapid scenario of sexually selected diversification.  相似文献   

Most of life is extinct, so incorporating some fossil evidence into analyses of macroevolution is typically seen as necessary to understand the diversification of life and patterns of morphological evolution. Here we test the effects of inclusion of fossils in a study of the body size evolution of afrotherian mammals, a clade that includes the elephants, sea cows and elephant shrews. We find that the inclusion of fossil tips has little impact on analyses of body mass evolution; from a small ancestral size (approx. 100 g), there is a shift in rate and an increase in mass leading to the larger-bodied Paenungulata and Tubulidentata, regardless of whether fossils are included or excluded from analyses. For Afrotheria, the inclusion of fossils and morphological character data affect phylogenetic topology, but these differences have little impact upon patterns of body mass evolution and these body mass evolutionary patterns are consistent with the fossil record. The largest differences between our analyses result from the evolutionary model, not the addition of fossils. For some clades, extant-only analyses may be reliable to reconstruct body mass evolution, but the addition of fossils and careful model selection is likely to increase confidence and accuracy of reconstructed macroevolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

Activity period plays a central role in studies of primate origins and adaptations, yet fundamental questions remain concerning the evolutionary history of primate activity period. Lemurs are of particular interest because they display marked variation in activity period, with some species exhibiting completely nocturnal or diurnal lifestyles, and others distributing activity throughout the 24-h cycle (i.e., cathemerality). Some lines of evidence suggest that cathemerality in lemurs is a recent and transient evolutionary state (i.e., the evolutionary disequilibrium hypothesis), while other studies indicate that cathemerality is a stable evolutionary strategy with a more ancient history. Debate also surrounds activity period in early primate evolution, with some recent studies casting doubt on the traditional hypothesis that basal primates were nocturnal. Here, we used Bayesian phylogenetic methods to reconstruct activity period at key points in primate evolution. Counter to the evolutionary disequilibrium hypothesis, the most recent common ancestor of Eulemur was reconstructed as cathemeral at ~9-13 million years ago, indicating that cathemerality in lemurs is a stable evolutionary strategy. We found strong evidence favoring a nocturnal ancestor for all primates, strepsirrhines and lemurs, which adds to previous findings based on parsimony by providing quantitative support for these reconstructions. Reconstructions for the haplorrhine ancestor were more equivocal, but diurnality was favored for simian primates. We discuss the implications of our models for the evolutionary disequilibrium hypothesis, and we identify avenues for future research that would provide new insights into the evolution of cathemerality in lemurs.  相似文献   

Extensive skeletal pneumaticity (air-filled bone) is a distinguishing feature of birds. The proportion of the skeleton that is pneumatized varies considerably among the >10,000 living species, with notable patterns including increases in larger bodied forms, and reductions in birds employing underwater pursuit diving as a foraging strategy. I assess the relationship between skeletal pneumaticity and body mass and foraging ecology, using a dataset of the diverse "waterbird" clade that encompasses a broad range of trait variation. Inferred changes in pneumaticity and body mass are congruent across different estimates of phylogeny, whereas pursuit diving has evolved independently between two and five times. Phylogenetic regressions detected positive relationships between body mass and pneumaticity, and negative relationships between pursuit diving and pneumaticity, whether independent variables are considered in isolation or jointly. Results are generally consistent across different estimates of topology and branch lengths. "Predictive" analyses reveal that several pursuit divers (loons, penguins, cormorants, darters) are significantly apneumatic compared to their relatives, and provide an example of how phylogenetic information can increase the statistical power to detect taxa that depart from established trait correlations. These findings provide the strongest quantitative comparative support yet for classical hypotheses regarding the evolution of avian skeletal pneumaticity.  相似文献   

Human obesity is a growing epidemic throughout the world. Body mass index (BMI) is commonly used as a good indicator of obesity. Body adiposity index (BAI = hip circumference (cm)/stature (m)1.5 ? 18), as a new surrogate measure, has been proposed recently as an alternative to BMI. This study, for the first time, compares BMI and BAI for predicting percent body fat (PBF; estimated from skinfolds) in a sample of 302 Buryat adults (148 men and 154 women) living in China. The BMI and BAI were strongly correlated with PBF in both men and women. The correlation coefficient between BMI and PBF was higher than that between BAI and PBF for both sexes. For the linear regression analysis, BMI better predicted PBF in both men and women; the variation around the regression lines for each sex was greater for BAI comparisons. For the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, the area under the ROC curve for BMI was higher than that for BAI for each sex, which suggests that the discriminatory capacity of the BMI is higher than the one of BAI. Taken together, we conclude that BMI is a more reliable indicator of PBF derived from skinfold thickness in adult Buryats. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:294–299, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic signal is the tendency for closely related species to display similar trait values as a consequence of their phylogenetic proximity. Ecologists and evolutionary biologists are becoming increasingly interested in studying the phylogenetic signal and the processes which drive patterns of trait values in the phylogeny. Here, we present a new R package, phylosignal which provides a collection of tools to explore the phylogenetic signal for continuous biological traits. These tools are mainly based on the concept of autocorrelation and have been first developed in the field of spatial statistics. To illustrate the use of the package, we analyze the phylogenetic signal in pollution sensitivity for 17 species of diatoms.  相似文献   

A parsimony optimization of the presence of high-frequency flapping flight onto a phylogeny of 29 species of birds shows that this is a derived character state that has been acquired at least four independent times: by the last common ancestor of Alcidae, that of Podicipedidae, that of Anatidae, and that of Rallidae. Cineradiographic analysis has shown that the furculae of birds underwent extraordinary deformations during the wingbeat cycle. Cyclical deformations are known to produce microfractures in the bone tissue, which may be a stimulus for Haversian remodelling, a mechanism of resorption and reconstruction of bone tissue that may repair bone microdamage. In the present study, we performed a comparative analysis in a phylogenetic context to test the effect of the frequency of cyclical deformations and body mass on the rate of Haversian remodelling in the furculae of birds. A variation partitioning analysis showed that the type of flight (high-frequency flapping flight vs. other kinds of flight of lower wing beat frequency) and body mass explained a significant portion of Haversian bone density (the outcome of Haversian remodelling) and that the phylogeny also explained a significant part of this variation. This phylogenetic signal on Haversian bone density variation may be the outcome of phylogenetic signal on the proximate causes producing Haversian remodelling.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 729–738.  相似文献   

We explored the factors that explain the variation in resting metabolic rates (RMR) in growing amniotes by using the phylogenetic comparative method. For this, we measured raw RMR (mL O2 h−1), body mass, body mass growth rate, and periosteal bone growth rate in a sample of 44 growing individuals belonging to 13 species of amniotes. We performed variation partitioning analyses, which showed that phylogeny explains a significant fraction of the variation of mass-specific RMR (mL O2 h−1 g−1), and that the cost of growth is much higher than the cost of maintenance. Moreover, we tested the hypothesis of the independence of energy allocation, and found that maintenance metabolism and growth rates are not significantly related. Finally, we calculated the statistical parameters of the relationship between geometry-corrected RMR (mL O2 h−1 g−0.67) and bone growth rate. This relationship could potentially be used in palaeobiology to infer RMR from bone tissue samples of fossil species by assuming Amprino's rule (according to which bone tissue types reflect bone growth rates). These estimates would be especially interesting for Mesozoic non-avian theropod dinosaurs and Permian and Triassic therapsids to investigate, respectively, the origin of avian and mammalian endothermy.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 63–76.  相似文献   

In macroevolutionary studies, different approaches are commonly used to measure phylogenetic signal-the tendency of related taxa to resemble one another-including the K statistic and the Mantel test. The latter was recently criticized for lacking statistical power. Using new simulations, we show that the power of the Mantel test depends on the metrics used to define trait distances and phylogenetic distances between species. Increasing power is obtained by lowering variance and increasing negative skewness in interspecific distances, as obtained using Euclidean trait distances and the complement of Abouheif proximity as a phylogenetic distance. We show realistic situations involving "measurement error" due to intraspecific variability where the Mantel test is more powerful to detect a phylogenetic signal than a permutation test based on the K statistic. We highlight limitations of the K-statistic (univariate measure) and show that its application should take into account measurement errors using repeated measures per species to avoid estimation bias. Finally, we argue that phylogenetic distograms representing Euclidean trait distance as a function of the square root of patristic distance provide an insightful representation of the phylogenetic signal that can be used to assess both the impact of measurement error and the departure from a Brownian evolution model.  相似文献   

We tested four major hypotheses on the ecological aspects of body mass variation in extant Malagasy strepsirrhines: thermoregulation, resource seasonality/scarcity, resource quality, and primary productivity. These biogeographic hypotheses focus on the ecological aspects of body mass variation, largely ignoring the role of phylogeny for explaining body mass variation within lineages. We tested the independent effects of climate and resource-related variables on variation in body mass among Malagasy primates using recently developed comparative methods that account for phylogenetic history and spatial autocorrelation. We extracted data on lemur body mass and climate variables for a total of 43 species from 39 sites. Climatic data were obtained from the WorldClim database, which is based on climate data from weather stations compiled around the world. Using generalized linear models that incorporate parameters to account for phylogenetic and spatial autocorrelation, we found that diet and climate variables were weak predictors of lemur body mass. Moreover, there was a strong phylogenetic effect relative to the effects of space on lemur body mass in all models. Thus, we failed to find support for any of the four hypotheses on patterns of geography and body mass in extant strepsirrhines. Our results indicate that body mass has been conserved since early in the evolutionary history of each genus, while species diversified into different environmental niches. Our findings are in contrast to some previous studies that have suggested resource and climate related effects on body mass, though these studies have examined this question at different taxonomic and/or geographic scales.  相似文献   

  1. Body metrics are considered as master traits that regulate physiological, behavioural and life history features of planktic cyanobacteria and microalgae. Although the distribution of their morphological traits reflects the various trade-offs and strategies needed for survival in pelagic habitats, previous methods for quantifying phytoplankton body shape do not adequately represent the intricate details of surface variation that are so important for their nutrient- and light-harvesting capabilities. Therefore, here we provide a new framework to quantify and illustrate the morphological diversity of cyanobacteria and microalgae.
  2. Essential components of formulae used for surface area (A = Cs × d2) and volume (V = Cv × d3) calculations are provided by the shape-specific surface area and volume constants (Cs, Cv). Cs, the surface shape factor, characterises the coarseness of the object surface, and Cv, the volumetric shape factor, characterises the shape deviation from a sphere. Using these morphologically and biologically relevant variables, we defined a two-dimensional morphological space, in which all three-dimensional objects have well-defined positions.
  3. By analysing morphologies of taxa representing various forms in major cyanobacterial and microalgal groups, we demonstrated that these groups show considerable differences in the area occupied within the morphospace and these differences are not affected by evolutionary relatedness. We showed that the ratio of surface and volume constants correlated with organism size, suggesting that the development of basic morphologies is constrained by their linear dimensions.
  4. Using surface and volumetric shape factors, we created a two-dimensional Euclidean morphospace in which all three-dimensional objects have a specific position. Positioning uni- and multicellular cyanobacteria and microalgae of various shapes into this morphospace allows their geometrical and ecological limitations to be understood. Because of the close linkage between phytoplankton morphology and ecology, the proposed morphospace may serve as a proxy for an ecospace. Thus, in future the proposed morphospace can be used to visualise current ecological processes such as eutrophication or seasonal succession of phytoplankton.

Abstract.— Phylogenetic inertia is a difficult issue in evolutionary biology because we have yet to reach a consensus about how to measure it. In this study a comparative approach is used to evaluate phylogenetic inertia in 14 demographic and morphological characters in 10 species and one subspecies of the genus Tithonia (Asteraceae). Three different methods, autocorrelational analysis, phylogenetic correlograms, and ancestor-state reconstruction, were used to evaluate phylogenetic inertia in these traits. Results were highly dependent on the method applied. Autoregression and phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR) methods found more inertia in morphological traits. In contrast, phylogenetic correlograms and ancestor-state reconstruction suggest that morphological characters exhibit less phylogenetic inertia than demographic ones. The differences between results are discussed and methods are compared in an effort to understand phylogenetic inertia more thoroughly.  相似文献   

Despite several decades of study in community ecology, the relative importance of the ecological processes that determine species co‐occurrence across spatial scales remains uncertain. Some of this uncertainty may be reduced by studying the scale dependency of community assembly in the light of environmental variation. Phylogenetic information and functional trait information are often used to provide potentially valuable insights into the drivers of community assembly. Here, we combined phylogenetic and trait‐based tests to gain insights into community processes at four spatial scales in a large stem‐mapped subtropical forest dynamics plot in central China. We found that all of the six leaf economic traits measured in this study had weak, but significant, phylogenetic signal. Nonrandom phylogenetic and trait‐based patterns associated with topographic variables indicate that deterministic processes tend to dominate community assembly in this plot. Specifically, we found that, on average, co‐occurring species were more phylogenetically and functionally similar than expected throughout the plot at most spatial scales and assemblages of less similar than expected species could only be found on finer spatial scales. In sum, our results suggest that the trait‐based effects on community assembly change with spatial scale in a predictable manner and the association of these patterns with topographic variables, indicates the importance of deterministic processes in community assembly relatively to random processes.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that allogrooming functions as a tension-reduction mechanism was tested. Tension was measured by the frequency of displacement activities by an animal. Two adult male and 11 adult female Java (or long-tailed) monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) that were relatively unfamiliar with each other were paired 1 hour per day for five consecutive days during the periovulatory portion of the menstrual cycle. Female allogrooming was found to reduce the frequency of male displacement activities both during the course of interaction and outside it, and this decrease was proportional to the amount of allogrooming received. Female allogrooming did not, however, exert long-lasting effects on the frequency of female displacement activities. An increase in the frequency of male displacement activities was recorded during the 10-second interval immediately after the end of the female allogrooming bouts. Neither postinhibitory rebound nor frustration owing to the cessation of a pleasant situation, i.e., the two advanced explanatory hypotheses, accounted for this increase. The results of the present study concur with physiological findings that support the tension-reduction hypothesis. The social function of allogrooming appears quite important and is entirely compatible with the functional hypothesis that emphasizes hygiene.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the importance of body fat mass (BFM) and fat free mass (FFM) for the established positive association between BMI and breast cancer among post‐menopausal women. Research Methods and Procedures: A prospective cohort of 23,788 postmenopausal women included in the Danish study Diet, Cancer, and Health during 1993 to 1997 was linked to the Danish Cancer Registry to identify all cases of breast cancer occurring during 1993 to 2002. Breast cancer incidence rate ratios for anthropometric measurements with adjustment for known risk factors for breast cancer were calculated by Cox regression analyses. Results: Among the most commonly used anthropometric measurements, BMI was positively associated with breast cancer among never users of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). By splitting BMI into two indices, BFM index and FFM index, we found that the incidence rate ratio with each 1 kg/m2 among never users of HRT was 0.98 (95% confidence interval, 0.93 to 1.03) for BFM index and 1.12 (95% confidence interval, 1.00 to 1.26) for FFM index after mutual adjustment. Discussion: The finding for BMI was in accordance with previous findings. Our results indicate that the FFM component of BMI may play a role for development of breast cancer among never users of HRT.  相似文献   

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