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The phylogenetic incongruence between insects and their facultative maternally transmitted endosymbionts indicates that these infections are generally short‐lived evolutionarily. Therefore, long‐term persistence of many endosymbionts must depend on their ability to colonize and spread within new host species. At least 17 species of Drosophila are infected with endosymbiotic Spiroplasma that have various phenotypic effects. We transinfected five strains of Spiroplasma from three divergent clades into Drosophila neotestacea to test their capacity to spread in a novel host. A strain that causes male killing in Drosophila melanogaster (its native host) also does so in D. neotestacea, even though these host species diverged 40–60 mya. A strain native to D. neotestacea (designated sNeo) and the two other strains of the poulsonii clade of Spiroplasma confer resistance to wasp parasitism, suggesting that this trait may be ancestral within this clade of Spiroplasma. Conversely, no strain other than sNeo conferred resistance to the sterilizing effects of nematode parasitism, suggesting that nematode resistance is a recently derived condition. The apparent addition of nematode resistance to a Spiroplasma lineage that already confers resistance to wasp parasitism suggests endosymbionts can increase the repertoire of traits conducive to their spread. The capacity of an endosymbiont to undergo maternal transmission and express adaptive phenotypes in novel hosts, without requiring a period of host–symbiont co‐evolution, enables the spread of such symbionts immediately after the colonization of a new host. This could be critical for the macroevolutionary persistence of facultative endosymbionts whose sojourn times within individual host species are relatively brief.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is the most prevalent symbiont described in arthropods to date. Wolbachia can manipulate host reproduction, provide nutrition to insect hosts and protect insect hosts from pathogenic viruses. So far, 13 supergroups of Wolbachia have been identified. The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is a complex containing more than 28 morphologically indistinguishable cryptic species. Some cryptic species of this complex are invasive. In this study, we report a comprehensive survey of Wolbachia in B. tabaci and its relative B. afer from 1658 insects representing 54 populations across 13 provinces of China and one state of Australia. Based on the results of PCR or sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, the overall rates of Wolbachia infection were 79.6% and 0.96% in the indigenous and invasive Bemisia whiteflies, respectively. We detected a new Wolbachia supergroup by sequencing five molecular marker genes including 16S rRNA, groEL, gltA, hcpA, and fbpA genes. Data showed that many protein‐coding genes have limitations in detecting and classifying newly identified Wolbachia supergroups and thus raise a challenge to the known Wolbachia MLST standard analysis system. Besides, the other Wolbachia strains detected from whiteflies were clustered into supergroup B. Phylogenetic trees of whitefly mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I and Wolbachia multiple sequencing typing genes were not congruent. In addition, Wolbachia was also detected outside the special bacteriocytes in two cryptic species by fluorescence in situ hybridization, indicating the horizontal transmission of Wolbachia. Our results indicate that members of Wolbachia are far from well explored.  相似文献   

The endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia pipientis infects a wide range of arthropods and induces a variety of reproductive anomalies, including cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Three populations of the two‐spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, were investigated in the present study. Based on gene sequencing, they had different host genetic backgrounds but were infected with the same Wolbachia strain. We also examined the CI level relative to host background, male age, Wolbachia density, and Ankyrin (ANK) gene expression in T. urticae. The results of the present study suggest that: (1) CI differences between populations appear to be a result of host genetic background; (2) male age is not a factor determining intensity of CI; (3) Wolbachia density in males may serve as threshold factor necessary for the CI to occur in T. urticae, after which other factors become important in determining the strength of CI; and (4) hosts may modulate CI intensity through modulation of ANK gene expression in males. Our results describe a new type of interaction between Wolbachia and its hosts, and the effect of the interactions on CI. Further investigations on the functions of Wolbachia ankyrin gene products and their host targets, particularly with respect to host reproductive manipulation, are also imperative.  相似文献   

灰飞虱高带毒(RSV)群体酵母双杂交cDNA文库的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李硕  孙丽娟  李醒  熊如意  徐秋芳  周益军 《昆虫学报》2011,54(11):1324-1328
为了研究灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus Fallén与水稻条纹病毒(rice stripe virus, RSV)互作机制, 本研究构建了灰飞虱高带毒群体酵母双杂交cDNA文库。以实验室筛选的灰飞虱高带毒群体为材料, 分离纯化mRNA, 反转录合成双链cDNA, 并连接三框型接头, 层析柱分级纯化。采用同源重组反应制备三框型cDNA入门文库, 再通过同源重组将入门文库转移到Gateway兼容载体pGADT7-DEST上, 构建获得酵母双杂交cDNA文库。检测结果表明: 文库库容量为3.68×107 cfu, 扩增文库滴度为2.62×1010 cfu/mL; 文库重组率大于95%, cDNA插入片段平均长度>1 kb, 达到了标准cDNA文库的要求。灰飞虱高带毒群体酵母双杂交cDNA文库的构建为开展昆虫介体与水稻条纹病毒互作机制的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Maternally inherited bacteria that kill male but not female hosts during embryogenesis have been widely reported in invertebrates. Harmonia axyridis is one of the species infected by male‐killing Spiroplasma. The presence of male‐killers in host populations can lead to the occurrence of extremely female‐biased sex ratios. Furthermore, infected females may have fewer chances to mate if males can discriminate between infected and uninfected females and prefer the latter. Although there have been many investigations of male‐killer infection rates in H. axyridis, little is known about the influence of host mating on male‐killer infection dynamics. We investigated copulation rates and changes in infection frequency in a wild population of H. axyridis in western Japan. Almost all infected females collected each year laid fertilized eggs and had therefore mated. Mean infection rates of females collected each year were 13% in 2003, 15% in 2012 and 23% in 2013. Statistical analysis showed that neither the copulation rate nor the infection rate differed significantly among years. These results suggest that the infection rate of H. axyridis with male‐killing Spiroplasma is kept approximately constant and that there is no difference in the chance of mating with infected and uninfected females.  相似文献   

Oviposition preferences of herbivorous insects affect offspring performance. Both positive and negative links between oviposition preference and offspring performance have been reported for many species. A gall‐inducing leafhopper, Cicadulina bipunctata Melichar (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), feeds on various Poaceae plants and induces galls of enhanced nutritional value for their offspring. Although gall induction by C. bipunctata improves nymphal performance, the oviposition preference of females between galled and non‐galled host plants is still unclear. In this paper, the nymphal performance and oviposition and feeding‐site preference of C. bipunctata were investigated using galled wheat, Triticum aestivum L., and non‐galled barley, Hordeum vulgare L., as host plants. The survival rate of C. bipunctata on wheat was significantly higher than on barley. In the choice test, significantly more eggs were laid into barley, whereas the number of eggs deposited on both hosts was not significantly different in the no‐choice test. The number of settling individuals per leaf area was not significantly different between wheat and barley, suggesting no clear preference for oviposition between these plants. Experience as a nymph with a growing host did not affect oviposition preference as adult female. The inconsistent correspondence between offspring performance and oviposition preference of C. bipunctata may reflect the high mobility of nymphs and/or differences in leaf area between host plants. The results indicate that the previous finding that oviposition preference and offspring performance are not always positively correlated in herbivorous insects is applicable to gall‐inducing insects.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are endosymbiotic bacteria known to manipulate the reproduction of their hosts. These manipulations are expected to have consequences on the population genetics of the host, such as heterozygosity levels, genetic diversity and gene flow. The parasitoid wasp Tetrastichus coeruleus has populations that are infected with parthenogenesis‐inducing Wolbachia and populations that are not infected. We studied the population genetics of T. coeruleus between and within Wolbachia‐infected and uninfected populations, using nuclear microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA. We expected reduced genetic diversity in both DNA types in infected populations. However, migration and gene flow could introduce new DNA variants into populations. We therefore paid special attention to individuals with unexpected (genetic) characteristics. Based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, two genetic clusters were evident: a thelytokous cluster containing all Wolbachia‐infected, parthenogenetic populations and an arrhenotokous cluster containing all uninfected, sexual populations. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA did not exhibit concordant patterns of variation, although there was reduced genetic diversity in infected populations for both DNA types. Within the thelytokous cluster, there was nuclear DNA variation, but no mitochondrial DNA variation. This nuclear DNA variation may be explained by occasional sex between infected females and males, by horizontal transmission of Wolbachia, and/or by novel mutations. Several females from thelytokous populations were uninfected and/or heterozygous for microsatellite loci. These unexpected characteristics may be explained by migration, by inefficient transmission of Wolbachia, by horizontal transmission of Wolbachia, and/or by novel mutations. However, migration has not prevented the build‐up of considerable genetic differentiation between thelytokous and arrhenotokous populations.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of 17α‐methyltestosterone (17α‐MT) on the physiological properties of gynogenetic topmouth culter (Culter alburnus). Five 17α‐MT concentration (0, 10, 25, 40, and 60 μg/g) groups were set up in Experiment 1, and three treatment and recovery methods of the above five concentrations were studied in Experiment 2. In Experiment 3, fish were fed with increasing concentrations of 17α‐MT (from 40 μg/g to 140 μg/g) in an outdoor pond. In Experiment 1, growth was promoted during the initial 60 days in the 10 μg/g group, whereas inhibition was first observed at 20 days after treatment in the 60 μg/g group. Increased concentration (40–60 μg/g) of 17α‐MT significantly inhibited the expression of FOXL2 and CYP19a gene but significantly activated the expression of AMH and DMRT1 gene. The levels of superoxide dismutase, estradiol, testosterone, growth hormone, and tetraiodothyronine in the 40 and 60 μg/g groups were significantly higher than those in the other concentration groups at 40 days after treatment. In Experiment 2, almost all indexes detected besides the expression of reproduction‐related genes in the 17α‐MT treatment groups were recovered to those in the control groups. All gonads observed in Experiments 1 and 2 remained in a primordial state after treatment with different concentrations of 17α‐MT. In Experiment 3, 100% of the detected gonads developed into testes at 126 and 460 days post‐fertilization after three‐month outdoor 17α‐MT induction. These results suggest that 17α‐MT affects the physiological processes related to sexual differentiation in topmouth culter and that feeding 17α‐MT with increasing dose in an outdoor pond provides an effective protocol for producing neo‐male topmouth culter.  相似文献   

Parasites are essential components of ecosystems and can be instrumental in maintaining host diversity and populations; however, their role in trophic interactions has often been overlooked. Three apicomplexan parasite species of Sarcocystis (S. singaporensis, S. zamani, and S. villivillosi) use the reticulated python as their definitive hosts and several species within the Rattus genus as intermediate hosts, and they form a system useful for studying interactions between host–parasite and predator–prey relationships, as well as anthropogenic impacts on parasite transmission. Based on predictions from a 1998 survey, which detected an inverse relationship between urban development and Sarcocystis infection in Rattus, we tested the hypothesis that Sarcocystis transmission in Singapore will decrease over time due to anthropogenic activities. Despite a large proportion of the reticulated python diet consisting of Rattus species at all sizes of pythons, Sarcocystis infection rates decreased from 1998 to 2010. Pythons found in industrial areas had lower Sarcocystis infection rates, particularly in the western industrial area of Singapore Island. Average python size also decreased, with implications that we predict may disrupt host–parasite relationships. Anthropogenic activities such as habitat modification, fragmentation, and systematic removal and translocation of pythons have negative impacts on Sarcocystis transmission in Singapore, which in turn may augment pest rat populations. Trends observed may ultimately have negative impacts on human health and biodiversity in the region.  相似文献   

The preference‐performance or ‘mother‐knows‐best’ hypothesis states that female insects choose to oviposit on a host plant that increases the performance of their offspring. This positive link between host plant choice and larval performance is especially important for leaf miners with non‐motile larvae that are entirely dependent upon the oviposition choice of the female for host plant location. Preference and performance of the ash leaf coneroller, Caloptilia fraxinella (Ely) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a specialist on ash trees, Fraxinus spp. (Oleaceae), were tested in a series of laboratory and field experiments. Female C. fraxinella were exposed to two closely related hosts, black ash, Fraxinus nigra Marshall, and green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall var. subintegerrima (Vahl), in oviposition choice and wind tunnel flight experiments to determine which host is most attractive for oviposition. Caloptilia fraxinella females were inconsistent in host choice, yet performance of larvae was greater on green than black ash. In preference studies, C. fraxinella preferred to oviposit on black ash when leaflets were removed from the tree, but preferred intact green ash over black ash seedlings for oviposition and host location in a wind tunnel. In the field, however, more C. fraxinella visited black ash var. ‘Fallgold’ at leaf flush than green ash at the same sites. Age of the ash leaflet also influences oviposition in this leaf miner and females preferred new over old leaflets for oviposition. Performance of C. fraxinella larvae was evaluated in field and laboratory experiments and was greater on green ash than on black ash in both experiments based on larval survival and development time parameters. The stronger oviposition and host location preference in the field for black ash were not linked to enhanced performance of offspring, as green ash was the superior host, supporting higher larval survival and faster development. A stronger host location preference in the wind tunnel for green ash over black ash, however, suggests that under certain circumstances with this moth species, ‘mother (may) know best’.  相似文献   

There is discussion over whether pollen limitation exerts selection on floral traits to increase floral display or selects for traits that promote autonomous self‐fertilization. Some studies have indicated that pollen limitation does not mediate selection on traits associated with either pollinator attraction or self‐fertilization. Primula tibetica is an inconspicuous cross‐fertilized plant that may suffer from pollen limitation. We conducted a selection analysis on P. tibetica to investigate whether pollen limitation results in selection for an increased floral display in case the evolution of autonomous self‐fertilization has been difficult for this plant. The self‐ and intra‐morph incompatibility features, the capacity for autonomous self‐fertilization, and the magnitude of pollen limitation were examined through hand‐pollination experiments. In 2016, we applied selection analysis on the flowering time, corolla width, stalk height, flower tube length, and flower number in P. tibetica by tagging 76 open‐pollinated plants and 37 hand‐pollinated plants in the field. Our results demonstrated that P. tibetica was strictly self‐ and intra‐morph incompatible. Moreover, the study population underwent severe pollen limitation during the 2016 flowering season. The selection gradients were found to be significantly positive for flowering time, flower number, and corolla width, and marginally significant for the stalk height. Pollinator‐mediated selection was found to be significant on the flower number and corolla width, and marginally significant on stalk height. Our results indicate that the increased floral display may be a vital strategy for small distylous species that have faced difficulty in evolving autonomous self‐fertilization.  相似文献   

Host range is a key element of a parasite's ecology and evolution and can vary greatly depending on spatial scale. Generalist parasites frequently show local population structure in relation to alternative sympatric hosts (i.e. host races) and may thus be specialists at local scales. Here, we investigated local population specialization of a common avian nest‐based parasite, the hen flea Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank), exploiting two abundant host species that share the same breeding sites, the great tit Parus major (Linnaeus) and the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis (Temminck). We performed a cross‐infestation experiment of fleas between the two host species in two distinct study areas during a single breeding season and recorded the reproductive success of both hosts and parasites. In the following year, hosts were monitored again to assess the long‐term impact of cross‐infestation. Our results partly support the local specialization hypothesis: in great tit nests, tit fleas caused higher damage to their hosts than flycatcher fleas, and in collared flycatcher nests, flycatcher fleas had a faster larval development rates than tit fleas. However, these results were significant in only one of the two studied areas, suggesting that the location and history of the host population can modulate the specialization process. Caution is therefore called for when interpreting single location studies. More generally, our results emphasize the need to explicitly account for host diversity in order to understand the population ecology and evolutionary trajectory of generalist parasites.  相似文献   

An intriguing question in biology is how the evolution of gene regulation is shaped by natural selection in natural populations. Among the many known regulatory mechanisms, regulation of gene expression by microRNAs (miRNAs) is of critical importance. However, our understanding of their evolution in natural populations is limited. Studying the role of miRNAs in three‐spined stickleback, an important natural model for speciation research, may provide new insights into adaptive polymorphisms. However, lack of annotation of miRNA genes in its genome is a bottleneck. To fill this research gap, we used the genome of three‐spined stickleback to predict miRNAs and their targets. We predicted 1486 mature miRNAs using the homology‐based miRNA prediction approach. We then performed functional annotation and enrichment analysis of these targets, which identified over‐represented motifs. Further, a database resource (GAmiRdb) has been developed for dynamically searching miRNAs and their targets exclusively in three‐spined stickleback. Finally, the database was used in two case studies focusing on freshwater adaptation in natural populations. In the first study, we found 44 genomic regions overlapping with predicted miRNA targets. In the second study, we identified two SNPs altering the MRE seed site of sperm‐specific glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate gene. These findings highlight the importance of the GAmiRdb knowledge base in understanding adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

The red alga Pachymeniopsis lanceolata, formerly known as Grateloupia lanceolata, is a component of the native algal flora of northeast Asia and has been introduced to European and North American waters. It has been confused with a cryptic species collected from Korea and Italy. Our analyses of rbcL, cox3 and ITS from P. lanceolata and this cryptic species has revealed two distinct entities, forming a clade, which were clearly separated from its congeners and positioned with other Asian species. Here, we describe the cryptic species as P. gargiuli sp. nov., a species that differs from others by molecular sequence and subtle anatomical characters. We hypothesize that P. gargiuli may have been recently dispersed by anthropogenic vectors, possibly at or near the same time as was P. lanceolata. Our cox3 data set revealed that one haplotype of P. gargiuli, shared between Korea and Italy, and two haplotypes of P. lanceolata, commonly occurring in Korea and USA, are invasive haplotypes. This is the first report of the utility of the mitochondrial coding cox3 sequences in red algae.  相似文献   

Addressing the urgent conservation threat of marine mammal bycatch in small‐scale fisheries requires information on bycatch magnitude, gear types, population impacts, and risk. However, data on these proximate attributes are widely lacking in developing countries. This study used a multi‐methods approach integrating boat surveys and interviews with fishermen (n = 526) to assess proximate attributes of bycatch for the Critically Endangered subpopulation of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) in Malampaya Sound, Philippines. Given an updated population estimate of 35 individuals (CV = 22.9%), the estimated rate of bycatch fatalities exceeds the potential biological removal rate. Spatial overlap scores were calculated to characterize overlap between dolphins and fisheries as a proxy of bycatch risk. These scores identified particularly high risk areas that could be prioritized for gear bans. However, completely reducing bycatch risk would require more widespread bans beyond these high risk areas. Implementing gear restrictions will be immensely challenging, given serious obstacles to fisheries management at this site. The multi‐methods approach describes the urgency of the bycatch problem and the changes required for mitigation, setting the stage for identifying and evaluating potential solutions. It can be readily applied to developing country sites to guide more efficient and complete data collection and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Classical biological control programmes rely on mass production of high‐quality beneficial insects for subsequent releases into the field. Psyttalia lounsburyi (Silvestri) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a koinobiont larval–pupal endoparasitoid of tephritid flies that is being reared to support a classical biological control programme for olive fruit fly in California. The mass‐rearing system for a P. lounsburyi colony, initiated with insects originally collected in Kenya, was evaluated with the goal of increasing production, while at the same time reducing time requirements for rearing in a quarantine facility. We tested the effect of exposure time of a factitious host Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), on parasitization, adult production, superparasitism, and sex ratio of P. lounsburyi and survival of the host. Parasitization rates were highest (31%) at 3‐ and 4‐hr exposure times, while adult production (i.e., emergence of wasp progeny) was highest (16%) at the 2‐hr exposure time. Superparasitism over the course of the study was 1.5% and did not appear to be a factor affecting parasitoid production. The sex ratio of wasp progeny was male‐biased and did not vary significantly over different exposure times. The rate of stings on host larvae increased with exposure time and was consistent with decreases in pupal eclosion from larvae and emergence rate of adult flies. When compared to current rearing procedures, the 2‐hr exposure time resulted in an overall 2.8‐fold increase in P. lounsburyi production when standardized for time.  相似文献   

Despite continued efforts to eradicate black‐backed jackals (Canis mesomelas), they are considered an abundant mesopredator on agricultural land across South Africa, resulting in ongoing human–wildlife conflict and concern for farmers and wildlife managers. We conducted a questionnaire survey and semi‐formal interviews with farmers throughout KwaZulu‐Natal, examining farmers’ livestock husbandry, land‐use changes and perspectives towards jackals as a perceived threat to livestock. Many (75%) respondents acknowledged expanding agricultural activities on their farmlands since the onset of their farming careers. However, the perception was that these changes placed little pressure on mesopredators as farmers reported frequent daily (25%) and weekly (31%) sightings of jackal, and regular predation on livestock (72%). Some landowners (31%) reported between one and five livestock losses annually and suggest that mitigation strategies to prevent livestock losses are in place. Farmers suggested the increasing intensity in agricultural practices provided a greater food source for jackals allowing them to thrive in expanding agricultural conditions and, in some circumstances, farmers admitted to possibly being a cause through poor disposal techniques for dead animals. Feedback from farmers emphasized the importance of having collaboration between farmers to control jackal predation and reduce human–wildlife conflict.  相似文献   

Replicated multiple scale species distribution models (SDMs) have become increasingly important to identify the correct variables determining species distribution and their influences on ecological responses. This study explores multi‐scale habitat relationships of the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) in two study areas on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau of western China. Our primary objectives were to evaluate the degree to which snow leopard habitat relationships, expressed by predictors, scales of response, and magnitude of effects, were consistent across study areas or locally landcape‐specific. We coupled univariate scale optimization and the maximum entropy algorithm to produce multivariate SDMs, inferring the relative suitability for the species by ensembling top performing models. We optimized the SDMs based on average omission rate across the top models and ensembles’ overlap with a simulated reference model. Comparison of SDMs in the two study areas highlighted landscape‐specific responses to limiting factors. These were dependent on the effects of the hydrological network, anthropogenic features, topographic complexity, and the heterogeneity of the landcover patch mosaic. Overall, even accounting for specific local differences, we found general landscape attributes associated with snow leopard ecological requirements, consisting of a positive association with uplands and ridges, aggregated low‐contrast landscapes, and large extents of grassy and herbaceous vegetation. As a means to evaluate the performance of two bias correction methods, we explored their effects on three datasets showing a range of bias intensities. The performance of corrections depends on the bias intensity; however, density kernels offered a reliable correction strategy under all circumstances. This study reveals the multi‐scale response of snow leopards to environmental attributes and confirms the role of meta‐replicated study designs for the identification of spatially varying limiting factors. Furthermore, this study makes important contributions to the ongoing discussion about the best approaches for sampling bias correction.  相似文献   

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