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The conspecific attraction hypothesis predicts that individuals are attracted to conspecifics because conspecifics may be cues to quality habitat and/or colonists may benefit from living in aggregations. Poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) are aposematic, territorial, and visually oriented—three characteristics which make dendrobatids an appropriate model to test for conspecific attraction. In this study, we tested this hypothesis using an extensive mark‐recapture dataset of the strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) from La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Data were collected from replicate populations in a relatively homogenous Theobroma cacao plantation, which provided a unique opportunity to test how conspecifics influence the spatial ecology of migrants in a controlled habitat with homogenous structure. We predicted that (1) individuals entering a population would aggregate with resident adults, (2) migrants would share sites with residents at a greater frequency than expected by chance, and (3) migrant home ranges would have shorter nearest‐neighbor distances (NND) to residents than expected by chance. The results were consistent with these three predictions: Relative to random simulations, we observed significant aggregation, home‐range overlap, and NND distribution functions in four, five, and six, respectively, of the six migrant–resident groups analyzed. Conspecific attraction may benefit migrant O. pumilio by providing cues to suitable home sites and/or increasing the potential for social interactions with conspecifics; if true, these benefits should outweigh the negative effects of other factors associated with aggregation. The observed aggregation between migrant and resident O. pumilio is consistent with conspecific attraction in dendrobatid frogs, and our study provides rare support from a field setting that conspecific attraction may be a relevant mechanism for models of anuran spatial ecology.  相似文献   

During habitat selection, the presence of conspecifics can frequently drive a nonuniform distribution of animals across habitats of equivalent quality. In group-living species, subgroups of individuals might display mutual attraction while differing in their preferences for environmental resources. The final decision to settle requires individuals to integrate both environmental and social cues. This raises the question of the relative importance of sociality and resources preferences in determining habitat choice. In this study, we examined the interactive influence of conspecific attraction on individual resource preferences on refuge choice in groups of cockroaches. Shelters scaled to the sizes of nymphs and adult males were offered to groups of only nymphs and only males and to mixed groups. The choices of males were consistent across social conditions. Conversely, the preferences of nymphs shifted depending on the social context; the presence of males overrode the affinity nymphs had for scaled-size shelters. We developed a numerical model implementing parameters derived from these experiments to test whether the final spatial distribution of individuals originated from a differential attraction between nymphs and males that was associated with their relative body size. Finally, we propose a general framework for understanding how similar mechanisms can promote the skewed distribution of organisms at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Many species across taxa select habitat based on conspecific presence, known as conspecific attraction. Studies that document conspecific attraction typically provide social information (i.e., cues that indicate the presence of a given species) and then determine if a given species is more likely to settle at locations where the social information is provided compared to those locations that do not. Although the number of studies examining conspecific attraction has grown in recent years, a comprehensive review has not yet been undertaken. Here, we conducted a review of the literature and found 151 studies investigating conspecific attraction across eight taxa. We found that conspecific attraction is widespread with between 80% and 100% of studies, depending on taxa, documenting positive associations between habitat selection and the presence of conspecific cues. Conspecific attraction has been documented more frequently in bird and fish species with less attention given to invertebrate and mammal species. We use the patterns we found to (a) provide an overview of the current state of research on conspecific attraction and (b) discuss how important factors, such as cue characteristics and life history traits, may play a role in shaping conspecific attraction patterns within and across taxa.  相似文献   

Social information use in songbird habitat selection commonly involves a conspecific attraction strategy. Individuals copy the breeding‐site choices of conspecifics, that is, bias their own settlement decisions towards sites (tracts of spatially limited habitat with similar structure) already occupied by others. In order to be adaptive, social information use has to be discriminative. Especially the decisions of good quality individuals, i.e. measuring high at observable fitness correlates, should be copied more frequently than those of poor quality individuals. It is unknown, however, whether songbirds discriminatively use conspecific presence by evaluating the quality of information providers in habitat selection. We experimentally tested whether wood warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix selectively copied settlement decisions of conspecifics in relation to the quality of observed individuals. We also tested whether the use of social cues was influenced by the population density at a particular site in the preceding year. We found that wood warblers selectively used intraspecific social information, but in a pattern opposite to that expected based on existing hypotheses. Wood warblers copied breeding‐site choices of poor quality conspecifics and despite temporary attraction to sites where the presence of good quality individuals was simulated, they did not ultimately settle near these individuals. Population density in the preceding year did not influence settlement patterns. We argue that when making settlement decisions, wood warblers assessed the expected level of local intraspecific competition and selectively copied breeding‐site choices of conspecifics or refused to settle, depending on competitive abilities of observed individuals. This adds a novel aspect to the patterns and processes of social information use proposed thus far, and provides support for the predicted negative effect of intraspecific competition on benefit of information. Moreover, it seems that habitat selection in wood warblers is a complex decision‐making process, in which initial decisions are adjusted after acquiring more accurate information. Synthesis Social information use in songbird habitat selection commonly involves copying the breeding‐site choices of conspecifics (so‐called conspecific attraction). To be adaptive, this strategy has to be discriminative, but almost no empirical studies have tested this assertion. Our study shows that birds may selectively use social information by copying settlement decisions of poor quality conspecifics, but avoid settling near good quality individuals, likely because of their high competitive abilities. This decision‐making pattern supports the predicted, yet not experimentally tested, tradeoff between information value and cost of competition in social information use. Our study highlights also that the use of social cues in settlement decisions may be both positively and negatively biased.  相似文献   

Conspecific attraction plays an important role in habitat selection of several taxa and can affect and determine distribution patterns of populations. The behaviour is largely studied and widespread among birds, but in amphibians, its occurrence seems limited to breeding habitats of adults and gregarious tadpoles. The Australian green and golden bell frogs (Litoria aurea) have suffered considerable shrinking of their original distribution in south-eastern Australia since the 1970s. Currently, with only about 40 populations remaining, the species is considered nationally threatened. In natural conditions, these frogs are aggregated in the landscape and do not seem to occupy all suitable ponds within the occurrence area. To date, studies focusing on the frogs’ habitat have failed in finding a general habitat feature that explains current or past occupancy. This led us to the hypothesis that social cues may play a key role in habitat selection in this species. Using two choice experiments, we tested the preference of juvenile green and golden bell frogs for habitats containing cues of conspecifics of similar size versus habitats without conspecific cues. Tested frogs did not show a preference for habitats containing only scent from conspecifics but did prefer habitats where conspecifics were present. Our results show that conspecific attraction is a determining factor in juvenile green and golden bell frog habitat selection. To our knowledge, this is the first time the behaviour is shown to occur in juvenile frogs in the habitat selection context. From a conservation management point of view, the behaviour may help to explain the failure of reintroductions to areas where the frogs have been extinct, and the non-occupation of suitable created habitats in areas where they still inhabit and develop appropriated management strategies.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic landscape change (i.e., disturbance) is recognized as an important factor in the decline and extirpation of wildlife populations. Understanding and monitoring the relationship between wildlife distribution and disturbance is necessary for effective conservation planning. Many studies consider disturbance as a covariate explaining wildlife behavior. However, we propose that there are several advantages to considering the spatial relationship between disturbance and wildlife directly using utilization distributions (UDs), including objective assessment of the spatially explicit overlap between wildlife and disturbance, and the ability to track trends in this relationship over time. Here, we examined how central mountain woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) distribution changed over time in relation to (i) anthropogenic disturbance, baseline range (defined using telemetry data from 1998 to 2005), and alpine habitat; and (ii) interannual climate variation (North Pacific Index; NPI). We developed seasonal UDs for caribou in west‐central Alberta and east‐central British Columbia, Canada, monitored with GPS collars between 1998 and 2013. We mapped the cumulative annual density of disturbance features within caribou range and used indices of overlap to determine the spatial relationship and trend between caribou UDs, anthropogenic disturbance, baseline range, alpine habitat, and the NPI. Anthropogenic disturbance increased over time, but the overlap between caribou UDs and disturbance did not. Caribou use of alpine habitat during spring, fall, and late winter increased over time, concurrent with a decrease in use of baseline range. Overlap between caribou UDs and disturbance increased during spring and fall following relatively cold, snowy winters (high NPI), but overall, climate did not explain changes in caribou distribution over time. We provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that caribou populations adjust their spatial distribution in relation to anthropogenic landscape change. Our findings could have implications for population persistence if distributional shifts result in greater use of alpine habitat during winter. Monitoring long‐term changes in the distribution of populations is a valuable component of conservation planning for species at risk in disturbed landscapes.  相似文献   

1. The perspective that populations and communities are structured by antagonistic interactions among individuals has dominated much of ecology. Yet how animals use social information to guide decisions, such as habitat selection, may be influenced by both positive and negative interactions among individuals. Recent theory also suggests that the way animals use social information may be substantially influenced by population density, which alters the potential costs and benefits of such behaviours. 2. I manipulated cues of two competitors, the dominant least flycatcher Empidonax minimus (Baird & Baird) and the subordinate American redstart Setophaga ruticilla (Linnaeus), to assess the use of conspecific and heterospecific cues during habitat selection, and if population density influences these strategies. The experiment consisted of surveying birds during a pre-treatment year, which allows for the control and testing the effect of baseline densities, and a treatment year, in which treatments were applied just prior to settlement. Treatments included broadcasting songs of flycatchers and redstarts, and were compared with controls. 3. When controlling for pre-treatment densities, bird densities, and to a lesser extent arrival dates, during the treatment year suggested that flycatchers were attracted to both conspecific and heterospecific cues during settlement. Furthermore, attraction was strongest for flycatchers in plots with moderate pre-treatment densities. American redstarts were rare in the study area but showed apparent attraction to conspecifics and avoidance of heterospecifics. 4. These results provide experimental evidence for the use of multiple social cues in habitat selection and suggest that heterospecific attraction may operate under broader contexts than originally envisioned. In such instances, nontarget effects can potentially occur when manipulating social cues to elicit settlement in conservation strategies. The impact of population density on the use of social cues shown here can also influence our understanding of metapopulation dynamics by causing complex threshold effects on the likelihood of rescue, which may influence metapopulation stability and the likelihood of local extinction.  相似文献   

Some birds use social cues, such as the presence of conspecifics, when selecting breeding habitat. This phenomenon, known as conspecific attraction, has been well‐documented in migratory species, but has not been assessed for resident species of birds. We used Dupont's Larks (Chersophilus duponti) as a model species to determine if conspecific attraction plays a role in habitat selection by resident species of birds. At our study site in Soria province in central Spain, we monitored two potential habitat patches and one managed site where management actions had provided apparently suitable habitat. At each site, we broadcast recordings of the songs and calls of male Dupont's Larks, and monitored their presence during the breeding season and dispersal period in 2018 using automated recorders and field surveys. No birds were attracted to our study sites. Our results suggest that management of patches of suitable habitat should occur close to areas (within 1 km) already occupied by Dupont's Larks to encourage natural colonization because, based on our results, playback of conspecific vocalizations may not attract the species to new breeding areas. However, additional studies are needed before drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of conspecific attraction for this and other resident species of birds.  相似文献   

Dispersing individuals can use conspecifics as indicators of habitat quality and aggregate at traditionally occupied sites, leaving other favourable patches unoccupied. Here we test the predictions of the conspecific-based habitat selection hypothesis on a Spanish great bustard (Otis tarda) metapopulation, currently fragmented due to recent human-induced habitat changes. The number of birds had increased by 23% between 1988 and 1998, but not consistently among leks. Leks that were large in 1988 increased, while those that were small decreased, which suggests that dispersing individuals used the numbers of conspecifics as cues for breeding-site selection. Moreover, leks with high productivity increased, while those with low productivity decreased. Finally, lek distribution was markedly stable throughout the decade, with no establishment of new leks, and suitable habitat patches remained unoccupied, as predicted by the conspecific attraction hypothesis. These results were corroborated by a simulation model which incorporated natal dispersal rates between leks as obtained through radio-tracking of 15 birds that survived throughout their 4-year dispersal period. In conclusion, in spite of the apparent increase in total numbers throughout the decade, both conspecific attraction and local differences in reproductive success contributed to a more aggregated distribution, increasing the species' vulnerability to local catastrophes, and the risks of reduced genetic diversity and extinction of small leks.  相似文献   

Wildlife managers have devoted considerable time and research to determine how animals judge the suitability and quality of their habitat. These analyses typically center on habitat characteristics and often produce equivocal results. An additional method of habitat assessment is to examine the extent to which animals, and particularly birds, use conspecifics as cues to establishing breeding and feeding territories. Conspecifics can be indicators of habitat quality, or they might intrinsically affect reproductive success. Here we discuss the implications of conspecific attraction for biologists who wish to conserve endangered species that are living in fragmented habitats.  相似文献   

Females increase their risk of mating with heterospecifics whenthey prefer the traits of conspecifics that overlap with traitsfound in heterospecifics. Xiphophorus pygmaeus females havea strong preference for larger males, which could lead to femalespreferring to mate with heterospecific males; almost all sympatricX. cortezi males are larger than X. pygmaeus males. In thisstudy, we show that X. pygmaeus females preferred the chemicalcues from conspecifics over those of X. cortezi males. However,preference for the chemical cues of conspecifics could not reversethe preference for larger heterospecific males. Only when femaleswere presented with two species-specific cues (vertical barsand chemical cues) did more females spend more time on averagewith the smaller conspecific males. These results support the"backup signal" hypothesis for the evolution of multiple preferences;together, the two species-specific cues increased the accuracywith which females were able to avoid heterospecific males.In addition, the results suggest that in those situations inwhich the traits of conspecifics overlap with traits found inheterospecifics, females can use the assessment of multiplecues to avoid mating with heterospecifics without compromisingtheir preference for the highest-quality conspecific.  相似文献   

For migratory songbirds nesting in northern temperate forests, a short breeding season demands that males rapidly establish territories. Because critical insect and vegetation resources are unavailable during spring arrival, we suggest that conspecifics serve as settlement cues for males new to a local population. To test conspecific attraction, we conducted playback experiments with American redstarts Setophaga ruticilla. Experimental results demonstrate that song playbacks strongly attract conspecifics, recruiting an average of 4.2 additional males per plot; adult males new to our sites increased, while yearling males failed to respond. Yearlings arrived 6 to 10 days later than adults, raising the possibility that yearlings responded to songs of early arriving adults rather than to playbacks. Our work indicates that conspecific attraction is an important mechanism for breeding habitat selection in an established population of a migratory forest songbird, but the effect is moderated by age, reproductive experience and arrival timing.  相似文献   

Tadpoles of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) form dense aggregations in the field, but the proximate cues eliciting this behavior are not well understood. We sampled water‐bodies in the Northern Territory of Australia, finding that the density of cane toad tadpoles increased with increasing temperature. Furthermore, we conducted laboratory experiments to explore the roles of biotic factors (attraction to conspecifics; chemical cues from an injured conspecific; food) and spatially heterogeneous abiotic factors (light levels, water depth, physical structure) to identify the cues that induce tadpole aggregation. Annulus and binary choice trials demonstrated weak but significant attraction between conspecifics. Tadpoles decreased swimming speeds, but did not increase grouping in response to cues from an injured conspecific. Larvae aggregated in response to abiotic cues (high levels of illumination and proximity to physical structures) and were strongly attracted to feeding conspecifics. Overall, aggregation by cane toad tadpoles is likely driven by weak social attraction coupled with a shared preference for specific abiotic features, creating loose aggregations that are then reinforced by movement toward feeding conspecifics.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Territorial songbirds generally use song to defend territories and attract mates, but conspecific song may also serve as a cue to attract other male songbirds to a breeding site. Although known to occur in some colonial and forest-associated species, only recently have investigators examined conspecific attraction in grassland species. We used a playback experiment to examine the possible role of conspecific attraction for males searching for potentially suitable breeding habitat in a grassland specialist, the Baird's Sparrow ( Ammodramus bairdii ). Experimental playback plots and control plots with similar landscape and vegetation characteristics were established at two sites in North Dakota. Baird's Sparrows colonized three of six experimental plots and none of six control plots. Males on experimental plots established territories adjacent to the playback stations and were sometimes observed counter-singing with the playback of conspecific songs. Vegetation characteristics were similar on all study plots, and did not explain differences in bird density on our treatment plots. Although we found that playback of conspecific songs attracted male Baird's Sparrows to previously unoccupied, potentially suitable habitat, further experiments are needed to examine the importance of conspecific attraction relative to other cues that birds may use, such as vegetation features. The conservation and management implications of conspecific attraction are not completely understood, but the presence of conspecifics should be considered as a potential cue in habitat selection by all species of birds.  相似文献   

In spiny lobsters, conspecific scents ("aggregation cues") may mediate gregarious diurnal sheltering, but scents from injured conspecifics ("alarm odors") may elicit avoidance behavior. In laboratory experiments, individuals of two coexisting species, Panulirus guttatus (a reef-obligate) and P. argus (a temporary reef-dweller), significantly chose shelters emanating conspecific aggregation cues and responded randomly to shelters emanating heterospecific aggregation cues. However, despite evidence that the two species perceived each other's alarm odors to a similar extent, P. guttatus responded randomly to shelters emanating either conspecific or heterospecific alarm odors, whereas P. argus significantly avoided both. This differential influence of alarm odors likely reflects interspecific differences in life history, sociality, and behavior. The less social, reef-obligate P. guttatus lobsters forage close to their reef dens, into which they retract deeply upon perception of risk. This cryptic behavior may offset the need to avoid conspecific (and heterospecific) alarm odors. In contrast, avoidance of conspecific alarm odors by P. argus is consistent with its ontogenetic habitat shifts and greater sociality. Furthermore, because reef-dwelling P. argus lobsters forage across open areas away from the reef, an ability to avoid alarm odors from P. guttatus upon returning to their reef dens may increase their fitness.  相似文献   

How animals use their range can have physiological, ecological, and demographic repercussions, as well as impact management decisions, species conservation, and human society. Fidelity, the predictable return to certain places, can improve fitness if it is associated with high‐quality habitat or helps enable individuals to locate heterogenous patches of higher‐quality habitat within a lower‐quality habitat matrix. Our goal was to quantify patterns of fidelity at different spatial scales to better understand the relative plasticity of habitat use of a vital subsistence species that undergoes long‐distance migrations. We analyzed a decade (2010–2019) of GPS data from 240 adult, female Western Arctic Herd (WAH) caribou (Rangifer tarandus) from northwest Alaska, U.S.A. We assessed fidelity at 2 spatial scales: to site‐specific locations within seasonal ranges and to regions within the herd''s entire range by using 2 different null datasets. We assessed both area and consistency of use during 6 different seasons of the year. We also assessed the temporal consistency of migration and calving events. At the scale of the overall range, we found that caribou fidelity was greatest during the calving and insect relief (early summer) seasons, where the herd tended to maximally aggregate in the smallest area, and lowest in winter when the seasonal range is largest. However, even in seasons with lower fidelity, we found that caribou still showed fidelity to certain regions within the herd''s range. Within those seasonal ranges, however, there was little individual site‐specific fidelity from year to year, with the exception of summer periods. Temporally, we found that over 90% of caribou gave birth within 7 days of the day they gave birth the previous year. This revealed fairly high temporal consistency, especially given the spatial and temporal variability of spring migration. Fall migration exhibited greater temporal variability than spring migration. Our results support the hypothesis that higher fidelity to seasonal ranges is related to greater environmental and resource predictability. Interestingly, this fidelity was stronger at larger scales and at the population level. Almost the entire herd would seek out these areas with predictable resources, and then, individuals would vary their use, likely in response to annually varying conditions. During seasons with lower presumed spatial and/or temporal predictability of resources, population‐level fidelity was lower but individual fidelity was higher. The herd would be more spread out during the seasons of low‐resource predictability, leading to lower fidelity at the scale of their entire range, but individuals could be closer to locations they used the previous year, leading to greater individual fidelity, perhaps resulting from memory of a successful outcome the previous year. Our results also suggest that fidelity in 1 season is related to fidelity in the subsequent season. We hypothesize that some differences in patterns of range fidelity may be driven by seasonal differences in group size, degree of sociality, and/or density‐dependent factors. Climate change may affect resource predictability and, thus, the spatial fidelity and temporal consistency of use of animals to certain seasonal ranges.  相似文献   

Donahue MJ 《Oecologia》2006,149(1):33-43
Conspecific attraction is the preferential settlement into habitat patches with conspecifics. To be a good proximate strategy, fitness gains from settling with conspecifics must outweigh the costs of higher conspecific densities, such as intraspecific competition. Two types of benefits have been proposed to explain conspecific attraction: Allee effects (i.e., positive density dependence) and conspecific cueing (using conspecifics as an indicator of habitat quality). I present empirical evidence for conspecific attraction in the settlement of the porcelain crab, Petrolisthes cinctipes Randall (Anomura: Porcellanidae). Previous work demonstrated that P. cinctipes experiences strong intraspecific competition and that both Allee effects and conspecific cueing are present in P. cinctipes life-history. I developed an empirically-based fitness model of the costs and benefits of settling with conspecifics. Based on this model, I simulated optimal settlement to habitat patches that varied in conspecific density and habitat quality, where the correlation between density and habitat quality determined the level of conspecific cueing. I tested whether Allee effects alone, conspecific cueing alone, or Allee effects and conspecific cueing together could provide an ultimate explanation for the proximate settlement behavior of P. cinctipes. The settlement simulation was consistent with empirical settlement only when Allee effects and conspecific cueing were both included. Three life-history features are critical to this conclusion: (1) fitness is maximized at intermediate density, (2) fitness depends on the decisions of previous settlers, and (3) conspecific density provides good information about habitat quality. The quality of information garnered from conspecifics determines whether conspecific attraction is a good proximate strategy for settlement. I present a graphical illustration demonstrating how Allee effects and conspecific cueing work together to influence fitness, providing a conceptual framework for other systems.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Robert J. Fletcher Jr. 《Oikos》2009,118(8):1139-1147
Recent theory suggests that attraction to conspecifics during habitat selection can be one potential, yet untested, mechanism for animal sensitivity to habitat fragmentation. The least flycatcher Empidonax minimus , a highly territorial migratory bird, has previously been shown to be attracted to conspecifics and sensitive to patch size by avoiding small patches of riparian forest in Montana, USA. I used a large-scale field experiment in this region to test the conspecific attraction hypothesis for explaining sensitivity to patch size, and I supplemented this experiment by estimating whether vegetation structure, nest predation, or nest parasitism rates could better explain patterns of sensitivity to patch size. Vegetation structure did not vary consistently with patch size, based on a random sample of patches across 150  km of the Madison and Missouri Rivers, Montana. Nest predation and parasitism rates by brown-headed cowbirds Molothrus ater also did not vary with patch size during the experiment. However, when conspecific cues were simulated across a gradient of patch sizes, flycatchers settled in all patches – and their sensitivity to patch size vanished – providing strong support for the conspecific attraction hypothesis. These results provide the first experimental evidence that attraction to conspecifics can indeed help explain area sensitivity in nature and highlight how understanding the role of animal behavior in heterogeneous landscapes can aid in interpreting pressing conservation issues.  相似文献   

Among microtine rodents, reaction to chemical cues from conspecifics is assumed to reflect social and spatial relationships. Generally, strong attraction of particular odours correlates with non‐aggressive behaviour and high spatial tolerance towards odour donors, whereas weak attraction correlates with greater levels of aggression and spatial segregation. In the present study, we examined whether winter odour preferences of the snow vole Chionomys nivalis, a rock‐dwelling microtine principally found at high‐mountainous regions, differ from that of other vole species, owing to their different social organization during overwintering periods. The social structure of C. nivalis over the winter period is relatively unusual among vole species in that they become nomadic and solitary. In odour choice trials under laboratory conditions, we found that both males and females avoided zones with conspecific odours of both sexes in comparison with unscented control zones or own odours. These results are consistent with the elevated levels of intraspecific aggression and spatial isolation of C. nivalis during overwintering periods. Furthermore, scent‐elicited self‐grooming increased when their own odour was offered against conspecific cues. This, in combination with an active avoidance of conspecific odours, might functionally contribute to minimize direct confrontations between solitary individuals, thereby reducing the risks of aggressive encounters during overwintering periods.  相似文献   

Dawson EH  Chittka L 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31444
Heterospecific social learning has been understudied in comparison to interactions between members of the same species. However, the learning mechanisms behind such information use can allow animals to be flexible in the cues that are used. This raises the question of whether conspecific cues are inherently more influential than cues provided by heterospecifics, or whether animals can simply use any cue that predicts fitness enhancing conditions, including those provided by heterospecifics. To determine how freely social information travels across species boundaries, we trained bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) to learn to use cues provided by conspecifics and heterospecific honey bees (Apis mellifera) to locate valuable floral resources. We found that heterospecific demonstrators did not differ from conspecifics in the extent to which they guided observers'' choices, whereas various types of inorganic visual cues were consistently less effective than conspecifics. This was also true in a transfer test where bees were confronted with a novel flower type. However, in the transfer test, conspecifics were slightly more effective than heterospecific demonstrators. We then repeated the experiment with entirely naïve bees that had never foraged alongside conspecifics before. In this case, heterospecific demonstrators were equally efficient as conspecifics both in the initial learning task and the transfer test. Our findings demonstrate that social learning is not a unique process limited to conspecifics and that through associative learning, interspecifically sourced information can be just as valuable as that provided by conspecific individuals. Furthermore the results of this study highlight potential implications for understanding competition within natural pollinator communities.  相似文献   

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