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Early experience has been found to have long-term effects on behaviour such as social imprinting and song learning. In this paper we investigate whether early experience with particular types of food can lead to long-term feeding preferences in canaries. For 8 wk following the onset of independent foraging, two groups of naive fledgling canaries were reared on different diets. One group had a choice of four seed types, while individuals in the other group received only one type of seed. After this training period, all the birds were given a mixed seed diet for a further 15 wk, and then their preference for the original seeds was tested. All six birds that had been given four seeds during the training period showed the same preference, namely: hemp > niger > millet > linseed. However, all the birds that had been trained on one seed type only, still preferred the seed on which they had been trained. After a further 23 wk on a mixed-seed diet, birds from the restricted early diet group showed no further preference for the seed on which they were trained, and their seed choice at this stage was similar to the birds that had received four seeds. We conclude that early experience can affect food choice in canaries for at least 15 wk, but is subordinate to other influences in the longer term.  相似文献   

Bird song is a sexually selected signal that serves two main functions, attracting a mate and deterring rivals. Different signal parameters may be important in advertising to females compared to advertising to rival males. Species solve the problem of this dual function in a variety of ways, one of which may be to have separate parts of song directed at male and female receivers. The blackcap song has two distinct parts, a complex warble, assumed to be directed at female receivers, followed by a louder and more stereotyped whistle putatively directed at males. We simulated territorial intrusions by broadcasting blackcap song in territories. Comparing songs sung prior, with those produced in response to playback, showed that the proportion of the whistle component of songs increased, but not the warble. This study thus provides empirical evidence that the whistle component of the blackcap song plays a prominent role in male–male competition. The warble component of the blackcap song may be directed at females, but this requires further testing.  相似文献   

This article describes the organisation of song in the serin (Serinus serinus) and analyses its variation among individuals. Serins have a repertoire of about 50 complex syllables that are sung at a very fast rate and in a very stereotyped order, forming discrete songs. Songs are high pitched for the serin’s body size. Song organisation is circular, with a limited number of starting points. Songs can stop at any point in their cycling. Within songs there are trilled sections and fast, non-repeated sections that account for the greatest part of songs. These two modes of singing also differ in average inter-element intervals and probably in their respiratory kinematics. Bird repertoire size was measured and the difficulties of measuring it in this species are discussed. Repertoires are individually specific and have a variable amount of syllable sharing with other birds. We found evidence for geographical variation in the composition of repertoires. Considering our current knowledge of song in carduelines, the stereotyped and circular nature of serin song appear to be unique within this group of birds. Received: 30 May 2000 / Received in revised from: 14 August 2000 / Accepted: 12 September 2000  相似文献   

Female preferences for two male song characters (duration of syllables [DS], syllable repetition period [SRP]) have been studied in Isophya camptoxypha, an Eastern European duetting bush-cricket. Songs with modified DS or SRP were presented to virgin females and their response songs were recorded and counted. Female preference functions were unimodal for both characters. But while in the case of SRP the obtained female preference function reached its maximum at the mean value of that character, in the case of DS females preferred modified songs with a DS slightly higher than the natural range of that character. A comparison between the obtained preference functions and the DS and SRP values measured in sympatric Isophya species (with similar song structure) suggests that the two examined characters and female preferences for them may be effective components of the species-specific mate recognition system of I. camptoxypha. Moreover DS values may also convey information about the quality of the singing male.  相似文献   

The courtship behavior and the effects of courtship song in inter- and intraspecific crosses were studied in the four sympatric species of the Drosophila auraria complex: D. auraria, D. biauraria, D. subauraria, and D. triauraria. Orientation, tapping, and vibration (the repertoires of male courtship) were observed in both inter- and intraspecific crosses, suggesting that signals from heterospecific females were enough to elicit such male behaviors. The crossability tests with wingless or winged heterospecific males (tests for wing effects) revealed that winged heterospecific males copulated less than wingless ones in all four species but not all the pairwise cases. Since the crossability tests with aristaless females (deaf) or normal females showed essentially the same results as the tests for wing effects, we concluded that the sound produced by wing vibration plays an important role and that the wing movement itself is less important. These findings suggest that courtship songs are of great importance in mate discrimination and the sexual isolation between the species of this complex.  相似文献   

Mate choosiness by males has been documented in many taxa but we still do not know how it varies with age even though such variation can be important for our understanding of sexual selection on females. Theory provides conflicting predictions: young males, who are less attractive to females than older males, may be less choosy, or older males, who face fewer expected future mating opportunities, may be less choosy. In our experiments with fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), young (1‐d‐old) males spent relatively less time courting recently mated females than did mature (4‐d‐old) males. Overall, there was a gradual decline in male mate choosiness from age 1–7 d. As male age was correlated with the duration of deprivation from females, we tested for the effect of deprivation and found that same‐age males previously exposed to females were choosier than female‐deprived males. We also assessed key male parameters that could affect choosiness and found that, compared to mature males, young males were less attractive to females, less competitive in intramale interactions and less fertile. Although the lesser attractiveness and competitiveness should select for lesser mate choosiness in young males, their limited fertility and more expected future mating opportunities seem to override the other factors and lead to high mate choosiness in young males. Overall, our data indicate that young males just after reaching sexual maturity are choosy and that subsequent exposure to females can maintain high levels of male mate choosiness with age. Hence, males can contribute much more to sexual selection than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Selection can favour phenotypic plasticity in mate choice in response to environmental factors that alter the costs and benefits of being choosy, or of choosing specific mates. Human‐induced environmental change could alter sexual selection by affecting the costs of mate choice, or by impairing the ability of individuals to identify preferred mates. For example, variation in mate choice could be driven by environmentally induced differences in body condition (e.g. health) that change the cost of choosiness, or by environmental effects on the ability to detect or discriminate sexual signals. We teased apart these possibilities experimentally, by comparing female mate choice in the palmate newt Lissotriton helveticus between environments that mimic water from either native oak forests or exotic eucalypt plantations. In laboratory two‐choice mate trials in clean water, females with prolonged exposure (21 days) to waterborne chemicals leached from eucalypt leaves did not preferentially associate with the male with a stronger immune response, but females exposed to water with chemicals from oak leaves did. In contrast, female choice was unaffected by the immediate presence or absence of eucalypt leachates during mate choice (using only females previously held in oak‐treated water). The habitat‐related change in female choice we observed is likely to be driven by effects of eucalypt leachates on female physiology, rather than immediate inhibition of pheromone transmission or blocking of pheromone reception.  相似文献   

Behaviour during copulation can alter the fate of sperm of the mating males. This behaviour may exert selective pressure, resulting in the evolution of diverse reproductive behaviour, morphology, and physiology. This study examined the role of female copulatory behaviour on sperm fate in the sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Brentidae). In this species, males mount the female during copulation. The female frequently walks during copulation, carrying the male on her back. Here, we describe and quantify the copulatory behaviour of mating pairs and examine the sperm fate. Insemination success, as determined by the presence of sperm in the spermatheca, was lower when females walked for longer periods during copulation. This result emphasizes the value of studying variation in female copulatory behaviour in order to understand the factors that influence sperm fate. We discuss the implications of these results on sexual selection and utility in programs applying sterile insect techniques.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, female three-spined sticklebacks(Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) show a mating preference for intenselyred-colored males. We verified this female choice in the fieldby observing a freshwater stickleback population in its naturalhabitat. During the egg collection phase, individual courtingmales were localized with the aid of a dummy of a ripe female,caught and photographed under standardized conditions, and released.After males had stopped collecting eggs, we counted the numberof eggs in the nests. The more intense a male's red breedingcoloration, the more eggs he received. Simultaneous female choiceexperiments in the laboratory suggested that ripe females ofthis population preferred redder males. Breeding activitiesof the males in the field were clustered and seem to be synchronizedwithin clusters. At one of the breeding sites, more intensered males were in better physical condition, but this was notthe case at another site. Although several synchronized breedingcycles were observed, the majority of males seem to completeonly one breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and sexual signaling have been prominent topics in recent behavioral studies, but limited data have led to controversy regarding these topics. For example, the Hawaiian Drosophila are often cited as examples in which female choice has resulted in the evolution of elaborate male courtship signals, but relatively few data exist to test these claims adequately. We studied D. grimshawi, a lek-forming Hawaiian Drosophila, to determine whether there was evidence for female choice without male competition and to elucidate the possible cues females use to discriminate. Male mating success was found to be nonrandom and males that courted females intensely and deposited many pheromone-containing streaks on the substrate were the most successful. Hence, multiple cues seem to be involved in male mating success in this species. Some males performed only one display, however, and may represent an alternate male mating tactic. The protein content of the adult male diet significantly influenced the level of pheromone streak deposition, and thus, foraging environment may affect the outcome of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Both song and color patterns in birds are thought to evolve rapidly and exhibit high levels of homoplasy, yet few previous studies have compared the evolution of these traits systematically using the same taxa. Here we reconstruct the evolution of song in the New World orioles (Icterus) and compare patterns of vocal evolution to previously reconstructed patterns of change in plumage evolution in this clade. Individual vocal characters exhibit high levels of homoplasy, reflected in a low overall consistency index (CI = 0.27) and retention index (RI = 0.35). Levels of lability in song are comparable to those found for oriole plumage patterns using the same taxa (CI = 0.31, RI = 0.63), but are strikingly dissimilar to the conservative patterns of change seen in the songs of oropendolas (Psarocolius, Ocyalus; CI = 0.82, RI = 0.87), a group closely related to the orioles. Oriole song is also similar to oriole plumage in exhibiting repeated convergence in overall patterns, with some distantly related taxa sounding remarkably similar. Thus, both song and plumage in orioles show repeated convergence in individual elements and in overall patterns across the clade, suggesting that both of these character classes are highly labile between taxa yet highly conserved within the genus. Our results provide new insights into the tempo and mode of evolution in sexually selected traits within and across clades.  相似文献   

Sperm morphological traits are highly variable among species and are commonly thought to evolve by post‐copulatory sexual selection. However, little is known about the evolutionary dynamics of sperm morphology, and whether rates of evolutionary change are variable over time and among taxonomic groups. Here, we examine sperm morphology from 21 species of Old World leaf warblers (Phylloscopidae), a group of generally dull, sexually monochromatic birds, which are known to have high levels of extra‐pair paternity. We found that sperm length differs markedly across species, spanning about 40% of the range observed across a larger selection of passerine birds. Furthermore, we found strong support for an ‘early‐burst’ model of trait evolution, implying that the majority of divergence in sperm length has occurred early in the evolutionary history of this clade with subsequent evolutionary stasis. This large early divergence matches the early divergence reported in ecological traits (i.e. body size and feeding behaviour). Our findings demonstrate that rates of evolution in sperm morphology can change over time in passerine taxa, and that evolutionary stasis in sperm traits can occur even in species exhibiting characteristics consistent with moderate‐to‐high levels of sperm competition. It remains a major challenge to identify the selection mechanisms and possible constraints responsible for these variable rates of sperm evolution.  相似文献   

Although females’ mating preferences are influenced by male characteristics, there are a number of factors intrinsic to females and unrelated to male phenotype that can modulate female choice. We assessed the effects of age and mating experience on mechanisms of pre- and post-copulatory mate choice in female house crickets, Acheta domesticus L., by randomly assigning males to females, but independently varying the age and number of previous matings of females at the time of experimental matings. Latency to mating, a measure of a female’s pre-copulatory preference, was influenced by female age at the time of mating, with older females mating sooner than younger females. The reduced selectivity of older females appears consistent with life-history theory, which predicts that the reproductive value of females should decline with age. The length of time that females retained the spermatophore after mating, a measure of a female’s post-copulatory mating preference, was not influenced by female age at the time of mating, the number of previous matings, or any interaction between the two main effects. Contrary to previous reports, male mass had no effect on either the latency to mating or female retention of the spermatophore in A. domesticus. We conclude that female age and mating experience can moderate female selectivity, but that their impact varies according to the mechanism by which females favor particular sires.  相似文献   

The initial purpose of the project described herein was to assess the preference of female Poecilia latipinna for an artificial novel male trait—an orange‐colored distal fringe added to the caudal fin of an otherwise wild‐type conspecific. Analysis of the preliminary data revealed consistent individual differences in the strength of female preference for either orange‐tailed or wild‐type males. This finding inspired the study's second aim—to evaluate whether the preference for orange‐tailed males observed among a subset of females could spread via mate choice copying to others in the population that initially preferred wild‐type males. Two experiments and a control were conducted wherein females were simultaneously presented with an orange‐tailed and a wild‐type dummy male using a standard dichotomous choice design. In the first experiment, female preference was assessed on two separate occasions in order to characterize the variability and consistency in preference for orange‐tailed versus wild‐type males. The second experiment addressed mate choice copying: Female preference was again assessed on two separate occasions, but involved pairing a model female with the non‐preferred male for a period of time between preference tests. A third set of control tests were conducted using the same protocol as the copying experiment except that subject females were unable to see the model paired with the non‐preferred male. Results showed that, although females collectively preferred neither the orange‐tailed nor the wild‐type dummy male in the first round of preference tests, the majority showed relatively strong individual preferences. The subset of females that preferred the orange‐tailed over the wild‐type male in the first round of testing all maintained their preferences in the second round whether or not they had observed a model in association with the non‐preferred wild‐type male between tests. However, females that preferred the wild type over the orange male in the first round of testing copied the model's choice of the non‐preferred orange‐tailed male in their second round of preference testing. These results highlight the importance of recognizing the likelihood that only a subset of females will express a preference as it first emerges within a population. In such instances, the preference may not be detected at the population level—a point frequently overlooked in studies of mate choice. Additionally, these data highlight the importance of assessing the preferences of individual females and their capacity to drive evolutionary change within populations. Lastly, this study offers evidence of a possible mechanism by which a novel male trait might spread via mate choice copying by exploiting an emerging sensory bias within a subset of females in the population.  相似文献   

Males of Microsepsis eberhardi and M. armillata use their genitalic surstyli to rhythmically squeeze the female's abdomen with stereotyped movements during copulation. Squeezing movements did not begin until intromission had occurred and, contrary to predictions of the conflict-of-interest hypothesis for genitalic evolution, did not overcome morphological or behavioral female resistance. Contrary to predictions of the lock-and-key hypothesis, female morphology was uniform in the two species and could not mechanically exclude the genitalia of either species of male. The complex pattern of squeezing movements differed between the two species as predicted by the sexual selection hypothesis for genitalic evolution. Also, evolutionarily derived muscles and pseudoarticulations in the male's genitalic surstyli facilitated one type of movement, whose patterns were especially distinct. The data support the hypothesis that the male surstyli evolved to function as courtship devices.  相似文献   

Reproductive competition among males selects for a broad variety of strategies and traits from mate guarding to nuptial food gifts. Males of many dwarf spider species possess conspicuous secondary cephalic modifications, and the few studies available suggest that these cephalic structures are connected to extensive glandular tissue. Because females were observed to contact the male head structures during mating, these traits may have evolved in the context of sexual selection. We investigated the structure, glandular equipment, and sensory equipment of the cephalic regions of several species of the dwarf spider genus Oedothorax with varying degrees of sexual dimorphism using light and electron microscopy. In one Oedothorax species, there are two male morphs that exhibit a cephalic modification (O. gibbosus gibbosus) or not (O. gibbosus tuberosus). Our study demonstrates that all males investigated produce cephalic secretions, irrespective of the morphology of their cephalic region, however, they may differ in amount of secretion and in cellular organization. In males of O. apicatus, O. gibbosus gibbosus and O. retusus the gland cells are very abundant in the area of a cephalic hump, whereas in the less conspicuous O. agrestis, and O. gibbosus tuberosus the gland cells are restricted to a small area behind the ocular region or include the ocular region as in O. fuscus. The glandular tissue consists of two gland types in O. agrestis, O. fuscus, O. gibbosus tuberosus and O. retusus and of only one type in O. apicatus and O. gibbosus gibbosus. The setae present on the head structure of all species seem to function as mechano‐ and/or chemoreceptors. The implications of our findings for the evolution of secretory head structures are discussed along with their potential for driving speciation. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The complex, species-specific foreleg armature in males of the genus Themira (Diptera: Sepsidae) provides an ideal system for testing competing hypotheses for the evolution of sexually dimorphic character divergence. In sepsid flies, the male holds onto the female by clasping her wing base with his modified forelegs. In the present study, we document the male leg and the female wing morphology using scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy. We use a phylogenetic tree for Themira to reconstruct male foreleg and female wing evolution and demonstrate that the male legs have evolved elaborate structures with little or no corresponding changes in wing morphology. This lack of interspecific variation in female wings is not in agreement with the hypothesis of a morphological 'evolutionary arms race' between males and females. However, there is also no evidence for sex-specific wing differences in sensory organs on the wing base that may explain how females could assess males according to Eberhard's 'cryptic female choice' hypothesis. Finally, our study reveals the function of several novel morphological clasping structures and documents that the male foreleg characters in Themira are highly homoplastic. Male forelegs in two clades evolve considerably faster than in other species or clades. These two clades include Themira superba and Themira leachi , species that have some of the most dramatically modified forelegs known in Diptera.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 227–238.  相似文献   

Several possible explanations for the elaborate species-specific morphology of male front leg clasping organs were tested by comparing six species of Archisepsis, Palaeosepsis and Microsepsis flies. The only previously published hypothesis regarding these clasping organs was refuted by the finding that species-specific portions of the male femur and tibia consistently meshed tightly with prominent veins and folds in the female's wing, rather than meshing with each other. Female wing morphology in the region grasped by the male was relatively uniform and in general did not vary in ways that would prevent non-conspecific males from grasping them, arguing in all but one species against both simple lock-and-key and male-female conflict of interests hypotheses based on morphology. Interspecific differences in male front leg morphology generally represent alternative ways to accomplish the same basic mechanical function of holding tightly onto the relatively invariant female. Despite the fact that female resistance behaviour indicates that male-female conflict over male mounting is common, only one female wing structure in one species resembled an anti-clasper device, giving a second reason to doubt the morphological male-female conflict of interest hypothesis, at least for five of the six species. The positions of probable sensory structures on the wings of females were relatively similar in different species and did not correspond in any obvious way to species-specific features of male clasping structures. This, plus the intraspecific variation in both the positions of these sensilla and the exact site where the male grasped the female's wing, argued against simple 'sensory lock-and-key' ideas about male front leg function. By a process of elimination, it appears that generalized female receptors are able to sense species-specific differences in male front legs. This idea was supported by increased female rejection behaviour in cross-specific pairs.  相似文献   

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