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  1. Pomacea canaliculata, a freshwater snail from South America, has rapidly established natural populations from south to north subtropical region in China, since its original introductions in the 1980s. Low temperature in winter is a limiting factor in the geographic expansion and successfully establishment for apple snail populations. There have been some studies on population level of low temperature tolerance for P. canaliculata, yet little is quantified about its life‐history traits in responses to cold temperatures. Whether these responses vary with the acclimation location is also unclear. We investigated the survivorship and longevity of P. canaliculata in responses to cold temperatures and examine whether these responses vary with the location and snail size. We hypothesized that survival of the snails depends on their shell height and the level of low temperature, and P. canaliculata population from the mid-subtropical zone may exhibit the highest viability over the cold thermal range.
  2. We sampled P. canaliculata populations from five latitude and longitude ranges of subtropical China: Guangzhou population in southernmost (SM‐GZ), three populations of Yingtan (MR‐YT), Ningbo (MR‐NB), Ya'an (MR‐YA) in midrange, and Huanggang population in northernmost (NM‐HG) subtropical zone. For each P. canaliculata population, survival and longevity at six cold acclimation temperature levels (12, 9, 6, 3, 0, and ?3°C) were quantified, and the effects of location and shell height were examined.
  3. The MR‐YA population from mid-subtropical zone of China exhibited the highest survival rate and prolonged survival time regardless of the temperature acclimation treatments, whereas the SM‐GZ population from southern subtropical was the most sensitive to cold temperatures, particular temperatures below 9°C. No individuals of the SM‐GZ population could survive after stressed for 30 days (3°C), 5 days (0°C) and 2 days (?3°C), respectively. For each experimental P. canaliculata population held at 3, 0, and ?3°C, individuals with intermediate shell height of 15.0–25.0 mm had significantly higher survivals.
  4. The results highlight a request of a more thorough investigation on acclimation responses in each of the life table demographic parameters for P. canaliculata, and pose the question of whether natural selection or some genetic changes may have facilitated adaptation in invasive locations.

1. By selective grazing, invasive grazers can alter macrophyte‐herbivore relationships in shallow freshwater bodies. Evaluating the palatability of macrophytes and understanding the determinants of plant palatability can help predict grazing impact. In no‐choice feeding assays, we tested the palatability of 21 species of freshwater macrophytes to the invasive freshwater apple snail Pomacea canaliculata. 2. Daily feeding rate varied greatly with plant species, ranging from 1.1 to 22% of snail body mass. We assessed six plant properties and examined their correlation with feeding rate. Total nitrogen content was positively related, and C:N ratio and dry matter content (DMC) negatively related, to snail feeding rate. There was no significant correlation between snail feeding rate and plant phenolic content, but the feeding rate on Myriophyllum aquaticum (the plant with the highest phenolic content) was very low. 3. We repeated the feeding assays for 15 species that were not palatable as fresh leaves with reconstituted plant tissues formed by mixing ground up dried leaves with agar. The feeding rate still differed greatly among macrophyte species. Phragmites australis and Vallisneria natans (two species with the highest DMC) were eaten much more as reconstituted plant than as fresh leaves, indicating that structure (i.e. DMC) may be important in their defence against snail herbivory. For two plants (M. aquaticum and Alternanthera philoxeroides) that had moderate amounts of nitrogen/phosphorus but were consumed very little as fresh and reconstituted tissues, we incorporated their extracts into a palatable agar‐based food. The extracts from both species greatly reduced snail feeding rate, indicating the presence of chemical defences in these two species. 4. These results indicated that feeding was affected by several plant traits. The snail favoured plants with a high nitrogen content and avoided plants with a high DMC. Only a few plants possessed chemical feeding deterrents that were effective against this snail. Given the invasive spread of P. canaliculata in Asia, ecologists and managers should consider plant palatability when selecting plants for use in wetland restoration and when predicting the impact of further invasion by this species.  相似文献   

Pomacea canaliculata is an apple snail that has become an invasive species in several countries. In this research, through two simultaneous experiments, we assessed the effects of different land uses (urban, agriculture, cattle grazing, farms and recreation) on the growth and survival of snails from native populations. The survival was not affected by the water quality of the three streams studied, whereas the growth of snails exposed to the water of the urban stream was impaired. Therefore, our results suggest that the growth rate of P. canaliculata could be useful for the assessment of a moderate urban impact.  相似文献   

1. Biological invasions have become a serious threat to ecosystems worldwide. Various factors can contribute to the success of biological invasion. We examined how different macrophyte food affected feeding and life‐history traits of the invasive herbivorous snail Pomacea canaliculata, and whether differences in snail life‐history traits could explain its successful infestation of agricultural and non‐agricultural wetlands in Asia. 2. We tested five cultivated and five wild semi‐aquatic macrophytes. Snail daily feeding rate varied substantially with plant species, ranging from 1.3% to 22% of its body mass. Snails fed with four (Amaranthus gangeticus, Apium graveolens dulce, Ipomoea aquatica and Nasturtium officinale) of the five cultivated macrophyte species exhibited high survivorship, fast growth and high fecundity. Snails fed with Colocasia esculenta, however, grew poorly, did not reproduce and eventually died. 3. Of the five wild species (Eichhornia crassipes, Ludwigia adscendens, Murdannia nudiflora, Myriophyllum aquaticum and Polygonum hydropiper), M. nudiflora supported a high snail survival, but snails had slower growth and lower fecundity than those reared on the four palatable cultivated species. Snails fed with L. adscendens grew substantially slower than those fed with M. nudiflora, and produced only a small clutch of eggs. Snails fed with E. crassipes, M. aquaticum and P. hydropiper had very low survivorship, grew very little and did not reproduce. 4. We determined six plant properties and their correlation with the feeding, growth and reproduction of the apple snails. Cultivated macrophytes in general had a higher nutritional value and lower physical and chemical defences. Phenolic content was negatively correlated with snail feeding rate, while plant nitrogen and phosphorus contents were positively correlated with snail egg production and growth, respectively. 5. These results indicate that, due to their higher nutritional value and lower chemical and physical defences, cultivated macrophytes are in general desirable for the apple snail which may partly explain its successful invasion into wet agricultural areas in Asia. This snail may also selectively graze poorly defended wild macrophytes in non‐agricultural wetlands, leading to changes in floral diversity and wetland functioning. Management of this and other apple snails with similar life‐history traits should thus focus on the prevention of their further spread.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the individual and combined effects of two predators (the climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, and the wetland crab, Esanthelphusa nimoafi) indigenous to wetlands in Laos, on the behaviour and survival of the invasive South American golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata). The snail is considered a pest, consuming large amounts of rice and other aquatic vegetation in the region. 2. Snail avoidance reactions to released predator chemical cues were investigated in aquaria while the effects of predators on a mixed snail population were studied in field enclosures that contained native aquatic plants (Salvinia cucullata, Ludwigia adscendens and Ipomoea aquatica). 3. In the aquaria experiment, neonate (2–3 mm) and medium‐sized snails (8–10 mm) responded to fish chemical cues by going to the surface, whereas adult snails (35–40 mm) went to the bottom. In contrast, no size class of snails reacted to chemical cues released by crabs. 4. In the field experiment, fish reduced the abundance of neonate snails, and crabs reduced the abundance of all size classes. The effect of the combined predators could not be predicted from the mortality rate observed in single predator treatments. The survival of neonate and medium‐sized snails was greater and of adults less than expected. The presence of predators did not affect egg production. Snails consumed significant amounts of plants despite the presence of predators. 5. Our findings suggest that some indigenous Asian predators have lethal and sublethal effects on P. canaliculata that depend on snail size and predator type. When in the presence of several predators the response of snails to one predator may either increase or decrease the vulnerability of snails to the others.  相似文献   

The apple snail Pomacea canaliculata has been an invasive species in China for decades and causes enormous losses to agriculture. The predation capability of the leech Whitmania pigra on P. canaliculata was studied for its economic benefit and potential application. In the present study, the leech W. pigra exhibited a strong predatory capacity in controlling P. canaliculata under both laboratory and field conditions, and it showed no bias towards consuming smaller snails during the experiments. More than 80% of the 80 snails (of which half had reached maturity) were preyed upon by 20 developing leeches (2–7?g) in miniature rice fields over a 15-day period, and the number of rice seedlings damaged by P. canaliculata was decreased in the presence of W. pigra. In a separate experiment, 15 developing snails were exposed to caged leeches and conspecific snails for four weeks. The food intake and growth of P. canaliculata were inhibited under the predation risk imposed by W. pigra, but the feeding rate, food conversion efficiency and survival of P. canaliculata were not conspicuously influenced.  相似文献   

Hemocytes in the circulation and kidney islets, as well as their phagocytic responses to microorganisms and fluorescent beads, have been studied in Pomacea canaliculata, using flow cytometry, light microscopy (including confocal laser scanning microscopy) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Three circulating hemocyte types (hyalinocytes, agranulocytes and granulocytes) were distinguished by phase contrast microscopy of living cells and after light and electron microscopy of fixed material. Also, three different populations of circulating hemocytes were separated by flow cytometry, which corresponded to the three hemocyte types. Hyalinocytes showed a low nucleus/cytoplasm ratio, and no apparent granules in stained material, but showed granules of moderate electron density under TEM (L granules) and at least some L granules appear acidic when labeled with LysoTracker Red. Both phagocytic and non-phagocytic hyalinocytes lose most (if not all) L granules when exposed to microorganisms in vitro. The phagosomes formed differed whether hyalinocytes were exposed to yeasts or to Gram positive or Gram negative bacteria. Agranulocytes showed a large nucleus/cytoplasm ratio and few or no granules. Granulocytes showed a low nucleus/cytoplasm ratio and numerous eosinophilic granules after staining. These granules are electron dense and rod-shaped under TEM (R granules). Granulocytes may show merging of R granules into gigantic ones, particularly when exposed to microorganisms. Fluorescent bead exposure of sorted hemocytes showed phagocytic activity in hyalinocytes, agranulocytes and granulocytes, but the phagocytic index was significantly higher in hyalinocytes.Extensive hemocyte aggregates (''islets'') occupy most renal hemocoelic spaces and hyalinocyte-like cells are the most frequent component in them. Presumptive glycogen deposits were observed in most hyalinocytes in renal islets (they also occur in the circulation but less frequently) and may mean that hyalinocytes participate in the storage and circulation of this compound. Injection of microorganisms in the foot results in phagocytosis by hemocytes in the islets, and the different phagosomes formed are similar to those in circulating hyalinocytes. Dispersed hemocytes were obtained after kidney collagenase digestion and cell sorting, and they were able to phagocytize fluorescent beads. A role for the kidney as an immune barrier is proposed for this snail.  相似文献   

Perivitellins are important components of the perivitelline fluid (PVF) that surrounds gastropod embryos. The glyco-lipo-carotenoprotein ovorubin (OR) from eggs of the snail Pomacea canaliculata has been the most studied to date. Here we report the characterization of scalarin (SC), a glyco-lipo-carotenoprotein from the PVF of P. scalaris. SC was purified by ultracentrifugation and exclusion chromatography. It is the major egg protein, representing 64% of the total soluble protein. The particle has a hydration density of 1.26 g/ml, an apparent molecular mass of 380 kDa and it is an elongated compact protein as estimated by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). It is composed of three subunits of ca. 35, 28, and 24 kDa noncovalently bonded. SC is highly glycosylated (carbohydrate content 20.1%, by wt.), with a low lipid content (0.7%), being esterified sterols, pigments and polar lipids the most abundant lipid classes. HPTLC and spectrophotometric analysis of the carotenoid fraction revealed the presence of free astaxanthin (ASX; 62.0%), and an unidentified carotenoid (38.0%). The carotenoid-apoprotein interaction was studied by spectrophotometry. Carotenoids do not seem to affect the structural characteristics of the oligomer. However, the carotenoid-protein association protected ASX against oxidation. The cross-reactivity between SC and perivitellins of P. canaliculata was tested using polyclonal antibodies (PAb) against SC, OR, and perivitellin PV2. The PAbs failed to cross-react with any egg proteins of either the same or other species. SC, among other functional similarities with OR, would be an antioxidant carrier, protecting at the same time carotenoids from oxidation in the perivitellin fluid of the egg.  相似文献   

2004年10月,中国科学院昆明动物研究所首次发现金苹果螺(Pomacea canaliculata)入侵重要的水源保护区嵩明白邑黑龙潭。金苹果螺起源于中南美洲,在亚洲,它通过有意或无意的传播而逐渐扩散到菲律宾、越南、泰国、老挝、柬埔寨、马来西亚、印尼、巴布几内亚、韩国、日本和中国的南部。金苹果螺已成为水稻产区的最大害虫,给农业生产带来巨大的损失。为防止金苹果螺在云南扩散,目前已经实施了严格的预防、控制措施,同时开展了公众保护教育宣传活动。  相似文献   

为了阐明幼虫密度对草地螟Loxostege sticticalis L.(鳞翅目: 螟蛾科)细胞免疫能力的影响, 本研究调查了在活体灰菜植株上1,5,10和20头/瓶(900 mL)4种密度条件下的其5龄幼虫血细胞种类、数量和组成。结果表明: 草地螟幼虫血淋巴中有原血细胞、浆血细胞、 颗粒血细胞、珠血细胞和类绛色血细胞等5种(类)血细胞。血细胞总数、 浆血细胞、颗粒血细胞数量随幼虫密度的增加而显著递增, 但原血细胞、珠血细胞和类绛色血细胞数量在幼虫密度间的差异不明显;各种血细胞所占血细胞总数的比例在4个密度中的排序相同, 但10和20头/瓶密度下的浆血细胞比例显著高于1头/瓶的,其余4种血细胞的比例在不同密度之间无显著差异。可见, 幼虫密度主要是通过影响草地螟幼虫浆血细胞和颗粒血细胞的数量及血细胞总数, 从而影响草地螟的细胞免疫能力。  相似文献   

蛋白质组学在细菌应激反应研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当外部生存环境发生变化时,细菌会在短时间内发生应激反应。利用双向凝胶电泳技术结合生物质谱鉴定的方法对细菌蛋白表达谱变化进行研究,是细菌转录谱变化研究的深入和扩展,是细菌应激反应研究中的新热点。综述了蛋白质组学在细菌应激反应研究中的应用现状和存在问题。  相似文献   

Six groups (15 snails/group) of Pomacea canaliculata and Pila polita were infected orally with 0 (control), 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 first-stage Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae (L1). The respective mean+/-SD third stage larvae (L3) worm recovery 1-month post-infection (p.i.) for P. canaliculata was 0, 1.4+/-5.42 (0.7%), 0.13+/-0.35 (0.03%), 0.07+/-0.26 (0.009%), 0.07+/-0.26 (0.004%), 0, and for P. polita 0, 64.33+/-21.38 (32.25%), 115.36+/-36.82 (28.93%), 265.33+/-90.01 (33.27%), 471.33+/-92.98 (29.60%) and 849.00+/-243.23 (26.61%). The susceptibility of A. cantonensis in P. polita was dose-dependent (p<0.001). In the three groups (nine snails/group) of P. polita given 500 L1, we studied the distribution of L3 in the internal organs (i.e., foot, head+esophagus, kidney, albumin gland, mantle, intestine, digestive gland) and found the highest density after 1, 2 and 3 months p.i. in the mantle at 29.37%, 31.09% and 37.45%. The infection rate in P. canaliculata was too low to study distribution rates.  相似文献   

植物的质外体在感知外界信号和胁迫应答中起重要作用。该研究采用生理生化和蛋白质组学方法,对秋季和冬季冬青卫矛叶片的理化指标、微观结构以及叶片质外体液体中的蛋白变化进行比较分析,探索冬青卫矛叶片质外体响应冻胁迫的分子机制,以期为植物抗冻分子机制研究提供依据。结果表明:(1)冬季冬青卫矛叶片中MDA、可溶性糖含量以及SOD、POD活性均显著升高,气孔张开度减小,叶片厚度变小。(2)冬季冬青卫矛质外体液体中的蛋白质种类和含量显著高于秋季。(3)冬青卫矛叶片质外体液体中共鉴定到838个肽段和194个蛋白质;与秋季相比,冬季冬青卫矛叶片质外体液体中共筛选到43种差异积累蛋白(DAPs),其中26个蛋白质显著上调,17个蛋白质显著下调;蛋白表达模式显示,胚胎发育晚期丰富蛋白质、铁超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物酶、丝氨酸羧肽酶等在冬季表达量较高,推测它们可能是冬季胁迫响应敏感的蛋白质。(4)KEGG富集分析显示,差异蛋白主要与应激防御、细胞壁修饰、抗病、自由基清除、甘油脂类代谢、淀粉和蔗糖代谢、次生代谢物的生物合成等生物学过程相关。(5)验证实验结果表明,冬季冬青卫矛8个差异积累蛋白与其对应的基因的表达趋势一致。研究认为,冬季冬青卫矛质外体液体中积累的蛋白可通过清除活性氧、促进单糖、寡糖和游离氨基酸等渗透调节物的生成而增强对环境的适应;推测冬青卫矛质外体中积累的单糖和寡糖可能通过增加质外体液体的浓度从而降低冰点,进而提高冬青卫矛对冬季胁迫的耐受性。  相似文献   

Eggs are widely consumed all over the world. The eggshell is its protective barrier whose original function is to protect the embryo during development. Avian eggshells are made of calcium carbonate with a small amount of organic matrix (proteins and proteoglycans). During eggshell formation, the mineral precursors interact with matrix proteins to regulate the calcification of this highly resistant biomineral. In order to better characterize the functions of matrix proteins in eggshell biominerals, many proteomics studies have been performed during the last 15 years. The chicken eggshell is the main model studied in birds, but there is a need for comparative approaches in order to determine whether there is a general protein toolkits associated with calcitic biomineralization, and to determine its components. The study by Zhu et al., reported in article number 1900011, volume 19, issue 11, is a major step forward as it is the first shell proteomics survey performed on duck. Thus, it will contribute to improved knowledge of the eggshell mineralization process and will provide new insight for shell quality improvement and to guide biomimetic efforts in material sciences.  相似文献   

Melanins (eumelanin and pheomelanin) are synthesized in insects for several purposes including cuticle sclerotization and color patterning, clot formation, organogenesis, and innate immunity. Traditional views of insect immunity detail the storage of pro‐phenoloxidases inside specialized blood cells (hemocytes) and their release upon recognition of foreign bodies. Activated phenoloxidases convert monophenols into reactive quinones in a two‐step enzymatic reaction, and until recently, the mechanism of tyrosine hydroxylation remained a mystery. Herein, we present our interpretations of these enzyme–substrate complexes. The resultant melanins are deposited onto the surface of microbes to immobilize, agglutinate, and suffocate them. Phenoloxidase activity and melanin production are not limited to the blood (hemolymph) or cuticle, as recent evidence points to more diverse, sophisticated interactions in the gut and with the resident symbionts. This review offers insight into the somewhat neglected areas of insect melanogenesis research, particularly in innate immunity, its role in beneficial insects such as pollinators, the functional versatility of phenoloxidases, and the limitations of common experimental approaches that may impede progress inadvertently.  相似文献   

Comparative two-dimensional electrophoresis showed six proteins, which were significantly produced in the root of salt-tolerant barley. These proteins were identified as stress/defense-related proteins that do not scavenge reactive oxygen species directly, suggesting that salt-tolerant barley develops not only an antioxidative system, but also physical and biochemical changes to cope with salt stress.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis at the bedside: early detection of cancer   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Proteomic technologies promise to accelerate rapidly a new era in molecular medicine, especially in the detection and discovery of disease-related biomarkers. These technologies have no bigger impact than in the field of human cancer research. Beyond lifestyle-associated prevention strategies, early detection of cancer has the most profound impact on the ultimate course of the disease: the earlier the cancer is detected, the better the prognosis. Today, new proteomic technologies are being used to discover new diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for the early detection and treatment of cancer that will have important implications at the bedside.  相似文献   

To examine density dependence in the survival, growth, and reproduction of Pomacea canaliculata, we conducted an experiment in which snail densities were manipulated in a paddy field. We released paint-marked snails of 15–20 mm shell height into 12 enclosures (pens) of 16 m2 at one of five densities – 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 snails per pen. The survival rate of released snails was 95% and was independent of snail density. The snail density had a significant effect on the growth and egg production of individual snails. This density dependence may have been caused by reduced food availability. The females at high density deposited fewer and smaller egg masses than those at low density, and consequently produced fewer eggs. The females at densities 8 and 16 deposited more than 3000 eggs per female, while the females at density 128 oviposited only 414 eggs. The total egg production per pen was, however, higher at higher snail density. The survival rates of juvenile snails were 21%–37% and were independent of adult density. The juvenile density was positively correlated with the total egg production per pen and hence was higher at higher adult density. However, the density of juveniles larger than 5 mm in shell height, i.e., juveniles that can survive an overwintering period, was not significantly different among density treatments. These results suggest that snail density after the overwintering period is independent of the density in the previous year. Thus, density dependence in growth and reproduction might regulate the population of P. canaliculata in paddies. Received: October 23, 1998 / Accepted: July 16, 1999  相似文献   

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