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氮利用效率是植物的关键功能性状, 同时紧密关联生态系统功能, 但是目前对氮利用效率的区域格局及影响因素仍然不清楚。该研究分析了内蒙古和青藏高原草原82个调查地点、139种植物叶片和根系的氮利用效率及其与环境因素、植物功能群之间的关系, 实验结果显示: 1)草甸草原植物叶片的氮利用效率为53 g·g -1, 显著大于高寒草甸(46 g·g -1)、荒漠草原(41 g·g -1)和典型草原(39 g·g -1)。高寒草甸根系氮利用效率为108 g·g -1, 显著高于其他生态系统。2)叶片氮利用效率比根系对温度更加敏感, 但随着干旱指数的增加, 两者均表现出显著的降低趋势。3)杂类草叶片和根系氮利用效率低于莎草科和禾本科植物, 豆科植物叶片和根系氮利用效率分别比非豆科植物低48%和60%。4)植物氮利用效率与土壤氮含量之间没有显著关系。总体上, 内蒙古和青藏高原草原植物叶片和根系氮利用效率的空间格局存在差异, 主要影响因素为植物功能群和干旱指数。本研究系统揭示内蒙古和青藏高原草原植物氮利用效率的空间格局及关键驱动因子, 有助于在全球变化背景下了解我国草地生产力维持机制, 同时为草原生态系统管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以川西北不同沙化程度草地典型群落为研究对象,分析了不同沙化程度草地(未沙化草地、轻度沙化草地、中度沙化草地、重度沙化草地)植物功能性状之间的关系及其与地形和土壤因子的相关性,并对不同沙化程度草地植物功能性状进行了比较。结果发现:(1)从未沙化草地到重度沙化草地变化过程中,植物群落呈现出\"湿生-中生-旱生\"的演替格局,植物群落高度、盖度和物种丰富度随着沙化程度加剧而逐渐降低。(2)叶厚度(LT)、比叶面积(SLA)、叶组织密度(LD)、比根长(SRL)、根组织密度(RD)、叶氮含量(LN)、叶磷含量(LP)、根氮含量(RN)、根磷含量(RP)随着草地沙化程度的增加而降低。(3)未沙化地草本植物的植物功能性状最大,对资源的利用效率很高,其中SLA极差值最大(250.53),LT极差值最小(9.56),RD、SLA、RN、RP和LD具有较高的变异性,LT具有较低的变异系数,其保守性最高。(4)RN与所有的叶性状均有不同程度的相关性;SLA与LD呈极显著负相关关系,与RN呈显著正相关关系;SRL与LN呈极显著负相关关系,与RN呈显著负相关关系;LN与RN呈显著正相关关系。(5)逐步回归分析表明,功能性状与土壤因子间具有一定明显的相关性,可以通过土壤因子的定量分析来确定地上植物功能性状的变化趋势及可变范围。(6)灰色关联度分析发现,SLA、SRL、RD、LN、RP受海拔的影响较大,LT、LD、RN受坡向的影响最大,坡位对LP影响最大。研究表明,地形因子中海拔对植物功能性状影响较大,土壤因子中pH值对植物功能性状影响较大。  相似文献   

  • Trade-offs exist for xerophytic shrubs between functional traits, involving in water loss and assimilate accumulation, can contribute to its survival and growth rate regulation in arid environments. However, growth analysis based on plant functional traits has been focused on the study of herbs and woody species. It is still unclear how the functional traits of xerophytic shrubs regulate their growth rate.
  • In this study, we selectedeight xerophytic shrubs as samples to analyze the regulation process of the functional traits of shrubs on growth rate. Plants were cultivated for three years, and three harvests (every one year) were carried out. Factors explaining between-species differences in relative growth rate (RGR) varied, depending on whether different ages were considered.
  • The results showed that RGR was positively correlated with net assimilation rate, but there was a significant negative correlation with leaf area ration (LAR), specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf biomass ratio in the age 1. However, in the age 2, RGR showed a significant positive correlation with the morphological traits (i.e., leaf area ration and specific leaf area), but not with physiological traits (i.e., net assimilation rate) and leaf biomass allocation.
  • Our results suggested that the fluctuation of environmental factors affects the regulation path of the plant functional traits on RGR of xerophytic shrubs. However, the analysis of causality model showed that no matter in which age, net assimilation rate and leaf area ration principally drive the variation in RGR among xerophytic shrubs.

  1. One of the main causes of biodiversity loss in aquatic ecosystems is instream habitat change associated with land‐use change in the drainage basin. Biofuel crop production is an increasingly important driver of land‐use change in existing agricultural drainage basins. Conceptually, biofuels such as sugarcane (Saccharum spp.: Poaceea) can provide a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, but little is known about the consequences of biofuel crop production for biodiversity. Thus, our aim was to investigate if and how the degree of further environmental changes at regional and local scales can influence taxonomic and functional structure of fish assemblages in agroecosystem streams.
  2. We quantified drainage basin land use, instream and riparian habitat, and fish assemblages in 38 agroecosystem streams in Brazil with drainage basins experiencing rapid expansion of sugarcane production, and calculated degree of environmental change and corresponding response in taxonomic and functional structure of stream fish assemblages. Procrustes and redundancy analyses tested for correlation between land use and instream habitat and environmental factors correlated with fish assemblage structure, respectively. Previous studies demonstrated relationships between land‐use change, instream habitat change and taxonomic and functional structure of stream fish assemblages. Therefore, we used regression to test the hypothesis that degree of environmental change is positively correlated with magnitude of change in taxonomic and functional structure of fish assemblages.
  3. Primary gradients of environmental change included conversion of pasture to sugarcane and reduction of stream width, depth and volume. Although drainage basin and instream attributes were not correlated within a year, we detected a legacy effect of land use on instream habitat. The degree of environmental change was not significantly correlated with taxonomic or functional changes in stream fish assemblages in most cases. However, abundances of resistant taxa increased, whereas nektonic functional groups decreased, and the biological response also presented evidence of a legacy effect.
  4. Our findings demonstrate that instream habitat and aquatic biodiversity in streams with agricultural drainage basins undergoing rapid conversion to biofuel production likely will not experience the full magnitude of responses in the short term. Therefore, repeated sampling of sufficient duration to account for legacy effects or time lags is needed to test for effects of biofuel expansion on biodiversity, and similarly to assess whether management practices such as riparian zone preservation can benefit biodiversity in agroecosystems.


The intensity, duration, and severity of drought increasing across the American Southwest. Plant restoration efforts are often thwarted by drought-induced effects (i.e. drought-induced mortality or failure to reproduce). Careful selection of plant materials to match future environmental conditions could improve restoration success under climate change. Here, we focus on Plantago patagonica, a priority arid land restoration species in the southwestern US. Using experimental drought in a greenhouse and supplemental watering in a common garden experiment, we quantified how the seed-collection site environment influenced plant growth, performance, phenotypic plasticity, and evidence of local adaptation in 12 populations of P. patagonica. In the greenhouse, we found plants from hotter and drier environments had higher root:shoot ratios, while those from more variable precipitation regimes had greater total biomass in response to drought. Populations sourced from warmer environments exhibited sevenfold greater plasticity in root:shoot ratio compared to those from cooler environments, and there was strong evidence for local adaptation in phenology, as populations sourced from geographic locations nearer the common garden exhibited five times more flowering individuals than those sourced furthest from that garden. In the common garden, we found that plants sourced from wetter locations and those with more consistent precipitation regimes had lower mortality and higher specific leaf area, a proxy for growth, under unwatered ambient conditions. These results suggest plant performance of P. patagonica under reduced water availability is strongly shaped by the seed-collection site environment and may be a useful tool for improving restoration outcomes in a changing world.  相似文献   

当外界环境发生变化后植物能够改变自身功能性状及时调整适应策略, 因此植物功能性状能够有效地反映植物对草地利用变化的响应, 然而在内蒙古草原从植物功能性状角度开展草地利用方式影响的研究略少。该研究以内蒙古典型草原大针茅(Stipa grandis)、羊草(Leymus chinensis)、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)和冷蒿(Artemisia frigida) 4种主要优势种为研究对象, 探讨在长期自由放牧、割草、短期围封和长期无干扰的影响下优势种植物功能性状的差异, 以期从功能性状视角, 揭示植物在受到外界干扰后的适应策略, 旨为天然草地的可持续管理提供基础数据支持和科学依据。结果表明: 1)除糙隐子草外, 在长期放牧后内蒙古典型草原优势植物植株高度、根长和植物碳氮含量降低, 这些性状的变化能够使植物个体小型化, 适口性降低, 表明植物通过逃避放牧的策略适应长期自由放牧的干扰; 在割草管理方式下, 优势种的高度和比叶面积有增加的趋势, 其中冷蒿的氮含量对割草响应最敏感, 其根、茎、叶中的氮含量均在割草样地最低; 围封和长期无干扰处理下植物的碳氮含量增加, 表明在干扰强度降低后, 植物通过功能性状的改变从资源获取策略向资源储藏策略转变。2)对优势种功能性状集合分析表明, 糙隐子草具有较低的植株高度和较高的比叶面积, 冷蒿具有较高的木质素含量和氮含量, 这些性状能够使两种植物被家畜采食量减少, 并保证其具有较强的再生能力, 这可能是糙隐子草和冷蒿耐牧的原因; 大针茅具有最高的植株高度、最大的叶片干物质含量, 以及最高的茎、叶纤维素含量, 说明大针茅是非常典型的竞争物种, 在干扰较低的条件下, 大针茅采取竞争策略对其他物种产生较大的竞争压力可能是其占优势的重要原因。  相似文献   

植物功能性状对土壤保持的影响研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王晶  赵文武  刘月  贾立志 《生态学报》2019,39(9):3355-3364
植被对土壤保持具有重要的影响,但是从植物功能性状的角度总结评述植被对土壤保持影响的研究并不多见。总结评述了植物地上功能性状、地下功能性状对土壤保持功能的影响以及植物地上、地下功能性状的关系,认为:(1)植被地上部分功能性状对土壤保持的作用主要体现在对溅蚀、面蚀的影响及间接改变土壤理化性质等方面,其功能性状指标主要包括叶面积、叶长、叶宽、枝数、植被高度等;(2)植被地下部分功能性状对土壤保持的作用主要体现在固持土壤、提高土壤抗剪切强度、提高土壤抗侵蚀能力、增强土壤渗透性,植物根系固持土壤与根系抗拉能力密切相关,植物根系土壤的物理和水文性质,与细根比例、根长密度、根表面积等性状密切相关;(3)可以通过植物地上部分功能性状间接反映地下部分功能性状,但是现有研究多为定性认识;(4)在植物功能性状对土壤保持的研究中亟待加强植被地上地下功能性状的长期定位监测,深化植被功能性状尤其是根系特征与土壤保持的作用机理,加强植被地上部分、地下部分功能性状的定量表达,建立植被功能性状与土壤保持功能的定量关系,实现植被功能性状与土壤保持功能特征的动态链接。  相似文献   

Root-based functional traits are relatively overlooked as drivers of savanna plant community dynamics, an important gap in water-limited ecosystems. Recent work has shed light on patterns of trait coordination in roots, but less is known about the relationship between root functional traits, water acquisition, and plant demographic rates. Here, we investigated how fine-root vascular and morphological traits are related in two dominant PFTs (C3 trees and C4 grasses from the savanna biome), whether root traits can predict plant relative growth rate (RGR), and whether root trait multivariate relationships differ in trees and grasses. We used root data from 21 tree and 18 grass species grown under greenhouse conditions, and quantified a suite of vascular and morphological root traits. We used a principal components analysis (PCA) to identify common axes of trait variation, compared trait correlation matrices between the two PFTs, and investigated the relationship between PCA axes and individual traits and RGR. We found that there was no clear single axis integrating vascular and morphological traits, but found that vascular anatomy predicted RGR in both trees and grasses. Trait correlation matrices differed in trees and grasses, suggesting potentially divergent patterns of trait coordination between the two functional types. Our results suggested that, despite differences in trait relationships between trees and grasses, root conductivity may constrain maximum growth rate in both PFTs, highlighting the critical role that water relations play in savanna vegetation dynamics and suggesting that root water transport capacity is an important predictor of plant performance in the savanna biome.  相似文献   

Land use intensification can greatly reduce species richness and ecosystem functioning. However, species richness determines ecosystem functioning through the diversity and values of traits of species present. Here, we analyze changes in species richness and functional diversity (FD) at varying agricultural land use intensity levels. We test hypotheses of FD responses to land use intensification in plant, bird, and mammal communities using trait data compiled for 1600+ species. To isolate changes in FD from changes in species richness we compare the FD of communities to the null expectations of FD values. In over one-quarter of the bird and mammal communities impacted by agriculture, declines in FD were steeper than predicted by species number. In plant communities, changes in FD were indistinguishable from changes in species richness. Land use intensification can reduce the functional diversity of animal communities beyond changes in species richness alone, potentially imperiling provisioning of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

The assessment of genetic differentiation in functional traits is fundamental towards understanding the adaptive characteristics of forest species. While traditional phenotyping techniques are costly and time‐consuming, remote sensing data derived from cameras mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide potentially valid high‐throughput information for assessing morphophysiological differences among tree populations. In this work, we test for genetic variation in vegetation indices (VIs) and canopy temperature among populations of Pinus halepensis as proxies for canopy architecture, leaf area, photosynthetic pigments, photosynthetic efficiency and water use. The interpopulation associations between vegetation properties and above‐ground growth (stem volume) were also assessed. Three flights (July 2016, November 2016 and May 2017) were performed in a genetic trial consisting of 56 populations covering a large part of the species range. Multispectral (visible and near infrared wavelengths), RGB (red, green, blue) and thermal images were used to estimate canopy temperature and vegetation cover (VC) and derive several VIs. Differences among populations emerged consistently across flights for VC and VIs related to leaf area, indicating genetic divergence in crown architecture. Population differences in indices related to photosynthetic pigments emerged only in May 2017 and were probably related to a contrasting phenology of needle development. Conversely, the low population differentiation for the same indices in July 2016 and November 2016 suggested weak interpopulation variation in the photosynthetic machinery of mature needles of P. halepensis. Population differences in canopy temperature found in July 2016 were indicative of variation in stomatal regulation under drought stress. Stem volume correlated with indices related to leaf area (positively) and with canopy temperature (negatively), indicating a strong influence of canopy properties and stomatal conductance on above‐ground growth at the population level. Specifically, a combination of VIs and canopy temperature accounted for about 60% of population variability in stem volume of adult trees. This is the first study to propose UAV remote sensing as an effective tool for screening genetic variation in morphophysiological traits of adult forest trees.  相似文献   

张晶  左小安 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7153-7167
人类活动和气候变化对陆地生态系统结构和功能的影响日益明显。在中国半干旱草原区,植物功能性状对这些变化的响应机制仍不是很清楚。以科尔沁沙质草地植物群落功能性状(CWMtrait)、一年生和多年生植物平均功能性状为研究对象,开展非生长季放牧、增水、氮添加及其耦合效应的模拟控制试验,于2016年8月中旬在沙质草地开展了植物功能性状的调查及测定,主要包括植物高度、比叶面积(specific leaf area,SLA)、叶片干物质含量(leaf dry matter content,LDMC)、叶片氮含量(leaf nitrogen content,LNC)和叶片碳同位素(leaf carbon isotopes,δ13C)。结果表明:氮添加显著提高了CWMheight和CWMLNCP<0.05),降低了CWMLDMCP<0.05),同时放牧和增水的耦合效应对CWMSLA具有显著影响(P<0.05);放牧显著降低了一年生植物的平均高度(P<0.05),氮添加显著提高了一年生植物的平均高度、LNC和δ13C (P<0.05);氮添加显著提高了多年生植物的平均SLA、LNC和δ13C (P<0.05),同时放牧和增水的耦合效应对多年生植物的平均SLA和LDMC具有显著影响(P<0.05)。主成分分析表明,放牧促进了植物群落和多年生植物SLA与LDMC、LNC和δ13C之间的负相关关系,增水促进了植物群落和多年生植物高度与SLA之间的正相关关系以及LDMC、LNC和δ13C之间的正相关关系,说明多年生植物在调控沙质草地植物群落响应外界干扰时具有较强的主导性作用。非生长季放牧、生长季禁牧有利于沙质草地的可持续发展和管理,增水能够减缓放牧压力对于草地植物的影响,氮添加有利于植物同化δ13C,并提高植物叶片的水分利用效率。  相似文献   

放牧对草地的植物多样性与生产力都具有深远影响,同时对调节草地功能固碳也有重要影响。此外,放牧除了会改变植物群落的分类多样性,还会影响其功能性状多样性。然而,放牧对草地生态系统植物功能多样性与土壤固碳之间关系的影响尚不清楚。因此,我们进行了控制放牧实验,研究不同放牧制度(无牧、羊放牧和牛放牧)对草甸草原和荒漠草原植物功能多样性与土壤固碳功能之间关系的影响。研究结果表明,不同家畜物种改变了草甸草原植物功能多样性与土壤有机碳(SOC)之间的关系。羊放牧使植物功能多样性与土壤有机碳的正相关关系解耦,而牛放牧则使两者之间的关系由正变负。在荒漠草原,羊放牧与牛放牧均能加强植物功能多样性与土壤有机碳之间的正相关关系。我们的研究阐明了家畜物种对土壤固碳复杂机制的巨大影响,这种影响主要是通过调节植物功能性状多样性来实现的。在未放牧的草甸草原和放牧的荒漠草原中,保持较高的植物功能多样性有利于土壤固碳,而在放牧的草甸草原和未放牧的荒漠草原中,这种关系可能消失甚至逆转。通过测量植物功能性状和控制放牧家畜物种,我们可以更准确地预测草地生态系统的固碳潜力。  相似文献   

植物功能性状与环境和生态系统功能   总被引:56,自引:2,他引:56       下载免费PDF全文
植物性状反映了植物对生长环境的响应和适应,将环境、植物个体和生态系统结构、过程与功能联系起来(所谓的“植物功能性状”)。该文介绍了植物功能性状的分类体系,综述了国内外植物功能性状与气候(包括气温、降水、光照)、地理空间变异(包括地形地貌、生态梯度、海拔)、营养、干扰(包括火灾、放牧、生物入侵、土地利用)等环境因素,以及与生态系统功能之间关系的研究进展,探讨了全球变化(气候变化和CO2浓度升高)对个体和群落植物功能性状的影响。植物功能性状的研究已经取得很多成果,并应用于全球变化、古植被恢复和古气候定量重建、环境监测与评价、生态保护和恢复等研究中,但大尺度、多生境因子下的植物功能性状研究仍有待于加强,同时需要改进性状的测量手段;我国的植物功能性状研究还需要更加明朗化和系统化。  相似文献   

Aboveground fungal pathogens can substantially reduce biomass production in grasslands. However, we lack a mechanistic understanding of the drivers of fungal pathogen infection and impact. Using a grassland global change and biodiversity experiment we show that the trade‐off between plant growth and defense is the main determinant of infection incidence. In contrast, nitrogen addition only indirectly increased incidence via shifting plant communities towards faster growing species. Plant diversity did not decrease incidence, likely because spillover of generalist pathogens or dominance of susceptible plants counteracted negative diversity effects. A fungicide treatment increased plant biomass production and high levels of infection incidence were associated with reduced biomass. However, pathogen impact was context dependent and infection incidence reduced biomass more strongly in diverse communities. Our results show that a growth‐defense trade‐off is the key driver of pathogen incidence, but pathogen impact is determined by several mechanisms and may depend on pathogen community composition.  相似文献   

Background and AimsThe acquisitive–conservative axis of plant ecological strategies results in a pattern of leaf trait covariation that captures the balance between leaf construction costs and plant growth potential. Studies evaluating trait covariation within species are scarcer, and have mostly dealt with variation in response to environmental gradients. Little work has been published on intraspecific patterns of leaf trait covariation in the absence of strong environmental variation.MethodsWe analysed covariation of four leaf functional traits [specific leaf area (SLA) leaf dry matter content (LDMC), force to tear (Ft) and leaf nitrogen content (Nm)] in six Poaceae and four Fabaceae species common in the dry Chaco forest of Central Argentina, growing in the field and in a common garden. We compared intraspecific covariation patterns (slopes, correlation and effect size) of leaf functional traits with global interspecific covariation patterns. Additionally, we checked for possible climatic and edaphic factors that could affect the intraspecific covariation pattern.Key ResultsWe found negative correlations for the LDMC–SLA, Ft–SLA, LDMC–Nm and Ft–Nm trait pairs. This intraspecific covariation pattern found both in the field and in the common garden and not explained by climatic or edaphic variation in the field follows the expected acquisitive–conservative axis. At the same time, we found quantitative differences in slopes among different species, and between these intraspecific patterns and the interspecific ones. Many of these differences seem to be idiosyncratic, but some appear consistent among species (e.g. all the intraspecific LDMC–SLA and LDMC–Nm slopes tend to be shallower than the global pattern).ConclusionsOur study indicates that the acquisitive–conservative leaf functional trait covariation pattern occurs at the intraspecific level even in the absence of relevant environmental variation in the field. This suggests a high degree of variation–covariation in leaf functional traits not driven by environmental variables.  相似文献   

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