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In this article, we review the fundamental phenomenon of oxygenation within the overriding context of petroleum-industry effluents and the other oxygen demanding wastes in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Drill cuttings, drilling mud (fluids used to stimulate the production processes), and accidental discharges of crude petroleum constitute serious land and water pollution in the oil-bearing province. Effluents from other industrial establishments such as distilleries, pulp and paper mills, fertilizer plants, and breweries, as well as thermal effluents, plant nutrients (such as nitrates and phosphates), and eroded sediments have also contributed to the pollution of their surrounding environment. Since these wastes are oxygen-demanding in nature, their impact on the recipient environment can be reversed by the direct application of simple chemistry. The wastes can be reduced, particularly in natural bodies of water, by direct oxidation-reduction processes or simple chemical combinations, acid-base reactions, and solubility equilibria; these are pH- and temperature-dependent. A shift in pH and alkalinity affects the solubility equilibria of Na+, Cl-, SO(2-), NO3(-), HCO3(-), and PO4(3-), and other ions and compounds.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the 16 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in urban street dust with a view to understanding the potential risk to urban residents exposed to street dust, sources, and distribution of the PAHs. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry was used to measure the concentrations of the PAHs after ultra-sonication with hexane/dichloromethane and clean up. The total concentrations of the ?16 PAHs in the urban street dust from Warri and its environs ranged from 165.1 to 1012 µg kg?1. The isomeric ratios and the PCA indicated that combustion of petroleum and biomass are the major sources of PAHs in Warri and its environs. The total BaP carcinogenic and mutagenic potency concentrations (?BaPTEQ and ?BaPMEQ) were in the range of 0.03 to 219 µg kg?1 and 0.52 to 182 µg kg?1, respectively. The incremental life cancer risk from exposure of the residents of Warri and its environs ranged from 4.07 × 10?7 to 3.11 × 10?3 and 2.13 × 10?7 to 1.49 × 10?3 for the children and adults, respectively, which were higher than the baseline value of acceptable risk of 10?6 (i.e., one case per million people).  相似文献   

The impact of sawmill wood wastes on the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates at the Sapele section of Benin River, Niger Delta, Nigeria, was investigated from March 2005 to August 2005. A total of 434 individuals were collected by kick-sampling method, representing 21 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates. Three stations, 1, 2, and 3, were selected from upstream of the site, receiving wood wastes discharge, the impacted site and its down stream, respectively. Among the water quality variables, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxigen demand (BOD(5)), nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorus, transparency, and alkalinity were significantly different (P<0.05) among the stations. Orthogonal comparison by Duncan's multiple range test showed that station 2 (the impacted site) was the cause of the difference. More sensitive species such as Ephemeroptera or Plecoptera were completely absent from station 2, the impacted site. Species abundance was similar in station 1 and 3, indicating that the wood wastes must have adversely affected the distribution of these macroinvertebrates, especially the intolerant species. The wood waste discharge not only altered the water chemistry, but also stimulated the abundance of less-sensitive macroinvertebrate species.  相似文献   

The study of community composition shifts due to increased habitat modifications and deforestation is a primary issue in contemporary tropical community ecology theory. As the forest habitat conversion process has been very short in Africa relative to the evolutionary temporal scale, it is likely that animal communities are not at an equilibrium. The Upper Orashi Forest Reserve (Niger Delta region of Southern Nigeria) is a valuable case study as it is one of the few remnant deltaic swamp forest patches inside a highly developed and deforested region. In this paper, we investigated some aspects of the community ecology of reptiles of this forest area based on standardized field surveys across 26 study plots. Overall, we recorded 34 species, with the detected number of both species (34 versus 27) and individuals (562 versus 381) being higher during the wet season. Diversity/dominance diagrams showed similar trends in both seasons, but diversity measures showed that evenness was remarkably higher by wet season. Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) confirmed that the species‐richness estimate generated by Chao's index was significantly higher for the wet season. However, the profiles of the diversity curves were comparable in the two seasons. The proportion of forest‐specialist species decreased compared to that observed at the same study area 15+ years ago, with a gradual process of biotic homogenization being apparent.  相似文献   

The concentrations of nine metals were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in surface sediments of three coastal creeks, namely, the Ifie, Egbokodo and Ubeji creeks, in the Niger Delta of Nigeria, from August 2012 to January 2013. The aim of the study was to provide information on the spatial and seasonal distribution patterns, degree of contamination, and ecological risks of metals in these sediments. The mean concentrations of the nine metals in these creek sediments ranged from 0.30 to 3.20?mg kg?1 Cd; 10.7 to 24.7?mg kg?1 Pb, 125 to 466?mg kg?1 Cr; 3.1.10 to 14.9?mg kg?1 Cu; 4.7 to 14.3?mg kg?1 Co; 61.1 to 115?mg kg?1 Ni; 106 to 183?mg kg?1 Mn; 52.0 to 170?mg kg?1 Zn and 5 469 to 20 639?mg kg?1 Fe. In general, the metal concentrations were higher in the dry season than the wet season, except for Cr. The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni and Zn were above their regulatory control limits in sediment as specified by the Nigerian Regulatory Authority and Cd was identified as the main ecological risk factor. The enrichment factors for the studied metals followed the order: Cd > Cr > Ni > Zn > Pb > Co > Mn > Cu. The average multiple pollution index values indicated that these sediments were severely polluted with significant inputs from Cd, Ni and Cr.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Σ15 PCBs in sediments of the Forcados River, Nigeria, were determined in 2012 to provide information on the profile, sources and ecotoxicological risks of PCBs in the sediment. The screening concentrations of PCBs were quantified using a gas chromatograph equipped with a Ni-63 electron capture detector. The concentrations of the Σ15 PCBs ranged from 2.7 to 202.3 µg kg???1 with a mean concentration of 46.5 µg kg???1. The composition of PCB congeners was clearly dominated by octa-PCBs, hepta-PCBs and hexa-PCBs, constituting 68.1% to 93.7%, respectively, of the total amounts of PCBs. All sites had Σ15 PCB levels below the prescribed probable effect concentrations, and therefore no adverse effects are expected for the majority of sediment-dwelling organisms of the Forcados River system.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper describes a simple and inexpensive procedure for the rapid biological assessment of water quality in rivers and streams in eastern Australia. The procedure involves the standardized collection of samples of 100 macroinvertebrates from defined habitat types within a water body. Specimens are identified to family level only and a biotic index is calculated. Proposed future testing and evaluation are described, and the limitations of the rapid approach are discussed.  相似文献   

王祥荣  樊正球  谢玉静  李昆  曾刚  苏德  关庆伟  任引  高峻 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7114-7118
根据国家科技部"典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究"重点专项(2016年)指南任务要求,本项目将重点开展"长三角城市群生态安全保障关键技术研究与集成示范"的研究。基于对"长三角城市群重大生态安全问题的DPSIR多元共轭机理"及"长三角城市群生态安全协同联动机制与保障路径"重大科学问题的辨识,强化"1、5、1"的整体研究思路和技术路线,即:构建1个基础理论框架、研发5大技术体系、创新1个协同联动决策支持系统和平台。项目成果将有助于长三角地区提高生态系统监管能力,促进区域健康发展,并为国家城市群可持续发展提供科学依据,具有极其重要的社会、经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

Free asparagine in cereals is known to be the precursor of acrylamide, a neurotoxic and carcinogenic product formed during cooking processes. Thus, the development of crops with lower asparagine is of considerable interest to growers and the food industry. In this study, we describe the development and application of a rapid 1H‐NMR‐based analysis of cereal flour, that is, suitable for quantifying asparagine levels, and hence acrylamide‐forming potential, across large numbers of samples. The screen was applied to flour samples from 150 bread wheats grown at a single site in 2005, providing the largest sample set to date. Additionally, screening of 26 selected cultivars grown for two further years in the same location and in three additional European locations in the third year (2007) provided six widely different environments to allow estimation of the environmental (E) and G x E effects on asparagine levels. Asparagine concentrations in the 150 genotypes ranged from 0.32 to 1.56 mg/g dry matter in wholemeal wheat flours. Asparagine levels were correlated with plant height and therefore, due to recent breeding activities to produce semi‐dwarf varieties, a negative relationship with the year of registration of the cultivar was also observed. The multisite study indicated that only 13% of the observed variation in asparagine levels was heritable, whilst the environmental contribution was 36% and the GxE component was 43%. Thus, compared to some other phenotypic traits, breeding for low asparagine wheats presents a difficult challenge.  相似文献   

REALLY INTERESTING NEW GENE (RING) proteins play important roles in the regulation of many processes by recognizing target proteins for ubiquitination. Previously, we have shown that the expression of PtaRHE1, encoding a Populus tremula × Populus alba RING‐H2 protein with E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, is associated with tissues undergoing secondary growth. To further elucidate the role of PtaRHE1 in vascular tissues, we have undertaken a reverse genetic analysis in poplar. Within stem secondary vascular tissues, PtaRHE1 and its corresponding protein are expressed predominantly in the phloem. The downregulation of PtaRHE1 in poplar by artificial miRNA triggers alterations in phloem fibre patterning, characterized by an increased portion of secondary phloem fibres that have a reduced cell wall thickness and a change in lignin composition, with lower levels of syringyl units as compared with wild‐type plants. Following an RNA‐seq analysis, a biological network involving hormone stress signalling, as well as developmental processes, could be delineated. Several candidate genes possibly associated with the altered phloem fibre phenotype observed in amiRPtaRHE1 poplar were identified. Altogether, our data suggest a regulatory role for PtaRHE1 in secondary phloem fibre development.  相似文献   

Fine mapping QTLs and identifying candidate genes for cotton fibre‐quality and yield traits would be beneficial to cotton breeding. Here, we constructed a high‐density genetic map by specific‐locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF‐seq) to identify QTLs associated with fibre‐quality and yield traits using 239 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), which was developed from LMY22 (a high‐yield Gossypium hirsutumL. cultivar) × LY343 (a superior fibre‐quality germplasm with GbarbadenseL. introgressions). The genetic map spanned 3426.57 cM, including 3556 SLAF‐based SNPs and 199 SSR marker loci. A total of 104 QTLs, including 67 QTLs for fibre quality and 37 QTLs for yield traits, were identified with phenotypic data collected from 7 environments. Among these, 66 QTLs were co‐located in 19 QTL clusters on 12 chromosomes, and 24 QTLs were detected in three or more environments and determined to be stable. We also investigated the genomic components of LY343 and their contributions to fibre‐related traits by deep sequencing the whole genome of LY343, and we found that genomic components from G. hirsutum races (which entered LY343 via its Gbarbadense parent) contributed more favourable alleles than those from G. barbadense. We further identified six putative candidate genes for stable QTLs, including Gh_A03G1147 (GhPEL6), Gh_D07G1598 (GhCSLC6) and Gh_D13G1921 (GhTBL5) for fibre‐length QTLs and Gh_D03G0919 (GhCOBL4), Gh_D09G1659 (GhMYB4) and Gh_D09G1690 (GhMYB85) for lint‐percentage QTLs. Our results provide comprehensive insight into the genetic basis of the formation of fibre‐related traits and would be helpful for cloning fibre‐development‐related genes as well as for marker‐assisted genetic improvement in cotton.  相似文献   

Coffee species such as Coffea canephora P. (Robusta) and C. arabica L. (Arabica) are important cash crops in tropical regions around the world. C. arabica is an allotetraploid (2n = 4x = 44) originating from a hybridization event of the two diploid species C. canephora and C. eugenioides (2n = 2x = 22). Interestingly, these progenitor species harbour a greater level of genetic variability and are an important source of genes to broaden the narrow Arabica genetic base. Here, we describe the development, evaluation and use of a single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array for coffee trees. A total of 8580 unique and informative SNPs were selected from C. canephora and C. arabica sequencing data, with 40% of the SNP located in annotated genes. In particular, this array contains 227 markers associated to 149 genes and traits of agronomic importance. Among these, 7065 SNPs (~82.3%) were scorable and evenly distributed over the genome with a mean distance of 54.4 Kb between markers. With this array, we improved the Robusta high‐density genetic map by adding 1307 SNP markers, whereas 945 SNPs were found segregating in the Arabica mapping progeny. A panel of C. canephora accessions was successfully discriminated and over 70% of the SNP markers were transferable across the three species. Furthermore, the canephora‐derived subgenome of C. arabica was shown to be more closely related to C. canephora accessions from northern Uganda than to other current populations. These validated SNP markers and high‐density genetic maps will be useful to molecular genetics and for innovative approaches in coffee breeding.  相似文献   

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