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Marisa K. Lipsey David E. Naugle Joshua Nowak Paul M. Lukacs 《Diversity & distributions》2017,23(7):783-793
Overwintering is a key demographic stage for migratory birds but remains poorly understood, especially among multiple declining grassland bird species. The non-breeding ranges all 4 species of longspur (i.e., chestnut-collared [Calcarius ornatus], Smith's [C. pictus], Lapland [C. lapponicus], thick-billed [Rhynchophanes mccownii]) overlap in Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle, USA, making this region ideal to study their wintering ecology. We evaluated the relationship between wintering longspur occurrence and fine-scale habitat characteristics using a combination of standardized bird surveys and vegetation plot sampling. Our study encompassed large, representative tracts of 3 prairie ecosystems (i.e., shortgrass, mixed-grass, and tallgrass prairies) that intersect within the Southern Great Plains, during winters of 2018–2019 and 2019–2020. Using randomization tests and classification trees, we characterized longspur habitats and compared these associations across the 3 prairie ecosystems. Fine-scale winter habitats (horizontal structure, vertical structure, and species compositions) varied among all 4 longspur species, varied at very fine scales, and differed between grassland types. Our findings can be applied to the management of grasslands such as decreasing vegetation height in mixed-grass prairies for chestnut-collared longspurs or removing woody vegetation in shortgrass prairies for thick-billed longspurs to help develop full-life cycle conservation for longspurs, which have experienced population declines. 相似文献
Keith A. Mcguinness 《Austral ecology》2000,25(1):8-15
Distinguishing the roles that different factors, such as sampling effects and habitat heterogeneity, play in generating species‐area curves continues to be difficult in many communities. A recent response to this challenge is the proposal of a ‘zoom’ protocol in which species richness and habitat heterogeneity are sampled in successively larger units (transects or quadrats). The utility of this approach requires that there be justifiable, predictable and unambiguous relationships between richness and heterogeneity. Results of computer simulations that I have done to test the predicted relationships demonstrate, however, that the predicted patterns were not always observed and, on occasion, more complex relationships were observed in their place. While the development of such protocols may increase our understanding of species‐area curves, they are unlikely ever to pronounce unambiguously on their causes. 相似文献
Atsushi Ohwaki Sho‐ichi Hayami Masahiko Kitahara Taisuke Yasuda 《Entomological Science》2018,21(1):112-123
Semi‐natural grasslands are vital for maintaining grassland butterflies in Japan, as well as in Europe. However, severe decline in these grassland environments has recently attracted attention to linear grasslands, such as firebreaks and power‐line corridors, as alternative habitats for grassland insects. We surveyed butterflies in an abandoned grassland and nearby linear mown firebreaks adjacent to different vegetation at the northern foot of Mt. Fuji, central Japan, over 5 successive years, particularly focusing on species on the 2012 Japanese Red List of Threatened Species (“red‐list” species). We found that the firebreaks were consistently higher in species richness and abundance of butterflies than the long‐term abandoned grassland, and that species composition differed among the firebreaks depending on conditions of the adjacent vegetation. The firebreaks surrounded by forests were mainly utilized by forest and edge species, whereas the firebreaks adjacent to the grassland were essential for conserving red‐list grassland species. Thus, only the mown firebreaks adjacent to the grassland were regarded as a high‐quality alternative habitat for many grassland butterflies, but the area was limited. Therefore, creating heterogeneity in the abandoned grassland by infrequent mowing could help conserve grassland butterflies, including red‐list species. 相似文献
栗斑腹鹀的栖息地和巢址选择 总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7
于1999到2001年5月至7月连续3a在吉林省镇赉县大岗林场,采用样地法和样方法,对栗斑腹鹀的栖息地选择和巢址选择进行了研究.结果表明此鸟的繁殖是在草甸草原+杏树环境下进行的,对栖息地样方和对照样方的对比分析得出,杏树最大高度、50 m半径圆内杏树数量、贝加尔针茅数量、大油芒数量、植物盖度、火绒草平均高度、贝加尔针茅最大高度、兴安胡枝子平均高度8个因子是影响其栖息地选择的主要因子.通过对46个巢的研究发现,大多数栗斑腹鹀把巢建在贝加尔针茅下面,巢出入口方向多为东南45°和西南45°.对46巢的27个因子的主成分分析,结果发现植物盖度、火绒草高度、鸢尾数量、巢出入口方向、10 m内杏树数量、30 m内杏树数量、裸地面积这6个因子是巢址选择的主要因子.对46巢26个巢址和非巢址因子进行判别分析,植物盖度、大油芒、乳浆大戟高度、石竹数量、线叶菊高度和30m内杏树数量等6个因子,为巢位选择的主要因子 .两种分析结果基本相似.总之,栗斑腹鹀喜欢在植被盖度大、杏树相对多、贝加尔针茅和大油芒的密度大、食物资源丰富的区域内营巢. 相似文献
Knowledge of the pattern of selection in natural populations is fundamental for our understanding of the evolutionary process. Selection at higher levels has gained considerable theoretical support in recent years, and one possible level of selection is the breeding pair where fitness is a function of the pair and cannot be reduced to single individuals. We analyzed the importance of pair‐level selection over 25 years in a natural population of the collared flycatcher. Pair‐level selection was significant in five and probably in another 9 years. The relative importance of pair‐level selection varied over years and can have stronger or the same strength as directional selection. This means that selection can act on the combination of the breeding pair in addition to selection on each individual separately. Overall, the conservative estimates obtained here show that this is a potentially important form of selection. 相似文献
Thomas Merckx Murilo Dantas de Miranda Henrique M. Pereira 《Journal of Biogeography》2019,46(5):956-967
于 1 999到 2 0 0 1年 5月至 7月连续 3a在吉林省镇赉县大岗林场 ,采用样地法和样方法 ,对栗斑腹的栖息地选择和巢址选择进行了研究。结果表明 :此鸟的繁殖是在草甸草原 杏树环境下进行的 ,对栖息地样方和对照样方的对比分析得出 ,杏树最大高度、5 0 m半径圆内杏树数量、贝加尔针茅数量、大油芒数量、植物盖度、火绒草平均高度、贝加尔针茅最大高度、兴安胡枝子平均高度 8个因子是影响其栖息地选择的主要因子。通过对 46个巢的研究发现 ,大多数栗斑腹把巢建在贝加尔针茅下面 ,巢出入口方向多为东南 45°和西南 45°。对 46巢的 2 7个因子的主成分分析 ,结果发现植物盖度、火绒草高度、鸢尾数量、巢出入口方向、1 0 m内杏树数量、30 m内杏树数量、裸地面积这 6个因子是巢址选择的主要因子。对 46巢 2 6个巢址和非巢址因子进行判别分析 ,植物盖度、大油芒、乳浆大戟高度、石竹数量、线叶菊高度和 30 m内杏树数量等 6个因子 ,为巢位选择的主要因子。两种分析结果基本相似。总之 ,栗斑腹喜欢在植被盖度大、杏树相对多、贝加尔针茅和大油芒的密度大、食物资源丰富的区域内营巢。 相似文献
Carmen Galn‐Acedo Víctor Arroyo‐Rodríguez Sabine J. Cudney‐Valenzuela Lenore Fahrig 《Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society》2019,94(5):1605-1618
Land‐use change modifies the spatial structure of terrestrial landscapes, potentially shaping the distribution, abundance and diversity of remaining species assemblages. Non‐human primates can be particularly vulnerable to landscape disturbances, but our understanding of this topic is far from complete. Here we reviewed all available studies on primates' responses to landscape structure. We found 34 studies of 71 primate species (24 genera and 10 families) that used a landscape approach. Most studies (82%) were from Neotropical forests, with howler monkeys being the most frequently studied taxon (56% of studies). All studies but one used a site‐landscape or a patch‐landscape study design, and frequently (34% of studies) measured landscape variables within a given radius from the edge of focal patches. Altogether, the 34 studies reported 188 responses to 17 landscape‐scale metrics. However, the majority of the studies (62%) quantified landscape predictors within a single spatial scale, potentially missing significant primate–landscape responses. To assess such responses accurately, landscape metrics need to be measured at the optimal scale, i.e. the spatial extent at which the primate–landscape relationship is strongest (so‐called ‘scale of effect’). Only 21% of studies calculated the scale of effect through multiscale approaches. Interestingly, the vast majority of studies that do not assess the scale of effect mainly reported null effects of landscape structure on primates, while most of the studies based on optimal scales found significant responses. These significant responses were primarily to landscape composition variables rather than landscape configuration variables. In particular, primates generally show positive responses to increasing forest cover, landscape quality indices and matrix permeability. By contrast, primates show weak responses to landscape configuration. In addition, half of the studies showing significant responses to landscape configuration metrics did not control for the effect of forest cover. As configuration metrics are often correlated with forest cover, this means that documented configuration effects may simply be driven by landscape‐scale forest loss. Our findings suggest that forest loss (not fragmentation) is a major threat to primates, and thus, preventing deforestation (e.g. through creation of reserves) and increasing forest cover through restoration is critically needed to mitigate the impact of land‐use change on our closest relatives. Increasing matrix functionality can also be critical, for instance by promoting anthropogenic land covers that are similar to primates' habitat. 相似文献
1. In organisms characterised by complex life cycles, habitat selection often occurs at multiple spatial scales. For instance, female mosquitoes searching for an appropriate aquatic habitat to oviposit their eggs should also consider the characteristics of the terrestrial landscape in which it is embedded. 2. In this study, a field experiment was conducted to test for multi‐scale oviposition site selection in two mosquito species. Artificial pools were placed in two adjacent landscapes, olive plantations and a citrus orchard, mainly differing in their blooming periods and nectar availability. Pools were organised in three pairs: predatory caged fish were present in both pools, in one pool, or in none. 3. Early during the season, most of the egg rafts were laid by Culiseta longiareolata females in pools located within the blooming citrus orchard. When blooming shifted to the olive plantation, C. longiareolata become opportunistic. Culex pipiens females appeared later on during the season, when egg rafts of C. longiareolata were scarce, and they exhibited a higher selectivity to the olive plantation, although its blooming ended. In addition, the selectivity of C. pipiens to fish‐free pools was stronger than that of C. longiareolata. 4. Culex pipiens was more selective, possibly due to its high dispersal ability, which can lower movement cost and enhance the ability to gather environmental information. A trade‐off among gonotrophic cycles, combined with a shorter breeding season and limited recognition ability of the predatory fish may have reduced C. longiareolata selectivity. These differential oviposition patterns can strongly affect the population and community dynamics of both species. 相似文献
Henslow's Sparrows (Ammodramus henslowii) are known to breed in restored grasslands consisting of either warm‐ or cool‐season grasses, but additional information is needed concerning their breeding biology in these two types of grasslands. We compared the abundance, territory sizes, and pairing success of male Henslow's Sparrows in grasslands in west‐central Missouri in 2010 and 2011 using a paired‐treatment design, where warm‐ and cool‐season grasslands were located in close proximity. Selection indices indicated no apparent preference by male Henslow's Sparrows for either type of grassland, and the territory sizes and pairing success of males in cool‐ and warm‐season grasslands did not differ. In addition, we found no significant differences in habitat structure between these grassland types. Thus, our results suggest that the warm‐ and cool‐season grasslands in our study provided suitable habitat for Henslow's Sparrows. Other investigators have drawn similar conclusions for Henslow's Sparrows and for grassland birds in general, with the structural characteristics and, for some species, the size of grasslands being more important for grassland birds than plant species composition. 相似文献
Anthony R. Rendall John G. White Raylene Cooke Desley A. Whisson Thomas Schneider Lisa Beilharz Eleanor Poelsma Julia Ryeland Michael A. Weston 《Ecological Management & Restoration》2021,22(1):72-79
Autonomously triggered cameras are a common wildlife survey technique. The use of attractants and surrounding microhabitats is likely to influence detection probabilities and survey outcomes; however, few studies consider these factors. We compared three attractants (peanut butter‐based, tuna‐based and a control) in a Latin square design through a coastal shrubland with high microhabitat variability at Cape Otway, Victoria, Australia (38º50?S, 143º30?E). Deployments involved 36 cameras for four days in each of five years. The percentage cover of each vegetation structural type (low [no or sparse cover], moderate [grass] or high [shrubs]) within 20 m of each camera was calculated and reduced to a single variable using PCA. Dynamic occupancy modelling, with lure type and vegetation structure as covariates of detection probability, found that peanut butter attracted the greatest diversity of species (24 of 35 species, 69%) and yielded the greatest number of detections (50% of 319) when compared with tuna oil (66% and 24%, respectively) and the control (43% and 26%, respectively). Peanut butter attracted more Macropodidae (wallabies) and Muridae (rats and mice); however, vegetation structural variables were the greatest influence on Corvidae/Artamidae (raven/currawong) detections with higher detectability in more open areas. Vegetation structure also influenced Muridae detections. This study reinforces the critical choice of appropriate attractants and camera placement when investigating vertebrate groups and highlights the role of microhabitat in the detection of small mammals and birds. We suggest future large‐scale camera surveys consider different bait types and microhabitats in their designs, to control for any biases and enable future advice on ‘optimal’ methods. 相似文献
Michael J. McGrady James E. Hines Chris J. Rollie George D. Smith Elise R. Morton Jennifer F. Moore Richard M. Mearns Ian Newton Oscar E. Murillo‐García Madan K. Oli 《Ibis》2017,159(2):285-296
Organochlorine pesticides disrupted reproduction and killed many raptorial birds, and contributed to population declines during the 1940s to 1970s. We sought to discern whether and to what extent territory occupancy and breeding success changed from the pesticide era to recent years in a resident population of Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus in southern Scotland using long‐term (1964–2015) field data and multi‐state, multi‐season occupancy models. Peregrine territories that were occupied with successful reproduction in one year were much more likely to be occupied and experience reproductive success in the following year, compared with those that were unoccupied or occupied by unsuccessful breeders in the previous year. Probability of territory occupancy differed between territories in the eastern and western parts of the study area, and varied over time. The probability of occupancy of territories that were unoccupied and those that were occupied with successful reproduction during the previous breeding season generally increased over time, whereas the probability of occupancy of territories that were occupied after failed reproduction decreased. The probability of reproductive success (conditional on occupancy) in territories that were occupied during the previous breeding season increased over time. Specifically, for territories that had been successful in the previous year, the probability of occupancy as well as reproductive success increased steadily over time; these probabilities were substantially higher in recent years than earlier, when the population was still exposed to direct or residual effects of organochlorine pesticides. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that progressive reduction, followed by a complete ban, in the use of organochlorine pesticides improved reproductive success of Peregrines in southern Scotland. Differences in the temporal pattern of probability of reproductive success between south‐eastern and south‐western Scotland suggest that the effect of organochlorine pesticides on Peregrine reproductive success and/or the recovery from pesticide effects varied geographically and was possibly affected by other factors such as persecution. 相似文献
Joseph D. Holbrook John R. Squires Lucretia E. Olson Rick L. Lawrence Shannon L. Savage 《Ecology and evolution》2017,7(1):125-144
Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) are an ecologically important herbivore because they modify vegetation through browsing and serve as a prey resource for multiple predators. We implemented a multiscale approach to characterize habitat relationships for snowshoe hares across the mixed conifer landscape of the northern Rocky Mountains, USA. Our objectives were to (1) assess the relationship between horizontal cover and snowshoe hares, (2) estimate how forest metrics vary across the gradient of snowshoe hare use and horizontal cover, and (3) model and map snowshoe hare occupancy and intensity of use. Results indicated that both occupancy and intensity of use by snowshoe hares increased with horizontal cover and that the effect became stronger as intensity of use increased. This underscores the importance of dense horizontal cover to achieve high use, and likely density, of snowshoe hares. Forest structure in areas with high snowshoe hare use and horizontal cover was characterized as multistoried with dense canopy cover and medium‐sized trees (e.g., 12.7–24.4 cm). The abundance of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) was associated with snowshoe hare use within a mixed conifer context, and the only species to increase in abundance with horizontal cover was Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa). Our landscape‐level modeling produced similar patterns in that we observed a positive effect of lodgepole pine and horizontal cover on both occupancy and use by snowshoe hares, but we also observed a positive yet parabolic effect of snow depth on snowshoe hare occupancy. This work is among the first to characterize the multiscale habitat relationships of snowshoe hares across a mixed conifer landscape as well as to map their occupancy and intensity of use. Moreover, our results provide stand‐ and landscape‐level insights that directly relate to management agencies, which aids in conservation efforts of snowshoe hares and their associated predators. 相似文献
Jacob B. Socolar Simon C. Mills Torbjrn Haugaasen James J. Gilroy David P. Edwards 《Ecology and evolution》2022,12(10)
Ecologists often seek to infer patterns of species occurrence or community structure from survey data. Hierarchical models, including multi‐species occupancy models (MSOMs), can improve inference by pooling information across multiple species via random effects. Originally developed for local‐scale survey data, MSOMs are increasingly applied to larger spatial scales that transcend major abiotic gradients and dispersal barriers. At biogeographic scales, the benefits of partial pooling in MSOMs trade off against the difficulty of incorporating sufficiently complex spatial effects to account for biogeographic variation in occupancy across multiple species simultaneously. We show how this challenge can be overcome by incorporating preexisting range information into MSOMs, yielding a “biogeographic multi‐species occupancy model” (bMSOM). We illustrate the bMSOM using two published datasets: Parulid warblers in the United States Breeding Bird Survey and entire avian communities in forests and pastures of Colombia''s West Andes. Compared with traditional MSOMs, the bMSOM provides dramatically better predictive performance at lower computational cost. The bMSOM avoids severe spatial biases in predictions of the traditional MSOM and provides principled species‐specific inference even for never‐observed species. Incorporating preexisting range data enables principled partial pooling of information across species in large‐scale MSOMs. Our biogeographic framework for multi‐species modeling should be broadly applicable in hierarchical models that predict species occurrences, whether or not false absences are modeled in an occupancy framework. 相似文献
Lesley A. Gibson 《Diversity & distributions》2011,17(4):613-623
Aim Assessments of biodiversity are an essential requirement of conservation management planning. Species distributional modelling is a popular approach to quantifying biodiversity whereby occurrence data are related to environmental covariates. An important confounding factor that is often overlooked in the development of such models is uncertainty due to imperfect detection. Here, I demonstrate how an analytical approach that accounts for the bias due to imperfect detection can be applied retrospectively to an existing biodiversity survey data set to produce more realistic estimates of species distributions and unbiased covariate relationships. Location Pilbara biogeographic region, Australia. Methods As a component of the Pilbara survey, presence/absence (i.e. undetected) data on small ground‐dwelling mammals were collected. I applied a multiseason occupancy modelling approach to six of the most common species encountered during this survey. Detection and occupancy rates, as well as extinction and colonization probabilities, were determined, and the influence of covariates on these parameters was examined using the multi‐model inference approach. Results Detection probabilities for all six species were considerably lower than 1.0 and varied across time and species. Naïve estimates of occupancy underestimated occupancy rates corrected for species detectability by up to 45%. Seasonal variation in occupancy status was attributed to changes in detection for two of the focal species, while reproductive events explained variation in occupancy in three others. Covariates describing the substrate strongly influenced site occupancy for most of the species modelled. A comparison of the occupancy model with a generalized linear model, assuming perfect detection, showed that the effects of the covariates were underestimated in the latter model. Main conclusions The application of the multiseason occupancy modelling approach to the Pilbara mammal data set demonstrated a powerful framework for examining changes in site occupancy, as well as local colonization and extinction rates of species which are not confounded by variable species detection rates. 相似文献