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Although medicinal leeches have long been used as treatment for various ailments because of their potent anticoagulation factors, neither the full diversity of salivary components that inhibit coagulation, nor the evolutionary selection acting on them has been thoroughly investigated. Here, we constructed expressed sequence tag libraries from salivary glands of two species of medicinal hirudinoid leeches, Hirudo verbana and Aliolimnatis fenestrata, and identified anticoagulant‐orthologs through BLASTx searches. The data set then was augmented by the addition of a previously constructed EST library from the macrobdelloid leech Macrobdella decora. The identified orthologs then were compared and contrasted with well‐characterized anticoagulants from a variety of leeches with different feeding habits, including non‐sanguivorous species. Moreover, four different statistical methods for predicting signatures of positive and negative evolutionary pressures were used for 10 rounds each to assess the level and type of selection acting on the molecules as a whole and on specific sites. In total, sequences showing putative BLASTx‐orthology with five and three anticoagulant‐families were recovered in the A. fenestrata and H. verbana EST libraries respectively. Selection pressure analyses predicted high levels of purifying selection across the anticoagulant diversity, although a few isolated sites showed signatures of positive selection. This study represents a first attempt at mapping the anticoagulant repertoires in a comparative fashion across several leech families.  相似文献   


Proacrosome and acrosome of the primitive leech Acanthobdella peledina are described by means of transmission electron microscopy. The proacrosome develops in early spermatids and has the shape of a pot-bellied urn with an opening towards the nucleus. Its wall is formed by a thin vesicle. In its interior, many sections of tubular structures are visible. This urn is seated atop a short, electron-dense tube. The resultant acrosome is unusually elongated, with a helically coiled acrosomal tube forming its base. Above the tube the thin acrosomal vesicle encloses a central space, within which is the acrosomal rod. The acrosomal structures clearly indicate a sister-group relationship to the Euhirudinea, but do not corroborate the notion of close kinship with the Branchiobdellidae.  相似文献   

Array-based gene expression studies frequently serve to identify genes that are expressed differently under two or more conditions. The actual analysis of the data, however, may be hampered by a number of technical and statistical problems. Possible remedies on the level of computational analysis lie in appropriate preprocessing steps, proper normalization of the data and application of statistical testing procedures in the derivation of differentially expressed genes. This review summarizes methods that are available for these purposes and provides a brief overview of the available software tools.  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of segmentation, we must compare segmentation in all three major groups of eusegmented animals: vertebrates, arthropods, and annelids. The leech Helobdella robusta is an experimentally tractable annelid representative, which makes segments in anteroposterior progression from a posterior growth zone consisting of 10 identified stem cells. In vertebrates and some arthropods, Notch signaling is required for normal segmentation and functions via regulation of hes-class genes. We have previously characterized the expression of an hes-class gene (Hro-hes) during segmentation in Helobdella, and here, we characterize the expression of an H. robusta notch homolog (Hro-notch) during this process. We find that Hro-notch is transcribed in the segmental founder cells (blast cells) and their stem-cell precursors (teloblasts), as well as in other nonsegmental tissues. The mesodermal and ectodermal lineages show clear differences in the levels of Hro-notch expression. Finally, Hro-notch is shown to be inherited by newly born segmental founder cells as well as transcribed by them before their first cell division.  相似文献   

Meg9/Mirg (maternally expressed gene 9/microRNA containing gene), a non‐coding RNA (ncRNA) comprising many alternatively splicing isoforms, has been identified as maternally expressed in mouse and sheep, but its imprinting status and splicing variants are still unknown in cattle. In this study, we found three splicing variants of the cattle MEG9 gene expressed in a tissue‐specific manner. A single nucleotide polymorphism site (SNP c.1354C>G) was identified in exon 3 of cattle MEG9 and used to distinguish between monoallelic and biallelic expression. Our results showed that MEG9 exhibited monoallelic expression in all examined cattle tissues by comparing sequencing results between genomic DNA and cDNA levels at the c.1354C>G SNP site, suggesting that MEG9 is imprinted in cattle.  相似文献   

Although the evolutionary and ecological processes that contribute to plant invasion have been the focus of much research, investigation into the molecular basis of invasion is just beginning. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) is an annual weed native to North America and has been introduced to Europe where it has become invasive. Using a custom‐designed NimbleGen oligoarray, we examined differences in gene expression between five native and six introduced populations of common ragweed in three different environments (control, light stress and nutrient stress), as well as two different time points. We identified candidate genes that may contribute to invasiveness in common ragweed based on differences in expression between native and introduced populations from Europe. Specifically, we found 180 genes where range explained a significant proportion of the variation in gene expression and a further 103 genes with a significant range by treatment interaction. Several of these genes are potentially involved in the metabolism of secondary compounds, stress response and the detoxification of xenobiotics. Previously, we found more rapid growth and greater reproductive success in introduced populations, particularly in benign and competitive (light stress) environments, and many of these candidate genes potentially underlie these growth differences. We also found expression differences among populations within each range, reflecting either local adaptation or neutral processes, although no associations with climate or latitude were identified. These data provide a first step in identifying genes that are involved with introduction success in an aggressive annual weed.  相似文献   

The RACE technique was used to clone the full‐length vitellogenin (VTG) cDNA sequence of Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus). The full‐length sequence was 5,550 bp with an open reading frame of 5,238 bp, encoding 1,745 amino acids, and 5′ and 3′ UTRs (untranslated regions) of 45 bp and 267 bp, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis showed that S. formosus and silver arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) share a close evolutionary relationship (bootstrap 100%). The quantitative real‐time PCR results showed that vtg expression was significantly higher in liver and gonads of male and female fish compared with its expression in the other tissues tested (p < 0.01). The relative expression levels of vtg in liver, gland, kidney, heart, head kidney, and brain of female fish were significantly higher than in the corresponding tissues of male fish (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

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