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This review provides an overview of the state and future directions of development and pathology in the craniofacial complex in the context of Cranial Neural Crest Cells (CNCC). CNCC are a multipotent cell population that is largely responsible for forming the vertebrate head. We focus on findings that have increased the knowledge of gene regulatory networks and molecular mechanisms governing CNCC migration and the participation of these cells in tissue formation. Pathology due to aberrant migration or cell death of CNCC, termed neurocristopathies, is discussed in addition to craniosynostoses. Finally, we discuss tissue engineering applications that take advantage of recent advancements in genome editing and the multipotent nature of CNCC. These applications have relevance to treating diseases due directly to the failure of CNCC, and also in restoring tissues lost due to a variety of reasons. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:324–332, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Murine neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) are a multipotent transient population of stem cells. After being formed during early embryogenesis as a consequence of neurulation at the apical neural fold, the cells rapidly disperse throughout the embryo, migrating along specific pathways and differentiating into a wide variety of cell types. In vitro the multipotency is lost rapidly, making it difficult to study differentiation potential as well as cell fate decisions. Using a transgenic mouse line, allowing for spatio-temporal control of the transforming c-myc oncogene, we derived a cell line (JoMa1), which expressed NCSC markers in a transgene-activity dependent manner. JoMa1 cells express early NCSC markers and can be instructed to differentiate into neurons, glia, smooth muscle cells, melanocytes, and also chondrocytes. A cell-line, clonally derived from JoMa1 culture, termed JoMa1.3 showed identical behavior and was studied in more detail. This system therefore represents a powerful tool to study NCSC biology and signaling pathways. We observed that when proliferative and differentiation stimuli were given, enhanced cell death could be detected, suggesting that the two signals are incompatible in the cellular context. However, the cells regain their differentiation potential after inactivation of c-MycER(T). In summary, we have established a system, which allows for the biochemical analysis of the molecular pathways governing NCSC biology. In addition, we should be able to obtain NCSC lines from crossing the c-MycER(T) mice with mice harboring mutations affecting neural crest development enabling further insight into genetic pathways controlling neural crest differentiation.  相似文献   

The PR domain containing 1a, with ZNF domain factor, gene (prdm1a) plays an integral role in the development of a number of different cell types during vertebrate embryogenesis, including neural crest cells, Rohon‐Beard (RB) sensory neurons and the cranial neural crest‐derived craniofacial skeletal elements. To better understand how Prdm1a regulates the development of various cell types in zebrafish, we performed a microarray analysis comparing wild type and prdm1a mutant embryos and identified a number of genes with altered expression in the absence of prdm1a. Rescue analysis determined that two of these, sox10 and islet1, lie downstream of Prdm1a in the development of neural crest cells and RB neurons, respectively. In addition, we identified a number of other novel downstream targets of Prdm1a that may be important for the development of diverse tissues during zebrafish embryogenesis. genesis 48:656–666, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein complex (EMC) is essential for the insertion of a wide variety of transmembrane proteins into the plasma membrane across cell types. Each EMC is composed of Emc1-7, Emc10, and either Emc8 or Emc9. Recent human genetics studies have implicated variants in EMC genes as the basis for a group of human congenital diseases. The patient phenotypes are varied but appear to affect a subset of tissues more prominently than others. Namely, craniofacial development seems to be commonly affected. We previously developed an array of assays in Xenopus tropicalis to assess the effects of emc1 depletion on the neural crest, craniofacial cartilage, and neuromuscular function. We sought to extend this approach to additional EMC components identified in patients with congenital malformations. Through this approach, we determine that EMC9 and EMC10 are important for neural crest development and the development of craniofacial structures. The phenotypes observed in patients and our Xenopus model phenotypes similar to EMC1 loss of function likely due to a similar mechanism of dysfunction in transmembrane protein topogenesis.  相似文献   

Jaws are formed by cephalic neural crest (CNCCs) and mesodermal cells migrating to the first pharyngeal arch (PA1). A complex signaling network involving different PA1 components then establishes the jaw morphogenetic program. To gather insight on this developmental process, in this study, we analyze the teratogenic effects of brief (1–15 min) pulses of low doses of retinoic acid (RA: 0.25–2 µM) or RA agonists administered to early Xenopus laevis (X.l.) embryos. We show that these brief pulses of RA cause permanent craniofacial defects specifically when treatments are performed during a 6‐hr window (developmental stages NF15–NF23) that covers the period of CNCCs maintenance, migration, and specification. Earlier or later treatments have no effect. Similar treatments performed at slightly different developmental stages within this temporal window give rise to different spectra of malformations. The RA‐dependent teratogenic effects observed in Xenopus can be partially rescued by folinic acid. We provide evidence suggesting that in Xenopus, as in the mouse, RA causes craniofacial malformations by perturbing signaling to CNCCs. Differently from the mouse, where RA affects CNCCs only at the end of their migration, in Xenopus, RA has an effect on CNCCs during all the period ranging from their exit from the neural tube until their arrival in the PA1. Our findings provide a conceptual framework to understand the origin of individual facial features and the evolution of different craniofacial morphotypes. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:493–503, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Craniofacial anomalies (CFAs) are a diverse group of disorders affecting the shapes of the face and the head. Malformation of the cranial base in humans leads CFAs, such as midfacial hypoplasia and craniosynostosis. These patients have significant burdens associated with breathing, speaking, and chewing. Invasive surgical intervention is the current primary option to correct these structural deficiencies. Understanding molecular cellular mechanism for craniofacial development would provide novel therapeutic options for CFAs. In this study, we found that enhanced bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) (P0-Cre;caBmpr1a mice) causes premature fusion of intersphenoid synchondrosis (ISS) resulting in leading to short snouts and hypertelorism. Histological analyses revealed reduction of proliferation and higher cell death in ISS at postnatal day 3. We demonstrated to prevent the premature fusion of ISS in P0-Cre;caBmpr1a mice by injecting a p53 inhibitor Pifithrin-α to the pregnant mother from E15.5 to E18.5, resulting in rescue from short snouts and hypertelorism. We further demonstrated to prevent premature fusion of cranial sutures in P0-Cre;caBmpr1a mice by injecting Pifithrin-α through E8.5 to E18.5. These results suggested that enhanced BMP-p53-induced cell death in cranial NCCs causes premature fusion of ISS and sutures in time-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a multipotent precursor population which ulimately generates much of the peripheral nervous system, epidermal pigment cells, and a variety of mesectodermal derivatives. Individual multipotent neural crest cells are capable of some self-renewing divisions, and based upon this criteria can be considered stem cells. Considerable progress has been made in recent years toward understanding how this important population of progenitor cells is initially established in the early embryo, and how cell-intrinsic and non-cell-instristic factors mediate their subsequent lineage segregation and differentiation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 36: 175–189, 1998  相似文献   

Neural induction is a triggering of neural differentiation in a portion of cells of the vertebrate embryonic ectoderm in response to signals emanating from adjacent tissues. As revealed more than ten years ago in experiments with Xenopus embryos, the major role in neural induction is played by suppression of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling cascade in neural cell precursors. Consequently, the epidermal differentiation program is blocked and a neural program is activated in such cells by default. The so-called default model of neural induction was supported with other experimental subjects. An important role in neural induction is also played by the FGF and Wnt signaling cascades via their interactions with the BMP cascade. As new regulatory proteins involved in neural induction were identified and their properties analyzed in detail, it became possible to apply mathematical modeling to study, with the example of neural induction, the spatial self-organization of cell differentiation in the embryo as one of the main problems of developmental biology.  相似文献   

Neural crest-like cells (NCLC) that express the HNK-1 antigen and form body pigment cells were previously identified in diverse ascidian species. Here we investigate the embryonic origin, migratory activity, and neural crest related gene expression patterns of NCLC in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. HNK-1 expression first appeared at about the time of larval hatching in dorsal cells of the posterior trunk. In swimming tadpoles, HNK-1 positive cells began to migrate, and after metamorphosis they were localized in the oral and atrial siphons, branchial gill slits, endostyle, and gut. Cleavage arrest experiments showed that NCLC are derived from the A7.6 cells, the precursors of trunk lateral cells (TLC), one of the three types of migratory mesenchymal cells in ascidian embryos. In cleavage arrested embryos, HNK-1 positive TLC were present on the lateral margins of the neural plate and later became localized adjacent to the posterior sensory vesicle, a staging zone for their migration after larval hatching. The Ciona orthologues of seven of sixteen genes that function in the vertebrate neural crest gene regulatory network are expressed in the A7.6/TLC lineage. The vertebrate counterparts of these genes function downstream of neural plate border specification in the regulatory network leading to neural crest development. The results suggest that NCLC and neural crest cells may be homologous cell types originating in the common ancestor of tunicates and vertebrates and support the possibility that a putative regulatory network governing NCLC development was co-opted to produce neural crest cells during vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

Ascidians are simple invertebrate chordates whose lineage diverged from that of vertebrates at the base of the chordate tree. Their larvae display a typical chordate body plan, but are composed of a remarkably small number of cells. Ascidians develop with an invariant cell lineage, and their embryos can be easily experimentally manipulated during the cleavage stages. Their larval nervous system is organised in a similar way as in vertebrates but is composed of less than 130 neurones and around 230 glial cells. This remarkable simplicity offers an opportunity to understand, at the cellular and molecular levels, the ontogeny and function of each neural cell. Here, we first review the organisation of the ascidian nervous system and its lineage. We then focus on the current understanding of the processes of neural specification and patterning before and during gastrulation. We discuss these advances in the context of what is currently known in vertebrates.  相似文献   

蒋卓远  查艳  石小峰  张永彪 《遗传》2022,(2):117-134
神经嵴细胞(neural crest cells,NCCs)是一类脊椎动物特有的可迁移的多能干细胞,其可分化为软骨细胞、神经元和黑色素细胞等多种类型细胞。NCCs的形成、迁移和分化受到严格调控,任何扰乱NCCs发育的因素都可导致胚胎发育畸形。由神经嵴细胞发育异常所导致的一系列疾病统称为神经嵴病(neurocristopathies,NCPs)。NCPs种类繁多且表型复杂,可累及人体多个部位(颅面部、心脏、肠胃和皮肤等),严重危害患者的身体机能和心理健康。NCPs占所有出生缺陷患儿的1/3,遗传因素是导致NCPs的主要风险因素,但环境风险因子以及基因–环境交互作用异常也可导致NCPs。本文对神经嵴细胞和神经嵴病及其致病机制进行综述,为系统认知神经嵴细胞发育以及神经嵴病提供参考,为了解神经嵴病的病因以及开展有效防控提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

Stem cells are often transplanted with scaffolds for tissue regeneration; however, how the mechanical property of a scaffold modulates stem cell fate in vivo is not well understood. Here we investigated how matrix stiffness modulates stem cell differentiation in a model of vascular graft transplantation. Multipotent neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) were differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells, embedded in the hydrogel on the outer surface of nanofibrous polymer grafts, and implanted into rat carotid arteries by anastomosis. After 3 months, NCSCs differentiated into smooth muscle cells (SMCs) near the outer surface of the polymer grafts; in contrast, NCSCs differentiated into glial cells in the most part of the hydrogel. Atomic force microscopy demonstrated a stiffer matrix near the polymer surface but much lower stiffness away from the polymer graft. Consistently, in vitro studies confirmed that stiff surface induced SMC genes whereas soft surface induced glial genes. These results suggest that the scaffold’s mechanical properties play an important role in directing stem cell differentiation in vivo, which has important implications in biomaterials design for stem cell delivery and tissue engineering.  相似文献   

In contrast to the classical assumption that neural crest cells are induced in chick as the neural folds elevate, recent data suggest that they are already specified during gastrulation. This prompted us to map the origin of the neural crest and dorsal neural tube in the early avian embryo. Using a combination of focal dye injections and time-lapse imaging, we find that neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors are present in a broad, crescent-shaped region of the gastrula. Surprisingly, static fate maps together with dynamic confocal imaging reveal that the neural plate border is considerably broader and extends more caudally than expected. Interestingly, we find that the position of the presumptive neural crest broadly correlates with the BMP4 expression domain from gastrula to neurula stages. Some degree of rostrocaudal patterning, albeit incomplete, is already evident in the gastrula. Time-lapse imaging studies show that the neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors undergo choreographed movements that follow a spatiotemporal progression and include convergence and extension, reorientation, cell intermixing, and motility deep within the embryo. Through these rearrangement and reorganization movements, the neural crest and dorsal neural tube precursors become regionally segregated, coming to occupy predictable rostrocaudal positions along the embryonic axis. This regionalization occurs progressively and appears to be complete in the neurula by stage 7 at levels rostral to Hensen's node.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe derivation of neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) has been commonly induced by WNT activation in combination with dual‐SMAD inhibition.In this study, by fine‐tuning BMP signalling in the conventional dual‐SMAD inhibition, we sought to generate large numbers of NCSCs without WNT activation.Materials and methodsIn the absence of WNT activation, we modulated the level of BMP signalling in the dual‐SMAD inhibition system to identify conditions that efficiently drove the differentiation of hPSCs into NCSCs. We isolated two NCSC populations separately and characterized them in terms of global gene expression profiles and differentiation ability.ResultsOur modified dual‐SMAD inhibition containing a lower dose of BMP inhibitor than that of the conventional dual‐SMAD inhibition drove hPSCs into mainly NCSCs, which consisted of HNK+p75high and HNK+p75low cell populations. We showed that the p75high population formed spherical cell clumps, while the p75low cell population generated a 2D monolayer.We detected substantial differences in gene expression profiles between the two cell groups and showed that both p75high and p75low cells differentiated into mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), while only p75high cells had the ability to become peripheral neurons.ConclusionsThis study will provide a framework for the generation and isolation of NCSC populations for effective cell therapy for peripheral neuropathies and MSC‐based cell therapy.  相似文献   

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