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The existence of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) with high cell-cycle rate in human umbilical cord blood has been recently shown and represents a challenging strategy for therapeutic neovascularization. To enhance knowledge for future cellular therapy, we compared the phenotypic, functional and gene expression differences between EPC-derived cells generated from cord blood CD34+ cells, and lymphatic and macrovascular endothelial cells (EC) isolated from human foreskins and umbilical veins, respectively. Under appropriate culture conditions, EPC developed into fully matured EC with expression of similar endothelial markers as lymphatic and macrovascular EC, including CD31, CD36, von Willebrand factor FVIII, CD54 (ICAM-1), CD105 (endoglin), CD144 (VE-cadherin), Tie-1, Tie-2, VEGFR-1/Flt-1 and VEGFR-2/Flk-1. Few EPC-derived cells became positive for LYVE-1, indicating their origin from haematopoietic stem cells. However they lacked expression of other lymphatic cell-specific markers such as podoplanin and Prox-1. Functional tests demonstrated that the cobblestone EPC-derived cells up-regulated CD54 and CD62E expression in response to TNF-α, incorporated DiI-acetylated low-density liproprotein and formed cord- and tubular-like structures with capillary lumen in three-dimensional collagen culture – all characteristic features of the vascular endothelium. Structures compatible with Weibel-Palade bodies were also found by electron microscopy. Gene microarray profiling revealed that only a small percentage of genes investigated showed differential expression in EPC-derived cells and lymphatic EC. Among them were adhesion molecules, extracellular matrix proteins and cytokines. Our data point to the close lineage relationship of both types of vascular cells and support the theory of a venous origin of the lymphatic system.  相似文献   

In the embryonic gonads of mice, the genetic and epigenetic regulatory programs for germ cell sex specification and meiosis induction or suppression are intertwined. The quest for garnering comprehensive understanding of these programs has led to the emergence of retinoic acid (RA) as an important extrinsic factor, which regulates initiation of meiosis in female fetal germ cells that have attained a permissive epigenetic ground state. In contrast, germ cells in fetal testis are protected from the exposure to RA due to the activity of CYP26B1, an RA metabolizing enzyme, which is highly expressed in fetal testis. In this review, we provide an overview of the molecular mechanisms operating in fetal gonads of mice, which enable regulation of meiosis via RA signaling.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) is a vitamin A metabolite that acts as a morphogen and teratogen. Excess or defective RA signaling causes developmental defects including in the heart. The heart develops from the anterior lateral plate mesoderm. Cardiogenesis involves successive steps, including formation of the primitive heart tube, cardiac looping, septation, chamber development, coronary vascularization, and completion of the four‐chambered heart. RA is dispensable for primitive heart tube formation. Before looping, RA is required to define the anterior/posterior boundaries of the heart‐forming mesoderm as well as to form the atrium and sinus venosus. In outflow tract elongation and septation, RA signaling is required to maintain/differentiate cardiogenic progenitors in the second heart field at the posterior pharyngeal arches level. Epicardium‐secreted insulin‐like growth factor, the expression of which is regulated by hepatic mesoderm‐derived erythropoietin under the control of RA, promotes myocardial proliferation of the ventricular wall. Epicardium‐derived RA induces the expression of angiogenic factors in the myocardium to form the coronary vasculature. In cardiogenic events at different stages, properly controlled RA signaling is required to establish the functional heart.  相似文献   

In order to sustain growth, differentiation, and organogenesis, vertebrate embryos must form a functional vascular system early in embryonic development. Intrinsic interest in this process as well as the promise of potential clinical applications has led to significant progress in understanding the mechanisms governing the formation of the vascular system, however the earliest stages of vascular development--the emergence of committed endothelial precursors from the mesoderm--remain unclear. A review of the current literature reveals an unexpected diversity and heterogeneity with respect to where vascular endothelial cells originate in the embryo, when they become committed and the mechanisms governing how endothelial cells acquire their identity. Spatially, a widespread region of the early mesoderm possesses the ability to give rise to vascular endothelial cells; temporally the process is not limited to a small window during embryogenesis, but rather, may continue throughout the lifespan of the organism. On the molecular level, recent findings point to several determinative pathways that regulate, modulate, and extend the scope of the Flk1/VEGF signaling system. An expanding array of novel gene products implicated in endothelial cell type determination appear to act synergistically, with different combinations of factors leading to diverse cellular responses, varying patterns of differentiation, and considerable heterogeneity of endothelial cell types during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

血管内皮细胞微粒研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古秀雯  刘伟  毛恩强 《生命科学》2008,20(4):641-645
内皮细胞微粒(endothelial microparticle,EMPs)是内皮细胞活化或凋亡时,从其表面释放的小囊泡,其作为反映内皮细胞功能的新标记物,在炎症反应、心血管疾病和糖尿病等多种疾病中都有所增加。本文就EMP可能的形成机制、组成成分和主要作用作一概述。  相似文献   

The ability of blood vessels to sense and respond to stimuli such as fluid flow, shear stress, and trafficking of immune cells is critical to the proper function of the vascular system. Endothelial cells constantly remodel their cell–cell junctions and the underlying cytoskeletal network in response to these exogenous signals. This remodeling, which depends on regulation of the linkage between actin and integral junction proteins, is controlled by a complex signaling network consisting of small G proteins and their various downstream effectors. In this commentary, we summarize recent developments in understanding the small G protein RAP1 and its effector RASIP1 as critical mediators of endothelial junction stabilization, and the relationship between RAP1 effectors and modulation of different subsets of endothelial junctions.  相似文献   

李方方  李文庆  荆清 《遗传》2013,35(4):459-467
血管发育包括血管发生和血管生成两个阶段。近年研究表明, G蛋白偶联受体广泛参与调控成血管细胞的分化、迁移和接合, 尖端细胞和柄细胞命运决定, 内皮细胞的增殖、迁移和管腔形成等多个过程。文章以血管发育中的这些关键事件为主线, 总结了G蛋白偶联受体家族成员特别是视紫红质类和卷曲类受体在调节血管发育方面的最新研究进展。文章着重介绍了斑马鱼作为模式生物在血管发育生物学研究中的独特优势, 并展望了利用斑马鱼深入开展G蛋白偶联受体相关研究的广阔前景。  相似文献   

The mechanisms controlling vascular development, both normal and pathological, are not yet fully understood. Many diseases, including cancer and diabetic retinopathy, involve abnormal blood vessel formation. Therefore, increasing knowledge of these mechanisms may help develop novel therapeutic targets. The identification of novel proteins or cells involved in this process would be particularly useful. The retina is an ideal model for studying vascular development because it is easy to access, particularly in rodents where this process occurs post-natally. Recent studies have suggested potential roles for laminin chains in vascular development of the retina. This review will provide an overview of these studies, demonstrating the importance of further research into the involvement of laminins in retinal blood vessel formation.  相似文献   

The ability of blood vessels to sense and respond to stimuli such as fluid flow, shear stress, and trafficking of immune cells is critical to the proper function of the vascular system. Endothelial cells constantly remodel their cell–cell junctions and the underlying cytoskeletal network in response to these exogenous signals. This remodeling, which depends on regulation of the linkage between actin and integral junction proteins, is controlled by a complex signaling network consisting of small G proteins and their various downstream effectors. In this commentary, we summarize recent developments in understanding the small G protein RAP1 and its effector RASIP1 as critical mediators of endothelial junction stabilization, and the relationship between RAP1 effectors and modulation of different subsets of endothelial junctions.  相似文献   

Human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived endothelial lineage cells constitutes a promising source for therapeutic revascularization, but progress in this arena has been hampered by a lack of clinically-scalable differentiation protocols and inefficient formation of a functional vessel network integrating with the host circulation upon transplantation. Using a human embryonic stem cell reporter cell line, where green fluorescent protein expression is driven by an endothelial cell-specific VE-cadherin (VEC) promoter, we screened for > 60 bioactive small molecules that would promote endothelial differentiation, and found that administration of BMP4 and a GSK-3β inhibitor in an early phase and treatment with VEGF-A and inhibition of the Notch signaling pathway in a later phase led to efficient differentiation of hPSCs to the endothelial lineage within six days. This sequential approach generated > 50% conversion of hPSCs to endothelial cells (ECs), specifically VEC+CD31+CD34+CD14KDRhigh endothelial progenitors (EPs) that exhibited higher angiogenic and clonogenic proliferation potential among endothelial lineage cells. Pharmaceutical inhibition or genetical knockdown of Notch signaling, in combination with VEGF-A treatment, resulted in efficient formation of EPs via KDR+ mesodermal precursors and blockade of the conversion of EPs to mature ECs. The generated EPs successfully formed functional capillary vessels in vivo with anastomosis to the host vessels when transplanted into immunocompromised mice. Manipulation of this VEGF-A-Notch signaling circuit in our protocol leads to rapid large-scale production of the hPSC-derived EPs by 12- to 20-fold vs current methods, which may serve as an attractive cell population for regenerative vascularization with superior vessel forming capability compared to mature ECs.  相似文献   

Retinoids are low molecular weight, lipophilic derivatives of vitamin A which have profound effects upon the development of various embryonic systems. Here I review the effects on developing and regenerating limbs, regenerating amphibian tails and the developing central nervous system (CNS). In the regenerating amphibian limb, retinoids can proximalize, posteriorize and ventralize the axes of the blastema. In the chick limb bud retinoids can only posteriorize the tissue. In the regenerating amphibian tail retinoids can homeotically transform tail tissue into hindlimb tissue. In the developing and regenerating limb retinoic acid has been detected endogenously, confirming that this molecule plays a role in the generation of pattern and we have shown that limbs cannot develop in the absence of retinoic acid. In the developing CNS retinoic acid specifically affects the hindbrain where it causes a transformation of anterior rhombomeres into more posterior ones. Again, endogenous retinoic acid has been detected in the CNS and in the absence of retinoids the posterior hindbrain has been found to be affected. The effects of retinoids on the CNS are most likely to be mediated via theHox genes acting in the mesoderm after gastrulation. It has also been proposed that the establishment of the head-to-tail axis in the mesoderm is established by retinoic acid. These data show that retinoids play an important role in both the development and regeneration of various systems in the embryo and post-embryonically  相似文献   

《Developmental neurobiology》2017,77(11):1239-1259
The vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) is comprised of vast number of distinct cell types arranged in a highly organized manner. This high degree of complexity is achieved by cellular communication, including direct cell‐cell contact, cell‐matrix interactions, and cell‐growth factor signaling. Among the several developmental signals controlling the development of the CNS, Wnt proteins have emerged as particularly critical and, hence, have captivated the attention of many researchers. With Wnts' evolutionarily conserved function as primordial symmetry breaking signals, these proteins and their downstream effects are responsible for simultaneously establishing cellular diversity and tissue organization. With their expansive repertoire of secreted agonists and antagonists, cell surface receptors, signaling cascades and downstream biological effects, Wnts are ideally suited to control the complex processes underlying vertebrate neural development. In this review, we will describe the mechanisms by which Wnts exert their potent effects on cells and tissues and highlight the many roles of Wnt signaling during neural development, starting from the initial induction of the neural plate, the subsequent patterning along the embryonic axes, to the intricately organized structure of the CNS. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 1239–1259, 2017  相似文献   

The zebrafish is emerging as a novel model for the study of embryonic vascular development. In this review we summarize the advantages of this intriguing experimental system and the advances in our understanding of the molecular control of vascular development it has allowed.  相似文献   

Using the Cre/loxP system we conditionally inactivated beta-catenin in endothelial cells. We found that early phases of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis were not affected in mutant embryos; however, vascular patterning in the head, vitelline, umbilical vessels, and the placenta was altered. In addition, in many regions, the vascular lumen was irregular with the formation of lacunae at bifurcations, vessels were frequently hemorrhagic, and fluid extravasation in the pericardial cavity was observed. Cultured beta-catenin -/- endothelial cells showed a different organization of intercellular junctions with a decrease in alpha-catenin in favor of desmoplakin and marked changes in actin cytoskeleton. These changes paralleled a decrease in cell-cell adhesion strength and an increase in paracellular permeability. We conclude that in vivo, the absence of beta-catenin significantly reduces the capacity of endothelial cells to maintain intercellular contacts. This may become more marked when the vessels are exposed to high or turbulent flow, such as at bifurcations or in the beating heart, leading to fluid leakage or hemorrhages.  相似文献   

Summary Selected strains of vascular endothelial cells, grown as confluent monolayers on tissue culture plastic, generate flat networks of cellular cords that resemble beds of capillaries—a phenomenon referred to as “spontaneous angiogenesis in vitro”. We have studied spontaneous angiogenic activity by a clonal population (clone A) of bovine aortic endothelial cells to indentify processes that mediate the development of cellular networks. Confluent cultures of clone A endothelial cells synthesized type I collagen, a portion of which was incorporated into narrow, extracellular cables that formed a planar network beneath the cellular monolayer. The collagenous cables acted as a template for the development of cellular networks: flattened, polygonal cells of the monolayer that were in direct contact with the cables acquired spindle shapes, associated to form cellular cords, and became elevated above the monolayer. Networks of cables and cellular cords did not form in a strain of bovine aortic endothelial cells that did not synthesize type I collagen, or when traction forces generated by clone A endothelial cells were inhibited with cytochalasin D. In a model of cable development, tension applied by a confluent monolayer of endothelial cells reorganized a sheetlike substrate of malleable type I collagen into a network of cables via the formation and radial enlargement of perforations through the collagen sheet. Our results point to a general involvement of extracellular matrix templates in two-dimensional (planar) models of vascular development in vitro. For several reasons, planar models simulate invasive angiogenesis poorly. In contrast, planar models might offer insights into the growth and development of planar vascular systems in vivo.  相似文献   

Lymphatic vessels guide interstitial fluid, modulate immune responses by regulating leukocyte and antigen trafficking to lymph nodes, and in a cancer setting enable tumor cells to track to regional lymph nodes. The aim of the study was to determine whether primary murine lymphatic endothelial cells (mLECs) show conserved vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling pathways with human LECs (hLECs). LECs were successfully isolated from murine dermis and prostate. Similar to hLECs, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family ligands activated MAPK and pAkt intracellular signaling pathways in mLECs. We describe a robust protocol for isolation of mLECs which, by harnessing the power of transgenic and knockout mouse models, will be a useful tool to study how LEC phenotype contributes to alterations in lymphatic vessel formation and function.  相似文献   

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