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To understand the biology of organisms it is important to take into account the evolutionary forces that have acted on their constituent populations. Neutral genetic variation is often assumed to reflect variation in quantitative traits under selection, though with even low neutral divergence there can be substantial differentiation in quantitative genetic variation associated with locally adapted phenotypes. To study the relative roles of natural selection and genetic drift in shaping phenotypic variation, the levels of quantitative divergence based on phenotypes (PST) and neutral genetic divergence (FST) can be compared. Such a comparison was made between 10 populations of Finnish House Sparrows (= 238 individuals) collected in 2009 across the whole country. Phenotypic variation in tarsus‐length, wing‐length, bill‐depth, bill‐length and body mass were considered and 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci were analysed to quantify neutral genetic variation. Calculations of PST were based on Markov‐Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian estimates of phenotypic variances across and within populations. The robustness of the conclusions of the PSTFST comparison was evaluated by varying the proportion of variation due to additive genetic effects within and across populations. Our results suggest that body mass is under directional selection, whereas the divergence in other traits does not differ from neutral expectations. These findings suggest candidate traits for considering gene‐based studies of local adaptation. The recognition of locally adapted populations may be of value in the conservation of this declining species.  相似文献   

Microevolutionary responses to spatial variation in the environment seem ubiquitous, but the relative role of selection and neutral processes in driving phenotypic diversification remain often unknown. The moor frog (Rana arvalis) shows strong phenotypic divergence along an acidification gradient in Sweden. We here used correlations among population pairwise estimates of quantitative trait (P(ST) or Q(ST) from common garden estimates of embryonic acid tolerance and larval life-history traits) and neutral genetic divergence (F(ST) from neutral microsatellite markers), as well as environmental differences (pond pH, predator density, and latitude), to test whether this phenotypic divergence is more likely due to divergent selection or neutral processes. We found that trait divergence was more strongly correlated with environmental differences than the neutral marker divergence, suggesting that divergent natural selection has driven phenotypic divergence along the acidification gradient. Moreover, pairwise P(ST) s of embryonic acid tolerance and Q(ST) s of metamorphic size were strongly correlated with breeding pond pH, whereas pairwise Q(ST) s of larval period and growth rate were more strongly correlated with geographic distance/latitude and predator density, respectively. We suggest that incorporating measurements of environmental variation into Q(ST) -F(ST) studies can improve our inferential power about the agents of natural selection in natural populations.  相似文献   

Geographically clustered phenotypes often demonstrate consistent patterns in molecular markers, particularly mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) traditionally used in phylogeographic studies. However, distinct evolutionary trajectories among traits and markers can lead to their discordance. First, geographic structure in phenotypic traits and nuclear molecular markers can be co‐aligned but inconsistent with mtDNA (mito‐nuclear discordance). Alternatively, phenotypic variation can have little to do with patterns in neither mtDNA nor nuclear markers. Disentangling between these distinct patterns can provide insight into the role of selection, demography and gene flow in population divergence. Here, we examined a previously reported case of strong inconsistency between geographic structure in mtDNA and plumage traits in a widespread polytypic bird species, the White Wagtail (Motacilla alba). We tested whether this pattern is due to mito‐nuclear discordance or discrepancy between morphological evolution and both nuclear and mtDNA markers. We analysed population differentiation and structure across six out of nine commonly recognized subspecies using 17 microsatellite loci and a combination of microsatellites and plumage indices in a comprehensively sampled region of a contact between two subspecies. We did not find support for the mito‐nuclear discordance hypothesis: nuclear markers indicated a subtle signal of genetic clustering only partially consistent with plumage groups, similar to previous findings that relied on mtDNA. We discuss evolutionary factors that could have shaped the intricate patterns of phenotypic diversification in the White wagtail and the role that repeated selection on plumage ‘hotspots’ and hybridization may have played.  相似文献   

In the early stages of reproductive isolation, genomic regions of reduced recombination are expected to show greater levels of differentiation, either because gene flow between species is reduced in these regions or because the effects of selection at linked sites within species are enhanced in these regions. Here, we study the patterns of DNA sequence variation at 27 autosomal loci among populations of Mus musculus musculus, M. m. domesticus, and M. m. castaneus, three subspecies of house mice with collinear genomes. We found that some loci exhibit considerable shared variation among subspecies, while others exhibit fixed differences. We used an isolation-with-gene-flow model to estimate divergence times and effective population sizes (N(e) ) and to disentangle ancestral variation from gene flow. Estimates of divergence time indicate that all three subspecies diverged from one another within a very short period of time approximately 350,000 years ago. Overall, N(e) for each subspecies was associated with the degree of genetic differentiation: M. m. musculus had the smallest N(e) and the greatest proportion of monophyletic gene genealogies, while M. m. castaneus had the largest N(e) and the smallest proportion of monophyletic gene genealogies. M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus were more differentiated from each other than either were from M. m. castaneus, consistent with greater reproductive isolation between M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus. F(ST) was significantly greater at loci experiencing low recombination rates compared to loci experiencing high recombination rates in comparisons between M. m. castaneus and M. m. musculus or M. m. domesticus. These results provide evidence that genomic regions with less recombination show greater differentiation, even in the absence of chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   

A higher frequency of natural selection is expected in populations of organisms with shorter generation times. In fire‐prone ecosystems, populations of seeder plants behave as functionally semelparous populations, with short generation times compared to populations of resprouter plants, which are truly iteroparous. Therefore, a stronger signature of natural selection should be detected in seeder populations, favoured by their shorter generation times and higher rates of population turnover. Here we test this idea in Erica coccinea from the Cape Floristic Region, which is dimorphic for post‐fire regeneration mode. We measured three floral traits supposedly subject to natural selection in seeder and resprouter populations. We then compared phenotypic trait variation with neutral genetic variation in each group of populations using PSTFST comparisons to detect signatures of natural selection in seeders and resprouters. We found a strong signature of selection in seeder populations, but not in resprouters. Furthermore, anthers of seeders were more exserted (and larger) than those of resprouters. These differences were maintained at sites where seeders and resprouters co‐occurred, suggesting that phenotypic plasticity or adaptation to different growth environments are unlikely explanations for trait variation. These results provide empirical support for the hypothesis that the genetic signature of natural selection is certainly more intense in seeder than in resprouter populations, favoured by their comparatively faster generation turnovers. Increased frequency of natural selection would increase differentiation among populations, thus promoting speciation in pyrophytic seeder lineages of the Cape flora.  相似文献   

We studied the levels of genetic diversity of Swietenia macrophylla (big leaf mahogany) in five successional plots in the Santa Rosa National Park, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. We selected sites with different lengths of time since the last major disturbance (typically fire): 6, 9, 15 and 20 years. In addition, we also included a patch of mature forest that had experienced selective logging and other human activity in the past 100 years. Genetic diversity was assessed using five polymorphic DNA microsatellite loci. We found a total of 21 alleles in the five loci examined, in which the number of alleles present varied among the five sites studied. Allelic diversity varied between sites ranging from 20 to 14 alleles, and our data revealed that earlier successional sites have more alleles than older sites. There was significant heterogeneity in allele frequencies between sites; however, genetic differentiation between populations was low (FST = 0.063) indicating that most of the variation was found within sites and extensive gene flow between sites. In addition, our analysis also showed that genetic diversity of adult trees does not solely determine the diversity of seedlings and saplings found around them, also supporting the existence of extensive gene flow. The impact of these findings for the design of conservation strategies for tropical dry forests trees is discussed.  相似文献   

Eco‐evolutionary responses of natural populations to spatial environmental variation strongly depend on the relative strength of environmental differences/natural selection and dispersal/gene flow. In absence of geographic barriers, as often is the case in lake ecosystems, gene flow is expected to constrain adaptive divergence between environments – favoring phenotypic plasticity or high trait variability. However, if divergent natural selection is sufficiently strong, adaptive divergence can occur in face of gene flow. The extent of divergence is most often studied between two contrasting environments, whereas potential for multimodal divergence is little explored. We investigated phenotypic (body size, defensive structures, and feeding morphology) and genetic (microsatellites) structure in threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) across five habitat types and two basins (North and South) within the geologically young and highly heterogeneous Lake Mývatn, North East Iceland. We found that (1) North basin stickleback were, on average, larger and had relatively longer spines than South basin stickleback, whereas (2) feeding morphology (gill raker number and gill raker gap width) differed among three of five habitat types, and (3) there was only subtle genetic differentiation across the lake. Overall, our results indicate predator and prey mediated phenotypic divergence across multiple habitats in the lake, in face of gene flow.  相似文献   

Investigating the properties of ecological landscapes that influence gene flow among populations can provide key insights into the earliest stages of biological divergence. Both ecological and geographical factors can reduce gene flow, which can lead to population divergence, but we know little of the relative strengths of these phenomena in nature. Here, we use a novel application of structural equation modelling to quantify the contributions of ecological and geographical isolation to spatial genetic divergence in 17 species of Anolis lizards. Our comparative analysis shows that although both processes contributed significantly, geographical isolation explained substantially more genetic divergence than ecological isolation (36.3 vs. 17.9% of variance respectively), suggesting that despite the proposed ubiquity of ecological divergence, non‐ecological factors play the dominant role in the evolution of spatial genetic divergence.  相似文献   

During the process of ecological speciation, reproductive isolation results from divergent natural selection and leads to a positive correlation between genetic divergence and adaptive phenotypic divergence, that is, isolation by adaptation (IBA). In natural populations, phenotypic differentiation is often autocorrelated with geographic distance, making IBA difficult to distinguish from the neutral expectation of isolation by distance (IBD). We examined these two alternatives in a dramatic case of clinal phenotypic variation in an Andean songbird, the Line‐cheeked Spinetail (Cranioleuca antisiensis). At its geographic extremes, this species shows a near threefold difference in body mass (11.5 to 31.0 g) with marked plumage differences. We analysed phenotypic, environmental and genetic data (5,154 SNPs) from 172 individuals and 19 populations sampled along its linear distribution in the Andes. We found that body mass was tightly correlated with environmental temperature, consistent with local adaptation as per Bergmann's rule. Using a PSTFST analysis, we found additional support for natural selection driving body mass differentiation, but these results could also be explained by environment‐mediated phenotypic plasticity. When we assessed the relative support for patterns of IBA and IBD using variance partitioning, we found that IBD was the best explanation for genetic differentiation along the cline. Adaptive phenotypic or environmental divergence can reduce gene flow, a pattern interpreted as evidence of ecological speciation's role in diversification. Our results provide a counterexample to this interpretation. Despite conditions conducive to ecological speciation, our results suggest that dramatic size and environmental differentiation within C. antisiensis are not limiting gene flow.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic divergence may be driven by drift or selection. The rainbowfish Melanotaenia australis exhibits phenotypic divergence among populations in Western Australia, although the mechanisms driving this divergence are unknown. We used microsatellites to assess neutral genetic divergence (FST), and found a hierarchical pattern of subdivision consistent with low divergence between upstream and downstream populations (within drainages), moderate divergence between drainages (within regions), and high divergence between regions. Using a common‐garden approach, we measured quantitative genetic divergence in phenotypic traits (QST). By comparing this to expectations from neutral processes (FST), we concluded that the effect of selection varies depending on the spatial scale considered. Within drainages, selection may be causing divergence between upstream and downstream phenotypes but, between regions, selection appears to homogenize phenotypes. This highlights the importance of spatial scale in studies of this kind, and suggests that, because variance in selection pressures can drive speciation, polymorphism in M. australis may represent speciation in action. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 144–160.  相似文献   

Ecological divergence plays a prominent role in the process of speciation, but how divergence occurs in the face of gene flow is still less clear, and remains controversial among evolutionists. Here we investigated the nucleotide diversity, divergence and gene flow between Oryza nivara and O. rufipogon using sequences of seven chloroplast and nuclear loci. By analysing samples from 26 wild populations across the geographic ranges of the two species, we showed that both species were highly structured and O. rufipogon maintained a higher level of species‐wide diversity than O. nivara. Notably, phylogenetic, amova and FST analyses were unable to detect significant nucleotide differentiation between the two species. We estimated that the two species began to diverge at c. 0.16 million years ago. Our coalescent‐based simulations strongly rejected the simple isolation model of zero migration between species, but rather provided unambiguous evidence of bidirectional gene flow between species, particularly from O. rufipogon to O. nivara. Our simulations also indicated that gene flow was recurrent during the divergence process rather than arising from secondary contact after allopatric divergence. In conjunction with different morphological and life‐history traits and habitat preference in the two species, this study supports the hypothesis that these Oryza species are better treated as ecotypes that diverged quite recently and are still under the process of divergence. Importantly, we demonstrate the ecological divergence between O. rufipogon and O. nivara in the presence of significant gene flow, implying that natural selection plays a primary role in driving the divergence of the two Oryza species.  相似文献   

Conceptual models of adaptive divergence and ecological speciation in sympatry predict differential resource use, phenotype–environment correlations, and reduced gene flow among diverging phenotypes. While these predictions have been assessed in past studies, connections among them have rarely been assessed collectively. We examined relationships among phenotypic, ecological, and genetic variation in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) from six Icelandic localities that have undergone varying degrees of divergence into sympatric benthic and pelagic morphs. We characterized morphological variation with geometric morphometrics, tested for differential resource use between morphs using stable isotopes, and inferred the amount of gene flow from single nucleotide polymorphisms. Analysis of stable isotopic signatures indicated that sympatric morphs showed similar difference in resource use across populations, likely arising from the common utilization of niche space within each population. Carbon isotopic signature was also a significant predictor of individual variation in body shape and size, suggesting that variation in benthic and pelagic resource use is associated with phenotypic variation. The estimated percentage of hybrids between sympatric morphs varied across populations (from 0% to 15.6%) but the majority of fish had genotypes (ancestry coefficients) characteristic of pure morphs. Despite evidence of reduced gene flow between sympatric morphs, we did not detect the expected negative relationship between divergence in resource use and gene flow. Three lakes showed the expected pattern, but morphs in the fourth showed no detectable hybridization and had relatively low differences in resource use between them. This coupled with the finding that resource use and genetic differentiation had differential effects on body shape variation across populations suggests that reproductive isolation maintains phenotypic divergence between benthic and pelagic morphs when the effects of resource use are relatively low. Our ability to assess relationships between phenotype, ecology, and genetics deepens our understanding of the processes underlying adaptive divergence in sympatry.  相似文献   

Propagation of threatened or endangered species in artificial habitats is a common strategy for reducing the probability of extinction by demographic or stochastic forces. Differential selection, founder effects and genetic drift can conspire to cause artificial populations to differ irreversibly from native populations for characters important for fitness, thereby compromising conservation efforts. Here we show that artificial propagation of the endangered Devil's Hole pupfish Cyprinodon diabolis resulted in rapid divergence for phenotypic and genetic characteristics despite attempts to replicate key characteristics of the species' native habitat when designing the artificial environments. Although differences in behavior and morphology between the native pool population and the two artificial pools may reflect phenotypic plasticity, the results underscore the need to monitor and control (to the extent possible) closely the evolutionary process when propagating native species in artificial pools for multiple generations.  相似文献   

The uptake of natural living resources for human consumption has triggered serious changes in the balance of ecosystems. In the archipelagos of Macaronesia (NE Atlantic), limpets have been extensively exploited probably since islands were first colonized. This has led to profound consequences in the dynamics of rocky shore communities. The Patella candei complex includes various subspecies of limpets that are ascribed to a particular archipelago and has been the focus of several taxonomic surveys without much agreement. Under a conservational perspective, we apply morphometric and genetic analyses to test subspecies boundaries in P. candei and to evaluate its current population connectivity throughout Macaronesia (Azores, Madeira, and Canaries). A highly significant genetic break between archipelagos following isolation by distance was detected (FST = 0.369, p < .001). Contrastingly, significant genetic differentiation among islands (i.e., Azores) was absent possibly indicating ongoing gene flow via larval exchange between populations. Significant shell‐shape differences among archipelagos were also detected using both distance‐based and geometric morphometric analyses. Adaptive processes associated with niche differentiation and strong barriers to gene flow among archipelagos may be the mechanisms underlying P. candei diversification in Macaronesia. Under the very probable assumption that populations of P. candei from each archipelago are geographically and/or ecologically isolated populations, the various subspecies within the P. candei complex may be best thought of as true species using the denomination: P. candei in Selvagens, Patella gomesii in Azores, Patella ordinaria in Madeira, and Patella crenata for Canaries. This would be in agreement with stock delimitation and units of conservation of P. candei sensu latu along Macaronesia.  相似文献   

The evolutionary mechanisms generating the tremendous biodiversity of islands have long fascinated evolutionary biologists. Genetic drift and divergent selection are predicted to be strong on islands and both could drive population divergence and speciation. Alternatively, strong genetic drift may preclude adaptation. We conducted a genomic analysis to test the roles of genetic drift and divergent selection in causing genetic differentiation among populations of the island fox (Urocyon littoralis). This species consists of six subspecies, each of which occupies a different California Channel Island. Analysis of 5293 SNP loci generated using Restriction‐site Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing found support for genetic drift as the dominant evolutionary mechanism driving population divergence among island fox populations. In particular, populations had exceptionally low genetic variation, small Ne (range = 2.1–89.7; median = 19.4), and significant genetic signatures of bottlenecks. Moreover, islands with the lowest genetic variation (and, by inference, the strongest historical genetic drift) were most genetically differentiated from mainland grey foxes, and vice versa, indicating genetic drift drives genome‐wide divergence. Nonetheless, outlier tests identified 3.6–6.6% of loci as high FST outliers, suggesting that despite strong genetic drift, divergent selection contributes to population divergence. Patterns of similarity among populations based on high FST outliers mirrored patterns based on morphology, providing additional evidence that outliers reflect adaptive divergence. Extremely low genetic variation and small Ne in some island fox populations, particularly on San Nicolas Island, suggest that they may be vulnerable to fixation of deleterious alleles, decreased fitness and reduced adaptive potential.  相似文献   

Skin pigmentation and coat pigmentation are two of the best‐studied examples of traits under natural selection given their quantifiable fitness interactions with the environment (e.g., camouflage) and signalling with other organisms (e.g., warning coloration). Previous morphological studies have found that skin pigmentation variation in the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is associated with variation in precipitation and temperatures across its distribution range following Gloger's rule (lighter pigmentation in temperate environments). To investigate the molecular mechanism associated with skin pigmentation variation, we used RNA‐Seq and quantified gene expression of wild opossums from tropical and temperate populations. Using differential expression analysis and a co‐expression network approach, we found that expression variation in genes with melanocytic and immune functions is significantly associated with the degree of skin pigmentation variation and may be underlying this phenotypic difference. We also found evidence suggesting that the Wnt/β‐catenin signalling pathway might be regulating the depigmentation observed in temperate populations. Based on our study results, we present several alternative hypotheses that may explain Gloger's rule pattern of skin pigmentation variation in opossum, including changes in pathogen diversity supporting a pathogen‐resistant hypothesis, thermal stress associated with temperate environments, and pleiotropic and epistatic interactions between melanocytic and immune genes.  相似文献   

1. The extent to which ecologically divergent selection acts to maintain species boundaries in the presence of hybridisation and gene flow is not well understood. Two parapatric taxa, Carbula humerigera (Uhler) and Carbula putoni (Jakovlev), were used to test the extent to which niche differentiation might sustain divergence of related taxa despite ongoing gene flow. 2. Mitochondrial [cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) and cytochrome b (Cytb)] and nuclear [elongation factor 1‐alpha (EF‐1α)] markers were sequenced from 383 individuals. Clusters of morphological variations were estimated and visualised using principal component analysis (PCA). Haplotype networks were constructed using median‐joining and neighbour‐net algorithm methods. Gene flows were estimated using migrate‐n analyses. Suitable habitats for each species and their sympatric distribution were predicted with ecological niche modelling (ENM). Niche comparisons were conducted using Schoener's D and Warren's I. In addition, PCA, multivariate analysis of variance (manova ) and discriminant function analysis were used to test ecological differentiation. 3. Morphological clusters and network analysis indicated that samples were generally divided into three groups (C. humerigera, C. putoni and hybrids). Ongoing gene flow was detected among the three groups, with abundant magnitudes in the sympatric region. Niche comparison and statistical analysis showed ecological differentiation between C. humerigera and C. putoni. Two potential hybrid zones were predicted in the ENM reconstruction, located along the Yanshan‐Taihang‐Qinling and Taishan mountains. 4. These results reveal a geographically delineated hybrid zone between C. humerigera and C. putoni. These two closely related Carbula species still live in different ecological niches despite hybridisation and ongoing gene flow.  相似文献   

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