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The functional role and molecular mechanisms of action of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the regulation of water osmotic permeability in osmoregulatory epithelia (mammalian collecting tubules and amphibian urinary bladder) are considered. The paper describes the modern classification of PGE2 receptors, their distribution along a nephron and receptor-coupled intracellular second messenger systems. The mechanism of the inhibitory action of PGE2 on the antidiuretic hormone-induced enhancement of water osmotic permeability is analyzed. Special attention is given to the role of PGE2 as an auto- or paracrine regulator of water osmotic permeability in the phenomenon of ADH-independent increase of water permeability observed in an isolated amphibian urinary bladder in replacements of the surrounding serous solution. It is concluded that the osmoregulatory epithelium is not only a place of the maximum level of PGE2 synthesis in the kidney but is also characterized by a great diversity of PGE2 receptor subtypes: EP1, EP2, EP3 and EP4 have been revealed in the mammalian collecting tubules. Such a diversity of PGE2 receptors is in a good agreement with different functional effects of PGE2 in the osmoregulatory epithelium. The data considered suggest that PGE2 is not less important in the regulation of water and ion transport in the osmoregulatory epithelium than antidiuretic hormone.  相似文献   

In frogs' isolated urinary bladders, contribution of cytosolic guanylate cyclase and cGMP-dependent protein kinase to regulation of osmotic permeability was studied. ODQ (25-100 microM), an inhibitor of cytosolic guanylate cyclase induced an increase of vasotocin-activated osmotic permeability but had no effect on the hormone-activated transepithelial urea transport. In isolated mucosal epithelial cells ODQ (50 microM) decreased the concentration of intracellular cGMP. In these cells L-NAME (0.5 nM), an inhibitor of NO synthase, also decreased the level of cGMP whereas cAMP was significantly increased. 8-pCPT-cGMP (25 and 50 microM), a permeable cGMP analogue which selectively activates protein kinase G, inhibited vasotocin-induced increase of water transport along osmotic gradient indicating that protein kinase G is involved in regulation of water reabsorption. The data obtained show that NO/cGMP signalling system in the frog urinary bladder appears to be a negative modulator of vasotocin-activated increase of osmotic permeability.  相似文献   

Electron and confocal microscopy, using immunocytochemical methods, was employed to assess osmotic water permeability of the frog (Rana temporaria) urinary bladder during transcellular water transport, induced by antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or by wash-out of autacoids from serosal, ADH-free Ringer solution. The increase of osmotic water permeability of the urinary bladder was accompanied by relevant ultrastructural changes, the most remarkable being: (1) the appearance of aggregates of intramembranous particles in the apical membrane of granular cells, and the extent of the membrane area covered by the aggregates proportional to that of the water flow; (2) redistribution of actin filaments in the cytoplasm of granular cells; judging from the anti-actin label density, the number of actin filaments in the apical region of cytoplasm was reduced by 2.5–4 times compared with normal; (3) a decrease in the total electron density of the cytoplasm due to the increased water content of granular cells.  相似文献   

The influence of endogenous gram-negative bacteria colonizing the mucosal epithelium of frog Rana temporaria L. urinary bladders (FUB) on arginine-vasotocin AVT-stimulated osmotic water flow in isolated urinary bladders was investigated. 170 animals were examined and only 40% were contaminated with gram-negative bacteria (about 10(3)-10(6) CFU per hemibladder). Several Enterobacteriaceae species were identified (Hafnia alvei, 36.7%, E. coli, 32.3%, Serratia marcescens, 8.8%, Citrobacter freundii, 4.4% etc.). Basal osmotic water flow level was invariable in "clean" and contaminated FUB, whereas bacterial contamination resulted in considerable decrease in AVT-stimulated water flow ("clean": 2.53 +/- 0.13, n = 59, contaminated: 1.21 +/- 0.17 me/min/cm2, n = 38, p < 0.001, within first 15 min of incubation with 5 x 10(-10)M AVT). Gentamycin protection assay revealed predominantly adhesive forms of bacteria. Thus our data indicated that the presence of gram-negative bacteria colonizing the mucosal epithelium of the urinary bladder results in decreased adility of ADH to rise osmotic water permeability which in turn could impair body osmoregulation.  相似文献   

Captopril (CA), a specific inhibitor of kininase II, did not alter osmotic water permeability (Posm) when present in the mucosal bath of the urinary bladder isolated from the toad Bufo arenarum at a concentration of 2.3 X 10(-3) M. This treatment, however, caused a 65% enhancement in the increase in Posm following serosal exposure to vasopressin, oxytocin or theophylline, agents that increase intracellular cyclic AMP levels. The effect of captopril was prevented by procedures that reduce the kallikrein (KK)-like alkaline esterase activity present in the bladder (such as simultaneous exposure to 2.3 X 10(-5) M aprotinin, or pretreatment of the toads with 0.1 N NaCl for several days before the experiment) or by replacing the mucosal bath with fresh solution of identical composition after exposure to captopril. In contrast, changing the serosal bath did not alter the effect of the drug. These results are consistent with an effect of CA at a step beyond cAMP generation, and suggest it is mediated by release of a soluble factor, probably a kinin, into the mucosal bath. These observations, together with data previously published, suggest that the KK-kinin system may participate in the control of epithelial water and electrolyte permeability in the toad bladder. In particular, under environmental stress, it may become important in the regulation of the animal's extracellular fluid volume, thus exhibiting an adaptive value.  相似文献   

1. Large concentrations (in mM) of ethacrynic acid (0.1), furosemide (1.0), theophylline (5.0) and osmotic diuretics (100.0) sharply increased the flux of water along an osmotic gradient through the frog urinary bladder wall. Spironolactone (0.1), and hydrochlorothiazide (5.0) showed only a weak action on osmotic permeability. MercusalR, clopamide and triamterene did not affect water transport. 2. The presence of 0.2--1.0 mU/ml vasopressin (ADH) after pretreatment with a diuretic did not result in summation of the effects of both drugs used. 0.01--0.1 mM ethacrynic acid and 0.01 mM MercusalR significantly decreased the reaction to ADH. 1.0 mM furosemide, 0.1 mM spironolactone, 0.01 mM clopamide and 0.8 mM acetazolamide did not change the reaction to ADH. A reduction in the cellular response to ADH and a decrease in the osmotic permeability of the tubular wall may be responsible in part for the diuretic action of ethacrynic acid and MercusalR.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) receptors are present on enzymatically dissociated cells from the rat renal medulla and are subject to homologous regulation both in vivo and in vitro. One hour after injection of 100 micrograms of 16,16'-dimethyl-PGE2, the number of PGE2 binding sites on renal cells declines to 40% of controls. In vitro exposure of renal cells to PGE2 or dimethyl-PGE2 also results in a time- and concentration-dependent "down" regulation of prostaglandin receptors. In the absence of indomethacin in the incubation medium, endogenously synthesized prostaglandins mediate a similar time-dependent loss of cell-associated receptors. This loss is reversible since, after agonist removal and reincubation of the cells at 37 degrees C, there is a rapid (within 15 min) reappearance of PGE2 receptors (to 60-93% of controls). Reappearance occurs whether down regulation is induced in vitro by endogenously synthesized prostaglandins, added PGE2 or dimethyl-PGE2, or in vivo after injection of dimethyl-PGE2. Cycloheximide does not affect down regulation but significantly prevents subsequent recovery of the receptors. In contrast, neither colchicine nor chloroquine influences homologous regulation of renal prostaglandin receptors. These results document an agonist-induced reversible cycling of renal prostaglandin receptors which may determine the effectiveness of prostaglandin action in normal and pathologic states.  相似文献   

PGE(2) is a well-known inhibitor of the antidiuretic hormone-induced increase of osmotic water permeability (OWP) in different osmoregulatory epithelia; however, the mechanisms underlying this effect of PGE(2) are not completely understood. Here, we report that, in the frog Rana temporaria urinary bladder, EP(1)-receptor-mediated inhibition of arginine-vasotocin (AVT)-induced OWP by PGE(2) is attributed to increased generation of nitric oxide (NO) in epithelial cells. It was shown that the inhibitory effect of 17-phenyl-trinor-PGE(2) (17-ph-PGE(2)), an EP(1) agonist, on AVT-induced OWP was significantly reduced in the presence of 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), a neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) inhibitor. NO synthase (NOS) activity in both lysed and intact epithelial cells measured as a rate of conversion of l-[(3)H]arginine to l-[(3)H]citrulline was Ca(2+) dependent and inhibited by 7-NI. PGE(2) and 17-ph-PGE(2), but not M&B-28767 (EP(3) agonist) or butaprost (EP(2) agonist), stimulated NOS activity in epithelial cells. The above effect of PGE(2) was abolished in the presence of SC-19220, an EP(1) antagonist. 7-NI reduced the stimulatory effect of 17-ph-PGE(2) on NOS activity. 17-ph-PGE(2) increased intracellular Ca(2+) concentration and cGMP in epithelial cells. Western blot analysis revealed an nNOS expression in epithelial cells. These results show that the inhibitory effect of PGE(2) on AVT-induced OWP in the frog urinary bladder is based at least partly on EP(1)-receptor-mediated activation of the NO/cGMP pathway, suggesting a novel cross talk between AVT, PGE(2), and nNOS that may be important in the regulation of water transport.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins (PGs) modulate osmotic water flow in amphibian urinary bladders. Gas chromatographic analysis of prostaglandin precursors in bladders showed that arachidonic acid represented 13.0 +/- 0.6% and eicosapentaenoic acid 4.3 +/- 0.1% of the total fatty acid content. The effects of PGE2 and PGE3 on basal and arginine vasotocin (AVT) stimulated water flow were compared. Control water flow (1.1 +/- 0.2 mg/min) was increased to 4.6 +/- 0.3 mg/min with AVT (10(-6)M) present. PGE2 (10(-6)M) inhibited both basal and AVT stimulated water flow. In contrast, PGE3 (10(-6)M) stimulated basal water flow and further increased AVT stimulated water flow. Basal adenylate cyclase activity (ACA, 59 +/- 0.3 pmol cyclic AMP/mg protein/10 min) was stimulated by the addition of AVT in the absence or presence of exogenous guanosine 5' triphosphate (GTP, 10(-5)M). Both PGE2 and PGE3 stimulated basal ACA in the absence, but not in the presence of GTP. In the absence of exogenous GTP, PGE2 increased AVT stimulated ACA, whereas PGE3 decreased it. Both prostaglandins inhibited AVT stimulation when GTP was added. The effects of PGE2, PGE3 and AVT on tissue cyclic AMP levels in whole urinary bladders were similar to the effects seen on ACA in the absence of exogenous GTP. The contrasting effects of PGE2 and PGE3 on control water flow appear distinct from their similar effects on ACA. However, PGE2 and PGE3 may regulate AVT stimulation through mechanisms involving cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stimulated formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), 1,2-diaclyglycerol (DAG) and an increase of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate (PIP2) breakdown in the frog urinary bladder 20 s after addition. ADH also increased the prostaglandin E (PGE) secretion into serosal medium 3.5-fold and the release of arachidonic acid (AA) from 1,2-DAG, which was intensified in the presence of DAG kinase inhibitor R59022. Neomycin sulphate (10(-5) M) from the serosal side blocked ADH-stimulated PIP2 hydrolysis, IP3 production and increased the hydro-osmotic response to ADH. It also inhibited the ADH-stimulated PGE production (55%) and release of AA from 1,2-DAG. This data suggest that PIP2 breakdown is involved in the mechanism of feedback regulation of ADH action and is associated with PGE production via (i) the increase of AA release from PIP2-generated 1,2-DAG and (ii) possible activation of phospholipase A2 by IP3-induced elevation of cytosol Ca2+.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the isolated frog corneal epithelium (a Cl-secreting epithelium) has a large diffusional water permeability (Pdw 1.8×10–4 cm/s). We now report that the presence of Cl in the apical-side bathing solution increases the diffusional water flux, Jdw (in both directions) by 63% from 11.3 to 18.4 l min–1 · cm–2 with 60 mm [Cl] exerting the maximum effect. The presence of Cl in the basolateral-side bathing solution had no effect on the water flux. In Cl-free solutions amphotericin B increased Jdw by 29% but only by 3% in Cl-rich apical-side bathing solution, suggesting that in Cl-rich apical side bathing solution, the apical barrier is no longer rate limiting. Apical Br (75 mm) also increased Jdw by 68%. The effect of Cl on Jdw was observed within 1 min after its addition to the apicalside bathing solution. HgCl2 (0.5 mm) reduced the Cl-increased Pdw by 31%. The osmotic permeability (Pf) was also measured under an osmotic gradient yielding values of 0.34 and 2.88 (x 10–3 cm/s) in Cl-free and Cl-rich apical-side bathing solutions respectively. It seems that apical Cl, or Cl secretion into the apical bath could activate normally present but inactive water channels. In the absence of Cl, water permeability of the apical membrane seems to be limited to the permeability of the lipid bilayer.This work was supported by National Eye Institute grants EY-00160 and EY-01867.  相似文献   

Like EDTA, diphosphonates increase permeability of the frog urinary bladder wall for water osmotic gradient. Their effect is proportional to the stability of their binding with calcium ions. The efficacy of diphosphonates falls upon pH decline. The results indicate the significance of Ca binding in cells and membrane action of diphosphonates.  相似文献   

In the saluresis, water and osmotic diuresis were indicating an increase of prostaglandin E2 excretion and a correlation between this index and diuresis. Unselective blockade of cyclooxygenase by diclofenac-natrium leads to a decrease of diuresis in the observed types of urine-production in rats. Inhibition of inducible cyclooxygenase by celebrex didn't change the value of diuresis after water load or administration of osmotic agent, but decreased the diuretic effect of furosemide.  相似文献   

The role of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in regulation of osmotic water permeability was studied in isolated frog Rana temporaria L. urinary bladder. It was found that ANF (rANF, 1-28) added to the serosal solution at concentrations 5 x 10(-8) M and higher dosedependently stimulated the arginine-vasotocin (AVT)-induced increase of osmotic water permeability. The effect of ANF was revealed only in presence of 3-isobuthyl-1-methylxantine (180 microM) and was accompanied by significant elevation of cGMP level in urinary bladder homogenate and isolated mucosal epithelial cells. C-ANF (des[Gln18, Ser19, Gly20, Leu21, Gly22]-ANF-(4-23)-NH2), a specific agonist of NPR-C receptor, exerted no effect on osmotic water permeability. ANF induced a significant increase of cAMP in urinary bladder homogenates (AVT, 5 x 10(-11) M: 52.3 +/- 10.6; AVT + ANF, 10(-7) M: 114.2 +/- 26.9 pmol/mg protein, n = 5, p < 0.05). The activity of adenylate cyclase in crude plasmatic membrane fraction was not changed. Milrinone, a specific inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 3, at concentrations from 25 to 80 microM, enhanced both the hydroosmotic response to AVT and AVT-stimulated cAMP production. Altogether these data demonstrate that, in the frog urinary bladder, ANF stimulates the AVT-induced increase of osmotic water permeability acting probably through NPR-A receptor-coupled mobilization of cGMP and cGMP-dependent inhibition of phosphodiesterase 3.  相似文献   

The properties of prostaglandin (PG) E2 receptors in regenerating liver were studied using rat hepatocytes in primary culture. The control cells possessed stereo-specific PGE2 receptors with Bmax and Kd values, at 4 degrees C, of 526 fmol/mg protein and 6.5 nM respectively. In cells from regenerating liver after 70% hepatectomy, Bmax was reduced to 42-43% that of the controls; Kd did not change. Administration of indomethacin before surgery prevented Bmax reduction. These results indicate that PGE2, produced during the regeneration process, evoked cellular events and regulated the density of its receptors.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid and prostaglandin E2 decreased the frequency of miniature endplate currents without changing their amplitude-temporary parameters. They also reduced the evoked transmitter release and the amplitude of the 3rd phase of nerve ending response corresponding to the voltage-dependent K(+)-current. Using perineural recording, It was shown that arachidonic acid and prostaglandin E2 decreased the Ca2+ currents of nerve endings. Indometacin: inhibitor of cyclooxygenase, enhanced the evoked transmitter release and decreased the 3rd phase of nerve ending response. Indometacin prevented the effects of arachidonic acid on evoked transmitter release, whereas the effects of arachidonic acid on the 3rd phase was preserved. Prostaglandin E2 seems to mediate the effects of arachidonic acid on spontaneous and evoked transmitter release, Ca(2+)- and Ca(2+)-activated K(+)-currents. Moreover, the arachidonic acid and prostaglandin E2 exerted their own effects upon voltage-dependent potassium current of motor nerve ending.  相似文献   

Summary By cellular activation with hormones, we test the proposition (Loewenstein, W.R.,Physiol. Rev. 61:829, 1981) that the permeability of cell junction is upregulated through elevation of the level of cyclic AMP. Cultured rat glioma C-6 cells, with -adrenergic receptors, and human lung WI-38 cells, with prostaglandin receptors, were exposed to catecholamine (isoproterenol) and prostaglandin E1, respectively, while their junctions were probed with microinjected fluorescent-labelled mono-, di-, and triglutamate. Junctional permeability, as indexed by the proportion of cell interfaces transferring the probes, rose after the hormone treatments. The increase in permeability took several hours to develop and was associated with an increase in the number of gap-junctional membrane particles (freeze-fracture electron microscopy). Such interaction between hormonal and junctional intercellular communication may provide a mechanism for physiological regulation of junctional communication and (perhaps as part of that) for physiological coordination of responses of cells in organs and tissues to hormones.  相似文献   

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