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Osteoblasts express claudins and tight junction-associated proteins   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Osteoblasts were previously reported to form tight junctions, which may play an important role in the regulation of ion transport across the epithelial-like bone membrane. However, the evidence for the presence of tight junction-associated proteins in osteoblasts is lacking. We therefore studied the expression of tight junction-associated genes in primary rat osteoblasts and bone tissues. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that osteoblasts expressed ZO-1, -2, -3, cingulin, occludin, claudin-1 to -12, -14 to -20, -22 and -23. By using western blot analyses of selected claudins, expression of claudin-5, -11, -14 and -15, but not claudin-3, were identified in osteoblasts. A confocal immunofluorescent study in undecalcified tibial sections confirmed that claudin-16 was localized on the trabecular surface, normally covered by osteoblasts and bone-lining cells. In addition, immunohistochemical studies in decalcified tibial sections demonstrated the expression of claudin-5, -11, -14, -15 and -16 in bone-lining cells (inactive osteoblasts). Primary osteoblasts cultured in the Snapwell for 19-26 days were found to form a monolayer with measurable transepithelial resistance of approximately 110-180 Omegacm(2), confirming the presence of barrier functions of the tight junction. It was concluded that osteoblasts expressed several tight junction-associated proteins, which possibly regulated ion transport across the bone membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cells establish tight junctions (TJs) that offer an ample range of transepithelial electrical resistances (TER), in adjustment to physiological requirements. In the present work, we demonstrate that cells from different animal origins, co-cultured in monolayers, can make sealed TJs, suggesting that this structure has a basic universal structure. TJs cannot be established, however, if one of the partners does not normally express TJs, indicating that each neighbor has to contribute its moiety. Furthermore, we observe that clones of the same cell line, with widely different values of TER, do not differ, in the number and length of their junctional trands, suggesting that the difference is due to their ability to express ionic channels traversing their strands. The value of TER achieved in mixed monolayers of cells of the same or different lines is the one that may be expected by taking into account the proportion of each type in the mixture and adding in parallel the electrical resistance that they exhibit in pure monolayers. Therefore, epithelial TJs appear to behave as parallel resistances.  相似文献   

In multicellular organisms, various compositionally distinct fluid compartments are established by epithelial and endothelial cellular sheets. For these cells to function as barriers, tight junctions (TJs) are considered to create a primary barrier for the diffusion of solutes through the paracellular pathway [1] [2] [3]. In ultrathin sections viewed under electron microscopy, TJs appear as a series of apparent fusions, involving the outer leaflets of plasma membranes of adjacent cells, to form the so-called kissing points of TJs, where the intercellular space is completely obliterated [4]. Claudins are a family of 16 proteins whose members have been identified as major integral membrane proteins localized exclusively at TJs [5] [6] [7] [8]. It remains unclear, however, whether claudins have the cell-adhesion activity that would explain the unusual intercellular adhesion at TJs. Using mouse L-fibroblast transfectants expressing various amounts of claudin-1, -2 or -3, we found that these claudins possess Ca(2+)-independent cell-adhesion activity. Using ultrathin-section electron microscopy, we observed many kissing points of TJs between adjacent transfectants. Furthermore, the cell-adhesion activity of occludin, another integral membrane protein localized at TJs [9] [10] [11], was negligible when compared with that of claudins. Thus, claudins are responsible for TJ-specific obliteration of the intercellular space.  相似文献   

In a previous study we demonstrated that depletion of Caco-2 cell cholesterol results in the loss of tight junction (TJ) integrity through the movement of claudins 3 and 4 and occludin, but not claudin 1, out of the TJs [1]. The aims of this study were to determine whether the major tight junction (TJ) proteins in Caco-2 cells are associated with cholesterol rich, membrane raft-like domains and if the loss of TJ integrity produced by the extraction of cholesterol reflects the dissolution of these domains resulting in the loss of TJ organisation. We have demonstrated that in Caco-2 cells claudins 1, 3, 4 and 7, JAM-A and occludin, are associated with cholesterol rich membrane domains that are insoluble in Lubrol WX. Co-immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated that there is no apparent restriction on the combination of claudins present in the rafts and that interaction between the proteins is dependent on cholesterol. JAM-A was not co-immunoprecipitated with the other TJ proteins indicating that it is resident within in a distinct population of rafts and therefore is likely not directly associated with the claudins/occludin present in the TJ complexes. Depletion of Caco-2 cell cholesterol with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin resulted in the displacement of claudins 3, 4 and 7, JAM-A and occludin, but not claudin 1, out of the cholesterol rich domains. Our data indicate that depletion of cholesterol does not result in the loss of the TJ-associated membrane rafts. However, the sterol is required to maintain the association of key proteins with the TJ associated membrane rafts and therefore the TJs. Furthermore, the data suggest that cholesterol may actually directly stabilise the multi-protein complexes that form the TJ strands.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent discoveries concerning the identity of endothelial cell adhesion molecules and their participation in intercellular junction formation. Observations relating to the formation of high-resistance tight junctions between brain endothelial cells are emphasized.  相似文献   

Brain Cell Biology - This study examines whether there is a relationship between the abundance of expression for Po mRNA in myelinated Schwann cells and fibre diameter. Individual teased sciatic...  相似文献   

Rüffer C  Strey A  Janning A  Kim KS  Gerke V 《Biochemistry》2004,43(18):5360-5369
Endothelial cell-cell contacts control the vascular permeability, thereby regulating the flow of solutes, macromolecules, and leukocytes between blood vessels and interstitial space. Because of specific needs, the endothelial permeability differs significantly between the tight blood-brain barrier endothelium and the more permeable endothelial lining of the non-brain microvasculature. Most likely, such differences are due to a differing architecture of the respective interendothelial cell contacts. However, while the molecules and junctional complexes of macrovascular endothelial cells and the blood-brain barrier endothelium are fairly well characterized, much less is known about the organization of intercellular contacts of microvascular endothelium. Toward this end, we developed a combined cross-linking and immunoprecipitation protocol which enabled us to map nearest neighbor interactions of junctional proteins in the human dermal microvascular endothelial cell line HMEC-1. We show that proteins typically located in tight or adherens junctions of epithelial cells are in the proximity in HMEC-1 cells. This contrasts with the separation of the different types of junctions observed in polarized epithelial cells and "tight" endothelial layers of the blood-brain barrier and argues for a need of the specific junctional contacts in microvascular endothelium possibly required to support an efficient transendothelial migration of leukocytes.  相似文献   

This study is intended to determine whether qualitative assessment of tight junction integrity from freeze-fracture data is reliable. We used lung parenchyma from a control mongrel dog's cardiac lung lobe, from a mongrel dog subjected to vascular high-pressure pulmonary edema (HPPE), and from a dog subjected to oleic acid-induced low-pressure pulmonary edema (LPPE) (6). Quantitative assessment was done on 115 freeze-fracture micrographs of epithelial tight junctions and on another 158 freeze-fracture micrographs of endothelial junctions from the 3 dogs. Quantitative assessment showed differences between the dogs in junction depth, fibril numbers, density, and complexity. for qualitative assessment, these same 273 micrographs were assessed in a single-blind fashion by having six investigators sort first the epithelial and then the endothelial junctions into normal or damaged categories. Qualitative assessment did not agree with quantitative data, suggesting that it is unreliable.  相似文献   

The freeze-fracture appearance of tight junctions between rat duodenal crypt cells was studied in normal, mitotically suppressed, and mitotically enhanced animals. In normal animals crypt cell tight junctions present a pleomorphic appearance. The population includes junctions resembling postmitotic junctions of the intestinal villus, junctions composed largely or completely of particle chains, and regions at the cell apex in which junctions are absent for 3-4 micron distances laterally. Mitotic suppression by inhibition of DNA synthesis with cytosine arabinoside results in the disappearance of pleomorphism and crypt tight junctions progressively come to resemble those of the intestinal villus. With recovery from the drug and further synchronization with Colcemid, the crypt cells undergo a mitotic burst, and all varieties of unusual junctional configurations are observed with increased frequency.  相似文献   

In the mammalian cochlea, tight junctional strands are visible on freeze fracture images of marginal cells and other inner ear epithelia. The molecular composition of the strial tight junctions is, however, largely unknown. We investigated the expression of integral tight junction-proteins, claudin-1 to -4, and occludin, in stria vascularis of the guinea-pig cochlea, as compared to kidney. Western blot analysis revealed a strong expression of claudin-4 and occludin in strial tissue, and confocal immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated their presence in the tight junctions of the marginal cells. In addition, a moderate level of claudin-3 and claudin-1 was detected and both were located in the marginal tight junctions. Claudins-1, -3, and -4 are characteristic of epithelia with low paracellular permeability and claudin-4 is known to restrict the passage of cations through epithelial tight junctions. In the marginal cells, these claudins appear to be responsible for the separation of the potassium-rich endolymph from the sodium-rich intrastrial fluid. In contrast, Western blot analysis and confocal microscopy demonstrated that the marginal cell epithelium does not contain claudin-2, which forms a cation-selective pore in tight junctions. Its absence indicates a cation-tight paracellular pathway in the marginal cells.  相似文献   

In pancreatic lobules incubated in Ca2+-free Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution +0.5 mM EGTA tight junctions are first disarrayed and then break up into fasciae occludentes and small fibrillar fragments, which move laterally in the plane of the plasmalemma and often wind up around the gap junctions. The interruption of the continuity of tight junctions results in the disappearance of the difference in intramembranous particle density between the lateral and luminal regions of the plasmalemma. These results are consistent with the interpretation of tight junctions as dynamic structures, probably resulting from a specific polymerization of intramembranous particles and confirm that tight junctions might have a role in establishing and maintaining the regional differences of the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

We examined the expression and function of gap junctions in two rat osteoblastic cell lines, ROS 17/2.8 and UMR 106-01. The pattern of expression of gap junction proteins in these two cell lines was distinct: ROS cells expressed only connexin43 on their cell surface, while UMR expressed predominantly connexin45. Immunoprecipitation and RNA blot analysis confirmed the relative quantitation of these connexins. Microinjected ROS cells passed Lucifer yellow to many neighboring cells, but UMR cells were poorly coupled by this criterion. Nevertheless, both UMR and ROS cells were electrically coupled, as characterized by the double whole cell patch-clamp technique. These studies suggested that Cx43 in ROS cells mediated cell-cell coupling for both small ions and larger molecules, but Cx45 in UMR cells allowed passage only of small ions. To demonstrate that the expression of different connexins alone accounted for the lack of dye coupling in UMR cells, we assessed dye coupling in UMR cells transfected with either Cx43 or Cx45. The UMR/Cx43 transfectants were highly dye coupled compared with the untransfected UMR cells, but the UMR/Cx45 transfectants demonstrated no increase in dye transfer. These data demonstrate that different gap junction proteins create channels with different molecular permeabilities; they suggest that different connexins permit different types of signalling between cells.  相似文献   

Searching for specific markers of neural crest-derived cell lineages, we immunized mice with glycoproteins purified from adult quail peripheral myelin. We obtained a monoclonal antibody that reacts with myelin and peripheral glial cells. This antibody, to Schwann cell myelin protein (SMP), is specific for the membranes of all Schwann cells, irrespective of whether they are associated with myelinated nerves. SMP persists on Schwann cells in long-term cultures in vitro, but is absent from satellite cells of peripheral ganglia, both in vivo and in vitro. The antigen (a protein doublet of Mr 75,000-80,000) is present in, but not restricted to, the myelin lamellae, since it is distributed along the whole myelinating Schwann cell membrane. In the CNS, SMP appears as a single band of Mr 80,000. SMP is first detectable by immunofluorescence at E6 in the quail, which is at least 6 days earlier than the first appearance of already described markers related to myelination.  相似文献   

The heterotrimeric PDZ complex containing LIN-2, LIN-7 and LIN-10 is known to be involved in the organization of epithelial and neuronal junctions in Caenorhabditis elegans and mammals. We report here that mammalian LIN-7 PDZ proteins form a complex with cadherin and beta-catenin in epithelia and neurons. The association of LIN-7 with cadherin and beta-catenin is Ca(2+) dependent and is mediated by the direct binding of LIN-7 to the C-terminal PDZ target sequence of beta-catenin, as demonstrated by means of co-immunoprecipitation experiments and in vitro binding assays with the recombinant glutathione S-transferase:LIN-7A. The presence of beta-catenin at the junction is required in order to relocate LIN-7 from the cytosol to cadherin-mediated adhesions, thus indicating that LIN-7 junctional recruitment is beta-catenin dependent and that one functional role of the binding is to localize LIN-7. Moreover, when LIN-7 is present at the beta-catenin-containing junctions, it determines the accumulation of binding partners, thus suggesting the mechanism by which beta-catenin mediates the organization of the junctional domain.  相似文献   

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