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Binding sites for [14C]spermine have been identified in rat brain cortex subcellular fractions. The binding, characterized by using synaptosomal membranes, is specific for spermine. It was not detected below 20°C and increased about three/four-fold with a temperature rise of 10°C. Binding occurred only in the presence of-SH reducing agents. It was completely suppressed by metal chelating agents, and was stimulated about four-fold by 1–5×10–5 M Fe2+. Smaller increases were observed in the presence of Mn2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Zn2+; in ocntrast, millimolar concentrations of most divalent cations inhibited the binding differently (Mn2+=Ni2+=Zn2+=Co2+Mg2+>Ca2+).Bound radioactive spermine was not displaced by the addition of high concentrations of unlabelled polyamine or chelating agents, nor by precipitation and washing of the membranes with 10 percent trichloroacetic acid, or by boiling of the precipitate in the presence of 1.0 percent SDS and 10 percent -mercaptoethanol. The trichloroacetic acid precipitate showed two radioactive bands, corresponding to low Mr (<8,000) components, after SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. The Fe2+-stimulated [14C]spermine binding was neither influenced by a previous heating of the membranes at 100°C for 30 minor by trypsin or pronase digestion, whereas the heat-treatment increased the binding occurring in the absence of Fe2+ by about two fold. A non-enzymatic formation of a spermine-metal complex tightly bound to some membrane peptide(s) is suggested.  相似文献   

The effects were investigated of purified subsynaptic fractions on the efflux of radioactivity from a plain synaptic vesicle fraction which had incorporated [3H]dopamine. About 50% of the radioactivity incorporated into the plain vesicles (120 g protein) was liberated on exposure to purified synaptic membranes (30 g protein). The synaptic membrane-dependent efflux appeared to depend on both adenosine triphosphate and divalent cations, especially Ca2+. Of the subcellular fractions used, the heavy microsomal fraction showed the same effects as the synaptic membrane fraction. Purified synaptic junctions exhibited the strongest stimulating effects: the efflux was 2 times greater than that observed with synaptic membranes. The stimulating effects of myelin were less than oneseventh of those of synaptic junctional fraction. These observations may indicate that the transmitters are liberated by interaction of vesicle membrane with synaptic membrane in the presence of ATP and divalent cations.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol bis-(-aminoethylether)-N,N-tetraacetic acid - AMP-PNP adenyl imidodiphosphate  相似文献   

The postnuclear supernatant fraction of sucrose homogenates of guinea pig polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) was subjected to differential centrifugation to obtain a total particulate fraction, a particle-free supernatant fraction, highly enriched fractions of primary and secondary granules, and a membrane-rich fraction. The various fractions were solubilized in buffer containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and analyzed for protein and glycoproteincomponents by SDS -polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The major glycoprotein components of the postnuclear supernatant fraction were found mainly associated with the enriched fraction of secondary granules and, to a lesser extent, with the membrane-rich fraction. No major glycoprotein components were visible in the polypeptide electrophoretic patterns of the primary granule fraction or of the particle-free supernate. Attempts at separation of guinea pig granules by zonal sucrose density gradient centrifugation were only partially successful. Data supporting a species difference in this regard between rabbit and guinea pig PMNL granules are presented.  相似文献   

1. Crude synaptosomal fractions (P2) from guinea-pig cerebral cortex were incubated in a Krebs-glucose medium containing labelled fatty acids and [3H]glucose. After the shortest incubation period (7.5 min) a high percentage (50-80%) of the total radioactive fatty acids was found in the P2 fractions. 2. After the incubation, the synaptosomal fractions were submitted to hypo-osmotic disruption and subsynaptosomal fractionation was carried out by using discontinuous-sucrose-gradient centrifugation. The specific radioactivities of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol were determined in fractions D (synaptic vesicles), E (microsomal preparation) and H (disrupted synaptosomes), as were the specific activities of a number of marker enzymes and the distribution of acetylcholine. 3. By using [14C]oleate, [14C]arachidonate, [3H]palmitate and [3H]glucose, the order to specific radioactivities in fraction D was found to be: phosphatidylinositol greater than phosphatidylcholine greater than phosphatidylserine greater than phosphatidylethanolamine. 4. The specific radioactivities of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were always higher in fraction D than in fraction E. As fraction E had higher specific activities of several membrane marker enzymes, the enhanced labelling found in fraction D was considered to be localized in the synaptic vesicles. In this fraction, phosphatidylinositol made particularly large contributions to the total phospholipid labelling derived from [14C]arachidonate and [3H]glucose. 5. The similar labelling ratios of fatty acid/glucose in the phospholipids of fractions D and E, and the high specific radioactivities in the total phospholipid of the soluble fraction O, suggested intrasynaptosomal phospholipid transport.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter in natural water was classified into a labile and a refractory fraction according to the decomposition properties for microorganisms. In decomposition experiments of dissolved organic matter from an eutrophic small lake in Japan, dissolved amino acids and dissolved carbohydrates fractions could be confirmed to be the labile fractions of dissolved organic matter.Tokyo Metropolian University, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1983,7(4):297-318
The composition of the conidial wall ofCoccidioides immitis, causative agent of a respiratory infection of man and other animals, is examined using electron microscopic, biochemical, and immunological techniques. Structural differences as well as quantitative and certain qualitative differences in carbohydrate, protein, and lipid composition between the isolated outer and inner wall fractions are described. The antigenic composition of solubilized extracts of these same wall fractions is examined by two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis (2D-IEP) using a coccidioidinanticoccidioidin reference system previously described. Specific antigenic differences between the outer and inner wall fractions are also revealed. Ease of isolation and consistency of the morphological, chemical, and immunological features of each wall fraction demonstrated here are prerequisites for ultimate characterization and purification of clinically relevant antigens from the wall of the infectious propagule.  相似文献   

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