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芦丁对绿豆幼苗营养生长的影响及其与IAA的相互作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
观察了植物体内的天然黄酮芦丁和吲哚乙酸(IAA)对绿豆幼苗营养生长的影响并测定胚轴中的芦丁和IAA含量.光照条件下芦丁(60μg/mL以下)处理对绿豆幼苗生长有一定促进作用,表现为胚轴和主根伸长加快、侧根数目增多、鲜重或干重增加;而光照条件下更高浓度芦丁(80μg/mL以上)处理及黑暗条件下芦丁(20~100μg/mL)处理对绿豆幼苗生长有抑制作用.当培养基中的芦丁浓度为60~80 μg/mL时,光照下的幼苗比暗处理的幼苗在胚轴中积累更多的芦丁;而芦丁浓度为40μg/mL以下和接近100μg/mL时幼苗在光照下累积的芦丁较暗处理的幼苗更少.0.1μg/mL以上的IAA促进芦丁的累积而进一步抑制幼苗胚轴和主根的伸长.当培养基中含有40 μg/mL的芦丁和0.5μg/mL的IAA时,胚轴中累积的芦丁达到高峰.芦丁降低黄化幼苗内源性IAA在胚轴中的累积,并抑制幼苗对IAA的吸收.  相似文献   

The present work reports the isolation and characterization of new polymorphic microsatellites in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). Of 93 designed primer pairs, seven were found to amplify polymorphic microsatellite loci, which were then characterized using 34 mung bean accessions. The number of alleles ranged from two to five alleles per locus with an average of three alleles. Observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0 to 0.088 and from 0.275 to 0.683, respectively. All seven loci showed significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, whereas only one pairwise combination (GBssr‐MB77 and GBssr‐MB91) exhibited significant departure from linkage disequilibrium. These newly developed markers are currently being utilized for diversity assessment within the mung bean germplasm collection of the Korean Gene Bank.  相似文献   

为了探索ERIC-PCR技术在苏云金芽胞杆菌和蜡状芽胞杆菌的鉴定及分型中的应用价值,本研究采用PCR方法初步检测苏云金芽胞杆菌杀虫晶体蛋白基因的组成,并对苏云金芽胞杆菌和蜡状芽胞杆菌的总DNA进行ERIC-PCR扩增,分析ERIC-PCR指纹图谱的特点并采用NTSYS2.10软件对其进行聚类。结果显示,各菌株的ERIC指纹图谱表现出不同程度的多态性,但图谱与菌株所含cry基因的类型存在一定的相关性。聚类分析结果显示,含有相同或相近cry基因类型的Bt菌株在进化树上趋向聚为一类,而不含cry基因的蜡状芽胞杆菌趋向于与不含cry基因的Bt菌株聚为一类或单独聚类。若在多种模式菌株的参考下,该方法可用于苏云金芽胞杆菌的初步鉴定和分型。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of temperature, carbon dioxide and abscisic acid on mung bean (Vigna radiata). Plants were grown under 26/22°C or 32/28°C (16?h?light/8?h?dark) at 400 or 700?μmol?mol?1 CO2 and received ABA application of 0 or 100?μl (10?μg) every other day for three weeks, after eight days of initial growth, in growth chambers. We measured 24 parameters. As individual factors, in 16 cases temperature; in 8 cases CO2; in 9 cases ABA; and as interactive factors, in 4 cases, each of temperature?×?CO2, and CO2?×?ABA; and in 2 cases, temperature?×?ABA were significant. Higher temperatures increased growth, aboveground biomass, growth indices, photochemical quenching (qP) and nitrogen balance index (NBI). Elevated CO2 increased growth and aboveground biomass. ABA decreased growth, belowground biomass, qP and flavonoids; increased shoot/root mass ratio, chlorophyll and NBI; and had little role in regulating temperature–CO2 effects.

Abbreviations: AN: net CO2 assimilation; E: transpiration; Fv/Fm: maximum quantum yield of PSII; gs: stomatal conductance; LAR: leaf area ratio; LMA: leaf mass per area; LMR: leaf mass ratio;φPSII: effective quantum yield of PSII; qNP: non-photochemical quenching; qP: photochemical quenching; SRMR: shoot to root mass ratio; WUE: water use efficiency  相似文献   

Haemolysin BL (HBL) and non-haemolytic enterotoxin (Nhe), each consisting of three components, represent the major enterotoxins produced by Bacillus cereus. To evaluate the expression of these toxins, a set of 100 B. cereus strains was examined. Molecular biological characterization showed that 42% of the strains harboured the genes for HBL and 99% for Nhe. The production of all Nhe and HBL components were analyzed using specific antibodies and, in culture supernatants, detectable levels of HBL and Nhe were found for 100% of hbl-positive and 96% of nhe-positive strains. The concentrations of the HBL-L(2) and NheB component ranged from 0.02 to 5.6 microg mL(-1) and from 0.03 to 14.2 microg mL(-1), respectively. Comparison of the amount of NheB produced by food poisoning and food/environmental strains revealed that the median value for all food poisoning strains was significantly higher than for the food/environmental isolates. The data presented in this study provide evidence that specific and quantitative determination of the enterotoxins is necessary to evaluate the toxic potential of B. cereus. In particular, the level of Nhe seems to explain most of the cytotoxic activity of B. cereus isolates and may indicate a highly diarrheic potential.  相似文献   

Ohwaki  Y.  Kraokaw  S.  Chotechuen  S.  Egawa  Y.  Sugahara  K. 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(1):107-114
Ten mungbean cultivars were evaluated for their resistance to iron deficiency in view of chlorosis symptoms, plant growth and seed yield under field conditions on a calcareous soil in Thailand. The KPS2 cultivar was highly susceptible; the KPS1, PSU1 and Pag-asa 1 cultivars were somewhat susceptible; the VC1163B cultivar was moderately tolerant; the CN36, CN60, UT1 and CNM-I cultivars were tolerant; and the CNM8509B cultivar was very tolerant to iron deficiency. Foliar application of a solution of 5 g L-1 ferrous sulphate was effective in correcting chlorosis that was induced by iron deficiency, and it enhanced both the growth and the yield of susceptible cultivars. Compared with the susceptible cultivar KPS2, the tolerant cultivar UT1 had a greater ability to lower the pH of the nutrient solution in response to iron deficiency. The root-associated Fe3+-reduction activity of UT1 that had been grown in -Fe medium was similar to that of the plants grown in +Fe medium when the acidification of the medium occurred. Acidification of the medium in response to iron deficiency might contribute to the efficient solubilization of iron from calcareous soils, and it related more closely to the resistance to iron deficiency than Fe3+ reduction by roots in mungbean cultivars.  相似文献   

In order to investigate whether resistance genes present in bacteria in manure could transfer to indigenous soil bacteria, resistant isolates belonging to the Bacillus cereus group (Bacillus cereus, Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus thuringiensis) were isolated from farm soil (72 isolates) and manure (12 isolates) samples. These isolates were screened for tetracycline resistance genes (tet(K), tet(L), tet(M), tet(O), tet(S) and tet(T)). Of 88 isolates examined, three (3.4%) isolates carried both tet(M) and tet(L) genes, while four (4.5%) isolates carried the tet(L) gene. Eighty-one (92.1%) isolates did not contain any of the tested genes. All tet(M) positive isolates carried transposon Tn916 and could transfer this mobile DNA element to other Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

六价铬生物毒性极大,是造成环境污染的主要重金属之一,其生物治理策略已引起了广泛关注。已经发现许多微生物具有六价铬抗性和还原性,但能工业应用的还十分有限。从宝钢电镀污泥中分离得到一系列高六价铬抗性菌株,其中一株S5.4显示出高六价铬还原性,经形态和生理生化特征及16s rDNA序列比对,鉴定为Bacillus cereus。该菌株好氧生长,在固体LB培养基上培养48h能耐受40mmol/L Cr6 ,并对Mn2 、Ba2 和Mo6 也显出高抗性;在液体LB培养基中培养72h完全还原2mmol/L Cr6 ,并能在补充培养基和六价铬的条件下连续还原。该菌株还原六价铬时,最适浓度为2mmol/L Cr6 ,最适温度范围30~37℃,最适pH 7~9。  相似文献   

The reduction of Cr(VI) at the expense of molecular hydrogen was studied using resting cells of Desulfovibrio vulgaris ATCC 29579 in anaerobic resting cell suspensions in MOPS buffer. Bioreduction occurred only in the presence of ligands or chelating agents (CO32-, citrate, NTA, EDTA, DTPA). The stimulatory effect of these ligands on the rate of Cr(VI) reduction was correlated (r = 0.988) with the strength of the ligand/chelate complex of Cr(III). The data are examined with respect to likely solution and redox equilibria in the ionic matrix of the carrier solution, and with respect to the potential for bioremediation of Cr(VI).  相似文献   

Ten predominant bacteria (CSB 1-10), isolated from chromite mine soil of Sukinda, Odisha, were characterized by means of biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. All of the bacterial isolates were Gram-positive, spore-forming, and motile rods with diameter ranging from 1.57–2.79 μm and identified as Bacillus species. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic tree construction, 10 Bacillus species were grouped into two clusters: Bacillus subtilis cluster with four species (two of B. amyloliquefaciens, and one each of B. tequilensis and B. mojavensis); and Bacillus cereus cluster containing six species of B. cereus. Secondary rRNA structure predicted for all 10 bacteria using 16S rRNA sequences revealed some degree of genetic variations among the species. Among the isolated bacteria, CSB-9 was found to be the most efficient chromate reducing strain (0.8 × 10?4 mg mg?1 h?1) in comparison to the others. Chromate reduction of the bacteria was associated with the contribution of extracellular enzyme production, and highest enzyme activity (0.9 ± 0.09 U mL?1) was observed in CSB-9 (B. amyloliquefaciens). The present study revealed the dominance of Bacillus species in the chromite mine soil and their potential for bioremediation of hexavalent chromium from the polluted environments.  相似文献   

The ability of a rhizobacterium to protect tomato plants against naturally occurring diseases as well as to improve crop yield under field conditions was studied. The rhizobacterium was introduced to the plants through seed microbiolization. Treatments consisted of different frequencies of fungicide (Chlorothalonyl) sprayings (5, 10 or 20 applications) of tomato plants grown from either microbiolized or non‐microbiolized seeds over a 90‐day evaluation period. Treatment of non‐microbiolized seeds without fungicide application was included as a control. The progress of the following three naturally occurring diseases was evaluated in the field and quantified: early blight (Alternaria solani), late blight (Phytophthora infestans), and septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici). All treatments resulted in reduced disease severity when compared with the control treatment. Highest final fruit yields were found after treatment of plants grown from non‐microbiolized seeds and sprayed with fungicide 20 times over 90 days, and for treatment of plants from microbiolized seeds that received 10 fungicide spray applications, although all treatments increased yield over that obtained in the control treatment. The results demonstrate that combined rhizobacterial and chemical treatments in the field may permit reducing fungicidal spraying frequency while at the same time increasing crop yields.  相似文献   

The fate and effect of Bacillus cereus F4433/73R in the intestine of human-flora-associated rats was studied using bacteriological culturing techniques and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis in combination with cell assays and immunoassays for detection of enterotoxins. In faecal samples from animals receiving vegetative cells, only few B. cereus cells were detected. Spores survived the gastric barrier well, and were in some cases detected up to 2 weeks after ingestion. Selective growing revealed no major changes in the intestinal flora during passage of B. cereus. However, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis with universal 16S rRNA gene primers revealed significant changes in the intestinal microbiota of animals dosed with spores. Vero cell assays and a commercial kit (BCET-RPLA) did not reveal any enterotoxin production from B. cereus F4433/73R in the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

Aims:  To investigate the genetic basis of Cr(VI) resistance and its reduction to Cr(III) in indigenous bacteria isolated from tannery effluent.
Methods and Results:  Four bacteria resistant to high Cr(VI) levels were isolated and identified as Bacillus spp. Their Cr(VI) reduction ability was tested. To assess the genetic basis of Cr(VI) resistance and reduction, plasmid transfer and curing studies were performed. Among all, B. brevis was resistant to 180 μg Cr(VI) ml−1 and showed the greatest degree of Cr(VI) reduction (75·8%) within 28 h and its transformant was resistant to 160 μg Cr(VI) ml−1 and reduced 69·9% chromate. It harboured a stable 18 kb plasmid DNA. Transfer and curing studies revealed that both the chromate resistance and reduction were plasmid mediated. The presence of other metal cations did not have any significant effect on Cr(VI) bioreduction.
Conclusions:  Bacillus brevis was resistant to elevated Cr(VI) levels and may potentially reduce it in short time from an environment where other metal ions are also present in addition to chromium ions. The strain tested shows a positive correlation between genetic basis of Cr(VI) resistance and reduction.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  To our knowledge, this is the first study on the genetic correlation between chromium resistance and reduction in bacteria. Such strains may potentially be useful in biotechnological applications and in situ Cr(VI) bioremediation.  相似文献   

[背景]高盐含铬废水的去除过程中,Cr(Ⅵ)还原菌是研究者关注的重点,但目前对耐盐菌株的Cr(Ⅵ)脱毒特性及机理的分析仍较少。[目的]比较两株耐盐菌株的Cr(Ⅵ)移除特性,并区分Cr(Ⅵ)耐受机制的差异;通过基因组测序分析,从基因层面推测铬耐受相关基因;构建铬还原菌的混菌体系,考察两者对去除污染物的协同作用。[方法]从青海茶卡盐湖分离耐盐菌Staphylococcus sp.YZ-1,与Bacillus cereus CC-1进行基础特性和Cr(Ⅵ)去除性能的比较,并通过全基因组序列的分析验证特性测试的结果。[结果]两株菌都具有铬移除特性,但CC-1的铬移除效率更高,在初始Cr(Ⅵ)浓度为0.1 mmol/L情况下,CC-1能在12h内移除95.3%的Cr(Ⅵ),而YZ-1只能移除40.1%。在进一步实验中发现YZ-1只能对Cr(Ⅵ)进行还原,将其转化为可溶的有机态Cr(Ⅲ),而CC-1能同时对Cr(Ⅵ)进行还原和吸附。全基因组分析发现YZ-1具有编码外排泵蛋白的基因和编码NAD(P)H氧化还原酶的基因,而CC-1具有编码铬转运蛋白ChrA和细胞色素C氧化还原酶的基因。两株菌的混菌体系在处理含Cr(Ⅵ)、Te(Ⅳ)的废水时,菌群能将还原产物聚集成团并沉淀到底部。[结论]菌株YZ-1和CC-1均为耐盐铬还原菌,但YZ-1中的铬还原酶为诱导型酶,CC-1则为组成型酶。基因组数据分析鉴别出两者可能同时存在多种铬耐受机制相关编码基因。混合菌群可以结合YZ-1的自絮凝特性和两者均有的Te(Ⅳ)/Cr(Ⅵ)还原活性,具有潜在的实用价值。  相似文献   

Out of nineteen bacteria screened from the tannery waste dump site, the most effective isolate, strain DU17 was selected for Cr(VI) reduction process among the non-pathogenic once. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the bacterium was identified as Enterobacter sp. DU17. Its amplified Cr(VI) reductase gene showed maximum homology with flavoprotein of Enterobacter cloacae. Enterobacter sp. DU17 reduced Cr(VI) maximally at 37 °C and pH 7.0. Various co-metals, electron (e) donors and inhibitors were tested to study their effect on Cr(VI) reduction. In presence (0.2% each) of glucose and fructose, Enterobacter sp. DU17 reduced Cr(VI) completely after 16 and 20 h, respectively. Since the concentration of total Cr was invariable after remediation as detected through AAS analysis, this experiment disclosed that responsible operation was associated with extracellular Cr(VI) reduction process rather than uptake mechanism. Multiple antibiotic resistance index of 0.08 for this bacterium was very low as compared to standard risk assessment value of 0.20. With high Cr(VI) reducing capability, non-pathogenicity and antibiotic sensitivity, Enterobacter sp. DU17 is found to be very efficient in removing Cr(VI) toxicity from the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract When grown for 15 h in rice culture, 13 out of 15 Bacillus cereus strains associated with emetic-syndrome food poisoning (87%) caused vacuoles to appear in HEp-2 cells, compared with 5 out of 11 B. cereus strains from other sources (45%). No other Bacillus species tested gave rise to this response under these conditions. Six out of eight rice samples involved in incidents of B. cereus emetic illness produced vacuoles in HEp-2 cells, whereas control rice samples and foods from vomiting episodes caused by other Bacillus spp. failed to do so. This vacuole response may have application as a simple in vitro assay for organisms and foods implicated in B. cereus emetic-syndrome food poisoning.  相似文献   

We isolated four cultures of chromate resistant, unicellular, non-motile green algae from disposal sites of the paper-pulp and electroplating industries. These algae were maintained in Tris-acetate-glycerophosphate medium containing 30 μM K2Cr2O7. The morphological features as well as analysis of the 500-bp fragment of 18S rDNA (NS 12 region) showed that these isolates belong to Chlorella spp. These isolates showed EC50 values for chromate ranging from 60 to 125 μM. Uptake studies with radioactive 51Cr(VI) showed that 10–19% of total radioactivity was intracellular, and 1–2% was bound to the cell wall. The rest of the activity remained in the medium, suggesting that resistance was not related to accumulation of Cr(VI) in the cells. Interestingly, when these isolates were grown in the presence of 30 μM of K2Cr2O7, a decrease in the Cr(VI) concentration in the medium was observed. Only live cells could deplete Cr(VI) from the supernatant, suggesting the presence of chromium reduction activity in these Chlorella isolates. Cr(VI) reduction activity of the cells of Chlorella was stimulated by light as well as by acetate and glycerophosphate. Treatment of Chlorella cells with 3-(3,4 dichlorophenyl),1,1dimethyl urea (DCMU) did not affect the Cr(VI) reduction. However, if the cells were treated with sodium azide, Cr(VI) reduction was severely affected. Though chromate resistance has been well documented in algae, the information on chromate reduction by algae is scant. This paper discusses the Cr(VI) reduction by Cr(VI) resistant Chlorella, which may find a use in the effective bioremediation of Cr(VI).  相似文献   

蜡质芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)原生质体形成与再生条件研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了溶菌酶浓度、酶解温度及时间、制备液的pH值、渗透压稳定剂对蜡质芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)TO-8-24-2原生质体的形成与再生的影响.TO-8-24-2菌株原生质体形成和再生的最佳条件是以SMM pH7.5作酶解缓冲液,溶菌酶浓度为O.15mg/mL,在37℃下,酶解45分钟.原生质体形成率为91.7%,再生率为13.6%.  相似文献   

AIMS: In this study, bacteriocidal effects of cinnamic aldehyde on Bacillus cereus were investigated. METHODS: The bacterial culture or cell suspension in 0.85% NaCl was treated with cinnamic aldehyde at a concentration of 0.3 ml l(-1). Viable cells were counted on a nutrient agar plate. Protein leakage from the cell was determined using a protein dye. Cell morphology was observed using a scanning electron microscope. RESULTS: Bacillus cereus cells were the most sensitive to cinnamic aldehyde among four different food-borne pathogens. When the cells were treated with 0.3 ml l(-1) of cinnamic aldehyde, the viable counts decreased about 6 log cycles after 6 h of incubation. The bacterial cells remained unlysed although they were killed by cinnamic aldehyde. Treatment of cinnamic aldehyde to the exponential phase cells resulted in no significant protein leakage but strong inhibition of cell separation. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings suggest that cinnamic aldehyde exhibits bacteriocidal effects and inhibition of cell separation on B. cereus. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These data represent an interesting background for a possible mechanism for antibacterial effects of cinnamic aldehyde.  相似文献   

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