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Carotenoid pigments can directly enhance the immune responsesof vertebrates, and they are used by many animals to createornamental color displays. It has been hypothesized that thesetwo functions of carotenoid pigments are linked: animals musttrade off use of carotenoid pigments for immune function versusornamental display. We tested two key predictions of this hypothesiswith captive American goldfinches, Carduelis tristis, a specieswith extensive carotenoid-based plumage coloration. First, wetested whether the immune systems of male goldfinches are carotenoidlimited during molt by supplying treatment groups with low,approximately normal, or high dietary access to lutein and zeaxanthin.Dietary treatment had a significant effect on plumage and billcolor but not on immunocompetence. We compared the cell-mediatedand humoral immune responses and the course of disease afterinfection for males in the different treatments. We observedno significant effect of the carotenoid content of diet on immuneresponse or disease resistance. Second, we tested whether therewas a positive relationship between immune function and expressionof ornamental coloration by comparing both the pre- and posttreatmentplumage coloration of males to their immune responses. We failedto find the predicted trade-off between ornament display andimmune function. These findings do not support the hypothesisthat songbirds with extensive carotenoid-based plumage displaystrade off the use of carotenoids for ornamentation versus immunefunction.  相似文献   

For most species of birds, ornamental plumage coloration may result from two types of pigments: carotenoids and melanins. Despite the fact that melanin pigments can be synthesized by birds from basic, amino acid precursors, while carotenoids cannot be synthesized by birds and must be ingested, melanin-based plumage coloration and carotenoid-based plumage coloration have often been treated as a single trait in investigations of the function and evolution of plumage coloration. Expression of carotenoid-based coloration is known to be dependent on condition, while the effects of individual condition have not been well-tested for expression of melanin-based coloration. In this study, we experimentally tested the effect of coccidial infection of the intestinal tract of male house finches during moult on expression of melanin-based plumage coloration. Coccidial infection had a significant negative effect on carotenoid-based coloration, but it had no significant effect on melanin-based feather coloration. Unlike carotenoid-based coloration, melanin-based coloration may be cheap to produce, and honesty of melanin-based coloration my require social mediation.  相似文献   

Many male birds use carotenoid pigments to acquire brilliant colors that advertise their health and condition to prospective mates. The direct means by which the most colorful males achieve superior health has been debated, however. One hypothesis, based on studies of carotenoids as antioxidants in humans and other animals, is that carotenoids directly boost the immune system of colorful birds. We studied the relationship between carotenoid pigments, immune function, and sexual coloration in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), a species in which males incorporate carotenoid pigments into their beak to attract mates. We tested the hypotheses that increased dietary carotenoid intake enhances immunocompetence in male zebra finches and that levels of carotenoids circulating in blood, which also determine beak coloration, directly predict the immune response of individuals. We experimentally supplemented captive finches with two common dietary carotenoid pigments (lutein and zeaxanthin) and measured cell-mediated and humoral immunity a month later. Supplemented males showed elevated blood-carotenoid levels, brighter beak coloration, and increased cell-mediated and humoral immune responses than did controls. Cell-mediated responses were predicted directly by changes in beak color and plasma carotenoid concentration of individual birds. These experimental findings suggest that carotenoid-based color signals in birds may directly signal male health via the immunostimulatory action of ingested and circulated carotenoid pigments.  相似文献   

Birds display a tremendous variety of carotenoid-based colors in their plumage, but the mechanisms underlying interspecific variability in carotenoid pigmentation remain poorly understood. Because vertebrates cannot synthesize carotenoids de novo, access to pigments in the diet is one proximate factor that may shape species differences in carotenoid-based plumage coloration. However, some birds metabolize ingested carotenoids and deposit pigments that differ in color from their dietary precursors, indicating that metabolic capabilities may also contribute to the diversity of plumage colors we see in nature. In this study, we investigated how the acquisition and utilization of carotenoids influence the maintenance of species-typical plumage pigmentation in male American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis) and northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis). We supplemented the diet of captive goldfinches with red carotenoids to determine whether males, which are typically yellow in color, were capable of growing red plumage. We also deprived cardinals of red dietary pigments to determine whether they could manufacture red carotenoids from yellow precursors to grow species-typical red plumage. We found that American goldfinches were able to deposit novel pigments in their plumage and develop a striking orange appearance. Thus, dietary access to pigments plays a role in determining the degree to which goldfinches express carotenoid-based plumage coloration. We also found that northern cardinals grew pale red feathers in the absence of red dietary pigments, indicating that their ability to metabolize yellow carotenoids in the diet contributes to the bright red plumage that they display.  相似文献   

Energetic constraints on expression of carotenoid-based plumage coloration   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Carotenoid pigments are used by many bird species as feather colorants, creating brilliant yellow, orange, and red plumage displays. Such carotenoid-based plumage coloration has been shown to function as an honest signal that is used in female mate choice. Despite recent interest in carotenoid-based ornamental traits, the basis for individual variation in expression of carotenoid-based plumage coloration remains incompletely understood. I tested the hypothesis that, independent of carotenoid access, food stress during molt would cause reduced expression of carotenoid pigmentation. I fed molting male House Finches Carpodacus mexicanus seed diets supplemented with either the red carotenoid pigment canthaxanthin or the yellow/orange carotenoid pigment β-cryptoxanthin (in the form of tangerine juice). Within each diet treatment, one group of males was given restricted food access and the other group was given unrestricted food access. Carotenoid supplements were placed in water so carotenoid access was controlled independent of food access. The results indicated a strong effect of both carotenoid access and food access on color display. Some males in the β-cryptoxanthin-supplemented group grew red plumage, suggesting that they can metabolically modify yellow pigments into red pigments, but no bird supplemented with β-cryptoxanthin grew plumage as red as birds supplemented with canthaxanthin. Males in the unrestricted food groups grew redder and more intensely pigmented plumage than males in the restricted food groups. These observations provide the best evidence to date of an energetic cost of carotenoid utilization in the generation of colorful plumage.  相似文献   

We investigated potential dietary and biochemical bases for carotenoid-based sexual dichromatism in American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis). Captive male and female finches were given access to the same type and amount of carotenoid pigments in the diet during their nuptial molt to assess differences in the degree to which the two sexes incorporated ingested pigments into their plumage. When birds were fed a uniform, plain-seed diet, or one that was supplemented with the red carotenoid canthaxanthin, we found that males grew more colorful plumage than females. HPLC analyses of feather pigments revealed that male finches incorporated a higher concentration of carotenoids into their pigmented feathers than females. Compared to females, males also deposited significantly more canary xanthophyll B into feathers when fed a plain-seed diet and a greater concentration and proportion of canthaxanthin when fed a carotenoid-supplemented diet. These results indicate that sex-specific expression of carotenoid pigmentation in American goldfinches may be affected by the means by which males and females physiologically utilize (e.g. absorb, transport, metabolize, deposit) carotenoid pigments available to them in the diet.  相似文献   

Carotenoid-based ornamentation and status signaling in the house finch   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The status signaling hypothesis (SSH) was devised primarilyto explain the adaptive significance of avian ornamental colorationduring the nonbreeding season. It proposes that conspicuousmale plumage serves as an honest signal of social status withina population of birds. However, to date this hypothesis hasbeen well tested and supported for only one type of plumage coloration, melanin-based coloration. Carotenoid-based pigmentationis known to positively reveal male health and condition duringmolt in a variety of species, but it is poorly understood whetherthis ornament type can also function as a status signal duringthe winter. We tested the SSH in male house finches (Carpodacusmexicanus) by manipulating the carotenoid-based plumage brightnessof first-year males and then pairing unfamiliar birds of differingcoloration in a series of dominance trials in captivity. Manipulated plumage color was unrelated to win/loss outcome in these trials.Similarly, the natural pigmentation of males was a poor predictorof winter dominance; as in other studies with this species,we found only a weak tendency for naturally drab males to dominatenaturally bright males. These results suggest that carotenoid-basedcoloration is not a reliable indicator of social status inmale house finches during the nonbreeding season. In fact, carotenoid-based coloration may function only in mate choice in this species,and it may be retained throughout the year either because timeconstraints preclude a second plumage molt or because it aidsin pair formation that begins in late winter.  相似文献   

Food color can be indicative of specific nutrients, and thus discrimination based on color can be a valuable foraging behavior. Several bird and fish species with carotenoid-based body ornamentation show color preferences for presumably carotenoid-rich red and orange foods. However, little is known within species about whether or not individuals with (or growing) more colorful ornaments show stronger food-color preferences than those with drabber coloration. Here, we examine food color preferences in house finches ( Carpodacus mexicanus ) – a species with sexually dichromatic and selected carotenoid coloration – as a function of sex and plumage coloration during molt. We captured wild, molting juvenile house finches over 4 wk in late summer/early fall, quantified the color and size of plumage ornaments being developed in males, and determined food color preference in captivity by presenting individuals with dyed sunflower chips (red, orange, yellow, and green). On average, finches showed an aversion to yellow-dyed chips and a preference for red- and green-colored chips. We found no significant difference between male and female preferences for specific food colors, and food color preference was not significantly related to male plumage ornamentation. However, we did find that redder birds demonstrated a higher degree of food selectivity, measured as the proportion of their preferred food color consumed. These results suggest that food color is not a major factor determining food choice in molting house finches, but that there still may be aspects of foraging behavior that are linked to the development of colorful plumage.  相似文献   

Sexual ornaments might indicate better condition, fewer parasites or a greater immune responsiveness. Carotenoid-based ornaments are common sexual signals of birds and often influence mate choice. Skin or beaks pigmented by carotenoids can change colour rapidly, and could be particularly useful as honest indicators of an individual's current condition and/or health. This is because carotenoids must be acquired through diet and/or allocation for ornamental coloration might be to the detriment of self-maintenance needs. Here, we investigated whether the carotenoid-based coloration of eye rings and beak of male red-legged partridges Alectoris rufa predicted condition (mass corrected for size), parasite load (more specifically infection by coccidia, a main avian intestinal parasite) or a greater immune responsiveness (swelling response to a plant lectin, phytohaemagluttinin, or PHA). Redness of beak and eye rings positively correlated with plasma carotenoid levels. Also, males in better condition had fewer coccidia, more circulating carotenoids and a greater swelling response to PHA. Carotenoid-based ornamentation predicted coccidia abundance and immune responsiveness (redder males had fewer coccidia and greater swelling response to PHA), but was only weakly positively related to condition. Thus, the carotenoid pigmentation of beak and eye rings reflected the current health status of individuals. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that allocation trade-offs (carotenoid use for ornamentation versus parasite defence needs) might ensure reliable carotenoid-based signalling.  相似文献   

Male house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) have carotenoid-based ornamentalplumage coloration. In previous research it was shown that fora single population of house finches in a single year, malesthat paired were on average redder in plumage coloration thanmales that did not pair, and males with redder plumage tendedto nest earlier than males with less red plumage. Here we showthat these patterns continued over 6 years and at two widely separatedlocations. We also tested whether the symmetry of carotenoid-based crownpigmentation differed between paired and unpaired males andfound that paired males have, on average, more perfect symmetryof crown pigmentation than males not paired. These observationssupport the idea that expression of carotenoid-based plumagecoloration by males is a persistent and widespread criterionin female mate choice in the house finch.  相似文献   

Most studies of condition-dependent sexual ornaments have treated such ornaments as single traits. However, sexual ornaments are often composites of several components, each produced by partially independent developmental pathways. Depending on environmental and individual condition, components of these ornaments may reflect different behavioral or physiological properties of an individual. One of the best-known, condition-dependent ornaments is carotenoid-based plumage coloration, which has at least four distinct components: pigment elaboration, patch area, pigment symmetry, and patch area symmetry. Here we examined fitness consequences of variation in individual components of carotenoid ornamentation in male house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus). Over 5 yr and several selection episodes, we studied variation in the plumage components in a large sample (n = 498) of males from a Montana population. The ornament components were partially independent of each other and had distinct fitness consequences. Selection for higher fecundity favored an increase in redness of coloration and a decrease in pigment asymmetry and patch area asymmetry but did not act on patch area itself. In contrast, viability selection favored larger and more symmetrical ornamental patches but did not act on pigment elaboration. Developmental and functional interrelationships among individual components of ornamentation strongly differed between house finch populations. Distinct patterns of selection on individual components of condition-dependent ornaments, combined with partially independent development of components, should favor the evolution of composite sexual traits whose components reliably reflect condition across a wide array of environments.  相似文献   

Saks L  Ots I  Hõrak P 《Oecologia》2003,134(3):301-307
Hypotheses of parasite-mediated sexual selection (PMSS) propose that elaborate male ornaments have evolved due to female preferences. Females would benefit from mating with more ornamental males if males' ornamentation signals their health status and ability to provide parasite resistance genes for the offspring. Carotenoid-based plumage coloration of birds has been hypothesised to honestly reflect an individual's health status due to trade-off in allocation of carotenoids between maintenance and signalling functions. The prediction of this hypothesis, namely that individuals with brighter plumage are able to mount stronger immune responses against novel antigens and reveal generally better health state, was tested in captive male greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). Greenfinches with brighter yellow breast feathers showed stronger humoral immune response against novel antigen (SRBC) while no relationship between plumage coloration and an estimate of cell-mediated immune responsiveness (PHA response) was detected. Elaborately ornamental individuals had better general health state as indicated by the negative correlations between plumage brightness and heterophil haemoconcentration. Consistent with the concept of PMSS, these results suggest that carotenoid-based plumage coloration in greenfinches honestly signals immunocompetence and health status.  相似文献   

Many vertebrates use carotenoid-based signals in social or sexual interactions. Honest signalling via carotenoids implies some limitation of carotenoid-based colour expression among phenotypes in the wild, and at least five limiting proximate mechanisms have been hypothesized. Limitation may arise by carotenoid-availability, genetic constraints, body condition, parasites, or detrimental effects of carotenoids. An understanding of the relative importance of the five mechanisms is relevant in the context of natural and sexual selection acting on signal evolution. In an experimental field study with carotenoid supplementation, simultaneous cross-fostering, manipulation of brood size and ectoparasite load, we investigated the relative importance of these mechanisms for the variation in carotenoid-based coloration of nestling great tits (Parus major). Carotenoid-based plumage coloration was significantly related to genetic origin of nestlings, and was enhanced both in carotenoid-supplemented nestlings, and nestlings raised in reduced broods. We found a tendency for ectoparasite-induced limitation of colour expression and no evidence for detrimental effects of carotenoids on growth pattern, mortality and recruitment of nestlings to the local breeding population. Thus, three of the five proposed mechanisms can generate individual variation in the expression of carotenoid-based plumage coloration in the wild and thus could maintain honesty in a trait potentially used for signalling of individual quality.  相似文献   

The ornaments used by animals to mediate social interactions are diverse, and by reconstructing their evolutionary pathways we can gain new insights into the mechanisms underlying ornamental innovation and variability. Here, we examine variation in plumage carotenoids among the true finches (Aves: Fringillidae) using biochemical and comparative phylogenetic analyses to reconstruct the evolutionary history of carotenoid states and evaluate competing models of carotenoid evolution. Our comparative analyses reveal that the most likely ancestor of finches used dietary carotenoids as yellow plumage colorants, and that the ability to metabolically modify dietary carotenoids into more complex pigments arose secondarily once finches began to use modified carotenoids to create red plumage. Following the evolutionary “innovation” that enabled modified red carotenoid pigments to be deposited as plumage colorants, many finch species subsequently modified carotenoid biochemical pathways to create yellow plumage. However, no reversions to dietary carotenoids were observed. The finding that ornaments and their underlying mechanisms may be operating under different selection regimes—where ornamental trait colors undergo frequent reversions (e.g., between red and yellow plumage) while carotenoid metabolization mechanisms are more conserved—supports a growing empirical framework suggesting different evolutionary patterns for ornaments and the mechanistic innovations that facilitate their diversification.  相似文献   

Many animals develop bold patches of black or brown colorationthat are derived from melanin pigments and serve as sexual orsocial signals. At present, there is much debate among behavioralecologists over whether melanin-based color signals are costlyto produce. Studies that have manipulated crude aspects of nutrition(i.e., total food intake) or health have generally found melanin-basedplumage ornaments to be less responsive to such factors thanother types of extravagant color (e.g., carotenoid or structuralbased). However, a recently advanced hypothesis argues thatlimited minerals in the diet, such as calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn),and iron (Fe), may serve to increase melanin pigment productionand maintain signal honesty. Here, I experimentally tested whethervariation in the calcium content of the diet affects the colorand extent of melanin-based plumage in male zebra finches (Taeniopygiaguttata). Calcium supplementation increased the size, but notdarkness, of the black breast plumage patch in fledgling andadult males; however, sexually selected, carotenoid-based redbeak coloration was not affected by the diet manipulation. Theseresults are the first to support the idea that acquisition ofminerals from the diet is a unique, limiting factor for theexpression of ornamental melanin coloration in animals.  相似文献   

Carotenoids produce many of the red, orange and yellow signal traits of birds, and individuals must trade off utilizing carotenoids for physiological processes versus ornamentation. Proximate mechanisms regulating this trade-off are poorly understood, despite their importance for expression of color signals. Corticosterone (CORT) may play a significant mechanistic role in signal expression because it mobilizes energy substrates and influences foraging behavior. We used a unique feather-based approach to test whether CORT mediates expression of carotenoid-based coloration. First, we investigated relationships between levels of CORT from feathers (CORTf) and carotenoid-based plumage signals in common redpolls (Acanthis flammea). Then, we determined how the width of growth bars and probability of having fault bars on feathers varied with CORTf, specifically whether these metrics reflected developmental costs of elevated CORT (“stress” hypothesis) or represented an individual’s quality (“quality” hypothesis). CORTf correlated positively with the strength of carotenoid signals, but only in adult males. However, also in adult males, CORTf was positively related to width of feather growth bars and negatively with probability of having fault bars, providing support for the quality hypothesis. Overall, CORTf was lower in adult males than in females or young males, possibly due to dominance patterns. Our results indicate that CORT may indirectly benefit feather quality, potentially by mediating the expression of carotenoid signals. We place our sex-specific findings into a novel framework that proposes that the influences of CORT in mediating carotenoid-based plumage traits will depend on the extent to which carotenoids are traded off between competing functions.  相似文献   

Many parasites depress the expression of the carotenoid-based colour displays of their hosts, and it has been hypothesized that animals face a trade-off in carotenoid allocation between immune functions and 'degree of ornamentation'. While numerous correlative studies suggest that parasite infection decreases the intensity of carotenoid-based colour displays, the existence of this trade-off has never been demonstrated experimentally in a host-parasite model. In this study, we used the blackbird (Turdus merula) and Isospora (an intestinal parasite) to assess whether this trade-off does indeed exist. Blackbirds were supplemented with carotenoids while simultaneously being exposed to parasites. Supplemented males circulated more carotenoids in the blood and developed more brightly coloured bills than unsupplemented males. In addition, supplementation slowed down the replication rate of parasites. Supplementation with carotenoids enabled infected birds to maintain their bill coloration, whereas birds that were infected but not supplemented showed reduced bill coloration. At the same time, infection slowed carotenoid assimilation in the blood. Overall, we demonstrated that bill colour reflects a bird's health, and that only males with a carotenoid-rich diet are capable of coping with costs associated with parasitic infection. Carotenoids are thus traded off between host physiological response to parasites and secondary sexual traits. Further investigations are required to determine the physiological mechanisms that govern this trade-off.  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based ornamental coloration has long been proposed to honestly signal quality due to its dependence on individual condition. Because migration can be one of the most stressful periods of an animal's annual cycle, developing colourful plumage may be particularly challenging for species in which migration and moult periods overlap or occur sequentially. The purpose of this study was to investigate pigmentary and condition‐dependent bases of carotenoid colour variation in a small migratory passerine, the golden‐crowned kinglet Regulus satrapa (Family Regulidae). We captured 186 male and female kinglets of various ages during fall migration in southwestern Ontario, Canada and recorded arrival date, body condition index, fat and pectoral muscle scores, wing mite infestation, and feather growth rate as measures of condition. We quantified crown coloration using reflectance spectrometry and analyzed feather carotenoids using high‐performance liquid chromatography. Yellow crown feathers of female kinglets contained only yellow hydroxycarotenoids, whereas orange feathers of males harboured a suite of eight carotenoid pigments. Males with longer wavelength orange crown hues deposited greater concentrations of ketocarotenoids, especially canthaxanthin. Female kinglets with longer wavelength crown hues and males with longer wavelength crown hues and more saturated crown coloration left for migration earlier in the year. Females with longer wavelength crown hues had fewer feather mites and tended to be in better condition. However, male kinglets with more saturated coloration possessed smaller pectoral muscles. This is the first study to identify plumage carotenoids in this North American bird family and to determine the pigmentary basis for both inter‐ and intrasexual colour variation. Our results provide further support for the condition‐dependence of carotenoid coloration and suggest that ornamental elaboration in both sexes may encode information about fall condition and migratory performance.  相似文献   

Birds show striking interspecific variation in their use of carotenoid-based coloration. Theory predicts that the use of carotenoids for coloration is closely associated with the availability of carotenoids in the diet but, although this prediction has been supported in single-species studies and those using small numbers of closely related species, there have been no broad-scale quantitative tests of the link between carotenoid coloration and diet. Here we test for such a link using modern comparative methods, a database on 140 families of birds and two alternative avian phylogenies. We show that carotenoid pigmentation is more common in the bare parts (legs, bill and skin) than in plumage, and that yellow coloration is more common than red. We also show that there is no simple, general association between the availability of carotenoids in the diet and the overall use of carotenoid-based coloration. However, when we look at plumage coloration separately from bare part coloration, we find there is a robust and significant association between diet and plumage coloration, but not between diet and bare part coloration. Similarly, when we look at yellow and red plumage colours separately, we find that the association between diet and coloration is typically stronger for red coloration than it is for yellow coloration. Finally, when we build multivariate models to explain variation in each type of carotenoid-based coloration we find that a variety of life history and ecological factors are associated with different aspects of coloration, with dietary carotenoids only being a consistent significant factor in the case of variation in plumage. All of these results remain qualitatively unchanged irrespective of the phylogeny used in the analyses, although in some cases the precise life history and ecological variables included in the multivariate models do vary. Taken together, these results indicate that the predicted link between carotenoid coloration and diet is idiosyncratic rather than general, being strongest with respect to plumage colours and weakest for bare part coloration. We therefore suggest that, although the carotenoid-based bird plumage may a good model for diet-mediated signalling, the use of carotenoids in bare part pigmentation may have a very different functional basis and may be more strongly influenced by genetic and physiological mechanisms, which currently remain relatively understudied.  相似文献   

Yearling birds generally display duller colours than adults. This may be due to selection favouring birds with more intensely coloured plumage or to an increase in colour after the first complete moult. Most research to date on the topic has been carried out on species with structural plumage coloration or with carotenoid‐based coloration that is produced by the unmodified deposition of pigments. However, no study has been carried out on species whose carotenoids are metabolically modified before deposition. In this study, we assess age‐related changes in the carotenoid‐based coloration of European Serins, a species that metabolically processes carotenoids before they can be deposited into feathers. Birds were captured over consecutive years and we carried out both cross‐sectional and longitudinal analysis. Adults had significantly greater values of lightness and chroma than yearling birds. However, there were no changes in plumage colour when analysing the same individuals captured in subsequent seasons. Plumage lightness and chroma of adult males after moult were related to body mass, suggesting a role of body condition on plumage coloration. Our results suggest that changes in plumage coloration with age in European Serins are due to a selection process that favours more intensely coloured individuals.  相似文献   

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