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Nitrous oxide reductase (N2OR) is the terminal enzyme involved in denitrification by microbes. No three-dimensional structural information has been published for this enzyme. We have isolated and characterised N2OR from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans (AxN2OR) as a homodimer of M(r) 134,000 containing seven to eight copper atoms per dimer. Comparison of sequence and compositional data with other N2ORs suggests that AxN2OR is typical and can be expected to have similar domain folding and subunit structure to other members of this family of enzymes. We present synchrotron X-ray-scattering data, analysed using a model-independent method for shape restoration, which gave a approximately 20 A resolution structure of the enzyme in solution, providing a glimpse of the structure of any N2OR and shedding light on the molecular architecture of the molecule. The specific activity of AxN2OR was approximately 6 mumol of N2O reduced.min-1. (mg of protein)-1; N2OR activity showed both base and temperature activation. The visible spectrum exhibited an absorption maximum at 550 nm with a shoulder at 635 nm. On oxidation with K3Fe(CN)6, the absorption maximum shifted to 540 nm and a new shoulder at 480 nm appeared. Reduction under anaerobic conditions resulted in the formation of an inactive blue form of the enzyme with a broad absorption maximum at 650 nm. As isolated, the enzyme shows an almost featureless EPR spectrum, which changes on oxidation to give an almost completely resolved seven-line hyperfine signal in the gII region, g = 2.18, with AII = 40 G, consistent with the enzyme being partially reduced as isolated. Both the optical and EPR spectra of the oxidized enzyme are characteristic of the presence of a CuA centre.  相似文献   

The nirA gene encoding the blue dissimilatory nitrite reductase from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans has been cloned and sequenced. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the characterization of a gene encoding a blue copper-containing nitrite reductase. The deduced amino acid sequence exhibits a high degree of similarity to other copper-containing nitrite reductases from various bacterial sources. The full-length protein included a 24-amino-acid leader peptide. The nirA gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and was shown to be exported to the periplasm. Purification was achieved in a single step, and analysis of the recombinant Nir enzyme revealed that cleavage of the signal peptide occurred at a position identical to that for the native enzyme isolated from A. xylosoxidans. The recombinant Nir isolated directly was blue and trimeric and, on the basis of electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and metal analysis, possessed only type 1 copper centers. This type 2-depleted enzyme preparation also had a low nitrite reductase enzyme activity. Incubation of the periplasmic fraction with copper sulfate prior to purification resulted in the isolation of an enzyme with a full complement of type 1 and type 2 copper centers and a high specific activity. The kinetic properties of the recombinant enzyme were indistinguishable from those of the native nitrite reductase isolated from A. xylosoxidans. This rapid isolation procedure will greatly facilitate genetic and biochemical characterization of both wild-type and mutant derivatives of this protein.  相似文献   

Farver O  Eady RR  Sawers G  Prudêncio M  Pecht I 《FEBS letters》2004,561(1-3):173-176
Pulse radiolysis has been employed to investigate the intramolecular electron transfer (ET) between the type 1 (T1) and type 2 (T2) copper sites in the Met144Ala Alcaligenes xylosoxidans nitrite reductase (AxCuNiR) mutant. This mutation increases the reduction potential of the T1 copper center. Kinetic results suggest that the change in driving force has a dramatic influence on the reactivity: The T2Cu(II) is initially reduced followed by ET to T1Cu(II). The activation parameters have been determined and are compared with those of the wild-type (WT) AxCuNiR. The reorganization energy of the T2 site in the latter enzyme was calculated to be 1.6+/-0.2 eV which is two-fold larger than that of the T1 copper center in the WT protein.  相似文献   

The intermolecular electron transfer from Achromobacter cycloclastes pseudoazurin (AcPAZ) to wild-type and mutant Alcaligenes xylosoxidans nitrite reductases (AxNIRs) was investigated using steady-state kinetics and electrochemical methods. The affinity and the electron transfer reaction constant (k(ET)) are considerably lower between AcPAZ and AxNIR (K(m) = 1.34 mM and k(ET) = 0.87 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)) than between AcPAZ and its cognate nitrite reductase (AcNIR) (K(m) = 20 microM and k(ET) = 7.3 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)). A negatively charged hydrophobic patch, comprising seven acidic residues around the type 1 copper site in AcNIR, is the site of protein-protein interaction with a positively charged hydrophobic patch on AcPAZ. In AxNIR, four of the negatively charged residues (Glu-112, Glu-133, Glu-195, and Asp-199) are conserved at the corresponding positions of AcNIR, whereas the other three residues are not acidic amino acids but neutral amino acids (Ala-83, Ala-191, and Gly-198). Seven mutant AxNIRs with additional negatively charged residues surrounding the hydrophobic patch of AxNIR (A83D, A191E, G198E, A83D/A191E, A93D/G198E, A191E/G198E, and A83D/A191E/G198E) were prepared to enhance the specificity of the electron transport reaction between AcPAZ and AxNIR. The k(ET) values of these mutants become progressively larger as the number of mutated residues increases. The K(m) and k(ET) values of A83D/A191E/G198E (K(m) = 88 microM and k(ET) = 4.1 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)) are 15-fold smaller and 4.7-fold larger than those of wild-type AxNIR, respectively. These results suggest that the introduction of negatively charged residues into the docking surface of AxNIR facilitates both the formation of electron transport complex and the electron transfer reaction.  相似文献   

The effects of freezing on Alcaligenes sp. nitrite reductase [nitric-oxide: ferricytochrome c oxidoreductase, EC] dissolved in sodium phosphate (pH 7.2) were investigated. The nitrite reductase was gradually activated with time in the frozen state, resulting in an increase in its activity of 2.5-4.5 times. The final freezing temperature influenced the enzyme activation, maximal activation being observed at around -20 degrees C. All the enzymatic activities that the nitrite reductase is known to catalyze were enhanced by freeze-thawing. The activation was followed by neither association-dissociation nor any gross conformational change of the enzyme molecule, but was accompanied by an increase in the fluorescence intensity of 2-p-toluidinonaphthalene-6-sulfonate used as a hydrophobic probe. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the activation of the NiR is due to a limited conformational change of the enzyme molecule, particularly in the hydrophobic region. The mechanism of the activation of NiR by freeze-thawing is discussed, in comparison with the mechanisms of inactivation by freeze-thawing of many enzymes reported by previous workers.  相似文献   

Covalent cross-linking reaction between SH1 and SH2 groups in myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) by N,N'-p-phenylenedimaleimide (pPDM) was followed by the degree of inactivation of NH4+-EDTA ATPase activity. The rate of the cross-linking reaction decreased to less than a 20th in the presence of F-actin. The inhibitory effect of F-actin was not observed in the presence of MgATP. Binding of F-actin to S-1 was measured using ultracentrifugation. S-1 whose SH1 and SH2 were covalently cross-linked by pPDM or 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) did not bind F-actin. After the DTNB-cross-linked S-1 is reduced by dithiothreitol, the ability to bind F-actin is recovered. These results suggest that S-1 has a binding site for F-actin in the region between SH1 and SH2. This site appears to determine the high affinity of acto-S-1 complex at the rigor while decreasing the affinity more than 10(2) times in the presence of MgATP.  相似文献   

We demonstrated recently that two protons are involved in reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide through a proton-coupled electron transfer (ET) reaction catalyzed by the blue Cu-dependent nitrite reductase (Cu NiR) of Alcaligenes xylosoxidans (AxNiR). Here, the functionality of two putative proton channels, one involving Asn90 and the other His254, is studied using single (N90S, H254F) and double (N90S--H254F) mutants. All mutants studied are active, indicating that protons are still able to reach the active site. The H254F mutation has no effect on the catalytic activity, while the N90S mutation results in ~70% decrease in activity. Laser flash-photolysis experiments show that in H254F and wild-type enzyme electrons enter at the level of the T1Cu and then redistribute between the two Cu sites. Complete ET from T1Cu to T2Cu occurs only when nitrite binds at the T2Cu site. This indicates that substrate binding to T2Cu promotes ET from T1Cu, suggesting that the enzyme operates an ordered mechanism. In fact, in the N90S and N90S--H254F variants, where the T1Cu site redox potential is elevated by ~60 mV, inter-Cu ET is only observed in the presence of nitrite. From these results it is evident that the Asn90 channel is the main proton channel in AxNiR, though protons can still reach the active site if this channel is disrupted. Crystallographic structures provide a clear structural rationale for these observations, including restoration of the proton delivery via a significant movement of the loop connecting the T1Cu ligands Cys130 and His139 that occurs on binding of nitrite. Notably, a role for this loop in facilitating interaction of cytochrome c(551) with Cu NiR has been suggested previously based on a crystal structure of the binary complex.  相似文献   

We have cloned DNA fragments of plasmid pFL40 from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans ssp. denitrificans ABIV encoding a D,L-2-haloalkanoic acid halidohydrolase (DhlIV). A 6.5-kb EcoRI/SalI-fragment with inducible expression of the halidohydrolase was cloned in Pseudomonas fluorescens and Escherichia coli. A 1.9-kb HindII-fragment demonstrated expression of the dehalogenase only due to the presence of the promoter from the pUC vector in Escherichia coli. The nucleotide sequence of this DNA-fragment was determined. It had an open reading frame coding for 296 amino acid residues (molecular weight of 32783 D). The dhlIV gene showed sequence homology to a short segment of a D-specific dehalogenase (hadD) from Pseudomonas putida AJ1, but not to any other known DNA sequences. Restriction enzyme patterns indicated similarity between dhlIV and the D,L-isomer specific dehI dehalogenase gene from Pseudomonas putida PP3. There are some indications from restriction enzyme patterns and initial sequencing data, that a gene encoding a 54 activator protein, similar to the dehR Iregulatory gene from Pseudomonas putida PP3 is located upstream of dhlIV. In contrast to DehI, dehalogenation of D-or L-chloropropionic acid by the DhlIV-protein leads to lactic acid of inverted configuration.  相似文献   

The denitrifying bacterium Alcaligenes xylosoxidans synthesises two azurins (Az), which are termed Az I and Az 2. Both function as effective electron donors to copper nitrite reductase (NiR) in vitro. As a first step towards identifying the physiological relevance of these electron transfer proteins in the denitrification process, the gene (azuA) encoding Az I was characterised and its expression with respect to denitrification determined. We show that the azuA gene from A. xylosoxidans is monocistronic and its expression is increased when cells are grown under denitrifying conditions in the presence of nitrate or nitrite. The expression pattern of azuA was similar, though not identical, to that of the monocistronic nirK gene, which encodes copper NiR, and is in accord with both gene products being synthesised when the bacterium denitrifies. Recombinant Az I was exported to the periplasm of the heterologous host Escherichia coli, was synthesised at very high levels (80 mg purified protein per litre) and was fully loaded with copper. Electron donation from reduced recombinant Az to NiR was indistinguishable from the activity determined with the native protein. Taken together, these findings indicate that in A. xylosoxidans azuA expression is coordinated with denitrification and recombinant Az I is processed and matured in the periplasm of E. coli in the same way it is in A. xylosoxidans.  相似文献   

We provide the first atomic resolution (<1.20 A) structure of a copper protein, nitrite reductase, and of a mutant of the catalytically important Asp92 residue (D92E). The atomic resolution where carbon-carbon bonds of the peptide become clearly resolved, remains a key goal of structural analysis. Despite much effort and technological progress, still very few structures are known at such resolution. For example, in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) there are some 200 structures of copper proteins but the highest resolution structure is that of amicyanin, a small (12 kDa) protein, which has been resolved to 1.30 A. Here, we present the structures of wild-type copper nitrite reductase (wtNiR) from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans (36.5 kDa monomer), the "half-apo" recombinant native protein and the D92E mutant at 1.04, 1.15 and 1.12A resolutions, respectively. These structures provide the basis from which to build a detailed mechanism of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

A copper-containing nitrite reductase gene (nirU) from Pseudomonas sp. strain G-179 was found in a 1.9-kb EcoRI-BamHI DNA fragment. The coding region contained information for a polypeptide of 379 amino acids. The encoded protein had 78% identity in amino acid sequence to the nitrite reductase purified from Achromobacter cycloclastes. The ligands for type 1 copper- and type 2 copper-binding sites found in A. cycloclastes were also found in Pseudomonas sp. strain G-179, suggesting that these binding sites are conserved. Upstream from the promoter, two putative fnr boxes were found, suggesting that an FNR-like protein may be involved in regulation of the nitrite reductase gene under anaerobic conditions. When the 1.9-kb clone was used to probe Southern blots for similar sequences in DNAs from different denitrifiers, hybridization bands were seen for 15 of 16 denitrifiers known to have nitrite reductase containing copper. Except for Pseudomonas stutzeri JM300, all denitrifiers tested that have nitrite reductases containing heme c,d1 showed no or weak hybridization to this probe. Thus, this structural gene may be useful as a probe to detect denitrifiers with copper-containing nitrite reductases.  相似文献   

Unlike the heme cd(1)-based nitrite reductase enzymes, the molecular mechanism of copper-containing nitrite reductases remains controversial. A key source of controversy is the productive binding mode of nitrite in the active site. To identify and characterize the molecular determinants associated with nitrite binding, we applied a combinatorial mutagenesis approach to generate a small library of six variants at position 257 in nitrite reductase from Alcaligenes faecalis S-6. The activities of these six variants span nearly two orders of magnitude with one variant, I257V, the only observed natural substitution for Ile257, showing greater activity than the native enzyme. High-resolution (> 1.8 A) nitrite-soaked crystal structures of these variants display different modes of nitrite binding that correlate well with the altered activities. These studies identify for the first time that the highly conserved Ile257 in the native enzyme is a key molecular determinant in directing a catalytically competent mode of nitrite binding in the active site. The O-coordinate bidentate binding mode of nitrite observed in native and mutant forms with high activity supports a catalytic model distinct from the heme cd(1) NiRs. (The atomic coordinates for I257V[NO(2)(-)], I257L[NO(2)(-)], I257A[NO(2)(-)], I257T[NO(2)(-)], I257M[NO(2)(-)] and I257G[NO(2)(-)] AfNiR have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank [PDB identification codes are listed in Table 2].)  相似文献   

A sterol C-14 reductase (erg24-1) mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was selected in a fen1, fen2, suppressor background on the basis of nystatin resistance and ignosterol (ergosta-8,14-dienol) production. The erg24-1 allele segregated genetically as a single, recessive gene. The wild-type ERG24 gene was cloned by complementation onto a 12-kb fragment from a yeast genomic library, and subsequently subcloned onto a 2.4-kb fragment. This was sequenced and found to contain an open reading frame of 1,314 bp, predicting a polypeptide of 438 amino acids (M(r) 50,612). A 1,088-bp internal region of the ERG24 gene was excised, replaced with a LEU2 gene, and integrated into the chromosome of the parental strain, FP13D (fen1, fen2) by gene replacement. The ERG24 null mutant produced ergosta-8,14-dienol as the major sterol, indicating that the delta 8-7 isomerase, delta 5-desaturase and the delta 22-desaturase were inactive on sterols with the C14 = 15 double bond.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory nitrite reductase catalyses the reduction of nitrite (NO(2)(-)) to nitric oxide (NO). Copper-containing nitrite reductases contain both type 1 and type 2 Cu sites. Electron transfer from redox partners is presumed to be mediated via the type 1 Cu site and used at the catalytic type 2 Cu centre along with the substrate nitrite. At the type 2 Cu site, Asp92 has been identified as a key residue in substrate utilisation, since it hydrogen bonds to the water molecule at the nitrite binding site. We have also suggested that protons enter the catalytic site via Asp92, through a water network that is mediated by His254. The role of these residues has been investigated in the blue copper nitrite reductase from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans (NCIMB 11015) by a combination of point mutation, enzymatic activity measurement and structure determination.In addition, it has been suggested that the enzyme operates via an ordered mechanism where an electron is transferred to the type 2 Cu site largely when the second substrate nitrite is bound and that this is controlled via the lowering of the redox potential of the type 2 site when it is loaded with nitrite. Thus, a small perturbation of the type 1 Cu site should result in a significant effect on the activity of the enzyme. For this reason a mutation of Met144, which is the weakest ligand of the type 1 Cu, is investigated. The structures of H254F, D92N and M144A have been determined to 1.85 A, 1.9 A and 2.2 A resolution, respectively. The D92N and H254F mutants have negligible or no activity, while the M144A mutant has 30 % activity of the native enzyme. Structural and spectroscopic data show that the loss of activity in H254F is due to the catalytic site being occupied by Zn while the loss/reduction of activity in D92N/M144A are due to structural reasons. The D92N mutation results in the loss of the Asp92 hydrogen bond to the Cu-ligated water. Therefore, the ligand is no longer able to perform proton abstraction. Even though the loss of activity in H254F is due to lack of catalytic Cu, the mutation does cause the disruption of the water network, confirming its key role in proton channel. The structure of the H254F mutant is the first case where full occupancy Zn at the type 2 Cu site is observed, but despite the previously noted similarity of this site to the carbonic anhydrase catalytic site, no carbonic anhydrase activity is observed. The H254F and D92N mutant structures provide, for the first time, observation of surface Zn sites which may act as a Zn sink and prevent binding of Zn at the catalytic Cu site in the native enzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract The gene encoding flavodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (148 amino acid residues), the first flavoprotein for which a three-dimensional structure has been determined, was cloned with the use of two synthetic oligonucleotides, designed to recognize the coding sequence for amino acid residues 11–19 and 98–103, respectively. The two oligonucleotides were used to screen a library of 900 λ-clones of the D. vulgaris chromosome. A single clone, λFL1, reacting with both probes was isolated. The entire structural gene for flavodoxin is contained in the 15 kb insert of λFL1 as found by nucleic acid sequencing. The codon usage in the flavodoxin gene is strongly biased towards G or C in the third codon position. A table in which codon usage information from all genes of D. vulgaris sequenced to date is combined is presented and should facilitate further gene cloning with oligonucleotide probes.  相似文献   

Purification and crystallisation procedures are reported for azurin and cytochrome c′ from Alcaligenes denitrificans and Alcaligenes sp. NCIB 11015. The azurin crystals from A. denitrificans are suitable for high-resolution X-ray structure analysis. They are orthorhombic, space group C2221 (with marked tetragonal pseudo-symmetry), cell dimensions a = 75.0 A?, b = 74.1 A?, c = 99.5 A?, with two molecules per asymmetric unit. The cytochrome c′ crystals from both species are hexagonal, space group P6122 (or P6522), cell dimensions a = b = 54.7 A?, c ~ 185 A?, γ = 120 °, with one subunit (molecular weight 14,000) in the asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

Rhizobium sullae strain HCNT1 contains a nitric oxide-producing nitrite reductase of unknown function due to the absence of a complementary nitric oxide reductase. HCNT1 had the ability to grow on selenite concentrations as high as 50 mM, and during growth, selenite was reduced to the less toxic elemental selenium. An HCNT1 mutant lacking nitrite reductase grew poorly in the presence of 5 mM selenite, was unable to grow in the presence of 25 or 50 mM selenite and also showed no evidence of selenite reduction. A naturally occurring nitrite reductase-deficient R. sullae strain, CC1335, also showed little growth on the higher concentrations of selenite. Mobilization of a plasmid containing the HCNT1 gene encoding nitrite reductase into CC1335 increased its resistance to selenite. To confirm that this ability to grow in the presence of high concentrations of selenite correlated with nitrite reductase activity, a new nitrite reductase-containing strain was isolated from the same location where HCNT1 was isolated. This strain was also resistant to high concentrations of selenite. Inactivation of the gene encoding nitrite reductase in this strain increased selenite sensitivity. These data suggest that the nitrite reductase of R. sullae provides resistance to selenite and offers an explanation for the radically truncated denitrification found uniquely in this bacterium.  相似文献   

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