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CD19 is a B lymphocyte cell surface protein expressed from the earliest stages of B lymphocyte development unitl their terminal differentiation into plasma cells. In this report the human CD19 gene (hCD19) was localized to band p11.2 on the proximal short arm of chromosome 16 by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes, using hCD19 cDNA as probe. hCD19 gene localization was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction based analysis with hCD19-specific primers, using a panel of human/hamster somatic cell hybrid DNA as templates. The mouse CD19 gene (MCd19) was mapped to bands F3-F4 of chromosome 7 by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes, using a mCD19 cDNA probe. Segregation analysis of nucleotide sequence polymorphisms in inter-specific backcross progeny revealed linkage of mCd19 with hemoglobin (Hbb), Int-2, and H19, other loci previously mapped to the same region of mouse chromosome 7, confirming the localization of mCd19 to this region. The order of these loci was determined to be centromere — HbbmCd19H19Int-2 —telomere. The genetic distance between the loci examined, calculated from the recombination frequencies, suggested that mCd19 was located centrally between Hbb and H19. This region of mouse chromosome 7 is homologous to the region of human chromosome 16 to which the hCD19 gene maps. Multiple genes with a lymphocyte-related function also map to this conserved region including genes encoding the IL-4 receptor, CD11a, CD11b, CD11c, CD43 (leukosialin), and protein kinase C polypeptide.  相似文献   

The K homology-type splicing regulatory protein, KSRP, activates splicing through intronic splicing enhancer sequences. It is highly expressed in neural cells and is required for the neural-specific splicing of the c-src N1 exon. In this study, we mapped the gene (gene symbols KHSRP and Khsrp) to human chromosome 19 by using radiation hybrid panels and to mouse chromosome 17 by studying an interspecific backcross panel. Human KHSRP is a positional candidate gene for familial febrile convulsion and Cayman type cerebellar ataxia. Comparative analysis of the human and mouse genomes indicates that the KHSRP gene is located in regions of conserved synteny between the two species.  相似文献   

Cellular cholesterol metabolism is regulated primarily through sterol-mediated feedback suppression of the activity of the low-density lipoprotein receptor and several enzymes of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. We previously described the cloning of a rabbit cDNA for the oxysterol-binding protein (OSBP), a cytosolic protein of 809 amino acids that may participate in these regulatory events. We now use the rabbit OSBP cDNA to clone the human OSBP cDNA and 5' genomic region. Comparison of the human and rabbit OSBP sequences revealed a remarkably high degree of conservation. The cDNA sequence in the coding region showed 94% identity between the two species, and the predicted amino acid sequence showed 98% identity. The human cDNA was used to determine the chromosomal localization of the OSBP gene by Southern blot hybridization to panels of somatic cell hybrid clones containing subsets of human or mouse chromosomes and by RFLP analysis of recombinant inbred mouse strains. The OSBP locus mapped to the long arm of human chromosome 11 and the proximal end of mouse chromosome 19. Along with previously mapped genes including Ly-1 and CD20, OSBP defines a new conserved syntenic group on the long arm of chromosome 11 in the human and the proximal end of chromosome 19 in the mouse.  相似文献   

A M Saunders  M F Seldin 《Genomics》1990,6(2):324-332
The syntenic relationship of the myotonic dystrophy (DM) gene region on human chromosome 19q and proximal mouse chromosome 7 was examined using an interspecific backcross between C3H/HeJ-gld/gld mice and Mus spretus. Segregation analyses were used to order homologs of nine human loci linked with the DM gene. Their order from the centromere was Prkcg, [Apoe, Atpa-2, Ckmm, D19S19h, Ercc-2], Cyp2b, Mag, Lhb. Two other murine loci, D7Rp2 and Ngfg, were also positioned within this interval. Homologs for five human chromosome 11 and 15 loci (Calc, Fes, Hras-1, Igflr, Tyr) were localized within an 18-cM span telomeric to Lhb. Comparison of the gene orders indicates an inversion extending from Prkcg through the interval between Mag and Lhb. This study establishes a detailed map of proximal mouse chromosome 7 that will be useful in identifying and determining whether new human chromosome 19 probes are linked to the DM region.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin (EPO), the primary regulator of mammalian erythropoiesis, binds and activates a specific receptor on erythroid progenitors. The human and mouse cDNAs for this receptor (EPOR) have recently been isolated. These cDNAs were used to establish the genomic location of the EPOR gene. By somatic cell hybrid analysis, the locus for the EPOR maps to human chromosome (Chr) 19pter-q12. By interspecific backcross mapping the locus is tightly linked to the murine Ldlr locus near the centromere of mouse Chr9. This region of mouse Chr9 is homologous to a region of human Chr 19p13 carrying the human LDLR and MEL loci, strongly suggesting that the human EPOR gene is at 19p13 near the human LDLR locus.  相似文献   

Osteosclerosis, a recessive skeletal mutation on chromosome 19 in the mouse   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Osteosclerosis (oc) is an osteopetrotic mutation in the mouse inherited as an autosomal recessive on chromosome 19. Affected animals (oc/oc) exhibit the characteristic radiologic and histologic hallmarks of osteopetrosis including a generalized increase in skeletal density and absence of marrow cavities. Most die within three weeks after birth. Osteoclasts are cytologically abnormal by light microscopy in that they do not have cytoplasmic vacuoles. Presumptive evidence of rickets in this mutation includes thick cartilagenous growth plates and excessive osteoid. Extensive extramedullary hemopoiesis occurs in the liver and spleen of mutants. This unique constellation of features suggests that the oc mutation is a valuable model in which to investigate the pathogenesis of osteopetrosis.  相似文献   



A major goal in the study of molecular evolution is to unravel the mechanisms that induce variation in the germ line mutation rate and in the genome-wide mutation profile. The rate of germ line mutation is considerably higher for cytosines at CpG sites than for any other nucleotide in the human genome, an increase commonly attributed to cytosine methylation at CpG sites. The CpG mutation rate, however, is not uniform across the genome and, as methylation levels have recently been shown to vary throughout the genome, it has been hypothesized that methylation status may govern variation in the rate of CpG mutation.  相似文献   

Thymocytes interact with various subpopulations of thymic epithelial cells (TECs) at different stages of their development. To identify new molecules specifically expressed in TECs and/or thymic nurse cells (TNCs), we used representational difference analysis. We identified a LIM protein located on mouse chromosome 17 (m17TLP) and belonging to the family of the LIM-only proteins (LIMo). We found a new splice variant in addition to the two described A and B isoforms. The three alternative species of m17TLP are found strictly in the thymic stroma. This protein is expressed on a subpopulation of TECs and TNCs. Strikingly, we found that the human ortholog of m17TLP, located on chromosome 6 (h6LIMo), is expressed in most tissues, but not in skeletal muscle. We have identified four human splice variants of h6LIMo which differ in their carboxy-terminal regions. The sequence comprising the genomic structure suggests that CRP2 is the closest known relative of m17TLP. Although the human and mouse nucleotide sequences are 88-97% homologous, this homology is reduced to 47% in the promoter regions, which strongly suggests that their differential expression is related to their promoter regulatory activity.  相似文献   

Histidine-rich calcium binding protein (HRC) is a luminal sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) protein of 165 kDa identified by virtue of its ability to bind 125I-labeled low-density lipoprotein with high affinity after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Hofmann et al., J. Biol. Chem. 264: 8260-8270, 1989). Its role in SR function is unknown. In this report, the gene encoding human HRC was localized to human chromosome 19 and mouse chromosome 7 by hybridization of a human HRC cDNA fragment to a panel of somatic cell hybrids. Known synteny between a portion of human chromosome 19 and a portion of mouse chromosome 7 and in situ hybridization of a biotin-labeled HRC probe to human chromosomes suggest a localization to a region corresponding to 19q13.3. The locus for myotonic dystrophy resides in the region 19q13.2-13.3. Therefore, we considered HRC, a muscle-specific gene, to possibly represent a "candidate gene" for myotonic muscular dystrophy. As a first step toward localizing HRC in relation to the myotonic dystrophy locus, we report the cloning of the human HRC gene, its intron-exon organization, and characterization of several informative polymorphisms to be used in future linkage studies in families with myotonic dystrophy. Of particular interest is an Alu-associated poly-d(GA) sequence located in an intron in the middle of the gene, and two stretches of acidic amino acids in the coding region of exon 1 that vary in length among different individuals.  相似文献   

Ironside JE  Filatov DA 《Genetics》2005,171(2):705-713
Previous studies have demonstrated that the diversity of Y-linked genes is substantially lower than that of their X-linked homologs in the plant Silene latifolia. This difference has been attributed to selective sweeps, Muller's ratchet, and background selection, processes that are predicted to severely affect the evolution of the nonrecombining Y chromosome. We studied the DNA diversity of a noncoding region of the homologous genes DD44Y and DD44X, sampling S. latifolia populations from a wide geographical area and also including the closely related species S. dioica, S. diclinis, and S. heuffelii. On the Y chromosome of S. latifolia, we found substantial DNA diversity. Geographical population structure was far higher than on the X chromosome and differentiation between the species was also higher for the Y than for the X chromosome. Our findings indicate that the loss of genetic diversity on the Y chromosome in Silene occurs within local populations rather than within entire species. These results are compatible with background selection, Muller's ratchet, and local selective sweeps, but not with species-wide selective sweeps. The higher interspecific divergence of DD44Y, compared to DD44X, supports the hypothesis that Y chromosome differentiation between incipient species precedes reproductive isolation of the entire genome, forming an early stage in the process of speciation.  相似文献   

A number of genetic markers, including ATP1A3, TGFB, CKMM, and PRKCG, define the genetic region on human chromosome 19 containing the myotonic dystrophy locus. These and a number of other DNA probes have been mapped to mouse chromosome 7 utilizing a mouse Mus domesticus/Mus spretus interspecific backcross segregating for the genetic markers pink-eye dilution (p) and chinchilla (cch). The establishment of a highly syntenic group conserved between mouse chromosome 7 and human chromosome 19q indicates the likely position of the homologous gene locus to the human myotonic dystrophy gene on proximal mouse chromosome 7. In addition, we have mapped the muscle ryanodine receptor gene (Ryr) to mouse chromosome 7 and demonstrated its close linkage to the Atpa-2, Tgfb-1, and Ckmm cluster of genes. In humans, the malignant hyperthermia susceptibility locus (MHS) also maps close to this gene cluster. The comparative mapping data support Ryr as a candidate gene for MHS.  相似文献   

Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), a membrane glycoprotein of 100 kDa, is thought to be involved in the process of myelination. A cDNA encoding the amino-terminal half of rat MAG has recently been isolated and sequenced. We have used this cDNA in Southern blot analysis of DNA from 32 somatic cell hybrids to assign the human locus for MAG to chromosome 19 and the mouse locus to chromosome 7. Since the region of mouse chromosome 7-known to contain several other genes that are homologous to genes on human chromosome 19-also carries the quivering (qv) locus, we considered the possibility that a mutation in the MAG gene could be responsible for this neurological disorder. While MAG-specific DNA restriction fragments, mRNA, and protein from qv/qv mice were apparently normal in size and abundance, we have not ruled out the possibility that qv could be caused by a point mutation in the MAG gene.  相似文献   

Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT) is a DNA polymerase expressed in immature lymphocytes of the thymus and bone marrow, as well as certain leukemic cells. Chromosomal assignment of the gene coding for human TdT was accomplished by in situ hybridization of a 3H-labeled cDNA probe to human chromosome preparations and by Southern blot analysis of somatic cell hybrid DNAs. The human TdT gene was mapped to the region q23----q24 of chromosome 10. Breaks at this site have been reported in different translocations in human leukemias. The mouse TdT gene was assigned to chromosome 19 by Southern blot analysis of mouse X Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids. This result adds a fourth locus to the conserved syntenic group on mouse chromosome 19 and human chromosome 10.  相似文献   



Model organisms have contributed substantially to our understanding of the etiology of human disease as well as having assisted with the development of new treatment modalities. The availability of the human, mouse and, most recently, the rat genome sequences now permit the comprehensive investigation of the rodent orthologs of genes associated with human disease. Here, we investigate whether human disease genes differ significantly from their rodent orthologs with respect to their overall levels of conservation and their rates of evolutionary change.


Human disease genes are unevenly distributed among human chromosomes and are highly represented (99.5%) among human-rodent ortholog sets. Differences are revealed in evolutionary conservation and selection between different categories of human disease genes. Although selection appears not to have greatly discriminated between disease and non-disease genes, synonymous substitution rates are significantly higher for disease genes. In neurological and malformation syndrome disease systems, associated genes have evolved slowly whereas genes of the immune, hematological and pulmonary disease systems have changed more rapidly. Amino-acid substitutions associated with human inherited disease occur at sites that are more highly conserved than the average; nevertheless, 15 substituting amino acids associated with human disease were identified as wild-type amino acids in the rat. Rodent orthologs of human trinucleotide repeat-expansion disease genes were found to contain substantially fewer of such repeats. Six human genes that share the same characteristics as triplet repeat-expansion disease-associated genes were identified; although four of these genes are expressed in the brain, none is currently known to be associated with disease.


Most human disease genes have been retained in rodent genomes. Synonymous nucleotide substitutions occur at a higher rate in disease genes, a finding that may reflect increased mutation rates in the chromosomal regions in which disease genes are found. Rodent orthologs associated with neurological function exhibit the greatest evolutionary conservation; this suggests that rodent models of human neurological disease are likely to most faithfully represent human disease processes. However, with regard to neurological triplet repeat expansion-associated human disease genes, the contraction, relative to human, of rodent trinucleotide repeats suggests that rodent loci may not achieve a 'critical repeat threshold' necessary to undergo spontaneous pathological repeat expansions. The identification of six genes in this study that have multiple characteristics associated with repeat expansion-disease genes raises the possibility that not all human loci capable of facilitating neurological disease by repeat expansion have as yet been identified.  相似文献   

We have performed a high-resolution linkage analysis for the conserved segment on distal mouse Chromosome (Chr) 8 that is homologous to human Chr 16q. The interspecific backcross used involved M. m. molossinus and an M. m. domesticus line congenic for an M. spretus segment from Chr 8 flanked by phenotypic markers Os (oligosyndactyly) and e, a coat colormarker. From a total of 682 N2 progeny, the 191 animals revealing a recombination event between these phenotypic markers were typed for 23 internal loci. The following locus order with distances in cM was obtained: (centromere)–Os–4.1–Mmp2–0.2–Ces1,Es1, Es22–1.2–Mt1,D8Mit15–2.2–Got2, D8Mit11–3.7–Es30–0.3–Es2, Es7–0.9–Ctra1,Lcat–0.3–Cdh1, Cadp, Nmor1, D8Mit12–0.2–Mov34–2.5–Hp,Tat–0.2–Zfp4–1.6–Zfp1,Ctrb–10.9–e. In a separate interspecific cross involving 62 meioses, Dpep1 was mapped together with Aprt and Cdh3 at 12.9 cM distal to Hp, Tat, to the vicinity of e. Our data give locus order for markers not previously resolved, add Mmp2 and Dpep1 as new markers on mouse Chr 8, and indicate that Ctra1 is the mouse homolog for human CTRL. Comparison of the order of 17 mouse loci with that of their human homologs reveals that locus order is well conserved and that the conserved segment in the human apparently spans the whole long arm of Chr 16. Received: 30 July 1996 / Accepted: 15 November 1996  相似文献   

The tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome type II (TRPS II, or Langer-Giedion syndrome) is an example of contiguous gene syndromes, as it comprises the clinical features of two autosomal dominant diseases, TRPS I and a form of multiple cartilaginous exostoses caused by mutations in the EXT1 gene. We have constructed a contig of cosmid, lambda-phage, PAC, and YAC clones, which covers the entire TRPS I critical region. Using these clones we identified a novel submicroscopic deletion in a TRPS I patient and refined the proximal border of the minimal TRPS1 gene region by precisely mapping the inversion breakpoint of another patient. As a first step towards a complete inventory of genes in the Langer-Giedion syndrome chromosome region (LGCR) with the ultimate aim to identify the TRPS1 gene, we analyzed 23 human expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and four genes (EIF3S3, RAD21, OPG, CXIV) which had been assigned to human 8q24.1. Our analyses indicate that the LGCR is gene-poor, because none of the ESTs and genes map to the minimal TRPS1 gene region and only two of these genes, RAD21 and EIF3S3, are located within the shortest region of deletion overlap of TRPS II patients. Two genes, OPG and CXIV, which are deleted only in some patients with TRPS II may contribute to the clinical variability of this syndrome.  相似文献   

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