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Two sites were selected in the North Aegean Sea for the study of shallow fine sand assemblages, which are poorly known in the Eastern Mediterranean. The biomonitoring of these sites can provide useful information on the impact of human activities on the macrofaunal and meiofaunal composition of these assemblages. In order to examine this impact, sampling took place in five different periods between 2000 and 2001. The qualitative and quantitative compositions of the communities at the two sites showed certain differences, mostly between the sites and the year of sampling rather than between sampling periods, which would be the expected outcome. The communities seem to be affected by a combination of the human activities with the particular hydrodynamics of the studied sites.  相似文献   

Coralline algae are one of the most important constructors of biogenic habitats. In the Mediterranean Sea, the dominant coralline algae species form crusts comprising formations known as coralligène, considered as very important fishing grounds by fishermen. Due to the destructive effect of fishing gear activities over coralligène, these formations were recently protected from the use of active benthic gears by the EU 1967/2006 Mediterranean fisheries management Regulation. However, the lack of maps and information on their distribution makes the effective application of these measures impossible. The present publication contributes to the mapping of coralligène in the southern Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean), and to the study of coralline algae formation morphology, distribution, development conditions and relation to fisheries using a combination of single-beam echo sounder, sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiler recordings and biological and sedimentological ground-truthing techniques. The coralligène formations were recognized as two distinct acoustic signatures of localized backscatter facies distinguishable from other hard substrate reflectors at depths ranging from 55.9 to 114.0 m, but mainly between 70 and 90 m. Two types of formations were identified: minute reefs 0.5-2.5 m in height and superficial layer formations no more than 0.2 m thick over the substrate. The seismic profiles revealed a cavernous internal structure of the minute reefs and recorded their development on both hard and soft substrates. The distribution of formations was contagious, creating aggregations. The finding of superficial layer formations and coralline shreds around minute coralligène reefs indicated that the former could be an intermediate development type between isolated small coralline pebbles, rhodoliths, and minute reefs. Regarding the development conditions, sidescan sonar imagery indicated that the optimal conditions for the establishment and development of coralligène formations are medium intensity currents. Concerning human activity over coralligène, trawl traces were recorded near but not over minute reefs and both near and crossing superficial layer type aggregations, while a submarine cable was also recorded among minute reefs. The mapping of coralligène aggregation areas is essential for the application of the EU Regulation and the protection of this important marine habitat.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of mesozooplankton in waters north of Svalbard (north of 78°50′N) at 38 stations in August and September of 2002, 2003 and 2004. The zooplankton community was numerically dominated by copepods (58–98% of the total abundance). Zooplankton abundance ranged from 115 individuals m−3 at the northern most location to 12,296 individuals m−3 on the shelf. Cluster analysis revealed four different groups with distinct geographic integrity that were identified by variation in species densities rather than by variation in taxonomic composition. Water temperature and salinity differed significantly between the different cluster groups indicating that part of the observed variations in species distribution relate to differences in hydrography. Numerous significant regressions between zooplankton abundance at species level and hydrographical parameters suggest that variability in water masses has measurable effects on zooplankton distribution and species composition in the study area.  相似文献   

Primary production, pigment concentrations and spectral measurementsof downwelling irradiance were made at four stations in fourseasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) during 1994 in thewaters of the South Aegean Sea (Cretan Sea), Eastern Mediterranean.Rates of production were determined using in Situ incubationtechniques and included measurements at the surface microlayer.Depth-integrated values averaged over season were 5.66 mg Cm–2 h–1 for primary production and the correspondingchlorophyll (Ch1) a and phaeophytin (Phaeo) a values had meansof 4.87 and 1.21 mg m–3 respectively. The assimilationratio remained very low (mean over season: 1.19 mg C mg–2Chl a h–1 as did the Phaeo a/Chl a ratio (mean over season:0.24). The annual production for the area was estimated to yield24.79 g C m–2 year–1. Primary production and Chla estimates showed statistically significant seasonal, spatialand depth variations. The spectral values of the attenuationcoefficient Kd (  相似文献   

Size-selective predation by fish is often considered to be a primary driver of seasonal declines in large-bodied Daphnia populations. However, large Daphnia commonly exhibit midsummer extinctions in ponds lacking planktivorous fish. A number of empirical and theoretical studies suggest that resource competition and its interaction with nutrient enrichment may determine variable dominance by large Daphnia. Low resource levels may favor competitive dominance by small-bodied taxa while large Daphnia may be favored under high resource conditions or following a nutrient/productivity pulse. Nutrient enrichment may also influence the strength of invertebrate predation on Daphnia by affecting how long vulnerable juveniles are exposed to predation. We investigated these hypotheses using an in situ mesocosm experiment in a permanent fishless pond that exhibited seasonal losses of Daphnia pulex. To explore the effects of nutrient enrichment, Daphnia plus a diverse assemblage of small-bodied zooplankton were exposed to three levels of enrichment (low, medium, and high). To explore the interaction between nutrient enrichment and invertebrate predation, we crossed the presence/absence of Notonecta undulata with low and high nutrient manipulations. We found no evidence of competitive reversals or shifts in dominance among nutrient levels, Daphnia performed poorly regardless of enrichment. This may have been due to shifts in algal composition to dominance by large filamentous green algae. Notonecta had significant negative effects on Daphnia alone, but no interaction with nutrient enrichment was detected. These results suggest that Daphnia are not invariably superior resource competitors compared to small taxa. Though predators can have negative effects, their presence is not necessary to explain poor Daphnia performance. Rather, abiotic conditions and/or resource-based effects are probably of greater importance.  相似文献   

A seasonal morphological variability is observed in Emiliania huxleyi var. huxleyi specimens, collected from discrete water samples in the Aegean Sea. Biometric analyses reveal a consistent pattern of increase in the size of coccoliths and coccospheres, including the thickness of the inner tube elements (INT), in winter/spring time low sea surface temperature and moderate productivity samples when compared with summer time high temperature-low productivity samples. The small range of salinity change in the Aegean Sea and the absence of seasonal pattern in nutrient content do not support any association with the observed increase in E. huxleyi coccolith size. A relatively increased [HCO3-] content is observed during spring-time interval related with the increase in the coccolith size, however it remains unclear which parameter of the carbonate system causes the observed effects.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton from the Levantine Basin, Eastern Mediterranean,were analysed for composition and vertical distribution fromthe surface to 4000 m, with special emphasis on calanoid copepods.Copepods were dominant, ostracods and chaetognaths ranked next.Zooplankton abundance and biomass were highest in the top 100m layer. A secondary concentration maximum was between 450 and750 m. The exponential decrease of zooplankton with depth wasstronger than in the open ocean, but less strong than in theRed Sea. Similarly to the Red Sea, three genera among calanoidcopepods were predominant in the deep sea. As with the WesternMediterranean, but different from the Red Sea, populations ofmesopelagic and one bathypelagic species were found to occurwell below 1250 m to depths of at least 3000 m. Similarly toboth seas, long-range vertical migrators were rare, those presentmainly belonging to the genus Pleuromamma, and diel migrationswere restricted to the upper 600 or 1000 m. Due to the hightemperatures in the deep water bodies of the Levantine and RedSeas, the decomposition of sedimentary particles is assumedto be accelerated. This prevents much detritus from reachingthe sea floor which may explain the anomalous low abundancesof deep-sea zooplankton and benthos. Though the similaritiesto the Red Sea seem to be strong, the Levantine Sea is likelyto hold an intermediate position between the open ocean andthe Western Mediterranean on one side and the Red Sea on theother side.  相似文献   


After the successful establishment of free–living populations of Rose–ringed Parakeets (Psittacula krameri) and Common Mynas (Acridotheres tristis) in Jeddah, an overview of all exotic birds imported into Jeddah in the first three months of 1990 is given.  相似文献   

Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (AAP) represent an important fraction of bacterioplankton assemblages in various oceanic regimes. Although their abundance and distribution have been explored recently in diverse oceanic regions, the environmental factors controlling the population structure and diversity of these photoheterotrophic bacteria remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate the horizontal and vertical distributions and the genetic diversity of AAP populations collected in late summer throughout the Mediterranean Sea using pufM-temporal temperature gel gradient electrophoresis (TTGE) and clone library analyses. The TTGE profiles and clone libraries analyzed using multivariate statistical methods demonstrated a horizontal and vertical zonation of AAP assemblages. Physicochemical parameters such as pH, inorganic nitrogen compounds, photosynthetically active radiation, total organic carbon and to a lesser extent particulate organic nitrogen and phosphorus, and biogenic activities (e.g. bacterial production, cell densities), acted in synergy to explain the population changes with depth. About half of the pufM sequences were <94% identical to known sequences. The AAP populations were predominantly (~80%) composed of Gammaproteobacteria, unlike most previously explored marine systems. Our results suggest that genetically distinct ecotypes inhabiting different niches may exist in natural AAP populations of the Mediterranean Sea whose genetic diversity is typical of oligotrophic environments.  相似文献   


The present distribution of the Black Francolin (Francolinus francolinus) in Cyprus is concentrated in two restricted areas: the Karpasia peninsula in the north-east of the island, where about 200 birds live; and the lowlands of Paphos district in the west of Cyprus, where about 150 birds occur mainly on Akamas peninsula and around the villages of Paphos and Polis. As the decline of the population is correlated with the level of hunting, protection is urgently needed.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis was performed to determine environmental factors of significant influence on the mesozooplankton in the northern Wadden Sea of Sylt (German Bight) in 1991. The total mesozooplankton (>76 μm) was significantly correlated with water temperature as was the case with the calanoid copepodAcartia sp.;Pseudo- andParacalanus sp. were influenced by the amount of rainfall, whereas the amount of the meroplanktonic larvae of the cirripedia was related to the amount of particulate organic nitrogen in the water. A comparison of the years 1984 and 1991 demonstrates the positive effect of temperature on the copepod speciesAcartia sp. in summer.  相似文献   

The diet of the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula, captured in the Aegean Sea by bottom-trawl from 2006 to 2012, was investigated with respect to sex, maturity condition, sampling location and season. The stomach contents of 432 specimens, measuring from 144 to 517?mm in total length, were analysed. The cumulative prey curve showed that the sample size was adequate to describe the species’ diet, which was quantified using the percentage gravimetric composition (%W). The identified prey items belonged to eight major groups: Teleostei, Chondrichthyes, Crustacea, Cephalopoda, Annelida, Echinodermata, phanerogams and macroalgae, with Teleostei, Crustacea and Cephalopoda being the most consumed in both females (%W?=?48.1, 16.0 and 31.4, respectively) and males (%W?=?33.9, 31.6 and 29.8, respectively). Higher diet diversity was observed in males than females, in immature individuals than mature ones, regardless of sex, as well as in spring in comparison to autumn and winter. Feeding intensity seemed to be influenced mainly by sex and maturity condition. No significant dietary overlap was observed for all possible combinations of the factors examined. Gut indices were compared between the two sexes with females showing statistically significantly higher median relative gut length, as well as a longer gut than males of the same length. Based on the diet composition, S. canicula can be considered a generalist predator consuming, with geographical differentiation, a wide variety of benthic taxa. The estimated fractional trophic level (τ?=?4.22) classified the species as a carnivore with a preference for Teleostei and Cephalopoda, thus confirming its key role in the food web.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in the northern Aegean Sea during late summer and spring. The aim was to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of the zooplankton community across a dynamic frontal area and to investigate how the oceanographic heterogeneity structures the composition of the zooplankton assemblages. The low-salinity and cold Black Sea water coming from the Dardanelles Strait is modified by mixing with the underlying warm and saline Aegean water. These hydrological features result in a pronounced thermohaline front in the northern Aegean Sea throughout the year. In both seasons, zooplankton was collected using both 45 and 200 µm mesh plankton nets. A high abundance of zooplankton was observed in the surface layer at the stations closest to the Dardanelles Strait on the stratified side of the front. The zooplankton distribution and community structure in the northern Aegean Sea were strongly influenced by the hydrological features. The frontal structure acts as a boundary for the zooplankton community. The surface layer at the stratified stations had the lowest copepod diversity, from where it increased with depth and horizontally as the stratification weakened outside of the front. The total abundance of zooplankton collected with the 200 µm net was between two and 20 times lower than samples taken with the 45 µm net. The most pronounced differences were observed for the adults and copepodids of the small genera Oithona, Oncaea and Microsetella. Thus, to manage and understand the transfer of primary production up the food chain in the Aegean Sea, the smaller fraction of copepods should be taken into account in future investigations.  相似文献   

Plant C and N isotope values often correlate with rainfall on global and regional scales. This study examines the relationship between plant isotopic values and rainfall in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The results indicate significant correlations between both C and N isotope values and rainfall in C3 plant communities. This significant relationship is maintained when plant communities are divided by plant life forms. Furthermore, a seasonal increase in C isotope values is observed during the dry season while N isotope values remain stable across the wet and dry seasons. Finally, the isotopic pattern in plants originating from desert environments differs from those from Mediterranean environments because some desert plants obtain most of their water from secondary sources, namely water channeled by local topographic features rather than direct rainfall. From these results it can be concluded that water availability is the primary factor controlling C and N isotope variability in plant communities in the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

A time series of survey abundance indices for commercially important demersal fish and cephalopod species, inhabiting the narrow continental shelf of the southern Aegean Sea, is analyzed in relation to the topography of the area in order to evaluate the impact of different spatial fishery bans on the bottom-trawl fishery. With reference to the current situation, results suggested that implementation of the 1967/2006 EC Regulation, which bans bottom-trawl activities within 1.5 NM off the coast, will significantly increase (20–80%, depending on the species) the proportion of the populations that are inaccessible to the bottom-trawl fishery. It might also result in shifting of fishing activities toward deeper waters, adding fishing pressure onto slope resources inhabiting the slope. As depth determines, to a large extent, the distribution pattern of the species, it constitutes a variable of crucial importance for the spatial management of marine fisheries and should be taken into account when adopting relevant management regimes.  相似文献   

Labropoulou  M.  Papaconstantinou  C. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):281-296
The spatial structure and seasonal changes of the demersal fish assemblages on the continental shelf (100–200 m) and upper slope (200–500 m) in the North Aegean Sea (Northern Aegean and Thracian Seas, northeastern Mediterranean, Greece) were analysed. Seasonal experimental trawl surveys, carried out from summer 1990 to autumn 1993, provided a total of 151 demersal fish species. Analysis of 259 bottom trawls showed the existence of four groups associated with the continental shelf and the upper slope; each group was dominated by a small number of species. The bathymetric distribution of the species, established using measures of the centre of gravity and habitat width, revealed that most of the species had a wide distributional range within the study area, although a few were restricted to the greatest depths. Density, biomass, species richness and diversity decreased significantly with depth, and were also indicative of distinctive characteristics between these fish assemblages. Mean fish weight exhibited two different trends: a bigger-deeper phenomenon at the continental shelf and a smaller-deeper phenomenon at the upper slope. The variability in assemblage structure was determined mainly by depth and, to a lesser extent, by season and geographical location. For some species, results suggest a pattern of gradual species replacement along the depth gradient coupled with ontogenetic habitat shifts.  相似文献   

The levels of metallothionein (MT), a biomarker of metal exposure, and of cytosolic metals (Zn, Cu, Cd), known as MT inducers, were investigated as variables of age (1 to 8 years) and tissue mass (liver, kidney, brain) of red mullet (Mullus barbatus). Within the age from 1 to 8 years the most significant increase is evident for cytosolic Cd in liver (43-fold) and in kidney (5-fold). MT and essential metals are constant with age or slightly increased. Over the growth period, statistically significant MT and metal increase is evident only between 1 and 6-8 years old specimens, while for Cd in liver and kidney cytosol significant increase already exists at 4 years old specimens. Metal distribution in all tissues follows the order: Zn>Cu>Cd, with even 500-800 times lower Cd levels than essential metal levels. Consequently, MTs follow the levels of essential metals, Zn and Cu, indicating MT involvement in homeostasis of essential metals. In contrast to kidney and brain, hepatic MT levels are not age-dependent. Inclusion of hepatic MT measurements and the associated cytosolic metals will be useful in the assessment of long-term metal effects in demersal fish M. barbatus.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was (1) to update sponge diversity and distribution in the Mediterranean and (2) to re-examine faunal relationships among the Mediterranean areas on the basis of their sponge fauna. The Mediterranean demosponge faunal list was updated to 629 species by taking into consideration recent data from previously poorly studied areas. The species lists of 14 Mediterranean areas were compared on the basis of their sponge species richness, species composition, and taxonomic relatedness of species using multivariate analyses and diversity measures, such as PD, Delta+, and Lambda+. The 14 Mediterranean areas examined for their diversity and affinities were assembled into four major zoogeographic groups: the northwestern, northeastern, the central zone, and southeastern areas. Richest in species numbers were the areas belonging to the two northern groups. The species richness comparisons and similarity analyses performed at the generic level showed that it can be safely used as a surrogate for sponge species diversity in the Mediterranean. The results of this study showed that the simple traditional division of the Mediterranean Sea into a western, central, and eastern basin cannot reliably describe the distribution of sponges in the area. Thus, the W to E faunal decline previously presented for several faunal groups shifts to a general NNW-SSE pattern when one examines separately the northern and the southern parts of the traditional basins. This gradient seems to be in agreement with differences in key environmental variables, such as latitude, salinity, temperature, and water circulation, besides the typically examined distance from Gibraltar. Handling editor: T. P. Crowe  相似文献   

There are no official records on the active involvement of women in Turkish fisheries nor do governmental institutions acknowledge their participation. The main purpose of this study was to validate their involvement and convey their socio‐demographic status and position in the profession. The study material consisted of data collected from on‐site surveys and interviews with fisherwomen living in the southern Aegean region of Turkey. Interviewed were fisherwomen working either alone or with their husbands. The ‘snowball’ sampling method was adopted for data collection from a total of 96 interviews with fisherwomen between August and December 2007. In the entire southern Aegean region only ten women were members of a cooperative. Although fisherwomen truly fulfill all functions that the profession requires (both pre‐ and post‐harvest phases), results of the study demonstrate that they are ignored in pertinent policies. The study suggests that gender‐oriented data should also be collected; the contribution of fisherwomen to the fisheries sector should be considered and included in related policies.  相似文献   

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