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Tribe Condamineeae appears to be well supported in recent phylogenetic studies. However, the species of Bathysa were divided into two clades, leading to restoration of Schizocalyx. We studied the reproductive biology of one species from each clade, which occur sympatrically in the montane Brazilian Atlantic forest. Flowering overlap was short (from December to March in B. australis and from February to June in S. cuspidatus). The flowers of both species are protogynous and homostylous and last for about 3 days. The unit of pollination in B. australis is the inflorescence. Its flowers have a greenish hypocrateriform corolla (tube about 5 mm long) and were mainly pollinated by bees and wasps in search of nectar. Schizocalyx cuspidatus has white flowers with an infundibuliform corolla (tube about 8 mm long), and its main pollinators were stingless bees in search of pollen. The pollination systems of the two species did not correspond to their pollination syndromes. Morphological differences between Bathysa and Schizocalyx were reflected in their pollination systems, with greater phenotypic specialization in S. cuspidatus, the flowers of which offer pollen as the main resource, an unusual feature within Rubiaceae. Schizocalyx cuspidatus showed higher reproductive capacity by having more inflorescences per plant, more ovules per flower, and twice the proportion of flowering individuals. However, the reproductive efficiency (fruit set, seed/ovule ratio) did not differ between the species, despite the higher frequency of visits by pollinators to S. cuspidatus. Self-compatibility in B. australis and self-incompatibility in S. cuspidatus seem to explain these results.  相似文献   

According to the concept of pollination syndromes, floral traits reflect specialisation to a particular pollinator or set of pollinators. However, the reproductive biology of endemic, and often specialised, plants may require increased attention as climate change accelerates worldwide. Species of Roscoea endemic to the Himalayan region have striking orchid-like flowers with long corolla tubes, suggesting pollination by long-tongued insects. Until now, the reproductive biology of species of Roscoea has been poorly documented. We investigated the floral biology, breeding system and pollination ecology of R. cautleoides and R. humeana, from Hengduan Mountains, a global biodiversity hotspot in southwest China. We also tested whether floral longevity increases pollination success. Pollination experiments showed that the two species were self-compatible and depended on insects for fruit production. Over several flowering seasons we did not observe any potential pollinators with long tongues that matched the corolla tube visiting flowers in centres of distribution. The principal pollinators observed were pollen-collecting generalist bees, with low visitation frequencies. In general, members of the ginger family are characterised by short-lived (usually 1 day) flowers, but flowers of R. cautleoides and R. humeana last 8 and 6 days, respectively. Removing stigmas decreased fruit set in both study populations. Our results suggest that the original pollinators may have been long-tongued insects that are now absent from the Chinese Himalayas because habitats have responded to climate change. However, long-lived and self-compatible flowers, coupled with the presence of generalist pollinators, are traits that have allowed these gingers to reproduce and continue to persist in the alpine habitats.  相似文献   

The inflorescences of Phyla incisa consist of flowers in two phases: younger, nectar-containing flowers that have yellow corolla throats and older, nectar-lacking flowers that have dark purple corolla throats. Observations of pollinator visitation patterns to both natural and manipulated inflorescences were made to determine the role of each flower phase in pollinator attraction. The effect of older-phase flowers on male and female reproductive success was determined by comparing stigmatic pollen loads and estimates of pollen removal from inflorescences having different numbers of these flowers. The pollinators of Phyla selected larger inflorescences more often than expected based upon the size distribution of inflorescences available to them. Both younger- and older-phase flowers contributed to the attraction of pollinators, but the latter were less effective in this function. The presence of older-phase flowers significantly increased the visitation rate to inflorescences and the amount of pollen removed but had little effect on pollen deposition on stigmas. The lack of correspondence between pollen deposition and pollinator-visitation rate was not due to stigma saturation, since stigma loads varied greatly. The data indicate that the deposition of pollen on stigmas in this species is a relatively stochastic process, whereas pollen removal from inflorescences occurs at a much more regular rate. Old-phase flower retention appears to contribute to reproductive success through increased pollen donation when pollinator activity is high and may also increase the probability of seed set when pollinators are rare.  相似文献   

Qu R  Li X  Luo Y  Dong M  Xu H  Chen X  Dafni A 《Annals of botany》2007,100(6):1155-1164
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Delayed self-pollination is a mechanism that allows animal-pollinated plants to outcross while ensuring seed production in the absence of pollinators. This study aims to explore a new mechanism of delayed self-pollination facilitated by wind-driven corolla abscission in Incarvillea sinensis var. sinensis. METHODS: Floral morphology and development, and the process of delayed self-pollination were surveyed. Experiments dealing with pollinator and wind exclusion, pollination manipulations, and pollinator observations were conducted in the field. KEY RESULTS: Delayed self-pollination occurs when the abscising corolla driven by wind drags the adherent epipetalous stamens, thus leading to contact of anthers with stigma in late anthesis. There is no dichogamy and self-incompatibility in this species. The significantly higher proportion of abscised corolla under natural conditions as compared with that in wind-excluding tents indicates the importance of wind in corolla abscission. When pollinators were excluded, corolla abscission significantly increased the number of pollen grains deposited on the stigma and, as a result, the fruit and seed set. Only half of the flowers in plots were visited by pollinators, and the fruit set of emasculated flowers was significantly lower than that of untreated flowers in open pollination. This species has a sensitive stigma, and its two open stigmatic lobes closed soon after being touched by a pollinator, but always reopened if no or only little pollen was deposited. CONCLUSIONS: This delayed self-pollination, which involved the movement of floral parts, the active participation of the wind and sensitive stigma, is quite different from that reported previously. This mechanism provides reproductive assurance for this species. The sensitive stigma contributes to ensuring seed production and reducing the interference of selfing with outcrossing. The pollination pattern, which combines actions by bees with indirect participation by wind, is also a new addition to ambophily.  相似文献   

We quantified the differences in floral characters and attractiveness to flower visitors under natural conditions between the sexual types in the gynodioecious plant Glechoma longituba. We also manipulated flowers by altering corolla size or nectar volume, or by removing anthers, to examine the effect of these primary and secondary attractants (i.e. rewards and advertisements) on attractiveness. A change in corolla size and shape reduced visiting frequency and pollen load. Removal of anthers did not affect visiting rates, but significantly reduced pollination rates and stigmatic pollen load. A decrease in the nectar volume of a flower was associated with a reduction in handling time and pollen loads on stigmas. These results show that corolla size is an important advertisement to pollinators (particularly at greater distance), which associate hermaphrodite flowers with a larger corolla and a larger volume of nectar than female flowers. We found that artificial changes in population structure affected the behavior of pollinators as well as the pollination rates of flowers. We suggest that the pattern of distribution of hermaphrodite and female clones in a population may serve to avoid pollen limitation in a female clone or patch. This effect may ensure female reproductive success and allow for the maintenance of female individuals in natural populations of this gynodioecious plant.  相似文献   

The pollen donor and pollinator attractor hypotheses are explanations for the functions of the male flowers of andromonoecious plants. We tested these two hypotheses in the andromonoecious shrub Capparis spinosa L. (Capparaceae) and confirmed that pollen production and cumulative volume and sugar concentration of nectar do not differ between male and perfect flowers. However, male flowers produced larger anthers, larger pollen grains and smaller ovaries than perfect flowers. Observations on pollinators indicated that two major pollinators (Xylocopa valga Gerst and Proxylocopa sinensis Wu) did not discriminate between flower morphs and that they transferred pollen grains a similar distance. However, there were more seeds per fruit following hand pollination with pollen from male flowers than from perfect flowers. Individuals of C. spinosa with a larger floral display (i.e. bearing more flowers) received more pollen grains on the stigma of perfect flowers. Female reproductive success probably is not limited by pollen. These results indicate that male flowers of C. spinosa save resources for female function and that they primarily serve to attract pollinators as pollen donors.  相似文献   

马先蒿属花冠形态的多样性与传粉式样的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马先蒿属(Pediculais)是有花植物中花冠形态多样化最为集中的属。该属主要的传粉者是熊蜂属(Bormbus)昆虫;在北美,熊蜂和蜂鸟是马先蒿植物一些种类有效的传粉者;也发现壁蜂(Osmia)为其传粉。不同的传粉机制要求某一特定的取食式样储藏和释放花粉。本文讨论了花冠类型的进化趋势与传粉式样和花粉形态的关系。传粉者的选择压力是决定花冠多样化的重要因素之一;花冠类型与传粉者和传粉行为紧密相关。马先蒿植物和传粉者的相互依赖与其花冠类型、功能和物候互相适应,但花冠类型与花粉形态两者之间似乎没有明显的一一对应关系。通过北美、日本和喜马拉雅不同地理分布马先蒿种类的比较研究表明,具有相同花冠类型的种类有着相同的传粉方式,花冠形态与传粉式样存在紧密的协同进化关系。  相似文献   

徐旭剑  孙杉  操国兴 《广西植物》2017,37(3):335-341
两性花植物花序内的性分配常存在差异,资源竞争、结构效应、交配环境(雌雄异熟、传粉者定向访花行为等)或授粉不均匀等几种假说可以解释这种现象。为验证上述假说,该研究以云南草寇两种表型(雄先熟型和雌先熟型)为材料,分析了其花序内不同部位(基部、中部和顶部)的每花花粉数、胚珠数、花粉/胚珠比、结实率和结籽率,花序内传粉者的定向访花行为,以及人工辅助授粉和去花处理对结实率和结籽率的影响。结果表明:两种表型花序内每花花粉数不随部位而变化,每花胚珠数、结实率和结籽率由基部到顶部依次降低,每花花粉/胚珠比由基部到顶部依次增加,表明顶部花存在偏雄的性分配。人工辅助授粉后,结实率、结籽率仍由基部到顶部依次降低,表明授粉不均匀假说不能解释云南草寇花序内不同部位结实率、结籽率的差异。去除基部和中部花后,顶部花人工辅助授粉条件下的结实率、结籽率与基部花人工辅助授粉条件下的结实率、结籽率无差异,表明云南草寇花序内不同部位结实率、结籽率的差异主要由资源竞争引起。雌先熟表型每花花粉数、花粉/胚珠比高于雄先熟表型,表明两种表型存在性分配差异。传粉者主要先访问云南草寇基部的花,然后向顶部移动。云南草寇花序内顶部偏雄的性分配可能是由资源竞争和传粉者定向访花造成的。  相似文献   

Eremosparton songoricum (Litv.) Vass. is a rare, central Asian desert species which shows lower fruit set and seed set (<16%) than most hermaphroditic species. We hypothesized that fruit production was limited by pollen and resources. To evaluate potential fruit abortion due to pollen limitation, supplemental hand‐pollination was undertaken, the mating system was investigated and the foraging behavior of pollinators was recorded. To investigate possibile resource limitation, flowers and young pods were artificially removed and fertilization were manipulated. The results showed that under natural pollination, the number of pollen deposited on the stigma greatly exceed the number of ovules per ovary. Mating system experiments showed that the species is self‐compatible, but depended on pollinators to set seeds. Supplemental outcross pollination increased fruit set significantly. The most frequent effective pollinator Megachile terminate Morawitz, was observed pollinating many flowers of the same individual plant (74.5±1.3%). These results suggested that fruit production is affected by insufficient outcross pollen rather than by pollen quantity. Removal of 2/3 of the flowers and young pods led to significantly higher fruit set, as did addition of fertilizers (N–P–K: 0.025–0.05–0.013 g, N–P–K: 0.05–0.1–0.025 g) showing that reducing resource acceptors and increasing inorganic resources both helps to improve fruit set. We therefore conclude that reproductive success of E. songoricum is limited by both outcross pollen and available nutrients.  相似文献   

Hamamelis virginiana flowers from late September to late November. In 1977, we began studying the reproductive biology of this eastern North American arborescent shrub by examining floral phenology and rewards, pollen-ovule ratios, breeding system, pollination, pollinator and resource limitation, and seed dispersal. The homogamous, self-incompatible flowers emit a faint odor, bear nectar with sucrose ratios typical of bee- and fly-pollinated flowers, and produce abundant sticky pollen. Flowers were visited infrequently by insects representing six orders. Flies were the most common floral visitors, specifically members of the genus Bradysia, but small bees also carried high percentages of Hamamelis pollen. Despite high pollen/ovule ratios (11?445 grains/ovule), bees and flies are likely pollinators, as experiments indicate wind pollination is less likely. Pollen quantity and resource availability did not appear to limit reproductive output, but pollen quality did. Tests of >40?000 flowers showed natural fruit set to be <1%. The flowering time, breeding system, and clumped distribution of plants, likely due in part to limited seed dispersal, combine to yield this remarkably low fruit set. Because all other species of Hamamelis flower from late winter to early summer, it may be that H. virginiana evolved a fall flowering phenology to avoid competition for pollinators with the closely related H. vernalis.  相似文献   

以分布于秦岭的金花忍冬(Lonicera chrysantha Turcz.)、忍冬(L.japonica Thunb.)、葱皮忍冬(L.ferdinandii Franch.)和金银忍冬(L.maackii(Rupr.)Maxim.)为对象,通过定位观察、人工授粉实验、人为设置实验斑块的方法对忍冬属4种植物的开花生物学特性、繁育系统、花色变化现象、传粉过程进行了研究。结果表明,4种植物的单花花期、花部特征存在差异。人工授粉实验显示,4种植物均存在一定的花粉限制,自交不亲和。除葱皮忍冬外,其余3种植物随着花色由白变黄,花粉和花蜜报酬减少、雌雄生殖能力逐渐降低;葱皮忍冬花变色后花蜜量变化不显著,且仍保留较强的雌性生殖能力。变色花的保留被认为是植物的一种生殖策略,通过增大植物的花展示来扩大自身的吸引力,以吸引更多远距传粉者访花。人为控制白、黄花不同数量比的实验结果表明,大多数传粉者偏向访问白花(变色前的花),且白花提供的报酬量和黄花(变色后的花)数量显著影响传粉者的访花频率,即当花蜜量减少或黄花数量增多时,传粉者访花频率随之降低。因此,我们认为忍冬属4种植物的花色变化可能除了增大植物对远距传粉者的吸引力外,对近距传粉者的访花行为也可能具有一定的影响。当传粉者接近植株时,变色后的花可能暗示其花蜜(花粉)报酬已经发生变化,并驱使昆虫离开并飞向同株或异株植物新开放的报酬丰富的白花,这既有利于提高传粉者的觅食效率,又能降低植物同株异花授粉的几率,对忍冬属植物及传粉者都具有重要意义,是植物长期与授粉昆虫相互适应的反映。  相似文献   

异型花柱是受遗传控制的花柱多态现象, 被达尔文认为是植物通过在传粉者体表不同部位滞落花粉以促进型间花粉准确传递的一种适应。该现象虽已受到广泛关注, 但在一些花型变异较大且不稳定的传粉系统中, 不同传粉者对各花型繁殖所产生的影响仍知之甚少。该研究以分布于新疆天山南坡的一个有同长花柱共存的异型花柱植物喀什补血草(Limonium kaschgaricum)种群为研究对象, 对其花型构成及频率、传粉者及花粉转移效率等进行了调查分析。结果表明: 1)种群中除了存在雌/雄蕊长度交互对应的长(L)/短(S)花柱型花外, 还有雌/雄蕊同长的花(H型), 且各花型花的花冠口直径、花冠筒长及花粉量等参数间无差异, 但花粉纹饰和柱头乳突细胞形态具二型性。其中, H型花的花粉和柱头形态与L型花(或S型花)的一致。2)花型内和自花授粉均不亲和; 型间授粉时, 花粉和柱头形态不同的花型间亲和, 反之不亲和。3)种群内存在长/短吻两类传粉昆虫。在以短吻传粉者为主的盛花初、中期, L和H型花柱头上的异型花粉数均显著高于S型花的, 且L和S型花高位性器官间的异型花粉传递效率高于低位性器官间的; 而在以长吻传粉者为主的盛花后期, L和S型花的柱头间异型花粉数无显著差异, 且高/低位性器官间具有相同的异型花粉转移效率; 与传粉者出现时期相对应的、在花期不同阶段开放花的结实率也明显不同。4)长/短吻昆虫具明显不同的传粉功能, 短吻昆虫只能对L和H型花进行有效传粉, 且访花频率和型间花粉转移效率较低, 为低效传粉者; 而长吻昆虫对各花型均能有效传粉, 具高的访花频率和型间花粉转移效率, 为高效传粉者。因为长吻昆虫的阶段性出现所形成的不稳定传粉系统, 使低效的短吻昆虫可能会成为种群中花型变异的驱动力, 并使S型花受到更大的选择压力。H型花克服了柱头缩入的弊端, 可能会成为不稳定传粉系统下的一个替代花型而持续存在。  相似文献   

Aims Larger corollas receive more pollinator visits but involve higher production and maintenance costs, especially under hot and dry conditions. This can result in indirect costs on reproductive output, which may counteract the effects of pollinator-mediated phenotypic selection on corolla size. In this study, I explored the relationship between corolla size and indirect costs and whether these costs counteract the effects of pollinator-mediated phenotypic selection on this trait in the Mediterranean shrub Halimium atriplicifolium. I hypothesized that (i) corolla production entails direct costs in dry mass, N and P, (ii) corollas entail significant indirect costs in terms of fruit and seed production, (iii) indirect costs increase with corolla size, (iv) this species may suffer pollen limitation to a certain degree and (v) indirect costs counteract the effects of pollinator-mediated selection on corolla size.Methods I compared fruit set and seed production of petal-removed flowers (R flowers) and unmanipulated control flowers (C flowers) and evaluated the influence of individual mean corolla size on relative fruit and seed gain of R compared to C flowers. I also estimated phenotypic selection on corolla size mediated by indirect costs and the combined effect of costs and pollinators (i.e. total selection).Important findings Corollas allocated sizeable amount of resources in terms of dry mass relative to the other floral structures. Fruit set and seed per fruit were significantly higher in R flowers, while individual mean corolla size showed a positive relationship with relative fruit gain. Phenotypic selection analysis revealed cost-mediated negative directional selection and absence of positive directional total selection on corolla size through fruit set. This translated into stabilizing total selection. These results suggest that Mediterranean environments can impose constraints on corolla size, counteracting advantages of larger corollas from the pollination point of view with increased indirect costs of such flowers.  相似文献   

马先蒿属植物花冠分化与繁殖适应的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合已有的研究报道和作者近年来的工作,对马先蒿属(Pedicularis)植物的花冠多样化成因与繁殖适应特性进行了总结和探讨。通过对该属4种进化花冠型的花器官发生和分化的研究发现,花部各器官在发生和发育初期基本一致,后期上唇形态的分化是导致成熟花形态结构产生较大差异的重要阶段。孢粉学研究认为,花冠类型与花粉萌发孔类型之间具有显著相关性;萌发沟的演化可能与繁殖适应有一定的关系。分子系统学研究表明,多样化的花冠类型在不同的谱系内经过若干次的独立进化而表现出了高度的平行演化(parallelism)。传粉生物学研究证实,该属植物花冠多样化与其主要传粉者熊蜂属(Bombus)昆虫的传粉行为存在较为密切的关系。具有相同(似)花冠类型的马先蒿可能被同种或不同种的熊蜂以相同的方式访问,但在花粉落置位置上存在显著差异,这可能有助于同域分布重叠的物种间在生殖上的机械隔离,而花冠的分化在一定程度上促进了新的物种形成。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The scarcity and unpredictability of active pollinators during late winter in temperate areas tends to favour extended flowering seasons and increased floral longevity in early blooming species, which are usually pollinated by diverse sets of insects. Daphne laureola is a gynodioecious woody perennial that flowers from January to April in southern Spain, a period characterized by cold temperatures, frequent rains and irregular snowfalls. METHODS: Pollinators were excluded at four different times during the flowering season in order to determine the effect of decreased exposure to pollinators on fruit set in female and hermaphrodite individuals. The role of nocturnal and diurnal pollination on reproductive success in each gender was simultaneously evaluated by selective exclusion. KEY RESULTS: A 50 % reduction in the flowering period decreased fruit set of females by 50 %, whereas the corresponding decrease in self-compatible hermaphrodites was only approx. 25 %. Day-active hymenopterans and lepidopterans were infrequent visitors, and nocturnal pollinators were inefficient, suggesting that pollen beetles, Meligethes elongatus, were the main pollinators of D. laureola in the study region. CONCLUSIONS: Beetles were less abundant in pollenless females, although discrimination did not apparently result in pollination limitation of female reproduction. A preference of beetles for sunny locations emphasized the relevance of abiotic conditions for pollination of this early blooming shrub.  相似文献   

An experimental field study was undertaken to assess whether correlational selection generated by pollinators can account for observed phenotypic integration of the two corolla lips in the zygomorphic flowers of the insect‐pollinated Mediterranean shrub, Lavandula latifolia (Labiatae). The experiment consisted of manipulating the upper and lower corolla lips according to a two‐way factorial design with interaction, and involved the complete (lower lip) or extensive (distal two thirds of upper lip) excision of one or the two lips. Per‐flower male (proportion of pollen grains removed) and female (number of pollen tubes down the style) pollination success, and maternal fecundity (seed set), of experimental flowers were evaluated after exposure to natural pollination in the field. Artificially induced corolla variation had no significant effects on either male or female pollination success, and two aberrant floral morphologies, characterized by lack of corolla integration, had a maternal fecundity advantage over normal two‐lipped phenotypes. These results do not support a predominant role of correlational selection by pollinators in maintaining corolla integration in L. latifolia, but are instead consistent with the alternative view that integration is mainly the consequence of genetic and/or developmental factors.  相似文献   

郁文彬  蔡杰  王红    陈建群 《植物学报》2008,25(4):392-400
结合已有的研究报道和作者近年来的工作, 对马先蒿属(Pedicularis)植物的花冠多样化成因与繁殖适应特性进行了总结和探讨。通过对该属4种进化花冠型的花器官发生和分化的研究发现, 花部各器官在发生和发育初期基本一致, 后期上唇形态的分化是导致成熟花形态结构产生较大差异的重要阶段。孢粉学研究认为, 花冠类型与花粉萌发孔类型之间具有显著相关性; 萌发沟的演化可能与繁殖适应有一定的关系。分子系统学研究表明, 多样化的花冠类型在不同的谱系内经过若干次的独立进化而表现出了高度的平行演化(p ara l lel ism )。传粉生物学研究证实, 该属植物花冠多样化与其主要传粉者熊蜂属(Bombus)昆虫的传粉行为存在较为密切的关系。具有相同(似)花冠类型的马先蒿可能被同种或不同种的熊蜂以相同的方式访问, 但在花粉落置位置上存在显著差异, 这可能有助于同域分布重叠的物种间在生殖上的机械隔离, 而花冠的分化在一定程度上促进了新的物种形成。  相似文献   

Tropical forest plants are known to be pollinated by a diverse array of animals. Here we report on the pollination of a woody climber species, Uvaria elmeri (Annonaceae), by cockroaches in a lowland mixed-dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of pollination by cockroaches. The cauliflorous flowers in the understory are protogynous and bloomed for 50 h. An odor similar to decayed wood or a mushroom was secreted by flowers and was stronger during the male stage. Pollinators were cockroaches (Blattellidae) and drosophilid flies (Drosophilidae). Cockroaches, the main pollinators, visited flowers during both female and male stages at night, feeding on stigmatic exudate and pollen. Drosophilids, the secondary pollinators. mainly visited female-stage flowers during daytime, fed on stigmatic exudate. and laid eggs on stigmas. Neither autogamy nor self-compatibility was observed. Fruit production appeared to be pollen-limited. The fruit set, which was 2% of flowers in natural condition, was significantly lower than the 30% fruit set obtained by artificial cross-pollination. We discuss the traits of cockroaches as pollinators and the breeding system of U. elmeri.  相似文献   

Abstract Floral color changes are common in Weigela and the retention of post‐change flowers has been interpreted as a mechanism to increase attractiveness from a long distance and shorten pollinators’ lingering time on the inflorescence(s) of individual plants. In the present study, we investigated the temporal pattern of floral color change and time required for pollen tube growth in the shrub Weigela japonica var. sinica. Over the 4‐day anthesis, the color of the corolla in this species changes from white to red and the color cue changes from yellow to purple. The duration of both the white phase and the intermediate phase is approximately 1 day and the duration of the red phase is approximately 2 days. Our studies showed that color change in Weigela japonica var. sinica is age‐dependent but independent of pollinator visits and flower pollination. Post‐change flowers lost most of both the male and female residual reproductive ability and retained no rewards for pollinators. It took at least 3 days for a pollen tube to grow to the ovules and achieve fertilization. Thus, retention of post‐change flowers is necessary for the completion of pollen tube growth. Our results indicate that the temporal pattern of color change and time requirement for pollen tube growth are most likely related events.  相似文献   

Abstract The floral biology of the sand dune shrub Eriope blanchetii (Benth) Harley was investigated in a wild population located within an environment protection area near Salvador, NE Brazil. Inflorescence and flower development were monitored, and the reproductive biology was assessed. Inflorescences are terminal panicles, each bearing from one to 38 small, zygomorphic flowers. The duration of an inflorescence is about 2 months, with few new flowers each day. The rewards to visitors are pollen and nectar, the latter being produced in small quantities at the corolla base, near the stylopodium. Three sequential phases of flower development were identified, based on colour changes, pollen and nectar availability, and stigmatic receptivity. Anthesis takes place throughout the day within each plant, and flowers are strongly protandrous. Flowers are short‐lived, with individual variations of 7–30 h until corolla abscission. This variation is probably associated to a post‐pollinating response, which reduces the length of the female phase and could be advantageous for the economy of nectar production and for increased efficient pollination of the remaining flowers on a plant. The results of the pollination tests (apomixis, spontaneous and manual autogamy, manual cross‐pollination, and control) reinforced the role of pollinators for the reproductive success of E. blanchetii, given that the production of fruits from spontaneous pollination is unlikely to be resulting from protandry and given the morphological floral features. Taken together, the morphological and physiological aspects of E. blanchetii floral biology favour cross‐pollination, and it is likely that most of the fruits in nature are produced by outcrossing.  相似文献   

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